void ParticleFilter::RunIteration(int odomTicks, double lat, double lon, double heading, double deltaTime) {
  if(odomTicks == lastTick) return; // Do nothing if we have not moved
  PropogateParticles(odomTicks, lat, lon, addAngle(heading, -startHeading));

  // Calculated Average
  double x_total = 0;
  double y_total = 0;
  double tx_total = 0;
  double ty_total = 0;

  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < ParticleList.size(); i++) {
  	x_total += ParticleList[i].X;
  	y_total += ParticleList[i].Y;
  	tx_total += cos(ParticleList[i].Heading * D2R);
  	ty_total += sin(ParticleList[i].Heading * D2R);
  tx_total /= ParticleList.size();
  ty_total /= ParticleList.size();
  this->currX = x_total / ParticleList.size();
  this->currY = y_total / ParticleList.size();
  this->currHeading = addAngle(R2D * atan2(ty_total, tx_total), 0);
Пример #2
void Gradient::createSegment(const point<int>& l,
                             const point<int>& r)
    double radAngle = atan2((l.x - r.x), (r.y - l.y));

    double sn = sin(radAngle);
    double cs = cos(radAngle);

    double x0 = l.x;
    double y0 = l.y;

    float length = Utility::getLength(l,r);

    float xDiff = static_cast<float>(r.x - l.x)/length;
    float yDiff = static_cast<float>(r.y - l.y)/length;

    for (double u = 0; u <= length; u+=1.){
        int x = (int)round(x0 + u * xDiff);
        int y = (int)round(y0 + u * yDiff);

        if ( abs(x) < IMAGE_WIDTH/2 &&
             abs(y) < IMAGE_HEIGHT/2){
            addAngle(static_cast<uint8_t>(radAngle/M_PI * 128),
 * Converts a lat long pair to a cartesian point relative to the 
 * startLon, startLat.  North is positive y, East is positive X.
void ParticleFilter :: GPS2Point(double lat, double lon, double& x, double& y) {
  double dist = acos( sin(startLat*D2R) * sin(lat*D2R) +
                      cos(startLat*D2R) * cos(lat*D2R) *
                      cos(lat*D2R - startLat*D2R) * EARTH_RADIUS );
  double x_angle = sin(abs(startLat - lat) * D2R) * cos(lat * D2R);
  double y_angle = cos(startLat * D2R) * sin(lat * D2R) - 
                   sin(startLat * D2R) * cos(lat * D2R) * 
                   cos(abs(startLon - lon) * D2R);
  double angle = addAngle(atan2(y_angle, x_angle), -startHeading);
  x = dist * cos(angle);
  y = dist * sin(angle);
void ParticleFilter::PropogateParticles(int odomTicks, double lat, double lon, double heading) {
  int deltaTick = odomTicks - lastTick;
  lastTick = odomTicks;
  // Check for encoder rollover
  if( deltaTick < 0) {
    deltaTick += odomModel.maxTicks;
  double distTravelled = deltaTick * odomModel.wheelCircum / odomModel.ticksPerRev;
  double angleTraveled = heading - currHeading;
  //std::cout << "\t distTravelled: " << distTravelled << std::endl;
  //std::cout << "\t angleTraveled: " << angleTraveled << std::endl;
  // Propogate each particle
  highestWeight = 0;  
  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < ParticleList.size(); i++) {  	
    // Add randomness
    double trans = distTravelled - sample_normal_dist(0.05 * abs(distTravelled));
    double rot   = angleTraveled - sample_normal_dist(0.05 * abs(angleTraveled));    
    PropogatedList[i].X = ParticleList[i].X + trans * cos( D2R * (ParticleList[i].Heading + rot) );
    PropogatedList[i].Y = ParticleList[i].Y + trans * sin( D2R * (ParticleList[i].Heading + rot) );
    PropogatedList[i].Heading = addAngle(ParticleList[i].Heading, rot);
    if( i == 0) {
        std::cout << "\t trans: " << trans << std::endl;
        std::cout << "\t rot: " << rot << std::endl;
        std::cout << "\t PropogatedList[i].X " << PropogatedList[i].X << std::endl;
        std::cout << "\t PropogatedList[i].Y: " << PropogatedList[i].Y << std::endl;
        std::cout << "\t PropogatedList[i].Heading: " << PropogatedList[i].Heading << std::endl;
    //highestWeight = 0;

    WeightParticle (lat, lon, PropogatedList[i] );
    if(highestWeight < PropogatedList[i].Weight) 
      highestWeight = PropogatedList[i].Weight;
Пример #5
void Gradient::createLineAtPoint(uint8_t angle, float radius)
    float radAngle = static_cast<float>(angle) * M_PI_FLOAT/128.f;

    double sn = sin(radAngle);
    double cs = cos(radAngle);

    double x0 = radius * cs;
    double y0 = radius * sn;

    for (double u = -200.; u <= 200.; u+=1.){
        int x = (int)round(x0 + u * sn);
        int y = (int)round(y0 - u * cs);

        if ( abs(x) < IMAGE_WIDTH/2 &&
             abs(y) < IMAGE_HEIGHT/2){
Пример #6
void ConstrainAngleToolHelper::addAnglesDeg(double base, double stepping)
	for (double angle = base; angle < base + 360; angle += stepping)
		addAngle(angle * M_PI / 180);
Пример #7
void ConstrainAngleToolHelper::addAngles(double base, double stepping)
	for (double angle = base; angle < base + 2*M_PI; angle += stepping)
Пример #8
int main(int argc, char** argv) {

       if (argc != 2) {
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    SndfileHandle inputFile;
    inputFile = SndfileHandle(argv[1]);
    int framesCount = inputFile.frames();
    int *buffer;
    buffer = new int[framesCount];
    inputFile.read(buffer, inputFile.frames());

    #ifdef DEBUG
    cerr<<"Samples size: "<<framesCount<<endl;

    double firstAngle;
    double deltaAngle;
    string decoded = "";

    /* finding angle of a sin between two samples in the input signal */
    firstAngle = asin(((double)buffer[0]) / AMPLITUDE);
    deltaAngle = asin(((double)buffer[1]) / AMPLITUDE) - firstAngle;
    #ifdef DEBUG
    cerr<<"deltaAngle: "<<deltaAngle<<" = "<<deltaAngle*180/PI<<"°"<<endl;
    double actAngle = firstAngle;
    double deltaX1 = deltaAngle;
    double deltaX4 = deltaAngle;

    /* QPSK bauds mapping values */
    double expectedAngle1 = addAngle(0, 3*PI/4.0);
    double expectedAngle2 = addAngle(0, PI/4.0);
    double expectedAngle3 = addAngle(0, 5*PI/4.0);
    double expectedAngle4 = addAngle(0, 7*PI/4.0);

    int changes = 0;
    int firstChange = 0;
    int secondChange = 0;
    int thirdChange = 0;
    double expectedAngle1b = addNormalize(0, expectedAngle1);
    double expectedAngle4b = addNormalize(0, expectedAngle4);
    double *expectedAngle = &expectedAngle1b;
    /* while 3 changes in sync part of the signal signal */
    while (changes < 3) {
        #ifdef DEBUG
        cerr<<"loop: "<<thirdChange<<endl;
        cerr<<"actAngle: "<<actAngle<<" = "<<actAngle*180/PI<<"° "<<sin(actAngle)<<endl;
        cerr<<"expected: "<<*expectedAngle<<" = "<<*expectedAngle*180/PI<<"° "<<sin(*expectedAngle)<<endl;
        /* we have a change in a baud */
        if (!((actAngle > *expectedAngle - (PI/20))&&(actAngle < *expectedAngle + (PI/20)))) {
            if (changes == 0) {
                expectedAngle = &expectedAngle4b;
            } else if (changes == 1) {
                expectedAngle = &expectedAngle1b;
        /* counting samples till first change */
        if (changes < 1) {
        /* counting samples till second change */
        if (changes < 2) {
        /* counting samples till third change */
        if (changes < 3) {
        /* thirdChange is also a counter for this loop */
        actAngle = asin(((double)buffer[thirdChange]) / AMPLITUDE);
        expectedAngle1b = addNormalizeChangeDelta(expectedAngle1b, &deltaX1);
        expectedAngle4b = addNormalizeChangeDelta(expectedAngle4b, &deltaX4);
    /* preparing values for voting */
    secondChange /= 2;
    thirdChange /=3;
    int samplesPerBaud = 0;
    /* voting for samles per baud... we should have at least 2 same
     * values to claim it as a samples per baud */
    if (firstChange == secondChange) {
        samplesPerBaud = firstChange;
    } else if (secondChange == thirdChange) {
        samplesPerBaud = secondChange;
    } else if (firstChange == thirdChange) {
        samplesPerBaud = firstChange;

    #ifdef DEBUG
    cerr<<"SPB: "<<samplesPerBaud<< " 1st: "<<firstChange<<" 2nd: "<<secondChange<<" 3rd: "<<thirdChange<<endl;
    double res1 = 0;
    double res2 = 0;
    double res3 = 0;
    double res4 = 0;

    /* Iteraes through the all samples. For each baud we are looking
     * for the sin values that differs the least from actual baud */
    for (int i = 0, s = samplesPerBaud; i < framesCount; i++, s--) {

        /* counting differences for each sin */
        res1 += fabs(buffer[i] - sin(expectedAngle1));
        res2 += fabs(buffer[i] - sin(expectedAngle2));
        res3 += fabs(buffer[i] - sin(expectedAngle3));
        res4 += fabs(buffer[i] - sin(expectedAngle4));

        /* we have processed a baud and we are looking for the
         * least change */
        if (s == 0 || i == framesCount-1) {
            s = samplesPerBaud;
            double res12;
            double res34;
            int resId12 = 0;
            int resId34 = 0;
            if (res1 < res2) {
                res12 = res1;
                resId12 = 1;
            } else {
                res12 = res2;
                resId12 = 2;
            if (res3 < res4) {
                res34 = res3;
                resId34 = 3;
            } else {
                res34 = res4;
                resId34 = 4;
            int resId;
            if (res12 < res34) {
                resId = resId12;
            } else {
                resId = resId34;
            switch(resId) {
                case 1: decoded += "00"; break;
                case 2: decoded += "01"; break;
                case 3: decoded += "10"; break;
                case 4: decoded += "11"; break;
                default: break;

            res1 = 0;
            res2 = 0;
            res3 = 0;
            res4 = 0;
        expectedAngle1 = addAngle(expectedAngle1, -deltaAngle);
        expectedAngle2 = addAngle(expectedAngle2, -deltaAngle);
        expectedAngle3 = addAngle(expectedAngle3, -deltaAngle);
        expectedAngle4 = addAngle(expectedAngle4, -deltaAngle);
    #ifdef DEBUG

    /* writting to an output file */
    string outName = string(argv[1]);
    outName = outName.replace(outName.end()-3, outName.end(), "txt");
    ofstream outFile(outName);
    if (!outFile.is_open()) {
        cerr<<"Can not open output file\n";
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    delete [] buffer;
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;