Пример #1
// Greedily compute a set of nonintersecting edges in a point cloud for testing purposes
// Warning: Takes O(n^3) time.
static Array<Vector<int,2>> greedy_nonintersecting_edges(RawArray<const Vector<real,2>> X, const int limit) {
  const auto E = amap(quantizer(bounding_box(X)),X).copy();
  const int n = E.size();
  Array<Vector<int,2>> edges;
  IntervalScope scope;
  for (const int i : range(n*n)) {
    const int pi = int(random_permute(n*n,key+14,i));
    const int a = pi/n,
              b = pi-n*a;
    if (a < b) {
      const auto Ea = Perturbed2(a,E[a]),
                 Eb = Perturbed2(b,E[b]);
      for (const auto e : edges)
        if (!e.contains(a) && !e.contains(b) && segments_intersect(Ea,Eb,Perturbed2(e.x,E[e.x]),Perturbed2(e.y,E[e.y])))
          goto skip;
      if (edges.size()==limit || edges.size()==3*n-6)
  return edges;
Пример #2
void gettest()	/* get next test annotation */
    static long tt;	/* time of previous test beat annotation */
	 static struct WFDB_ann annot;

    tt = t;
    t = tprime;
    a = aprime;

    /* See comments on the similar code in getref(), above. */
    if (tt == 0L || t == huge_time ||
	(tt <= vfontest && vfontest < t) ||
	(tt <= sdontest && sdontest < t) ||
	(tt <= pvfontest && pvfontest < t) ||
	(tt <= psdontest && psdontest < t))
	rr = 0L;
	rr = t - tt;

    if (oflag) test_annot = annot;

    while (getann(1, &annot) == 0) {
	if (isqrs(annot.anntyp) || Oflag) {
	    tprime = annot.time;
		 aprime = amap(annot.anntyp);
	if (annot.anntyp == NOISE) {
	    if ((annot.subtyp & 0x30) == 0x30) {
		psdontest = sdontest;
		psdofftest = sdofftest;
		sdontest = annot.time;
		if (getann(1, &annot) < 0) {
		    tprime = huge_time;
		    aprime = '*';
		    if (end_time > 0L)
			shut_down += end_time - sdontest;
		    else {
      "%s: unterminated shutdown starting at %s in record %s, annotator %s\n",
			      pname, timstr(sdontest), record, an[1].name);
			 " (not included in shutdown duration measurement)\n");
		if (annot.anntyp == NOISE &&
		    (annot.subtyp & 0x30) != 0x30)
		    sdofftest = annot.time;
		else {
		    if (vfofftest > t) sdontest = vfofftest + match_dt;
		    else sdontest = t + match_dt;
		    sdofftest = annot.time - match_dt;
		    if (sdontest > sdofftest) sdontest = sdofftest;
		    (void)ungetann(0, &annot);
		/* update shutdown duration tally */
		shut_down += sdofftest - sdontest;
	else if (annot.anntyp == VFON) {
	    pvfontest = vfontest;
	    pvfofftest = vfofftest;
	    vfontest = annot.time;
	    do {
		if (getann(1, &annot) < 0) {
		    tprime = huge_time;
		    aprime = '*';
	    } while (annot.anntyp != VFOFF);
	    vfofftest = annot.time;
    tprime = huge_time;
    aprime = '*';
Пример #3
void getref()	/* get next reference beat annotation */
    static long TT;	/* time of previous reference beat annotation */
	 static struct WFDB_ann annot;

    TT = T;
    T = Tprime;
    A = Aprime;

    /* T-TT is not a valid RR interval if T is the time of the first beat,
       if TT is the time of the last beat, or if a period of VF or shutdown
       occurs between TT and T. */
    if (TT == 0L || T == huge_time ||
	(TT <= vfonref && vfonref < T) ||
	(TT <= sdonref && sdonref < T) ||
	(TT <= pvfonref && pvfonref < T) ||
	(TT <= psdonref && psdonref < T))
	RR = 0L;
	RR = T - TT;

    if (oflag) ref_annot = annot;

    /* Read reference annotations until a beat annotation is read, or EOF.
       If an expanded output annotation file is required, all annotations
       are treated as if they were beat annotations. */
	 while (getann(0, &annot) == 0) {
	if (isqrs(annot.anntyp) || Oflag) {	/* beat annotation */
		 Tprime = annot.time;
	    Aprime = amap(annot.anntyp);
	/* Shutdown occurs when neither signal is readable;  the beginning of
	   shutdown is indicated by a NOISE annotation in which bits 4 and 5
	   of the subtyp field are set, and the end of shutdown is indicated
	   by a NOISE annotation with any value of `subtyp' for which at least
	   one of bits 4 and 5 is zero.  In AHA DB reference annotation files,
	   shutdown is indicated by a single shutdown annotation placed roughly
	   in the middle of the shutdown interval;  in this case, shutdown is
	   assumed to begin match_dt samples after the previous beat annotation
	   or VFOFF annotation, and is assumed to end match_dt samples before
	   the next annotation.
	else if (annot.anntyp == NOISE) {
	    if ((annot.subtyp & 0x30) == 0x30) {
		psdonref = sdonref;
		psdoffref = sdoffref;
		sdonref = annot.time;
		/* Read next annotation, which should mark end of shutdown. */
		if (getann(0, &annot) < 0) {  /* EOF before end of shutdown */
		    Tprime = sdoffref = huge_time;
		    Aprime = '*';
		if (annot.anntyp == NOISE &&
		    (annot.subtyp & 0x30) != 0x30)
		    sdoffref = annot.time;
		else {
		    if (vfoffref > T) sdonref = vfoffref + match_dt;
		    else sdonref = T + match_dt;
		    sdoffref = annot.time - match_dt;
		    if (sdonref > sdoffref) sdonref = sdoffref;
		    (void)ungetann(0, &annot);

	/* The beginning of ventricular fibrillation is indicated by a VFON
	   annotation, and its end by a VFOFF annotation;  any annotations
	   between VFON and VFOFF are read and ignored. */
	else if (annot.anntyp == VFON) {
	    pvfonref = vfonref;
	    pvfoffref = vfoffref;
	    vfonref = annot.time;
	    /* Read additional annotations, until end of VF or EOF. */
	    do {
		if (getann(0, &annot) < 0) {  /* EOF before end of VF */
		    Tprime = huge_time;
		    Aprime = '*';
	    } while (annot.anntyp != VFOFF);
	    vfoffref = annot.time;
    /* When this statement is reached, there are no more annotations in the
       reference annotation file. */
    Tprime = huge_time;
    Aprime = '*';
Пример #4
Ref<TriangleTopology> delaunay_points(RawArray<const Vector<real,2>> X, RawArray<const Vector<int,2>> edges,
                                      const bool validate) {
  return exact_delaunay_points(amap(quantizer(bounding_box(X)),X).copy(),edges,validate);
Пример #5
// caller owns the result, it must be deleted
ExplicitBitVect *PatternFingerprintMol(const ROMol &mol, unsigned int fpSize,
                                       std::vector<unsigned int> *atomCounts,
                                       ExplicitBitVect *setOnlyBits) {
  PRECONDITION(fpSize != 0, "fpSize==0");
  PRECONDITION(!atomCounts || atomCounts->size() >= mol.getNumAtoms(),
               "bad atomCounts size");
  PRECONDITION(!setOnlyBits || setOnlyBits->getNumBits() == fpSize,
               "bad setOnlyBits size");

  std::vector<const ROMol *> patts;
  unsigned int idx = 0;
  while (1) {
    std::string pq = pqs[idx];
    if (pq == "") break;
    const ROMol *matcher = pattern_flyweight(pq).get().getMatcher();
    CHECK_INVARIANT(matcher, "bad smarts");

  if (!mol.getRingInfo()->isInitialized()) {

  boost::dynamic_bitset<> isQueryAtom(mol.getNumAtoms()),
  ROMol::VERTEX_ITER firstA, lastA;
  boost::tie(firstA, lastA) = mol.getVertices();
  while (firstA != lastA) {
    const Atom *at = mol[*firstA].get();
    if (isComplexQuery(at)) {
      // std::cerr<<"   complex atom: "<<at->getIdx()<<std::endl;
  ROMol::EDGE_ITER firstB, lastB;
  boost::tie(firstB, lastB) = mol.getEdges();
  while (firstB != lastB) {
    const Bond *bond = mol[*firstB].get();
    // if( isComplexQuery(bond) ){
    if (isPatternComplexQuery(bond)) {
      // std::cerr<<"   complex bond: "<<bond->getIdx()<<std::endl;

  ExplicitBitVect *res = new ExplicitBitVect(fpSize);
  unsigned int pIdx = 0;
  BOOST_FOREACH (const ROMol *patt, patts) {
    std::vector<MatchVectType> matches;
    // uniquify matches?
    //   time for 10K molecules w/ uniquify: 5.24s
    //   time for 10K molecules w/o uniquify: 4.87s
    SubstructMatch(mol, *patt, matches, false);
    boost::uint32_t mIdx = pIdx + patt->getNumAtoms() + patt->getNumBonds();
    BOOST_FOREACH (MatchVectType &mv, matches) {
      std::cerr << "\nPatt: " << pIdx << " | ";
      // collect bits counting the number of occurances of the pattern:
      gboost::hash_combine(mIdx, 0xBEEF);
      res->setBit(mIdx % fpSize);
      std::cerr << "count: " << mIdx % fpSize << " | ";

      bool isQuery = false;
      boost::uint32_t bitId = pIdx;
      std::vector<unsigned int> amap(mv.size(), 0);
      BOOST_FOREACH (MatchVectType::value_type &p, mv) {
        std::cerr << p.second << " ";
        if (isQueryAtom[p.second]) {
          isQuery = true;
          std::cerr << "atom query.";
        amap[p.first] = p.second;