Пример #1
void addBuildFileToVS(const PBXBuildFile* buildFile, VCProject& proj, const BuildSettings& bs, const VCItemHint* itemHint)
  const String& compilerFlags = buildFile->getCompilerFlags();
  int attribs = buildFile->getAttributes();
  const PBXFile* file = buildFile->getFile();
  if (!file)

  VCProjectItem* item = addFileToVSInternal(file, proj, bs, false, itemHint);

  // If the filetype doesn't match the file extension, specify the actual type
  String filePath = file->getFullPath();
  String fileType = file->getFileType();
  String inferredType = PBXFile::getFileType(filePath);
  String compileAs = getVSCompileAsType(fileType);
  if (item && !compileAs.empty() &&
       (fileType != inferredType || fileType == "sourcecode.c.c" || fileType == "sourcecode.cpp.cpp")) {
    item->setDefinition("CompileAs", compileAs);

  // Record file compiler flags
  if (item && !compilerFlags.empty()) {
    String fixedFlags = "$(AdditionalOptions) " + compilerFlags;
    String xcProjectDir = bs.getValue("PROJECT_DIR");
    String vsProjectDir = sb_dirname(proj.getPath());
    processClangFlags(fixedFlags, xcProjectDir, vsProjectDir);
    item->setDefinition("AdditionalOptions", fixedFlags);

  // Mark public headers
  if ((attribs & ATTR_PUBLIC) &&
      (fileType == "sourcecode.c.h" || fileType == "sourcecode.cpp.h")) {
    item->setDefinition("PublicHeader", "true");
Пример #2
static VCProjectItem* addFileToVSInternal(const PBXFile* file, VCProject& proj, const BuildSettings& bs, bool isVariant, const VCItemHint* itemHint)
  // Add all children of any PBXVariantGroup
  const PBXVariantGroup* variantGroup = dynamic_cast<const PBXVariantGroup*>(file);
  if (variantGroup) {
    const ConstFileList& children = variantGroup->getChildren();
    for (auto child : children) {
      addFileToVSInternal(child, proj, bs, true, itemHint);
    return NULL;

  // Get the real and virtual paths for the file in Xcode
  String realPath = file->getFullPath();
  String virtualPath = file->getVirtualPath();

  // Fix up virtual path for variant files
  // Resources/MainStoryboard.storyboard/en => Resources/en/MainStoryboard.storyboard
  if (isVariant) {
    String variantLang = sb_basename(virtualPath);
    String filePath = sb_dirname(virtualPath);
    String fixedDir = joinPaths(sb_dirname(filePath), variantLang);
    virtualPath = joinPaths(fixedDir, sb_basename(filePath));

  // Compute the VS ItemType for the file
  String fileType = file->getFileType();
  String vsType = getVSItemType(fileType);
  if (vsType == "Unknown") {
    if (itemHint && !itemHint->defaultType.empty()) {
      vsType = itemHint->defaultType;

  // Add the item to the project, taking into account path overrides
  VCProjectItem* item = NULL;
  if (itemHint && !itemHint->pathOverride.empty()) {
    sbAssert(!isVariant, "Unexpected path override for variant file: " + realPath);
    item = proj.addItem(vsType, itemHint->pathOverride, sb_dirname(virtualPath));
  } else {
    item = addRelativeFilePathToVS(vsType, realPath, sb_dirname(virtualPath), proj, bs);

  // Handle Variant files
  if (isVariant) {
    String variantDir = sb_basename(sb_dirname(realPath));
    item->setDefinition("VariantDir", variantDir);

  return item;
Пример #3
void addFileToVS(const PBXFile* file, VCProject& proj, const BuildSettings& bs, const VCItemHint* itemHint)
  addFileToVSInternal(file, proj, bs, false, itemHint);