tOplkError sdoasnd_sendData(tSdoConHdl sdoConHandle_p,
                            tPlkFrame* pSrcData_p,
                            size_t dataSize_p)
    tOplkError  ret;
    UINT        array;
    tFrameInfo  frameInfo;

    array = ((UINT)sdoConHandle_p & ~SDO_ASY_HANDLE_MASK);

        return kErrorSdoAsndInvalidHandle;

    // fill Asnd header
    // own node id not needed -> filled by DLL
    ami_setUint8Le(&pSrcData_p->messageType, (UINT8)kMsgTypeAsnd);      // ASnd == 0x06
    ami_setUint8Le(&pSrcData_p->dstNodeId, (UINT8)sdoAsndInstance_l.aSdoAsndConnection[array]);
    ami_setUint8Le(&pSrcData_p->srcNodeId, 0x00);                       // set source-nodeid (filled by DLL 0)
    // calc size (add Ethernet and ASnd header size)
    dataSize_p += (size_t)((UINT8*)&pSrcData_p->data.asnd.payload.sdoSequenceFrame - (UINT8*)pSrcData_p);

    // send function of DLL
    frameInfo.frameSize = (UINT)dataSize_p;
    frameInfo.frame.pBuffer = pSrcData_p;

    ret = dllucal_sendAsyncFrame(&frameInfo, kDllAsyncReqPrioGeneric);

    return ret;
Пример #2
static tOplkError processPresReady(tNmtState nmtState_p)
    tOplkError          ret = kErrorOk;
    tPlkFrame*          pTxFrame;

    // post PRes to transmit FIFO
    if (nmtState_p != kNmtCsBasicEthernet)
        // Does PRes exist?
        if (dllkInstance_g.pTxBuffer[DLLK_TXFRAME_PRES +
                                     dllkInstance_g.curTxBufferOffsetCycle].pBuffer != NULL)
        {   // PRes does exist
            pTxFrame = (tPlkFrame*)dllkInstance_g.pTxBuffer[DLLK_TXFRAME_PRES +
            // update frame (NMT state, RD, RS, PR, MS, EN flags)
            if (nmtState_p < kNmtCsPreOperational2)
            {   // NMT state is not PreOp2, ReadyToOp or Op
                // fake NMT state PreOp2, because PRes will be sent only in PreOp2 or greater
                nmtState_p = kNmtCsPreOperational2;
            ami_setUint8Le(&pTxFrame->data.pres.nmtStatus, (UINT8)nmtState_p);
            ami_setUint8Le(&pTxFrame->data.pres.flag2, dllkInstance_g.flag2);
            if (nmtState_p != kNmtCsOperational)
            {   // mark PDO as invalid in all NMT state but Op
                // $$$ reset only RD flag; set other flags appropriately
                ami_setUint8Le(&pTxFrame->data.pres.flag1, 0);
            // $$$ make function that updates Pres, StatusRes
            // mark PRes frame as ready for transmission
            ret = edrv_setTxBufferReady(&dllkInstance_g.pTxBuffer[DLLK_TXFRAME_PRES +
    return ret;
static tOplkError handleNotRxAsndFrame(const tDllAsndNotRx* pAsndNotRx_p)
    tOplkError  ret = kErrorOk;
    tPlkFrame*  pFrame = (tPlkFrame*)aBuffer;
    tFrameInfo  frameInfo;
    UINT        asndServiceId;

    ami_setUint8Le(&pFrame->srcNodeId, pAsndNotRx_p->nodeId);
    ami_setUint8Le(&pFrame->messageType, (UINT8)kMsgTypeAsnd);
    ami_setUint8Le(&pFrame->data.asnd.serviceId, pAsndNotRx_p->serviceId);

    frameInfo.frameSize = DLLUCAL_NOTRX_FRAME_SIZE;
    frameInfo.frame.pBuffer = pFrame;

    asndServiceId = (UINT)ami_getUint8Le(&pFrame->data.asnd.serviceId);
    if (asndServiceId < DLL_MAX_ASND_SERVICE_ID)
    {   // ASnd service ID is valid
        if (instance_l.apfnDlluCbAsnd[asndServiceId] != NULL)
        {   // handler was registered
            ret = instance_l.apfnDlluCbAsnd[asndServiceId](&frameInfo);

    return ret;
Пример #4
tOplkError dllknode_deleteNodeIsochronous(tDllkNodeInfo* pIntNodeInfo_p)
    tOplkError          ret = kErrorOk;
    tDllkNodeInfo**     ppIntNodeInfo;
    tPlkFrame *         pTxFrame;

    if ((pIntNodeInfo_p->pPreqTxBuffer == NULL) &&
        (pIntNodeInfo_p->nodeId != dllkInstance_g.dllConfigParam.nodeId))
        ppIntNodeInfo = &dllkInstance_g.pFirstPrcNodeInfo;
        ppIntNodeInfo = &dllkInstance_g.pFirstNodeInfo;
    // search node in whole list
    while ((*ppIntNodeInfo != NULL) && (*ppIntNodeInfo != pIntNodeInfo_p))
        ppIntNodeInfo = &(*ppIntNodeInfo)->pNextNodeInfo;

    if ((*ppIntNodeInfo == NULL) || (*ppIntNodeInfo != pIntNodeInfo_p))
    {   // node was not found in list
        // $$$ d.k. maybe this should be an error
        return ret;

    // remove node from list
    *ppIntNodeInfo = pIntNodeInfo_p->pNextNodeInfo;
    if (pIntNodeInfo_p->pPreqTxBuffer != NULL)
    {   // disable TPDO
        pTxFrame = (tPlkFrame*)pIntNodeInfo_p->pPreqTxBuffer[0].pBuffer;
        if (pTxFrame != NULL)
        {   // frame does exist
            // update frame (disable RD in Flag1)
            ami_setUint8Le(&pTxFrame->data.preq.flag1, 0);

        pTxFrame = (tPlkFrame*)pIntNodeInfo_p->pPreqTxBuffer[1].pBuffer;
        if (pTxFrame != NULL)
        {   // frame does exist
            // update frame (disable RD in Flag1)
            ami_setUint8Le(&pTxFrame->data.preq.flag1, 0);
    return ret;
Пример #5
static tOplkError processSyncMn(tNmtState nmtState_p, BOOL fReadyFlag_p)
    tOplkError          ret = kErrorOk;
    tPlkFrame *         pTxFrame;
    tEdrvTxBuffer*      pTxBuffer;
    UINT                index = 0;
    UINT32              nextTimeOffsetNs = 0;
    UINT                nextTxBufferOffset = dllkInstance_g.curTxBufferOffsetCycle ^ 1;

    pTxBuffer = &dllkInstance_g.pTxBuffer[DLLK_TXFRAME_SOC + nextTxBufferOffset];
    pTxBuffer->timeOffsetNs = nextTimeOffsetNs;
    pTxFrame = (tPlkFrame*)pTxBuffer->pBuffer;

    // Forward SoC time information to timesync module. Note that this SoC time
    // info is sent after the current cycle is completed (due to double buffers)!
    ret = timesynck_setSocTime(&dllkInstance_g.socTime);
    if (ret != kErrorOk)
        return ret;

    // Set SoC relative time
    ami_setUint64Le(&pTxFrame->data.soc.relativeTimeLe, dllkInstance_g.socTime.relTime);
    dllkInstance_g.socTime.relTime += dllkInstance_g.dllConfigParam.cycleLen;

    if (!dllkInstance_g.socTime.fRelTimeValid)
        // SoC time information is valid from now on...
        dllkInstance_g.socTime.fRelTimeValid = TRUE;

    // Update SOC Prescaler Flag
    ami_setUint8Le(&pTxFrame->data.soc.flag1, dllkInstance_g.mnFlag1 & (PLK_FRAME_FLAG1_PS | PLK_FRAME_FLAG1_MC));

    if (dllkInstance_g.ppTxBufferList == NULL)
        return ret;

    dllkInstance_g.ppTxBufferList[index] = pTxBuffer;

    ret = dllknode_setupSyncPhase(nmtState_p, fReadyFlag_p, nextTxBufferOffset, &nextTimeOffsetNs, &index);
    if (ret != kErrorOk)
        return ret;

    dllknode_setupAsyncPhase(nmtState_p, nextTxBufferOffset, nextTimeOffsetNs, &index);

    // set last list element to NULL
    dllkInstance_g.ppTxBufferList[index] = NULL;

    ret = edrvcyclic_setNextTxBufferList(dllkInstance_g.ppTxBufferList, index);

    return ret;
Пример #6
tOplkError nmtcnu_sendNmtRequestEx(UINT nodeId_p, tNmtCommand nmtCommand_p,
                                    void* pNmtCommandData_p, UINT dataSize_p)
    tOplkError      ret;
    tFrameInfo      nmtRequestFrameInfo;
    tPlkFrame       nmtRequestFrame;

    ret = kErrorOk;

    // build frame
    OPLK_MEMSET(&nmtRequestFrame.aDstMac[0], 0x00, sizeof(nmtRequestFrame.aDstMac)); // set by DLL
    OPLK_MEMSET(&nmtRequestFrame.aSrcMac[0], 0x00, sizeof(nmtRequestFrame.aSrcMac)); // set by DLL
    ami_setUint16Be(&nmtRequestFrame.etherType, C_DLL_ETHERTYPE_EPL);
    ami_setUint8Le(&nmtRequestFrame.dstNodeId, (BYTE)C_ADR_MN_DEF_NODE_ID); // node id of the MN
    ami_setUint8Le(&nmtRequestFrame.messageType, (BYTE)kMsgTypeAsnd);
    ami_setUint8Le(&nmtRequestFrame.data.asnd.serviceId, (BYTE)kDllAsndNmtRequest);
                   (BYTE)nodeId_p); // target for the nmt command

    OPLK_MEMSET(&nmtRequestFrame.data.asnd.payload.nmtRequestService.aNmtCommandData[0], 0x00,

    if (pNmtCommandData_p && (dataSize_p != 0))

    // build info-structure
    nmtRequestFrameInfo.pFrame = &nmtRequestFrame;
    nmtRequestFrameInfo.frameSize = C_DLL_MINSIZE_NMTREQ; // sizeof(nmtRequestFrame);

    // send NMT request
    ret = dllucal_sendAsyncFrame(&nmtRequestFrameInfo, kDllAsyncReqPrioNmt);

    return ret;
Пример #7
static tOplkError generateHistoryEntryNodeId(UINT16 errorCode_p,
                                             tNetTime netTime_p, UINT nodeId_p)
    tOplkError                  ret;
    tErrHistoryEntry            historyEntry;

    historyEntry.entryType = ERR_ENTRYTYPE_MODE_OCCURRED |
                             ERR_ENTRYTYPE_PROF_PLK |

    historyEntry.errorCode = errorCode_p;
    historyEntry.timeStamp = netTime_p;
    ami_setUint8Le(&historyEntry.aAddInfo[0], (BYTE)nodeId_p);

    ret = postHistoryEntryEvent(&historyEntry);
    return ret;
Пример #8
tOplkError sdotestseq_sendFrame(UINT nodeId_p, tSdoType sdoType_p, tAsySdoSeq* pSdoSeq_p,
                                size_t sdoSize_p)
    tOplkError           ret = kErrorOk;
    tSdoTestSeqCon*      pCon;
    size_t               FrameSize;
    tPlkFrame*           pFrame;
    tAsySdoSeq*          pSequDst;

    // Check parameters
    FrameSize = sdoSize_p + PLK_FRAME_OFFSET_SDO_SEQU;
    if (FrameSize > C_DLL_MAX_ASYNC_MTU)
        return kErrorInvalidOperation;

    // Try to get a valid lower layer connection
    pCon = &sdoTestSeqInst.seqCon;
    if (pCon->state == kOplkTestSdoSequConIdle)
        // We need a new connection
        switch (sdoType_p)
            case kSdoTypeUdp:

                ret = sdoudp_initCon(&pCon->sdoConHandle, nodeId_p);
                ret = kErrorSdoSeqUnsupportedProt;
                if (ret != kErrorOk)
                    return ret;

                pCon->pFuncTable = &sdoTestSeqUdpFuncs;

            case kSdoTypeAsnd:

                ret = sdoasnd_initCon(&pCon->sdoConHandle, nodeId_p);
                ret = kErrorSdoSeqUnsupportedProt;
                if (ret != kErrorOk)
                    return ret;

                pCon->pFuncTable = &sdoTestSeqAsndFuncs;

            case kSdoTypeAuto:
            case kSdoTypePdo:

                // Current implementation only supports Asnd and UDP
                return kErrorSdoSeqUnsupportedProt;

        // Save parameters
        pCon->state   = kOplkTestSdoSequConActive;
        pCon->sdoType = sdoType_p;
        pCon->nodeId  = nodeId_p;
        // Connection exists, check parameters
        if ((nodeId_p != pCon->nodeId) ||
            (sdoType_p != pCon->sdoType))
            return kErrorInvalidOperation;

    // Get frame buffer
    pFrame = (tPlkFrame*)OPLK_MALLOC(FrameSize);
    if (pFrame == NULL)
        ret = kErrorNoResource;
        // Set up frame
        OPLK_MEMSET(pFrame, 0, FrameSize);

        pSequDst = &pFrame->data.asnd.payload.sdoSequenceFrame;
        OPLK_MEMCPY(pSequDst, pSdoSeq_p, sdoSize_p);

        ami_setUint8Le(&pFrame->data.asnd.serviceId, (BYTE)kDllAsndSdo);

        // Send data
        ret = pCon->pFuncTable->pfnSendData(pCon->sdoConHandle, pFrame, sdoSize_p);


    return ret;
static tOplkError copyTxPdo(tPlkFrame* pFrame_p, UINT frameSize_p, BOOL fReadyFlag_p)
    tOplkError          ret = kErrorOk;
    BYTE                flag1;
    UINT                nodeId;
    tMsgType            msgType;
    tPdoChannel*        pPdoChannel;
    UINT                channelId;
    UINT16              pdoSize;

    // set TPDO invalid, so that only fully processed TPDOs are sent as valid
    flag1 = ami_getUint8Le(&pFrame_p->data.pres.flag1);
    ami_setUint8Le(&pFrame_p->data.pres.flag1, (flag1 & ~PLK_FRAME_FLAG1_RD));

    // retrieve POWERLINK message type
    msgType = (tMsgType)ami_getUint8Le(&pFrame_p->messageType);
    if (msgType == kMsgTypePres)
    {   // TPDO is PRes frame
        nodeId = PDO_PRES_NODE_ID;  // 0x00
    {   // TPDO is PReq frame
        // retrieve node ID
        nodeId = ami_getUint8Le(&pFrame_p->dstNodeId);

    if (pdokInstance_g.fRunning)
        // Get PDO channel reference
        channelId = pdokInstance_g.aTpdoChannelIdLut[nodeId];
        pPdoChannel = &pdokInstance_g.pdoChannels.pTxPdoChannel[channelId];

        // valid TPDO found
        if ((pPdoChannel->nodeId == nodeId) &&
            ((unsigned int)(pPdoChannel->pdoSize + 24) <= frameSize_p))
            TRACE("%s() Channel:%d Node:%d MapObjectCnt:%d PdoSize:%d\n",
                  __func__, channelId, nodeId, pPdoChannel->mappObjectCount,

            // set PDO version in frame
            ami_setUint8Le(&pFrame_p->data.pres.pdoVersion, pPdoChannel->mappingVersion);

            pdokcal_readTxPdo(channelId, &pFrame_p->data.pres.aPayload[0],

            // set PDO size in frame
            pdoSize = pPdoChannel->pdoSize;
        {   // TPDO is too short or invalid
            // $$$ raise PDO error, set ret
            pdoSize = 0;
        // set PDO size in frame to zero, because no TPDO mapped
        pdoSize = 0;

    // set PDO size in frame
    ami_setUint16Le(&pFrame_p->data.pres.sizeLe, pdoSize);

    if (fReadyFlag_p != FALSE)
        // set TPDO valid
        ami_setUint8Le(&pFrame_p->data.pres.flag1, (flag1 | PLK_FRAME_FLAG1_RD));

    return ret;
Пример #10
tOplkError dllknode_setupSyncPhase(tNmtState nmtState_p, BOOL fReadyFlag_p,
                                   UINT nextTxBufferOffset_p,
                                   UINT32* pNextTimeOffsetNs_p, UINT* pIndex_p)
    tOplkError          ret = kErrorOk;
    BYTE*               pCnNodeId;
    UINT32              accFrameLenNs = 0;
    tPlkFrame*          pTxFrame;
    tEdrvTxBuffer*      pTxBuffer;
    tFrameInfo          FrameInfo;
    tDllkNodeInfo*      pIntNodeInfo;
    BYTE                flag1;

    // calculate WaitSoCPReq delay
    if (dllkInstance_g.dllConfigParam.waitSocPreq != 0)
        *pNextTimeOffsetNs_p = dllkInstance_g.dllConfigParam.waitSocPreq +
                               C_DLL_T_PREAMBLE + C_DLL_T_MIN_FRAME + C_DLL_T_IFG;
        accFrameLenNs = C_DLL_T_PREAMBLE + C_DLL_T_MIN_FRAME + C_DLL_T_IFG;

    pCnNodeId = &dllkInstance_g.aCnNodeIdList[nextTxBufferOffset_p][0];

    if (nmtState_p != kNmtMsOperational)
        fReadyFlag_p = FALSE;

    pIntNodeInfo = dllkInstance_g.pFirstNodeInfo;
    while (pIntNodeInfo != NULL)
        pTxBuffer = &pIntNodeInfo->pPreqTxBuffer[nextTxBufferOffset_p];
        if ((pTxBuffer != NULL) && (pTxBuffer->pBuffer != NULL))
        {   // PReq does exist
            pTxFrame = (tPlkFrame*)pTxBuffer->pBuffer;

            flag1 = pIntNodeInfo->soaFlag1 & PLK_FRAME_FLAG1_EA;

            // $$$ d.k. set PLK_FRAME_FLAG1_MS if necessary
            // update frame (Flag1)
            ami_setUint8Le(&pTxFrame->data.preq.flag1, flag1);

            // process TPDO
            FrameInfo.pFrame = pTxFrame;
            FrameInfo.frameSize = pTxBuffer->txFrameSize;
            ret = dllkframe_processTpdo(&FrameInfo, fReadyFlag_p);
            if (ret != kErrorOk)
                return ret;

            pTxBuffer->timeOffsetNs = *pNextTimeOffsetNs_p;
            dllkInstance_g.ppTxBufferList[*pIndex_p] = pTxBuffer;

            if (pTxBuffer == &dllkInstance_g.pTxBuffer[DLLK_TXFRAME_PRES + nextTxBufferOffset_p])
            {   // PRes of MN will be sent
                // update NMT state
                ami_setUint8Le(&pTxFrame->data.pres.nmtStatus, (BYTE) nmtState_p);

                *pNextTimeOffsetNs_p = pIntNodeInfo->presTimeoutNs;
                    tDllkNodeInfo*   pIntPrcNodeInfo;

                    pIntPrcNodeInfo = dllkInstance_g.pFirstPrcNodeInfo;
                    while (pIntPrcNodeInfo != NULL)
                        *pCnNodeId = (BYTE)pIntPrcNodeInfo->nodeId;
                        *pNextTimeOffsetNs_p = pIntNodeInfo->presTimeoutNs;
                        pIntPrcNodeInfo = pIntPrcNodeInfo->pNextNodeInfo;

                    *pCnNodeId = C_ADR_BROADCAST;    // mark this entry as PRC slot finished
            {   // PReq to CN
                *pCnNodeId = (BYTE)pIntNodeInfo->nodeId;
                *pNextTimeOffsetNs_p = pIntNodeInfo->presTimeoutNs;

            if (*pNextTimeOffsetNs_p == 0)
            {   // add SoC frame length
                accFrameLenNs += C_DLL_T_PREAMBLE +
                                 (pTxBuffer->txFrameSize * C_DLL_T_BITTIME) + C_DLL_T_IFG;
                *pNextTimeOffsetNs_p += accFrameLenNs;
                accFrameLenNs = 0;

        pIntNodeInfo = pIntNodeInfo->pNextNodeInfo;
    *pCnNodeId = C_ADR_INVALID;    // mark last entry in node-ID list

    return ret;
Пример #11
tOplkError dllknode_addNodeIsochronous(tDllkNodeInfo* pIntNodeInfo_p)
    tOplkError          ret = kErrorOk;
    tDllkNodeInfo**     ppIntNodeInfo;
    tPlkFrame *         pTxFrame;

    if (pIntNodeInfo_p->nodeId == dllkInstance_g.dllConfigParam.nodeId)
    {   // we shall send PRes ourself
        // insert our node as first entry in the list
        ppIntNodeInfo = &dllkInstance_g.pFirstNodeInfo;
        if (*ppIntNodeInfo != NULL)
            if ((*ppIntNodeInfo)->nodeId == pIntNodeInfo_p->nodeId)
            {   // node was already added to list
                // $$$ d.k. maybe this should be an error
                goto Exit;
        // set "PReq"-TxBuffer to PRes-TxBuffer
        pIntNodeInfo_p->pPreqTxBuffer = &dllkInstance_g.pTxBuffer[DLLK_TXFRAME_PRES];

        // Reset PRC Slot Timeout
        // which is required if falling back to PreOp1
        pIntNodeInfo_p->presTimeoutNs = 0;
    {   // normal CN shall be added to isochronous phase
        // insert node into list in ascending order
        if (pIntNodeInfo_p->pPreqTxBuffer == NULL)
            ppIntNodeInfo = &dllkInstance_g.pFirstPrcNodeInfo;
            ppIntNodeInfo = &dllkInstance_g.pFirstNodeInfo;

        while ((*ppIntNodeInfo != NULL) &&
               (((*ppIntNodeInfo)->nodeId < pIntNodeInfo_p->nodeId) ||
               ((*ppIntNodeInfo)->nodeId == dllkInstance_g.dllConfigParam.nodeId)))
            ppIntNodeInfo = &(*ppIntNodeInfo)->pNextNodeInfo;

        if ((*ppIntNodeInfo != NULL) && ((*ppIntNodeInfo)->nodeId == pIntNodeInfo_p->nodeId))
        {   // node was already added to list
            // $$$ d.k. maybe this should be an error
            goto Exit;

        if (pIntNodeInfo_p->pPreqTxBuffer != NULL)
        {   // TxBuffer entry exists
            tEvent          event;

            pTxFrame = (tPlkFrame*)pIntNodeInfo_p->pPreqTxBuffer[0].pBuffer;
            // set up destination MAC address
            OPLK_MEMCPY(pTxFrame->aDstMac, pIntNodeInfo_p->aMacAddr, 6);
            // set destination node-ID in PReq
            ami_setUint8Le(&pTxFrame->dstNodeId, (UINT8)pIntNodeInfo_p->nodeId);
            // do the same for second frame buffer
            pTxFrame = (tPlkFrame*)pIntNodeInfo_p->pPreqTxBuffer[1].pBuffer;
            // set up destination MAC address
            OPLK_MEMCPY(pTxFrame->aDstMac, pIntNodeInfo_p->aMacAddr, 6);
            // set destination node-ID in PReq
            ami_setUint8Le(&pTxFrame->dstNodeId, (UINT8) pIntNodeInfo_p->nodeId);

            event.eventSink = kEventSinkNmtMnu;
            event.eventType = kEventTypeNmtMnuNodeAdded;
            event.eventArgSize = sizeof(pIntNodeInfo_p->nodeId);
            event.pEventArg = &pIntNodeInfo_p->nodeId;
            ret = eventk_postEvent(&event);
            if (ret != kErrorOk)
                goto Exit;


        ret = errhndk_resetCnError(pIntNodeInfo_p->nodeId);

    // initialize elements of internal node info structure
    pIntNodeInfo_p->fSoftDelete = FALSE;
    pIntNodeInfo_p->nmtState = kNmtCsNotActive;
    pIntNodeInfo_p->dllErrorEvents = 0L;
    // add node to list
    pIntNodeInfo_p->pNextNodeInfo = *ppIntNodeInfo;
    *ppIntNodeInfo = pIntNodeInfo_p;

    return ret;