int main() { printf("%s\n", addStrings("8432708", "87372547")); printf("%s\n", addStrings("401716832807512840963", "167141802233061013023557397451289113296441069")); return 0; }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void JrkDialog::readErrors(bool occured) { if(!jrk->isOpen()) { ui->textEdit->append("Error: Port is not open!"); return; } QStringList sl; QString str; quint16 data2; if(occured) { data2 = jrk->readErrorOccurred(); str.sprintf("Error Flags Occurred: 0x%04X", data2); } else { data2 = jrk->clearError(); str.sprintf("Error Flags Halting: 0x%04X", data2); } ui->textEdit->append(str); jrk->errorStr(&sl, data2); addStrings(&sl); ui->textEdit->append(""); }
void AsciiSerializedRequest::prepareImpl(const McRequest& request, McOperation<mc_op_flushall>) { auto len = snprintf(printBuffer_, kMaxBufferLength, " %u\r\n", request.number()); addStrings("flush_all", folly::StringPiece(printBuffer_, static_cast<size_t>(len))); }
void AsciiSerializedRequest::prepareImpl(const McRequest& request, McOperation<mc_op_delete>) { auto len = snprintf(printBuffer_, kMaxBufferLength, " %u\r\n", request.exptime()); assert(len > 0 && len < kMaxBufferLength); addStrings("delete ", request.fullKey(), folly::StringPiece(printBuffer_, static_cast<size_t>(len))); }
int main () { char num1[] = "1"; char num2[] = "1"; printf("%s\n", addStrings(num1, num2)); return 0; }
void addStrings (String name, std::vector <std::string> const& strings) { StringArray stringArray; stringArray.ensureStorageAllocated (strings.size()); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < strings.size(); ++i) stringArray.add (strings [i]); addStrings (name, stringArray); }
ResolutionSelector() : ListSelectionScreen() { setProperty("title", "Resolution"); Vector<String> resolutions; resolutions.add("low (8x8)"); resolutions.add("medium (16x16)"); resolutions.add("high (32x32)"); addStrings(resolutions); }
void AsciiSerializedRequest::keyValueRequestCommon(folly::StringPiece prefix, const Request& request) { auto value = request.valueRangeSlow(); auto len = snprintf(printBuffer_, kMaxBufferLength, " %lu %d %zd\r\n", request.flags(), request.exptime(), value.size()); assert(len > 0 && len < kMaxBufferLength); addStrings(prefix, request.fullKey(), folly::StringPiece(printBuffer_, static_cast<size_t>(len)), value, "\r\n"); }
int main(void) { char s1[MAX_LEN], s2[MAX_LEN], r[MAX_LEN+1]; /* Read first line */ scanf("%s", s1); /* Read second line */ scanf("%s", s2); addStrings(s1, s2, r); printf("%s\n", r); }
void AsciiSerializedRequest::prepareImpl(const McRequest& request, McOperation<mc_op_cas>) { auto value = request.valueRangeSlow(); auto len = snprintf(printBuffer_, kMaxBufferLength, " %lu %u %zd %lu\r\n", request.flags(), request.exptime(), value.size(), request.cas()); assert(len > 0 && len < kMaxBufferLength); addStrings("cas ", request.fullKey(), folly::StringPiece(printBuffer_, static_cast<size_t>(len)), value, "\r\n"); }
void Strings::assign(const Strings& src) { AutoUpdater autoUpdater(*this); clear(); defined_ = src.defined_; delimiter_ = src.delimiter_; lineBreak_ = src.lineBreak_; quoteChar_ = src.quoteChar_; nameValueSeparator_ = src.nameValueSeparator_; addStrings(src); }
char * addStrings (char *num1, char *num2) { int len1 = strlen (num1); int len2 = strlen (num2); if (len1 > len2) { return addStrings (num2, num1); } int j = len2; int i = len1; while (1) { if(i < 0) { break; } num2[j] += num1[i] - '0'; j--; i--; } char tmp[5102]; tmp[5101] = '\0'; int up = 0; for (j = len2 - 1, i = 5100; j >= 0; j--, i--) { printf("%d\n", num2[j] + up - '0'); if (num2[j] + up > '9') { tmp[i] = num2[j] + up- 10; up = 1; } else { tmp[i] = num2[j] + up; up = 0; } } if (up == 1) { tmp[i] = '1'; } else { i++; } char *ret = (char *) malloc (sizeof (char) * 5101); bzero (ret, sizeof (char) * 5101); strncpy (ret, &tmp[i], sizeof (char) * 5101); return ret; }
void main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { char buffer[ BUFFER_SIZE ]; owl_handle owl; owl_file_handle file; owl_string_table *table; owl_client_funcs funcs = { NULL, NULL, NULL, malloc, free }; char *t_buff; owl = OWLInit( &funcs, OWL_CPU_PPC ); file = OWLFileInit( owl, "test", NULL, OWL_FORMAT_ELF, OWL_FILE_OBJECT ); table = OWLStringInit( file ); while( fgets( buffer, BUFFER_SIZE, stdin ) != NULL ) { addStrings( table, buffer ); OWLStringDump( table ); } t_buff = malloc( OWLStringTableSize( table ) + 1 ); OWLStringEmit( table, t_buff ); write( STDOUT_FILENO, t_buff, OWLStringTableSize( table ) ); free( t_buff ); OWLStringFini( table ); OWLFileFini( file ); OWLFini( owl ); }
void Logstalgia::logic(float t, float dt) { float sdt = dt * settings.simulation_speed; //increment clock elapsed_time += sdt; currtime = starttime + (long)(elapsed_time); if(settings.stop_time && currtime > settings.stop_time) { currtime = settings.stop_time; } if(mousehide_timeout>0.0f) { mousehide_timeout -= dt; if(mousehide_timeout<0.0f) { SDL_ShowCursor(false); } } infowindow.hide(); if(end_reached && balls.empty()) { appFinished = true; return; } //if paused, dont move anything, only check what is under mouse if(paused) { for(auto& it: paddles) { Paddle* paddle = it.second; if(paddle->mouseOver(infowindow, mousepos)) { break; } } for(RequestBall* ball : balls) { if(ball->mouseOver(infowindow, mousepos)) { break; } } if(!ipSummarizer->mouseOver(infowindow,mousepos)) { for(Summarizer* s: summarizers) { if(s->mouseOver(infowindow, mousepos)) break; } } return; } //next will fast forward clock to the time of the next entry, //if the next entry is in the future if(next || (!settings.disable_auto_skip && balls.empty())) { if(!queued_entries.empty()) { LogEntry* le = queued_entries.front(); long entrytime = le->timestamp; if(entrytime > currtime) { elapsed_time = entrytime - starttime; currtime = starttime + (long)(elapsed_time); } } next = false; } //recalc spawn speed each second by if(currtime != lasttime) { //dont bother reading the log if we dont need to if(queued_entries.empty() || queued_entries.back()->timestamp <= currtime) { readLog(); } profile_start("determine new entries"); int items_to_spawn=0; for(LogEntry* le : queued_entries) { if(le->timestamp > currtime) break; items_to_spawn++; addStrings(le); } profile_stop(); //debugLog("items to spawn %d\n", items_to_spawn); if(items_to_spawn > 0) { profile_start("add new strings"); //re-summarize ipSummarizer->summarize(); for(Summarizer* s : summarizers) { s->summarize(); } profile_stop(); profile_start("add new entries"); float item_offset = 1.0 / (float) (items_to_spawn); int item_no = 0; while(!queued_entries.empty()) { LogEntry* le = queued_entries.front(); if(le->timestamp > currtime) break; float pos_offset = item_offset * (float) item_no++; float start_offset = std::min(1.0f, pos_offset); addBall(le, start_offset); queued_entries.pop_front(); } } //update date if(total_entries>0) { char datestr[256]; char timestr[256]; struct tm* timeinfo = localtime ( &currtime ); strftime(datestr, 256, "%A, %B %d, %Y", timeinfo); strftime(timestr, 256, "%X", timeinfo); displaydate = datestr; displaytime = timestr; } else { displaydate = ""; displaytime = ""; } lasttime=currtime; profile_stop(); } else { //do small reads per frame if we havent buffered the next second if(queued_entries.empty() || queued_entries.back()->timestamp <= currtime+1) { readLog(50); } } std::list<Paddle*> inactivePaddles; //update paddles for(auto& it: paddles) { std::string paddle_token = it.first; Paddle* paddle = it.second; if(settings.paddle_mode > PADDLE_SINGLE && !paddle->moving() && !paddle->visible()) { bool token_match = false; //are there any requests that will match this paddle? for(RequestBall* ball : balls) { if( (settings.paddle_mode == PADDLE_VHOST && ball->le->vhost == paddle_token) || (settings.paddle_mode == PADDLE_PID && ball->le->pid == paddle_token)) { token_match = true; break; } } //mark this paddle for deletion, continue if(!token_match) { inactivePaddles.push_back(paddle); continue; } } // find nearest ball to this paddle if( (retarget || !paddle->getTarget())) { RequestBall* ball = findNearest(paddle, paddle_token); if(ball != 0) { paddle->setTarget(ball); } else if(!paddle->moving()) { paddle->setTarget(0); } } paddle->logic(sdt); } retarget = false; profile_start("check ball status"); // NOTE: special handling for this iterator as items are being removed for(auto it = balls.begin(); it != balls.end();) { RequestBall* ball = *it; highscore += ball->logic(sdt); if(ball->isFinished()) { it = balls.erase(it); removeBall(ball); } else { it++; } } profile_stop(); profile_start("ipSummarizer logic"); ipSummarizer->logic(dt); profile_stop(); profile_start("updateGroups logic"); updateGroups(dt); profile_stop(); screen_blank_elapsed += dt; if(screen_blank_elapsed-screen_blank_interval > screen_blank_period) screen_blank_elapsed = 0.0f; //update font alpha font_alpha = 1.0f; if(screen_blank_elapsed>screen_blank_interval) { font_alpha = std::min(1.0f, (float) fabs(1.0f - (screen_blank_elapsed-screen_blank_interval)/(screen_blank_period*0.5))); font_alpha *= font_alpha; } }
/** @param argc how many arguments to add @param argv the strings to add @param position the position to add the string at, a position less than 0 means to add at the end, if this number is greater than how many positions exist then it will also be added at the end **/ AREXPORT void ArArgumentBuilder::addStrings(char **argv, int argc, int position) { addStrings(argc, argv, position); }
void AsciiSerializedRequest::prepareImpl(const McRequest& request, McOperation<mc_op_lease_get>) { addStrings("lease-get ", request.fullKey(), "\r\n"); }