Пример #1
CodeBlockHeader *expandCodeMemory(int size) {
    CodeBlockHeader *block;
    int inc = size < code_increment ? code_increment
                                    : ROUND(size, sys_page_size);

    if(code_size + inc > max_code_size) {
        inc = max_code_size - code_size;
        if(inc < size)
            return NULL;

    block = mmap(0, inc, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC,
                         MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANON, -1, 0);

    if(block == MAP_FAILED)
        return NULL;

    block->len = size;
    if(inc != size) {
        CodeBlockHeader *rem = (CodeBlockHeader*)((char*)block + size);

        rem->len = inc - size;
        addToFreeList(&rem, 1);

    code_size += inc;
    return block;
    void free(ExecutablePool::Allocation allocation)
        void* pointer = allocation.base();
        size_t size = allocation.size();

        // Call release to report to the operating system that this
        // memory is no longer in use, and need not be paged out.
        ASSERT(isWithinVMPool(pointer, size));
        release(pointer, size);

        // Common-sized allocations are stored in the m_commonSizedAllocations
        // vector; all other freed chunks are added to m_freeList.
        if (size == m_commonSize)
            addToFreeList(new FreeListEntry(pointer, size));

        // Do some housekeeping.  Every time we reach a point that
        // 16MB of allocations have been freed, sweep m_freeList
        // coalescing any neighboring fragments.
        m_countFreedSinceLastCoalesce += size;
        if (m_countFreedSinceLastCoalesce >= COALESCE_LIMIT) {
            m_countFreedSinceLastCoalesce = 0;
Пример #3
void freeObject( void * ptr )
	//ptr given is pointing to the usable mem

	//check the attributes of current block, get header and footer
	ObjectHeader * header = (ObjectHeader *)( (char *)ptr - sizeof(ObjectHeader) );
	int currentSize = header->_objectSize;//real size including header and footer
	ObjectFooter * footer = (ObjectFooter *)((char *)header + currentSize - sizeof(ObjectFooter));

	//check left side, get its header and footer
	ObjectFooter * footer_of_leftBlock = (ObjectFooter *) ( (char *)header - sizeof(ObjectFooter) );
	size_t leftBlockSize = footer_of_leftBlock->_objectSize;
	ObjectHeader * header_of_leftBlock = (ObjectHeader *)( (char *)footer_of_leftBlock + sizeof(ObjectFooter) - leftBlockSize );
	int leftAllocated = footer_of_leftBlock->_allocated;

	//check right side, get its header and footer
	ObjectHeader * header_of_rightBlock = (ObjectHeader *) ( (char *)header + currentSize );
	size_t rightBlockSize = header_of_rightBlock->_objectSize;
	ObjectFooter * footer_of_rightBlock = (ObjectFooter *)( (char *)header_of_rightBlock + rightBlockSize - sizeof(ObjectFooter) );
	int rightAllocated = header_of_rightBlock->_allocated;

	//try to free mem depending on the case
	//printf("leftAllocated == %d && rightAllocated == %d\n", leftAllocated, rightAllocated);

	ObjectHeader * ptr_2_add;
	if(leftAllocated == 0 && rightAllocated == 0) 
		//current block will be gone and merged with left block
		//printf("left is %d, right is %d\n", leftAllocated, rightAllocated);
		ObjectHeader * temp;
		temp = mergeMems(header_of_leftBlock, footer);//temp now is left header
		ptr_2_add = mergeMems(temp, footer_of_rightBlock);

	if(leftAllocated == 0 && rightAllocated == 1) 
		//right block will be gone and merge with already merged left two blocks;
		//printf("left is %d, right is %d\n", leftAllocated, rightAllocated);
        ptr_2_add = mergeMems(header_of_leftBlock, footer);
	if(leftAllocated == 1 && rightAllocated == 0) 
		//right block will be gone and merge with already merged left two blocks;
		//printf("left is %d, right is %d\n", leftAllocated, rightAllocated);
        ptr_2_add = mergeMems(header, footer_of_rightBlock);
	if (leftAllocated == 1 && rightAllocated == 1) 
		//printf("left is %d, right is %d\n", leftAllocated, rightAllocated);
		ptr_2_add = header;

Пример #4
void freeMethodInlinedInfo(MethodBlock *mb) {
    Instruction *instruction = mb->code;
    CodeBlockHeader **blocks = mb->code;
    QuickPrepareInfo *info;
    int i;


    /* Scan handlers within the method */

    for(i = mb->code_size; i--; instruction++) {
        char *handler = (char*)instruction->handler;
        CodeBlockHeader *block;

        if(handler >= min_entry_point || handler <= max_entry_point) {
            /* Handler is within the program text and so does
               not need freeing.  However, sequences which
               have not been rewritten yet will have associated
               preparation info. */
            if(handler == handler_entry_points[0][OPC_INLINE_REWRITER])


        /* The handler is an inlined block */
        block = ((CodeBlockHeader*)handler) - 1;

        if(block->u.ref_count <= 0) {
            /* Either a duplicate block, or a hashed block and this
               is the only reference to it.  Duplicates must be freed
               as this would be a leak.  Hashed blocks potentially
               will be re-used and so we could keep them around.
               However, we free them because it's better to free
               room for a potentially more useful sequence. */

            /* Add onto list to be freed */
            *blocks++ = block;

            if(block->u.ref_count == 0)
                deleteHashEntry(code_hash_table, block, FALSE);
        } else

    if(blocks > (CodeBlockHeader**)mb->code)
        addToFreeList(mb->code, blocks - (CodeBlockHeader**)mb->code);

    for(info = mb->quick_prepare_info; info != NULL;) {
        QuickPrepareInfo *temp = info;
        info = info->next;
Пример #5
WeakBlock::WeakBlock(PageAllocation& allocation)
    : m_allocation(allocation)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < weakImplCount(); ++i) {
        WeakImpl* weakImpl = &weakImpls()[i];
        new (NotNull, weakImpl) WeakImpl;
        addToFreeList(&m_sweepResult.freeList, weakImpl);

    ASSERT(!m_sweepResult.isNull() && m_sweepResult.blockIsFree);
Пример #6
void MemMan::setCondition(MemHandle *bsMem, uint16 pCond) {
	if ((pCond == MEM_FREED) || (pCond > MEM_DONT_FREE))
		error("MemMan::setCondition: program tried to set illegal memory condition");
	if (bsMem->cond != pCond) {
		bsMem->cond = pCond;
		if (pCond == MEM_DONT_FREE)
		else if (pCond == MEM_CAN_FREE)
Пример #7
WeakBlock::WeakBlock(CellContainer container)
    : DoublyLinkedListNode<WeakBlock>()
    , m_container(container)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < weakImplCount(); ++i) {
        WeakImpl* weakImpl = &weakImpls()[i];
        new (NotNull, weakImpl) WeakImpl;
        addToFreeList(&m_sweepResult.freeList, weakImpl);

Пример #8
// Create a new process copying p as the parent.
// Sets up stack to return as if from system call.
// Caller must set state of returned proc to RUNNABLE.
  int i, pid;
  struct proc *np;

  // Allocate process.
  if((np = allocproc()) == 0)
    return -1;

  // Copy process state from p.
  if((np->pgdir = copyuvm(proc->pgdir, proc->sz)) == 0){
    np->kstack = 0;
    np->state = UNUSED;
    return -1;
  np->sz = proc->sz;
  np->parent = proc;
  *np->tf = *proc->tf;

  // Clear %eax so that fork returns 0 in the child.
  np->tf->eax = 0;

  for(i = 0; i < NOFILE; i++)
      np->ofile[i] = filedup(proc->ofile[i]);
  np->cwd = idup(proc->cwd);

  safestrcpy(np->name, proc->name, sizeof(proc->name));
  pid = np->pid;
  np->uid = np->parent->uid;
  np->gid = np->parent->gid;

  // lock to force the compiler to emit the np->state write last.
  np->state = RUNNABLE;
  if (!setPri(np, DEF_PRI))
    cprintf("ERROR: DEF_PRI invalid. Must be between 0 and %d. Current value: %d.\n", N_PRI, DEF_PRI);
  addToPriQ(np, np->pri);
  return pid;
Пример #9
void MemMan::alloc(MemHandle *bsMem, uint32 pSize, uint16 pCond) {
	_alloced += pSize;
	bsMem->data = (void*)malloc(pSize);
	if (!bsMem->data)
		error("MemMan::alloc(): Can't alloc %d bytes of memory.", pSize);
	bsMem->cond = pCond;
	bsMem->size = pSize;
	if (pCond == MEM_CAN_FREE) {
		warning("%d Bytes alloced as FREEABLE.", pSize); // why should one want to alloc mem if it can be freed?
	} else if (bsMem->next || bsMem->prev) // it's in our _freeAble list, remove it from there
Пример #10
// Create and initialise a block in a given piece of memory of *size* bytes
block* block_create( heapAllocator* heap, void* data, size_t size ) {
	block* b = (block*)data;
	memset( b, 0, sizeof( block ));
	b->size = size - sizeof( block );
	b->data = ((u8*)data) + sizeof( block );
	b->free = true;
	b->prev = b->next = NULL;
	vAssert( size > sizeof( void* ) * 2 );
	vAssert( b->size > sizeof( block* ) * 2 );
	addToFreeList( heap, b );
	b->guard = kGuardValue;
	return b;
Пример #11
// Set up first user process.
  struct proc *p;
  extern char _binary_initcode_start[], _binary_initcode_size[];

#ifdef USE_CS333_SCHEDULER	// Initialize free list
  int i;
  for (i=0; i<NPROC; i++)
  p = allocproc();
  initproc = p;
  if((p->pgdir = setupkvm()) == 0)
    panic("userinit: out of memory?");
  inituvm(p->pgdir, _binary_initcode_start, (int)_binary_initcode_size);
  p->sz = PGSIZE;
  memset(p->tf, 0, sizeof(*p->tf));
  p->tf->cs = (SEG_UCODE << 3) | DPL_USER;
  p->tf->ds = (SEG_UDATA << 3) | DPL_USER;
  p->tf->es = p->tf->ds;
  p->tf->ss = p->tf->ds;
  p->tf->eflags = FL_IF;
  p->tf->esp = PGSIZE;
  p->tf->eip = 0;  // beginning of initcode.S

  safestrcpy(p->name, "initcode", sizeof(p->name));
  p->cwd = namei("/");
  p->uid = DEF_UID;
  p->gid = DEF_GID;

#ifdef USE_CS333_SCHEDULER	// Initialize ready list with init process
  p->state = RUNNABLE;
  if (!setPri(p, DEF_PRI))
    cprintf("ERROR: DEF_PRI invalid. Must be between 0 and %d. Current value: %d.\n", N_PRI, DEF_PRI);
  addToPriQ(p, p->pri);
  p->state = RUNNABLE;
Пример #12
// Wait for a child process to exit and return its pid.
// Return -1 if this process has no children.
  struct proc *p;
  int havekids, pid;

    // Scan through table looking for zombie children.
    havekids = 0;
    for(p = ptable.proc; p < &ptable.proc[NPROC]; p++){
      if(p->parent != proc)
      havekids = 1;
      if(p->state == ZOMBIE){
        // Found one.
        pid = p->pid;
        p->kstack = 0;
        p->state = UNUSED;
        p->pid = 0;
        p->parent = 0;
        p->name[0] = 0;
        p->killed = 0;
        return pid;

    // No point waiting if we don't have any children.
    if(!havekids || proc->killed){
      return -1;

    // Wait for children to exit.  (See wakeup1 call in proc_exit.)
    sleep(proc, &ptable.lock);  //DOC: wait-sleep
Пример #13
void WeakBlock::sweep()
    if (!m_sweepResult.isNull())

    SweepResult sweepResult;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < weakImplCount(); ++i) {
        WeakImpl* weakImpl = &weakImpls()[i];
        if (weakImpl->state() == WeakImpl::Dead)
        if (weakImpl->state() == WeakImpl::Deallocated)
            addToFreeList(&sweepResult.freeList, weakImpl);
            sweepResult.blockIsFree = false;

    m_sweepResult = sweepResult;
Пример #14
DataStackEntry *dse_alloc(void) {
    DataStackEntry *p;

    if (!(p = freeList)) {
        p = (DataStackEntry *)malloc(INCREMENT * sizeof(DataStackEntry));
        if (p) {
            int i;

            for (i = 0; i < INCREMENT; i++, p++)
            p = freeList;
    if (p)
        freeList = p->value.next;
    if (p)
        (void)memset(p, 0, sizeof(DataStackEntry));
    return p;
Пример #15
// Release a block from the heapAllocator
void heap_deallocate( heapAllocator* heap, void* data ) {
	if ( data == NULL )
	vmutex_lock( &allocator_mutex );

	// Check if it's in a bitpool
	bitpool* bit_pool = heap_findBitpoolForData( heap, data );
	if ( bit_pool ) {
		bitpool_free( bit_pool, data );
		vmutex_unlock( &allocator_mutex );

	block* b = (block*)((uint8_t*)data - sizeof( block ));
	vAssert( !b->free );
	assertBlockInvariants( b );
	printf("Allocator freed address: " xPTRf ".\n", (uintptr_t)b->data );
	b->free = true;
	addToFreeList( heap, b );
	heap->total_free += b->size;
	heap->total_allocated -= b->size;

	checkFree( heap, b );
	// Try to merge blocks
	if ( b->next && b->next->free ) {
		checkFree( heap, b->next );
		blockMerge( heap, b, b->next );

	if ( b->prev && b->prev->free ) {
		checkFree( heap, b->prev );
		blockMerge( heap, b->prev, b );

	vmutex_unlock( &allocator_mutex );
Пример #16
void WeakBlock::sweep()
    // If a block is completely empty, a sweep won't have any effect.
    if (isEmpty())

    SweepResult sweepResult;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < weakImplCount(); ++i) {
        WeakImpl* weakImpl = &weakImpls()[i];
        if (weakImpl->state() == WeakImpl::Dead)
        if (weakImpl->state() == WeakImpl::Deallocated)
            addToFreeList(&sweepResult.freeList, weakImpl);
        else {
            sweepResult.blockIsFree = false;
            if (weakImpl->state() == WeakImpl::Live)
                sweepResult.blockIsLogicallyEmpty = false;

    m_sweepResult = sweepResult;
    void* alloc(size_t size)
        void* result;

        // Freed allocations of the common size are not stored back into the main
        // m_freeList, but are instead stored in a separate vector.  If the request
        // is for a common sized allocation, check this list.
        if ((size == m_commonSize) && m_commonSizedAllocations.size()) {
            result = m_commonSizedAllocations.last();
        } else {
            // Serach m_freeList for a suitable sized chunk to allocate memory from.
            FreeListEntry* entry = m_freeList.search(size, m_freeList.GREATER_EQUAL);

            // This would be bad news.
            if (!entry) {
                // Errk!  Lets take a last-ditch desparation attempt at defragmentation...
                // Did that free up a large enough chunk?
                entry = m_freeList.search(size, m_freeList.GREATER_EQUAL);
                // No?...  *BOOM!*
                if (!entry)
            ASSERT(entry->size != m_commonSize);

            // Remove the entry from m_freeList.  But! -
            // Each entry in the tree may represent a chain of multiple chunks of the
            // same size, and we only want to remove one on them.  So, if this entry
            // does have a chain, just remove the first-but-one item from the chain.
            if (FreeListEntry* next = entry->nextEntry) {
                // We're going to leave 'entry' in the tree; remove 'next' from its chain.
                entry->nextEntry = next->nextEntry;
                next->nextEntry = 0;
                entry = next;
            } else

            // Whoo!, we have a result!
            ASSERT(entry->size >= size);
            result = entry->pointer;

            // If the allocation exactly fits the chunk we found in the,
            // m_freeList then the FreeListEntry node is no longer needed.
            if (entry->size == size)
                delete entry;
            else {
                // There is memory left over, and it is not of the common size.
                // We can reuse the existing FreeListEntry node to add this back
                // into m_freeList.
                entry->pointer = (void*)((intptr_t)entry->pointer + size);
                entry->size -= size;

        // Call reuse to report to the operating system that this memory is in use.
        ASSERT(isWithinVMPool(result, size));
        reuse(result, size);
        return result;
    // We do not attempt to coalesce addition, which may lead to fragmentation;
    // instead we periodically perform a sweep to try to coalesce neigboring
    // entries in m_freeList.  Presently this is triggered at the point 16MB
    // of memory has been released.
    void coalesceFreeSpace()
        Vector<FreeListEntry*> freeListEntries;
        SizeSortedFreeTree::Iterator iter;

        // Empty m_freeList into a Vector.
        for (FreeListEntry* entry; (entry = *iter); ++iter) {
            // Each entry in m_freeList might correspond to multiple
            // free chunks of memory (of the same size).  Walk the chain
            // (this is likely of couse only be one entry long!) adding
            // each entry to the Vector (at reseting the next in chain
            // pointer to separate each node out).
            FreeListEntry* next;
            do {
                next = entry->nextEntry;
                entry->nextEntry = 0;
            } while ((entry = next));
        // All entries are now in the Vector; purge the tree.

        // Reverse-sort the freeListEntries and m_commonSizedAllocations Vectors.
        // We reverse-sort so that we can logically work forwards through memory,
        // whilst popping items off the end of the Vectors using last() and removeLast().
        qsort(freeListEntries.begin(), freeListEntries.size(), sizeof(FreeListEntry*), reverseSortFreeListEntriesByPointer);
        qsort(m_commonSizedAllocations.begin(), m_commonSizedAllocations.size(), sizeof(void*), reverseSortCommonSizedAllocations);

        // The entries from m_commonSizedAllocations that cannot be
        // coalesced into larger chunks will be temporarily stored here.
        Vector<void*> newCommonSizedAllocations;

        // Keep processing so long as entries remain in either of the vectors.
        while (freeListEntries.size() || m_commonSizedAllocations.size()) {
            // We're going to try to find a FreeListEntry node that we can coalesce onto.
            FreeListEntry* coalescionEntry = 0;

            // Is the lowest addressed chunk of free memory of common-size, or is it in the free list?
            if (m_commonSizedAllocations.size() && (!freeListEntries.size() || (m_commonSizedAllocations.last() < freeListEntries.last()->pointer))) {
                // Pop an item from the m_commonSizedAllocations vector - this is the lowest
                // addressed free chunk.  Find out the begin and end addresses of the memory chunk.
                void* begin = m_commonSizedAllocations.last();
                void* end = (void*)((intptr_t)begin + m_commonSize);

                // Try to find another free chunk abutting onto the end of the one we have already found.
                if (freeListEntries.size() && (freeListEntries.last()->pointer == end)) {
                    // There is an existing FreeListEntry for the next chunk of memory!
                    // we can reuse this.  Pop it off the end of m_freeList.
                    coalescionEntry = freeListEntries.last();
                    // Update the existing node to include the common-sized chunk that we also found. 
                    coalescionEntry->pointer = (void*)((intptr_t)coalescionEntry->pointer - m_commonSize);
                    coalescionEntry->size += m_commonSize;
                } else if (m_commonSizedAllocations.size() && (m_commonSizedAllocations.last() == end)) {
                    // There is a second common-sized chunk that can be coalesced.
                    // Allocate a new node.
                    coalescionEntry = new FreeListEntry(begin, 2 * m_commonSize);
                } else {
                    // Nope - this poor little guy is all on his own. :-(
                    // Add him into the newCommonSizedAllocations vector for now, we're
                    // going to end up adding him back into the m_commonSizedAllocations
                    // list when we're done.
            } else {
                ASSERT(!m_commonSizedAllocations.size() || (freeListEntries.last()->pointer < m_commonSizedAllocations.last()));
                // The lowest addressed item is from m_freeList; pop it from the Vector.
                coalescionEntry = freeListEntries.last();
            // Right, we have a FreeListEntry, we just need check if there is anything else
            // to coalesce onto the end.
            while (true) {
                // Calculate the end address of the chunk we have found so far.
                void* end = (void*)((intptr_t)coalescionEntry->pointer - coalescionEntry->size);

                // Is there another chunk adjacent to the one we already have?
                if (freeListEntries.size() && (freeListEntries.last()->pointer == end)) {
                    // Yes - another FreeListEntry -pop it from the list.
                    FreeListEntry* coalescee = freeListEntries.last();
                    // Add it's size onto our existing node.
                    coalescionEntry->size += coalescee->size;
                    delete coalescee;
                } else if (m_commonSizedAllocations.size() && (m_commonSizedAllocations.last() == end)) {
                    // We can coalesce the next common-sized chunk.
                    coalescionEntry->size += m_commonSize;
                } else
                    break; // Nope, nothing to be added - stop here.

            // We've coalesced everything we can onto the current chunk.
            // Add it back into m_freeList.

        // All chunks of free memory larger than m_commonSize should be
        // back in m_freeList by now.  All that remains to be done is to
        // copy the contents on the newCommonSizedAllocations back into
        // the m_commonSizedAllocations Vector.
        ASSERT(m_commonSizedAllocations.size() == 0);
Пример #19
//when find a chunk of memory that's big enough
//to tell if needed to split and make the remainder a node in freelist
//the remainder has to be >= sizeof(header + footer) + 16 = 64 bytes
void * allocateObject( size_t size )
	//step1: check if mem is initialized
	if ( !_initialized ) {
		_initialized = 1;

	// step 2: get the actual size needed
	// Add the ObjectHeader/Footer to the size and round the total size up to a multiple of
	// 8 bytes for alignment.
	size_t roundedSize = (size + sizeof(struct ObjectHeader) + sizeof(struct ObjectFooter) + 7) & ~7;

	// step3: traverse the freelist to find the first node that's large engough
	ObjectHeader * needle = _freeList->_next;//needle points to header of the first node in the list

	int minSize = sizeof(ObjectHeader) + sizeof(ObjectFooter) + 8;

	void * ptr_2b_returned = NULL;

	//all nodes in list are free, don't need to check
	while( needle->_allocated != 2) 
	{//when it's 2, means reach the sentinel node

		size_t size_dif = (needle->_objectSize) - roundedSize;

		//step4: if the first fit found.
		if ( size_dif >= 0 ) 
			//step5: determine if the remainder is big enough
			//if so, split; if not use entire chunk as 1 node
			if (size_dif <= minSize) //one node
				//the node is for use, thus has to return mem ptr
				ptr_2b_returned = (void *)createFormattedMemChunk((char *)needle, needle->_objectSize, 1);
								//take out "Header of this node" out of the freelist

			else //split, one for use, which taken out from list; one to be added into list
				char * ptr_remainder = (char *)needle + roundedSize;//gives the starting point of remainder node

				//createFormattedMemChunk(char * ptr, size_t size) -> for node that'll be used 
				ptr_2b_returned = createFormattedMemChunk((char *)needle, roundedSize, 1);

				//createFormattedMemChunk(char * ptr, size_t size) -> for remainder node
				createFormattedMemChunk(ptr_remainder, size_dif, 0);

				//remove used and add remainder to the freelist
				//removeFromFreeList_And_addRemainderToFreeList((ObjectHeader *)needle, (ObjectHeader *)ptr_remainder);
				removeFromFreeList((ObjectHeader *)needle);
				addToFreeList((ObjectHeader *)ptr_remainder);

		needle = needle->_next;

	if (ptr_2b_returned == NULL) //meaning no available mem for the request
		//get another 2MB from OS and format it
		//needle points to the header(real one not fencepost) of the new chunk
		ObjectHeader * firstHeaderInNewChunk = getNewMemChunkFromOS_and_Initialize();
		char * ptr_remainder = (char *)firstHeaderInNewChunk + roundedSize;//header of the free chunk

		//split it and add the remainder to freeelist.
		//size needed is roundedSize
		ptr_2b_returned = createFormattedMemChunk((char *)firstHeaderInNewChunk, roundedSize, 1);//for use

        size_t size_dif = firstHeaderInNewChunk->_objectSize - roundedSize;

		ptr_remainder = createFormattedMemChunk(ptr_remainder, size_dif, 0);//remainder to be added to list

		//freelist handling
		//removeFromFreeList_And_addRemainderToFreeList((ObjectHeader *)needle, (ObjectHeader *)ptr_remainder);
		addToFreeList((ObjectHeader *)ptr_remainder);

	// Return a pointer to usable memory
	return ptr_2b_returned;

Пример #20
void dse_free(DataStackEntry *p) {