Пример #1
 * Compute a RGBA value with a specific format
 * \param r, g, b, a RGBA values [0-255].
 * \param def_ordinal RGBA format definition.
 * \return RGBA nibble as ordinal value.
adv_pixel alpha_make_from_def(unsigned r, unsigned g, unsigned b, unsigned a, adv_color_def def_ordinal)
    int alpha_shift;
    adv_pixel alpha_mask;
    adv_pixel p;

    alpha_shiftmask_get(&alpha_shift, &alpha_mask, def_ordinal);

    return pixel_make_from_def(r, g, b, def_ordinal)
           | rgb_nibble_insert(a, alpha_shift, alpha_mask);
Пример #2
static void ui_color_alpha_set(adv_pixel* map, const adv_color_rgb* fore, const adv_color_rgb* back, adv_color_def buffer_def, unsigned translucency)
	unsigned i;
	int t;

	int red_shift, green_shift, blue_shift, alpha_shift;
	adv_pixel red_mask, green_mask, blue_mask, alpha_mask;
	union adv_color_def_union udef;

	udef.ordinal = buffer_def;
	rgb_shiftmask_get(&red_shift, &red_mask, udef.nibble.red_len, udef.nibble.red_pos);
	rgb_shiftmask_get(&green_shift, &green_mask, udef.nibble.green_len, udef.nibble.green_pos);
	rgb_shiftmask_get(&blue_shift, &blue_mask, udef.nibble.blue_len, udef.nibble.blue_pos);
	alpha_shiftmask_get(&alpha_shift, &alpha_mask, buffer_def);

	t = translucency;

	for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
		int cr, cg, cb, ca;
		double F, B, A;
		double I, T;
		double a, b, c;

		        I = ui foreground/background alpha channel
		        T = ui/game alpha channel

		        a = ui foreground component
		        b = ui background component
		        c = game component

		        the color is computed with

		        a * UI_FOREGROUND + b * UI_BACKGROUND + c * GAME

		        with the corner conditions :

		        T=1 -> a=I,b=1-I,c=0
		        T=0 -> a=I,b=0,c=1-I
		        I=0 -> a=0,b=T,c=1-T
		        I=1 -> a=1,b=0,c=0

		        where always a+b+c = 1

		        the following relations are arbitrarily chosen :

		        a = I
		        b = T * (1-I)
		        c = (1-T) * (1-I)

		I = i / 255.0;
		T = t / 255.0;

		a = I;
		b = T * (1 - I);
		c = (1 - T) * (1 - I);

		A = 1 - c; /* alpha channel */
		if (A == 0) {
			F = 0;
			B = 0;
		} else {
			/* the alpha component is implicitely applied */
			F = a / A;
			B = b / A;

		cr = fore->red * F + back->red * B;
		cg = fore->green * F + back->green * B;
		cb = fore->blue * F + back->blue * B;
		ca = 255 * A;

		if (cr > 255)
			cr = 255;
		if (cg > 255)
			cg = 255;
		if (cb > 255)
			cb = 255;
		if (ca > 255)
			ca = 255;

		map[i] = rgb_nibble_insert(cr, red_shift, red_mask)
			| rgb_nibble_insert(cg, green_shift, green_mask)
			| rgb_nibble_insert(cb, blue_shift, blue_mask)
			| rgb_nibble_insert(ca, alpha_shift, alpha_mask);