Пример #1
struct perBaseWig* perBaseWigLoadContinue(struct metaBig* mb, char* chrom, int start, int end)
/* load a perBaseWig from a wig/bigWig that's already open */
    if (mb->type != isaBigWig)
        return NULL;
    struct perBaseWig* list = NULL;
    struct lm* lm = lmInit(0);
    struct bbiInterval* intervals = bigWigIntervalQuery(mb->big.bbi, chrom, start, end, lm);
    struct bbiInterval *bbStart = intervals, *bbEnd;
    while (bbStart != NULL) {
        struct perBaseWig* region;
        struct bbiInterval* cur;
        int i = 0;
        bbEnd = bbStart;
        /* loop until discontinuity detected */
        while ((bbEnd->next != NULL) && (bbEnd->end == bbEnd->next->start))
            bbEnd = bbEnd->next;
        region = alloc_perBaseWig(chrom, bbStart->start, bbEnd->end);
        for (cur = bbStart; cur != bbEnd->next; cur = cur->next) {
            int j;
            for (j = cur->start; j < cur->end; j++)
                region->data[i++] = cur->val;
        slAddHead(&list, region);
        bbStart = bbEnd->next;
    return list;
Пример #2
struct perBaseWig* alloc_zero_perBaseWig(char* chrom, int start, int end)
/* simply allocate the perBaseWig. this is filled with zeros */
/* it may be best to call this one before writing a wig */
    struct perBaseWig* pbw = alloc_perBaseWig(chrom, start, end);
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < pbw->len; i++)
        pbw->data[i] = 0;
    return pbw;
Пример #3
struct perBaseWig* alloc_fill_perBaseWig(char* chrom, int start, int end, double fill)
/* fill the pbw with a given value instead of NA */
    struct perBaseWig* pbw = alloc_perBaseWig(chrom, start, end);
    if (!isnan(fill)) {
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < pbw->len; i++)
            pbw->data[i] = fill;
    return pbw;
Пример #4
struct perBaseWig* perBaseWigLoadHuge(struct metaBig* mb, struct bed* regions)
/* Load a huge pbw, gaps removed */
    long supposed_size = 0;
    struct bed* bed;
    struct perBaseWig* big_pbw = NULL;
    int big_offset = 0;
    for (bed = regions; bed != NULL; bed = bed->next)
        supposed_size += bed->chromEnd - bed->chromStart;
    if (supposed_size > powl(2, 31))
        errAbort("Requested regions sum to greater than 2^31 = 2,147,483,648 bases. The current implementation is restricted to fewer than this");
    big_pbw = alloc_perBaseWig("various", 0, supposed_size);
    for (bed = regions; bed != NULL; bed = bed->next) {
        perBaseWigLoadHugeContinue(mb, big_pbw, &big_offset, bed);
    big_pbw->total_coverage = (unsigned)big_offset;
    return big_pbw;
Пример #5
struct perBaseWig* alloc_perBaseWig_matchingSequence(struct dnaSeq* seq, boolean skipN)
/* allocate a perBaseWig to match the length of the dnaSeq.  Optionally choose to skip */
/* N bases by making a subsections bed list that avoids them. One feature this */
/* function has is that the name of the sequence is something like "chrom:start-end" */
/* in 0-based coordinates. If so, the chromStart/chromEnd are set to match the coordinates in */
/* the name.  If not, the chromStart will be 0, and the chromEnd will be seq->size. */
/* (this is used by symcurv) */
    struct perBaseWig* pbw;
    int size = seq->size;
    unsigned chromStart;
    unsigned chromEnd;
    char* chrom = seq_name_disassemble(seq, &chromStart, &chromEnd);
    pbw = alloc_perBaseWig(chrom, (int)chromStart, (int)chromEnd);
    pbw->subsections = seq_subsection_list(seq, skipN);
    AllocArray(pbw->data, size);
    return pbw;
Пример #6
struct hash *genomePbw(struct hash *qSizes)
/* make a parallel hash of pbws given the size hash, also keyed on chrom name */
    struct hash *pbwHash = newHash(10);
    struct hashEl *list = hashElListHash(qSizes);
    struct hashEl *el;
    const double na = NANUM;
    int i;
    for (el = list; el != NULL; el = el->next)
	int size = ptToInt(el->val);
	struct perBaseWig *pbw = alloc_perBaseWig(el->name, 0, size);
	for (i = 0; i < pbw->len; i++)
	    pbw->data[i] = na;
	pbw->name = cloneString(el->name);
	pbw->strand[0] = '+';
	pbw->strand[1] = '\0';
	hashAdd(pbwHash, el->name, pbw);
    return pbwHash;