Пример #1
void vsx_widget_popup_menu::init_extra_commands()
  vsx_command_s* t;
  while ( (t = commands.pop()) )
Пример #2
static void show_cmd_usage(Jim_Interp *interp, const jim_subcmd_type * command_table, int argc,
    Jim_Obj *const *argv)
    Jim_SetResult(interp, Jim_NewEmptyStringObj(interp));
    Jim_AppendStrings(interp, Jim_GetResult(interp), "Usage: \"", Jim_String(argv[0]),
        " command ... \", where command is one of: ", NULL);
    add_commands(interp, command_table, ", ");
Пример #3
static void bad_subcmd(Jim_Interp *interp, const jim_subcmd_type * command_table, const char *type,
    Jim_Obj *cmd, Jim_Obj *subcmd)
    Jim_SetResult(interp, Jim_NewEmptyStringObj(interp));
    Jim_AppendStrings(interp, Jim_GetResult(interp), Jim_String(cmd), ", ", type,
        " command \"", Jim_String(subcmd), "\": should be ", NULL);
    add_commands(interp, command_table, ", ");
Пример #4
void vsx_widget_popup_menu::init()

  widget_type = VSX_WIDGET_TYPE_2D_MENU_POPUP;
  coord_related_parent = false;
  render_type = render_2d;

  topmost = true;
  visible = 0;

  vsx_command_s* t;
  while ( (t = commands.pop()) )
  init_run = true;
Пример #5
  void vsx_widget_popup_menu::init() {
    if (init_run) return;
    widget_type = VSX_WIDGET_TYPE_2D_MENU_POPUP;
    coord_type = VSX_WIDGET_COORD_CORNER;
    coord_related_parent = false;

    topmost = true;
    row_size = 0.02;
    visible = 0;
    over = 0;
    oversub = false;

    vsx_command_s* t;
    while ( (t = commands.get()) ) {

    init_run = true;
Пример #6
TclTextInterp::TclTextInterp(VMDApp *vmdapp, int guienabled, int mpienabled)
: app(vmdapp) {
  interp = Tcl_CreateInterp();
#if 0
  Tcl_InitMemory(interp); // enable Tcl memory debugging features
                          // when compiled with TCL_MEM_DEBUG

  commandPtr = Tcl_NewObj();
  consoleisatty = vmd_isatty(0); // whether we're interactive or not
  ignorestdin = 0;
  gotPartial = 0;
  needPrompt = 1;
  callLevel = 0;
  starttime = delay = 0;

#if defined(VMDMPI)
  // MPI builds of VMD cannot try to read any command input from the 
  // console because it creates shutdown problems, at least with MPICH.
  // File-based command input is fine however.
  // don't check for interactive console input if running in parallel
  if (mpienabled)
    ignorestdin = 1;

#if defined(ANDROIDARMV7A)
  // For the time being, the Android builds won't attempt to get any
  // console input.  Any input we're going to get is going to come via
  // some means other than stdin, such as a network socket, text box, etc.
  // Don't check for interactive console input if compiled for Android
  ignorestdin = 1;

  // set tcl_interactive, lets us run unix commands as from a shell
#if !defined(VMD_NANOHUB)
  Tcl_SetVar(interp, "tcl_interactive", "1", 0);
  Tcl_SetVar(interp, "tcl_interactive", "0", 0);

  Tcl_Channel channel;
#define CLIENT_READ	(3)
#define CLIENT_WRITE	(4)
  channel = Tcl_MakeFileChannel((ClientData)CLIENT_READ, TCL_READABLE);
  if (channel != NULL) {
      const char *result;

      Tcl_RegisterChannel(interp, channel);
      result = Tcl_SetVar2(interp, "vmd_client", "read", 
      if (result == NULL) {
	  fprintf(stderr, "can't create variable for client read channel\n");
  channel = Tcl_MakeFileChannel((ClientData)CLIENT_WRITE, TCL_WRITABLE);
  if (channel != NULL) {
      const char *result;

      Tcl_RegisterChannel(interp, channel);
      result = Tcl_SetVar2(interp, "vmd_client", "write", 
      if (result == NULL) {
	  fprintf(stderr, "can't create variable for client write channel\n");
  write(CLIENT_WRITE, "vmd 1.0\n", 8);

  // pass our instance of VMDApp to a hash table assoc. with the interpreter 
  Tcl_SetAssocData(interp, "VMDApp", NULL, app);
  // Set up argc, argv0, and argv variables
    char argcbuf[20];
    sprintf(argcbuf, "%d", app->argc_m);
    Tcl_SetVar(interp, "argc", argcbuf, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);
    // it might be better to use the same thing that was passed to
    // Tcl_FindExecutable, but this is now
    Tcl_SetVar(interp, "argv0", app->argv_m[0], TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);
    char *args = Tcl_Merge(app->argc_m-1, app->argv_m+1);
    Tcl_SetVar(interp, "argv", args, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);

#if defined(_MSC_VER) && TCL_MINOR_VERSION >= 4
  // The Windows versions of Tcl 8.5.x have trouble finding
  // the Tcl library subdirectory for unknown reasons.
  // We force the appropriate env variables to be set in Tcl, 
  // despite Windows.
    char vmdinitscript[4096];
    char * tcl_library = getenv("TCL_LIBRARY");
    char * tk_library = getenv("TK_LIBRARY");

    if (tcl_library) {
      sprintf(vmdinitscript, "set env(TCL_LIBRARY) {%s}", tcl_library);
      if (Tcl_Eval(interp, vmdinitscript) != TCL_OK) {
        msgErr << Tcl_GetStringResult(interp) << sendmsg;
    if (tk_library) {
      sprintf(vmdinitscript, "set env(TK_LIBRARY) {%s}", tk_library);
      if (Tcl_Eval(interp, vmdinitscript) != TCL_OK) {
        msgErr << Tcl_GetStringResult(interp) << sendmsg;

  if (Tcl_Init(interp) == TCL_ERROR) {  // new with 7.6
    msgErr << "Tcl startup error: " << Tcl_GetStringResult(interp) << sendmsg;

#ifdef VMDTK
  // and the Tk commands (but only if a GUI is available!)
  if (guienabled) {
    if (Tk_Init(interp) == TCL_ERROR) {
      msgErr << "Tk startup error: " << Tcl_GetStringResult(interp) << sendmsg;
    } else {
      Tcl_StaticPackage(interp,  "Tk",
                        (Tcl_PackageInitProc *) Tk_Init,
                        (Tcl_PackageInitProc *) NULL);
  } // end of check that GUI is allowed
Пример #7
const jim_subcmd_type *Jim_ParseSubCmd(Jim_Interp *interp, const jim_subcmd_type * command_table,
    int argc, Jim_Obj *const *argv)
    const jim_subcmd_type *ct;
    const jim_subcmd_type *partial = 0;
    int cmdlen;
    Jim_Obj *cmd;
    const char *cmdstr;
    const char *cmdname;
    int help = 0;

    cmdname = Jim_String(argv[0]);

    if (argc < 2) {
        Jim_SetResult(interp, Jim_NewEmptyStringObj(interp));
        Jim_AppendStrings(interp, Jim_GetResult(interp), "wrong # args: should be \"", cmdname,
            " command ...\"\n", NULL);
        Jim_AppendStrings(interp, Jim_GetResult(interp), "Use \"", cmdname, " -help ?command?\" for help", NULL);
        return 0;

    cmd = argv[1];

    /* Check for the help command */
    if (Jim_CompareStringImmediate(interp, cmd, "-help")) {
        if (argc == 2) {
            /* Usage for the command, not the subcommand */
            show_cmd_usage(interp, command_table, argc, argv);
            return &dummy_subcmd;
        help = 1;

        /* Skip the 'help' command */
        cmd = argv[2];

    /* Check for special builtin '-commands' command first */
    if (Jim_CompareStringImmediate(interp, cmd, "-commands")) {
        /* Build the result here */
        Jim_SetResult(interp, Jim_NewEmptyStringObj(interp));
        add_commands(interp, command_table, " ");
        return &dummy_subcmd;

    cmdstr = Jim_GetString(cmd, &cmdlen);

    for (ct = command_table; ct->cmd; ct++) {
        if (Jim_CompareStringImmediate(interp, cmd, ct->cmd)) {
            /* Found an exact match */
        if (strncmp(cmdstr, ct->cmd, cmdlen) == 0) {
            if (partial) {
                /* Ambiguous */
                if (help) {
                    /* Just show the top level help here */
                    show_cmd_usage(interp, command_table, argc, argv);
                    return &dummy_subcmd;
                bad_subcmd(interp, command_table, "ambiguous", argv[0], argv[1 + help]);
                return 0;
            partial = ct;

    /* If we had an unambiguous partial match */
    if (partial && !ct->cmd) {
        ct = partial;

    if (!ct->cmd) {
        /* No matching command */
        if (help) {
            /* Just show the top level help here */
            show_cmd_usage(interp, command_table, argc, argv);
            return &dummy_subcmd;
        bad_subcmd(interp, command_table, "unknown", argv[0], argv[1 + help]);
        return 0;

    if (help) {
        Jim_SetResultString(interp, "Usage: ", -1);
        /* subcmd */
        add_cmd_usage(interp, ct, argv[0]);
        return &dummy_subcmd;

    /* Check the number of args */
    if (argc - 2 < ct->minargs || (ct->maxargs >= 0 && argc - 2 > ct->maxargs)) {
        Jim_SetResultString(interp, "wrong # args: should be \"", -1);
        /* subcmd */
        add_cmd_usage(interp, ct, argv[0]);
        Jim_AppendStrings(interp, Jim_GetResult(interp), "\"", NULL);

        return 0;

    /* Good command */
    return ct;