Пример #1
// Adds the string pos to the trie, and sets the length and from of the bottom node
bool addT(Trie *root, char *pos, char *from, int length, int counter) {
	if ((*root) == NULL) {
		return false;

	if (pos == NULL) {
		return false;

	// Base case at the bottom of the trie
	if(pos[counter] == '\0') {
		(*root)->length = length;
		(*root)->from = from;
		return true;
	else {
		int index = pos[counter] - NORM;	// Index of the current char

		// If there is no child, add one
		if ((*root)->children[index] == NULL) {
			Trie temp;		// The new child trie
			(*root)->children[index] = temp;
			addT(&temp, pos, from, length, ++counter);
		// Else go down the trie one child
		else {
			Trie temp;		// The child trie
			temp = (*root)->children[index];
			addT(&temp, pos, from, length, ++counter);
	return true;
Пример #2
int pruneT(Trie* st, Trie *newst, int e, int oldstCodes)
    // if escape flag, start from 3 without checking if reserved.
    int newCount = (e) ? 3 : 259; // codeCount of new string table
    // index of old trie we are iterating thru to copy
    int oldindex = (e) ? 3 : 259;
    // copy the appearances of the first 256 non-reserved codes
    for(int i=3; i<newCount; i++){
        (*newst)[i].appearances = (*st)[i].appearances/2;

    while(oldindex < oldstCodes) {
        if(((*st)[oldindex].appearances/2)) {
                expandT(newst, (newCount+1)*2);
            addT(newst, (*st)[oldindex].prefix, (*st)[oldindex].suffix,
            (*newst)[newCount].appearances = (*st)[oldindex].appearances/2;
            for(int i=0; i<(*st)[oldindex].childCount; i++){
                ((*st)[(*st)[oldindex].children[i]]).prefix = newCount;
    return newCount;
Пример #3
boost::shared_ptr<Continent> TeamDatabase::getOrCreateContinent(const char* n)
	boost::shared_ptr<Soccer::Continent> cont = getT(n);
	if(!cont) {
		cont = boost::shared_ptr<Soccer::Continent>(new Soccer::Continent(n));
	return cont;
Пример #4
boost::shared_ptr<League> TeamDatabase::getOrCreateLeague(const char* continentName,
		const char* countryName, const char* leagueName, unsigned int level)
	auto lsys = getOrCreateLeagueSystem(continentName, countryName);
	auto leag = lsys->getT(leagueName);
	if(!leag) {
		leag = boost::shared_ptr<Soccer::League>(new Soccer::League(leagueName, level));
	return leag;
Пример #5
boost::shared_ptr<LeagueSystem> TeamDatabase::getOrCreateLeagueSystem(const char* continentName,
		const char* countryName)
	auto cont = getOrCreateContinent(continentName);
	auto lsys = cont->getT(countryName);
	if(!lsys) {
		lsys = boost::shared_ptr<Soccer::LeagueSystem>(new Soccer::LeagueSystem(countryName));
	return lsys;
Пример #6
int main(int argc, char *argv[])

	bool rFlag = false;		// Flag to tell if -r is specified
	int height = 3;			// HEIGHT of the Rubik's square
	int width = 3;			// WIDTH of the Rubik's square
	int maxlength;			// MAXLENGTH of a series of moves
	char *initial = NULL;	// The INITIAL string
	char *goal = NULL;		// The GOAL string


	// Check for correct number of args
	if (argc <  4 || argc > 7) {

	if (argc == 5 || argc == 7) {
		// Check to make sure the first arg is "-r"
		if (strcmp(argv[1], "-r") != 0) {
				DIE("RubikSq: Invalid [-r] Flag");
		rFlag = true;

	if (argc == 6 || argc == 7) {
		char *check = argv[argc-5];	// Used to check for non-numeric chars in the args
		for (int i = 0; i < strlen(check); i++) {
			if (!isdigit(check[i])) {
				DIE("RubikSq: Invalid HEIGHT");

		char *end = NULL;	// End pointer for strtol
		height = strtol(argv[argc-5], &end, 10);
		if (*end != '\0') {
			DIE("RubikSq: Invalid HEIGHT");

		char *check2 = argv[argc-4]; // Used to check for non-numeric chars in the args
		for (int i = 0; i < strlen(check2); i++) {
			if (!isdigit(check2[i])) {
				DIE("RubikSq: Invalid WIDTH");

		char *end2 = NULL;	// End pointer for strtol
		width = strtol(argv[argc-4], &end2, 10);
		if (*end2 != '\0') {
			DIE("RubikSq: Invalid WIDTH");

	char *check3 = argv[argc-3];	// Used to check for non-numeric chars in the args
	for (int i = 0; i < strlen(check3); i++) {
		if (!isdigit(check3[i])) {
			DIE("RubikSq: Invalid MAXLENGTH");

	char *end3 = NULL;		// End pointer for strtol
	maxlength = strtol(argv[argc-3], &end3, 10);
	if (*end3 != '\0') {
		DIE("RubikSq: Invalid MAXLENGTH");

	// Check for non-alpha chars in the args
	initial = argv[argc-2];
	for (int i = 0; i < strlen(initial); i++) {
		if (!isalpha(initial[i])) {
			DIE("RubikSq: Invalid INITIAL");

	// Check for non-alpha chars in the args
	goal = argv[argc-1];
	for (int i = 0; i < strlen(goal); i++) {
		if (!isalpha(goal[i])) {
			DIE("RubikSq: Invalid GOAL");

	if (maxlength < 0) {
		DIE("RubikSq: MAXLENGTH < 0");

	if (height < 2 || height > 5 || width < 2 || width > 5) {
		DIE("RubikSq: HEIGHT/WIDTH must be between 2 and 5, inclusive");

	if (strlen(initial) != strlen(goal)){
		DIE("RubikSq: Length of INITIAL does not equal length of GOAL");

	if ((height*width) != strlen(initial)) {
		DIE("RubikSq: HEIGHT*WIDTH does not match length of INITIAL/GOAL");

	// If GOAL and INITIAL are the same, print and exit
	if (strcmp(initial, goal) == 0) {
		printf("%s\n", initial);

	// Make an alphabetized copy of INITIAL
	char *initialSort = malloc(strlen(initial)+1);	// An alphabetized version of INITIAL
	strcpy(initialSort, initial);

	// Make an alphabetized copy of GOAL
	char *goalSort = malloc(strlen(goal)+1);		// An alphabetized version of GOAL
	strcpy(goalSort, goal);

	if (strcmp(initialSort, goalSort) != 0) {
		DIE("RubikSq: INITIAL and GOAL do not contain the same letters");

	// Make sure all letters are between A and L, inclusive
	if (initialSort[0] < 'A' || initialSort[strlen(initialSort)-1] > 'L' ||
		goalSort[0] < 'A' || goalSort[strlen(goalSort)-1] > 'L') {
		DIE("RubikSq: INITIAL/GOAL contain invalid letters");


	Trie dict;			// The dictionary trie for storing past positions
	addT(&dict, goal, NULL, 0, 0);

	Queue moves;		// The queue of positions to analyze
	enQ(&moves, goal);

	// Main loop
	while (!isEmptyQ(&moves)) {
		char *pos = NULL;	// The current position P
		deQ(&moves, &pos);

		int len = getLengthT(&dict, pos, 0);	// The length of P in the dictionary

		if (len < maxlength) {
			int total;		// The total number of possible moves

			// If -r is specified, there are more possible moves
			if (rFlag) {
				total = (width-1)*height + (height-1)*width;
			else {
				total = width + height;
			char *primes[total];	// The array of possible positions P'

			char *copy;		// Used to find all P' to put in the array

			// If the -r flag is specified, we can move right or down multiple times
			if (rFlag) {
				for (int i = 1; i <= height; i++) {
					copy = pos;
					for (int j = 1; j < width; j++){
						copy = moveRight(i, width, copy);
						primes[(i-1)*(width-1)+j-1] = copy;

				for (int i = 1; i <= width; i++) {
					copy = pos;
					for (int j = 1; j < height; j++){
						copy = moveDown(i, width, height, copy);
						primes[height*(width-1)+(i-1)*(height-1)+j-1] = copy;
			// Otherwise, we can only make one move
			else {
				for (int i = 1; i <= height; i++) {
					primes[i-1] = moveRight(i, width, pos);

				for (int i = 1; i <= width; i++) {
					primes[i+height-1] = moveDown(i, width, height, pos);

			// P' checking for loop
			for (int i = 0; i < total; i++) {

				// If P' is INITIAL, print the moves and exit
				if (strcmp(primes[i], initial) == 0) {
					printf("%s\n", primes[i]);
					printf("%s\n", pos);

					while (getFromT(&dict, pos, 0) != NULL) {
						pos = getFromT(&dict, pos, 0);
						printf("%s\n", pos);

					// Free the sorted INITIAL and GOAL

				// Else if P' is not in the dictionary, add it to the dict and queue
				else if (!isMemberT(&dict, primes[i], 0)) {
					addT(&dict, primes[i], pos, len+1, 0);
					enQ(&moves, primes[i]);

				// Else free the storage
				else {

	// Free the sorted INITIAL and GOAL
	return 0;
Пример #7
Файл: lzw.c Проект: krishpop/LZW
// encodes the input stream by taking advantage of lzw algorithm
// also implements logic to prune the trie structure used to store the string
// table, and escapes single character codes
void encode(int e, int m, int p) {
    Trie st;
    createT(&st, e);
    int c = EMPTY;                    // same as (EMPTY, K), index of the prefix

    // int value of char k we are testing to see if c,k exists in the table
    int k;

    // number of codes you have inserted, 256 without escape flag...
    int codeCount = (e) ? 3 : 259;
    int bitCount = (e) ? 2 : 9;
    int maxbits = (m<=8 || m>20) ? 12 : m;
    int maxcodes = (1 << maxbits);
    int firstRead = false;   // if first read of k when e flag is present

    int pruneCount = 0;

    printf("%02d:%d:%d:", maxbits, p, e);
    while((k = getchar())!= EOF) {
        int ck = searchT(&st, c, k, e);    // will increment c's appearance once

        // if ck is not in the table
        if(ck<0) {
            // if prune flag & reached maxcodes, do a prune before next insert
            // into the table, putBits 0 to indicate a prune has occurred
            // a prune should likewise happen in decode
            if(c!=EMPTY) {
                putBits(bitCount, c);
            // add ck to the table as long as (e && c == EMPTY) is false
            // we will add (empty, k) to the table after this condition
            // !e and c==EMPTY will never happen, bc all chars will have been
            // added as children to empty

            // prune right before we reach maxcodes, we would have lost the next
            // code we insert anyways, now we won't lose k
            if(p&&(codeCount+1==maxcodes)) {
                putBits(bitCount, 0);
                Trie newst;
                createT(&newst, e);
                int oldCodeCount = codeCount;
                codeCount=pruneT(&st, &newst, e, oldCodeCount);
                destroyT(&st, oldCodeCount);
                st = newst;
                ungetc(k, stdin);
            if(!e || c!=EMPTY) {
                if(codeCount<maxcodes) {
                    if(tableFilled(codeCount+1)) {
                        int newSize = (codeCount+1)*2;
                        expandT(&st, newSize);
                    addT(&st, c, k, codeCount);
            // if escape flag is on and k is not yet added to the table
            if(e && searchT(&st, EMPTY, k, e) < 0) {
                putBits(bitCount, ESC); // 1 is the index of escape character
                putBits(8, k);
                if(codeCount<maxcodes) {
                    if(codeLength(codeCount+1)-codeLength(codeCount)) {
                        int newSize = (codeCount+1)*2;
                        expandT(&st, newSize);
                    addT(&st, EMPTY, k, codeCount);
                firstRead=true; // encode escaped something, don't unget(k)
                // if this happens

            c = EMPTY; // make c empty again
            if(!firstRead) {
                ungetc(k, stdin);   // put k back to start reading
            // a new character
            else {
                firstRead = false;
        else {
            c=ck; // set c to index of next code

    if(c!=EMPTY) {
        putBits(bitCount, c);

    putBits(bitCount, EOFILE);   // puts EOF
    destroyT(&st, codeCount);
Пример #8
Файл: lzw.c Проект: krishpop/LZW
// decodes using lzw algorithm
void decode() {
    int code, newcode;
    int maxbits = getFlags(2);
    int maxcodes = (1 << maxbits);

    int p = getFlags(1);
    int e = getFlags(1);

    Trie st;
    createT(&st, e);

    int bitCount = (e) ? 2 : 9;
    int codeCount = (e) ? 3 : 259;

    int oldc = EMPTY;
    bool kwk = false;
    char baseK;
    int pruneCount=0, kwkcount=0;

    while((newcode=code=getBits(bitCount))!=EOFILE) {

        // under these conditions, a valid prune can occur
        if(p && code==EMPTY) {

            Trie newst;
            createT(&newst, e);
            int oldCodeCount=codeCount;
            codeCount=pruneT(&st, &newst, e, oldCodeCount);
            destroyT(&st, oldCodeCount);

        if(newcode>=codeCount+1) {
            ERROR("code impossible to decode\n");
        // read an escaped character
        else if(e && code==ESC) {
            if(tableFilled(codeCount+1)&&bitCount!=codeLength(codeCount+1)) {
                if(bitCount<maxbits) {
            if(codeCount<maxcodes) {
                if(tableFilled(codeCount+1)) {
                    expandT(&st, (codeCount)*2);
                addT(&st, oldc, code, codeCount);
                // then we need to add the char k as it's own code
                if(oldc!=EMPTY) {
                    if(tableFilled(codeCount+1)) {
                        expandT(&st, (codeCount)*2);
                    addT(&st, EMPTY, code, codeCount);
                    if(tableFilled(codeCount)&&bitCount!=codeLength(codeCount)) {
                        if(bitCount<maxbits) {

        else { // no escape character called, would read c and k normally
            if(newcode==codeCount) {
                code=oldc; // omega, need to print k after
            baseK=outputCode(&st, code, true);
            if(kwk) {
            // oldc is empty on the first read, and when the e-flag is present
            // oldc is zero when the last character read was escaped
            if(oldc!=EMPTY) {
                if(codeCount<maxcodes) {
                    if(tableFilled(codeCount+1)) {
                        expandT(&st, (codeCount)*2);
                    addT(&st, oldc, (int)baseK, codeCount);
                    if(kwk) {
                        // we added kwk after seeing it once already in the prev
                        // scan through so we should increase its number of apps
                        // this scenario means we have kkk, without w in between
                        // so
                        if(st[st[oldc].prefix].prefix==EMPTY&&kwkcount==1) {
                    if(tableFilled(codeCount+1)) {
                        if(bitCount<maxbits&&bitCount!=codeLength(codeCount+1)) {
            } else if(e) {
                // if e-flag & last char was excaped, increase bit count if
                // table is filled now
                if(tableFilled(codeCount+1)) {
                    if(bitCount<maxbits) {
            oldc = newcode;
    destroyT(&st, codeCount);