Пример #1

    wxASSERT( !ss || dynamic_cast<SEARCH_STACK*>( GetElem( PROJECT::ELEM_SCH_SEARCH_STACK ) ) );

    if( !ss )
        ss = new SEARCH_STACK();

        // Make PROJECT the new SEARCH_STACK owner.
        SetElem( PROJECT::ELEM_SCH_SEARCH_STACK, ss );

        // to the empty SEARCH_STACK for SchSearchS(), add project dir as first
        ss->AddPaths( m_project_name.GetPath() );

        // next add the paths found in *.pro, variable "LibDir"
        wxString        libDir;

            PART_LIBS::LibNamesAndPaths( this, false, &libDir );
        catch( const IO_ERROR& DBG( ioe ) )
            DBG(printf( "%s: %s\n", __func__, TO_UTF8( ioe.What() ) );)

        if( !!libDir )
            wxArrayString   paths;

            SEARCH_STACK::Split( &paths, libDir );

            for( unsigned i =0; i<paths.GetCount();  ++i )
                wxString path = AbsolutePath( paths[i] );

                ss->AddPaths( path );     // at the end

        // append all paths from aSList
        add_search_paths( ss, Kiface().KifaceSearch(), -1 );

        // addLibrarySearchPaths( SEARCH_STACK* aSP, wxConfigBase* aCfg )
        // This is undocumented, but somebody wanted to store !schematic!
        // library search paths in the .kicad_common file?
        add_search_paths( ss, Pgm().CommonSettings(), -1 );
Пример #2
wxConfigBase* PROJECT::configCreate( const SEARCH_STACK& aSList, const wxString& aFileName,
            const wxString& aGroupName, bool aForceUseLocalConfig )
    wxConfigBase*   cfg = 0;

    wxFileName      fn = aFileName;
    fn.SetExt( ProjectFileExtension );

    wxString        cur_pro_fn = fn.GetFullPath();

    // is there an edge transition, a change in m_project_filename?
    if( m_project_name != cur_pro_fn )

        // to the empty lists, add project dir as first
        m_sch_search.AddPaths( fn.GetPath() );

        // append all paths from aSList
        add_search_paths( &m_sch_search, aSList, -1 );

        // addLibrarySearchPaths( SEARCH_STACK* aSP, wxConfigBase* aCfg )
        // This is undocumented, but somebody wanted to store !schematic!
        // library search paths in the .kicad_common file?
        add_search_paths( &m_sch_search, Pgm().CommonSettings(), -1 );

#if 1 && defined(DEBUG)
        m_sch_search.Show( __func__ );

    // Init local config filename
    if( aForceUseLocalConfig || fn.FileExists() )
        cfg = new wxFileConfig( wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, cur_pro_fn, wxEmptyString );


        if( aForceUseLocalConfig )
            SetProjectFullName( cur_pro_fn );
            return cfg;

        /* Check the application version against the version saved in the
         * project file.
         * TODO: Push the version test up the stack so that when one of the
         *       KiCad application version changes, the other applications
         *       settings do not get updated.  Practically, this can go away.
         *       It isn't used anywhere as far as I know (WLS).

        cfg->SetPath( aGroupName );

        int def_version = 0;
        int version = cfg->Read( wxT( "version" ), def_version );

        if( version > 0 )
            cfg->SetPath( wxCONFIG_PATH_SEPARATOR );
            SetProjectFullName( cur_pro_fn );
            return cfg;
        else    // Version incorrect
            wxLogDebug( wxT( "Project file version is zero, not using this old project file, going with template." ) );
            delete cfg;
            cfg = 0;

    // No suitable pro file was found, either does not exist, or is too old.
    // Use the template kicad.pro file.  Find it by using caller's SEARCH_STACK.
    wxString templateFile = wxT( "kicad." ) + ProjectFileExtension;
    wxString kicad_pro_template = aSList.FindValidPath( templateFile );

    if( !kicad_pro_template )
        wxLogDebug( wxT( "Template file <%s> not found using search paths." ),
                    GetChars( templateFile ) );

        wxFileName  templ( wxStandardPaths::Get().GetDocumentsDir(),
                            wxT( "kicad" ), ProjectFileExtension );

        if( !templ.IsFileReadable() )
            wxString msg = wxString::Format( _( "Unable to find %s template config file." ),
                                             GetChars( templateFile ) );

            DisplayError( NULL, msg );

            return NULL;

        kicad_pro_template = templ.GetFullPath();

    // The project config file is not found (happens for new projects,
    // or if the schematic editor is run outside an existing project
    // In this case the default template (kicad.pro) is used
    cur_pro_fn = kicad_pro_template;
    wxLogDebug( wxT( "Use template file '%s' as project file." ), GetChars( cur_pro_fn ) );

    cfg = new wxFileConfig( wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, cur_pro_fn, wxEmptyString );


    SetProjectFullName( cur_pro_fn );
    return cfg;