Пример #1
void GLC_Sphere::createMesh()


	GLfloatVector verticeFloat;
	GLfloatVector normalsFloat;
	GLfloatVector texelVector;

	int currentIndex=0;

	float wishedThetaStep= glc::PI / m_Discret;
	float thetaRange= m_ThetaMax-m_ThetaMin;
	int nbThetaSteps= (int) (thetaRange / wishedThetaStep) + 1 ;
	float thetaStep= thetaRange / nbThetaSteps;

	float wishedPhiStep= wishedThetaStep;
	float phiRange= m_PhiMax-m_PhiMin;
	int nbPhiSteps= (int) (phiRange / wishedPhiStep) + 1 ;
	float phiStep= phiRange / nbPhiSteps;

	float cost, sint, cosp, sinp, cospp, sinpp;
	float xi, yi, zi, xf, yf, zf;
	float theta= m_ThetaMin;
	float phi= m_PhiMin;

	GLfloatVector thetaMinWire;
	GLfloatVector thetaMaxWire;
	GLfloatVector phiMinWire;
	GLfloatVector phiMaxWire;

	GLC_Material* pMaterial;
	if (hasMaterial())
		pMaterial= this->firstMaterial();
		pMaterial= new GLC_Material();

	// shaded face
	for (int p= 0; p < nbPhiSteps; ++p)
		cosp= cos (phi);
		sinp= sin (phi);
		cospp= cos (phi + phiStep);
		sinpp= sin (phi + phiStep);

		zi = m_Radius * sinp;
		zf = m_Radius * sinpp;

		IndexList indexFace;

		theta = m_ThetaMin;
		int t;
		for (t= 0; t <= nbThetaSteps; ++t)
			cost= cos( theta );
			sint= sin( theta );

			xi= m_Radius * cost * cosp;
			yi= m_Radius * sint * cosp;
			xf= m_Radius * cost * cospp;
			yf= m_Radius * sint * cospp;

			verticeFloat << xf << yf << zf << xi << yi << zi;
			normalsFloat << cost * cospp << sint * cospp << sinpp << cost * cosp << sint * cosp << sinp;
 			texelVector << static_cast<double>(t) * 1.0 / static_cast<double>(nbThetaSteps)
						<< static_cast<double>(p) * 1.0 / static_cast<double>(nbPhiSteps)
						<< static_cast<double>(t) * 1.0 / static_cast<double>(nbThetaSteps)
						<< static_cast<double>(p+1) * 1.0 / static_cast<double>(nbPhiSteps);

			indexFace << currentIndex + 2 * t << currentIndex + 2 * t + 1 ;
			theta+= thetaStep;


		currentIndex+= 2 * t;
		addTrianglesStrip(pMaterial, indexFace);
		phi+= phiStep;


Пример #2
void GLC_Cone::createMeshAndWire()

	// Create cosinus and sinus array according to the discretion and radius
	const int vertexNumber= m_Discret + 1;
	// Normals values
	QVector<float> cosNormalArray(vertexNumber);
	QVector<float> sinNormalArray(vertexNumber);

	QVector<float> cosArray(vertexNumber);
	QVector<float> sinArray(vertexNumber);

	const double angle= (2.0 * glc::PI) / static_cast<double>(m_Discret);

	// Normal Z value
	GLC_Vector3d normalVector(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
	GLC_Matrix4x4 rotation(glc::Y_AXIS, -atan(m_Radius / m_Length));
	normalVector= rotation * normalVector;
	const float normalZ= static_cast<float>(normalVector.z());
	const double factor= normalVector.x(); // Normailsation factor

	for (int i= 0; i < vertexNumber; ++i)
		const double cosValue= cos(static_cast<double>(i) * angle);
		const double sinValue= sin(static_cast<double>(i) * angle);

		cosNormalArray[i]= static_cast<GLfloat>(factor * cosValue);
		sinNormalArray[i]= static_cast<GLfloat>(factor * sinValue);

		cosArray[i]= static_cast<GLfloat>(m_Radius * cosValue);
		sinArray[i]= static_cast<GLfloat>(m_Radius * sinValue);

	// Mesh Data
	GLfloatVector verticeVector;
	GLfloatVector normalsVector;
	GLfloatVector texelVector;

	// Wire Data
	GLfloatVector bottomWireData(vertexNumber * 3);

	const int size= vertexNumber * 3;
	verticeVector.resize(3 * size);
	normalsVector.resize(3 * size);
	texelVector.resize(2 * size);

	for (int i= 0; i < vertexNumber; ++i)
		// Bottom Mesh
		verticeVector[3 * i]= cosArray[i];
		verticeVector[3 * i + 1]= sinArray[i];
		verticeVector[3 * i + 2]= 0.0f;

		normalsVector[3 * i]= cosNormalArray[i];
		normalsVector[3 * i + 1]= sinNormalArray[i];
		normalsVector[3 * i + 2]= normalZ;

		texelVector[2 * i]= static_cast<float>(i) / static_cast<float>(m_Discret);
		texelVector[2 * i + 1]= 0.0f;

		// Bottom Wire
		bottomWireData[3 * i]= cosArray[i];
		bottomWireData[3 * i + 1]= sinArray[i];
		bottomWireData[3 * i + 2]= 0.0f;

		// Top
		verticeVector[3 * i + 3 * vertexNumber]= 0.0f;
		verticeVector[3 * i + 1 + 3 * vertexNumber]= 0.0f;
		verticeVector[3 * i + 2 + 3 * vertexNumber]= static_cast<float>(m_Length);

		normalsVector[3 * i + 3 * vertexNumber]= cosNormalArray[i];
		normalsVector[3 * i + 1 + 3 * vertexNumber]= sinNormalArray[i];
		normalsVector[3 * i + 2 + 3 * vertexNumber]= normalZ;

		texelVector[2 * i + 2 * vertexNumber]= texelVector[i];
		texelVector[2 * i + 1 + 2 * vertexNumber]= 1.0f;

		// Bottom Cap ends
		verticeVector[3 * i + 2 * 3 * vertexNumber]= cosArray[i];
		verticeVector[3 * i + 1 + 2 * 3 * vertexNumber]= sinArray[i];
		verticeVector[3 * i + 2 + 2 * 3 * vertexNumber]= 0.0f;

		normalsVector[3 * i + 2 * 3 * vertexNumber]= 0.0f;
		normalsVector[3 * i + 1 + 2 * 3 * vertexNumber]= 0.0f;
		normalsVector[3 * i + 2 + 2 * 3 * vertexNumber]= -1.0f;

		texelVector[2 * i + 2 * 2 * vertexNumber]= texelVector[i];
		texelVector[2 * i + 1 + 2 * 2 * vertexNumber]= 0.0f;


	// Add bulk data in to the mesh

	// Add polyline to wire data

	// Set the material to use
	GLC_Material* pCylinderMaterial;
	if (hasMaterial())
		pCylinderMaterial= this->firstMaterial();
		pCylinderMaterial= new GLC_Material();

	IndexList circumferenceStrips;
	// Create the index
	for (int i= 0; i < vertexNumber; ++i)
		circumferenceStrips.append(i + vertexNumber);
	addTrianglesStrip(pCylinderMaterial, circumferenceStrips);

		IndexList bottomCap;
		IndexList topCap;
		int id1= 0;
		int id2= m_Discret - 1;
		const int size= m_Discret / 2 + (m_Discret % 2);
		for (int i= 0; i < size; ++i)
			bottomCap.append(id1 + 2 * vertexNumber);
			bottomCap.append(id2 + 2 * vertexNumber);

			id1+= 1;
			id2-= 1;
		addTrianglesStrip(pCylinderMaterial, bottomCap);
