Пример #1
void CONMINOptimizer::initialize_run()

  // Allocate space for CONMIN arrays

  // initialize the IC and ISC vectors
  size_t i;
  for (i=0; i<numConminConstr; i++)
    IC[i] = ISC[i] = 0;

  // Initialize CONMIN's local vars and bounds arrays
  // Note: these are different than DAKOTA's local vars and bounds arrays
  // because CONMIN uses arrays for vars and bounds that are larger than
  // used by DAKOTA, i.e., DAKOTA's local_cdv has length numContinuousVars,
  // and CONMIN's conminDesVars has length N1 = numContinuousVars+2
  // copy DAKOTA arrays to CONMIN arrays and check for the existence of bounds.
  const RealVector& local_cdv  = iteratedModel.continuous_variables();
  const RealVector& lower_bnds = iteratedModel.continuous_lower_bounds();
  const RealVector& upper_bnds = iteratedModel.continuous_upper_bounds();
  for (i=0; i<numContinuousVars; i++) {
    conminDesVars[i]   = local_cdv[i];
    conminLowerBnds[i] = lower_bnds[i];
    conminUpperBnds[i] = upper_bnds[i];
  // Initialize array padding (N1 = numContinuousVars + 2).
  for (i=numContinuousVars; i<N1; i++) {
    conminDesVars[i]   =  0.0;
    conminLowerBnds[i] = -DBL_MAX;
    conminUpperBnds[i] =  DBL_MAX;
Пример #2
void NLPQLPOptimizer::initialize_run()


  const RealVector& local_cdv = iteratedModel.continuous_variables();
  for (size_t i=0; i<numContinuousVars; i++)
    X[i] = local_cdv[i]; // Note: X is [NMAX,L]

  IFAIL = 0; // initialize to zero prior to first NLPQLP call
Пример #3
int zprimme(double *evals, Complex_Z *evecs, double *resNorms, 
            primme_params *primme) {
   int ret;
   int *perm;
   double machEps;

   /* ------------------ */
   /* zero out the timer */
   /* ------------------ */

   /* ---------------------------- */
   /* Clear previous error reports */
   /* ---------------------------- */

   /* ----------------------- */
   /*  Find machine precision */
   /* ----------------------- */
   machEps = Num_dlamch_primme("E");

   /* ------------------ */
   /* Set some defaults  */
   /* ------------------ */

   /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
   /* If needed, we are ready to estimate required memory and return */
   /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
   if (evals == NULL && evecs == NULL && resNorms == NULL)
       return allocate_workspace(primme, FALSE);

   /* ----------------------------------------------------- */
   /* Reset random number seed if inappropriate for DLARENV */
   /* Yields unique quadruples per proc if procID < 4096^3  */
   /* ----------------------------------------------------- */

   if (primme->iseed[0]<0 || primme->iseed[0]>4095) primme->iseed[0] = 
      primme->procID % 4096;
   if (primme->iseed[1]<0 || primme->iseed[1]>4095) primme->iseed[1] = 
      (int)(primme->procID/4096+1) % 4096;
   if (primme->iseed[2]<0 || primme->iseed[2]>4095) primme->iseed[2] = 
      (int)((primme->procID/4096)/4096+2) % 4096;
   if (primme->iseed[3]<0 || primme->iseed[3]>4095) primme->iseed[3] = 
      (2*(int)(((primme->procID/4096)/4096)/4096)+1) % 4096;

   /* ----------------------- */
   /* Set default convTetFun  */
   /* ----------------------- */

   if (!primme->convTestFun) {
      primme->convTestFun = convTestFunAbsolute;

   /* ------------------------------------------------------- */
   /* Check primme input data for bounds, correct values etc. */
   /* ------------------------------------------------------- */

   ret = check_input(evals, evecs, resNorms, primme);

   if (ret != 0) {
      primme_PushErrorMessage(Primme_zprimme, Primme_check_input, ret,
                      __FILE__, __LINE__, primme);
      primme->stats.elapsedTime = primme_wTimer(0);
      return ret;
   /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   /* Compute AND allocate memory requirements for main_iter and subordinates */
   /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */

   ret = allocate_workspace(primme, TRUE);

   if (ret != 0) {
      primme_PushErrorMessage(Primme_zprimme, Primme_allocate_workspace, ret,
                      __FILE__, __LINE__, primme);
      primme->stats.elapsedTime = primme_wTimer(0);

   /* --------------------------------------------------------- */
   /* Allocate workspace that will be needed locally by zprimme */
   /* --------------------------------------------------------- */
   perm = (int *)primme_calloc((primme->numEvals), sizeof(int), "Perm array");

   if (perm == NULL) {
      primme_PushErrorMessage(Primme_zprimme, Primme_malloc, 0, 
                      __FILE__, __LINE__, primme);
      primme->stats.elapsedTime = primme_wTimer(0);
      return MALLOC_FAILURE;

   /* Call the solver                                                      */

   ret = main_iter_zprimme(evals, perm, evecs, resNorms, machEps, 
                   primme->intWork, primme->realWork, primme);

   if (ret < 0) {
      primme_PushErrorMessage(Primme_zprimme, Primme_main_iter, 
                      ret, __FILE__, __LINE__, primme);
      primme->stats.elapsedTime = primme_wTimer(0);
      return MAIN_ITER_FAILURE;

   /* If locking is engaged, the converged Ritz vectors are stored in the  */
   /* order they converged.  They must then be permuted so that they       */
   /* correspond to the sorted Ritz values in evals.                       */

   permute_vecs_zprimme(&evecs[primme->numOrthoConst], primme->nLocal,
         primme->initSize, primme->nLocal, perm, (Complex_Z*)primme->realWork,


   primme->stats.elapsedTime = primme_wTimer(0);
Пример #4
int dprimme(double *evals, double *evecs, double *resNorms, 
            primme_params *primme) {
   int ret;
   int *perm;
   double machEps;

   /* ------------------ */
   /* zero out the timer */
   /* ------------------ */

   /* ---------------------------- */
   /* Clear previous error reports */
   /* ---------------------------- */

   /* ----------------------- */
   /*  Find machine precision */
   /* ----------------------- */
   machEps = Num_dlamch_primme("E");

   /* ----------------------------------------- */
   /* Set some defaults for sequential programs */
   /* ----------------------------------------- */
   if (primme->numProcs == 1) {
      primme->nLocal = primme->n;
      primme->procID = 0;
      if (primme->globalSumDouble == NULL) 
         primme->globalSumDouble = primme_seq_globalSumDouble;

   /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   /* Decide on whether to use locking (hard locking), or not (soft locking)*/
   /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   if (primme->target != primme_smallest &&
       primme->target != primme_largest ) {
      /* Locking is necessary as interior Ritz values can cross shifts */
      primme->locking = 1;
   else {
      if (primme->locking == 0) {
         /* use locking when not enough vectors to restart with */
         primme->locking = (primme->numEvals > primme->minRestartSize);   

   /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
   /* If needed, we are ready to estimate required memory and return */
   /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
   if (evals == NULL && evecs == NULL && resNorms == NULL)
       return allocate_workspace(primme, FALSE);

   /* ----------------------------------------------------- */
   /* Reset random number seed if inappropriate for DLARENV */
   /* Yields unique quadruples per proc if procID < 4096^3  */
   /* ----------------------------------------------------- */

   if (primme->iseed[0]<0 || primme->iseed[0]>4095) primme->iseed[0] = 
      primme->procID % 4096;
   if (primme->iseed[1]<0 || primme->iseed[1]>4095) primme->iseed[1] = 
      (int)(primme->procID/4096+1) % 4096;
   if (primme->iseed[2]<0 || primme->iseed[2]>4095) primme->iseed[2] = 
      (int)((primme->procID/4096)/4096+2) % 4096;
   if (primme->iseed[3]<0 || primme->iseed[3]>4095) primme->iseed[3] = 
      (2*(int)(((primme->procID/4096)/4096)/4096)+1) % 4096;

   /* ------------------------------------------------------- */
   /* Check primme input data for bounds, correct values etc. */
   /* ------------------------------------------------------- */

   ret = check_input(evals, evecs, resNorms, primme);

   if (ret != 0) {
      primme_PushErrorMessage(Primme_dprimme, Primme_check_input, ret,
                      __FILE__, __LINE__, primme);
      primme->stats.elapsedTime = primme_wTimer(0);
      return ret;
   /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   /* Compute AND allocate memory requirements for main_iter and subordinates */
   /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */

   ret = allocate_workspace(primme, TRUE);

   if (ret != 0) {
      primme_PushErrorMessage(Primme_dprimme, Primme_allocate_workspace, ret,
                      __FILE__, __LINE__, primme);
      primme->stats.elapsedTime = primme_wTimer(0);

   /* --------------------------------------------------------- */
   /* Allocate workspace that will be needed locally by dprimme */
   /* --------------------------------------------------------- */
   perm = (int *)primme_calloc((primme->numEvals), sizeof(int), "Perm array");

   if (perm == NULL) {
      primme_PushErrorMessage(Primme_dprimme, Primme_malloc, 0, 
                      __FILE__, __LINE__, primme);
      primme->stats.elapsedTime = primme_wTimer(0);
      return MALLOC_FAILURE;

   /* Call the solver                                                      */

   ret = main_iter_dprimme(evals, perm, evecs, resNorms, machEps, 
                   primme->intWork, primme->realWork, primme);

   if (ret < 0) {
      primme_PushErrorMessage(Primme_dprimme, Primme_main_iter, 
                      ret, __FILE__, __LINE__, primme);
      primme->stats.elapsedTime = primme_wTimer(0);
      return MAIN_ITER_FAILURE;

   /* If locking is engaged, the converged Ritz vectors are stored in the  */
   /* order they converged.  They must then be permuted so that they       */
   /* correspond to the sorted Ritz values in evals.                       */

   permute_evecs_dprimme(&evecs[primme->numOrthoConst], perm, 
        (double *) primme->realWork, primme->numEvals, primme->nLocal);


   primme->stats.elapsedTime = primme_wTimer(0);
Пример #5
void NLSSOLLeastSq::minimize_residuals()
  //     Solve the problem.

  // set the object instance pointers for use within the static member fns
  NLSSOLLeastSq* prev_nls_instance = nlssolInstance;
  SOLBase*       prev_sol_instance = solInstance;
  nlssolInstance = this; solInstance = this; optLSqInstance = this;

  // set the constraint offset used in SOLBase::constraint_eval()
  constrOffset = numLeastSqTerms;

  fnEvalCntr = 0; // prevent current iterator from continuing previous counting

  // Use data structures in the NLSSOL call that are NOT updated in
  // constraint_eval or least_sq_eval [Using overlapping arrays causes
  // erroneous behavior].
  int        num_cv = numContinuousVars;
  double     local_f_val = 0.;
  RealVector local_lsq_vals(numLeastSqTerms);
  RealVector local_lsq_offsets(numLeastSqTerms, true);
  double*    local_lsq_grads = new double [numLeastSqTerms*numContinuousVars];

  allocate_arrays(numContinuousVars, numNonlinearConstraints,
  allocate_workspace(numContinuousVars, numNonlinearConstraints,
                     numLinearConstraints, numLeastSqTerms);

  // NLSSOL requires a non-zero array size.  Therefore, size the local 
  // constraint arrays and matrices to a size of 1 if there are no nonlinear
  // constraints and to the proper size otherwise.
  RealVector local_c_vals(nlnConstraintArraySize);

  // initialize local_des_vars with DB initial point.  Variables are updated 
  // in constraint_eval/least_sq_eval
  RealVector local_des_vars;
  copy_data(iteratedModel.continuous_variables(), local_des_vars);

  // Augmentation of bounds appears here rather than in the constructor because
  // these bounds must be updated from model bounds each time an iterator is
  // run within the B&B strategy.
  RealVector augmented_l_bnds, augmented_u_bnds;
  copy_data(iteratedModel.continuous_lower_bounds(), augmented_l_bnds);
  copy_data(iteratedModel.continuous_upper_bounds(), augmented_u_bnds);
  augment_bounds(augmented_l_bnds, augmented_u_bnds,

  NLSSOL_F77( numLeastSqTerms, num_cv, numLinearConstraints,
	      numNonlinearConstraints, linConstraintArraySize,
	      nlnConstraintArraySize, numLeastSqTerms, num_cv,
	      linConstraintMatrixF77, augmented_l_bnds.values(),
	      augmented_u_bnds.values(), constraint_eval, least_sq_eval,
	      informResult, numberIterations, &constraintState[0],
	      local_c_vals.values(), constraintJacMatrixF77,
	      local_lsq_offsets.values(), local_lsq_vals.values(),
	      local_lsq_grads, &cLambda[0], local_f_val, upperFactorHessianF77,
	      local_des_vars.values(), &intWorkSpace[0], intWorkSpaceSize,
	      &realWorkSpace[0], realWorkSpaceSize );

  // NLSSOL completed. Do post-processing/output of final NLSSOL info and data:
  Cout << "\nNLSSOL exits with INFORM code = " << informResult
       << " (see \"Interpretation of output\" section of NPSOL manual)\n";

  deallocate_arrays(); // SOLBase deallocate fn (shared with NPSOLOptimizer)
  delete [] local_lsq_grads;

  // Set best variables and response for use by strategy level.
  // local_des_vars, local_lsq_vals, & local_c_vals contain the optimal design 
  // (not the final fn. eval) since NLSSOL performs this assignment internally 
  // prior to exiting (see "Subroutine npsol" section of NPSOL manual).
  RealVector best_fns(numFunctions);
  //copy_data_partial(local_lsq_vals, best_fns, 0);
  std::copy(local_lsq_vals.values(), local_lsq_vals.values() + numLeastSqTerms,
  if (numNonlinearConstraints) {
    //copy_data_partial(local_c_vals, best_fns, numLeastSqTerms);
              local_c_vals.values() + nlnConstraintArraySize,
              best_fns.values() + numLeastSqTerms);

  // For better post-processing, could append fort.9 to dakota.out line
  // (FORTRAN output is lacking a final buffer flush?)
  Cout << "\nEcho NLSSOL's iteration output from fort.9 file:\n" << std::endl;
  std::ifstream npsol_fort_9( "fort.9" );
  char fort_9_line[255];
  while (npsol_fort_9) {
    npsol_fort_9.getline( fort_9_line, 255 );
    Cout << fort_9_line << '\n';
  Cout << std::endl;
  Cout << "\nNOTE: see Fortran device 9 file (fort.9 or ftn09)"
       << "\n      for complete NLSSOL iteration history." << std::endl;


  // restore in case of recursion
  nlssolInstance = prev_nls_instance;
  solInstance    = prev_sol_instance;
  optLSqInstance = prevMinInstance;