Пример #1
static void
place_arc_x(int x, int y)
    canvas_leftbut_proc = null_proc;
    canvas_middlebut_proc = null_proc;
    canvas_rightbut_proc = null_proc;
    canvas_locmove_proc = null_proc;
    canvas_ref_proc = null_proc;
    adjust_pos(x, y, fix_x, fix_y, &x, &y);
    translate_arc(new_a, x - fix_x, y - fix_y);
    if (return_proc == copy_selected) {
    } else {
	list_add_arc(&objects.arcs, new_a);
	set_lastposition(fix_x, fix_y);
	set_newposition(x, y);
	set_action_object(F_MOVE, O_ARC);
    /* turn back on all relevant markers */
    (*return_proc) ();
Пример #2
/*recebe o nome do arquivo que contem a definicao do probelma e constroi o grafo correspondente*/
Graph le_entrada(char* nome_entrada){
  FILE* input = fopen(nome_entrada, "r"); /*abre arquivo de entrada*/
  int n; /*numero de vertices*/
  Vertex origem, destino, u, v;
  Graph g;
  double cost, demanda;
  if(input == NULL){
    puts("O arquivo passado como argumento nao exite!");
  fscanf(input, "%d", &n);/*le o numero de vertices*/
  fscanf(input, "%d", &origem); /*le o vertice de origem*/
  fscanf(input, "%d", &destino); /*le o vertice de destino*/
  fscanf(input, "%lf", &demanda); /*le a quantidade de produto escoada*/
/*inicializa a rede*/  
  g = init_graph(n, origem, destino, demanda);

  while(fscanf(input, "%d %d %lf", &u,&v,&cost) != EOF){
    /*equanto o arquivo nao acabar, le vertice_origem, vertice_destino e custo_aresta*/
    add_arc(g,u,v,cost,0); /*adiciona arco lido na rede*/

  printf("A configuracao presente em %s foi lida com sucesso.\n", nome_entrada);

  return g; /*retona o grafo descrito pela entrada*/
Пример #3
void Graph::invert_arc(int from, int to)
	int length = get_arc(from, to).length;
	delete_arc(from, to);
	add_arc(to, from, length);
int main ()
  Automaton *a = create_automaton();
  int e0 = add_state(a);
  int e1 = add_state(a);
  int e2 = add_state(a);
  set_initial(a, e1);
  set_final(a, e2);
  add_arc(a, e0, e1, 1);
  add_arc(a, e1, e1, 2);
  add_arc(a, e1, e2, 3);

  return 0;
Пример #5
 * See Figure 11-2, "The Hungarian method", page 251.
 * Corresponds to lines 12--17.
static void
hm_construct_auxiliary_graph( hm_data *hm )
  int i, j;
  A.size = 0;
  for EACH_V( i )
      EXPOSED( i ) = blank;
      LABEL( i ) = blank;
       * The following data structure is not included in the Figure 11-2
       * pseudo-code implementation. It has been added to account for
       * "labeling" on certain vertices described within Example 11.1 that
       * would otherwise be missing from the Figure 11-2 implementation.
       * count[v] for any v \in V is equal to the size of the set
       * { u \in U : nhbor[u] = v }. When this set is non-empty, v is
       * considered to be "labeled". The use of this new data structure is
       * only to complete the conditional check on "labeled" statuses when
       * updating alpha within "procedure modify".
      COUNT( i ) = 0;
  for EACH_U( j )
      SLACK( j ) = INT_MAX;
       * The following initialization of nhbor[] is necessary for proper usage
       * of the count[] array, whose addition and purpose is described above.
      NHBOR( j ) = blank;
  for EACH_V( i )
      for EACH_U( j )
          if ( ALPHA( i ) + BETA( j ) == C( i, j ) )
              if ( MATE( j ) == blank )
                  EXPOSED( i ) = j;
              else if ( i != MATE( j ) )
                  add_arc( &A, i, MATE( j ) );
Пример #6
 * 读入并初始化一个图
 * @return 图的地址
 * @author jianzhang.zj
graph_type *read_graph()
    int node_num, arc_num;

    scanf("%d", &node_num);

    scanf("%d", &arc_num);

    graph_type *graph = get_graph(node_num, arc_num);

    int i, u, v, value;
    for (i = 0; i < arc_num; i ++)
        scanf("%d%d%d", &u, &v, &value);
        add_arc(graph, u, v, value);
        add_arc(graph, v, u, value);    // 仅仅是无向图的时候需要添加反向边

    return graph;
Пример #7
void Graph::create_acyclic_clique(vector<int> vertices, vector<int> lengths)
	for (int i=0; i<vertices.size(); i++)
		int from = vertices[i];
		for (int j = i+1; j < vertices.size(); j++)
			debug("adding arc from %d to %d of length %d\n", from, vertices[j], lengths[i]);
			add_arc(from, vertices[j], lengths[i]);

Пример #8
static void
init_fliparc(F_arc *old_a, int px, int py)
    F_arc	   *new_a;

    new_a = copy_arc(old_a);
    flip_arc(new_a, px, py, flip_axis);
    if (copy) {
    } else {
	draw_arc(old_a, ERASE);
	change_arc(old_a, new_a);
    /* redisplay objects under this object before it was rotated */
    /* and this arc and any other objects on top */
Пример #9
// read the set of edges: (0-1), (1-2), (2-0), (4-5)
void read(){
	n = 11; 	
	m = 19;
	G = (vlist **)malloc(n*sizeof(vlist*));	
	int i = 0;
	for(; i < n; i++){
		G[i] = NULL;
	add_arc(0,1);		// add arc a->b
	add_arc(0,2);		// add arc a->c
	add_arc(0,4);		// add arc a->e
	add_arc(1,2);		// add arc b->c
	add_arc(2,3);		// add arc c->d
	add_arc(1,3);		// add arc b->d	
	//add_arc(3,1);		// add arc d->b		uncomment this to make the graph non-dag
	add_arc(4,3);		// add arc e->d
	add_arc(4,6);		// add arc e->g
	add_arc(4,7);		// add arc e->h
	add_arc(5,4);		// add arc f->e
	add_arc(5,6);		// add arc f->g
	add_arc(5,9);		// add arc f->j
	add_arc(6,8);		// add arc g->i
	add_arc(7,3);		// add arc h->d
	add_arc(7,6);		// add arc h->g
	add_arc(7,8);		// add arc h->i
	add_arc(9,8);		// add arc j->i
	add_arc(10,5);		// add arc k->f
	add_arc(10,9);		// add arc k->j
Пример #10
 * See Figure 11-2, "The Hungarian method", page 252.
 * Corresponds to "procedure modify".
static bool
hm_modify( hm_data *hm )
  int i, j, theta_one;
   * Determine theta_one.
  theta_one = INT_MAX;
  for EACH_U( j )
      if ( 0 < SLACK( j ) && SLACK( j ) < theta_one )
          theta_one = SLACK( j );
  theta_one /= 2;
   * Update the dual variable alpha.
  for EACH_V( i )
       * The following conditional expression has been changed from its form
       * in Figure 11-2. Here, an additional check on the count[] array is
       * performed to account for a certain type of "labeling" that is
       * mentioned in the Example 11.1 walk-through but is omitted from the
       * Figure 11-2 implementation.
       * See the comments provided near the initialization of count[] in the
       * function hm_construct_auxiliary_graph().
      if ( LABEL( i ) != blank || COUNT( i ) > 0 )
          ALPHA( i ) += theta_one;
          ALPHA( i ) -= theta_one;
   * Update the dual variable beta.
  for EACH_U( j )
      if ( SLACK( j ) == 0 )
          BETA( j ) -= theta_one;
          BETA( j ) += theta_one;
   * Update slack and check for new admissible edges.
  for EACH_U( j )
      if ( SLACK( j ) > 0 )
          SLACK( j ) -= 2 * theta_one;
          if ( SLACK( j ) == 0 )
              if ( MATE( j ) == blank )
                  EXPOSED( NHBOR( j ) ) = j;
                  hm_augment( hm, NHBOR( j ) );
                  return false; /* goto endstage */
                   * The following statement corresponds to a pseudo-code
                   * command that should be removed from the else-clause of
                   * the modify procedure in Figure 11-2.
                   * LABEL( MATE( j ) ) = NHBOR( j );
                   * The inclusion of the above statement causes the arc
                   * added in one of the next statements to never be considered
                   * in following "search" sub-stages during this stage, and it
                   * partially duplicates what would happen in these sub-stages
                   * if the arc were to be considered there. The result of
                   * inclusion is (often) non-optimality of the algorithm's
                   * output.
                   * The next statement corresponds to a pseudo-code command
                   * (in the same else-clause) that should be modified
                   * slightly. In Figure 11-2, this command "pushes" mate[ u ]
                   * into Q when it should be "pushing" nhbor[ u ] instead.
                   * This is because the purpose of this command is to ensure
                   * that the soon-to-be-added arc will be considered in the
                   * next "search" sub-stage, and consideration is dependent
                   * upon the arc-tail, not the arc-head.
                  stack_push( &Q, NHBOR( j ) ); /* Note modification */
                  add_arc( &A, NHBOR( j ), MATE( j ) );
  return true;
Пример #11
int Table::read_file(const string &filename) {

    pair<map<string, size_t>::iterator, bool> ret;

    istream *infile;

    if (filename.empty()) {
      infile = &cin;
    } else {
      infile = new ifstream(filename.c_str());
      if (!infile) {
          error("Cannot open file", filename.c_str());
    size_t delim_len = delim.length();
    size_t linenum = 0;
    string line; // current line
    while (getline(*infile, line)) {
        string from, to; // from and to fields
        size_t from_idx, to_idx; // indices of from and to nodes
        size_t pos = line.find(delim);
        if (pos != string::npos) {
            from = line.substr(0, pos);
            if (!numeric) {
                from_idx = insert_mapping(from);
            } else {
                from_idx = strtol(from.c_str(), NULL, 10);
            to = line.substr(pos + delim_len);
            if (!numeric) {
                to_idx = insert_mapping(to);
            } else {
                to_idx = strtol(to.c_str(), NULL, 10);
            add_arc(from_idx, to_idx);

        if (linenum && ((linenum % 100000) == 0)) {
            cerr << "read " << linenum << " lines, "
                 << rows.size() << " vertices" << endl;


    cerr << "read " << linenum << " lines, "
         << rows.size() << " vertices" << endl;


    if (infile != &cin) {
        delete infile;
    return 0;
Пример #12
main(int argc, char *argv[])
	BUF *b;
	int c, n;
	FILE *fp;
	int bsize, ch, nused;
	BUF bufs[2];


	fp = NULL;
	while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "dlq")) != -1)
		switch (ch) {
		case 'd':
			debug = 1;
		case 'l':
			longest = 1;
		case 'q':
			quiet = 1;
		case '?':
	argc -= optind;
	argv += optind;

	switch (argc) {
	case 0:
		fp = stdin;
	case 1:
		if ((fp = fopen(*argv, "r")) == NULL)
			err(1, "%s", *argv);

	for (b = bufs, n = 2; --n >= 0; b++)
		b->b_buf = grow_buf(NULL, b->b_bsize = 1024);

	/* parse input and build the graph */
	for (n = 0, c = getc(fp);;) {
		while (c != EOF && isspace(c))
			c = getc(fp);
		if (c == EOF)

		nused = 0;
		b = &bufs[n];
		bsize = b->b_bsize;
		do {
			b->b_buf[nused++] = c;
			if (nused == bsize)
				b->b_buf = grow_buf(b->b_buf, bsize *= 2);
			c = getc(fp);
		} while (c != EOF && !isspace(c));

		b->b_buf[nused] = '\0';
		b->b_bsize = bsize;
		if (n)
			add_arc(bufs[0].b_buf, bufs[1].b_buf);
		n = !n;
	if (n)
		errx(1, "odd data count");

	/* do the sort */