Пример #1
void CAssParser::CalculatePerMeshMinMax(SAssModel* model)
	const aiScene* scene = model->scene;

	for (size_t i = 0; i < scene->mNumMeshes; i++) {
		const aiMesh& mesh = *scene->mMeshes[i];

		SAssModel::MinMax& minmax = model->mesh_minmax[i];
		minmax.mins = DEF_MIN_SIZE;
		minmax.maxs = DEF_MAX_SIZE;

		for (size_t vertexIndex= 0; vertexIndex < mesh.mNumVertices; vertexIndex++) {
			const aiVector3D& aiVertex = mesh.mVertices[vertexIndex];
			minmax.mins = std::min(minmax.mins, aiVectorToFloat3(aiVertex));
			minmax.maxs = std::max(minmax.maxs, aiVectorToFloat3(aiVertex));

		if (minmax.mins == DEF_MIN_SIZE)
			minmax.mins = ZeroVector;
		if (minmax.maxs == DEF_MAX_SIZE)
			minmax.maxs = ZeroVector;
Пример #2
void CAssParser::LoadPieceGeometry(SAssPiece* piece, const aiNode* pieceNode, const aiScene* scene)
	// Get vertex data from node meshes
	for (unsigned meshListIndex = 0; meshListIndex < pieceNode->mNumMeshes; ++meshListIndex) {
		const unsigned int meshIndex = pieceNode->mMeshes[meshListIndex];
		const aiMesh* mesh = scene->mMeshes[meshIndex];

		LOG_SL(LOG_SECTION_PIECE, L_DEBUG, "Fetching mesh %d from scene", meshIndex);
			"Processing vertices for mesh %d (%d vertices)",
			meshIndex, mesh->mNumVertices);
			"Normals: %s Tangents/Bitangents: %s TexCoords: %s",
			(mesh->HasNormals() ? "Y" : "N"),
			(mesh->HasTangentsAndBitangents() ? "Y" : "N"),
			(mesh->HasTextureCoords(0) ? "Y" : "N"));

		piece->vertices.reserve(piece->vertices.size() + mesh->mNumVertices);
		piece->vertexDrawIndices.reserve(piece->vertexDrawIndices.size() + mesh->mNumFaces * 3);

		std::vector<unsigned> mesh_vertex_mapping;

		// extract vertex data per mesh
		for (unsigned vertexIndex = 0; vertexIndex < mesh->mNumVertices; ++vertexIndex) {
			const aiVector3D& aiVertex = mesh->mVertices[vertexIndex];

			SAssVertex vertex;

			// vertex coordinates
			vertex.pos = aiVectorToFloat3(aiVertex);

			// update piece min/max extents
			piece->mins = float3::min(piece->mins, vertex.pos);
			piece->maxs = float3::max(piece->maxs, vertex.pos);

			// vertex normal
			LOG_SL(LOG_SECTION_PIECE, L_DEBUG, "Fetching normal for vertex %d", vertexIndex);

			const aiVector3D& aiNormal = mesh->mNormals[vertexIndex];

			if (!IS_QNAN(aiNormal)) {
				vertex.normal = aiVectorToFloat3(aiNormal);

			// vertex tangent, x is positive in texture axis
			if (mesh->HasTangentsAndBitangents()) {
				LOG_SL(LOG_SECTION_PIECE, L_DEBUG, "Fetching tangent for vertex %d", vertexIndex);

				const aiVector3D& aiTangent = mesh->mTangents[vertexIndex];
				const aiVector3D& aiBitangent = mesh->mBitangents[vertexIndex];

				vertex.sTangent = aiVectorToFloat3(aiTangent);
				vertex.tTangent = aiVectorToFloat3(aiBitangent);

			// vertex tex-coords per channel
			for (unsigned int uvChanIndex = 0; uvChanIndex < NUM_MODEL_UVCHANNS; uvChanIndex++) {
				if (!mesh->HasTextureCoords(uvChanIndex))

				piece->SetNumTexCoorChannels(uvChanIndex + 1);

				vertex.texCoords[uvChanIndex].x = mesh->mTextureCoords[uvChanIndex][vertexIndex].x;
				vertex.texCoords[uvChanIndex].y = mesh->mTextureCoords[uvChanIndex][vertexIndex].y;


		// extract face data
		LOG_SL(LOG_SECTION_PIECE, L_DEBUG, "Processing faces for mesh %d (%d faces)", meshIndex, mesh->mNumFaces);

		 * since aiProcess_SortByPType is being used,
		 * we're sure we'll get only 1 type here,
		 * so combination check isn't needed, also
		 * anything more complex than triangles is
		 * being split thanks to aiProcess_Triangulate
		for (unsigned faceIndex = 0; faceIndex < mesh->mNumFaces; ++faceIndex) {
			const aiFace& face = mesh->mFaces[faceIndex];

			// some models contain lines (mNumIndices == 2) which
			// we cannot render and they would need a 2nd drawcall)
			if (face.mNumIndices != 3)

			for (unsigned vertexListID = 0; vertexListID < face.mNumIndices; ++vertexListID) {
				const unsigned int vertexFaceIdx = face.mIndices[vertexListID];
				const unsigned int vertexDrawIdx = mesh_vertex_mapping[vertexFaceIdx];

Пример #3
void CAssParser::LoadPieceTransformations(
	SAssPiece* piece,
	const S3DModel* model,
	const aiNode* pieceNode,
	const LuaTable& pieceTable
) {
	aiVector3D aiScaleVec, aiTransVec;
	aiQuaternion aiRotateQuat;

	// process transforms
	pieceNode->mTransformation.Decompose(aiScaleVec, aiRotateQuat, aiTransVec);

	// metadata-scaling
	piece->scales   = pieceTable.GetFloat3("scale", aiVectorToFloat3(aiScaleVec));
	piece->scales.x = pieceTable.GetFloat("scalex", piece->scales.x);
	piece->scales.y = pieceTable.GetFloat("scaley", piece->scales.y);
	piece->scales.z = pieceTable.GetFloat("scalez", piece->scales.z);

	if (piece->scales.x != piece->scales.y || piece->scales.y != piece->scales.z) {
		// LOG_SL(LOG_SECTION_MODEL, L_WARNING, "Spring doesn't support non-uniform scaling");
		piece->scales.y = piece->scales.x;
		piece->scales.z = piece->scales.x;

	// metadata-translation
	piece->offset   = pieceTable.GetFloat3("offset", aiVectorToFloat3(aiTransVec));
	piece->offset.x = pieceTable.GetFloat("offsetx", piece->offset.x);
	piece->offset.y = pieceTable.GetFloat("offsety", piece->offset.y);
	piece->offset.z = pieceTable.GetFloat("offsetz", piece->offset.z);

	// metadata-rotation
	// NOTE:
	//   these rotations are "pre-scripting" but "post-modelling"
	//   together with the (baked) aiRotateQuad they determine the
	//   model's pose *before* any animations execute
	// float3 rotAngles = pieceTable.GetFloat3("rotate", aiQuaternionToRadianAngles(aiRotateQuat) * RADTODEG);
	float3 pieceRotAngles = pieceTable.GetFloat3("rotate", ZeroVector);

	pieceRotAngles.x = pieceTable.GetFloat("rotatex", pieceRotAngles.x);
	pieceRotAngles.y = pieceTable.GetFloat("rotatey", pieceRotAngles.y);
	pieceRotAngles.z = pieceTable.GetFloat("rotatez", pieceRotAngles.z);
	pieceRotAngles  *= DEGTORAD;

		"(%d:%s) Assimp offset (%f,%f,%f), rotate (%f,%f,%f,%f), scale (%f,%f,%f)",
		model->numPieces, piece->name.c_str(),
		aiTransVec.x, aiTransVec.y, aiTransVec.z,
		aiRotateQuat.w, aiRotateQuat.x, aiRotateQuat.y, aiRotateQuat.z,
		aiScaleVec.x, aiScaleVec.y, aiScaleVec.z
		"(%d:%s) Relative offset (%f,%f,%f), rotate (%f,%f,%f), scale (%f,%f,%f)",
		model->numPieces, piece->name.c_str(),
		piece->offset.x, piece->offset.y, piece->offset.z,
		pieceRotAngles.x, pieceRotAngles.y, pieceRotAngles.z,
		piece->scales.x, piece->scales.y, piece->scales.z

	// NOTE:
	//   at least collada (.dae) files generated by Blender represent
	//   a coordinate-system that differs from the "standard" formats
	//   (3DO, S3O, ...) for which existing tools at least have prior
	//   knowledge of Spring's expectations --> let the user override
	//   the ROOT rotational transform and the rotation-axis mapping
	//   used by animation scripts (but re-modelling/re-exporting is
	//   always preferred!) even though AssImp should convert models
	//   to its own system which matches that of Spring
	//   .dae  : x=Rgt, y=-Fwd, z= Up, as=(-1, -1, 1), am=AXIS_XZY (if Z_UP)
	//   .dae  : x=Rgt, y=-Fwd, z= Up, as=(-1, -1, 1), am=AXIS_XZY (if Y_UP) [!?]
	//   .blend: ????
	piece->bakedRotMatrix = aiMatrixToMatrix(aiMatrix4x4t<float>(aiRotateQuat.GetMatrix()));

	if (piece == model->GetRootPiece()) {
		const float3 xaxis = pieceTable.GetFloat3("xaxis", piece->bakedRotMatrix.GetX());
		const float3 yaxis = pieceTable.GetFloat3("yaxis", piece->bakedRotMatrix.GetY());
		const float3 zaxis = pieceTable.GetFloat3("zaxis", piece->bakedRotMatrix.GetZ());

		if (math::fabs(xaxis.SqLength() - yaxis.SqLength()) < 0.01f && math::fabs(yaxis.SqLength() - zaxis.SqLength()) < 0.01f) {
			piece->bakedRotMatrix = CMatrix44f(ZeroVector, xaxis, yaxis, zaxis);

	piece->rotAxisSigns = pieceTable.GetFloat3("rotAxisSigns", float3(-OnesVector));
	piece->axisMapType = AxisMappingType(pieceTable.GetInt("rotAxisMap", AXIS_MAPPING_XYZ));

	// construct 'baked' part of the piece-space matrix
	// AssImp order is translate * rotate * scale * v;
	// we leave the translation and scale parts out and
	// put those in <offset> and <scales> --> transform
	// is just R instead of T * R * S
	// note: for all non-AssImp models this is identity!
	piece->ComposeRotation(piece->bakedRotMatrix, pieceRotAngles);
	piece->SetHasIdentityRotation(piece->bakedRotMatrix.IsIdentity() == 0);

	assert(piece->bakedRotMatrix.IsOrthoNormal() == 0);
Пример #4
SAssPiece* CAssParser::LoadPiece(SAssModel* model, aiNode* node, const LuaTable& metaTable)
	// Create new piece
	SAssPiece* piece = new SAssPiece;
	piece->type = MODELTYPE_OTHER;
	piece->node = node;
	piece->isEmpty = (node->mNumMeshes == 0);

	if (node->mParent) {
		piece->name = std::string(node->mName.data);
	} else {
		//FIXME is this really smart?
		piece->name = "root"; //! The real model root

	// find a new name if none given or if a piece with the same name already exists
	if (piece->name.empty()) {
		piece->name = "piece";

	ModelPieceMap::const_iterator it = model->pieces.find(piece->name);
	if (it != model->pieces.end()) {
		char buf[64];
		int i = 0;
		while (it != model->pieces.end()) {
			SNPRINTF(buf, 64, "%s%02i", piece->name.c_str(), i++);
			it = model->pieces.find(buf);
		piece->name = buf;
	LOG_S(LOG_SECTION_PIECE, "Converting node '%s' to piece '%s' (%d meshes).",
			node->mName.data, piece->name.c_str(), node->mNumMeshes);

	// Load additional piece properties from metadata
	const LuaTable& pieceTable = metaTable.SubTable("pieces").SubTable(piece->name);
	if (pieceTable.IsValid()) {
		LOG_S(LOG_SECTION_PIECE, "Found metadata for piece '%s'",

	// Load transforms
	LoadPieceTransformations(model, piece, pieceTable);

	// Update piece min/max extents
	for (unsigned meshListIndex = 0; meshListIndex < node->mNumMeshes; meshListIndex++) {
		const unsigned int meshIndex = node->mMeshes[meshListIndex];
		const SAssModel::MinMax& minmax = model->mesh_minmax[meshIndex];

		piece->mins = std::min(piece->mins, minmax.mins);
		piece->maxs = std::max(piece->maxs, minmax.maxs);

	// Check if piece is special (ie, used to set Spring model properties)
	if (strcmp(node->mName.data, "SpringHeight") == 0) {
		// Set the model height to this nodes Z value
		if (!metaTable.KeyExists("height")) {
			model->height = piece->offset.z;
					"Model height of %f set by special node 'SpringHeight'",
		delete piece;
		return NULL;
	if (strcmp(node->mName.data, "SpringRadius") == 0) {
		if (!metaTable.KeyExists("midpos")) {
			model->relMidPos = piece->scaleRotMatrix.Mul(piece->offset);
					"Model midpos of (%f,%f,%f) set by special node 'SpringRadius'",
					model->relMidPos.x, model->relMidPos.y, model->relMidPos.z);
		if (!metaTable.KeyExists("radius")) {
			if (piece->maxs.x <= 0.00001f) {
				aiVector3D _scale, _offset;
				aiQuaternion _rotate;
				model->radius = aiVectorToFloat3(_scale).x; // the blender import script only sets the scale property
			} else {
				model->radius = piece->maxs.x; // use the transformed mesh extents
					"Model radius of %f set by special node 'SpringRadius'",
		delete piece;
		return NULL;

	//! Get vertex data from node meshes
	for (unsigned meshListIndex = 0; meshListIndex < node->mNumMeshes; ++meshListIndex) {
		unsigned int meshIndex = node->mMeshes[meshListIndex];
		LOG_SL(LOG_SECTION_PIECE, L_DEBUG, "Fetching mesh %d from scene",
		const aiMesh* mesh = model->scene->mMeshes[meshIndex];
		std::vector<unsigned> mesh_vertex_mapping;
		// extract vertex data
				"Processing vertices for mesh %d (%d vertices)",
				meshIndex, mesh->mNumVertices);
				"Normals: %s Tangents/Bitangents: %s TexCoords: %s",
				(mesh->HasNormals() ? "Y" : "N"),
				(mesh->HasTangentsAndBitangents() ? "Y" : "N"),
				(mesh->HasTextureCoords(0) ? "Y" : "N"));

		piece->vertices.reserve(piece->vertices.size() + mesh->mNumVertices);
		for (unsigned vertexIndex = 0; vertexIndex < mesh->mNumVertices; ++vertexIndex) {
			SAssVertex vertex;

			// vertex coordinates
			const aiVector3D& aiVertex = mesh->mVertices[vertexIndex];
			vertex.pos = aiVectorToFloat3(aiVertex);

			// vertex normal
			LOG_SL(LOG_SECTION_PIECE, L_DEBUG, "Fetching normal for vertex %d",
			const aiVector3D& aiNormal = mesh->mNormals[vertexIndex];
			if (!IS_QNAN(aiNormal)) {
				vertex.normal = aiVectorToFloat3(aiNormal);

			// vertex tangent, x is positive in texture axis
			if (mesh->HasTangentsAndBitangents()) {
						"Fetching tangent for vertex %d", vertexIndex );
				const aiVector3D& aiTangent = mesh->mTangents[vertexIndex];
				const aiVector3D& aiBitangent = mesh->mBitangents[vertexIndex];

				vertex.sTangent = aiVectorToFloat3(aiTangent);
				vertex.tTangent = aiVectorToFloat3(aiBitangent);

			// vertex texcoords
			if (mesh->HasTextureCoords(0)) {
				vertex.texCoord.x = mesh->mTextureCoords[0][vertexIndex].x;
				vertex.texCoord.y = mesh->mTextureCoords[0][vertexIndex].y;

			if (mesh->HasTextureCoords(1)) {
				piece->hasTexCoord2 = true,
				vertex.texCoord2.x = mesh->mTextureCoords[1][vertexIndex].x;
				vertex.texCoord2.y = mesh->mTextureCoords[1][vertexIndex].y;


		// extract face data
				"Processing faces for mesh %d (%d faces)",
				meshIndex, mesh->mNumFaces);
		 * since aiProcess_SortByPType is being used,
		 * we're sure we'll get only 1 type here,
		 * so combination check isn't needed, also
		 * anything more complex than triangles is
		 * being split thanks to aiProcess_Triangulate
		piece->vertexDrawIndices.reserve(piece->vertexDrawIndices.size() + mesh->mNumFaces * 3);
		for (unsigned faceIndex = 0; faceIndex < mesh->mNumFaces; ++faceIndex) {
			const aiFace& face = mesh->mFaces[faceIndex];

			// some models contain lines (mNumIndices == 2)
			// we cannot render those (esp. they would need to be called in a 2nd drawcall)
			if (face.mNumIndices != 3)

			for (unsigned vertexListID = 0; vertexListID < face.mNumIndices; ++vertexListID) {
				const unsigned int vertexFaceIdx = face.mIndices[vertexListID];
				const unsigned int vertexDrawIdx = mesh_vertex_mapping[vertexFaceIdx];

	piece->isEmpty = piece->vertices.empty();

	//! Get parent name from metadata or model
	if (pieceTable.KeyExists("parent")) {
		piece->parentName = pieceTable.GetString("parent", "");
	} else if (node->mParent) {
		if (node->mParent->mParent) {
			piece->parentName = std::string(node->mParent->mName.data);
		} else { // my parent is the root, which gets renamed
			piece->parentName = "root";
	} else {
		piece->parentName = "";

	LOG_S(LOG_SECTION_PIECE, "Loaded model piece: %s with %d meshes",
			piece->name.c_str(), node->mNumMeshes);

	// Verbose logging of piece properties
	LOG_S(LOG_SECTION_PIECE, "piece->name: %s", piece->name.c_str());
	LOG_S(LOG_SECTION_PIECE, "piece->parent: %s", piece->parentName.c_str());

	// Recursively process all child pieces
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < node->mNumChildren; ++i) {
		LoadPiece(model, node->mChildren[i], metaTable);

	model->pieces[piece->name] = piece;
	return piece;