Пример #1
 * Add person and address data to cache.
 * \param cache     Cache.
 * \param folder    Folder where to add person, or NULL for root folder.
 * \param name      Common name.
 * \param address   EMail address.
 * \param remarks   Remarks.
 * \return Person added. Do not *NOT* to use the 
 *         <code>addrbook_free_xxx()</code> functions...; this will destroy
 *         the address book data.
ItemPerson *addrcache_add_contact(
		AddressCache *cache, ItemFolder *folder, const gchar *name,
		const gchar *address, const gchar *remarks )
	ItemPerson *person = NULL;
	ItemEMail *email = NULL;
	ItemFolder *f = folder;

	cm_return_val_if_fail( cache != NULL, NULL );

	if( ! f ) f = cache->rootFolder;

	/* Create person object */
	person = addritem_create_item_person();
	addritem_person_set_common_name( person, name );
	addrcache_id_person( cache, person );
	addrcache_folder_add_person( cache, f, person );

	/* Create email object */
	email = addritem_create_item_email();
	addritem_email_set_address( email, address );
	addritem_email_set_remarks( email, remarks );
	addrcache_id_email( cache, email );
	addritem_person_add_email( person, email );
	cache->dirtyFlag = TRUE;

	return person;
Пример #2
 * Unpack address, building new data inside cache.
static void jpilot_load_address( JPilotFile *pilotFile, buf_rec *buf, ItemFolder *folderInd[] ) {
	struct Address addr;
	gchar **addrEnt;
	gint num, k;
	gint cat_id = 0;
	guint unique_id;
	guchar attrib;
	gchar fullName[ FULLNAME_BUFSIZE ];
	gchar bufEMail[ EMAIL_BUFSIZE ];
	ItemPerson *person;
	ItemEMail *email;
	gint *indPhoneLbl;
	gchar *labelEntry;
	GList *node;
	gchar* extID;
	struct AddressAppInfo *ai;
	gchar **firstName = NULL;
	gchar **lastName = NULL;
	pi_buffer_t *RecordBuffer;
#endif /* PILOT_LINK_0_12 */

	/* Retrieve address */
	num = unpack_Address( & addr, buf->buf, buf->size );
	if( num > 0 ) {
#else /* PILOT_LINK_0_12 */
	RecordBuffer = pi_buffer_new(buf->size);
	memcpy(RecordBuffer->data, buf->buf, buf->size);
	RecordBuffer->used = buf->size;
	num = unpack_Address( & addr, RecordBuffer, address_v1 );
	if (num != -1) {
		gchar *nameConv;

		addrEnt = addr.entry;
		attrib = buf->attrib;
		unique_id = buf->unique_id;
		cat_id = attrib & 0x0F;

		*fullName = *bufEMail = '\0';

		if( addrEnt[ IND_LABEL_FIRSTNAME ] ) {
			firstName = g_strsplit( addrEnt[ IND_LABEL_FIRSTNAME ], "\01", 2 );
		if( addrEnt[ IND_LABEL_LASTNAME ] ) {
			lastName = g_strsplit( addrEnt[ IND_LABEL_LASTNAME ], "\01", 2 );

		if( name_order == FAMILY_LAST ) {
			g_snprintf( fullName, FULLNAME_BUFSIZE, "%s %s",
				    firstName ? firstName[0] : "",
				    lastName ? lastName[0] : "" );
		else {
			g_snprintf( fullName, FULLNAME_BUFSIZE, "%s %s",
				    lastName ? lastName[0] : "",
				    firstName ? firstName[0] : "" );

		if( firstName ) {
			g_strfreev( firstName );
		if( lastName ) {
			g_strfreev( lastName );

		g_strstrip( fullName );

		nameConv = jpilot_convert_encoding( fullName );
		strncpy2( fullName, nameConv, FULLNAME_BUFSIZE );
		g_free( nameConv );

		person = addritem_create_item_person();
		addritem_person_set_common_name( person, fullName );
		addritem_person_set_first_name( person, addrEnt[ IND_LABEL_FIRSTNAME ] );
		addritem_person_set_last_name( person, addrEnt[ IND_LABEL_LASTNAME ] );
		addrcache_id_person( pilotFile->addressCache, person );

		extID = g_strdup_printf( "%d", unique_id );
		addritem_person_set_external_id( person, extID );
		g_free( extID );
		extID = NULL;

		/* Pointer to address metadata. */
		ai = & pilotFile->addrInfo;

		/* Add entry for each email address listed under phone labels. */
		indPhoneLbl = addr.phoneLabel;
		for( k = 0; k < JPILOT_NUM_ADDR_PHONE; k++ ) {
			gint ind;

			ind = indPhoneLbl[k];
			* fprintf( stdout, "%d : %d : %20s : %s\n", k, ind,
			* ai->phoneLabels[ind], addrEnt[3+k] );
			if( indPhoneLbl[k] == IND_PHONE_EMAIL ) {
				labelEntry = addrEnt[ OFFSET_PHONE_LABEL + k ];
				if( labelEntry ) {
					strcpy( bufEMail, labelEntry );
					g_strchug( bufEMail );
					g_strchomp( bufEMail );

					email = addritem_create_item_email();
					addritem_email_set_address( email, bufEMail );
					addrcache_id_email( pilotFile->addressCache, email );
						( pilotFile->addressCache, person, email );

		/* Add entry for each custom label */
		node = pilotFile->labelInd;
		while( node ) {
			gint ind;

			ind = GPOINTER_TO_INT( node->data );
			if( ind > -1 ) {
				* fprintf( stdout, "%d : %20s : %s\n", ind, ai->labels[ind],
				* addrEnt[ind] );
				labelEntry = addrEnt[ind];
				if( labelEntry ) {
					gchar *convertBuff;

					strcpy( bufEMail, labelEntry );
					g_strchug( bufEMail );
					g_strchomp( bufEMail );

					email = addritem_create_item_email();
					addritem_email_set_address( email, bufEMail );

					convertBuff = jpilot_convert_encoding( ai->labels[ind] );
					addritem_email_set_remarks( email, convertBuff );
					g_free( convertBuff );

					addrcache_id_email( pilotFile->addressCache, email );
						( pilotFile->addressCache, person, email );

			node = g_list_next( node );

		if( person->listEMail ) {
			if( cat_id > -1 && cat_id < JPILOT_NUM_CATEG ) {
				/* Add to specified category */
					( pilotFile->addressCache, folderInd[cat_id], person );
			else {
				/* Add to root folder */
				addrcache_add_person( pilotFile->addressCache, person );
		else {
			addritem_free_item_person( person );
			person = NULL;

 * Free up address list.
static void jpilot_free_addrlist( GList *records ) {
	GList *node;
	buf_rec *br;

	node = records;
	while( node ) {
		br = node->data;
		free( br );
		node->data = NULL;
		node = g_list_next( node );

	/* Free up list */
	g_list_free( records );
Пример #3
 * Build an address list entry and append to list of address items. Name is formatted
 * as "<first-name> <last-name>".
 * \param  cache     Address cache to load.
 * \param  qry Query object to process.
 * \param  dn        DN for entry found on server.
 * \param  listName  List of common names for entry; see notes below.
 * \param  listAddr  List of EMail addresses for entry.
 * \param  listFirst List of first names for entry.
 * \param  listLast  List of last names for entry.
 * \return List of ItemEMail objects.
 * Notes:
 * 1) Each LDAP server entry may have multiple LDAP attributes with the same
 *    name. For example, a single entry for a person may have more than one
 *    common name, email address, etc.
 * 2) The DN for the entry is unique for the server.
static GList *ldapqry_build_items_fl(
		AddressCache *cache, LdapQuery *qry, gchar *dn,
		GSList *listName, GSList *listAddr, GSList *listFirst,
		GSList *listLast, GSList *listDisplay, GSList *attributes )
	GSList *nodeAddress, *cur;
	gchar *firstName = NULL, *lastName = NULL, *fullName = NULL;
	gboolean allocated = FALSE;
	ItemPerson *person;
	ItemEMail *email;
	ItemFolder *folder;
	gchar *picfile = NULL;
	GList *listReturn = NULL;

	folder = ADDRQUERY_FOLDER(qry);
	if( folder == NULL ) return listReturn;
	if( listAddr == NULL ) return listReturn;

	if ( listDisplay ) {
		allocated = FALSE;
		fullName = listDisplay->data;

	/* Find longest first name in list */
	firstName = mgu_slist_longest_entry( listFirst );

	/* Format last name */
	if( listLast ) {
		lastName = listLast->data;

	if ( fullName == NULL ) {
		/* Find longest common name */
		allocated = FALSE;
		fullName = mgu_slist_longest_entry( listName );
		if( fullName == NULL ) {
			/* Format a full name from first and last names */
			if( firstName ) {
				if( lastName ) {
					fullName = g_strdup_printf( "%s %s", firstName, lastName );
				else {
					fullName = g_strdup_printf( "%s", firstName );
			else {
				if( lastName ) {
					fullName = g_strdup_printf( "%s", lastName );
			if( fullName ) {
				g_strstrip( fullName );
				allocated = TRUE;

	/* Add person into folder */		
	person = addritem_create_item_person();
	addritem_person_set_common_name( person, fullName );
	addritem_person_set_first_name( person, firstName );
	addritem_person_set_last_name( person, lastName );
	addritem_person_set_nick_name( person, fullName );
	addrcache_id_person( cache, person );
	addritem_person_set_external_id( person, dn );
	for (cur = attributes; cur; cur = cur->next) {
		UserAttribute *attrib = addritem_copy_attribute((UserAttribute *)cur->data);
		if (attrib->name && strcmp(attrib->name, "jpegPhoto")) {
			addritem_person_add_attribute( person, attrib );
		} else {
			if (qry->server && qry->server->control) {
				gchar *dir = g_strconcat( get_rc_dir(), G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, 
				gchar *filename = g_strdup_printf("%s-%s-%s",
				picfile = g_strdup_printf("%s%s.png", dir, filename);
				addritem_person_set_picture( person, filename );
				rename_force(attrib->value, picfile);
	addrcache_folder_add_person( cache, ADDRQUERY_FOLDER(qry), person );


	/* Add each address item */
	nodeAddress = listAddr;
	while( nodeAddress ) {
		email = addritem_create_item_email();
		addritem_email_set_address( email, nodeAddress->data );
		addrcache_id_email( cache, email );
		addrcache_person_add_email( cache, person, email );
		addritem_person_add_email( person, email );
		/*if (debug_get_mode()) {
			addritem_print_item_email(email, stdout);
		listReturn = g_list_append( listReturn, email );
		nodeAddress = g_slist_next( nodeAddress );

	/* Free any allocated memory */
	if( allocated ) {
		g_free( fullName );
	fullName = firstName = lastName = NULL;

	return listReturn;
Пример #4
 * Unpack address, building new data inside cache.
 * \param pilotFile  JPilot control data.
 * \param buf        Record buffer.
 * \param folderInd  Array of (category) folders to load.
static void jpilot_load_address(
		JPilotFile *pilotFile, buf_rec *buf, ItemFolder *folderInd[] )
	struct Address addr;
	gchar **addrEnt;
	gint num, k;
	gint cat_id = 0;
	guint unique_id;
	guchar attrib;
	gchar fullName[ FULLNAME_BUFSIZE ];
	ItemPerson *person;
	gint *indPhoneLbl;
	gchar *labelEntry;
	GList *node;
	gchar* extID;
	struct AddressAppInfo *ai;
	gchar **firstName = NULL;
	gchar **lastName = NULL;

	/* Retrieve address */
	num = unpack_Address( & addr, buf->buf, buf->size );
	if( num > 0 ) {
		addrEnt = addr.entry;
		attrib = buf->attrib;
		unique_id = buf->unique_id;
		cat_id = attrib & 0x0F;

		*fullName = '\0';

		if( addrEnt[ IND_LABEL_FIRSTNAME ] ) {
			firstName = g_strsplit( addrEnt[ IND_LABEL_FIRSTNAME ], "\01", 2 );

		if( addrEnt[ IND_LABEL_LASTNAME ] ) {
			lastName = g_strsplit( addrEnt[ IND_LABEL_LASTNAME ], "\01", 2 );

		if( name_order == FAMILY_LAST ) {
			g_snprintf( fullName, FULLNAME_BUFSIZE, "%s %s",
				    firstName ? firstName[0] : "",
				    lastName ? lastName[0] : "" );
		else {
			g_snprintf( fullName, FULLNAME_BUFSIZE, "%s %s",
				    lastName ? lastName[0] : "",
				    firstName ? firstName[0] : "" );

		if( firstName ) {
			g_strfreev( firstName );
		if( lastName ) {
			g_strfreev( lastName );

		g_strstrip( fullName );

		if( convert_charcode ) {
			gchar *nameConv;
			nameConv = g_strdup( fullName );
			conv_sjistoeuc( fullName, FULLNAME_BUFSIZE, nameConv );
			g_free( nameConv );

		person = addritem_create_item_person();
		addritem_person_set_common_name( person, fullName );
		addritem_person_set_first_name( person, addrEnt[ IND_LABEL_FIRSTNAME ] );
		addritem_person_set_last_name( person, addrEnt[ IND_LABEL_LASTNAME ] );
		addrcache_id_person( pilotFile->addressCache, person );

		extID = g_strdup_printf( "%d", unique_id );
		addritem_person_set_external_id( person, extID );
		g_free( extID );
		extID = NULL;

		/* Pointer to address metadata. */
		ai = & pilotFile->addrInfo;

		/* Add entry for each email address listed under phone labels. */
		indPhoneLbl = addr.phoneLabel;
		for( k = 0; k < JPILOT_NUM_ADDR_PHONE; k++ ) {
			gint ind;

			ind = indPhoneLbl[k];
			* fprintf( stdout, "%d : %d : %20s : %s\n", k, ind,
			* ai->phoneLabels[ind], addrEnt[3+k] );
			if( indPhoneLbl[k] == IND_PHONE_EMAIL ) {
				labelEntry = addrEnt[ OFFSET_PHONE_LABEL + k ];
				jpilot_parse_label( pilotFile, labelEntry, person );

		/* Add entry for each custom label */
		node = pilotFile->labelInd;
		while( node ) {
			gchar convertBuff[JPILOT_LEN_LABEL];
			gint ind;

			ind = GPOINTER_TO_INT( node->data );
			if( ind > -1 ) {
				* fprintf( stdout, "%d : %20s : %s\n", ind, ai->labels[ind],
				* addrEnt[ind] );
				labelEntry = addrEnt[ind];
				jpilot_parse_label( pilotFile, labelEntry, person );

			node = g_list_next( node );

		if( person->listEMail ) {
			if( cat_id > -1 && cat_id < JPILOT_NUM_CATEG ) {
				/* Add to specified category */
					folderInd[cat_id], person );
			else {
				/* Add to root folder */
					pilotFile->addressCache, person );
		else {
			addritem_free_item_person( person );
			person = NULL;

	/* Free up pointer allocated inside address */
	free_Address( & addr );