int main(int argc, char **argv) { AjPSeqall seqall; AjPSeqout seqout; AjPSeq seq = NULL; AjBool firstonly; embInit("seqret", argc, argv); seqout = ajAcdGetSeqoutall("outseq"); seqall = ajAcdGetSeqall("sequence"); firstonly = ajAcdGetBoolean("firstonly"); while(ajSeqallNext(seqall, &seq)) { ajSeqoutWriteSeq(seqout, seq); if(firstonly) break; } ajSeqoutClose(seqout); ajSeqallDel(&seqall); ajSeqDel(&seq); ajSeqoutDel(&seqout); embExit(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { AjPSeqout seqout; AjPSeqall seqall; AjPSeq seq = NULL; embInit("seqretallfeat", argc, argv); seqout = ajAcdGetSeqoutall("outseq"); seqall = ajAcdGetSeqall("sequence"); while (ajSeqallNext(seqall, &seq)) { ajSeqoutWriteSeq(seqout, seq); ajSeqTrace(seq); } ajSeqoutClose(seqout); ajFeatTest(); ajSeqallDel(&seqall); ajSeqDel(&seq); ajSeqoutDel(&seqout); embExit(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { AjPSeqall seqall; AjPSeq seq = NULL; AjPFile primerFile; /* read the primer pairs from a file */ AjPFile outf; AjPList primerList; ajint mmp = 0; embInit("primersearch", argc, argv); seqall = ajAcdGetSeqall("seqall"); outf = ajAcdGetOutfile("outfile"); primerFile = ajAcdGetInfile("infile"); mmp = ajAcdGetInt("mismatchpercent"); /* build list of forward/reverse primer pairs as read from primerfile */ primerList = ajListNew(); /* read in primers from primerfile, classify and compile them */ primersearch_read_primers(&primerList,primerFile, mmp); /* check there are primers to be searched */ if(!ajListGetLength(primerList)) { ajErr("No suitable primers found - exiting"); embExitBad(); return 0; } /* query sequences one by one */ while(ajSeqallNext(seqall,&seq)) primersearch_primer_search(primerList, seq); /* output the results */ primersearch_print_hits(primerList, outf); /* delete all nodes of list, then the list itself */ ajListMap(primerList, primersearch_free_primer, NULL); ajListFree(&primerList); ajListFree(&primerList); ajFileClose(&outf); ajSeqallDel(&seqall); ajSeqDel(&seq); ajFileClose(&primerFile); embExit(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { AjPSeqall seqall; AjPSeq a; AjPSeqout outf; AjPStr substr; AjPStr back; AjPStr gctable; AjPCod codon = NULL; ajint gctablenum; ajint beg; ajint end; embInit("backtranambig", argc, argv); seqall = ajAcdGetSeqall("sequence"); outf = ajAcdGetSeqoutall("outfile"); gctable = ajAcdGetListSingle("table"); ajStrToInt(gctable, &gctablenum); codon = ajCodNewCodenum(gctablenum); while(ajSeqallNext(seqall, &a)) { substr = ajStrNew(); beg = ajSeqGetBegin(a); end = ajSeqGetEnd(a); ajStrAssignSubC(&substr,ajSeqGetSeqC(a),beg-1,end-1); back = ajStrNew(); ajCodBacktranslateAmbig(&back,substr,codon); ajSeqAssignSeqS (a, back); ajSeqSetNuc(a); ajSeqoutWriteSeq(outf,a); } ajSeqoutClose(outf); ajStrDel(&back); ajStrDel(&substr); ajSeqoutDel(&outf); ajCodDel(&codon); ajStrDel(&gctable); ajSeqallDel(&seqall); ajSeqDel(&a); embExit(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { AjPSeqall seqall; AjPSeqout seqout; AjPSeqout junkout; AjPSeq seq = NULL; AjPStr exclude = NULL; AjPStr pattern = NULL; AjPStr name = NULL; AjPStr acc = NULL; embInit("notseq", argc, argv); seqout = ajAcdGetSeqoutall("outseq"); junkout = ajAcdGetSeqoutall("junkoutseq"); seqall = ajAcdGetSeqall("sequence"); exclude = ajAcdGetString("exclude"); notseq_readfile(exclude, &pattern); while(ajSeqallNext(seqall, &seq)) { ajStrAssignS(&name, ajSeqGetNameS(seq)); ajStrAssignS(&acc, ajSeqGetAccS(seq)); if(embMiscMatchPatternDelimC(name, pattern, ",;") || embMiscMatchPatternDelimC(acc, pattern, ",;")) ajSeqoutWriteSeq(junkout, seq); else /* no match, so not excluded */ ajSeqoutWriteSeq(seqout, seq); ajStrSetClear(&name); ajStrSetClear(&acc); } ajSeqoutClose(seqout); ajSeqoutClose(junkout); ajSeqallDel(&seqall); ajSeqDel(&seq); ajSeqoutDel(&seqout); ajSeqoutDel(&junkout); ajStrDel(&exclude); ajStrDel(&pattern); ajStrDel(&name); ajStrDel(&acc); embExit(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { AjPSeqset seqset; AjPSeqall seqall; AjPSeq seq; ajint i = 0; AjPStr kimout = NULL; AjPStr dir = NULL; AjPFile obofile = NULL; AjPFile resfile = NULL; AjPDir taxdir = NULL; embInit("ajtest", argc, argv); seqall = ajAcdGetSeqall ("sequence"); seqset = ajAcdGetSeqset ("bsequence"); dir = ajAcdGetOutdirName("outdir"); obofile = ajAcdGetInfile ("obofile"); taxdir = ajAcdGetDirectory ("taxdir"); resfile = ajAcdGetInfile ("dbxreffile"); ajUser("Directory '%S'", dir); ajUser("Set of %d", ajSeqsetGetSize(seqset)); while(ajSeqallNext (seqall, &seq)) { ajUser ("%3d <%S>", i++, ajSeqGetUsaS(seq)); ajFmtPrintS(&kimout, "kim%d.out", i); ajtest_kim (kimout, seq); } ajSeqDel(&seq); ajSeqallDel(&seqall); ajSeqsetDel(&seqset); ajStrDel(&kimout); ajStrDel(&dir); if(taxdir) ajTaxLoad(taxdir); ajDirDel(&taxdir); if(obofile) ajOboParseObofile(obofile, ""); ajFileClose(&obofile); if(resfile) ajResourceParse(resfile, ""); ajFileClose(&resfile); embExit(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { AjPSeqall seqall; AjPSeq seq; AjPFile outf; AjPCod codon; AjPStr substr; ajint beg; ajint end; ajint ccnt; embInit("cusp", argc, argv); seqall = ajAcdGetSeqall("sequence"); outf = ajAcdGetOutfile("outfile"); ccnt = 0; substr = ajStrNew(); codon = ajCodNewCodenum(0); ajCodSetNameS(codon, ajFileGetPrintnameS(outf)); while(ajSeqallNext(seqall, &seq)) { beg = ajSeqallGetseqBegin(seqall); end = ajSeqallGetseqEnd(seqall); ajStrAssignSubS(&substr,ajSeqGetSeqS(seq),beg-1,end-1); ajCodSetTripletsS(codon,substr,&ccnt); } ajCodCalcUsage(codon,ccnt); ajCodSetDescC(codon, "CUSP codon usage file"); ajCodWrite(codon, outf); ajFileClose(&outf); ajStrDel(&substr); ajCodDel(&codon); ajSeqallDel(&seqall); ajSeqDel(&seq); embExit(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { AjPSeqall seqall; AjPSeq seq; AjPTable table = 0; AjPFile outf; ajint wordsize; ajint mincount; embInit("wordcount", argc, argv); seqall = ajAcdGetSeqall("sequence1"); wordsize = ajAcdGetInt("wordsize"); outf = ajAcdGetOutfile("outfile"); mincount = ajAcdGetInt("mincount"); embWordLength(wordsize); while (ajSeqallNext(seqall, &seq)) { embWordGetTable(&table, seq); /* get table of words */ } embWordPrintTableFI(table, mincount, outf); /* print table of words */ /* ** test if table can be added to ** if(getWordTable(&table, seq, wordcount)) ?? get table of words ?? ** { ** printWordTable(table); ?? print table of words ?? ** } */ embWordFreeTable(&table); /* free table of words */ ajSeqallDel(&seqall); ajSeqDel(&seq); ajFileClose(&outf); embExit(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { AjPSeqall seqall; AjPFile outf; AjPSeq seq = NULL; AjPList xrefs = NULL; ajuint nrefs; AjPSeqXref xref = NULL; embInit("seqxref", argc, argv); outf = ajAcdGetOutfile("outfile"); seqall = ajAcdGetSeqall("sequence"); xrefs = ajListNew(); while(ajSeqallNext(seqall, &seq)) { nrefs = ajSeqGetXrefs(seq, xrefs); ajSeqxreflistSort(xrefs); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "#%S: %u\n", ajSeqGetUsaS(seq), nrefs); while(ajListPop(xrefs, (void**)&xref)) { ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%S:%S\n", xref->Db, xref->Id); ajSeqxrefDel(&xref); } } ajListFree(&xrefs); ajSeqDel(&seq); ajFileClose(&outf); ajSeqallDel(&seqall); embExit(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { embInitPV("kmafft", argc, argv, "KBWS", "1.0.8"); struct soap soap; struct ns1__mafftInputParams params; char* jobid; char* result; AjPSeqall seqall; AjPSeq seq; AjPFile outf; AjPStr substr; AjPStr inseq = NULL; AjPStr strategy; AjPStr outorder; float op; float ep; AjPStr scorematrix; AjBool homologs; AjBool showhomologs; float threshold; AjPStr referenceseq; AjPStr harrplot; strategy = ajAcdGetString("strategy"); outorder = ajAcdGetString("outorder"); op = ajAcdGetFloat("op"); ep = ajAcdGetFloat("ep"); scorematrix = ajAcdGetString("scorematrix"); homologs = ajAcdGetBoolean("homologs"); showhomologs = ajAcdGetBoolean("showhomologs"); threshold = ajAcdGetFloat("threshold"); referenceseq = ajAcdGetString("referenceseq"); harrplot = ajAcdGetString("harrplot"); seqall = ajAcdGetSeqall("seqall"); outf = ajAcdGetOutfile("outfile"); params.strategy = ajCharNewS(strategy); params.outorder = ajCharNewS(outorder); params.op = op; params.ep = ep; params.scorematrix = ajCharNewS(scorematrix); if (homologs) { params.homologs = xsd__boolean__true_; } else { params.homologs = xsd__boolean__false_; } if (showhomologs) { params.showhomologs = xsd__boolean__true_; } else { params.showhomologs = xsd__boolean__false_; } params.threshold = threshold; params.referenceseq = ajCharNewS(referenceseq); params.harrplot = ajCharNewS(harrplot); AjPStr tmp = NULL; AjPStr tmpFileName = NULL; AjPSeqout fil_file; AjPStr line = NULL; /* if "AjPStr line; -> ajReadline is not success!" */ AjPStr sizestr = NULL; ajint thissize; ajint nb = 0; AjBool are_prot = ajFalse; ajint size = 0; AjPFile infile; tmp = ajStrNewC("fasta"); fil_file = ajSeqoutNew(); tmpFileName = getUniqueFileName(); if( !ajSeqoutOpenFilename(fil_file, tmpFileName) ) { embExitBad(); } ajSeqoutSetFormatS(fil_file, tmp); while (ajSeqallNext(seqall, &seq)) { if (!nb) { are_prot = ajSeqIsProt(seq); } ajSeqoutWriteSeq(fil_file, seq); ++nb; } ajSeqoutClose(fil_file); ajSeqoutDel(&fil_file); if (nb < 2) { ajFatal("Multiple alignments need at least two sequences"); } infile = ajFileNewInNameS(tmpFileName); while (ajReadline(infile, &line)) { ajStrAppendS(&inseq,line); ajStrAppendC(&inseq,"\n"); } soap_init(&soap); char* in0; in0 = ajCharNewS(inseq); if ( soap_call_ns1__runMafft( &soap, NULL, NULL, in0, ¶ms, &jobid ) == SOAP_OK ) { fprintf(stderr,"Jobid: %s\n",jobid); } else { soap_print_fault(&soap, stderr); } int check = 0; while ( check == 0 ) { if ( soap_call_ns1__checkStatus( &soap, NULL, NULL, jobid, &check ) == SOAP_OK ) { fprintf(stderr,"*"); } else { soap_print_fault(&soap, stderr); } sleep(3); } fprintf(stderr,"\n"); if ( soap_call_ns1__getResult( &soap, NULL, NULL, jobid, &result ) == SOAP_OK ) { substr = ajStrNewC(result); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"%S\n",substr); } else { soap_print_fault(&soap, stderr); } ajSysFileUnlinkS(tmpFileName); soap_destroy(&soap); soap_end(&soap); soap_done(&soap); ajFileClose(&outf); ajSeqallDel(&seqall); ajSeqDel(&seq); ajStrDel(&substr); embExit(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { embInitPV("gdeltagcskew", argc, argv, "GEMBASSY", "1.0.3"); AjPSeqall seqall; AjPSeq seq; AjPStr inseq = NULL; AjBool at = 0; AjBool purine = 0; AjBool keto = 0; AjPStr method = 0; AjBool accid = ajFalse; AjPStr restid = NULL; AjPStr seqid = NULL; AjPStr base = NULL; AjPStr url = NULL; AjPFile tmpfile = NULL; AjPStr tmpname = NULL; AjPFilebuff tmp = NULL; AjPStr line = NULL; AjPFile outf = NULL; seqall = ajAcdGetSeqall("sequence"); at = ajAcdGetBoolean("at"); purine = ajAcdGetBoolean("purine"); keto = ajAcdGetBoolean("keto"); method = ajAcdGetSelectSingle("method"); accid = ajAcdGetBoolean("accid"); outf = ajAcdGetOutfile("outfile"); base = ajStrNewC(""); gAssignUniqueName(&tmpname); while(ajSeqallNext(seqall, &seq)) { inseq = NULL; if(!accid) { if(gFormatGenbank(seq, &inseq)) { tmpfile = ajFileNewOutNameS(tmpname); if(!tmpfile) { ajDie("Output file (%S) open error\n", tmpname); } ajFmtPrintF(tmpfile, "%S", inseq); ajFileClose(&tmpfile); ajFmtPrintS(&url, "http://%S/upload/", base); gFilePostSS(url, tmpname, &restid); ajStrDel(&url); ajSysFileUnlinkS(tmpname); } else { ajWarn("Sequence does not have features\n" "Proceeding with sequence accession ID\n"); accid = ajTrue; } } ajStrAssignS(&seqid, ajSeqGetAccS(seq)); if(ajStrGetLen(seqid) == 0) { ajStrAssignS(&seqid, ajSeqGetNameS(seq)); } if(ajStrGetLen(seqid) == 0) { ajWarn("No valid header information\n"); } if(accid) { ajStrAssignS(&restid, seqid); if(ajStrGetLen(seqid) == 0) { ajDie("Cannot proceed without header with -accid\n"); } if(!gValID(seqid)) { ajDie("Invalid accession ID:%S, exiting\n", seqid); } } url = ajStrNew(); ajFmtPrintS(&url, "http://%S/%S/delta_gcskew/", base, restid); if(!gFilebuffURLS(url, &tmp)) { ajDie("Failed to download result from:\n%S\n", url); } ajBuffreadLine(tmp, &line); ajStrRemoveSetC(&line, "\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "Sequence: %S DELTA-GCskew %S\n", seqid, line); ajStrDel(&url); ajStrDel(&restid); ajStrDel(&seqid); ajStrDel(&inseq); } ajFileClose(&outf); ajSeqallDel(&seqall); ajSeqDel(&seq); ajStrDel(&base); embExit(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { AjPSeqall seqall; AjPSeqout seqout; AjPSeq seq; ajint size; ajint overlap; ajint len; ajint pos; AjBool addover; AjBool feature; AjPStr outseq_name = ajStrNew(); ajint start; ajint end; embInit("splitter", argc, argv); seqout = ajAcdGetSeqoutall("outseq"); seqall = ajAcdGetSeqall("sequence"); size = ajAcdGetInt("size"); overlap = ajAcdGetInt("overlap"); addover = ajAcdGetBoolean("addoverlap"); feature = ajAcdGetBoolean("feature"); while(ajSeqallNext(seqall, &seq)) { ajSeqTrim(seq); len = ajSeqGetLen(seq); pos = 0; ajStrAssignC(&outseq_name, ""); if (!addover) { while(pos+size <= len-1) { start = pos; end = pos+size-1; splitter_MakeSubSeqName (&outseq_name, seq, start, end); splitter_ProcessChunk (seqout, seq, start, end, outseq_name, feature); pos += size-overlap; } } else { while(pos+size+overlap < len-1) { start = pos; end = pos+size+overlap-1; splitter_MakeSubSeqName (&outseq_name, seq, start, end); splitter_ProcessChunk (seqout, seq, start, end, outseq_name, feature); pos += size; } } splitter_MakeSubSeqName(&outseq_name, seq, pos, len-1); splitter_ProcessChunk (seqout, seq, pos, len-1, outseq_name, feature); } ajSeqoutClose(seqout); ajSeqallDel(&seqall); ajSeqoutDel(&seqout); ajSeqDel(&seq); ajStrDel(&outseq_name); embExit(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { AjPSeqall seqall; AjPSeq seq = NULL; AjPFile outf = NULL; AjPStr strand = NULL; AjPStr substr = NULL; AjPStr bases = NULL; ajint begin; ajint end; ajint len; ajint minlen; float minobsexp; float minpc; ajint window; ajint shift; ajint plotstart; ajint plotend; float *xypc = NULL; float *obsexp = NULL; AjBool *thresh = NULL; float obsexpmax; ajint i; ajint maxarr; embInit("newcpgreport",argc,argv); seqall = ajAcdGetSeqall("sequence"); window = ajAcdGetInt("window"); shift = ajAcdGetInt("shift"); outf = ajAcdGetOutfile("outfile"); minobsexp = ajAcdGetFloat("minoe"); minlen = ajAcdGetInt("minlen"); minpc = ajAcdGetFloat("minpc"); substr = ajStrNew(); bases = ajStrNewC("CG"); maxarr = 0; while(ajSeqallNext(seqall, &seq)) { begin = ajSeqallGetseqBegin(seqall); end = ajSeqallGetseqEnd(seqall); strand = ajSeqGetSeqCopyS(seq); ajStrFmtUpper(&strand); ajStrAssignSubC(&substr,ajStrGetPtr(strand),--begin,--end); len=ajStrGetLen(substr); if(len > maxarr) { AJCRESIZE(obsexp, len); AJCRESIZE(thresh, len); AJCRESIZE(xypc, len); maxarr = len; } for(i=0;i<len;++i) obsexp[i]=xypc[i]=0.0; newcpgreport_findbases(substr, len, window, shift, obsexp, xypc, bases, &obsexpmax, &plotstart, &plotend); newcpgreport_identify(outf, obsexp, xypc, thresh, 0, len, shift, ajStrGetPtr(bases), ajSeqGetNameC(seq), minlen, minobsexp, minpc, ajStrGetPtr(strand)); ajStrDel(&strand); } ajStrDel(&bases); ajSeqDel(&seq); ajStrDel(&substr); ajFileClose(&outf); AJFREE(obsexp); AJFREE(thresh); AJFREE(xypc); ajSeqallDel(&seqall); embExit(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { AjPSeqall seqall; AjPSeq seq = NULL; AjPReport outf = NULL; AjPFile inf = NULL; ajint begin; ajint end; AjPList l = NULL; AjPStr strand = NULL; AjPStr substr = NULL; AjPStr line = NULL; AjPStr name = NULL; AjPStr acc = NULL; AjPStr bf = NULL; AjPStr menu; AjPStr pattern = NULL; AjPStr opattern = NULL; AjPStr pname = NULL; AjPStr key = NULL; AjPStr value = NULL; AjPTable atable = NULL; AjPTable btable = NULL; ajint mismatch; ajint minlength; ajint sum; ajint v; char cp; const char *p; embInit("tfscan", argc, argv); seqall = ajAcdGetSeqall("sequence"); outf = ajAcdGetReport("outfile"); mismatch = ajAcdGetInt("mismatch"); minlength = ajAcdGetInt("minlength"); menu = ajAcdGetListSingle("menu"); pname = ajStrNew(); cp=ajStrGetCharFirst(menu); if(cp=='F') ajStrAssignC(&pname,"tffungi"); else if(cp=='I') ajStrAssignC(&pname,"tfinsect"); else if(cp=='O') ajStrAssignC(&pname,"tfother"); else if(cp=='P') ajStrAssignC(&pname,"tfplant"); else if(cp=='V') ajStrAssignC(&pname,"tfvertebrate"); else if(cp=='C') inf = ajAcdGetDatafile("custom"); if(cp!='C') { inf = ajDatafileNewInNameS(pname); if(!inf) ajFatal("Either EMBOSS_DATA undefined or TFEXTRACT needs running"); } name = ajStrNew(); acc = ajStrNew(); bf = ajStrNewC(""); substr = ajStrNew(); line = ajStrNew(); pattern = ajStrNewC("AA"); opattern = ajStrNew(); while(ajSeqallNext(seqall, &seq)) { begin=ajSeqallGetseqBegin(seqall); end=ajSeqallGetseqEnd(seqall); ajStrAssignC(&name,ajSeqGetNameC(seq)); strand=ajSeqGetSeqCopyS(seq); ajStrAssignSubC(&substr,ajStrGetPtr(strand),begin-1,end-1); ajStrFmtUpper(&substr); l=ajListNew(); atable = ajTablestrNew(1000); btable = ajTablestrNew(1000); sum=0; while(ajReadlineTrim(inf,&line)) { p = ajStrGetPtr(line); if(!*p || *p=='#' || *p=='\n' || *p=='!') continue; ajFmtScanS(line,"%S%S%S",&pname,&pattern,&acc); p += ajStrGetLen(pname); while(*p && *p==' ') ++p; p += ajStrGetLen(pattern); while(*p && *p==' ') ++p; p += ajStrGetLen(acc); while(*p && *p==' ') ++p; ajStrAssignS(&opattern,pattern); ajStrAssignC(&bf,p); /* rest of line */ v = embPatVariablePattern(pattern,substr,pname,l,0, mismatch,begin); if(v) { key = ajStrNewS(pname); value = ajStrNewS(acc); ajTablePut(atable,(void *)key,(void *)value); key = ajStrNewS(pname); value = ajStrNewS(bf); ajTablePut(btable,(void *)key,(void *)value); } sum += v; } if(sum) tfscan_print_hits(&l,sum,outf,atable,seq,minlength, btable); ajFileSeek(inf,0L,0); ajListFree(&l); ajTablestrFree(&atable); ajTablestrFree(&btable); ajStrDel(&strand); } ajStrDel(&line); ajStrDel(&name); ajStrDel(&acc); ajStrDel(&pname); ajStrDel(&opattern); ajStrDel(&bf); ajStrDel(&pattern); ajStrDel(&substr); ajSeqDel(&seq); ajFileClose(&inf); ajReportClose(outf); ajReportDel(&outf); ajSeqallDel(&seqall); ajSeqDel(&seq); ajStrDel(&menu); embExit(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { // initialize EMBASSY info embInitPV("kweblogo", argc, argv, "KBWS", "1.0.9"); // soap driver and parameter object struct soap soap; struct ns1__weblogoInputParams params; char* jobid; AjPSeqall seqall; AjPSeq seq; AjPStr substr; AjPStr inseq = NULL; // get input sequence seqall= ajAcdGetSeqall("seqall"); // get/set parameters params.format = ajCharNewS(ajAcdGetString("format")); AjPStr tmp= NULL; AjPStr tmpFileName= NULL; AjPSeqout fil_file; AjPStr line= NULL; /* if "AjPStr line; -> ajReadline is not success!" */ AjPStr sizestr= NULL; ajint thissize; ajint nb= 0; AjBool are_prot= ajFalse; ajint size= 0; AjPFile infile; AjPFile goutf; AjPStr goutfile; goutfile= ajAcdGetString("goutfile"); tmp= ajStrNewC("fasta"); fil_file= ajSeqoutNew(); tmpFileName= getUniqueFileName(); if(!ajSeqoutOpenFilename(fil_file, tmpFileName)) { embExitBad(); } ajSeqoutSetFormatS(fil_file, tmp); while (ajSeqallNext(seqall, &seq)) { if (!nb) { are_prot = ajSeqIsProt(seq); } ajSeqoutWriteSeq(fil_file, seq); ++nb; } ajSeqoutClose(fil_file); ajSeqoutDel(&fil_file); if (nb < 2) { ajFatal("Multiple alignments need at least two sequences"); } infile = ajFileNewInNameS(tmpFileName); while (ajReadline(infile, &line)) { ajStrAppendS(&inseq,line); ajStrAppendC(&inseq,"\n"); } soap_init(&soap); char* in0; in0= ajCharNewS(inseq); if (soap_call_ns1__runWeblogo( &soap, NULL, NULL, in0, ¶ms, &jobid) == SOAP_OK) { } else { soap_print_fault(&soap, stderr); } int check= 0; while (check == 0 ) { if (soap_call_ns1__checkStatus(&soap, NULL, NULL, jobid, &check) == SOAP_OK) { } else { soap_print_fault(&soap, stderr); } sleep(3); } char* image_url; if (soap_call_ns1__getResult(&soap, NULL, NULL, jobid, &image_url) == SOAP_OK) { goutf= ajFileNewOutNameS(goutfile); if (!goutf) { // can not open image output file ajFmtError("Problem writing out image file"); embExitBad(); } if (!gHttpGetBinC(image_url, &goutf)) { // can not download image file ajFmtError("Problem downloading image file"); embExitBad(); } } else { soap_print_fault(&soap, stderr); } // delete temporary multi-fasta sequence file ajSysFileUnlinkS(tmpFileName); // destruct SOAP driver soap_destroy(&soap); soap_end(&soap); soap_done(&soap); // destruct EMBOSS object ajSeqallDel(&seqall); ajSeqDel(&seq); ajStrDel(&substr); // exit embExit(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { embInitPV("gp2", argc, argv, "GEMBASSY", "1.0.1"); AjPSeqall seqall; AjPSeq seq; AjPStr inseq = NULL; AjBool accid = ajFalse; AjPStr restid = NULL; AjPStr seqid = NULL; AjPStr base = NULL; AjPStr url = NULL; AjPFile tmpfile = NULL; AjPStr tmpname = NULL; AjPFile outf = NULL; seqall = ajAcdGetSeqall("sequence"); accid = ajAcdGetBoolean("accid"); outf = ajAcdGetOutfile("outfile"); base = ajStrNewC(""); gAssignUniqueName(&tmpname); while(ajSeqallNext(seqall, &seq)) { inseq = NULL; if(!accid) { if(gFormatGenbank(seq, &inseq)) { tmpfile = ajFileNewOutNameS(tmpname); if(!tmpfile) { ajDie("Output file (%S) open error\n", tmpname); } ajFmtPrintF(tmpfile, "%S", inseq); ajFileClose(&tmpfile); ajFmtPrintS(&url, "http://%S/upload/", base); gFilePostSS(url, tmpname, &restid); ajStrDel(&url); ajSysFileUnlinkS(tmpname); } else { ajDie("Sequence does not have features\n" "Proceeding with sequence accession ID\n"); accid = ajTrue; } } if(accid) { ajStrAssignS(&restid, ajSeqGetAccS(seq)); if(!ajStrGetLen(restid)) { ajStrAssignS(&restid, ajSeqGetNameS(seq)); } if(!ajStrGetLen(restid)) { ajDie("No valid header information\n"); } } ajStrAssignS(&seqid, ajSeqGetAccS(seq)); url = ajStrNew(); ajFmtPrintS(&url, "http://%S/%S/P2/output=f/tag=gene", base, restid); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "Sequence: %S\n", seqid); if(!gFileOutURLS(url, &outf)) { ajDie("Failed to download result from:\n%S\n", url); } ajStrDel(&url); ajStrDel(&inseq); } ajFileClose(&outf); ajSeqallDel(&seqall); ajSeqDel(&seq); ajStrDel(&seqid); embExit(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { ajint begin, end; AjPSeqall seqall; AjPSeq seq; EmbPShow ss; AjPFile outfile; AjPStr tablename; ajint table; AjPRange uppercase; AjPRange highlight; AjBool threeletter; AjBool numberseq; AjBool nameseq; ajint width; ajint length; ajint margin; AjBool description; ajint offset; AjBool html; AjPStr descriptionline; ajint orfminsize; AjPTrn trnTable; AjBool translation; AjBool reverse; AjBool cutlist; AjBool flat; EmbPMatMatch mm = NULL; AjPStr *framelist; AjBool frames[6]; /* frames to be translated 1 to 3, -1 to -3 */ /* stuff for tables and lists of enzymes and hits */ ajint default_mincuts = 1; ajint default_maxcuts = 2000000000; AjPTable hittable; /* enzyme hits */ /* stuff lifted from Alan's 'restrict.c' */ AjPStr enzymes = NULL; ajint mincuts; ajint maxcuts; ajint sitelen; AjBool single; AjBool blunt; AjBool sticky; AjBool ambiguity; AjBool plasmid; AjBool commercial; AjBool limit; AjBool methyl; AjPFile enzfile = NULL; AjPFile equfile = NULL; AjPFile methfile = NULL; AjPTable retable = NULL; ajint hits; AjPList restrictlist = NULL; embInit("remap", argc, argv); seqall = ajAcdGetSeqall("sequence"); outfile = ajAcdGetOutfile("outfile"); tablename = ajAcdGetListSingle("table"); uppercase = ajAcdGetRange("uppercase"); highlight = ajAcdGetRange("highlight"); threeletter = ajAcdGetBoolean("threeletter"); numberseq = ajAcdGetBoolean("number"); width = ajAcdGetInt("width"); length = ajAcdGetInt("length"); margin = ajAcdGetInt("margin"); nameseq = ajAcdGetBoolean("name"); description = ajAcdGetBoolean("description"); offset = ajAcdGetInt("offset"); html = ajAcdGetBoolean("html"); orfminsize = ajAcdGetInt("orfminsize"); translation = ajAcdGetBoolean("translation"); reverse = ajAcdGetBoolean("reverse"); cutlist = ajAcdGetBoolean("cutlist"); flat = ajAcdGetBoolean("flatreformat"); framelist = ajAcdGetList("frame"); /* restriction enzyme stuff */ mincuts = ajAcdGetInt("mincuts"); maxcuts = ajAcdGetInt("maxcuts"); sitelen = ajAcdGetInt("sitelen"); single = ajAcdGetBoolean("single"); blunt = ajAcdGetBoolean("blunt"); sticky = ajAcdGetBoolean("sticky"); ambiguity = ajAcdGetBoolean("ambiguity"); plasmid = ajAcdGetBoolean("plasmid"); commercial = ajAcdGetBoolean("commercial"); limit = ajAcdGetBoolean("limit"); enzymes = ajAcdGetString("enzymes"); methfile = ajAcdGetDatafile("mfile"); methyl = ajAcdGetBoolean("methylation"); if(!blunt && !sticky) ajFatal("Blunt/Sticky end cutters shouldn't both be disabled."); /* get the number of the genetic code used */ ajStrToInt(tablename, &table); trnTable = ajTrnNewI(table); /* read the local file of enzymes names */ remap_read_file_of_enzyme_names(&enzymes); /* get the frames to be translated */ remap_GetFrames(framelist, frames); while(ajSeqallNext(seqall, &seq)) { /* get begin and end positions */ begin = ajSeqGetBegin(seq)-1; end = ajSeqGetEnd(seq)-1; /* do the name and description */ if(nameseq) { if(html) ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "<H2>%S</H2>\n", ajSeqGetNameS(seq)); else ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "%S\n", ajSeqGetNameS(seq)); } if(description) { /* ** wrap the description line at the width of the sequence ** plus margin */ if(html) ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "<H3>%S</H3>\n", ajSeqGetDescS(seq)); else { descriptionline = ajStrNew(); ajStrAssignS(&descriptionline, ajSeqGetDescS(seq)); ajStrFmtWrap(&descriptionline, width+margin); ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "%S\n", descriptionline); ajStrDel(&descriptionline); } } /* get the restriction cut sites */ /* ** most of this is lifted from the program 'restrict.c' by Alan ** Bleasby */ if(single) maxcuts=mincuts=1; retable = ajTablestrNew(EQUGUESS); enzfile = ajDatafileNewInNameC(ENZDATA); if(!enzfile) ajFatal("Cannot locate enzyme file. Run REBASEEXTRACT"); if(limit) { equfile = ajDatafileNewInNameC(EQUDATA); if(!equfile) limit = ajFalse; else remap_read_equiv(&equfile, &retable, commercial); } ajFileSeek(enzfile, 0L, 0); restrictlist = ajListNew(); /* search for hits, but don't use mincuts and maxcuts criteria yet */ hits = embPatRestrictMatch(seq, begin+1, end+1, enzfile, methfile, enzymes, sitelen,plasmid, ambiguity, default_mincuts, default_maxcuts, blunt, sticky, commercial, methyl, restrictlist); ajDebug("Remap found %d hits\n", hits); if(hits) { /* this bit is lifted from printHits */ embPatRestrictRestrict(restrictlist, hits, !limit, ajFalse); if(limit) remap_RestrictPreferred(restrictlist,retable); } ajFileClose(&enzfile); ajFileClose(&methfile); /* ** Remove those violating the mincuts and maxcuts ** criteria, but save them in hittable for printing out later. ** Keep a count of how many hits each enzyme gets in hittable. */ hittable = ajTablestrNewCase(TABLEGUESS); remap_RemoveMinMax(restrictlist, hittable, mincuts, maxcuts); /* make the Show Object */ ss = embShowNew(seq, begin, end, width, length, margin, html, offset); if(html) ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "<PRE>"); /* create the format to display */ embShowAddBlank(ss); embShowAddRE(ss, 1, restrictlist, plasmid, flat); embShowAddSeq(ss, numberseq, threeletter, uppercase, highlight); if(!numberseq) embShowAddTicknum(ss); embShowAddTicks(ss); if(reverse) { embShowAddComp(ss, numberseq); embShowAddRE(ss, -1, restrictlist, plasmid, flat); } if(translation) { if(reverse) embShowAddBlank(ss); if(frames[0]) embShowAddTran(ss, trnTable, 1, threeletter, numberseq, NULL, orfminsize, AJFALSE, AJFALSE, AJFALSE, AJFALSE); if(frames[1]) embShowAddTran(ss, trnTable, 2, threeletter, numberseq, NULL, orfminsize, AJFALSE, AJFALSE, AJFALSE, AJFALSE); if(frames[2]) embShowAddTran(ss, trnTable, 3, threeletter, numberseq, NULL, orfminsize, AJFALSE, AJFALSE, AJFALSE, AJFALSE); if(reverse) { embShowAddTicks(ss); if(frames[5]) embShowAddTran(ss, trnTable, -3, threeletter, numberseq, NULL, orfminsize, AJFALSE, AJFALSE, AJFALSE, AJFALSE); if(frames[4]) embShowAddTran(ss, trnTable, -2, threeletter, numberseq, NULL, orfminsize, AJFALSE, AJFALSE, AJFALSE, AJFALSE); if(frames[3]) embShowAddTran(ss, trnTable, -1, threeletter, numberseq, NULL, orfminsize, AJFALSE, AJFALSE, AJFALSE, AJFALSE); } } embShowPrint(outfile, ss); /* display a list of the Enzymes that cut and don't cut */ if(cutlist) { remap_CutList(outfile, hittable, limit, html, mincuts, maxcuts); remap_NoCutList(outfile, hittable, html, enzymes, blunt, sticky, sitelen, commercial, ambiguity, limit, retable); } /* add a gratuitous newline at the end of the sequence */ ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "\n"); /* tidy up */ embShowDel(&ss); while(ajListPop(restrictlist,(void **)&mm)) embMatMatchDel(&mm); ajListFree(&restrictlist); remap_DelTable(&hittable); ajTablestrFree(&retable); } ajTrnDel(&trnTable); ajSeqallDel(&seqall); ajSeqDel(&seq); ajFileClose(&outfile); ajStrDel(&tablename); ajStrDel(&enzymes); ajStrDelarray(&framelist); ajRangeDel(&uppercase); ajRangeDel(&highlight); embExit(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { embInitPV("gbaseinformationcontent", argc, argv, "GEMBASSY", "1.0.1"); AjPSeqall seqall; AjPSeq seq; AjPStr inseq = NULL; AjPStr position = 0; ajint PatLen = 0; ajint upstream = 0; ajint downstream = 0; AjBool accid = ajFalse; AjPStr restid = NULL; AjPStr seqid = NULL; AjPStr base = NULL; AjPStr url = NULL; AjPFile tmpfile = NULL; AjPStr tmpname = NULL; AjBool plot = 0; AjPFile outf = NULL; AjPFilebuff buff = NULL; AjPGraph mult = NULL; gPlotParams gpp; AjPStr title = NULL; seqall = ajAcdGetSeqall("sequence"); position = ajAcdGetSelectSingle("position"); PatLen = ajAcdGetInt("patlen"); upstream = ajAcdGetInt("upstream"); downstream = ajAcdGetInt("downstream"); accid = ajAcdGetBoolean("accid"); plot = ajAcdGetToggle("plot"); outf = ajAcdGetOutfile("outfile"); mult = ajAcdGetGraphxy("graph"); base = ajStrNewC(""); gAssignUniqueName(&tmpname); while(ajSeqallNext(seqall, &seq)) { inseq = NULL; if(!accid) { if(gFormatGenbank(seq, &inseq)) { gAssignUniqueName(&tmpname); tmpfile = ajFileNewOutNameS(tmpname); if(!tmpfile) { ajFmtError("Output file (%S) open error\n", tmpname); embExitBad(); } ajFmtPrintF(tmpfile, "%S", inseq); ajFileClose(&tmpfile); ajFmtPrintS(&url, "http://%S/upload/", base); gFilePostSS(url, tmpname, &restid); ajStrDel(&url); ajSysFileUnlinkS(tmpname); } else { ajFmtError("Sequence does not have features\n" "Proceeding with sequence accession ID\n"); accid = ajTrue; } } if(accid) { ajStrAssignS(&seqid, ajSeqGetAccS(seq)); if(!ajStrGetLen(seqid)) { ajStrAssignS(&seqid, ajSeqGetNameS(seq)); } if(!ajStrGetLen(seqid)) { ajFmtError("No valid header information\n"); embExitBad(); } ajStrAssignS(&restid, seqid); } ajStrAssignS(&seqid, ajSeqGetAccS(seq)); url = ajStrNew(); ajFmtPrintS(&url, "http://%S/%S/base_information_content/position=%S/" "PatLen=%d/upstream=%d/downstream=%d/output=f/tag=gene", base, restid, position, PatLen, upstream, downstream); if(plot) { title = ajStrNew(); ajStrAppendC(&title, argv[0]); ajStrAppendC(&title, " of "); ajStrAppendS(&title, seqid); gpp.title = ajStrNewS(title); gpp.xlab = ajStrNewC("position"); gpp.ylab = ajStrNewC("information content"); if(!gFilebuffURLS(url, &buff)) { ajDie("File downloading error from:\n%S\n", url); } if(!gPlotFilebuff(buff, mult, &gpp)) { ajDie("Error in plotting\n"); } AJFREE(gpp.title); AJFREE(gpp.xlab); AJFREE(gpp.ylab); ajStrDel(&title); ajFilebuffDel(&buff); } else { ajFmtPrintF(outf, "Sequence: %S\n", seqid); if(!gFileOutURLS(url, &outf)) { ajDie("File downloading error from:\n%S\n", url); } } } ajFileClose(&outf); ajSeqallDel(&seqall); ajSeqDel(&seq); ajStrDel(&seqid); ajStrDel(&position); embExit(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { embInitPV("ggcskew", argc, argv, "GEMBASSY", "1.0.3"); AjPSeqall seqall; AjPSeq seq; AjPStr inseq = NULL; AjBool accid = ajFalse; AjPStr restid = NULL; AjPStr seqid = NULL; AjPStr base = NULL; AjPStr url = NULL; AjPStr tmpname = NULL; AjPSeqout tmpout = NULL; ajint window = 0; ajint slide = 0; AjBool cumulative = 0; AjBool at = 0; AjBool purine = 0; AjBool keto = 0; AjBool plot = 0; AjPFile outf = NULL; AjPFilebuff buff = NULL; AjPGraph mult = NULL; gPlotParams gpp; AjPStr title = NULL; seqall = ajAcdGetSeqall("sequence"); window = ajAcdGetInt("window"); slide = ajAcdGetInt("slide"); cumulative = ajAcdGetBoolean("cumulative"); at = ajAcdGetBoolean("at"); purine = ajAcdGetBoolean("purine"); keto = ajAcdGetBoolean("keto"); plot = ajAcdGetToggle("plot"); outf = ajAcdGetOutfile("outfile"); mult = ajAcdGetGraphxy("graph"); base = ajStrNewC(""); gAssignUniqueName(&tmpname); ajStrAppendC(&tmpname, ".fasta"); while(ajSeqallNext(seqall, &seq)) { tmpout = ajSeqoutNew(); if(!ajSeqoutOpenFilename(tmpout, tmpname)) { embExitBad(); } ajSeqoutSetFormatS(tmpout,ajStrNewC("fasta")); ajSeqoutWriteSeq(tmpout, seq); ajSeqoutClose(tmpout); ajSeqoutDel(&tmpout); ajFmtPrintS(&url, "http://%S/upload/", base); gFilePostSS(url, tmpname, &restid); ajStrDel(&url); ajSysFileUnlinkS(tmpname); ajStrAssignS(&seqid, ajSeqGetAccS(seq)); if(ajStrGetLen(seqid) == 0) { ajStrAssignS(&seqid, ajSeqGetNameS(seq)); } if(ajStrGetLen(seqid) == 0) { ajWarn("No valid header information\n"); } url = ajStrNew(); ajFmtPrintS(&url, "http://%S/%S/gcskew/window=%d/slide=%d/cumulative=%d/" "at=%d/purine=%d/keto=%d/output=f/", base, restid, window, slide, cumulative, at, purine, keto); if(plot) { title = ajStrNew(); ajStrAppendC(&title, argv[0]); ajStrAppendC(&title, " of "); ajStrAppendS(&title, seqid); gpp.title = ajStrNewS(title); gpp.xlab = ajStrNewC("location"); gpp.ylab = ajStrNewC("GC skew"); if(!gFilebuffURLS(url, &buff)) { ajDie("File downloading error from:\n%S\n", url); } if(!gPlotFilebuff(buff, mult, &gpp)) { ajDie("Error in plotting\n"); } AJFREE(gpp.title); AJFREE(gpp.xlab); AJFREE(gpp.ylab); ajStrDel(&title); ajFilebuffDel(&buff); } else { ajFmtPrintF(outf, "Sequence: %S\n", seqid); if(!gFileOutURLS(url, &outf)) { ajDie("File downloading error from:\n%S\n", url); } } ajStrDel(&url); ajStrDel(&restid); ajStrDel(&seqid); } ajFileClose(&outf); ajSeqallDel(&seqall); ajSeqDel(&seq); ajStrDel(&base); embExit(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { embInitPV("ggeneskew", argc, argv, "GEMBASSY", "1.0.3"); AjPSeqall seqall; AjPSeq seq; AjPStr inseq = NULL; ajint window = 0; ajint slide = 0; AjBool cumulative = ajFalse; AjBool gc3 = ajFalse; AjPStr basetype = NULL; AjBool accid = ajFalse; AjPStr restid = NULL; AjPStr seqid = NULL; AjPStr base = NULL; AjPStr url = NULL; AjPFile tmpfile = NULL; AjPStr tmpname = NULL; AjBool plot = 0; AjPFile outf = NULL; AjPFilebuff buff = NULL; AjPGraph mult = NULL; gPlotParams gpp; AjPStr title = NULL; seqall = ajAcdGetSeqall("sequence"); window = ajAcdGetInt("window"); slide = ajAcdGetInt("slide"); cumulative = ajAcdGetBoolean("cumulative"); gc3 = ajAcdGetBoolean("gctri"); basetype = ajAcdGetSelectSingle("base"); accid = ajAcdGetBoolean("accid"); plot = ajAcdGetToggle("plot"); outf = ajAcdGetOutfile("outfile"); mult = ajAcdGetGraphxy("graph"); if(ajStrMatchC(base, "none")) basetype = ajStrNewC(""); base = ajStrNewC(""); gAssignUniqueName(&tmpname); while(ajSeqallNext(seqall, &seq)) { inseq = NULL; if(!accid) { if(gFormatGenbank(seq, &inseq)) { gAssignUniqueName(&tmpname); tmpfile = ajFileNewOutNameS(tmpname); if(!tmpfile) { ajFmtError("Output file (%S) open error\n", tmpname); embExitBad(); } ajFmtPrintF(tmpfile, "%S", inseq); ajFileClose(&tmpfile); ajFmtPrintS(&url, "http://%S/upload/", base); gFilePostSS(url, tmpname, &restid); ajStrDel(&url); ajSysFileUnlinkS(tmpname); } else { ajFmtError("Sequence does not have features\n" "Proceeding with sequence accession ID\n"); accid = ajTrue; } } ajStrAssignS(&seqid, ajSeqGetAccS(seq)); if(ajStrGetLen(seqid) == 0) { ajStrAssignS(&seqid, ajSeqGetNameS(seq)); } if(ajStrGetLen(seqid) == 0) { ajWarn("No valid header information\n"); } if(accid) { ajStrAssignS(&restid, seqid); if(ajStrGetLen(seqid) == 0) { ajDie("Cannot proceed without header with -accid\n"); } if(!gValID(seqid)) { ajDie("Invalid accession ID:%S, exiting\n", seqid); } } url = ajStrNew(); ajFmtPrintS(&url, "http://%S/%S/geneskew/window=%d/slide=%d/" "cumulative=%d/gc3=%d/base=%S/output=f/tag=gene", base, restid, window, slide, cumulative, gc3, basetype); if(plot) { title = ajStrNew(); ajStrAppendC(&title, argv[0]); ajStrAppendC(&title, " of "); ajStrAppendS(&title, seqid); gpp.title = ajStrNewS(title); gpp.xlab = ajStrNewC("gene skew"); gpp.ylab = ajStrNewC("bp"); if(!gFilebuffURLS(url, &buff)) { ajDie("File downloading error from:\n%S\n", url); } if(!gPlotFilebuff(buff, mult, &gpp)) { ajDie("Error in plotting\n"); } AJFREE(gpp.title); AJFREE(gpp.xlab); AJFREE(gpp.ylab); ajStrDel(&title); ajFilebuffDel(&buff); } else { ajFmtPrintF(outf, "Sequence: %S\n", seqid); if(!gFileOutURLS(url, &outf)) { ajDie("File downloading error from:\n%S\n", url); } } ajStrDel(&url); ajStrDel(&restid); ajStrDel(&seqid); ajStrDel(&inseq); } ajFileClose(&outf); ajSeqallDel(&seqall); ajSeqDel(&seq); ajStrDel(&base); embExit(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { embInitPV("goligomersearch", argc, argv, "GEMBASSY", "1.0.3"); AjPSeqall seqall; AjPSeq seq; AjPStr inseq = NULL; AjPStr oligomer = NULL; AjPStr restid = NULL; AjPStr seqid = NULL; AjPStr base = NULL; AjPStr url = NULL; AjPStr _return = NULL; AjPStr tmpname = NULL; AjPSeqout tmpout = NULL; AjPFilebuff tmp = NULL; AjPStr line = NULL; AjPFile outfile = NULL; seqall = ajAcdGetSeqall("sequence"); oligomer = ajAcdGetString("oligomer"); _return = ajAcdGetSelectSingle("return"); outfile = ajAcdGetOutfile("outfile"); base = ajStrNewC(""); gAssignUniqueName(&tmpname); ajStrAppendC(&tmpname, ".fasta"); while(ajSeqallNext(seqall, &seq)) { inseq = NULL; tmpout = ajSeqoutNew(); if(!ajSeqoutOpenFilename(tmpout, tmpname)) { embExitBad(); } ajSeqoutSetFormatS(tmpout,ajStrNewC("fasta")); ajSeqoutWriteSeq(tmpout, seq); ajSeqoutClose(tmpout); ajSeqoutDel(&tmpout); ajFmtPrintS(&url, "http://%S/upload/", base); gFilePostSS(url, tmpname, &restid); ajStrDel(&url); ajSysFileUnlinkS(tmpname); ajStrAssignS(&seqid, ajSeqGetAccS(seq)); if(ajStrGetLen(seqid) == 0) { ajStrAssignS(&seqid, ajSeqGetNameS(seq)); } if(ajStrGetLen(seqid) == 0) { ajWarn("No valid header information\n"); } url = ajStrNew(); ajFmtPrintS(&url, "http://%S/%S/oligomer_search/%S/return=%S", base, restid, oligomer, _return); if(!gFilebuffURLS(url, &tmp)) { ajDie("Failed to download result from:\n%S\n", url); } ajBuffreadLine(tmp, &line); ajStrRemoveSetC(&line, "\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "Sequence: %S Oligomer: %S Return: %S\n", seqid, oligomer, line); ajStrDel(&url); ajStrDel(&restid); ajStrDel(&seqid); ajStrDel(&inseq); } ajFileClose(&outfile); ajSeqallDel(&seqall); ajSeqDel(&seq); ajStrDel(&base); ajStrDel(&oligomer); embExit(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { embInitPV("ggcsi", argc, argv, "GEMBASSY", "1.0.1"); struct soap soap; struct ns1__gcsiInputParams params; AjPSeqall seqall; AjPSeq seq; AjPStr inseq = NULL; AjPStr seqid = NULL; ajint window = 0; AjBool at = 0; AjBool purine = 0; AjBool keto = 0; AjBool pval = 0; AjPStr version = NULL; AjBool accid = ajFalse; AjPStr tmp = NULL; AjPStr parse = NULL; AjPStr gcsi = NULL; AjPStr sa = NULL; AjPStr dist = NULL; AjPStr z = NULL; AjPStr p = NULL; AjPStrTok handle = NULL; char *in0; char *result; AjPFile outf = NULL; seqall = ajAcdGetSeqall("sequence"); window = ajAcdGetInt("window"); at = ajAcdGetBoolean("at"); purine = ajAcdGetBoolean("purine"); keto = ajAcdGetBoolean("keto"); pval = ajAcdGetBoolean("pval"); version = ajAcdGetSelectSingle("gcsi"); accid = ajAcdGetBoolean("accid"); outf = ajAcdGetOutfile("outfile"); params.window = window; = 0; params.purine = 0; params.keto = 0; params.p = 0; ajStrToInt(version, &(params.version)); if(at) = 1; if(purine) params.purine = 1; if(keto) params.keto = 1; if(pval) params.p = 1; while(ajSeqallNext(seqall, &seq)) { soap_init(&soap); inseq = NULL; ajStrAppendC(&inseq, ">"); ajStrAppendS(&inseq, ajSeqGetNameS(seq)); ajStrAppendC(&inseq, "\n"); ajStrAppendS(&inseq, ajSeqGetSeqS(seq)); ajStrAssignS(&seqid, ajSeqGetAccS(seq)); in0 = ajCharNewS(inseq); if (soap_call_ns1__gcsi( &soap, NULL, NULL, in0, ¶ms, &result ) == SOAP_OK) { tmp = ajStrNew(); parse = ajStrNew(); gcsi = ajStrNew(); sa = ajStrNew(); dist = ajStrNew(); z = ajStrNew(); p = ajStrNew(); ajStrAssignC(&tmp, result); ajStrExchangeCC(&tmp, "<", "\n"); ajStrExchangeCC(&tmp, ">", "\n"); handle = ajStrTokenNewC(tmp, "\n"); while (ajStrTokenNextParse(&handle, &parse)) { if (ajStrIsFloat(parse)) { if(!ajStrGetLen(gcsi)) ajStrAssignS(&gcsi, parse); else if(!ajStrGetLen(sa)) ajStrAssignS(&sa, parse); else if(!ajStrGetLen(dist)) ajStrAssignS(&dist, parse); else if(!ajStrGetLen(z)) ajStrAssignS(&z, parse); else if(!ajStrGetLen(p)) ajStrAssignS(&p, parse); } } tmp = ajFmtStr("Sequence: %S GCSI: %S SA: %S DIST: %S", seqid, gcsi, sa, dist); if(pval) tmp = ajFmtStr("%S Z: %S P: %S", tmp, z, p); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%S\n", tmp); ajStrDel(&tmp); ajStrDel(&parse); ajStrDel(&gcsi); ajStrDel(&sa); ajStrDel(&dist); ajStrDel(&z); ajStrDel(&p); } else { soap_print_fault(&soap, stderr); } soap_destroy(&soap); soap_end(&soap); soap_done(&soap); AJFREE(in0); ajStrDel(&inseq); } ajFileClose(&outf); ajSeqallDel(&seqall); ajSeqDel(&seq); ajStrDel(&seqid); embExit(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { embInitPV("kdnapenny", argc, argv, "KBWS", "1.0.8"); struct soap soap; char* jobid; char* result; AjPSeqall seqall; AjPSeq seq; AjPFile outf; AjPStr substr; AjPStr inseq = NULL; seqall = ajAcdGetSeqall("seqall"); outf = ajAcdGetOutfile("outfile"); AjPStr tmp = NULL; AjPStr tmpFileName = NULL; AjPSeqout fil_file; AjPStr line = NULL; AjPStr sizestr = NULL; ajint thissize = 0; ajint nb = 0; AjBool are_prot = ajFalse; ajint size = 0; AjPFile infile; tmp = ajStrNewC("fasta"); fil_file = ajSeqoutNew(); tmpFileName = getUniqueFileName(); if( !ajSeqoutOpenFilename(fil_file, tmpFileName) ) { embExitBad(); } ajSeqoutSetFormatS(fil_file, tmp); while (ajSeqallNext(seqall, &seq)) { if (!nb) { are_prot = ajSeqIsProt(seq); } ajSeqoutWriteSeq(fil_file, seq); ++nb; } ajSeqoutClose(fil_file); ajSeqoutDel(&fil_file); if (nb < 2) { ajFatal("Multiple alignments need at least two sequences"); } infile = ajFileNewInNameS(tmpFileName); while (ajReadline(infile, &line)) { ajStrAppendS(&inseq,line); ajStrAppendC(&inseq,"\n"); } soap_init(&soap); char* in0; in0 = ajCharNewS(inseq); if ( soap_call_ns1__runDnapenny( &soap, NULL, NULL, in0, &jobid ) == SOAP_OK ) { fprintf(stderr,"Jobid: %s\n",jobid); } else { soap_print_fault(&soap, stderr); } int check = 0; while ( check == 0 ) { if ( soap_call_ns1__checkStatus( &soap, NULL, NULL, jobid, &check ) == SOAP_OK ) { fprintf(stderr,"*"); } else { soap_print_fault(&soap, stderr); } sleep(3); } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); if ( soap_call_ns1__getResult( &soap, NULL, NULL, jobid, &result ) == SOAP_OK ) { substr = ajStrNewC(result); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"%S\n",substr); } else { soap_print_fault(&soap, stderr); } ajSysFileUnlinkS(tmpFileName); soap_destroy(&soap); soap_end(&soap); soap_done(&soap); ajFileClose(&outf); ajSeqallDel(&seqall); ajSeqDel(&seq); ajStrDel(&substr); embExit(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { AjPAlign align; AjPSeqall seqall; AjPSeq a; AjPSeq b; AjPStr alga; AjPStr algb; AjPStr ss; ajuint lena; ajuint lenb; const char *p; const char *q; ajint start1 = 0; ajint start2 = 0; float *path; ajint *compass; float* ix; float* iy; float* m; AjPMatrixf matrix; AjPSeqCvt cvt = 0; float **sub; float gapopen; float gapextend; float endgapopen; float endgapextend; ajulong maxarr = 1000; /* arbitrary. realloc'd if needed */ ajulong len; float score; AjBool dobrief = ajTrue; AjBool endweight = ajFalse; /* whether end gap penalties should be applied */ float id = 0.; float sim = 0.; float idx = 0.; float simx = 0.; AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; size_t stlen; embInit("needle", argc, argv); matrix = ajAcdGetMatrixf("datafile"); a = ajAcdGetSeq("asequence"); ajSeqTrim(a); seqall = ajAcdGetSeqall("bsequence"); gapopen = ajAcdGetFloat("gapopen"); gapextend = ajAcdGetFloat("gapextend"); endgapopen = ajAcdGetFloat("endopen"); endgapextend = ajAcdGetFloat("endextend"); dobrief = ajAcdGetBoolean("brief"); endweight = ajAcdGetBoolean("endweight"); align = ajAcdGetAlign("outfile"); gapopen = ajRoundFloat(gapopen, 8); gapextend = ajRoundFloat(gapextend, 8); AJCNEW(path, maxarr); AJCNEW(compass, maxarr); AJCNEW(m, maxarr); AJCNEW(ix, maxarr); AJCNEW(iy, maxarr); alga = ajStrNew(); algb = ajStrNew(); ss = ajStrNew(); sub = ajMatrixfGetMatrix(matrix); cvt = ajMatrixfGetCvt(matrix); lena = ajSeqGetLen(a); while(ajSeqallNext(seqall,&b)) { ajSeqTrim(b); lenb = ajSeqGetLen(b); if(lenb > (ULONG_MAX/(ajulong)(lena+1))) ajFatal("Sequences too big. Try 'stretcher' or 'supermatcher'"); len = lena*lenb; if(len>maxarr) { stlen = (size_t) len; AJCRESIZETRY(path,stlen); if(!path) ajDie("Sequences too big. Try 'stretcher'"); AJCRESIZETRY(compass,stlen); if(!compass) ajDie("Sequences too big. Try 'stretcher'"); AJCRESIZETRY(m,stlen); if(!m) ajDie("Sequences too big. Try 'stretcher'"); AJCRESIZETRY(ix,stlen); if(!ix) ajDie("Sequences too big. Try 'stretcher'"); AJCRESIZETRY(iy,stlen); if(!iy) ajDie("Sequences too big. Try 'stretcher'"); maxarr=len; } p = ajSeqGetSeqC(a); q = ajSeqGetSeqC(b); ajStrAssignC(&alga,""); ajStrAssignC(&algb,""); score = embAlignPathCalcWithEndGapPenalties(p, q, lena, lenb, gapopen, gapextend, endgapopen, endgapextend, &start1, &start2, path, sub, cvt, m, ix, iy, compass, ajTrue, endweight); embAlignWalkNWMatrixUsingCompass(p, q, &alga, &algb, lena, lenb, &start1, &start2, compass); embAlignReportGlobal(align, a, b, alga, algb, start1, start2, gapopen, gapextend, score, matrix, ajSeqGetOffset(a), ajSeqGetOffset(b)); if(!dobrief) { embAlignCalcSimilarity(alga,algb,sub,cvt,lena,lenb,&id,&sim,&idx, &simx); ajFmtPrintS(&tmpstr,"Longest_Identity = %5.2f%%\n", id); ajFmtPrintAppS(&tmpstr,"Longest_Similarity = %5.2f%%\n", sim); ajFmtPrintAppS(&tmpstr,"Shortest_Identity = %5.2f%%\n", idx); ajFmtPrintAppS(&tmpstr,"Shortest_Similarity = %5.2f%%", simx); ajAlignSetSubHeaderApp(align, tmpstr); } ajAlignWrite(align); ajAlignReset(align); } ajAlignClose(align); ajAlignDel(&align); ajSeqallDel(&seqall); ajSeqDel(&a); ajSeqDel(&b); AJFREE(compass); AJFREE(path); AJFREE(ix); AJFREE(iy); AJFREE(m); ajStrDel(&alga); ajStrDel(&algb); ajStrDel(&ss); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); embExit(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { AjPList sigin = NULL; /* Signature input file names. */ AjPStr signame = NULL; /* Name of signature file. */ AjPFile sigf = NULL; /* Signature input file. */ EmbPSignature sig = NULL; /* Signature. */ AjPList siglist = NULL; /* List of signatures. */ AjIList sigiter = NULL; /* Iterator for siglist. */ AjBool sigok = ajFalse; /* True if signature processed ok. */ EmbPHit hit = NULL; /* Hit to store signature-sequence match. */ AjPList hits = NULL; /* List of hits */ AjPList ligands = NULL; /* List of top-scoring ligands. */ AjPSeqall database=NULL; /* Protein sequences to match signature against. */ AjPSeq seq = NULL; /* Current sequence. */ AjPMatrixf sub =NULL; /* Residue substitution matrix. */ float gapo =0.0; /* Gap insertion penalty. */ float gape =0.0; /* Gap extension penalty. */ AjPStr nterm=NULL; /* Holds N-terminal matching options from acd. */ ajint ntermi=0; /* N-terminal option as int. */ AjPFile hitsf =NULL; /* Hits output file. sequence matches. */ AjPDirout hitsdir=NULL; /* Directory of hits files (output). */ AjPFile alignf =NULL; /* Alignment output file. */ AjPDirout aligndir=NULL; /* Directory of alignment files (output). */ AjPFile resultsf =NULL; /* Results file (output). */ AjPDirout resultsdir=NULL; /* Directory of results files (output). */ AjPStr mode = NULL; /* Mode, 1: Patch score mode, 2: Site score mode. */ ajint modei = 0; /* Selected mode as integer. */ SigPLighit lighit = NULL; embInitPV("sigscanlig", argc, argv, "SIGNATURE",VERSION); /* GET VALUES FROM ACD */ sigin = ajAcdGetDirlist("siginfilesdir"); database = ajAcdGetSeqall("dbseqall"); sub = ajAcdGetMatrixf("sub"); gapo = ajAcdGetFloat("gapo"); gape = ajAcdGetFloat("gape"); nterm = ajAcdGetListSingle("nterm"); hitsdir = ajAcdGetOutdir("hitsoutdir"); aligndir = ajAcdGetOutdir("alignoutdir"); resultsdir = ajAcdGetOutdir("resultsoutdir"); mode = ajAcdGetListSingle("mode"); /*Assign N-terminal matching option etc. */ ajFmtScanS(nterm, "%d", &ntermi); modei = (ajint) ajStrGetCharFirst(mode)-48; /* READ & PROCESS SIGNATURES */ siglist = ajListNew(); while(ajListPop(sigin, (void **) &signame)) { /* Read signature files, compile signatures and populate list. */ sigok = ajFalse; if((sigf = ajFileNewInNameS(signame))) if((sig = embSignatureReadNew(sigf))) if(embSignatureCompile(&sig, gapo, gape, sub)) { sigok=ajTrue; ajListPushAppend(siglist, sig); /* ajFmtPrint("Id: %S\nDomid: %S\nLigid: %S\nns: %d\n" "sn: %d\nnp: %d\npn: %d\nminpatch: %d\n" "maxgap: %d\n", sig->Id, sig->Domid, sig->Ligid, sig->ns, sig->sn, sig->np, sig->pn, sig->minpatch, sig->maxgap); */ } if(!sigok) { ajWarn("Could not process %S", signame); embSignatureDel(&sig); ajFileClose(&sigf); ajStrDel(&signame); continue; } ajFileClose(&sigf); ajStrDel(&signame); } ajListFree(&sigin); /* ALIGN EACH QUERY SEQUENCE TO LIST OF SIGNATURE */ while(ajSeqallNext(database, &seq)) { /* Do sequence-signature alignment and save results */ hits = ajListNew(); sigiter = ajListIterNew(siglist); while((sig = (EmbPSignature) ajListIterGet(sigiter))) { if(embSignatureAlignSeq(sig, seq, &hit, ntermi)) { hit->Sig = sig; ajListPushAppend(hits, hit); hit=NULL; /* To force reallocation by embSignatureAlignSeq */ } /* There has to be a hit for each signature for correct generation of the LHF by sigscanlig_WriteFasta. So push an empty hit if necessary. 'hit'=NULL forces reallocation by embSignatureAlignSeq. */ /* else { hit = embHitNew(); ajListPushAppend(hits, hit); hit=NULL; } */ } ajListIterDel(&sigiter); /* Rank-order the list of hits by score */ ajListSort(hits, embMatchinvScore); /* Write ligand hits & alignment files (output) */ hitsf = ajFileNewOutNameDirS(ajSeqGetNameS(seq), hitsdir); alignf = ajFileNewOutNameDirS(ajSeqGetNameS(seq), aligndir); resultsf = ajFileNewOutNameDirS(ajSeqGetNameS(seq), resultsdir); /* if((!sigscanlig_WriteFasta(hitsf, siglist, hits))) ajFatal("Bad args to sigscanlig_WriteFasta"); */ if((!sigscanlig_WriteFasta(hitsf, hits))) ajFatal("Bad args to sigscanlig_WriteFasta"); if((!sigscanlig_SignatureAlignWriteBlock(alignf, hits))) ajFatal("Bad args to sigscanlig_SignatureAlignWriteBlock"); /* if((!sigscanlig_SignatureAlignWriteBlock(alignf, siglist, hits))) ajFatal("Bad args to sigscanlig_SignatureAlignWriteBlock"); */ /* Sort list of hits by ligand type and site number. Process list of ligands and print out. */ ajListSortTwo(hits, embMatchLigid, embMatchSN); if(modei==1) ligands = sigscanlig_score_ligands_patch(hits); else if(modei==2) ligands = sigscanlig_score_ligands_site(hits); else ajFatal("Unrecognised mode"); sigscanlig_WriteResults(ligands, resultsf); ajFileClose(&hitsf); ajFileClose(&alignf); ajFileClose(&resultsf); /* Memory management */ while(ajListPop(hits, (void **) &hit)) embHitDel(&hit); ajListFree(&hits); while(ajListPop(ligands, (void **) &lighit)) sigscanlig_LigHitDel(&lighit); ajListFree(&ligands); } /* MEMORY MANAGEMENT */ while(ajListPop(siglist, (void **) &sig)) embSignatureDel(&sig); ajListFree(&siglist); ajSeqallDel(&database); ajMatrixfDel(&sub); ajStrDel(&nterm); ajDiroutDel(&hitsdir); ajDiroutDel(&aligndir); ajDiroutDel(&resultsdir); ajStrDel(&mode); embExit(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { AjPSeqall seqall = NULL; AjPFile dend_outfile = NULL; AjPStr tmp_dendfilename = NULL; AjPFile tmp_dendfile = NULL; AjPStr tmp_aln_outfile = NULL; AjPSeqset seqset = NULL; AjPSeqout seqout = NULL; AjPSeqin seqin = NULL; AjBool only_dend; AjBool are_prot = ajFalse; AjBool do_slow; AjBool use_dend; AjPFile dend_file = NULL; AjPStr dend_filename = NULL; ajint ktup; ajint gapw; ajint topdiags; ajint window; AjBool nopercent; AjPStr pw_matrix = NULL; AjPStr pw_dna_matrix = NULL; AjPFile pairwise_matrix = NULL; float pw_gapc; float pw_gapv; AjPStr pwmstr = NULL; char pwmc = '\0'; AjPStr pwdstr = NULL; char pwdc = '\0'; AjPStr m1str = NULL; AjPStr m2str = NULL; char m1c = '\0'; char m2c = '\0'; AjPStr matrix = NULL; AjPStr dna_matrix = NULL; AjPFile ma_matrix = NULL; float gapc; float gapv; AjBool endgaps; AjBool norgap; AjBool nohgap; ajint gap_dist; ajint maxdiv; AjPStr hgapres = NULL; AjPSeqout fil_file = NULL; AjPSeq seq = NULL; AjPStr cmd = NULL; AjPStr tmp = NULL; AjPStr tmpFilename; AjPStr line = NULL; ajint nb = 0; /* get all the parameters */ embInit("emma", argc, argv); pwmstr = ajStrNew(); pwdstr = ajStrNew(); m1str = ajStrNew(); m2str = ajStrNew(); seqall = ajAcdGetSeqall("sequence"); seqout = ajAcdGetSeqoutset("outseq"); dend_outfile = ajAcdGetOutfile("dendoutfile"); only_dend = ajAcdGetToggle("onlydend"); use_dend = ajAcdGetToggle("dendreuse"); dend_file = ajAcdGetInfile("dendfile"); if (dend_file) ajStrAssignS(&dend_filename, ajFileGetPrintnameS(dend_file)); ajFileClose(&dend_file); do_slow = ajAcdGetToggle("slowalign"); ktup = ajAcdGetInt("ktup"); gapw = ajAcdGetInt("gapw"); topdiags = ajAcdGetInt("topdiags"); window = ajAcdGetInt("window"); nopercent = ajAcdGetBoolean("nopercent"); pw_matrix = ajAcdGetListSingle("pwmatrix"); pwmc = ajStrGetCharFirst(pw_matrix); if(pwmc=='b') ajStrAssignC(&pwmstr,"blosum"); else if(pwmc=='p') ajStrAssignC(&pwmstr,"pam"); else if(pwmc=='g') ajStrAssignC(&pwmstr,"gonnet"); else if(pwmc=='i') ajStrAssignC(&pwmstr,"id"); else if(pwmc=='o') ajStrAssignC(&pwmstr,"own"); pw_dna_matrix = ajAcdGetListSingle("pwdnamatrix"); pwdc = ajStrGetCharFirst(pw_dna_matrix); if(pwdc=='i') ajStrAssignC(&pwdstr,"iub"); else if(pwdc=='c') ajStrAssignC(&pwdstr,"clustalw"); else if(pwdc=='o') ajStrAssignC(&pwdstr,"own"); pairwise_matrix = ajAcdGetInfile("pairwisedatafile"); pw_gapc = ajAcdGetFloat( "pwgapopen"); pw_gapv = ajAcdGetFloat( "pwgapextend"); matrix = ajAcdGetListSingle( "matrix"); m1c = ajStrGetCharFirst(matrix); if(m1c=='b') ajStrAssignC(&m1str,"blosum"); else if(m1c=='p') ajStrAssignC(&m1str,"pam"); else if(m1c=='g') ajStrAssignC(&m1str,"gonnet"); else if(m1c=='i') ajStrAssignC(&m1str,"id"); else if(m1c=='o') ajStrAssignC(&m1str,"own"); dna_matrix = ajAcdGetListSingle( "dnamatrix"); m2c = ajStrGetCharFirst(dna_matrix); if(m2c=='i') ajStrAssignC(&m2str,"iub"); else if(m2c=='c') ajStrAssignC(&m2str,"clustalw"); else if(m2c=='o') ajStrAssignC(&m2str,"own"); ma_matrix = ajAcdGetInfile("mamatrixfile"); gapc = ajAcdGetFloat("gapopen"); gapv = ajAcdGetFloat("gapextend"); endgaps = ajAcdGetBoolean("endgaps"); norgap = ajAcdGetBoolean("norgap"); nohgap = ajAcdGetBoolean("nohgap"); gap_dist = ajAcdGetInt("gapdist"); hgapres = ajAcdGetString("hgapres"); maxdiv = ajAcdGetInt("maxdiv"); tmp = ajStrNewC("fasta"); /* ** Start by writing sequences into a unique temporary file ** get file pointer to unique file */ fil_file = ajSeqoutNew(); tmpFilename = emma_getUniqueFileName(); if(!ajSeqoutOpenFilename( fil_file, tmpFilename)) embExitBad(); /* Set output format to fasta */ ajSeqoutSetFormatS( fil_file, tmp); while(ajSeqallNext(seqall, &seq)) { /* ** Check sequences are all of the same type ** Still to be done ** Write out sequences */ if (!nb) are_prot = ajSeqIsProt(seq); ajSeqoutWriteSeq(fil_file, seq); ++nb; } ajSeqoutClose(fil_file); if(nb < 2) ajFatal("Multiple alignments need at least two sequences"); /* Generate clustalw command line */ cmd = ajStrNewS(ajAcdGetpathC("clustalw")); /* add tmp file containing sequences */ ajStrAppendC(&cmd, " -infile="); ajStrAppendS(&cmd, tmpFilename); /* add out file name */ tmp_aln_outfile = emma_getUniqueFileName(); ajStrAppendC(&cmd, " -outfile="); ajStrAppendS(&cmd, tmp_aln_outfile); /* calculating just the nj tree or doing full alignment */ if(only_dend) ajStrAppendC(&cmd, " -tree"); else if(!use_dend) ajStrAppendC(&cmd, " -align"); /* Set sequence type from information from acd file */ if(are_prot) ajStrAppendC(&cmd, " -type=protein"); else ajStrAppendC(&cmd, " -type=dna"); /* ** set output to MSF format - will read in this file later and output ** user requested format */ ajStrAppendC(&cmd, " -output="); ajStrAppendC(&cmd, "gcg"); /* If going to do pairwise alignment */ if(!use_dend) { /* add fast pairwise alignments*/ if(!do_slow) { ajStrAppendC(&cmd, " -quicktree"); ajStrAppendC(&cmd, " -ktuple="); ajStrFromInt(&tmp, ktup); ajStrAppendS(&cmd, tmp); ajStrAppendC(&cmd, " -window="); ajStrFromInt(&tmp, window); ajStrAppendS(&cmd, tmp); if(nopercent) ajStrAppendC(&cmd, " -score=percent"); else ajStrAppendC(&cmd, " -score=absolute"); ajStrAppendC(&cmd, " -topdiags="); ajStrFromInt(&tmp, topdiags); ajStrAppendS(&cmd, tmp); ajStrAppendC(&cmd, " -pairgap="); ajStrFromInt(&tmp, gapw); ajStrAppendS(&cmd, tmp); } else { if(pairwise_matrix) { if(are_prot) ajStrAppendC(&cmd, " -pwmatrix="); else ajStrAppendC(&cmd, " -pwdnamatrix="); ajStrAppendS(&cmd, ajFileGetPrintnameS(pairwise_matrix)); } else { if(are_prot) { ajStrAppendC(&cmd, " -pwmatrix="); ajStrAppendS(&cmd, pwmstr); } else { ajStrAppendC(&cmd, " -pwdnamatrix="); ajStrAppendS(&cmd, pwdstr); } } ajStrAppendC(&cmd, " -pwgapopen="); ajStrFromFloat(&tmp, pw_gapc, 3); ajStrAppendS(&cmd, tmp); ajStrAppendC(&cmd, " -pwgapext="); ajStrFromFloat(&tmp, pw_gapv, 3); ajStrAppendS(&cmd, tmp); } } /* Multiple alignments */ /* using existing tree or generating new tree? */ if(use_dend) { ajStrAppendC(&cmd, " -usetree="); ajStrAppendS(&cmd, dend_filename); } else { /* use tmp file to hold dend file, will read back in later */ tmp_dendfilename = emma_getUniqueFileName(); ajStrAppendC(&cmd, " -newtree="); ajStrAppendS(&cmd, tmp_dendfilename); } if(ma_matrix) { if(are_prot) ajStrAppendC(&cmd, " -matrix="); else ajStrAppendC(&cmd, " -pwmatrix="); ajStrAppendS(&cmd, ajFileGetPrintnameS(ma_matrix)); } else { if(are_prot) { ajStrAppendC(&cmd, " -matrix="); ajStrAppendS(&cmd, m1str); } else { ajStrAppendC(&cmd, " -dnamatrix="); ajStrAppendS(&cmd, m2str); } } ajStrAppendC(&cmd, " -gapopen="); ajStrFromFloat(&tmp, gapc, 3); ajStrAppendS(&cmd, tmp); ajStrAppendC(&cmd, " -gapext="); ajStrFromFloat(&tmp, gapv, 3); ajStrAppendS(&cmd, tmp); ajStrAppendC(&cmd, " -gapdist="); ajStrFromInt(&tmp, gap_dist); ajStrAppendS(&cmd, tmp); ajStrAppendC(&cmd, " -hgapresidues="); ajStrAppendS(&cmd, hgapres); if(!endgaps) ajStrAppendC(&cmd, " -endgaps"); if(norgap) ajStrAppendC(&cmd, " -nopgap"); if(nohgap) ajStrAppendC(&cmd, " -nohgap"); ajStrAppendC(&cmd, " -maxdiv="); ajStrFromInt(&tmp, maxdiv); ajStrAppendS(&cmd, tmp); /* run clustalw */ /* ajFmtError("..%s..\n\n", ajStrGetPtr( cmd)); */ ajDebug("Executing '%S'\n", cmd); ajSysExecS(cmd); /* produce alignment file only if one was produced */ if(!only_dend) { /* read in tmp alignment output file to output through EMBOSS output */ seqin = ajSeqinNew(); /* ** add the Usa format to the start of the filename to tell EMBOSS ** format of file */ ajStrInsertC(&tmp_aln_outfile, 0, "msf::"); ajSeqinUsa(&seqin, tmp_aln_outfile); seqset = ajSeqsetNew(); if(ajSeqsetRead(seqset, seqin)) { ajSeqoutWriteSet(seqout, seqset); ajSeqoutClose(seqout); ajSeqinDel(&seqin); /* remove the Usa from the start of the string */ ajStrCutStart(&tmp_aln_outfile, 5); } else ajFmtError("Problem writing out EMBOSS alignment file\n"); } /* read in new tmp dend file (if produced) to output through EMBOSS */ if(tmp_dendfilename!=NULL) { tmp_dendfile = ajFileNewInNameS( tmp_dendfilename); if(tmp_dendfile!=NULL){ while(ajReadlineTrim(tmp_dendfile, &line)) ajFmtPrintF(dend_outfile, "%s\n", ajStrGetPtr( line)); ajFileClose(&tmp_dendfile); ajSysFileUnlinkS(tmp_dendfilename); } } ajSysFileUnlinkS(tmpFilename); if(!only_dend) ajSysFileUnlinkS(tmp_aln_outfile); ajStrDel(&pw_matrix); ajStrDel(&matrix); ajStrDel(&pw_dna_matrix); ajStrDel(&dna_matrix); ajStrDel(&tmp_dendfilename); ajStrDel(&dend_filename); ajStrDel(&tmp_aln_outfile); ajStrDel(&pwmstr); ajStrDel(&pwdstr); ajStrDel(&m1str); ajStrDel(&m2str); ajStrDel(&hgapres); ajStrDel(&cmd); ajStrDel(&tmp); ajStrDel(&tmpFilename); ajStrDel(&line); ajFileClose(&dend_outfile); ajFileClose(&tmp_dendfile); ajFileClose(&dend_file); ajFileClose(&pairwise_matrix); ajFileClose(&ma_matrix); ajSeqallDel(&seqall); ajSeqsetDel(&seqset); ajSeqDel(&seq); ajSeqoutDel(&seqout); ajSeqoutDel(&fil_file); ajSeqinDel(&seqin); embExit(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { embInitPV("gseqinfo", argc, argv, "GEMBASSY", "1.0.1"); struct soap soap; AjPSeqall seqall; AjPSeq seq; AjPStr inseq = NULL; AjPStr seqid = NULL; AjPStr tmp = NULL; AjPStr parse = NULL; AjPStr numA = NULL; AjPStr numT = NULL; AjPStr numG = NULL; AjPStr numC = NULL; AjPStrTok handle = NULL; ajint n; char *in0; char *result; AjBool show = 0; AjPFile outf = NULL; seqall = ajAcdGetSeqall("sequence"); outf = ajAcdGetOutfile("outfile"); while(ajSeqallNext(seqall, &seq)) { soap_init(&soap); inseq = NULL; ajStrAppendC(&inseq, ">"); ajStrAppendS(&inseq, ajSeqGetNameS(seq)); ajStrAppendC(&inseq, "\n"); ajStrAppendS(&inseq, ajSeqGetSeqS(seq)); ajStrAssignS(&seqid, ajSeqGetAccS(seq)); in0 = ajCharNewS(inseq); if(soap_call_ns1__seqinfo( &soap, NULL, NULL, in0, &result ) == SOAP_OK) { tmp = ajStrNewC(result); ajStrExchangeCC(&tmp, "<", "\n"); ajStrExchangeCC(&tmp, ">", "\n"); handle = ajStrTokenNewC(tmp, "\n"); while(ajStrTokenNextParse(handle, &parse)) { if(ajStrIsInt(parse)) if(!numA) numA = ajStrNewS(parse); else if(!numT) numT = ajStrNewS(parse); else if(!numG) numG = ajStrNewS(parse); else if(!numC) numC = ajStrNewS(parse); } if(show) ajFmtPrint("Sequence: %S A: %S T: %S G: %S C: %S\n", seqid, numA, numT, numG, numC); else ajFmtPrintF(outf, "Sequence: %S A: %S T: %S G: %S C: %S\n", seqid, numA, numT, numG, numC); } else { soap_print_fault(&soap, stderr); } soap_destroy(&soap); soap_end(&soap); soap_done(&soap); AJFREE(in0); ajStrDel(&inseq); } ajSeqallDel(&seqall); ajSeqDel(&seq); ajStrDel(&seqid); embExit(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { AjPSeqall seqall; AjPSeqout seqout; AjPSeq seq; ajint before; ajint after; AjBool join; AjPFeattable featab; AjBool featinname; AjPStr describe; /* feature filter criteria */ AjPStr source = NULL; AjPStr feattype = NULL; ajint sense; float minscore; float maxscore; AjPStr tag = NULL; AjPStr value = NULL; AjBool testscore = AJFALSE; embInit("extractfeat", argc, argv); seqall = ajAcdGetSeqall("sequence"); seqout = ajAcdGetSeqout("outseq"); before = ajAcdGetInt("before"); after = ajAcdGetInt("after"); join = ajAcdGetBoolean("join"); featinname = ajAcdGetBoolean("featinname"); describe = ajAcdGetString("describe"); /* feature filter criteria */ source = ajAcdGetString("source"); feattype = ajAcdGetString("type"); sense = ajAcdGetInt("sense"); minscore = ajAcdGetFloat("minscore"); maxscore = ajAcdGetFloat("maxscore"); tag = ajAcdGetString("tag"); value = ajAcdGetString("value"); testscore = (minscore || maxscore); if(minscore && !maxscore) if(minscore > maxscore) maxscore = minscore; if(!minscore && maxscore) if(minscore > maxscore) minscore = maxscore; while(ajSeqallNext(seqall, &seq)) { /* get the feature table of the sequence */ featab = ajSeqGetFeatCopy(seq); /* delete features in the table that don't match our criteria */ extractfeat_FeatureFilter(featab, source, feattype, sense, testscore, minscore, maxscore, tag, value); /* extract the features */ extractfeat_FeatSeqExtract(seq, seqout, featab, before, after, join, featinname, describe); ajFeattableDel(&featab); } ajSeqoutClose(seqout); ajSeqoutDel(&seqout); ajSeqallDel(&seqall); ajSeqDel(&seq); ajStrDel(&describe); ajStrDel(&source); ajStrDel(&feattype); ajStrDel(&tag); ajStrDel(&value); embExit(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { AjPSeqall seqall; AjPSeq seq = NULL; AjPReport report = NULL; AjPStr jaspdir = NULL; AjPStr menu = NULL; AjPStr substr = NULL; AjPStr mats = NULL; AjPStr excl = NULL; float thresh = 0.; ajuint recurs = 0; AjPStr dir = NULL; AjPStr mfname = NULL; AjPList flist = NULL; AjPList hits = NULL; AjPStr head = NULL; ajint begin; ajint end; ajuint mno; char cp; ajuint i; AjPTable mattab = NULL; AjPFeattable TabRpt = NULL; AjBool both = ajFalse; embInit("jaspscan", argc, argv); seqall = ajAcdGetSeqall("sequence"); menu = ajAcdGetListSingle("menu"); mats = ajAcdGetString("matrices"); excl = ajAcdGetString("exclude"); thresh = ajAcdGetFloat("threshold"); report = ajAcdGetReport("outfile"); both = ajAcdGetBoolean("both"); jaspdir = ajStrNew(); substr = ajStrNew(); flist = ajListNew(); hits = ajListNew(); dir = ajStrNew(); head = ajStrNew(); cp = ajStrGetCharFirst(menu); if(cp=='C') ajStrAssignC(&jaspdir,J_COR); else if(cp=='F') ajStrAssignC(&jaspdir,J_FAM); else if(cp=='P') ajStrAssignC(&jaspdir,J_PHY); else if(cp=='N') ajStrAssignC(&jaspdir,J_CNE); else if(cp=='O') ajStrAssignC(&jaspdir,J_POL); else if(cp=='S') ajStrAssignC(&jaspdir,J_SPL); else ajFatal("Invalid JASPAR database selection"); ajStrAssignS(&dir, ajDatafileValuePath()); if(!ajStrGetLen(dir)) ajFatal("EMBOSS DATA directory couldn't be determined"); jaspscan_ParseInput(dir, jaspdir, mats, excl, &recurs, flist); mno = ajListGetLength(flist); if(cp == 'C') mattab = jaspscan_ReadCoreList(jaspdir); if(cp == 'F') mattab = jaspscan_ReadFamList(jaspdir); if(cp == 'P') mattab = jaspscan_ReadCoreList(jaspdir); if(cp == 'N') mattab = jaspscan_ReadCoreList(jaspdir); if(cp == 'O') mattab = jaspscan_ReadCoreList(jaspdir); if(cp == 'S') mattab = jaspscan_ReadCoreList(jaspdir); ajFmtPrintS(&head,"Database scanned: %S Threshold: %.3f",jaspdir,thresh); ajReportSetHeaderS(report,head); while(ajSeqallNext(seqall, &seq)) { begin = ajSeqallGetseqBegin(seqall); end = ajSeqallGetseqEnd(seqall); ajStrAssignSubC(&substr,ajSeqGetSeqC(seq),begin-1,end-1); ajStrFmtUpper(&substr); TabRpt = ajFeattableNewSeq(seq); for(i=0; i < mno; ++i) { ajListPop(flist,(void **)&mfname); jaspscan_scan(substr,begin,mfname, cp, thresh, both, hits); ajListPushAppend(flist, (void **)mfname); } jaspscan_ReportHits(TabRpt,mattab,hits); ajReportWrite(report, TabRpt, seq); ajFeattableDel(&TabRpt); } while(ajListPop(flist,(void **)&mfname)) ajStrDel(&mfname); ajStrDel(&dir); ajStrDel(&menu); ajStrDel(&excl); ajStrDel(&substr); ajStrDel(&mats); ajStrDel(&head); ajStrDel(&jaspdir); ajSeqDel(&seq); ajTableMapDel(mattab,jaspscan_ClearTable,NULL); ajTableFree(&mattab); ajListFree(&flist); ajListFree(&hits); ajSeqallDel(&seqall); ajReportDel(&report); embExit(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { AjPSeqall seq1; AjPSeqset seq2; AjPSeq a; const AjPSeq b; AjPStr m = 0; AjPStr n = 0; AjPFile errorf; AjBool show = ajFalse; ajint lena = 0; ajint lenb = 0; const char *p; const char *q; AjPMatrixf matrix; AjPSeqCvt cvt = 0; float **sub; ajint *compass = NULL; float *path = NULL; float gapopen; float gapextend; float score; ajint begina; ajint i; ajuint k; ajint beginb; ajint start1 = 0; ajint start2 = 0; ajint end1 = 0; ajint end2 = 0; ajint width = 0; AjPTable seq1MatchTable = 0; ajint wordlen = 6; ajint oldmax = 0; AjPAlign align = NULL; embInit("supermatcher", argc, argv); matrix = ajAcdGetMatrixf("datafile"); seq1 = ajAcdGetSeqall("asequence"); seq2 = ajAcdGetSeqset("bsequence"); gapopen = ajAcdGetFloat("gapopen"); gapextend = ajAcdGetFloat("gapextend"); wordlen = ajAcdGetInt("wordlen"); align = ajAcdGetAlign("outfile"); errorf = ajAcdGetOutfile("errorfile"); width = ajAcdGetInt("width"); /* not the same as awidth */ gapopen = ajRoundFloat(gapopen, 8); gapextend = ajRoundFloat(gapextend, 8); sub = ajMatrixfGetMatrix(matrix); cvt = ajMatrixfGetCvt(matrix); embWordLength(wordlen); ajSeqsetTrim(seq2); while(ajSeqallNext(seq1,&a)) { ajSeqTrim(a); begina = 1 + ajSeqGetOffset(a); m = ajStrNewRes(1+ajSeqGetLen(a)); lena = ajSeqGetLen(a); ajDebug("Read '%S'\n", ajSeqGetNameS(a)); if(!embWordGetTable(&seq1MatchTable, a)) /* get table of words */ ajErr("Could not generate table for %s\n", ajSeqGetNameC(a)); for(k=0;k<ajSeqsetGetSize(seq2);k++) { b = ajSeqsetGetseqSeq(seq2, k); lenb = ajSeqGetLen(b); beginb = 1 + ajSeqGetOffset(b); ajDebug("Processing '%S'\n", ajSeqGetNameS(b)); p = ajSeqGetSeqC(a); q = ajSeqGetSeqC(b); if(!supermatcher_findstartpoints(seq1MatchTable,b,a, &start1, &start2, &end1, &end2)) { ajFmtPrintF(errorf, "No wordmatch start points for " "%s vs %s. No alignment\n", ajSeqGetNameC(a),ajSeqGetNameC(b)); continue; } n=ajStrNewRes(1+ajSeqGetLen(b)); ajStrAssignC(&m,""); ajStrAssignC(&n,""); ajDebug("++ %S v %S start:%d %d end:%d %d\n", ajSeqGetNameS(a), ajSeqGetNameS(b), start1, start2, end1, end2); if(end1-start1+1 > oldmax) { oldmax = ((end1-start1)+1); AJRESIZE(path,oldmax*width*sizeof(float)); AJRESIZE(compass,oldmax*width*sizeof(ajint)); ajDebug("++ resize to oldmax: %d\n", oldmax); } for(i=0;i<((end1-start1)+1)*width;i++) path[i] = 0.0; ajDebug("Calling embAlignPathCalcFast " "%d..%d [%d/%d] %d..%d [%d/%d]\n", start1, end1, (end1 - start1 + 1), lena, start2, end2, (end2 - start2 + 1), lenb); score = embAlignPathCalcSWFast(&p[start1],&q[start2], end1-start1+1,end2-start2+1, 0,width, gapopen,gapextend, path,sub,cvt, compass,show); embAlignWalkSWMatrixFast(path,compass,gapopen,gapextend,a,b, &m,&n,end1-start1+1,end2-start2+1, 0,width, &start1,&start2); if(!ajAlignFormatShowsSequences(align)) { ajAlignDefineCC(align, ajStrGetPtr(m), ajStrGetPtr(n), ajSeqGetNameC(a), ajSeqGetNameC(b)); ajAlignSetScoreR(align, score); } else { embAlignReportLocal(align, a, b, m,n,start1,start2, gapopen, gapextend, score,matrix, begina, beginb); } ajAlignWrite(align); ajAlignReset(align); ajStrDel(&n); } embWordFreeTable(&seq1MatchTable); /* free table of words */ seq1MatchTable=0; ajStrDel(&m); } if(!ajAlignFormatShowsSequences(align)) { ajMatrixfDel(&matrix); } AJFREE(path); AJFREE(compass); ajAlignClose(align); ajAlignDel(&align); ajSeqallDel(&seq1); ajSeqDel(&a); ajSeqsetDel(&seq2); ajFileClose(&errorf); embExit(); return 0; }