Пример #1
void retcode(Tree p) {
	Type ty;

	if (p == NULL) {
		if (events.returns)
			apply(events.returns, cfunc, NULL);
	p = pointer(p);
	ty = assign(freturn(cfunc->type), p);
	if (ty == NULL) {
		error("illegal return type; found `%t' expected `%t'\n",
			p->type, freturn(cfunc->type));
	p = cast(p, ty);
	if (retv)
			if (iscallb(p))
				p = tree(RIGHT, p->type,
					tree(CALL+B, p->type,
						p->kids[0]->kids[0], idtree(retv)),
			else {
				Type ty = retv->type->type;
				if (ty->u.sym->u.s.cfields) {
					ty->u.sym->u.s.cfields = 0;
					p = asgntree(ASGN, rvalue(idtree(retv)), p);
					ty->u.sym->u.s.cfields = 1;
				} else
					p = asgntree(ASGN, rvalue(idtree(retv)), p);
			walk(p, 0, 0);
			if (events.returns)
				apply(events.returns, cfunc, rvalue(idtree(retv)));
	if (events.returns)
			Symbol t1 = genident(AUTO, p->type, level);
			walk(asgn(t1, p), 0, 0);
			apply(events.returns, cfunc, idtree(t1));
			p = idtree(t1);
	if (!isfloat(p->type))
		p = cast(p, promote(p->type));
	if (isptr(p->type))
			Symbol q = localaddr(p);
			if (q && (q->computed || q->generated))
				warning("pointer to a %s is an illegal return value\n",
					q->scope == PARAM ? "parameter" : "local");
			else if (q)
				warning("pointer to %s `%s' is an illegal return value\n",
					q->scope == PARAM ? "parameter" : "local", q->name);
	walk(tree(mkop(RET,p->type), p->type, p, NULL), 0, 0);
Пример #2
static void cparams(JF, js_Ast *list)
	F->numparams = listlength(list);
	while (list) {
		addlocal(J, F, list->a, 0);
		list = list->b;
Пример #3
int dofunc() { cloc=&co; strcpy1(fname, symbol);
  prs("\n\n"); prs(symbol); prs(" PROC");
  expect('('); narg=0; LTop=LStart;
  if (istoken(')')==0) { prs("\narg ");
    do { typeName();  addlocal();    
      if (narg) prc(','); prs(symbol); 
      if (istype!='*') {if (iswidth=='B') prs(":byte ");} narg++; }
    while (istoken(','));  expect(')'); }
  expect('{'); /*body*/
  nlocal=0; nreturn=0; nconst=0;
  if (isvariable()) prs("\nlocal ");
  while(isvariable()) {
    do { typeName();    addlocal();
      if (nlocal) prc(',');   prs(symbol); 
      if (istype!='*') {if (iswidth=='B') prs(":byte ");} nlocal++;
      if (istoken('[')){istype='&';GType[LTop]='&';expect(T_CONST);expect(']');
        prs(":BYTE:"); prnum(lexval);  }
      } while (istoken(',')); expect(';'); }
  while(istoken('}')==0)   stmt();
  if (nreturn) prs("\n@@retn:"); prs("\n ret\nENDP"); listproc(); }
Пример #4
Файл: stmt.c Проект: 0culus/ioq3
static void swstmt(int loop, int lab, int lev) {
	Tree e;
	struct swtch sw;
	Code head, tail;

	t = gettok();
	e = expr(')');
	if (!isint(e->type)) {
		error("illegal type `%t' in switch expression\n",
		e = retype(e, inttype);
	e = cast(e, promote(e->type));
	if (generic(e->op) == INDIR && isaddrop(e->kids[0]->op)
	&& e->kids[0]->u.sym->type == e->type
	&& !isvolatile(e->kids[0]->u.sym->type)) {
		sw.sym = e->kids[0]->u.sym;
		walk(NULL, 0, 0);
	} else {
		sw.sym = genident(REGISTER, e->type, level);
		walk(asgn(sw.sym, e), 0, 0);
	head = code(Switch);
	sw.lab = lab;
	sw.deflab = NULL;
	sw.ncases = 0;
	sw.size = SWSIZE;
	sw.values = newarray(SWSIZE, sizeof *sw.values, FUNC);
	sw.labels = newarray(SWSIZE, sizeof *sw.labels, FUNC);
	refinc /= 10.0;
	statement(loop, &sw, lev);
	if (sw.deflab == NULL) {
		sw.deflab = findlabel(lab);
		if (sw.ncases == 0)
			warning("switch statement with no cases\n");
	if (findlabel(lab + 1)->ref)
		definelab(lab + 1);
	tail = codelist;
	codelist = head->prev;
	codelist->next = head->prev = NULL;
	if (sw.ncases > 0)
	head->next->prev = codelist;
	codelist->next = head->next;
	codelist = tail;
Пример #5
static void cvardecs(JF, js_Ast *node)
	if (isfun(node->type))
		return; /* stop at inner functions */

	if (node->type == EXP_VAR) {
		if (F->lightweight)
			addlocal(J, F, node->a, 1);
			emitstring(J, F, OP_DEFVAR, node->a->string);

	if (node->a) cvardecs(J, F, node->a);
	if (node->b) cvardecs(J, F, node->b);
	if (node->c) cvardecs(J, F, node->c);
	if (node->d) cvardecs(J, F, node->d);
Пример #6
static void cfunbody(JF, js_Ast *name, js_Ast *params, js_Ast *body)
	F->lightweight = 1;
	F->arguments = 0;

	if (F->script)
		F->lightweight = 0;

	if (body)
		analyze(J, F, body);

	cparams(J, F, params);

	if (name) {
		emit(J, F, OP_CURRENT);
		if (F->lightweight) {
			addlocal(J, F, name, 0);
			emit(J, F, OP_INITLOCAL);
			emitraw(J, F, findlocal(J, F, name->string));
		} else {
			emitstring(J, F, OP_INITVAR, name->string);

	if (body) {
		cvardecs(J, F, body);
		cfundecs(J, F, body);

	if (F->script) {
		emit(J, F, OP_UNDEF);
		cstmlist(J, F, body);
		emit(J, F, OP_RETURN);
	} else {
		cstmlist(J, F, body);
		emit(J, F, OP_UNDEF);
		emit(J, F, OP_RETURN);
Пример #7
/* tracecall - generate code to trace entry to f */
static void tracecall(Symbol printer, Symbol f, void *ignore) {
	int i;
	Symbol counter = genident(STATIC, inttype, GLOBAL);

	defglobal(counter, BSS);
	frameno = genident(AUTO, inttype, level);
	appendstr(f->name); appendstr("#");
	tracevalue(asgn(frameno, incr(INCR, idtree(counter), consttree(1, inttype))), 0);
	for (i = 0; f->u.f.callee[i]; i++) {
		if (i)
		appendstr(f->u.f.callee[i]->name); appendstr("=");
		tracevalue(idtree(f->u.f.callee[i]), 0);
	if (variadic(f->type))
	appendstr(") called\n");
Пример #8
Файл: simp.c Проект: pipul/lab
static Tree addrtree(Tree e, long n, Type ty)
    Symbol p = e->u.sym, q;

    if (p->scope  == GLOBAL
        ||  p->sclass == STATIC || p->sclass == EXTERN)
        NEW0(q, PERM);
        NEW0(q, FUNC);
    q->name = stringd(genlabel(1));
    q->sclass = p->sclass;
    q->scope = p->scope;
    assert(isptr(ty) || isarray(ty));
    q->type = isptr(ty) ? ty->type : ty;
    q->temporary = p->temporary;
    q->generated = p->generated;
    q->addressed = p->addressed;
    q->computed = 1;
    q->defined = 1;
    q->ref = 1;
    if (p->scope  == GLOBAL
        ||  p->sclass == STATIC || p->sclass == EXTERN) {
        if (p->sclass == AUTO)
            q->sclass = STATIC;
        (*IR->address)(q, p, n);
    } else {
        Code cp;
        cp = code(Address);
        cp->u.addr.sym = q;
        cp->u.addr.base = p;
        cp->u.addr.offset = n;
    e = tree(e->op, ty, NULL, NULL);
    e->u.sym = q;
    return e;
Пример #9
Файл: stab.c Проект: bhanug/cdb
/* entry_hook - called an function entry */
static void entry_hook(void *cl, Symbol cfunc) {
	static int nfuncs;
	Type ty;

	Simulate the declaration of an sframe structure,
	but without the tag.
	ty = newstruct(STRUCT, "");
#define addfield(name,t) \
	ty->size = roundup(ty->size, t->align);\
	if (ty->align < t->align) ty->align = t->align; \
	newfield(string(name), ty, t)->offset = ty->size; \
	ty->size += t->size
	addfield("up",    voidptype);
	addfield("down",  voidptype);
	addfield("func",  inttype);
	addfield("ip",    inttype);     
#undef addfield
	ty->size = roundup(ty->size, ty->align);
	ty->u.sym->defined = 1;
	ty->u.sym->generated = 1;
	tos = genident(AUTO, ty, LOCAL);
	tos->defined = 1;
	 Generated the assignments to the shadow
	 frame fields.
#define set(name,e) walk(asgntree(ASGN,field(lvalue(idtree(tos)),string(#name)),(e)),0,0)
	set(down,       idtree(nub_tos));
	set(func,       cnsttree(inttype, symboluid(cfunc)));
	set(module,     cnsttree(inttype, uname));
#undef set
	walk(asgn(nub_tos, lvalue(idtree(tos))), 0, 0);
	foreach(identifiers, PARAM, setoffset, tos);