Пример #1
 static constexpr auto apply(F f, Xss ...tuples) {
     auto go = [=](auto index, auto ...nothing) {
         return always(f)(nothing...)(at(index, tuples)...);
     auto zip_length = minimum(sandbox::lambda_tuple(length(tuples)...));
     return unpack(range(size_t<0>, zip_length),
         on(sandbox::lambda_tuple, go)
Пример #2
namespace boost { namespace hana { namespace test {
    template <typename F>
    auto laws<Functor, F> = [] {
        static_assert(models<Functor(F)>{}, "");

        auto f = injection([]{});
        auto g = injection([]{});
        auto v = injection([]{})();
        auto pred = always(true_);

        for_each(objects<F>, [=](auto xs) {
                equal(transform(xs, id), xs)

                transform(xs, compose(f, g)),
                transform(transform(xs, g), f)

                adjust(xs, pred, f),
                transform(xs, [=](auto x) {
                    return eval_if(pred(x),
                        [=](auto _) { return _(f)(x); },
                        [=](auto) { return x; }

                replace(xs, pred, v),
                adjust(xs, pred, always(v))

                fill(xs, v),
                replace(xs, always(true_), v)
}}} // end namespace boost::hana::test
Пример #3
Файл: lapack.c Проект: bayao/qml
static void
check_info(int info, S* err) {
    if (info < 0)
        if (!*err)
            *err = always(info == -7) ? "wsfull" : "qml_assert";
Пример #4
// ============================================================================
/// finalize the algorithm
// ============================================================================
StatusCode Aida2Root::finalize()

  always() << "Get the native ROOT representation of histograms!" << endmsg ;

  {  // loop over all 1D-histograms
    for ( List::const_iterator ipath = m_1Ds.begin() ;
          m_1Ds.end() != ipath ; ++ipath )
      /// retrieve the historam by full path:
      AIDA::IHistogram1D* aida = 0 ;
      StatusCode sc = histoSvc()->retrieveObject( *ipath , aida ) ;
      if ( sc.isFailure() || 0 == aida )
      { return Error ( "Unable to retrieve 1D-histogram '" + (*ipath) + "'"  ) ; }
      /// convert it to ROOT
      TH1D* root = Gaudi::Utils::Aida2ROOT::aida2root ( aida ) ;
      if ( 0 == root )
      { return Error ( "Unable to convert to ROOT the 1D-histogram '"+(*ipath)+"'") ; }
      /// use the native printout from ROOT
      info() << "The native ROOT printout for 1D-histogram '" << (*ipath) << "':" << endmsg ;
      root->Print() ;

      info () << " |  Compare       | AIDA/HistoStats |     ROOT/TH1    |      Delta      | "  << endmsg ;
      const std::string format = " | %1$-14.14s | %2$ 15.8g | %3$- 15.8g | %4$= 15.8g | "  ;
      info () << print
        ( Gaudi::Utils::HistoStats::mean        ( aida ) ,
          root->GetMean      ()    , "'mean'"        , format  ) << endmsg ;
      info () << print
        ( Gaudi::Utils::HistoStats::meanErr     ( aida ) ,
          root->GetMeanError ()    , "'meanErr'"     , format  ) << endmsg ;
      info () << print
        ( Gaudi::Utils::HistoStats::rms         ( aida ) ,
          root->GetRMS       ()    , "'rms'"         , format  ) << endmsg ;
      info () << print
        ( Gaudi::Utils::HistoStats::rmsErr      ( aida ) ,
          root->GetRMSError  ()    , "'rmsErr'"      , format  ) << endmsg ;
      info () << print
        ( Gaudi::Utils::HistoStats::skewness    ( aida ) ,
          root->GetSkewness ()     , "'skewness'"    , format  ) << endmsg ;
      info () << print
        ( Gaudi::Utils::HistoStats::skewnessErr ( aida ) ,
          root->GetSkewness ( 11 ) , "'skewnessErr'" , format  ) << endmsg ;
      info () << print
        ( Gaudi::Utils::HistoStats::kurtosis  ( aida ) ,
          root->GetKurtosis ()     , "'kurtosis'"    , format  ) << endmsg ;
      info () << print
        ( Gaudi::Utils::HistoStats::kurtosisErr ( aida ) ,
          root->GetKurtosis ( 11 ) , "'kurtosisErr'" , format  ) << endmsg ;

  { // loop over all 2D-histograms
    for ( List::const_iterator ipath = m_2Ds.begin() ;
          m_2Ds.end() != ipath ; ++ipath )
      /// retrieve the historam by full path:
      AIDA::IHistogram2D* aida = 0 ;
      StatusCode sc = histoSvc()->retrieveObject( *ipath , aida ) ;
      if ( sc.isFailure() || 0 == aida )
      { return Error ( "Unable to retrieve 2D-histogram '" + (*ipath) + "'"  ) ; }
      /// convert it to ROOT
      TH2D* root = Gaudi::Utils::Aida2ROOT::aida2root ( aida ) ;
      if ( 0 == root )
      { return Error ( "Unable to convert to ROOT the 2D-histogram '"+(*ipath)+"'") ; }
      /// use the native printout from ROOT
      info() << "The native ROOT printout for 2D-histogram '" << (*ipath) << "':" << endmsg ;
      root->Print() ;

  { // loop over all 3D-histograms
    for ( List::const_iterator ipath = m_3Ds.begin() ;
          m_3Ds.end() != ipath ; ++ipath )
      /// retrieve the historam by full path:
      AIDA::IHistogram3D* aida = 0 ;
      StatusCode sc = histoSvc()->retrieveObject( *ipath , aida ) ;
      if ( sc.isFailure() || 0 == aida )
      { return Error ( "Unable to retrieve 3D-histogram '" + (*ipath) + "'"  ) ; }
      /// convert it to ROOT
	TH3D* root = Gaudi::Utils::Aida2ROOT::aida2root ( aida ) ;
      if ( 0 == root )
      { return Error ( "Unable to convert to ROOT the 3D-histogram '"+(*ipath)+"'") ; }
      /// use the native printout from ROOT
      info() << "The native ROOT printout for 3D-histogram '" << (*ipath) << "':" << endmsg ;
      root->Print() ;

  { // loop over all 1D-profiles
    for ( List::const_iterator ipath = m_1Ps.begin() ;
          m_1Ps.end() != ipath ; ++ipath )
      /// retrieve the historam by full path:
      AIDA::IProfile1D* aida = 0 ;
      StatusCode sc = histoSvc()->retrieveObject( *ipath , aida ) ;
      if ( sc.isFailure() || 0 == aida )
      { return Error ( "Unable to retrieve 1D-profile '" + (*ipath) + "'"  ) ; }
      /// convert it to ROOT
	TProfile* root = Gaudi::Utils::Aida2ROOT::aida2root ( aida ) ;
      if ( 0 == root )
      { return Error ( "Unable to convert to ROOT the 1D-profile '"+(*ipath)+"'") ; }
      /// use the native printout from ROOT
      info() << "The native ROOT printout for 1D-profile '" << (*ipath) << "':" << endmsg ;
      root->Print() ;

  { // loop over all 2D-profiles
    for ( List::const_iterator ipath = m_2Ps.begin() ;
          m_2Ps.end() != ipath ; ++ipath )
      /// retrieve the historam by full path:
      AIDA::IProfile2D* aida = 0 ;
      StatusCode sc = histoSvc()->retrieveObject( *ipath , aida ) ;
      if ( sc.isFailure() || 0 == aida )
      { Error ( "Unable to retrieve 2D-profile '" + (*ipath) + "'"  ) ; }
      /// convert it to ROOT
	TProfile2D* root = Gaudi::Utils::Aida2ROOT::aida2root ( aida ) ;
      if ( 0 == root )
      { Error ( "Unable to convert to ROOT the 2D-profile '"+(*ipath)+"'") ; }
      /// use the native printout from ROOT
      info() << "The native ROOT printout for 2D-profile '" << (*ipath) << "':" << endmsg ;
      root->Print() ;

  return GaudiHistoAlg::finalize() ;
Пример #5
// These transformations should never increase the size of the DAG.
ASTNode STP::sizeReducing(ASTNode inputToSat,
                          BVSolver* bvSolver, PropagateEqualities* pe)

  inputToSat = pe->topLevel(inputToSat, arrayTransformer);
  if (simp->hasUnappliedSubstitutions())
    inputToSat = simp->applySubstitutionMap(inputToSat);
    bm->ASTNodeStats(pe_message.c_str(), inputToSat);

  if (bm->UserFlags.isSet("enable-unconstrained", "1"))
    // Remove unconstrained.
    RemoveUnconstrained r1(*bm);
    inputToSat = r1.topLevel(inputToSat, simp);
    bm->ASTNodeStats(uc_message.c_str(), inputToSat);

  if (bm->UserFlags.isSet("use-intervals", "1"))
    EstablishIntervals intervals(*bm);
    inputToSat = intervals.topLevel_unsignedIntervals(inputToSat);
    bm->ASTNodeStats(int_message.c_str(), inputToSat);

  if (bm->UserFlags.bitConstantProp_flag)
    simplifier::constantBitP::ConstantBitPropagation cb(
        simp, bm->defaultNodeFactory, inputToSat);

    inputToSat = cb.topLevelBothWays(inputToSat, true, false);

    if (cb.isUnsatisfiable())
      inputToSat = bm->ASTFalse;

    if (simp->hasUnappliedSubstitutions())
      inputToSat = simp->applySubstitutionMap(inputToSat);

    bm->ASTNodeStats(cb_message.c_str(), inputToSat);

  // Find pure literals.
  if (bm->UserFlags.isSet("pure-literals", "1"))
    FindPureLiterals fpl;
    bool changed = fpl.topLevel(inputToSat, simp, bm);
    if (changed)
      inputToSat = simp->applySubstitutionMap(inputToSat);
      bm->ASTNodeStats(pl_message.c_str(), inputToSat);

  if (bm->UserFlags.isSet("always-true", "0"))
    AlwaysTrue always(simp, bm, bm->defaultNodeFactory);
    inputToSat = always.topLevel(inputToSat);
    bm->ASTNodeStats("After removing always true: ", inputToSat);

  if (bm->UserFlags.wordlevel_solve_flag && bm->UserFlags.optimize_flag)
    inputToSat = bvSolver->TopLevelBVSolve(inputToSat, false);
    bm->ASTNodeStats(bitvec_message.c_str(), inputToSat);

  return inputToSat;