Пример #1
// Serial Port
void agenda_serial_replace(int)
  if (UpdateBaud) RS232_CalculateBaud(bool(mfp_reg[MFPR_UCR] & BIT_7),mfp_get_timer_control_register(3),true);
  if (SerialPort.AreBytesToCome()){

    if ((mfp_reg[MFPR_RSR] & BIT_0) /*Recv enable*/ &&
        (mfp_reg[MFPR_TSR] & b00000110)!=b00000110 /*Loopback*/ &&
        (mfp_reg[MFPR_RSR] & BIT_6)==0 /*No overrun*/){
      if ((mfp_reg[MFPR_RSR] & BIT_7 /*Buffer Full*/)==0){

      mfp_reg[MFPR_RSR]&=BYTE(~(BIT_2 /*Char in progress*/ | BIT_3 /*Break*/ |
                                BIT_4 /*Frame Error*/ |      BIT_5 /*Parity Error*/));
      mfp_reg[MFPR_RSR]|=BIT_7 /*Buffer Full*/;

    if (SerialPort.AreBytesToCome()){
      mfp_reg[MFPR_RSR]|=BYTE(BIT_2); // Character in progress
      mfp_reg[MFPR_RSR]&=BYTE(~BIT_2); // Character in progress
Пример #2
void agenda_check_centronics_interrupt(int)
  if (ParallelPort.AreBytesToRead() || ParallelPort.AreBytesToOutput()){
Пример #3
// MIDI Port
void agenda_midi_replace(int)
  if (MIDIPort.AreBytesToCome()){

    if (ACIA_MIDI.rx_not_read){
      // discard data and set overrun
      log_to_section(LOGSECTION_MIDI,"MIDI: Overrun on ACIA! Byte lost!");
    log_to_section(LOGSECTION_MIDI,EasyStr("MIDI: Fire ACIA interrupt"));
    if (ACIA_MIDI.rx_irq_enabled) ACIA_MIDI.irq=true;
    mfp_gpip_set_bit(MFP_GPIP_ACIA_BIT,!(ACIA_IKBD.irq || ACIA_MIDI.irq));

    if (MIDIPort.AreBytesToCome()) agenda_add(agenda_midi_replace,ACIAClockToHBLS(ACIA_MIDI.clock_divide,true),0);
Пример #4
static inline int refine_states(int invstates) {
    int i, selfsplit;
    struct e *thise;
    struct p *tP, *newP = NULL;

     1. add inverse(P,a) to table of inverses, disallowing duplicates
     2. first pass on S, touch each state once, increasing P->t_count
     3. for each P where counter != count, split and add to agenda

  /* Inverse to table of inverses */
  selfsplit = 0;

  /* touch and increase P->counter */
  for (i=0; i < invstates; i++) {
    ((E+(*(temp_move+i)))->group)->inv_t_count += ((E+(*(temp_move+i)))->inv_count);
    assert((E+(*(temp_move+i)))->group->t_count <= (E+(*(temp_move+i)))->group->count);

  /* Split (this is the tricky part) */
  for (i=0; i < invstates; i++) {
    thise = E+*(temp_move+i);
    tP = thise->group;
    /* Do we need to split?
       if we've touched as many states as there are in the partition
       we don't split */

    if (tP->t_count == tP->count) {
      tP->t_count = 0;
      tP->inv_t_count = 0;
    if ((tP->t_count != tP->count) && (tP->count > 1) && (tP->t_count > 0)) {      
        /* Check if we already split this */
        newP = tP->current_split;
        if (newP == NULL) {
            /* printf("tP [%i] newP [%i]\n",tP->inv_count,tP->inv_t_count); */
            /* Create new group newP */
            if (total_states == num_states)
                return(1); /* Abort now, machine is already minimal */
            tP->current_split = Pnext++;
            newP = tP->current_split;
            newP->first_e = newP->last_e = thise;
            newP->count = 0;
            newP->inv_count = tP->inv_t_count;
            newP->inv_t_count = 0;
            newP->t_count = 0;
            newP->current_split = NULL;
            newP->agenda = NULL;

            /* Add to agenda */
            /* If the current block (tP) is on the agenda, we add both back */
            /* to the agenda */
            /* In practice we need only add newP since tP stays where it is */
            /* However, we mark the larger one as not starting the symloop */
            /* from zero */
            if (tP->agenda != NULL) {
                /* Is tP smaller */
                if (tP->inv_count < tP->inv_t_count) {
                    agenda_add(newP, 1);
                    tP->agenda->index = 0;
                else {
                    agenda_add(newP, 0);
                /* In the event that we're splitting the partition we're currently */
                /* splitting with, we can simply add both new partitions to the agenda */
                /* and break out of the entire sym loop after we're */
                /* done with the current sym and move on with the agenda */
                /* We process the larger one for all symbols */
                /* and the smaller one for only the ones remaining in this symloop */

            } else if (tP == current_w) {
                agenda_add(((tP->inv_count < tP->inv_t_count) ? tP : newP),0);
                agenda_add(((tP->inv_count >= tP->inv_t_count) ? tP : newP),1);
                selfsplit = 1;
            } else {
                /* If the block is not on the agenda, we add */
                /* the smaller of tP, newP and start the symloop from 0 */                
                agenda_add((tP->inv_count < tP->inv_t_count ? tP : newP),0);
            /* Add to middle of P-chain */
            newP->next = P->next;
            P->next = newP;
        thise->group = newP;
        /* need to make tP->last_e point to the last untouched e */
        if (thise == tP->last_e)
            tP->last_e = thise->left;
        if (thise == tP->first_e)
            tP->first_e = thise->right;
        /* Adjust links */
        if (thise->left != NULL)
            thise->left->right = thise->right;
        if (thise->right != NULL)
            thise->right->left = thise->left;
        if (newP->last_e != thise) {
            newP->last_e->right = thise;
            thise->left = newP->last_e;
            newP->last_e = thise;
        thise->right = NULL;
        if (newP->first_e == thise)
            thise->left = NULL;
        /* Are we done for this block? Adjust counters */
        if (newP->count == tP->t_count) {
            tP->count = tP->count - newP->count;
            tP->inv_count = tP->inv_count - tP->inv_t_count;
            tP->current_split = NULL;
            tP->t_count = 0;
            tP->inv_t_count = 0;
  /* We return 1 if we just split the partition we were working with */
  return (selfsplit);
Пример #5
void ParallelOutputNotify()
Пример #6
void MidiInBufNotEmpty()
  agenda_add(agenda_midi_replace,ACIAClockToHBLS(ACIA_MIDI.clock_divide,true)+1,0); //+1 for middle of scanline
Пример #7
void SerialInBufNotEmpty()
  mfp_reg[MFPR_RSR]|=BYTE(BIT_2); // Character in progress
  agenda_add(agenda_serial_replace,rs232_hbls_per_word+1,0); //+1 for middle of scanline
Пример #8
    source values:

    0 -> Public from bot_channel
    1 -> Private message to bot
bool botcmd_parse(irc_session_t* session, const char* cmd, const char* sender,
    const char* host, int source) {

    char args[5][256];

    if (cmd[0] != '!') {
        return false;
    } else {
        printf("Got command: %s from %s.\n", cmd, sender);

    if (sscanf(cmd, "!vote %[^\n]s", args[1]) == 1) {
        voting_add(session, args[1], sender, host);
        return true;

    } else if (strcmp(cmd, "!showvotes") == 0) {
        printf("Showing vote list\n");
        voting_report(session, sender);
        return true;

    } else if (strcmp(cmd, "!broadcastvotes") == 0 
        && is_op(sender)) {

        printf("Broadcasting vote list\n");
        voting_report(session, bot_channel);
        return true;

    } else if (sscanf(cmd, "!openvote %[^\n]s", args[0]) == 1
        && is_op(sender)) {     
        printf("Opening voting: %s\n", args[0]);
        voting_init(session, bot_channel, args[0]);
        return true;

    } else if (strcmp(cmd, "!closevote") == 0
        && is_op(sender)) {     
        printf("Closing current voting\n");
        voting_close(session, bot_channel);
        return true;

    } else if (strcmp(cmd, "!randkick") == 0
        && is_op(sender))  {
        return true;

    } else if (sscanf(cmd, "!greet %[^\n]s", args[0]) == 1) {
        if (!source) {
            botcmd_greet(session, args[0], bot_channel);
        } else {
            botcmd_greet(session, args[0], sender);
        return true;

    } else if (strcmp(cmd, "!enablegreet") == 0
        && is_op(sender)) {
        printf("Greeter is now off...\n");
        greeter_on = true;
        return true;

    } else if (strcmp(cmd, "!disablegreet") == 0
        && is_op(sender)) {
        printf("Greeter is now on...\n");
        greeter_on = false;
        return true;

    } else if (strcmp(cmd, "!slots") == 0) {
        if (!source) {
            botcmd_slots(session, bot_channel, sender);
        } else {
            botcmd_slots(session, sender, sender);
        return true;
    } else if (strcmp(cmd, "!clones") == 0) {
        /* botcmd_clones(session, sender, sender); */
        irc_cmd_notice(session, sender, "Coming soon...");
        return true;

    } else if (strcmp(cmd, "!agendaics") == 0) {
        agenda_export_ics(session, sender);
        return true;

    } else if (sscanf(cmd, "!agendaget %[^\n]s", args[0]) == 1) {
        if (!source) {
            agenda_get(session, bot_channel, args[0]);
        } else {
            agenda_get(session, sender, args[0]);
        return true;
    } else if (sscanf(cmd, "!agendadel %[^\n]s", args[0]) == 1
        && is_op(sender)) {
        if (!source) {
            agenda_del(session, bot_channel, args[0]);
        } else {
            agenda_del(session, sender, args[0]);
        return true;

    } else if (sscanf(cmd, "!agendaadd %[^\n]s", args[0]) == 1
        && is_op(sender)) {
        if (!source) {
            agenda_add(session, bot_channel, args[0]);
        } else {
            agenda_add(session, sender, args[0]);
        return true;
    } else if (strcmp(cmd, "!agenda") == 0) {
        if (!source) {
            agenda_list(session, bot_channel, "");
        } else {
            agenda_list(session, sender, "");
        return true;

    } else if (sscanf(cmd, "!agenda %[^\n]s", args[0]) == 1) {
        if (!source) {
            agenda_list(session, bot_channel, args[0]);
        } else {
            agenda_list(session, sender, args[0]);
        return true;

/*    } else if (strcmp(cmd, "!gaem") == 0
        && is_op(sender)) {
        return true; */

    } else if (strcmp(cmd, "!goatsex") == 0) {
        if (!source) {
            botcmd_goatsex(session, bot_channel);
        } else {
            botcmd_goatsex(session, sender);

    } else if (strcmp(cmd, "!help") == 0) {
        irc_cmd_notice(session, sender, "Command list:");
        irc_cmd_notice(session, sender, "!agenda [all | today | month | year | DD-MM-AAAA]");
        irc_cmd_notice(session, sender, "!agendaics");
        irc_cmd_notice(session, sender, "!agendaget <index>");
        irc_cmd_notice(session, sender, "!callall");
        irc_cmd_notice(session, sender, "!clones {Note: Unimplemented}");
        irc_cmd_notice(session, sender, "!game");
        irc_cmd_notice(session, sender, "!google <search query>");
        irc_cmd_notice(session, sender, "!grep <search query>");
        if (greeter_on) irc_cmd_notice(session, sender, "!greet <something>");
        irc_cmd_notice(session, sender, "!help");
        irc_cmd_notice(session, sender, "!ping");
        irc_cmd_notice(session, sender, "!slots");
        irc_cmd_notice(session, sender, "!showvotes");
        irc_cmd_notice(session, sender, "!vote <option>");
        if (is_op(sender)) {
            irc_cmd_notice(session, sender, "Op command list:");
            irc_cmd_notice(session, sender, "!agendaadd");
            irc_cmd_notice(session, sender, "!agendadel");
            irc_cmd_notice(session, sender, "!broadcastvotes");
            irc_cmd_notice(session, sender, "!closevote");
            irc_cmd_notice(session, sender, "!disablegreet");
            irc_cmd_notice(session, sender, "!enablegreet");
            irc_cmd_notice(session, sender, "!fibonacci <n> <string>");
            irc_cmd_notice(session, sender, "!openvote <question to vote>");
            irc_cmd_notice(session, sender, "!randkick");
        return true;


    if (!source) {
        return external_check(session, cmd, sender, bot_channel);
    } else {
        return external_check(session, cmd, sender, sender);