void Foam::shapeToCell::combine(topoSet& set, const bool add) const
    if (type_ == "splitHex")
        for (label cellI = 0; cellI < mesh_.nCells(); cellI++)
            cellFeatures superCell(mesh_, featureCos, cellI);

            if (hexMatcher().isA(superCell.faces()))
                addOrDelete(set, cellI, add);
        const cellModel& wantedModel = *(cellModeller::lookup(type_));

        const cellShapeList& cellShapes = mesh_.cellShapes();

        forAll(cellShapes, cellI)
            if (cellShapes[cellI].model() == wantedModel)
                addOrDelete(set, cellI, add);
Пример #2
void Foam::badQualityToCell::combine(topoSet& set, const bool add) const
    faceSet faces(mesh_, "meshQualityFaces", mesh_.nFaces()/100+1);
    motionSmoother::checkMesh(false, mesh_, dict_, faces);

    forAllConstIter(faceSet, faces, iter)
        label faceI = iter.key();
        addOrDelete(set, mesh_.faceOwner()[faceI], add);
        if (mesh_.isInternalFace(faceI))
            addOrDelete(set, mesh_.faceNeighbour()[faceI], add);
Пример #3
void Foam::patchToFace::combine(topoSet& set, const bool add) const
    labelHashSet patchIDs = mesh_.boundaryMesh().patchSet
        List<wordRe>(1, patchName_),
        true,           // warn if not found
        true            // use patch groups if available

    forAllConstIter(labelHashSet, patchIDs, iter)
        label patchi = iter.key();

        const polyPatch& pp = mesh_.boundaryMesh()[patchi];

        Info<< "    Found matching patch " << pp.name()
            << " with " << pp.size() << " faces." << endl;

            label facei = pp.start();
            facei < pp.start() + pp.size();
            addOrDelete(set, facei, add);
void Foam::surfaceToPoint::combine(topoSet& set, const bool add) const
    cpuTime timer;

    triSurface surf(surfName_);

    Info<< "    Read surface from " << surfName_
        << " in = "<< timer.cpuTimeIncrement() << " s" << endl << endl;

    // Construct search engine on surface
    triSurfaceSearch querySurf(surf);

    if (includeInside_ || includeOutside_)
        boolList pointInside(querySurf.calcInside(mesh_.points()));

        forAll(pointInside, pointI)
            bool isInside = pointInside[pointI];

            if ((isInside && includeInside_) || (!isInside && includeOutside_))
                addOrDelete(set, pointI, add);
void Foam::cellToFace::combine(topoSet& set, const bool add) const
    // Load the set
    if (!exists(mesh_.time().path()/topoSet::localPath(mesh_, setName_)))
        SeriousError<< "Cannot load set "
            << setName_ << endl;
    cellSet loadedSet(mesh_, setName_);

    if (option_ == ALL)
        // Add all faces from cell
            cellSet::const_iterator iter = loadedSet.begin();
            iter != loadedSet.end();
            label cellI = iter.key();

            const labelList& cFaces = mesh_.cells()[cellI];

            forAll(cFaces, cFaceI)
                addOrDelete(set, cFaces[cFaceI], add);
void Foam::cellToPoint::combine(topoSet& set, const bool add) const
    // Load the set
    cellSet loadedSet(mesh_, setName_);

    // Add all point from cells in loadedSet
        cellSet::const_iterator iter = loadedSet.begin();
        iter != loadedSet.end();
        label cellI = iter.key();

        const labelList& cFaces = mesh_.cells()[cellI];

        forAll(cFaces, cFaceI)
            const face& f = mesh_.faces()[cFaces[cFaceI]];

            forAll(f, fp)
                addOrDelete(set, f[fp], add);
void Foam::pointToFace::combine(topoSet& set, const bool add) const
    // Load the set
    pointSet loadedSet(mesh_, setName_);

    if (option_ == ANY)
        // Add faces with any point in loadedSet
            pointSet::const_iterator iter = loadedSet.begin();
            iter != loadedSet.end();
            label pointI = iter.key();

            const labelList& pFaces = mesh_.pointFaces()[pointI];

            forAll(pFaces, pFaceI)
                addOrDelete(set, pFaces[pFaceI], add);
Пример #8
void Foam::expressionToCell::combine(topoSet& set, const bool add) const
    fvMesh mesh(set.db());

    FieldValueExpressionDriver driver
            true, // cache stuff
            true, // search in memory
            true  // search on disc

    if(dict_.valid()) {
    if(!driver.resultIsTyp<volScalarField>(true)) {
        FatalErrorIn("Foam::expressionToCell::combine(topoSet& set, const bool add) const")
            << "Expression " << expression_ << " does not evaluate to a logical expression"
                << endl
                << exit(FatalError);
    const volScalarField &condition=driver.getResult<volScalarField>();

    forAll(condition, cellI)
        if (condition[cellI])
            addOrDelete(set, cellI, add);
void Foam::nearestToCell::combine(topoSet& set, const bool add) const
    // Construct search engine withouth tet decomposition.
    meshSearch queryMesh(mesh_, false);

    forAll(points_, pointI)
        addOrDelete(set, queryMesh.findNearestCell(points_[pointI]), add);
void Foam::boxToPoint::combine(topoSet& set, const bool add) const
    const pointField& pts = mesh_.points();

    forAll(pts, pointI)
        if (bb_.contains(pts[pointI]))
            addOrDelete(set, pointI, add);
void Foam::boxToCell::combine(topoSet& set, const bool add) const
    const pointField& ctrs = mesh_.cellCentres();

    forAll(ctrs, cellI)
        if (bb_.contains(ctrs[cellI]))
            addOrDelete(set, cellI, add);
Пример #12
void Foam::boundaryToFace::combine(topoSet& set, const bool add) const
        label facei = mesh().nInternalFaces();
        facei < mesh().nFaces();
        addOrDelete(set, facei, add);
Пример #13
void Foam::boxToFace::combine(topoSet& set, const bool add) const
    const pointField& ctrs = mesh_.faceCentres();

    forAll(ctrs, faceI)
        if (bb_.contains(ctrs[faceI]))
            addOrDelete(set, faceI, add);
Пример #14
void Foam::faceToPoint::combine(topoSet& set, const bool add) const
    // Load the set
    faceSet loadedSet(mesh_, setName_);

    // Add all points from faces in loadedSet
    forAllConstIter(faceSet, loadedSet, iter)
        const face& f = mesh_.faces()[iter.key()];

        forAll(f, fp)
            addOrDelete(set, f[fp], add);
Пример #15
    forAll(ctrs, cellI)
        bool inside = true;

        forAll(boxFaces, i)
            const face& f = boxFaces[i];

            if (((ctrs[cellI] - boxPoints[f[0]]) & boxFaceNormals[i]) > 0)
                inside = false;

        if (inside)
            addOrDelete(set, cellI, add);
void Foam::faceToPoint::combine(topoSet& set, const bool add) const
    // Load the set
    faceSet loadedSet(mesh_, setName_);

    // Add all points from faces in loadedSet
        faceSet::const_iterator iter = loadedSet.begin();
        iter != loadedSet.end();
        const face& f = mesh_.faces()[iter.key()];

        forAll(f, fp)
            addOrDelete(set, f[fp], add);
Пример #17
void Foam::cylinderToCell::combine(topoSet& set, const bool add) const
    const vector axis = p2_ - p1_;
    const scalar rad2 = sqr(radius_);
    const scalar magAxis2 = magSqr(axis);

    const pointField& ctrs = mesh_.cellCentres();

    forAll(ctrs, celli)
        vector d = ctrs[celli] - p1_;
        scalar magD = d & axis;

        if ((magD > 0) && (magD < magAxis2))
            scalar d2 = (d & d) - sqr(magD)/magAxis2;
            if (d2 < rad2)
                addOrDelete(set, celli, add);
Пример #18
    forAll(points_, pointI)
        const pointField& pts = mesh_.points();

        if (pts.size())
            label minPointI = 0;
            scalar minDistSqr = magSqr(pts[minPointI] - points_[pointI]);

            for (label i = 1; i < pts.size(); i++)
                scalar distSqr = magSqr(pts[i] - points_[pointI]);

                if (distSqr < minDistSqr)
                    minDistSqr = distSqr;
                    minPointI = i;

            addOrDelete(set, minPointI, add);
Пример #19
 forAll(labels_, labelI)
     addOrDelete(set, labels_[labelI], add);
Пример #20
void Foam::regionToCell::combine(topoSet& set, const bool add) const
    label cellI = mesh_.findCell(insidePoint_);

    // Load the subset of cells
    boolList blockedFace(mesh_.nFaces(), false);
        Info<< "Loading subset " << setName_ << " to delimit search region."
            << endl;
        cellSet subSet(mesh_, setName_);

        boolList inSubset(mesh_.nCells(), false);
        forAllConstIter(cellSet, subSet, iter)
            inSubset[iter.key()] = true;

        if (cellI != -1 && inSubset[cellI])
            Pout<< "Point " << insidePoint_ << " is inside cellSet "
                << setName_ << endl
                << "Collecting all cells connected to " << cellI
                << " and inside cellSet " << setName_ << endl;
            Pout<< "Point " << insidePoint_ << " is outside cellSet "
                << setName_ << endl
                << "Collecting all cells connected to " << cellI
                << " and outside cellSet " << setName_ << endl;

        // Get coupled cell status
        label nInt = mesh_.nInternalFaces();
        boolList neiSet(mesh_.nFaces()-nInt, false);
        for (label faceI = nInt; faceI < mesh_.nFaces(); faceI++)
             neiSet[faceI-nInt] = inSubset[mesh_.faceOwner()[faceI]];
        syncTools::swapBoundaryFaceList(mesh_, neiSet, false);

        // Find faces inbetween subSet and non-subset.
        for (label faceI = 0; faceI < nInt; faceI++)
            bool ownInSet = inSubset[mesh_.faceOwner()[faceI]];
            bool neiInSet = inSubset[mesh_.faceNeighbour()[faceI]];
            blockedFace[faceI] = (ownInSet != neiInSet);
        for (label faceI = nInt; faceI < mesh_.nFaces(); faceI++)
            bool ownInSet = inSubset[mesh_.faceOwner()[faceI]];
            bool neiInSet = neiSet[faceI-nInt];
            blockedFace[faceI] = (ownInSet != neiInSet);

    // Find connected regions without crossing boundary of the cellset.
    regionSplit regions(mesh_, blockedFace);

    // Get the region containing the insidePoint
    label regionI = -1;

    if (cellI != -1)
        // On processor that has found cell.
        regionI = regions[cellI];

    reduce(regionI, maxOp<label>());

    if (regionI == -1)
            "regionToCell::combine(topoSet&, const bool) const"
        )   << "Point " << insidePoint_
            << " is not inside the mesh." << nl
            << "Bounding box of the mesh:" << mesh_.globalData().bb()
            << endl;

    // Pick up the cells of the region
    const labelList regionCells(findIndices(regions, regionI));

    forAll(regionCells, i)
        addOrDelete(set, regionCells[i], add);
Пример #21
void Foam::faceToCell::combine(topoSet& set, const bool add) const
    // Load the set
    faceSet loadedSet(mesh_, setName_);

    // Handle owner/neighbour/any selection
    forAllConstIter(faceSet, loadedSet, iter)
        const label faceI = iter.key();

        if ((option_ == OWNER) || (option_ == ANY))
            const label cellI = mesh_.faceOwner()[faceI];

            addOrDelete(set, cellI, add);

        if (mesh_.isInternalFace(faceI))
            if ((option_ == NEIGHBOUR) || (option_ == ANY))
                const label cellI = mesh_.faceNeighbour()[faceI];

                addOrDelete(set, cellI, add);

    // Handle all selection.
    if (option_ == ALL)
        // Count number of selected faces per cell.

        Map<label> facesPerCell(loadedSet.size());

        forAllConstIter(faceSet, loadedSet, iter)
            const label faceI = iter.key();
            const label own = mesh_.faceOwner()[faceI];

            Map<label>::iterator fndOwn = facesPerCell.find(own);

            if (fndOwn == facesPerCell.end())
                facesPerCell.insert(own, 1);

            if (mesh_.isInternalFace(faceI))
                label nei = mesh_.faceNeighbour()[faceI];

                Map<label>::iterator fndNei = facesPerCell.find(nei);

                if (fndNei == facesPerCell.end())
                    facesPerCell.insert(nei, 1);

        // Include cells that are referenced as many times as they have faces
        // -> all faces in set.
        forAllConstIter(Map<label>, facesPerCell, iter)
            const label cellI = iter.key();

            if (iter() == mesh_.cells()[cellI].size())
                addOrDelete(set, cellI, add);