static void wildcard_predicate(parser_context *context) { enter_state(context, ST_WILDCARD_PREDICATE); skip_ws(context); if('*' == get_char(context)) { context->result.code = JSONPATH_SUCCESS; consume_char(context); add_predicate(context, WILDCARD); } else { unexpected_value(context, '*'); } }
static void subscript_predicate(parser_context *context) { enter_state(context, ST_SUBSCRIPT_PREDICATE); size_t mark = context->cursor; uint_fast32_t subscript = integer(context); if(JSONPATH_SUCCESS != context->result.code) { reset(context, mark); return; } skip_ws(context); if(']' != get_char(context)) { reset(context, mark); context->result.code = ERR_EXTRA_JUNK_AFTER_PREDICATE; return; } predicate *pred = add_predicate(context, SUBSCRIPT); pred->subscript.index = (size_t)subscript; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i, j; samp_table_t *table = &samp_table; char *fr_args[] = {"Person", "Person", NULL}; char *other_args[] = {"Person", NULL}; rand_reset(); // May be reset in options // decode_options(argc, argv); init_samp_table(table); sort_table_t *sort_table = &table->sort_table; var_table_t *var_table = &table->var_table; atom_table_t *atom_table = &table->atom_table; /* Declare all sorts: */ add_sort(sort_table, "Person"); /* Declare all constants: */ add_constant("Ann", "Person", table); add_constant("Bob", "Person", table); add_constant("Carl", "Person", table); add_constant("Dee", "Person", table); add_constant("Earl", "Person", table); add_constant("Fran", "Person", table); /* The "witness" arg is simply a direct (1) / indirect (0) indicator: */ /* Declare all predicates: */ add_predicate("Fr", fr_args, 0, table); add_predicate("Sm", other_args, 0, table); add_predicate("Ca", other_args, 0, table); add_predicate("Frl", other_args, 0, table); double weight = 1.0; double maxweight = DBL_MAX; input_atom_t *atom; input_fmla_t *fmla; input_formula_t *formula; /* Now add the formulae - we should inspect this for regularities that can be incorporated into a higher-level API. */ // add [x] ~Fr(x,x); char *var[] = { "x", NULL }; char *args1[] = { "x", "x", NULL }; atom = make_atom("Fr", args1, 0); fmla = make_fmla(NOT, atom_to_fmla(atom), NULL); formula = make_formula(var, fmla); add_cnf(NULL, formula, maxweight, NULL, 1); // add [x, y, z] Fr(x, y) and Fr(y, z) => Fr(x, z) 0.7; char *vars2[] = { "x", "y", "z", NULL }; char *a1[] = { "x", "y", NULL }; char *a2[] = { "y", "z", NULL }; char *a3[] = { "x", "z", NULL }; fmla = make_fmla(AND, atom_to_fmla(make_atom("Fr", a1, 0)), atom_to_fmla(make_atom("Fr", a2, 0))); fmla = make_fmla(IMPLIES, fmla, atom_to_fmla(make_atom("Fr", a3, 0))); formula = make_formula(vars2, fmla); add_cnf(NULL, formula, 0.7, NULL, 1); // add [x, y] Fr(x, y) => ~Frl(x); input_atom_t *atom1; char *vars3[] = { "x", "y", NULL }; char *b1[] = { "x", "y", NULL }; char *b2[] = { "x", NULL }; char *b3[] = { "y", NULL }; atom = make_atom("Fr", b1, 0); atom1 = make_atom("Frl", b2, 0); fmla = make_fmla(NOT, atom_to_fmla(atom1), NULL); fmla = make_fmla(IMPLIES, atom_to_fmla(atom), fmla); formula = make_formula(vars3, fmla); add_cnf(NULL, formula, maxweight, NULL, 1); // add [x] Frl(x) => Sm(x) 2.3; fmla = make_fmla(IMPLIES, atom_to_fmla(make_atom("Frl", b2, 0)), atom_to_fmla(make_atom("Sm", b2, 0))); formula = make_formula(b2, fmla); add_cnf(NULL, formula, 2.3, NULL, 1); // add [x] Sm(x) => Ca(x) 1.5; fmla = make_fmla(IMPLIES, atom_to_fmla(make_atom("Sm", b2, 0)), atom_to_fmla(make_atom("Ca", b2, 0))); formula = make_formula(b2, fmla); add_cnf(NULL, formula, 1.5, NULL, 1); // add [x, y] Fr(x, y) implies (Sm(x) iff Sm(y)) 1.1; fmla = make_fmla(IMPLIES, atom_to_fmla(make_atom("Sm", b2, 0)), make_fmla(IFF, atom_to_fmla(make_atom("Sm", b2, 0)), atom_to_fmla(make_atom("Sm", b3, 0))) ); formula = make_formula(b1, fmla); add_cnf(NULL, formula, 1.1, NULL, 1); //add Fr(Ann, Bob); char *ann_bob[] = { "Ann", "Bob", NULL }; formula = make_formula(NULL, atom_to_fmla(make_atom("Fr", ann_bob, 0))); add_cnf(NULL, formula, DBL_MAX, NULL, 1); //add Fr(Bob, Carl); char *bob_carl[] = { "Bob", "Carl", NULL }; formula = make_formula(NULL, atom_to_fmla(make_atom("Fr", bob_carl, 0))); add_cnf(NULL, formula, DBL_MAX, NULL, 1); //add Fr(Dee, Earl); char *dee_earl[] = { "Dee", "Earl", NULL }; formula = make_formula(NULL, atom_to_fmla(make_atom("Fr", dee_earl, 0))); add_cnf(NULL, formula, DBL_MAX, NULL, 1); // Now solve: mc_sat(table, lazy_mcsat(), 10000, // get_max_samples(), get_sa_probability(), get_sa_temperature(), get_rvar_probability(), get_max_flips(), get_max_extra_flips(), get_mcsat_timeout(), get_burn_in_steps(), get_samp_interval()); // Print the results: dumptable(ALL, table); }
static void slice_predicate(parser_context *context) { enter_state(context, ST_SLICE_PREDICATE); int_fast32_t from = INT_FAST32_MIN; int_fast32_t to = INT_FAST32_MAX; int_fast32_t extent = 1; predicate *pred = add_predicate(context, SLICE); if(!look_for(context, ":")) { parser_trace("slice: uh oh! no ':' found, aborting..."); context->result.code = ERR_UNSUPPORTED_PRED_TYPE; return; } skip_ws(context); if(isdigit(get_char(context)) || '-' == get_char(context) || '+' == get_char(context)) { parser_trace("slice: parsing from value..."); from = signed_integer(context); if(JSONPATH_SUCCESS != context->result.code) { parser_trace("slice: uh oh! couldn't parse from value, aborting..."); return; } parser_trace("slice: found from value: %d", to); pred->slice.specified |= SLICE_FROM; } else { parser_trace("slice: no from value specified"); } skip_ws(context); if(':' != get_char(context)) { parser_trace("slice: uh oh! missing ':' between from and to, aborting..."); unexpected_value(context, ':'); return; } consume_char(context); skip_ws(context); if(isdigit(get_char(context)) || '-' == get_char(context) || '+' == get_char(context)) { parser_trace("slice: parsing to value..."); to = signed_integer(context); if(JSONPATH_SUCCESS != context->result.code) { parser_trace("slice: uh oh! couldn't parse to value, aborting..."); return; } parser_trace("slice: found to value: %d", to); pred->slice.specified |= SLICE_TO; } else { parser_trace("slice: no to value specified"); } skip_ws(context); if(':' == get_char(context)) { consume_char(context); skip_ws(context); if(isdigit(get_char(context)) || '-' == get_char(context) || '+' == get_char(context)) { parser_trace("slice: parsing step value..."); extent = signed_integer(context); if(JSONPATH_SUCCESS != context->result.code) { parser_trace("slice: uh oh! couldn't parse step value, aborting..."); return; } if(0 == extent) { parser_trace("slice: uh oh! couldn't parse step value, aborting..."); context->result.code = ERR_STEP_CANNOT_BE_ZERO; return; } parser_trace("slice: found step value: %d", extent); pred->slice.specified |= SLICE_STEP; } else { parser_trace("slice: no step value specified"); } } context->result.code = JSONPATH_SUCCESS; pred->slice.from = from; pred-> = to; pred->slice.step = extent; }