Пример #1
	void AesCounter::encrypt(const unsigned char *datain, unsigned char *dataout, int len, std::uint64_t sequenceNumber)
		memset(ctr_buf, 0, DREL_AES_BLOCKLEN_BYTES);
		if (len <= 0 || len > DREL_AES_MAXPACKETOCT) throw AesException("Invalid input plaintext message length");
		if (sequenceNumber == 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) throw AesException("Packet counter exceeded - IV");
		// Copy secretIV to counter buffer
		memcpy(ctr_buf, mSecretIV, DREL_AESCOUNTER_SECRETIVLEN);
		// Copy packet sequence number to counter buffer
		std::uint64_t beSequencenumber = San2::Utils::Endian::san_s_be64toh(sequenceNumber);
		memcpy(ctr_buf + DREL_AESCOUNTER_SECRETIVLEN, &beSequencenumber, sizeof(std::uint64_t));
		// Set blockCounter to one
		std::uint16_t blockCounter = 1;
		blockCounter = San2::Utils::Endian::san_u_htobe16(blockCounter);
		memcpy(ctr_buf + DREL_AESCOUNTER_SECRETIVLEN + sizeof(std::uint64_t), &blockCounter, sizeof(std::uint16_t));
		//aes_mode_reset(aes_ctx); // important!!! do not delete!!!
		if (aes_encrypt_key256(mKey, aes_ctx) != EXIT_SUCCESS) throw AesException("Key setup failed");		
		int ret = aes_ctr_crypt(datain, dataout, len, ctr_buf, aes_custom_inc, aes_ctx);
		if (ret != EXIT_SUCCESS) throw AesException("Aes encryption failed");
Пример #2
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	unsigned char encrypted[sizeof(message)];
	unsigned char decrypted[sizeof(message)];
	unsigned char nonce[] = { 0xde, 0xea, 0xbe, 0xef, 'd', 'e', 'a', 'd' };

	memcpy(decrypted, message, sizeof(message));
	aes_ctr_crypt(decrypted, encrypted, sizeof(message), key_size * 8, key,
			nonce, true);
	memset(decrypted, 0, sizeof(message));

	aes_ctr_crypt(encrypted, decrypted, sizeof(message), key_size * 8, key,
			nonce, true);
	printf("%s", decrypted);

	return 0;
Пример #3
BCMROMFN(aes_ccm_decrypt)(unsigned int *rk,
                          const size_t key_len,
                          const uint8 *nonce,
                          const size_t aad_len,
                          const uint8 *aad,
                          const size_t data_len,
                          const uint8 *ctxt,
                          uint8 *ptxt)

	/* initialize counter */
	memcpy(&A[1], nonce, AES_CCM_NONCE_LEN);
	A[AES_BLOCK_SZ - 2] = 0;
	A[AES_BLOCK_SZ - 1] = 1;
	pres("aes_ccm_decrypt: initial counter:", AES_BLOCK_SZ, A);

	/* decrypt data */
	if (aes_ctr_crypt(rk, key_len, A, data_len-AES_CCM_AUTH_LEN, ctxt, ptxt))
		return (-1);
	pres("aes_ccm_decrypt: decrypted data:", data_len-AES_CCM_AUTH_LEN, ptxt);

	/* decrypt MAC */
	A[AES_BLOCK_SZ - 2] = 0;
	A[AES_BLOCK_SZ - 1] = 0;
	if (aes_ctr_crypt(rk, key_len, A, AES_CCM_AUTH_LEN,
	                  ctxt+data_len-AES_CCM_AUTH_LEN, ptxt + data_len - AES_CCM_AUTH_LEN))
		return (-1);
	pres("aes_ccm_decrypt: decrypted MAC:", AES_CCM_AUTH_LEN,
	     ptxt + data_len - AES_CCM_AUTH_LEN);

	/* calculate MAC */
	if (aes_ccm_mac(rk, key_len, nonce, aad_len, aad,
	                data_len - AES_CCM_AUTH_LEN, ptxt, X))
		return (-1);
	pres("aes_ccm_decrypt: MAC:", AES_CCM_AUTH_LEN, X);
	if (memcmp(X, ptxt + data_len - AES_CCM_AUTH_LEN, AES_CCM_AUTH_LEN) != 0)
		return (-1);

	return (0);
Пример #4
AES_RETURN rfc3686_crypt(const unsigned char *ibuf, unsigned char *obuf, int len, 
                                                unsigned char *cbuf, aes_encrypt_ctx cx[1])
    return aes_ctr_crypt(ibuf, obuf, len, cbuf, rfc3686_inc, cx);