Пример #1
void MainWindow::slotShortcutUsed(int id)
    if (id == BOOST1) {
        qDebug() << "Amplify 1";
    } else if (id == BOOST2) {
        qDebug() << "Amplify 2";
    } else if (id == BOOST3) {
        qDebug() << "Amplify 3";
    } else if (id == PREV) {
    } else if (id == NEXT) {
    } else if (id == OPEN) {
    } else if (id == SAVE) {
    } else if (id == HELP) {
    } else if (id == QUIT) {
    } else {
        qDebug() << "Shortcut with ID " << id << " has no action!";
Пример #2
/* Normalize data */
float normalize(float * data_time)
	float max = 0.0f;

	for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
		float data = data_time[i];
		max = MAX(max, data * data);

	max = sqrt(max);

	amplify(data_time, 1.0f/max);

	return max;
Пример #3
static int audiosourcefadepanvol_Read(struct audiosource* source, char* buffer, unsigned int bytes) {
    struct audiosourcefadepanvol_internaldata* idata = source->internaldata;
    if (idata->eof) {
        return -1;

    unsigned int byteswritten = 0;
    while (bytes > 0) {
        // see how many samples we want to have minimum
        int stereosamples = bytes / (sizeof(float) * 2);
        if (stereosamples * sizeof(float) * 2 < bytes) {

        // get new unprocessed samples
        int unprocessedstart = idata->processedsamplesbytes;
        if (!idata->sourceeof) {
            while (idata->processedsamplesbytes + sizeof(float) * 2 <= sizeof(idata->processedsamplesbuf) && stereosamples > 0) {
                int i = idata->source->read(idata->source, idata->processedsamplesbuf + idata->processedsamplesbytes, sizeof(float) * 2);
                if (i < (int)sizeof(float)*2) {
                    if (i < 0) {
                        // read function returned error
                        idata->returnerroroneof = 1;
                    idata->sourceeof = 1;
                    idata->processedsamplesbytes += sizeof(float)*2;

        // process unprocessed samples
        unsigned int i = unprocessedstart;
        float faderange = (-idata->fadesamplestart + idata->fadesampleend);
        float fadeprogress = idata->fadesampleend;
        while ((int)i <= ((int)idata->processedsamplesbytes - ((int)sizeof(float) * 2))) {
            float leftchannel = *((float*)((char*)idata->processedsamplesbuf+i));
            float rightchannel = *((float*)((float*)((char*)idata->processedsamplesbuf+i))+1);

            if (idata->fadesamplestart < 0 || idata->fadesampleend > 0) {
                // calculate fade volume
                idata->vol = idata->fadevaluestart + (idata->fadevalueend - idata->fadevaluestart)*(1 - fadeprogress/faderange);

                // increase fade progress
                fadeprogress = idata->fadesampleend;

                if (idata->fadesampleend < 0) {
                    // fade ended
                    idata->vol = idata->fadevalueend;
                    idata->fadesamplestart = 0;
                    idata->fadesampleend = 0;

                    if (idata->terminateafterfade) {
                        idata->sourceeof = 1;
                        i = idata->processedsamplesbytes;

            // apply volume
            if (!idata->noamplify) {
                leftchannel = amplify(leftchannel, idata->vol);
                rightchannel = amplify(rightchannel, idata->vol);
            } else {
                leftchannel *= idata->vol;
                rightchannel *= idata->vol;

            // calculate panning
            if (idata->pan < 0) {
                leftchannel *= (1+idata->pan);
            if (idata->pan > 0) {
                rightchannel *= (1-idata->pan);

            // amplify channels when closer to edges:
            float panningamplifyfactor = abs(idata->pan);
            float amplifyamount = 1.3;
            if (!idata->noamplify) {
                if (idata->pan > 0) {
                    leftchannel = amplify(leftchannel,
                    1 + panningamplifyfactor * (amplifyamount-1));
                } else {
                    rightchannel = amplify(rightchannel,
                    1 + panningamplifyfactor * (amplifyamount-1));

            // write floats back
            memcpy(idata->processedsamplesbuf+i, &leftchannel, sizeof(float));
            memcpy(idata->processedsamplesbuf+i+sizeof(float), &rightchannel, sizeof(float));

            i += sizeof(float)*2;

        // return from our processed samples
        unsigned int returnbytes = bytes;
        if (returnbytes > idata->processedsamplesbytes) {
            returnbytes = idata->processedsamplesbytes;
        if (returnbytes == 0) {
            if (byteswritten == 0) {
                idata->eof = 1;
                if (idata->returnerroroneof) {
                    return -1;
                return 0;
                return byteswritten;
            byteswritten += returnbytes;
            memcpy(buffer, idata->processedsamplesbuf, returnbytes);
            buffer += returnbytes;
            bytes -= returnbytes;
        // move away processed & returned samples
        if (returnbytes > 0) {
            if (idata->processedsamplesbytes - returnbytes > 0) {
                memmove(idata->processedsamplesbuf, idata->processedsamplesbuf + returnbytes, sizeof(idata->processedsamplesbuf) - returnbytes);
            idata->processedsamplesbytes -= returnbytes;
    return byteswritten;
Пример #4
 * colorMagnify	-	color magnification
void VideoProcessor::colorMagnify()
    // set filter

    // create a temp file

    // current frame
    cv::Mat input;
    // output frame
    cv::Mat output;
    // motion image

    cv::Mat motion;
    // temp image
    cv::Mat temp;

    // video frames
    std::vector<cv::Mat> frames;
    // down-sampled frames
    std::vector<cv::Mat> downSampledFrames;
    // filtered frames
    std::vector<cv::Mat> filteredFrames;

    // concatenate image of all the down-sample frames
    cv::Mat videoMat;
    // concatenate filtered image
    cv::Mat filtered;

    // if no capture device has been set
    if (!isOpened())

    // set the modify flag to be true
    modify = true;

    // is processing
    stop = false;

    // save the current position
    long pos = curPos;

    // jump to the first frame

    // 1. spatial filtering
    while (getNextFrame(input) && !isStop()) {
        input.convertTo(temp, CV_32FC3);
        // spatial filtering
        std::vector<cv::Mat> pyramid;
        spatialFilter(temp, pyramid);
        // update process
        std::string msg= "Spatial Filtering...";
        emit updateProcessProgress(msg, floor((fnumber++) * 100.0 / length));
    if (isStop()){
        emit closeProgressDialog();
        fnumber = 0;
    emit closeProgressDialog();

    // 2. concat all the frames into a single large Mat
    // where each column is a reshaped single frame
    // (for processing convenience)
    concat(downSampledFrames, videoMat);

    // 3. temporal filtering
    temporalFilter(videoMat, filtered);

    // 4. amplify color motion
    amplify(filtered, filtered);

    // 5. de-concat the filtered image into filtered frames
    deConcat(filtered, downSampledFrames.at(0).size(), filteredFrames);

    // 6. amplify each frame
    // by adding frame image and motions
    // and write into video
    fnumber = 0;
    for (int i=0; i<length-1 && !isStop(); ++i) {
        // up-sample the motion image        
        upsamplingFromGaussianPyramid(filteredFrames.at(i), levels, motion);
	resize(motion, motion, frames.at(i).size());
        temp = frames.at(i) + motion;
        output = temp.clone();
        double minVal, maxVal;
        minMaxLoc(output, &minVal, &maxVal); //find minimum and maximum intensities
        output.convertTo(output, CV_8UC3, 255.0/(maxVal - minVal),
                  -minVal * 255.0/(maxVal - minVal));
        std::string msg= "Amplifying...";
        emit updateProcessProgress(msg, floor((fnumber++) * 100.0 / length));
    if (!isStop()) {
        emit revert();
    emit closeProgressDialog();

    // release the temp writer

    // change the video to the processed video

    // jump back to the original position
Пример #5
 * motionMagnify	-	eulerian motion magnification
void VideoProcessor::motionMagnify()
    // set filter

    // create a temp file

    // current frame
    cv::Mat input;
    // output frame
    cv::Mat output;

    // motion image
    cv::Mat motion;

    std::vector<cv::Mat> pyramid;
    std::vector<cv::Mat> filtered;

    // if no capture device has been set
    if (!isOpened())

    // set the modify flag to be true
    modify = true;

    // is processing
    stop = false;

    // save the current position
    long pos = curPos;
    // jump to the first frame

    while (!isStop()) {

        // read next frame if any
        if (!getNextFrame(input))

        input.convertTo(input, CV_32FC3, 1.0/255.0f);

        // 1. convert to Lab color space
        cv::cvtColor(input, input, CV_BGR2Lab);

        // 2. spatial filtering one frame
        cv::Mat s = input.clone();
        spatialFilter(s, pyramid);

        // 3. temporal filtering one frame's pyramid
        // and amplify the motion
        if (fnumber == 0){      // is first frame
            lowpass1 = pyramid;
            lowpass2 = pyramid;
            filtered = pyramid;
        } else {
            for (int i=0; i<levels; ++i) {
                curLevel = i;
                temporalFilter(pyramid.at(i), filtered.at(i));

            // amplify each spatial frequency bands
            // according to Figure 6 of paper            
            cv::Size filterSize = filtered.at(0).size();
            int w = filterSize.width;
            int h = filterSize.height;

            delta = lambda_c/8.0/(1.0+alpha);
            // the factor to boost alpha above the bound
            // (for better visualization)
            exaggeration_factor = 2.0;

            // compute the representative wavelength lambda
            // for the lowest spatial frequency band of Laplacian pyramid
            lambda = sqrt(w*w + h*h)/3;  // 3 is experimental constant

            for (int i=levels; i>=0; i--) {
                curLevel = i;

                amplify(filtered.at(i), filtered.at(i));

                // go one level down on pyramid
                // representative lambda will reduce by factor of 2
                lambda /= 2.0;

        // 4. reconstruct motion image from filtered pyramid
        reconImgFromLaplacianPyramid(filtered, levels, motion);

        // 5. attenuate I, Q channels
        attenuate(motion, motion);

        // 6. combine source frame and motion image
        if (fnumber > 0)    // don't amplify first frame
            s += motion;

        // 7. convert back to rgb color space and CV_8UC3
        output = s.clone();
        cv::cvtColor(output, output, CV_Lab2BGR);
        output.convertTo(output, CV_8UC3, 255.0, 1.0/255.0);

        // write the frame to the temp file

        // update process
        std::string msg= "Processing...";
        emit updateProcessProgress(msg, floor((fnumber++) * 100.0 / length));
    if (!isStop()){
        emit revert();
    emit closeProgressDialog();

    // release the temp writer

    // change the video to the processed video 

    // jump back to the original position