Пример #1
IHqlExpression * CChildDatasetColumnInfo::buildSizeOfUnbound(HqlCppTranslator & translator, BuildCtx & ctx, IReferenceSelector * selector)
    OwnedHqlExpr addressSize = getColumnAddress(translator, ctx, selector, sizetType, 0);
    OwnedHqlExpr length = convertAddressToValue(addressSize, sizetType);
    OwnedHqlExpr boundSize = translator.getBoundSize(column->queryType(), length, NULL);
    return createValue(no_translated, LINK(sizetType), adjustValue(boundSize, sizeof(size32_t)));
Пример #2
void Amarok::Slider::setValue(int newValue) {
  // don't adjust the slider while the user is dragging it!

  if (!m_sliding || m_outside)
    m_prevValue = newValue;
Пример #3
bool Double::operator <=(const Double &other) const
    int rate = digs - other.getDig();
    if(rate == 0)
        return lv <= other.getlv();
    qint64 v1=lv,v2=other.getlv();
    return v1<=v2;
Пример #4
void CChildDatasetColumnInfo::setColumn(HqlCppTranslator & translator, BuildCtx & ctx, IReferenceSelector * selector, IHqlExpression * _value)
    OwnedHqlExpr addressSize = getColumnAddress(translator, ctx, selector, sizetType, 0);
    OwnedHqlExpr addressData = getColumnAddress(translator, ctx, selector, queryType(), sizeof(size32_t));

    OwnedHqlExpr lengthTarget = convertAddressToValue(addressSize, sizetType);

    ITypeInfo * columnType = column->queryType();
    OwnedHqlExpr value = LINK(_value); //ensureExprType(_value, columnType);
    ITypeInfo * valueType = value->queryType();

    assertRecordTypesMatch(valueType, columnType);

    bool assignInline = false;  // canEvaluateInline(value);   // MORE: What is the test
//  bool assignInline = canAssignInline(&ctx, value) && !canEvaluateInline(&ctx, value);
    value.setown(addDatasetLimits(translator, ctx, selector, value));

    IHqlExpression * record = column->queryRecord();
    if (assignInline)
        OwnedHqlExpr inlineSize = getSizetConstant(0);
        checkAssignOk(translator, ctx, selector, inlineSize, sizeof(size32_t));

        //Can only assign inline if we know the maximum length that will be assigned is 0.
        Owned<IHqlCppDatasetBuilder> builder = translator.createInlineDatasetBuilder(record, inlineSize, addressData);

        translator.buildDatasetAssign(ctx, builder, value);

        CHqlBoundTarget boundTarget;
        builder->buildFinish(ctx, boundTarget);
        CHqlBoundExpr bound;
        translator.buildDataset(ctx, value, bound, FormatBlockedDataset);
        translator.normalizeBoundExpr(ctx, bound);
        ensureSimpleLength(translator, ctx, bound);

        OwnedHqlExpr length = translator.getBoundLength(bound);
        OwnedHqlExpr size = createValue(no_translated, LINK(sizetType), translator.getBoundSize(bound));
        checkAssignOk(translator, ctx, selector, size, sizeof(size32_t));

        translator.assignBoundToTemp(ctx, lengthTarget, length);
        translator.buildBlockCopy(ctx, addressData, bound);

        //Use the size just calculated for the field
        OwnedHqlExpr sizeOfExpr = createValue(no_sizeof, LINK(sizetType), LINK(selector->queryExpr()));
        OwnedHqlExpr boundSize = translator.getBoundSize(bound);
        OwnedHqlExpr srcSize = adjustValue(boundSize, sizeof(size32_t));
        ctx.associateExpr(sizeOfExpr, srcSize);
Пример #5
// ---
	(QGAMES::Screen* s, QGAMES::bdata sc, bool sA, QGAMES::Screen::ScaleParameters::Effect e)
	: _screen (s),
	  _value (sc),
	  _scaleByAlgorithm (sA),
	  _effect (e)
	assert (s); 

	adjustValue ();
	calculateVectorScale (); 
Пример #6
void CChildSetColumnInfo::buildDeserialize(HqlCppTranslator & translator, BuildCtx & ctx, IReferenceSelector * selector, IHqlExpression * helper, IAtom * serializeForm)
    OwnedHqlExpr address = getColumnAddress(translator, ctx, selector, boolType, 0);
    OwnedHqlExpr addressSize = getColumnAddress(translator, ctx, selector, sizetType, sizeof(bool));
    OwnedHqlExpr addressData = getColumnAddress(translator, ctx, selector, queryType(), sizeof(bool)+sizeof(size32_t));

    size32_t sizeExtra = sizeof(bool)+sizeof(size32_t);

    //Read the all flag and the size
    OwnedHqlExpr sizeAllSizet = getSizetConstant(sizeExtra);
    callDeserializeGetN(translator, ctx, helper, sizeAllSizet, address);

    OwnedHqlExpr targetSize = convertAddressToValue(addressSize, sizetType);
    OwnedHqlExpr unboundSize = createTranslated(targetSize);
    checkAssignOk(translator, ctx, selector, unboundSize, sizeExtra);

    callDeserializeGetN(translator, ctx, helper, targetSize, addressData);

    OwnedHqlExpr sizeOfExpr = createValue(no_sizeof, LINK(sizetType), LINK(selector->queryExpr()));
    OwnedHqlExpr srcSize = adjustValue(targetSize, sizeExtra);
    ctx.associateExpr(sizeOfExpr, srcSize);
Пример #7
void CChildDatasetColumnInfo::buildDeserialize(HqlCppTranslator & translator, BuildCtx & ctx, IReferenceSelector * selector, IHqlExpression * helper, IAtom * serializeForm)
    IHqlExpression * record = column->queryRecord();
    assertex(!recordRequiresLinkCount(record)); // Why would it?
    if (column->isDictionary())
        if (serializeForm == diskAtom)
            //If we ever generate the meta definition for an internal serialization format then the following needs to be implemented
            UNIMPLEMENTED_X("deserialize serialized dictionary from disk");

    if (isConditional())
        checkAssignOk(translator, ctx, selector, queryZero(), sizeof(size32_t));

    OwnedHqlExpr addressSize = getColumnAddress(translator, ctx, selector, sizetType, 0);
    OwnedHqlExpr addressData = getColumnAddress(translator, ctx, selector, queryType(), sizeof(size32_t));

    //Read the all flag and the size
    OwnedHqlExpr sizeSizet = getSizetConstant(sizeof(size32_t));
    callDeserializeGetN(translator, ctx, helper, sizeSizet, addressSize);

    OwnedHqlExpr targetSize = convertAddressToValue(addressSize, sizetType);
    OwnedHqlExpr simpleSize = translator.ensureSimpleTranslatedExpr(ctx, targetSize);
    OwnedHqlExpr unboundSize = createTranslated(simpleSize);
    checkAssignOk(translator, ctx, selector, unboundSize, sizeof(size32_t));

    callDeserializeGetN(translator, ctx, helper, simpleSize, addressData);

    OwnedHqlExpr sizeOfExpr = createValue(no_sizeof, LINK(sizetType), LINK(selector->queryExpr()));
    OwnedHqlExpr srcSize = adjustValue(simpleSize, sizeof(size32_t));
    ctx.associateExpr(sizeOfExpr, srcSize);
Пример #8
/* Stack layout: ... | node */
static UA_StatusCode
writeValueAttribute(UA_Server *server, UA_Session *session,
                    UA_VariableNode *node, const UA_DataValue *value,
                    const UA_String *indexRange) {
    UA_assert(node != NULL);

    /* Parse the range */
    UA_NumericRange range;
    UA_NumericRange *rangeptr = NULL;
    UA_StatusCode retval = UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD;
    if(indexRange && indexRange->length > 0) {
        retval = UA_NumericRange_parseFromString(&range, indexRange);
        if(retval != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD)
            return retval;
        rangeptr = &range;

    /* Created an editable version. The data is not touched. Only the variant
     * "container". */
    UA_DataValue adjustedValue = *value;

    /* Type checking. May change the type of editableValue */
    if(value->hasValue && value->value.type) {
        adjustValue(server, &adjustedValue.value, &node->dataType);

        /* The value may be an extension object, especially the nodeset compiler uses
         * extension objects to write variable values.
         * If value is an extension object we check if the current node value is also an extension object.
        UA_Boolean compatible;
        if (value->value.type->typeId.identifierType == UA_NODEIDTYPE_NUMERIC &&
            value->value.type->typeId.identifier.numeric == UA_NS0ID_STRUCTURE) {
            const UA_NodeId nodeDataType = UA_NODEID_NUMERIC(0, UA_NS0ID_STRUCTURE);
            compatible = compatibleValue(server, &nodeDataType, node->valueRank,
                                    node->arrayDimensionsSize, node->arrayDimensions,
                                    &adjustedValue.value, rangeptr);
        } else {
            compatible = compatibleValue(server, &node->dataType, node->valueRank,
                                     node->arrayDimensionsSize, node->arrayDimensions,
                                     &adjustedValue.value, rangeptr);

        if(!compatible) {

    /* Set the source timestamp if there is none */
    if(!adjustedValue.hasSourceTimestamp) {
        adjustedValue.sourceTimestamp = UA_DateTime_now();
        adjustedValue.hasSourceTimestamp = true;

    /* Ok, do it */
    if(node->valueSource == UA_VALUESOURCE_DATA) {
            retval = writeValueAttributeWithoutRange(node, &adjustedValue);
            retval = writeValueAttributeWithRange(node, &adjustedValue, rangeptr);

        /* Callback after writing */
        if(retval == UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD && node->value.data.callback.onWrite)
            node->value.data.callback.onWrite(server, &session->sessionId,
                                              session->sessionHandle, &node->nodeId,
                                              node->context, rangeptr,
    } else {
        if(node->value.dataSource.write) {
            retval = node->value.dataSource.write(server, &session->sessionId,
                                                  session->sessionHandle, &node->nodeId,
                                                  node->context, rangeptr, &adjustedValue);
        } else {

    /* Clean up */
    return retval;
Пример #9
// Estimate the percentage of rows that will be returned for a particular extent.
// This function provides the estimate for entire filter such as "col 1 < 100 or col1 > 10000".
float RowEstimator::estimateRowReturnFactor(const BRM::EMEntry& emEntry,
                                   const messageqcpp::ByteStream* bs,
                                   const uint16_t NOPS,
                                   const execplan::CalpontSystemCatalog::ColType& ct,
                                   const uint8_t BOP,
				   const uint32_t& rowsInExtent)
    bool bIsUnsigned = execplan::isUnsigned(ct.colDataType);
	float factor = 1.0;
	float tempFactor = 1.0;

	// Adjust values based on column type and estimate the
	uint64_t adjustedMin = adjustValue(ct, emEntry.partition.cprange.lo_val);
	uint64_t adjustedMax = adjustValue(ct, emEntry.partition.cprange.hi_val);
    uint32_t distinctValuesEstimate = estimateDistinctValues(
				ct, adjustedMin, adjustedMax, emEntry.partition.cprange.isValid);

	// Loop through the operations and estimate the percentage of rows that will qualify.
	// For example, there are two operations for "col1 > 5 and col1 < 10":
	// 1) col1 > 5
	// 2) col2 < 10
	int length = bs->length(), pos = 0;
	const char *msgDataPtr = (const char *) bs->buf();
	int64_t value=0;
	bool firstQualifyingOrCondition = true;
	uint16_t comparisonLimit = (NOPS <= fMaxComparisons) ? NOPS : fMaxComparisons;
	for (int i = 0; i < comparisonLimit; i++) {
		pos += ct.colWidth + 2;  // predicate + op + lcf

		// TODO:  Stole this condition from lbidlist.
		// Investigate whether this can happen / should throw an error.
		if (pos > length) {
			return factor;

		// Get the comparison value for the condition.
		char op = *msgDataPtr++;
		uint8_t lcf = *(uint8_t*)msgDataPtr++;
        if (bIsUnsigned)
            switch (ct.colWidth)
                case 1:
                    uint8_t val = *(uint8_t*)msgDataPtr;
                    value = val;
                case 2:
                    uint16_t val = *(uint16_t*)msgDataPtr;
                    value = val;
                case 4:
                    uint32_t val = *(uint32_t*)msgDataPtr;
                    value = val;
                case 8:
                    uint64_t val = *(uint64_t*)msgDataPtr;
                    value = static_cast<int64_t>(val);
            switch (ct.colWidth)
                case 1:
                    int8_t val = *(int8_t*)msgDataPtr;
                    value = val;
                case 2:
                    int16_t val = *(int16_t*)msgDataPtr;
                    value = val;
                case 4:
                    int32_t val = *(int32_t*)msgDataPtr;
                    value = val;
                case 8:
                    int64_t val = *(int64_t*)msgDataPtr;
                    value = val;

		// TODO:  Investigate whether condition below should throw an error.
		msgDataPtr += ct.colWidth;
		if (pos > length) {
			return factor;

		cout << "  Min-" << emEntry.partition.cprange.lo_val <<
				", Max-" << emEntry.partition.cprange.hi_val <<
				", Val-" << value;

		// Get the factor for the individual operation.
        if (bIsUnsigned)
            tempFactor = estimateOpFactor<uint64_t>(
				adjustedMin, adjustedMax, adjustValue(ct, value), op, lcf,
                distinctValuesEstimate, emEntry.partition.cprange.isValid);
            tempFactor = estimateOpFactor<int64_t>(
				adjustedMin, adjustedMax, adjustValue(ct, value), op, lcf,
                distinctValuesEstimate, emEntry.partition.cprange.isValid);

		cout << ", OperatorFactor-" << tempFactor << ", DistinctValsEst-" << distinctValuesEstimate << endl;

		// Use it in the overall factor.
		if (BOP == BOP_AND) {
			// TODO:  Handle betweens correctly (same as a >= 5 and a <= 10)
			factor *= tempFactor;
		else if (BOP == BOP_OR) {
			if (firstQualifyingOrCondition) {
				factor = tempFactor;
				firstQualifyingOrCondition = false;
			else {
				factor += tempFactor;
		else {
			factor = tempFactor;

	} // for()
	if(factor > 1.0)
		factor = 1.0;

	if(NOPS > 1)
		cout << "  FilterFactor-" << factor << endl;

	return factor;