Пример #1
static int
get_nodes (const char *nodename,
	   const struct addrinfo *hints,
	   int port, int protocol, int socktype,
	   struct addrinfo **res)
    struct addrinfo *first = NULL;
    struct addrinfo **current = &first;
    int family = PF_UNSPEC;
    int flags  = 0;
    int ret = EAI_NONAME;
    int error;

    if (hints != NULL) {
	family = hints->ai_family;
	flags  = hints->ai_flags;

#ifdef HAVE_IPV6
    if (family == PF_INET6 || family == PF_UNSPEC) {
	struct hostent *he;

	he = getipnodebyname (nodename, PF_INET6, 0, &error);

	if (he != NULL) {
	    ret = add_hostent (port, protocol, socktype,
			       &current, const_v6, he, &flags);
	    freehostent (he);
    if (family == PF_INET || family == PF_UNSPEC) {
	struct hostent *he;

	he = getipnodebyname (nodename, PF_INET, 0, &error);

	if (he != NULL) {
	    ret = add_hostent (port, protocol, socktype,
			       &current, const_v4, he, &flags);
	    freehostent (he);
    *res = first;
    return ret;
Пример #2
mono_get_address_info (const char *hostname, int port, int flags, MonoAddressInfo **result)
	MonoAddressInfo *addr_info;
	addr_info = g_new0 (MonoAddressInfo, 1);

	if (flags & MONO_HINT_IPV6 || flags & MONO_HINT_UNSPECIFIED)
		add_hostent (addr_info, flags, gethostbyname2 (hostname, AF_INET6));
	if (flags & MONO_HINT_IPV4 || flags & MONO_HINT_UNSPECIFIED)
		add_hostent (addr_info, flags, gethostbyname2 (hostname, AF_INET));
	add_hostent (addr_info, flags, gethostbyname (hostname))

	if (!addr_info->entries) {
		*result = NULL;
		mono_free_address_info (addr_info);
		return 1;		

	*result = addr_info;
	return 0;
Пример #3
int main (void)
  const struct hostent *h;
  const char *host_name = "test-host";
  int   wait_time;
  DWORD addr_list [MAX_ADDRESSES+1];


  wait_time = netdbCacheLife + 1;
  memset (&addr_list, 0, sizeof(addr_list));
  addr_list[0] = htonl (_inet_addr(""));
  addr_list[1] = htonl (_inet_addr(""));
  addr_list[2] = htonl (_inet_addr(""));
  addr_list[3] = htonl (_inet_addr(""));
  addr_list[4] = INADDR_NONE;

  SOCK_DEBUGF (("\nadd_hostent: `%s'", host_name));
  add_hostent (NULL, host_name, "some.cname.org", &addr_list[1],
               addr_list[0], netdbCacheLife);
  h = gethostbyname (host_name);
  if (!h)
    fprintf (stderr, "gethostbyname() failed!. h_errno = %d\n", h_errno);
    return (1);
  fprintf (stderr, "Waiting for cache-entry to timeout..");
  Sleep (wait_time);

  fprintf (stderr, "gethostbyname() should do a DNS lookup now.\n");
  h = gethostbyname (host_name);
  if (h)
     fprintf (stderr, "entry didn't timeout!.\n");

#if defined(USE_FORTIFY)
  return (0);
Пример #4
static BOOL gethostbyaddr_internal (const char *addr_name, int len, int type,
                                    struct _hostent *ret)
  static char name [MAX_HOSTLEN];
  struct _hostent *h = NULL;
  DWORD  addr;
  BOOL   rc;
  time_t now;

  h_errno = HOST_NOT_FOUND;
  did_lookup = FALSE;
  from_where = NULL;
  _resolve_exit = _resolve_timeout = 0;
  memset (ret, 0, sizeof(*ret));

  if (type != AF_INET || len < SIZEOF(addr))
    h_errno = NO_RECOVERY;
    return (FALSE);

  if (!netdb_init())
    h_errno = NO_RECOVERY;
    return (FALSE);

  addr = *(DWORD*) addr_name;

  if ((addr == INADDR_ANY ||           /* -> my_ip_addr */
       addr == gethostid()) &&
      gethostname(name,sizeof(name)) == 0)
    /** \todo Should return all our addresses if we're multihomed.
    ret->h_num_addr   = 1;
    ret->h_address[0] = gethostid();
    ret->h_name       = name;
    from_where = "sethostname";
    return (TRUE);

  if (addr == INADDR_BROADCAST ||      /*    */
      (~ntohl(addr) & ~sin_mask) == 0) /* directed broadcast */
    ret->h_num_addr   = 1;
    ret->h_address[0] = addr;
    ret->h_name       = "broadcast";
    return (TRUE);

  now = time (NULL);

  /* If called from getnameinfo() with AI_CANONNAME, we
   * should not search the host0 list. But do a full reeverse
   * lookup.
  if (called_from_getai)
     goto expired;

  for (h = host0; h; h = h->h_next)
    int i;

    for (i = 0; h->h_address[i] != INADDR_NONE && i < h->h_num_addr; i++)
      if (addr == h->h_address[i])
        /* if cached entry expired, do a new reverse lookup
        if (h->h_timeout && now > h->h_timeout)
           goto expired;

        *ret = *h;
        return (TRUE);


  /* do a reverse ip lookup
  did_lookup = TRUE;
  rc = reverse_resolve_ip4 (addr, name, sizeof(name));

  /* interrupted or timedout
  if (!rc && (_resolve_exit || _resolve_timeout))
     return (FALSE);

  if (rc)     /* successfully resolved */
    h = add_hostent (h, name, dom_cname, NULL, addr, dom_ttl);
    /** \todo should be the new aliases */
    return (h ? *ret = *h, TRUE : FALSE);

  /* Add the IP to the list even if reverse lookup failed and not
   * interrupted by _resolve_hook(). Thus the next call to gethostbyxx()
   * will return immediately.
  add_hostent (h, "*unknown*", NULL, NULL, addr, 0UL);
  return (FALSE);
Пример #5
static BOOL gethostbyname_internal (const char *name, const char **alias,
                                    struct _hostent *ret)
  static char our_name [MAX_HOSTLEN];
  struct in_addr  addr;
  struct _hostent *h;
  time_t now;
  DWORD  ip;

  h_errno = HOST_NOT_FOUND;
  did_lookup = FALSE;
  from_where = NULL;

  _resolve_exit = _resolve_timeout = 0;
  memset (ret, 0, sizeof(*ret));
  *alias = NULL;

  if (!netdb_init())
    h_errno = NO_RECOVERY;
    return (FALSE);

  if (inet_aton(name,&addr))
    /** \todo should be canonical name */
    ret->h_name       = (char*) name;
    ret->h_address[0] = addr.s_addr;
    ret->h_num_addr   = 1;
    return (TRUE);

  now = time (NULL);

  for (h = host0; h; h = h->h_next)
    int i;

    if (h->h_name && !stricmp(h->h_name,name))
      /* if cached entry expired, do DNS lookup
      if (h->h_timeout && now > h->h_timeout)
         goto expired;

      *ret = *h;
      return (h->h_address[0] != INADDR_NONE ? TRUE : FALSE);
    for (i = 0; h->h_aliases[i] && i < MAX_HOST_ALIASES; i++)
        if (!stricmp(name,h->h_aliases[i]))
          if (h->h_timeout && now > h->h_timeout)
             goto expired;

          *alias = h->h_aliases[i];
          *ret = *h;
          return (h->h_address[0] != INADDR_NONE ? TRUE : FALSE);

  /* Not found in linked list (hosts file or cache). Check name
   * against our own host-name (short-name or FQDN).
   * \todo Should return all our addresses if we're multihomed.
  if (hostname[0] && !stricmp(name,hostname))
    ret->h_num_addr   = 1;
    ret->h_address[0] = gethostid();
    ret->h_name       = hostname;
    from_where = "sethostname";
    return (TRUE);

  if (!gethostname(our_name,sizeof(our_name)) && !stricmp(name,our_name))
    ret->h_num_addr   = 1;
    ret->h_address[0] = gethostid();
    ret->h_name       = our_name;
    from_where = "sethostname";
    return (TRUE);


  if (called_from_resolve) /* prevent recursion */
     return (FALSE);

  /* Do a full DNS lookup
  called_from_ghbn = TRUE;
  ip = resolve (name);       /* do a normal lookup */
  called_from_ghbn = FALSE;
  did_lookup = TRUE;

  if (_resolve_exit ||   /* interrupted or other fail */
      _resolve_timeout)  /* timed out resolving */
     return (FALSE);

  if (ip)                /* successfully resolved */
    h = add_hostent (h, name, dom_cname, dom_a4list, htonl(ip), dom_ttl);
    return (h ? *ret = *h, TRUE : FALSE);

  /* Add the name to the list even if we got a negative DNS reply.
   * Thus the next call to gethostbyxx() will return immediately.
  add_hostent (h, name, NULL, NULL, INADDR_NONE, netdbCacheLife);
  return (FALSE);