Пример #1
static NTFS_CACHE_ENTRY* _NTFS_cache_getPage(NTFS_CACHE *cache,sec_t sector)
	unsigned int i;
	NTFS_CACHE_ENTRY* cacheEntries = cache->cacheEntries;
	unsigned int numberOfPages = cache->numberOfPages;
	unsigned int sectorsPerPage = cache->sectorsPerPage;

	bool foundFree = false;
	unsigned int oldUsed = 0;
	unsigned int oldAccess = UINT_MAX;

    // if sector is before of start of partition return with error
    if(sector < cache->startOfPartition) return NULL;

	for(i=0;i<numberOfPages;i++) {
		if(sector>=cacheEntries[i].sector && sector<(cacheEntries[i].sector + cacheEntries[i].count)) {
			cacheEntries[i].last_access = accessTime();
			return &(cacheEntries[i]);

		if(foundFree==false && (cacheEntries[i].sector==CACHE_FREE || cacheEntries[i].last_access<oldAccess)) {
		    if(cacheEntries[i].sector==CACHE_FREE) foundFree = true;
			oldUsed = i;
			oldAccess = cacheEntries[i].last_access;

	if(foundFree==false && cacheEntries[oldUsed].dirty==true) {
        // start of partition correction offset
        sec_t salign = (cacheEntries[oldUsed].sector < cache->startOfPartition) 
            ? cache->startOfPartition - cacheEntries[oldUsed].sector : 0;

		if(!cache->disc->writeSectors(cacheEntries[oldUsed].sector + salign,
            cacheEntries[oldUsed].count - salign, cacheEntries[oldUsed].cache + salign * cache->sectorSize)) return NULL;
		cacheEntries[oldUsed].dirty = false;
	sector = cache->startOfPartition + ((sector - cache->startOfPartition)/sectorsPerPage)*sectorsPerPage; // align base sector to page size
	sec_t next_page = sector + sectorsPerPage;
	if(next_page > cache->endOfPartition)	next_page = cache->endOfPartition;

	if(!cache->disc->readSectors(sector,next_page-sector,cacheEntries[oldUsed].cache)) return NULL;

    cacheEntries[oldUsed].dirty = false;
	cacheEntries[oldUsed].sector = sector;
	cacheEntries[oldUsed].count = next_page-sector;
	cacheEntries[oldUsed].last_access = accessTime();

	return &(cacheEntries[oldUsed]);
Пример #2
CACHE_ENTRY* _FAT_cache_getPage(CACHE *cache,sec_t sector)
	unsigned int i;
	CACHE_ENTRY* cacheEntries = cache->cacheEntries;
	unsigned int numberOfPages = cache->numberOfPages;
	unsigned int sectorsPerPage = cache->sectorsPerPage;

	bool foundFree = false;
	unsigned int oldUsed = 0;
	unsigned int oldAccess = UINT_MAX;

	for(i=0;i<numberOfPages;i++) {
		if(sector>=cacheEntries[i].sector && sector<(cacheEntries[i].sector + cacheEntries[i].count)) {
			cacheEntries[i].last_access = accessTime();
			return &(cacheEntries[i]);

		if(foundFree==false && (cacheEntries[i].sector==CACHE_FREE || cacheEntries[i].last_access<oldAccess)) {
			if(cacheEntries[i].sector==CACHE_FREE) foundFree = true;
			oldUsed = i;
			oldAccess = cacheEntries[i].last_access;

	if(foundFree==false && cacheEntries[oldUsed].dirty==true) {
		if(!_FAT_disc_writeSectors(cache->disc,cacheEntries[oldUsed].sector,cacheEntries[oldUsed].count,cacheEntries[oldUsed].cache)) return NULL;
		cacheEntries[oldUsed].dirty = false;

	sector = (sector/sectorsPerPage)*sectorsPerPage; // align base sector to page size
	sec_t next_page = sector + sectorsPerPage;
	if(next_page > cache->endOfPartition)	next_page = cache->endOfPartition;

	if(!_FAT_disc_readSectors(cache->disc,sector,next_page-sector,cacheEntries[oldUsed].cache)) return NULL;

	cacheEntries[oldUsed].sector = sector;
	cacheEntries[oldUsed].count = next_page-sector;
	cacheEntries[oldUsed].last_access = accessTime();

	return &(cacheEntries[oldUsed]);
Пример #3
	void C_Log::writeHeader()
		char logTypeStr = accessLogTypeStr();

		struct tm time = accessTime();
		char dateStr[11];
		strftime(dateStr, sizeof(dateStr), "%Y-%m-%d", &time);
		char timeStr[9];
		strftime(timeStr, sizeof(timeStr), "%H:%M:%S", &time);

		C_Log::_buffer << "[" << logTypeStr << "]" << "[" << dateStr << " " << timeStr << "] ";
Пример #4
bool _NTFS_cache_writeSectors (NTFS_CACHE* cache, sec_t sector, sec_t numSectors, const void* buffer)
	sec_t sec;
	sec_t secs_to_write;
	NTFS_CACHE_ENTRY *entry, *entry2;
	const uint8_t *src = buffer;

    // if sector is before of start of partition return with error
    if(sector < cache->startOfPartition) return false;

		entry = _NTFS_cache_findPage(cache,sector/*,numSectors*/);

            entry->last_access = accessTime();

            sec = sector - entry->sector;
		    secs_to_write = entry->count - sec;
			if(secs_to_write>numSectors) secs_to_write = numSectors;

			memcpy(entry->cache + (sec*cache->sectorSize),src,(secs_to_write*cache->sectorSize));

			src += (secs_to_write*cache->sectorSize);
			sector += secs_to_write;
			numSectors -= secs_to_write;

			entry->dirty = true;

		} else {

            // old
            // limit to sectorPerPage size to align sector
            secs_to_write = cache->sectorsPerPage - ((sector - cache->startOfPartition) % cache->sectorsPerPage);

            sec = 0;
            if(secs_to_write < numSectors) {
                while(1) {
                    entry2 = _NTFS_cache_findPage(cache,sector + secs_to_write);

                    if(entry2!=NULL) {secs_to_write-= sec; break;}

                    // limit with numSectors to break the loop
                    if(secs_to_write > numSectors) break;

                    sec = cache->sectorsPerPage;

                    secs_to_write+= sec;


            // limit with numSectors 
            if(secs_to_write > numSectors) secs_to_write = numSectors;
            // limit to the end of partition 
            if((sector + secs_to_write) > cache->endOfPartition) 
                secs_to_write -= (sector + secs_to_write) - cache->endOfPartition;

            // start of partition correction offset
            sec_t salign = (sector < cache->startOfPartition) ? cache->startOfPartition - sector : 0;

            if(!cache->disc->writeSectors(sector + salign, secs_to_write - salign,src + salign * cache->sectorSize)) return false;
			src += (secs_to_write*cache->sectorSize);
			sector += secs_to_write;
			numSectors -= secs_to_write;
	return true;
Пример #5
gbool GUrlCache::GetCacheStats(const char *directory, time_t &oldest,DWORD &spaceInUse, int &filesInUse)

    CFileFind finder;

    CString dir = directory;

    // add separator
    int l = dir.GetLength();
    if (l == 0) return FALSE;
    if ( !((dir[l-1] == '\\') || (dir[l-1] == '/'))) dir += '\\';

    dir += "*.*";

    CString path;

    CTime creationTime((time_t)0);
    CTime accessTime((time_t)0);
    CTime writeTime((time_t)0);

    // setup the find structure
    BOOL bWorking = finder.FindFile(dir);

    while (bWorking)  { // for all entrys
        if (stop) break;

        bWorking = finder.FindNextFile();

        path = finder.GetFilePath();

        creationTime = (time_t)0;
        accessTime = (time_t)0;
        writeTime = (time_t)0;

        BOOL ret=finder.GetCreationTime(creationTime);
        time_t t = creationTime.GetTime();

        if (accessTime.GetTime()>0) t = max(t,accessTime.GetTime());

        if (finder.IsDots( )) {	// ignore . ..

        } else 	if (finder.IsDirectory( )) { // recursively step down
        else {

            DWORD length = finder.GetLength();

            TRACE("F %s c %ld a %ld w %ld size %ld \n",(const char *) path, creationTime.GetTime(),accessTime.GetTime(),writeTime.GetTime(),length);
            oldest = min(oldest,t);
            spaceInUse += length;



    return TRUE;
Пример #6
// recursively remove a file branch
gbool GUrlCache::RemoveFiles(const char *directory,time_t olderThan)

    CFileFind finder;

    CString dir = directory;

    // add separator
    int l = dir.GetLength();
    if (l == 0) return FALSE;
    if ( !((dir[l-1] == '\\') || (dir[l-1] == '/'))) dir += '\\';

    dir += "*.*";

    CString path;

    CTime creationTime((time_t)0);
    CTime accessTime((time_t)0);
    CTime writeTime((time_t)0);

    // setup the find structure
    BOOL bWorking = finder.FindFile(dir);

    LONGLONG fileSum=0;

    while (bWorking)  { // for all entrys
        if (stop) break;

        bWorking = finder.FindNextFile();

        path = finder.GetFilePath();

        creationTime = (time_t)0;
        accessTime = (time_t)0;
        writeTime = (time_t)0;

        BOOL ret=finder.GetCreationTime(creationTime);
        time_t t = creationTime.GetTime();

        // if (accessTime.GetTime()>0) t = max(t,accessTime.GetTime());

        if (finder.IsDots( )) {	// ignore . ..

        } else 	if (finder.IsDirectory( )) { // recursively step down
        else {

            DWORD length = finder.GetLength();

            TRACE("F %s c %ld a %ld w %ld size %ld \n",(const char *) path, creationTime.GetTime(),accessTime.GetTime(),writeTime.GetTime(),length);
            if (olderThan >0 ) {

                if (t < olderThan) {
                    if (RemoveFile(path))
                        fileSum += length;

            } else {
                if (RemoveFile(path))
                    fileSum += length;



    TRACE("%ld bytes deleted \n",(long) fileSum);

    return TRUE;
Пример #7
// add files to list
gbool GFileSorter::AddFiles(const char *directory,time_t &maxFileTime,BOOL &stop)

    CFileFind finder;

    CString dir = directory;

    // add separator
    int l = dir.GetLength();
    if (l == 0) return FALSE;
    if ( !((dir[l-1] == '\\') || (dir[l-1] == '/'))) dir += '\\';

    dir += "*.*";

    CString path;

    CTime creationTime((time_t)0);
    CTime accessTime((time_t)0);
    CTime writeTime((time_t)0);

    // setup the find structure
    BOOL bWorking = finder.FindFile(dir);

    while (bWorking)  { // for all entrys
        if (stop) break;

        bWorking = finder.FindNextFile();

        path = finder.GetFilePath();

        creationTime = (time_t)0;
        accessTime = (time_t)0;
        writeTime = (time_t)0;

        BOOL ret=finder.GetCreationTime(creationTime);

        time_t t = creationTime.GetTime();

        if (writeTime.GetTime()>0) t = max(t,writeTime.GetTime()); // HG wg Kristof

        if (accessTime.GetTime()>0) t = max(t,accessTime.GetTime());

        if (finder.IsDots( )) {	// ignore . ..

        } else 	if (finder.IsDirectory( )) { // recursively step down

            t=0; // we want to delete empty directories new 20.10.98

            DWORD length = 0;

            // to do get date of latest
            TRACE("D %s c %ld a %ld w %ld size %ld \n",(const char *) path, creationTime.GetTime(),accessTime.GetTime(),writeTime.GetTime(),length);

            // time is the max of the child time +1
            GFSortEntry *e = new GFSortEntry(path,t+1,length,gtrue);

            if (!e) break;
            if (!Add(e)) break;

            if (t>maxFileTime) maxFileTime = t;

        else {

            DWORD length = finder.GetLength(); // get length 64
            fileSum += length;

            TRACE("F %s c %ld a %ld w %ld size %ld \n",(const char *) path, creationTime.GetTime(),accessTime.GetTime(),writeTime.GetTime(),length);
            GFSortEntry *e = new GFSortEntry(path,t,length);

            if (t>maxFileTime) maxFileTime = t;

            if (!e) break;
            if (!Add(e)) break;


    //TRACE("%ld bytes \n",(long)fileSum);

    return TRUE;