void Foam::twoPhaseMixtureThermo::correct()
    psi_ = alpha1()*thermo1_->psi() + alpha2()*thermo2_->psi();
    mu_ = alpha1()*thermo1_->mu() + alpha2()*thermo2_->mu();
    alpha_ = alpha1()*thermo1_->alpha() + alpha2()*thermo2_->alpha();

void Foam::twoPhaseMixtureThermo::correct()
    thermo1_->he() = thermo1_->he(p_, T_);

    thermo2_->he() = thermo2_->he(p_, T_);

    psi_ = alpha1()*thermo1_->psi() + alpha2()*thermo2_->psi();
    mu_ = alpha1()*thermo1_->mu() + alpha2()*thermo2_->mu();
    alpha_ = alpha1()*thermo1_->alpha() + alpha2()*thermo2_->alpha();
Пример #3
Foam::tmp<Foam::volScalarField> Foam::dragModels::Tenneti::CdRe() const
    volScalarField alpha1
        max(pair_.dispersed(), pair_.continuous().residualAlpha())

    volScalarField alpha2
        max(scalar(1) - pair_.dispersed(), pair_.continuous().residualAlpha())

    volScalarField F0
        5.81*alpha1/pow3(alpha2) + 0.48*pow(alpha1, 1.0/3.0)/pow4(alpha2)

    volScalarField F1
        pow(alpha1, 3)*max(pair_.Re(), residualRe_)
       *(0.95 + 0.61*pow3(alpha1)/sqr(alpha2))

    // Tenneti et al. correlation includes the mean pressure drag.
    // This was removed here by multiplying F by alpha2 for consistency with
    // the formulation used in OpenFOAM
        SchillerNaumann_->CdRe()/(alpha2*max(pair_.Re(), residualRe_)) +
        24.0*sqr(alpha2)*(F0 + F1);
void OperationMultipleHierarchisationLinearClenshawCurtis::doDehierarchisation(
    base::DataMatrix& alpha) {
  base::GridStorage& storage = *grid.getStorage();
  const size_t d = storage.dim();
  base::OperationNaiveEvalLinearClenshawCurtis opNaiveEval(&storage);
  base::DataVector nodeValues(storage.size(), 0.0);
  base::DataVector x(d, 0.0);
  base::DataVector alpha1(storage.size(), 0.0);

  for (size_t i = 0; i < alpha.getNcols(); i++) {
    alpha.getColumn(i, alpha1);

    for (size_t j = 0; j < storage.size(); j++) {
      const base::GridIndex& gp = *storage[j];

      for (size_t t = 0; t < d; t++) {
        x[t] = gp.getCoord(t);

      nodeValues[j] = opNaiveEval.eval(alpha1, x);

    alpha.setColumn(i, nodeValues);
    const volVectorField& U,
    const surfaceScalarField& phi
    psiThermo(U.mesh(), word::null),
    twoPhaseMixture(U.mesh(), *this),
    interfaceProperties(alpha1(), U, *this),
        volScalarField T1(IOobject::groupName("T", phase1Name()), T_);

        volScalarField T2(IOobject::groupName("T", phase2Name()), T_);

    thermo1_ = rhoThermo::New(U.mesh(), phase1Name());
    thermo2_ = rhoThermo::New(U.mesh(), phase2Name());

    // thermo1_->validate(phase1Name(), "e");
    // thermo2_->validate(phase2Name(), "e");

Пример #6
bool EmbeddedMap2::check()
	bool topo = Map2::check() ;
	if (!topo)
		return false ;

	CGoGNout << "Check: embedding begin" << CGoGNendl ;
	for(Dart d = begin(); d != end(); next(d))
		if (isOrbitEmbedded<VERTEX>())
			if (getEmbedding<VERTEX>(d) != getEmbedding<VERTEX>(alpha1(d)))
				CGoGNout << "Check: different embeddings on vertex" << CGoGNendl ;
				return false ;

		if (isOrbitEmbedded<EDGE>())
			if (getEmbedding<EDGE>(d) != getEmbedding<EDGE>(phi2(d)))
				CGoGNout << "Check: different embeddings on edge" << CGoGNendl ;
				return false ;

//		if (isOrbitEmbedded(ORIENTED_FACE))
//		{
//			if (getEmbedding(ORIENTED_FACE, d) != getEmbedding(ORIENTED_FACE, phi1(d)))
//		{
//				CGoGNout << "Check: different embeddings on oriented face" << CGoGNendl ;
//				return false ;
//			}
//		}

		if (isOrbitEmbedded<FACE>())
			if (getEmbedding<FACE>(d) != getEmbedding<FACE>(phi1(d)))
				CGoGNout << "Check: different embeddings on face" << CGoGNendl ;
				return false ;

	CGoGNout << "Check: embedding ok" << CGoGNendl ;

    std::cout << "nb vertex orbits : " << getNbOrbits<VERTEX>() << std::endl ;
    std::cout << "nb vertex cells : " << m_attribs[VERTEX].size() << std::endl ;

    std::cout << "nb edge orbits : " << getNbOrbits<EDGE>() << std::endl ;
    std::cout << "nb edge cells : " << m_attribs[EDGE].size() << std::endl ;

    std::cout << "nb face orbits : " << getNbOrbits<FACE>() << std::endl ;
    std::cout << "nb face cells : " << m_attribs[FACE].size() << std::endl ;

	return true ;
Foam::tmp<Foam::volScalarField> Foam::twoPhaseMixtureThermo::he
    const volScalarField& p,
    const volScalarField& T
) const
    return alpha1()*thermo1_->he(p, T) + alpha2()*thermo2_->he(p, T);
Foam::tmp<Foam::scalarField> Foam::twoPhaseMixtureThermo::kappa
    const label patchi
) const
      + alpha2().boundaryField()[patchi]*thermo2_->kappa(patchi);
Foam::tmp<Foam::volScalarField> Foam::twoPhaseMixtureThermo::alphaEff
    const volScalarField& alphat
) const
      + alpha2()*thermo2_->alphaEff(alphat);
    const volVectorField& U,
    const surfaceScalarField& phi
    incompressibleTwoPhaseMixture(U, phi),
    interfaceProperties(alpha1(), U, *this)
Foam::tmp<Foam::scalarField> Foam::twoPhaseMixtureThermo::CpByCpv
    const scalarField& p,
    const scalarField& T,
    const label patchi
) const
        alpha1().boundaryField()[patchi]*thermo1_->CpByCpv(p, T, patchi)
      + alpha2().boundaryField()[patchi]*thermo2_->CpByCpv(p, T, patchi);
Foam::tmp<Foam::scalarField> Foam::twoPhaseMixtureThermo::alphaEff
    const scalarField& alphat,
    const label patchi
) const
        alpha1().boundaryField()[patchi]*thermo1_->alphaEff(alphat, patchi)
      + alpha2().boundaryField()[patchi]*thermo2_->alphaEff(alphat, patchi)
Foam::tmp<Foam::scalarField> Foam::twoPhaseMixtureThermo::he
    const scalarField& p,
    const scalarField& T,
    const labelList& cells
) const
        scalarField(alpha1(), cells)*thermo1_->he(p, T, cells)
      + scalarField(alpha2(), cells)*thermo2_->he(p, T, cells);
Foam::tmp<Foam::scalarField> Foam::twoPhaseMixtureThermo::nu
    const label patchi
) const
          + alpha2().boundaryField()[patchi]*thermo2_->rho(patchi)
Пример #15
bool EmbeddedGMap2::check() const
	bool topo = GMap2::check() ;
	if (!topo)
		return false ;

	CGoGNout << "Check: embedding begin" << CGoGNendl ;
	for(Dart d = begin(); d != end(); next(d))
		if (isOrbitEmbedded<VERTEX>())
			if (getEmbedding<VERTEX>(d) != getEmbedding<VERTEX>(alpha1(d)))
				CGoGNout << "Check: different embeddings on vertex" << CGoGNendl ;
				return false ;

		if (isOrbitEmbedded<EDGE>())
			if (getEmbedding<EDGE>(d) != getEmbedding<EDGE>(phi2(d)))
				CGoGNout << "Check: different embeddings on edge" << CGoGNendl ;
				return false ;

		if (isOrbitEmbedded<FACE>())
			if (getEmbedding<FACE>(d) != getEmbedding<FACE>(phi1(d)))
				CGoGNout << "Check: different embeddings on face" << CGoGNendl ;
				return false ;

	CGoGNout << "Check: embedding ok" << CGoGNendl ;

	std::cout << "nb vertex orbits : " << Algo::Topo::getNbOrbits<VERTEX>(*this) << std::endl ;
    std::cout << "nb vertex cells : " << m_attribs[VERTEX].size() << std::endl ;

	std::cout << "nb edge orbits : " << Algo::Topo::getNbOrbits<EDGE>(*this) << std::endl ;
    std::cout << "nb edge cells : " << m_attribs[EDGE].size() << std::endl ;

	std::cout << "nb face orbits : " << Algo::Topo::getNbOrbits<FACE>(*this) << std::endl ;
    std::cout << "nb face cells : " << m_attribs[FACE].size() << std::endl ;

	return true ;
Пример #16
float calVelUpdateStepLen(const FwiParams &params,
    const float *wlt,
    const float *dobs,
    const float *derr,
    float epsil,
    const EnquistAbc2d &fmMethod,
    const ShotPosition &allSrcPos,
    const ShotPosition &allGeoPos
  int nt = params.nt;
  int nz = params.nz;
  int nx = params.nx;
  int ng = params.ng;
  int ns = params.ns;

  std::vector<float> dcal(ng, 0); /* calculated/synthetic seismic data */
  std::vector<float> sp0(nz * nx); /* source wavefield p0 */
  std::vector<float> sp1(nz * nx); /* source wavefield p1 */
  std::vector<float> sp2(nz * nx); /* source wavefield p2 */

  std::vector<float> alpha1(ng, 0); /* numerator of alpha, length=ng */
  std::vector<float> alpha2(ng, 0); /* denominator of alpha, length=ng */

  for (int is = 0; is < ns; is++) {
    std::fill(sp0.begin(), sp0.end(), 0);
    std::fill(sp1.begin(), sp1.end(), 0);
    ShotPosition currSrcPos = allSrcPos.clip(is);

    for (int it = 0; it < nt; it++) {
      fmMethod.addSource(&sp1[0], &wlt[it], currSrcPos);
      fmMethod.stepForward(&sp0[0], &sp1[0], &sp2[0]);

      cycleSwap(sp0, sp1, sp2);

      fmMethod.recordSeis(&dcal[0], &sp0[0], allGeoPos);

      sum_alpha12(&alpha1[0], &alpha2[0], &dcal[0], &dobs[is * nt * ng + it * ng], &derr[is * ng * nt + it * ng], ng);

  float alpha = cal_alpha(&alpha1[0], &alpha2[0], epsil, ng);

  return alpha;
Пример #17
TEST_F(test_core, transition_INPSS)
	sas::String<M1> alpha1("ALPHA"), omega1("OMEGA");

	// define network
	entry. link(term, pound, atInvoke, 1);
	entry. link(term, lowercase, atNegative, 3);
	entry. link(term, letters, atPositive, 2);
	entry. link(exit, alpha1, atSimple, 4);
	entry. link(exit, omega1, atSimple, 5);
	exit. link(term, end, atSimple, 6);

	// test parsing
	EXPECT_EQ( "3",			parse(entry, "#Alpha") );
	EXPECT_EQ( "3",			parse(entry, "#Omega") );
	EXPECT_EQ( "3",			parse(entry, "#alpha") );
	EXPECT_EQ( "3",			parse(entry, "#omega") );
	EXPECT_EQ( "5 | 1 4 6",	parse(entry, "#ALPHA") );
	EXPECT_EQ( "5 | 1 5 6",	parse(entry, "#OMEGA") );
Пример #18
bool EmbeddedGMap2::edgeCanCollapse(Dart d)
	if(isBoundaryVertex(d) || isBoundaryVertex(phi1(d)))
		return false ;

	unsigned int val_v1 = vertexDegree(d) ;
	unsigned int val_v2 = vertexDegree(phi1(d)) ;

	if(val_v1 + val_v2 < 8 || val_v1 + val_v2 > 14)
		return false ;

	if(faceDegree(d) == 3)
		if(vertexDegree(phi_1(d)) < 4)
			return false ;

	Dart dd = phi2(d) ;
	if(faceDegree(dd) == 3)
		if(vertexDegree(phi_1(dd)) < 4)
			return false ;

	// Check vertex sharing condition
	std::vector<unsigned int> vu1 ;
	vu1.reserve(32) ;
	Dart vit1 = alpha1(alpha1(d)) ;
	Dart end = phi1(dd) ;
		unsigned int ve = getEmbedding<VERTEX>(phi2(vit1)) ;
		vu1.push_back(ve) ;
		vit1 = alpha1(vit1) ;
	} while(vit1 != end) ;
	end = phi1(d) ;
	Dart vit2 = alpha1(alpha1(dd)) ;
		unsigned int ve = getEmbedding<VERTEX>(phi2(vit2)) ;
		std::vector<unsigned int>::iterator it = std::find(vu1.begin(), vu1.end(), ve) ;
		if(it != vu1.end())
			return false ;
		vit2 = alpha1(vit2) ;
	} while(vit2 != end) ;

	return true ;
* This routine computes <LeftVector | \hat P_\pm (\D+B(1-(1/\rho)\D))^-1 P_\pm | RightVector>
* All factors are already included.
bool AnalyzerObservablePsiBarPhiPsiCondensateBase::calcMatrixElementProjectorHatMinverseProjector(Complex& result, double* phiField, Complex* LeftVector, Complex* RightVector, double TOL, int projMode) {
  int L0 = fermiOps->get1DSizeL0();
  int L1 = fermiOps->get1DSizeL1();
  int L2 = fermiOps->get1DSizeL2();
  int L3 = fermiOps->get1DSizeL3();
  bool success = true;  
  double rho, r;
  fermiOps->getDiracParameters(rho, r);
  double fac = -1.0 / (2.0*rho);
  if (projMode != 0) fac *= 0.25;  //Missing factor 0.5 in projector \hat P_\pm and P_\pm compensated with this factor 0.25. 

  //Berechne daggered Projector \hat P_\pm angewendet auf LeftVector  ==> Faktor 0.5 fehlt
  if (projMode != 0) {
    fermiOps->executeGamma5(LeftVector, SolutionVector);
    fermiOps->executeDiracDaggerMatrixMultiplication(SolutionVector, HelperVector, false);
    Complex alpha1(-1.0/rho, 0);
    SSE_ComplexVectorAddition(L0, L1, L2, L3, xtraSize1, xtraSize2, xtraSize3, alpha1, HelperVector, SolutionVector);
    Complex alpha2(projMode, 0);
    SSE_ComplexVectorAddition(L0, L1, L2, L3, xtraSize1, xtraSize2, xtraSize3, alpha2, SolutionVector, LeftVector);	
  //Apply inverse M^dagger  
  int neededIter = 0;
  bool b = fermiOps->executeFermionMatrixDaggerInverseMatrixMultiplication(LeftVector, SolutionVector, phiField, TOL, false, -1, neededIter);
  if (!b) success = false;

  //Apply P_\pm^dagger  ==> Faktor 0.5 fehlt
  if (projMode != 0) {
    bool projPlus = true;
    if (projMode<0) projPlus = false;
    fermiOps->executeProjectorMultiplication(SolutionVector, SolutionVector, projPlus); //OHNE Faktor 0.5

  Complex scalar(0,0);     
  SSE_ComplexScalarProduct(L0, L1, L2, L3, xtraSize1, xtraSize2, xtraSize3, SolutionVector, RightVector, scalar);
  result = fac*scalar;

  return success;
Пример #20
Foam::tmp<Foam::volScalarField> Foam::dragModels::Tenneti::CdRe() const
    volScalarField alpha1
        max(pair_.dispersed(), pair_.continuous().residualAlpha())

    volScalarField alpha2
        max(pair_.continuous(), pair_.continuous().residualAlpha())

    volScalarField Res(alpha2*pair_.Re());

    volScalarField CdReIsolated
        neg(Res - 1000)*24*(1 + 0.15*pow(Res, 0.687))
      + pos0(Res - 1000)*0.44*max(Res, residualRe_)

    volScalarField F0
        5.81*alpha1/pow3(alpha2) + 0.48*pow(alpha1, 1.0/3.0)/pow4(alpha2)

    volScalarField F1
        pow3(alpha1)*Res*(0.95 + 0.61*pow3(alpha1)/sqr(alpha2))

    // Tenneti et al. correlation includes the mean pressure drag.
    // This was removed here by multiplying F by alpha2 for consistency with
    // the formulation used in OpenFOAM
        CdReIsolated + 24*sqr(alpha2)*(F0 + F1);
Пример #21
void BDT_cuts_norm(){
    gROOT->ProcessLine(".L ~/cern/project/lhcbStyle.C");
    const std::string filename("/afs/cern.ch/work/a/apmorris/private/cern/ntuples/new_tuples/normalisation_samples/Lb2JpsipK_2011_2012_signal_withbdt.root");
    const std::string treename = "withbdt";
    const std::string filenameMC("/afs/cern.ch/work/a/apmorris/private/cern/ntuples/new_tuples/normalisation_samples/Lb2JpsipK_MC_2011_2012_norm_withbdt.root");
    TFile* file = TFile::Open( filename.c_str() );
    if( !file ) std::cout << "file " << filename << " does not exist" << std::endl;
    TTree* tree = (TTree*)file->Get( treename.c_str() );
    if( !tree ) std::cout << "tree " << treename << " does not exist" << std::endl;
    TFile* fileMC = TFile::Open( filenameMC.c_str() );
    if( !fileMC ) std::cout << "file " << filenameMC << " does not exist" << std::endl;
    TTree* treeMC = (TTree*)fileMC->Get( treename.c_str() );
    if( !treeMC ) std::cout << "tree " << treename << " does not exist" << std::endl;
    // -- signal, mass shape
    RooRealVar Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1("Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1","m(J/#psi pK^{-})", 5550., 5700., "MeV/c^{2}"); 
    RooRealVar Jpsi_M("Jpsi_M","m(#mu#mu)", 3000., 3200., "MeV/c^{2}"); 
    RooRealVar chi_c_M("chi_c_M","m(J/#psi#gamma)", 3400., 3700., "MeV/c^{2}"); 
    RooRealVar mean("mean","mean", 5630., 5610., 5650.);
    RooRealVar sigma1("sigma1","sigma1", 10., 1., 100.);
    RooRealVar sigma2("sigma2","sigma2", 30.0, 5.0, 300.0);
    RooRealVar alpha1("alpha1","alpha1", 1.0, 0.5, 5.0);
    RooRealVar n1("n1","n1", 1.8, 0.2, 15.0);
    RooRealVar alpha2("alpha2","alpha2", -0.5, -5.5, 0.0);
    RooRealVar n2("n2","n2", 0.7, 0.2, 10.0);
    //RooRealVar bkgcat_chic("bkgcat_chic","bkgcat_chic", 0, 100);
    RooRealVar bdtg3("bdtg3", "bdtg3", -1.0, 1.0);
    RooRealVar frac2("frac2","frac2", 0.3, 0., 1.);
    RooGaussian gauss1("gauss1","gauss1", Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1, mean, sigma1);
    RooGaussian gauss2("gauss2","gauss2", Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1, mean, sigma2);
    RooCBShape cb1("cb1","cb1", Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1, mean, sigma1, alpha1, n1); 
    RooCBShape cb2("cb2","cb2", Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1, mean, sigma2, alpha2, n2); 
    RooAddPdf sig("sig", "sig", RooArgList(cb1, cb2), RooArgList( frac2 ));
    RooRealVar cbRatio("cbRatio","cb Ratio", 0.8, 0.1, 1.0);
    RooRealVar sigYield("sigYield","sig Yield", 4e2, 1e0, 1e6);
    RooRealVar bgYield("bgYield","bg Yield", 1e4, 1e0, 1e6);
    //put in values from fit_MC here <<--- DON'T FORGET TO CHANGE THESE IF THE FIT CHANGES!!!
    EXT PARAMETER                                INTERNAL      INTERNAL
  NO.   NAME      VALUE            ERROR       STEP SIZE       VALUE
   1  alpha1       2.18020e+00   2.85078e-02   1.38432e-04  -2.56034e-01
   2  alpha2      -2.79102e+00   6.74385e-02   1.51818e-04  -1.49177e-02
   3  cbRatio      3.07172e-01   1.49204e-02   1.72642e-04  -5.69984e-01
   4  mean         5.61985e+03   9.58397e-03   5.56682e-05  -9.66293e-02
   5  n1           1.49358e+00   8.14447e-02   2.09300e-04  -9.70542e-01
   6  n2           1.45276e+00   1.09864e-01   2.59028e-04  -8.39538e-01
   7  sigma1       8.46303e+00   1.32851e-01   2.86985e-05  -1.01453e+00
   8  sigma2       4.93976e+00   3.42842e-02   5.03572e-06  -1.44512e+00
    alpha1.setVal( 2.18020e+00 );
    alpha2.setVal( -2.79102e+00 );
    n1.setVal( 1.49358e+00 );
    n2.setVal( 1.45276e+00 );
    frac2.setVal( 3.07172e-01 );
    sigma1.setVal( 8.46303e+00 );
    sigma2.setVal( 4.93976e+00 );
    alpha1.setConstant( true );
    alpha2.setConstant( true );
    frac2.setConstant( true );
    n1.setConstant( true );
    n2.setConstant( true );
    sigma1.setConstant( true );
    sigma2.setConstant( true );
    // -- bg, mass shape
    RooRealVar a1("a1","a1", -0.1, -0.5, 0.5);
    RooChebychev comb("comb","comb", Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1, a1);
    RooRealVar mean3("mean3","mean3", 5560., 5500., 5600.);
    RooRealVar sigma3("sigma3","sigma3", 5., 1., 10.);
    RooRealVar frac3("frac3","frac", 0.2, 0.0, 0.3);
    RooGaussian gauss3("gauss3","gauss3", Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1, mean3, sigma3);
    //RooAddPdf bg("bg","bg", RooArgList(comb), RooArgList(frac3));
    // -- add signal & bg
    RooAddPdf pdf("pdf", "pdf", RooArgList(sig, comb), RooArgList( sigYield, bgYield));  
    double efficiencies1[40];
    double efficiencies1_error[40];
    double bdt_cuts[40];
    double efficiencies2[40];
    double efficiencies2_error[40];
    double sideband_bg_val[40];
    double MC_pre = treeMC->GetEntries();
    double effvals[40];
    //loop starting here
    for(int i=0; i < 40; i=i+1) {
        double cut_val = -1.0 + i*0.05;
        //double cut_val = -1.0; // testing
        bdt_cuts[i] = cut_val;
        std::stringstream c;
        c << "bdtg3" << " >= " << cut_val;
        const std::string cut = c.str();
        //std::cout << cut;
        RooArgSet obs;
        RooDataSet ds("ds","ds", obs, RooFit::Import(*tree), RooFit::Cut(cut.c_str())); 
        RooPlot* plot = Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1.frame();
        RooFitResult * result = pdf.fitTo( ds, RooFit::Extended() );
        double sig_val = sigYield.getVal();
        double bg_val = bgYield.getVal();
        double sig_error = sigYield.getError();
        double bg_error = bgYield.getError();
        double efficiency1 = (sig_val)/(sqrt(sig_val + bg_val));
        efficiencies1[i] = efficiency1;
        double efficiency1_error_sq = (pow(sig_error,2)/(sig_val+bg_val) + (pow(sig_val,2)*(pow(sig_error,2)+pow(bg_error,2))/(4*pow((sig_val+bg_val),3))));
        double efficiency1_error = sqrt(efficiency1_error_sq);
        efficiencies1_error[i] = efficiency1_error;
        double MC_post = treeMC->GetEntries(cut.c_str());
        double eff_val = MC_post/MC_pre; 
        //something here to get the sideband background count
        Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1.setRange("R", 5650., 5700.);
        RooFitResult * sideband = bg.fitTo( ds, RooFit::Range("R") );
        Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1.setRange("R", 5650., 5700.);
        RooAbsReal* integral = pdf.createIntegral(Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1, RooFit::Range("R"));
        //std::cout << integral->getVal() << std::endl;
        //std::cout << integral->getError() << std::endl;
        //Double_t sideband_bg_val = integral->getVal();
        //double sideband_bg_error = integral->getError();
        std::stringstream r;
        r << "bdtg3" << " >= " << cut_val << " && Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1 >= 5650 && Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1 <= 5700";
        const std::string cut2 = r.str();
        double integ = tree->GetEntries(cut2.c_str());
        //double integ = integral->getVal();
        double efficiency2 = eff_val/(5./2. + sqrt(integ));
        efficiencies2[i] = efficiency2;
        std::cout << "\n" << integ << std::endl;
        std::cout << "\n" << eff_val << std::endl;
        std::cout << "\n" << efficiency2 << std::endl;
        //double efficiency2_error = efficiency2*sqrt(pow(eff_error/eff_val,2)+(1/(4*sideband_bg_val))*pow(sideband_bg_error/(5/2+sideband_bg_val),2));
        //std::cout << "\n\n" << "BDT cut value = " << cut_val << "\n" ;
        //std::cout << "S = " << sig_val << " +/- " << sig_error << "\n" ;
        //std::cout << "B = " << bg_val << " +/- " << bg_error << "\n" ;
        //std::cout << "S/sqrt(S+B) = " << efficiency << " +/- " << efficiency_error << "\n\n" ;
        //ds.plotOn( plot );
        //pdf.plotOn( plot );
        //RooPlot* plotPullMass = mass.frame();
        //plotPullMass->addPlotable( plot->pullHist() );
        //std::cout << cut_val;
    TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas(); 
    //double zeros[20];
    //for (i=0, i<20, i++) zeros[i]=0.0;
    TGraphErrors* graph = new TGraphErrors(40, bdt_cuts, efficiencies1, 0, efficiencies1_error);
    graph->SetTitle("S/sqrt(S+B) vs BDTG3 cut");
    graph->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("BDTG3 cut (>)");
    //return c1;
    //std::cout << efficiencies1_error[5] << std::endl;
    /*TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas();
    TGraph* graph2 = new TGraph(40, bdt_cuts, efficiencies2);
    graph2->SetTitle("eff/[5/2+sqrt(B)] vs BDTG3 cut");
    graph2->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("BDTG3 cut (>)");
    //return c2;
    TCanvas* c = new TCanvas();
    TPad* pad1 = new TPad("pad1","pad1", 0, 0.3, 1, 1.0);
    TPad* pad2 = new TPad("pad2","pad2", 0, 0, 1, 0.3);
    //pdf.plotOn( plot, RooFit::Components( DfbPdf ), RooFit::LineColor( kRed ), RooFit::LineStyle(kDashed) );
    //pdf.plotOn( plot, RooFit::Components( promptPdf ), RooFit::LineColor( kBlue ), RooFit::LineStyle(kDotted) );
    //pdf.plotOn( plot, RooFit::Components( bgPdf ), RooFit::LineColor( kOrange ), RooFit::LineStyle(kDashDotted) );
    RooStats::SPlot* sData = new RooStats::SPlot("sData","An SPlot",
            ds, &pdf, RooArgList(sigYield, bgYield) );
    RooDataSet * dataw_z = new RooDataSet(ds.GetName(),ds.GetTitle(),&ds,*(ds.get()),0,"sigYield_sw") ;
    TCanvas* d = new TCanvas();
    RooPlot* w_mass_chicp = mass_chicp.frame();
    dataw_z->plotOn(w_mass_chicp, RooFit::DataError(RooAbsData::SumW2), RooFit::Binning(20)) ;
    TCanvas* e = new TCanvas();
    RooPlot* w_mass_pK = mass_pK.frame();
    dataw_z->plotOn(w_mass_pK, RooFit::DataError(RooAbsData::SumW2), RooFit::Binning(20)) ;
    TCanvas* f = new TCanvas();
    RooPlot* w_mass_Jpsi = mass_Jpsi.frame();
    dataw_z->plotOn(w_mass_Jpsi, RooFit::DataError(RooAbsData::SumW2), RooFit::Binning(20)) ;
    TCanvas* g = new TCanvas();
    RooPlot* w_mass_Chic = mass_Chic.frame();
    dataw_z->plotOn(w_mass_Chic, RooFit::DataError(RooAbsData::SumW2), RooFit::Binning(20)) ;
Пример #22
void fit_and_weights_norm(){

    gROOT->ProcessLine(".x ~/cern/scripts/lhcbStyle.C");
    gStyle->SetPadRightMargin(0.05); // increase for colz plots
    const std::string filename("/afs/cern.ch/work/a/apmorris/private/cern/ntuples/new_tuples/normalisation_samples/Lb2JpsipK_2011_2012_signal_withbdt_cut_05.root");           
    const std::string treename = "withbdt";                                         
    const std::string out_file_mass("~/cern/plots/fitting/Lb2JpsipK_2011_2012_mass_fit_after_bdtg3_05.png");                                   

    TFile* file = TFile::Open( filename.c_str() );
    if( !file ) std::cout << "file " << filename << " does not exist" << std::endl;
    TTree* tree = (TTree*)file->Get( treename.c_str() );
    if( !tree ) std::cout << "tree " << treename << " does not exist" << std::endl;

    // -- signal, mass shape
    RooRealVar Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1("Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1","m(#chi_{c}pK^{-})", 5550., 5700., "MeV/c^{2}"); 
    RooRealVar Jpsi_M("Jpsi_M","m(#mu#mu)", 3000., 3200., "MeV/c^{2}"); 
    //RooRealVar chi_c_M("chi_c_M","m(J/#psi#gamma)", 3400., 3700., "MeV/c^{2}"); 
    RooRealVar mean("mean","mean", 5630., 5610., 5650.);
    RooRealVar sigma1("sigma1","sigma1", 10., 1., 100.);
    RooRealVar sigma2("sigma2","sigma2", 30.0, 5.0, 300.0);
    RooRealVar alpha1("alpha1","alpha1", 1.0, 0.5, 5.0);
    RooRealVar n1("n1","n1", 1.8, 0.2, 15.0);
    RooRealVar alpha2("alpha2","alpha2", -0.5, -5.5, 0.0);
    RooRealVar n2("n2","n2", 0.7, 0.2, 10.0);
    //RooRealVar bkgcat_chic("bkgcat_chic","bkgcat_chic", 0, 100);
    RooRealVar bdtg3("bdtg3", "bdtg3", -1.0, 1.0);                                    //
    RooRealVar frac2("frac2","frac2", 0.3, 0., 1.);
    RooGaussian gauss1("gauss1","gauss1", Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1, mean, sigma1);
    RooGaussian gauss2("gauss2","gauss2", Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1, mean, sigma2);
    RooCBShape cb1("cb1","cb1", Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1, mean, sigma1, alpha1, n1); 
    RooCBShape cb2("cb2","cb2", Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1, mean, sigma2, alpha2, n2); 
    RooAddPdf sig("sig", "sig", RooArgList(cb1, cb2), RooArgList( frac2 ));
    RooRealVar cbRatio("cbRatio","cb Ratio", 0.8, 0.1, 1.0);
    RooRealVar sigYield("sigYield","sig Yield", 4e2, 1e1, 1e4);
    RooRealVar bgYield("bgYield","bg Yield", 1e2, 1e0, 5e5);

    //put in values from fit_MC here <<--- DON'T FORGET TO CHANGE THESE IF THE FIT CHANGES!!!
    EXT PARAMETER                                INTERNAL      INTERNAL
  NO.   NAME      VALUE            ERROR       STEP SIZE       VALUE
   1  alpha1       1.74154e+00   3.36750e-02   1.24897e-04  -4.64754e-01
   2  alpha2      -2.02379e+00   6.38694e-02   1.18078e-04   2.87434e+00
   3  cbRatio      3.81630e-01   2.53217e-02   1.04396e-03  -3.83487e-01
   4  mean         5.61983e+03   1.06900e-02   5.57074e-05  -9.73350e-02
   5  n1           3.61886e+00   1.29299e-01   2.50836e-04  -5.68053e-01
   6  n2           3.28978e+00   1.59452e-01   3.00100e-04  -3.78398e-01
   7  sigma1       7.37006e+00   1.49989e-01   2.60360e-05  -1.05787e+00
   8  sigma2       4.90330e+00   4.88847e-02   5.78092e-06  -1.44570e+00
    alpha1.setVal( 1.74154e+00 );
    alpha2.setVal( -2.02379e+00 );
    n1.setVal( 3.61886e+00 );
    n2.setVal( 3.28978e+00 );
    frac2.setVal( 3.81630e-01 );
    sigma1.setVal( 7.37006e+00 );
    sigma2.setVal( 4.90330e+00 );
    alpha1.setConstant( true );
    alpha2.setConstant( true );
    frac2.setConstant( true );
    n1.setConstant( true );
    n2.setConstant( true );
    sigma1.setConstant( true );
    sigma2.setConstant( true );

    // -- bg, mass shape
    RooRealVar a1("a1","a1", -0.1, -0.5, 0.5);
    RooChebychev comb("comb","comb", Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1, a1);
    RooRealVar mean3("mean3","mean3", 5560., 5500., 5600.);
    RooRealVar sigma3("sigma3","sigma3", 5., 1., 10.);
    RooRealVar frac3("frac3","frac", 0.2, 0.0, 0.3);
    RooGaussian gauss3("gauss3","gauss3", Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1, mean3, sigma3);
    RooAddPdf bg("bg","bg", RooArgList(gauss3, comb), RooArgList(frac3));

    // -- add signal & bg
    RooAddPdf pdf("pdf", "pdf", RooArgList(sig, comb), RooArgList( sigYield, bgYield));  

    RooArgSet obs;

    RooDataSet ds("ds","ds", obs, RooFit::Import(*tree)); 

    RooPlot* plot = Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1.frame();

    RooFitResult * result = pdf.fitTo( ds, RooFit::Extended() );
    ds.plotOn( plot );
    pdf.plotOn( plot );
    RooPlot* plotPullMass = Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1.frame();

    plotPullMass->addPlotable( plot->pullHist() );

    TCanvas* c = new TCanvas();

    TPad* pad1 = new TPad("pad1","pad1", 0, 0.3, 1, 1.0);
    TPad* pad2 = new TPad("pad2","pad2", 0, 0., 1, 0.3);

    pdf.plotOn( plot, RooFit::Components( sig ), RooFit::LineColor( kTeal ), RooFit::LineStyle(kDashed) );
    pdf.plotOn( plot, RooFit::Components( comb ), RooFit::LineColor( kOrange ), RooFit::LineStyle(kDashed) );
    pdf.plotOn( plot, RooFit::Components( gauss3 ), RooFit::LineColor( kViolet ), RooFit::LineStyle(kDashed) );




    RooStats::SPlot* sData = new RooStats::SPlot("sData","An SPlot",
            ds, &pdf, RooArgList(sigYield, bgYield) );

    RooDataSet * dataw_z = new RooDataSet(ds.GetName(),ds.GetTitle(),&ds,*(ds.get()),0,"sigYield_sw") ;
    TTree *tree_data = (TTree*)dataw_z->tree();
    TFile * newfile = TFile::Open("/afs/cern.ch/work/a/apmorris/private/cern/ntuples/new_tuples/weighted_data.root","RECREATE");
    TCanvas* d = new TCanvas();
    RooPlot* w_chi_c_Mp = chi_c_Mp.frame();
    dataw_z->plotOn(w_chi_c_Mp, RooFit::DataError(RooAbsData::SumW2), RooFit::Binning(20)) ;
    TCanvas* e = new TCanvas();
    RooPlot* w_mass_pK = mass_pK.frame();
    dataw_z->plotOn(w_mass_pK, RooFit::DataError(RooAbsData::SumW2), RooFit::Binning(20)) ;
    TCanvas* f = new TCanvas();
    RooPlot* w_Jpsi_M = Jpsi_M.frame();
    dataw_z->plotOn(w_Jpsi_M, RooFit::DataError(RooAbsData::SumW2), RooFit::Binning(20)) ;

    TCanvas* g = new TCanvas();
    RooPlot* w_chi_c_M = chi_c_M.frame();
    dataw_z->plotOn(w_chi_c_M, RooFit::DataError(RooAbsData::SumW2), RooFit::Binning(20)) ;
Пример #23
    int WolfeLineSearch(FunctorType &func,
                        Scalar &alpha,
                        XType &x1, Scalar &f1, XType &gradx1,
                        const XType &p,
                        const XType &x0, const Scalar &f0, const XType &gradx0,
                        const Scalar &c1, const Scalar &c2,
                        const Scalar &minAlpha, const Scalar &maxLSIts,
                        const Scalar &maxLSRestarts) {
      const Scalar dfp(gradx0.dot(p));
      const Scalar c1dfp(c1*dfp);
      const Scalar c2dfp(c2*dfp);

      Scalar alpha0(minAlpha);
      Scalar alpha1(alpha);

      Scalar prevF(f0);
      XType prevDF(gradx0);
      Scalar prevDFp(dfp);
      Scalar newDFp;

      int retCode = 0, nits = 0, lsRestarts = 0, ret;

      while (1) {
        if (nits >= maxLSIts) {
          retCode = 1;

        x1.noalias() = x0 + alpha1 * p;
        ret = func(x1, f1, gradx1);
        if (ret != 0) {
          if (lsRestarts >= maxLSRestarts) {
            retCode = 1;

          alpha1 = 0.5 * (alpha0 + alpha1);
        lsRestarts = 0;

        newDFp = gradx1.dot(p);
        if ((f1 > f0 + alpha * c1dfp) || (f1 >= prevF && nits > 0)) {
          retCode = WolfLSZoom(alpha, x1, f1, gradx1,
                               x0, f0, dfp,
                               c1dfp, c2dfp, p,
                               alpha0, prevF, prevDFp,
                               alpha1, f1, newDFp,
        if (std::fabs(newDFp) <= -c2dfp) {
          alpha = alpha1;
        if (newDFp >= 0) {
          retCode = WolfLSZoom(alpha, x1, f1, gradx1,
                               x0, f0, dfp,
                               c1dfp, c2dfp, p,
                               alpha1, f1, newDFp,
                               alpha0, prevF, prevDFp,

        alpha0 = alpha1;
        prevF = f1;
        std::swap(prevDF, gradx1);
        prevDFp = newDFp;

        alpha1 *= 10.0;

      return retCode;
Пример #24
void fitGraphs( const ZGConfig& cfg, const std::vector<float> masses, const std::string& width, const std::string& outdir, TFile* outfile, const std::string& name, const std::string& sel ) {

  std::cout << "+++ STARTING: " << name << std::endl;

  TString name_tstr(name);

  std::string plotdir = outdir + "/plots";
  system( Form("mkdir -p %s", plotdir.c_str() ) );

  TGraphErrors* gr_mean   = new TGraphErrors(0);
  TGraphErrors* gr_sigma  = new TGraphErrors(0);
  TGraphErrors* gr_width  = new TGraphErrors(0);
  TGraphErrors* gr_alpha1 = new TGraphErrors(0);
  TGraphErrors* gr_n1     = new TGraphErrors(0);
  TGraphErrors* gr_alpha2 = new TGraphErrors(0);
  TGraphErrors* gr_n2     = new TGraphErrors(0);

  gr_mean  ->SetName(Form("mean_w%s_%s"  , width.c_str(), name.c_str()));
  gr_sigma ->SetName(Form("sigma_w%s_%s" , width.c_str(), name.c_str()));
  gr_width ->SetName(Form("width_w%s_%s" , width.c_str(), name.c_str()));
  gr_alpha1->SetName(Form("alpha1_w%s_%s", width.c_str(), name.c_str()));
  gr_n1    ->SetName(Form("n1_w%s_%s"    , width.c_str(), name.c_str()));
  gr_alpha2->SetName(Form("alpha2_w%s_%s", width.c_str(), name.c_str()));
  gr_n2    ->SetName(Form("n2_w%s_%s"    , width.c_str(), name.c_str()));

  TFile* file  = TFile::Open( Form("%s/trees.root", cfg.getEventYieldDir().c_str()) );


  int iPoint = 0;

  for( unsigned i=0; i<masses.size(); ++i ) {

    float thisMass = masses[i];
    if( thisMass==1250. && name=="mm" && width=="0p014" ) continue;

    std::cout << "-> Starting mass: " << thisMass << std::endl;

    std::string signalName;
    if( thisMass <= 500. ) {
      signalName = std::string(Form("XZg_Spin0ToZG_ZToLL_W_%s_M_%.0f", width.c_str(), thisMass ));
    } else {
      signalName = std::string(Form("GluGluSpin0ToZG_ZToLL_W%s_M%.0f", width.c_str(), thisMass ));
    TTree* tree0 = (TTree*)file->Get( signalName.c_str() );
    if( tree0 == 0 ) continue;
    TTree* tree;
    if( sel=="" ) {
      tree = tree0;
    } else {
      tree = tree0->CopyTree(sel.c_str());

    float maxMassFact = (thisMass>1000. || width=="5p6" ) ? 1.5 : 1.3;
    RooRealVar x("boss_mass", "boss_mass", thisMass, 0.5*thisMass, maxMassFact*thisMass );

    // Crystal-Ball
    RooRealVar mean( "mean", "mean", thisMass, 0.9*thisMass, 1.1*thisMass );
    float sigmaResolution = ( width=="5p6" ) ? 0.03 : 0.015;
    RooRealVar sigma( "sigma", "sigma", sigmaResolution*thisMass, 0., 0.07*thisMass );
    float alpha1_init = (width=="5p6" && thisMass<1000. ) ? 0.8 : 1.2;
    if( width=="5p6" && thisMass==1500.) alpha1_init=1.4;
    RooRealVar alpha1( "alpha1", "alpha1", alpha1_init, 0., 2.5 );
    RooRealVar n1( "n1", "n1", 3., 0., 5. );
    RooRealVar alpha2( "alpha2", "alpha2", 1.2, 0., 2.5 );
    RooRealVar n2( "n2", "n2", 3.5, 0., 10. );
    RooDoubleCBShape cb( "cb", "cb", x, mean, sigma, alpha1, n1, alpha2, n2 );

    RooDataSet* data = new RooDataSet( "data", "data", RooArgSet(x), RooFit::Import(*tree) );

    cb.fitTo( *data, RooFit::Strategy(2) );

    RooPlot* frame = x.frame();

    TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "", 600, 600);


    c1->SaveAs( Form("%s/fit_%s_m%.0f_w%s.eps", plotdir.c_str(), name.c_str(), thisMass, width.c_str()) );
    c1->SaveAs( Form("%s/fit_%s_m%.0f_w%s.pdf", plotdir.c_str(), name.c_str(), thisMass, width.c_str()) );


    c1->SaveAs( Form("%s/fit_%s_m%.0f_w%s_log.eps", plotdir.c_str(), name.c_str(), thisMass, width.c_str()) );
    c1->SaveAs( Form("%s/fit_%s_m%.0f_w%s_log.pdf", plotdir.c_str(), name.c_str(), thisMass, width.c_str()) );

    delete c1;

    gr_mean  ->SetPoint( iPoint, thisMass, mean.getVal() );
    gr_sigma ->SetPoint( iPoint, thisMass, sigma.getVal() );
    gr_width ->SetPoint( iPoint, thisMass, sigma.getVal()/mean.getVal() );
    gr_alpha1->SetPoint( iPoint, thisMass, alpha1.getVal() );
    gr_n1    ->SetPoint( iPoint, thisMass, n1.getVal() );
    gr_alpha2->SetPoint( iPoint, thisMass, alpha2.getVal() );
    gr_n2    ->SetPoint( iPoint, thisMass, n2.getVal() );

    gr_mean  ->SetPointError( iPoint, 0., mean.getError() );
    gr_sigma ->SetPointError( iPoint, 0., sigma.getError() );
    gr_width ->SetPointError( iPoint, 0., sigma.getError()/mean.getVal() ); // random
    gr_alpha1->SetPointError( iPoint, 0., alpha1.getError() );
    gr_n1    ->SetPointError( iPoint, 0., n1.getError() );
    gr_alpha2->SetPointError( iPoint, 0., alpha2.getError() );
    gr_n2    ->SetPointError( iPoint, 0., n2.getError() );
    //gr_width->SetPointError( iPoint, 0., sqrt( sigma.getError()*sigma.getError()/(mean.getVal()*mean.getVal()) + sigma.getVal()*sigma.getVal()*mean.getError()*mean.getError()/(mean.getError()*mean.getError()*mean.getError()*mean.getError()) ) );


    delete tree;
    delete data;

  } // for i

  TF1* f1_mean   = fitGraph(plotdir, gr_mean  , "Gaussian Mean [GeV]");
  TF1* f1_sigma  = fitGraph(plotdir, gr_sigma , "Gaussian Sigma [GeV]");
  TF1* f1_width  = fitGraph(plotdir, gr_width , "Gaussian #sigma/#mu");
  TF1* f1_alpha1 = fitGraph(plotdir, gr_alpha1, "CB left #alpha");
  TF1* f1_n1     = fitGraph(plotdir, gr_n1    , "CB left N");
  TF1* f1_alpha2 = fitGraph(plotdir, gr_alpha2, "CB right #alpha");
  TF1* f1_n2     = fitGraph(plotdir, gr_n2    , "CB right N");

  f1_mean  ->Write();
  f1_sigma ->Write();
  f1_width ->Write();
  f1_n1    ->Write();
  f1_n2    ->Write();

  gr_mean  ->Write();
  gr_sigma ->Write();
  gr_width ->Write();
  gr_n1    ->Write();
  gr_n2    ->Write();

Пример #25
void EmbeddedGMap3::unsewVolumes(Dart d)
    Dart dd = alpha1(d);

    unsigned int fEmb = EMBNULL ;
        fEmb = getEmbedding<FACE>(d) ;


    Dart dit = d;
        // embed the unsewn vertex orbit with the vertex embedding if it is deconnected
            if(!sameVertex(dit, dd))
                setOrbitEmbedding<VERTEX>(dit, getEmbedding<VERTEX>(dit)) ;
                copyCell<VERTEX>(dd, dit);
                setOrbitEmbedding<VERTEX>(dit, getEmbedding<VERTEX>(dit)) ;

        dd = phi_1(dd);

        // embed the unsewn edge with the edge embedding if it is deconnected
            if(!sameEdge(dit, dd))
                setOrbitEmbedding<EDGE>(dit, getEmbedding<EDGE>(dit)) ;
                copyCell<EDGE>(dd, dit);
                setOrbitEmbedding<EDGE>(dit, getEmbedding<EDGE>(dit)) ;

            setDartEmbedding<FACE>(beta3(dit), fEmb) ;
            setDartEmbedding<FACE>(beta0(beta3(dit)), fEmb) ;

        dit = phi1(dit);
    } while(dit != d);

    // embed the unsewn face with the face embedding
    if (isOrbitEmbedded<FACE>())
        copyCell<FACE>(dd, d);
Пример #26
void GSRendererHW::RoundSpriteOffset()
//#define DEBUG_U
//#define DEBUG_V
#if defined(DEBUG_V) || defined(DEBUG_U)
	bool debug = linear;
	size_t count = m_vertex.next;
	GSVertex* v = &m_vertex.buff[0];

	for(size_t i = 0; i < count; i += 2) {
		// Performance note: if it had any impact on perf, someone would port it to SSE (AKA GSVector)

		// Compute the coordinate of first and last texels (in native with a linear filtering)
		int   ox  = m_context->XYOFFSET.OFX;
		int   X0  = v[i].XYZ.X   - ox;
		int   X1  = v[i+1].XYZ.X - ox;
		int   Lx  = (v[i+1].XYZ.X - v[i].XYZ.X);
		float ax0 = alpha0(Lx, X0, X1);
		float ax1 = alpha1(Lx, X0, X1);
		int   tx0 = Interpolate_UV(ax0, v[i].U, v[i+1].U);
		int   tx1 = Interpolate_UV(ax1, v[i].U, v[i+1].U);
#ifdef DEBUG_U
		if (debug) {
			fprintf(stderr, "u0:%d and u1:%d\n", v[i].U, v[i+1].U);
			fprintf(stderr, "a0:%f and a1:%f\n", ax0, ax1);
			fprintf(stderr, "t0:%d and t1:%d\n", tx0, tx1);

		int   oy  = m_context->XYOFFSET.OFY;
		int   Y0  = v[i].XYZ.Y   - oy;
		int   Y1  = v[i+1].XYZ.Y - oy;
		int   Ly  = (v[i+1].XYZ.Y - v[i].XYZ.Y);
		float ay0 = alpha0(Ly, Y0, Y1);
		float ay1 = alpha1(Ly, Y0, Y1);
		int   ty0 = Interpolate_UV(ay0, v[i].V, v[i+1].V);
		int   ty1 = Interpolate_UV(ay1, v[i].V, v[i+1].V);
#ifdef DEBUG_V
		if (debug) {
			fprintf(stderr, "v0:%d and v1:%d\n", v[i].V, v[i+1].V);
			fprintf(stderr, "a0:%f and a1:%f\n", ay0, ay1);
			fprintf(stderr, "t0:%d and t1:%d\n", ty0, ty1);

#ifdef DEBUG_U
		if (debug)
			fprintf(stderr, "GREP_BEFORE %d => %d\n", v[i].U, v[i+1].U);
#ifdef DEBUG_V
		if (debug)
			fprintf(stderr, "GREP_BEFORE %d => %d\n", v[i].V, v[i+1].V);

#if 1
		// Use rounded value of the newly computed texture coordinate. It ensures
		// that sampling will remains inside texture boundary
		// Note for bilinear: by definition it will never work correctly! A sligh modification
		// of interpolation migth trigger a discard (with alpha testing)
		// Let's use something simple that correct really bad case (for a couple of 2D games).
		// I hope it won't create too much glitches.
		if (linear) {
			int Lu = v[i+1].U - v[i].U;
			// Note 32 is based on taisho-mononoke
			if ((Lu > 0) && (Lu <= (Lx+32))) {
				v[i+1].U -= 8;
		} else {
			if (tx0 <= tx1) {
				v[i].U   = tx0;
				v[i+1].U = tx1 + 16;
			} else {
				v[i].U   = tx0 + 15;
				v[i+1].U = tx1;
#if 1
		if (linear) {
			int Lv = v[i+1].V - v[i].V;
			if ((Lv > 0) && (Lv <= (Ly+32))) {
				v[i+1].V -= 8;
		} else {
			if (ty0 <= ty1) {
				v[i].V   = ty0;
				v[i+1].V = ty1 + 16;
			} else {
				v[i].V   = ty0 + 15;
				v[i+1].V = ty1;

#ifdef DEBUG_U
		if (debug)
			fprintf(stderr, "GREP_AFTER %d => %d\n\n", v[i].U, v[i+1].U);
#ifdef DEBUG_V
		if (debug)
			fprintf(stderr, "GREP_AFTER %d => %d\n\n", v[i].V, v[i+1].V);

Foam::tmp<Foam::volScalarField> Foam::twoPhaseMixtureThermo::kappa() const
    return alpha1()*thermo1_->kappa() + alpha2()*thermo2_->kappa();
Пример #28
void fit_MC_norm(std::string input_file = "/afs/cern.ch/work/a/apmorris/private/cern/ntuples/new_tuples/normalisation_samples/reduced_Lb2JpsipK_MC_2011_2012_norm.root", std::string out_file_mass = "~/cern/plots/fitting/Lb2JpsipK_MC_2011_2012_cut_mass_fit.png"){
    gROOT->ProcessLine(".L ~/cern/scripts/lhcbStyle.C");

    const std::string filename(input_file.c_str());
    const std::string treename = "DecayTree";

    TFile* file = TFile::Open( filename.c_str() );
    if( !file ) std::cout << "file " << filename << " does not exist" << std::endl;
    TTree* tree = (TTree*)file->Get( treename.c_str() );
    if( !tree ) std::cout << "tree " << treename << " does not exist" << std::endl;

    // -- signal, mass shape
    RooRealVar Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1("Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1","m(J/#psi pK^{-})", 5450., 5850., "MeV/c^{2}"); 
    RooRealVar Jpsi_M("Jpsi_M","m(#mu#mu)", 3000., 3200., "MeV/c^{2}"); 
    //RooRealVar chi_c_M("chi_c_M","m(J/#psi#gamma)", 3350., 3750., "MeV/c^{2}"); 
    RooRealVar mean("mean","mean", 5620., 5595., 5650.);
    RooRealVar sigma1("sigma1","sigma1", 10., 1., 100.);
    RooRealVar sigma2("sigma2","sigma2", 100., 1., 1000.);
    RooRealVar alpha1("alpha1","alpha1", 1.0, 0.5, 5.0);
    RooRealVar n1("n1","n1", 1.8, 0.2, 15.0);
    RooRealVar alpha2("alpha2","alpha2", -0.5, -5.5, 0.0);
    RooRealVar n2("n2","n2", 0.7, 0.2, 10.0);
    //RooRealVar bkgcat_chic("bkgcat_chic","bkgcat_chic", 0, 100);

    RooGaussian gauss1("gauss1","gauss1", Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1, mean, sigma1);
    RooGaussian gauss2("gauss2","gauss2", Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1, mean, sigma2);
    RooCBShape cb1("cb1","cb1", Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1, mean, sigma1, alpha1, n1); 
    RooCBShape cb2("cb2","cb2", Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1, mean, sigma2, alpha2, n2); 
    // the chi_c2 component
    RooRealVar mean3("mean3","mean3", 5570., 5520., 5580.);
    RooRealVar sigma3("sigma3","sigma3", 10., 1., 20.);
    RooGaussian gauss3("gauss3","gauss3", Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1, mean3, sigma3);
    RooRealVar cbRatio("cbRatio","cbRatio", 0.8, 0.1, 1.0);
    RooRealVar frac2("frac2","frac2", 0.3, 0., 1.);

    alpha1.setVal( 2.1  );
    alpha2.setVal( -4.9 );
    n1.setVal( 3.2 );
    n2.setVal( 7.9 );
    cbRatio.setVal( 0.6808 );
    alpha1.setConstant( true );
    alpha2.setConstant( true );
    cbRatio.setConstant( true );
    n1.setConstant( true );
    n2.setConstant( true );

    // -- add signal & bg
    //RooAddPdf pdf("pdf", "pdf", RooArgList(gauss1, gauss2), RooArgList( frac2 ));  
    RooAddPdf pdf("pdf", "pdf", RooArgList(cb1, cb2), RooArgList( cbRatio ));  

    RooArgSet obs;
    RooDataSet ds("ds","ds", obs, RooFit::Import(*tree)); 
 //RooFit::Cut("Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1 > 5580")
    RooPlot* plot = Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1.frame();

    plot->SetAxisRange(5500., 5750.);

    pdf.fitTo( ds );

    ds.plotOn( plot, RooFit::Binning(200) );
    pdf.plotOn( plot );
    //gauss3.plotOn( plot );

    RooPlot* plotPullMass = Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1.frame();

    plotPullMass->addPlotable( plot->pullHist() );
    plotPullMass->SetAxisRange(5500., 5750.);
    TCanvas* c = new TCanvas();

    TPad* pad1 = new TPad("pad1","pad1", 0, 0.3, 1, 1.0);
    //TPad* pad2 = new TPad("pad2","pad2", 0, 0.05, 1, 0.4);
    TPad* pad2 = new TPad("pad2","pad2", 0, 0, 1, 0.3);

    pdf.plotOn( plot, RooFit::Components( cb1 ), RooFit::LineColor( kRed ), RooFit::LineStyle(kDashed) );
    pdf.plotOn( plot, RooFit::Components( cb2 ), RooFit::LineColor( kOrange ), RooFit::LineStyle(kDotted) );
    //pdf.plotOn( plot, RooFit::Components( bgPdf ), RooFit::LineColor( kBlue ), RooFit::LineStyle(kDashDotted) );




Foam::tmp<Foam::volScalarField> Foam::twoPhaseMixtureThermo::nu() const
    return mu()/(alpha1()*thermo1_->rho() + alpha2()*thermo2_->rho());
Пример #30
void fitSingleMass( const std::string& basedir, float mass, const std::string&  width, TGraphErrors* gr_mean, TGraphErrors* gr_sigma, TGraphErrors* gr_width, TGraphErrors* gr_alpha1, TGraphErrors* gr_n1, TGraphErrors* gr_alpha2, TGraphErrors* gr_n2 ) {

  std::string outdir = "genSignalShapes";
  system( Form("mkdir -p %s", outdir.c_str()) );

  std::string dataset( Form( "GluGluSpin0ToZGamma_ZToLL_W_%s_M_%.0f_TuneCUEP8M1_13TeV_pythia8", width.c_str(), mass ) );
  std::cout << "-> Starting: " << dataset << std::endl;

  system( Form("ls %s/%s/crab_%s/*/0000/genAna_1.root >> toBeAdded.txt", basedir.c_str(), dataset.c_str(), dataset.c_str() ) );
  TChain* tree = new TChain("mt2");
  ifstream ifs("toBeAdded.txt");
  while( ifs.good() ) {
    std::string fileName;
    ifs >> fileName;
    TString fileName_tstr(fileName);
    if( !fileName_tstr.Contains("pnfs") ) continue;
    tree->Add(Form("$DCAP/%s/mt2", fileName.c_str()) );
  system( "rm toBeAdded.txt" );

  if( tree->GetEntries()==0 ) return;

  int ngenPart;
  tree->SetBranchAddress( "ngenPart", &ngenPart );
  float genPart_pt[100];
  tree->SetBranchAddress( "genPart_pt", genPart_pt );
  float genPart_eta[100];
  tree->SetBranchAddress( "genPart_eta", genPart_eta );
  float genPart_phi[100];
  tree->SetBranchAddress( "genPart_phi", genPart_phi );
  float genPart_mass[100];
  tree->SetBranchAddress( "genPart_mass", genPart_mass );
  int genPart_pdgId[100];
  tree->SetBranchAddress( "genPart_pdgId", genPart_pdgId );
  int genPart_motherId[100];
  tree->SetBranchAddress( "genPart_motherId", genPart_motherId );
  int genPart_status[100];
  tree->SetBranchAddress( "genPart_status", genPart_status );

  RooRealVar* x = new RooRealVar("boss_mass", "boss_mass", mass, 0.5*mass, 1.5*mass );

  RooDataSet* data = new RooDataSet( "data", "data", RooArgSet(*x) );

  int nentries = tree->GetEntries();

  for( int iEntry = 0; iEntry<nentries; ++iEntry ) {

    if( iEntry % 25000 == 0 ) std::cout << "  Entry: " << iEntry << " / " << nentries << std::endl;


    TLorentzVector leptPlus;
    TLorentzVector leptMinus;
    TLorentzVector photon;
    bool foundLeptPlus = false;
    bool foundLeptMinus = false;
    bool foundPhoton = false;
    bool tauEvent = false;

    for( int iPart=0; iPart<ngenPart; ++iPart ) {

      if( genPart_status[iPart]!=1 ) continue;

      if( abs(genPart_pdgId[iPart])==15 ) {
        tauEvent = true;

      if( (genPart_pdgId[iPart]==+11 || genPart_pdgId[iPart]==+13) && genPart_motherId[iPart]==23 ) {
        leptMinus.SetPtEtaPhiM( genPart_pt[iPart], genPart_eta[iPart], genPart_phi[iPart], genPart_mass[iPart] );
        foundLeptMinus = true;
      if( (genPart_pdgId[iPart]==-11 || genPart_pdgId[iPart]==-13) && genPart_motherId[iPart]==23 ) {
        leptPlus.SetPtEtaPhiM( genPart_pt[iPart], genPart_eta[iPart], genPart_phi[iPart], genPart_mass[iPart] );
        foundLeptPlus = true;
      if( genPart_pdgId[iPart]==22 && genPart_motherId[iPart]==25 ) {
        photon.SetPtEtaPhiM( genPart_pt[iPart], genPart_eta[iPart], genPart_phi[iPart], genPart_mass[iPart] );
        foundPhoton = true;

    } // for genparts

    if( tauEvent ) continue;
    if( !foundLeptPlus || !foundLeptMinus || !foundPhoton ) continue;

    if( photon.Pt() < 40. ) continue;
    float ptMax = TMath::Max( leptPlus.Pt(), leptMinus.Pt() );
    float ptMin = TMath::Min( leptPlus.Pt(), leptMinus.Pt() );
    if( ptMax<25. ) continue;
    if( ptMin<20. ) continue;
    if( fabs( photon.Eta() ) > 2.5 ) continue;
    if( fabs( photon.Eta())>1.44 && fabs( photon.Eta())<1.57 ) continue;
    if( fabs( leptPlus.Eta() ) > 2.4 ) continue;
    if( fabs( leptMinus.Eta() ) > 2.4 ) continue;
    if( photon.DeltaR( leptPlus  ) < 0.4 ) continue;
    if( photon.DeltaR( leptMinus ) < 0.4 ) continue;

    TLorentzVector zBoson = leptPlus + leptMinus;
    if( zBoson.M() < 50. ) continue;

    TLorentzVector boss = zBoson + photon;
    if( boss.M() < 200. ) continue;

    if( photon.Pt()/boss.M()< 40./150. ) continue;




  //RooRealVar* bw_mean  = new RooRealVar( "bw_mean", "Breit-Wigner Mean" , mass, 0.2*mass, 1.8*mass );
  //RooRealVar* bw_gamma = new RooRealVar( "bw_gamma", "Breit-Wigner Width", 0.01*mass, 0., 0.3*mass );
  //RooBreitWigner* model = new RooBreitWigner( "bw", "Breit-Wigner", *x, *bw_mean, *bw_gamma);

  // Crystal-Ball
  RooRealVar mean( "mean", "mean", mass, 0.9*mass, 1.1*mass );
  RooRealVar sigma( "sigma", "sigma", 0.015*mass, 0., 0.07*mass );
  RooRealVar alpha1( "alpha1", "alpha1", 1.2, 0., 2.5 );
  RooRealVar n1( "n1", "n1", 3., 0., 5. );
  RooRealVar alpha2( "alpha2", "alpha2", 1.2, 0., 2.5 );
  RooRealVar n2( "n2", "n2", 3., 0., 10. );
  RooDoubleCBShape* model = new RooDoubleCBShape( "cb", "cb", *x, mean, sigma, alpha1, n1, alpha2, n2 );

  model->fitTo( *data );

  int npoints = gr_mean->GetN();
  gr_mean  ->SetPoint( npoints, mass, mean.getVal() );
  gr_sigma ->SetPoint( npoints, mass, sigma.getVal() );
  gr_width ->SetPoint( npoints, mass, sigma.getVal()/mean.getVal() );
  gr_alpha1->SetPoint( npoints, mass, alpha1.getVal() );
  gr_alpha2->SetPoint( npoints, mass, alpha2.getVal() );
  gr_n1    ->SetPoint( npoints, mass, n1.getVal() );
  gr_n2    ->SetPoint( npoints, mass, n2.getVal() );

  gr_mean  ->SetPointError( npoints, 0., mean.getError() );
  gr_sigma ->SetPointError( npoints, 0., sigma.getError() );
  gr_width ->SetPointError( npoints, 0., sigma.getError()/mean.getVal() );
  gr_alpha1->SetPointError( npoints, 0., alpha1.getError() );
  gr_alpha2->SetPointError( npoints, 0., alpha2.getError() );
  gr_n1    ->SetPointError( npoints, 0., n1.getError() );
  gr_n2    ->SetPointError( npoints, 0., n2.getError() );

  //gr_mean ->SetPoint     ( npoints, mass, bw_mean->getVal() );
  //gr_gamma->SetPoint     ( npoints, mass, bw_gamma->getVal() );
  //gr_width->SetPoint     ( npoints, mass, bw_gamma->getVal()/bw_mean->getVal() );
  //gr_mean ->SetPointError( npoints,   0., bw_mean->getError() );
  //gr_gamma->SetPointError( npoints,   0., bw_gamma->getError()/bw_mean->getVal() );
  //gr_width->SetPointError( npoints,   0., bw_gamma->getError()/bw_mean->getVal() );

  RooPlot* plot = x->frame();

  TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas( "c1", "", 600, 600 );

  c1->SaveAs( Form("%s/fit_m%.0f_%s.eps", outdir.c_str(), mass, width.c_str()) );
  c1->SaveAs( Form("%s/fit_m%.0f_%s.pdf", outdir.c_str(), mass, width.c_str()) );


  c1->SaveAs( Form("%s/fit_m%.0f_%s_log.eps", outdir.c_str(), mass, width.c_str()) );
  c1->SaveAs( Form("%s/fit_m%.0f_%s_log.pdf", outdir.c_str(), mass, width.c_str()) );

  //delete bw_mean;
  //delete bw_gamma;

  delete c1;
  delete data;
  delete model;
  delete plot;
  delete x;
