Пример #1
void model_parameters::output_dat(void)
	ofstream afs("lagrangian_est.dat");
	afs<<"# syr " << endl << syr <<endl;
	afs<<"# nyr " << endl << nyr <<endl;
	afs<<"# sage " << endl << sage <<endl;
	afs<<"# nage " << endl << nage <<endl;
	afs<<"# smon " << endl << smon <<endl;
	afs<<"# nmon " << endl << nmon <<endl;
	afs<<"# sarea " << endl << sarea <<endl;
	afs<<"# narea " << endl << narea <<endl;
	afs<<"# nations " << endl << nations <<endl;
	afs<<"# border " << endl << border <<endl;
	afs<<"# Ro " << endl << Ro <<endl;
	afs<<"# h " << endl << h <<endl;
	afs<<"# m " << endl << m <<endl;
	afs<<"# fe " << endl << fe <<endl;
	afs<<"# q " << endl << q <<endl;
	afs<<"# sigR " << endl << sigR <<endl;
	afs<<"# weight at age " << endl << wa <<endl;
	afs<<"# fecundity at age " << endl << fa <<endl;
	afs<<"# vulnerability at age " << endl << va <<endl;
	afs<<"# minPos "<< endl << minPos <<endl;
	afs<<"# Total effort by country and year " << endl << TotEffyear <<endl;
	afs<<"# Total effort by country and month " << endl << TotEffmonth <<endl;
	afs<<"# dMinP " << endl << 0.00001 <<endl;
	afs<<"#  tstp month area catage " << endl << obsCatchNatAge <<endl;
	afs<<"# eof " << endl << 999 <<endl;
Пример #2
std::string fuzzy::calc_digest () 
	fuzzy_state * ctx = fuzzy_new () ; 
	auto_fuzzy_state afs (ctx) ; 
	if (ctx == 0) 

	char_buffer<uchar_t> buff (BUFLEN);
	reader_.open_file () ; 
	while (true ) { 
		 int bytes = reader_.read_file (buff.begin (), (uint32_t)buff.size ()); 
		 if (bytes == 0 ) 
		 	 break ; 

		 if (0 != fuzzy_update (afs.ctx, buff.begin (), bytes)) 
		 	 THROW_XDELTA_EXCEPTION ("fuzzy update failed.") ; 
	char result [FUZZY_MAX_RESULT]; 
	if (0 != fuzzy_digest (afs.ctx, result, FUZZY_FLAG_ELIMSEQ)) 
		 THROW_XDELTA_EXCEPTION ("fuzzy digest failed.");
	reader_.close_file () ; 
	return std::string(result) ; 
Пример #3
void rsamplems::readms (string filename){  
	ifstream inp (filename.c_str());
	if (!inp.is_open()){
		cerr << "Error reading file "<< filename <<endl;
	string line;
	int linenum  = 0;
	int chrindex = 0;
	int snpindex = 0;
    int nsnp = 0;
    double totalw =  0;
	ofstream snpfs (snpfile.c_str());

    int totalsnps =  0;
    vector<int> nsegsites (nsamples,0);
    int totalnind = 0 ;
    vector<int> nind  (nsamples,0);
    for (int i = 0  ; i < nsamples; i++) {
        nind[i] = samples[i];
        totalnind += nind[i];
    char ** snpmat = new char*[totalnind];
    int **freq = new int*[nsamples];
    double **td = new double *[nsamples];
    double **thetaw = new double *[nsamples];
    for (int i  = 0 ; i < nsamples; i++) { 
        td[i] = new double[reps];
        thetaw[i]  = new double[reps];
    double abba =  0 ;
    double baba = 0 ;
    double abba2 =  0 ;
    double baba2 = 0 ;
    double fstnum  = 0;
    double fstdenom =  0;

    vector<double> chrabba = vector<double>(reps,0);
    vector<double> chrbaba = vector<double>(reps,0);
    vector<double> chrsnps = vector<double>(reps,0);
    vector<double> chrfstnum = vector<double> (reps,0);
    vector<double> chrfstdenom = vector<double> (reps,0);
    vector<double> chrw = vector<double> (reps,0);
    int totalnsnps = 0;

	int rep = 0 ;
	int index = 0;
	string id;
    double time;
    int countmatches = 0;

	while ( std::getline (inp, line)){
		linenum ++;
		io::println ("line = " + line, 2);
		char c = line[0];
		if (c=='#')
		if (line.empty())

        if (line.find ("time:") ==0 ) {
	        vector<string> toks; 
            functions::tokenize (line, toks, " " );
            time = atof (toks[1].c_str());

		if ( line.find ("segsites:")==0) { 
			string l1 = line.substr(9,line.length()-9);
			nsnp = atoi (l1.c_str());
            for (int i = 0 ; i < totalnind ; i++) {
                snpmat[i] = new char[nsnp];

            for (int i = 0 ; i < nsamples; i++){
                freq[i] = new int[nsnp];

			io::println ("SNPs = " + tostring(nsnp),2);

		if ( line.find ("positions:")==0) { 
			vector<double> genmap ;
			vector<double> physmap;
			vector<string> snpids;
			vector<vector<int> > geno;
			vector<vector<int> > haplo;
            vector<int> afs ( samples[0]);
			chrindex ++;
			string l1 = line.substr(10,line.length()-10);
			//cout << "l1 = " << l1 << endl;
			io::println  ("rep = " + tostring(rep),2);
			//cout << " rep = " << rep  << endl;
			istringstream ss (line.substr(10,line.length()-10));
			int count = 0 ;
			while (!ss.eof()){
				double pos;
			//	cout << pos << endl;
				double ppos = pos * length;
				double gpos = ppos * rho;
				if (count >= nsnp ) 

				genmap.push_back (gpos);
				physmap.push_back (ppos);
				id = "snp" + tostring(index);
				snpids.push_back (id);
            for (int i = 0 ; i  < totalnind ; i ++){
				string s1, s2;
				std::getline (inp, s1);
				for (int j = 0 ; j < nsnp ; j++) {
                    snpmat[i][j] = s1[j];
            vector<int> nsegsites(nsamples,0);
            vector<double> pi(nsamples, 0 );
            vector<double> h(nsamples,0);
            vector<double> th(nsamples,0);
            for (int i = 0, t =  0 ; i < nsamples; i++){ 
                for (int j =  0 ; j < nsnp; j++){
                    freq[i][j] = frequency('1', j, samples[i], snpmat+t);
                    nsegsites[i] += (freq[i][j] > 0 && freq[i][j] < 1.0);
                t += samples[i];

            chrsnps[rep-1] = nsnp;
            totalnsnps += nsnp;
            for (int j = 0 ; j < nsnp ; j++)  {
                if (freq[0][j]> 0)
            for (int i = 0 ; i < nsamples; i++)
                delete[] freq[i];
            for (int i = 0 ; i < totalnind; i++)
                delete[] snpmat[i];

			if (printsnplist) { 
				for (int j =0  ; j < nsnp; j++){
					snpfs << snpids[j] << "\t" << chrindex << "\t" << genmap[j] << "\t" << physmap[j] << endl;
            int dif = 0;
            int denom  = 0 ;
            for (int j = 0 ; j < afs.size() - 1; j++){
                int k = j+1;
                cout << k << "\t" << afs[j] << endl;
                dif +=  abs(afs[j]-oafs[j]);
                denom += oafs[j];
            countmatches += (dif==0);
            double fracmatch = 1 - ((double)dif)/denom;
            cout << "rep = " << rep << "\t" << fracmatch << endl;

		} // One set of MS sims

		if (io::debug >= 2) { 
			cout << "Next MS sim " <<endl;