  Interrupt service routine called when the RDYN line goes low. Runs the SPI transfer.
static void m_aci_isr(void)
  hal_aci_data_t data_to_send;
  hal_aci_data_t received_data;

  // see guide from http://redbearlab.com/blend-low-power-settings/
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega32U4__)
    PRR0 = 0x00;  // Power Reduction Register: open timer
    PRR1 = 0x00;
  // Receive from queue
  if (!aci_queue_dequeue_from_isr(&aci_tx_q, &data_to_send))
    /* queue was empty, nothing to send */
    data_to_send.status_byte = 0;
    data_to_send.buffer[0] = 0;

  // Receive and/or transmit data
  m_aci_spi_transfer(&data_to_send, &received_data);

  if (!aci_queue_is_full_from_isr(&aci_rx_q) && !aci_queue_is_empty_from_isr(&aci_tx_q))

  // Check if we received data
  if (received_data.buffer[0] > 0)
    if (!aci_queue_enqueue_from_isr(&aci_rx_q, &received_data))
      /* Receive Buffer full.
         Should never happen.
         Spin in a while loop.

    // Disable ready line interrupt until we have room to store incoming messages
    if (aci_queue_is_full_from_isr(&aci_rx_q))

  Interrupt service routine called when the RDYN line goes low. Runs the SPI transfer.
static void m_aci_isr(void)
  hal_aci_data_t data_to_send;
  hal_aci_data_t received_data;

  // Receive from queue
  if (!aci_queue_dequeue_from_isr(&aci_tx_q, &data_to_send))
    /* queue was empty, nothing to send */
    data_to_send.status_byte = 0;
    data_to_send.buffer[0] = 0;

  // Receive and/or transmit data
  m_aci_spi_transfer(&data_to_send, &received_data);

  if (!aci_queue_is_full_from_isr(&aci_rx_q) && !aci_queue_is_empty_from_isr(&aci_tx_q))

  // Check if we received data
  if (received_data.buffer[0] > 0)
    if (!aci_queue_enqueue_from_isr(&aci_rx_q, &received_data))
      /* Receive Buffer full.
         Should never happen.
         Spin in a while loop.

    // Disable ready line interrupt until we have room to store incoming messages
    if (aci_queue_is_full_from_isr(&aci_rx_q))
