Пример #1
ReplayGain_get_title_gain(replaygain_ReplayGain *self)
    double  retval;
    int    i;

    retval = analyzeResult(self->A, sizeof(self->A)/sizeof(*(self->A)) );

    for ( i = 0; i < (int)(sizeof(self->A)/sizeof(*(self->A))); i++ ) {
        self->B[i] += self->A[i];
        self->A[i]  = 0;

    for ( i = 0; i < MAX_ORDER; i++ )
        self->linprebuf[i] =
            self->lstepbuf[i] =
            self->loutbuf[i] =
            self->rinprebuf[i] =
            self->rstepbuf[i] =
            self->routbuf[i] = 0.f;

    self->totsamp = 0;
    self->lsum    = self->rsum = 0.;
    return retval;
Пример #2
Float_t GetAlbumGain(GainHandle_t **handle, int count)
    Uint32_t  B [(size_t)(STEPS_per_dB * MAX_dB)];
    memset (B, 0, sizeof(B));

    int i = 0;
    unsigned int j = 0;

    for(i = 0; i < count; ++i)
        for(j = 0; j < sizeof(handle[i]->A)/sizeof(*handle[i]->A); ++j)
            B[j] += handle[i]->A[j];
    return analyzeResult(B, sizeof(B)/sizeof(*B));
Пример #3
GetTitleGain ( void )
    Float_t  retval;
    int    i;

    retval = analyzeResult ( A, sizeof(A)/sizeof(*A) );

    for ( i = 0; i < (int)(sizeof(A)/sizeof(*A)); i++ ) {
        B[i] += A[i];
        A[i]  = 0;

    for ( i = 0; i < MAX_ORDER; i++ )
        linprebuf[i] = lstepbuf[i] = loutbuf[i] = rinprebuf[i] = rstepbuf[i] = routbuf[i] = 0.f;

    totsamp = 0;
    lsum    = rsum = 0.;
    return retval;
Пример #4
Float_t GetTitleGain(GainHandle_t *handle)
    Float_t  retval;
    int i = 0;

    retval = analyzeResult (handle->A, sizeof(handle->A)/sizeof(*handle->A));

    /*for (i = 0; i < (int)(sizeof(handle->A)/sizeof(*handle->A)); i++ )
        handle->B[i] += handle->A[i];
        handle->A[i]  = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < MAX_ORDER; i++ )
        handle->linprebuf[i] = handle->lstepbuf[i] = handle->loutbuf[i] = 0.f;
        handle->rinprebuf[i] = handle->rstepbuf[i] = handle->routbuf[i] = 0.f;

    handle->totsamp = 0;
    handle->lsum = handle->rsum = 0.;
    return retval;
Пример #5
GetTitleGain(replaygain_t * rgData)
    Float_t retval;
    unsigned int i;

    retval = analyzeResult(rgData->A, sizeof(rgData->A) / sizeof(*(rgData->A)));

    for (i = 0; i < sizeof(rgData->A) / sizeof(*(rgData->A)); i++) {
        rgData->B[i] += rgData->A[i];
        rgData->A[i] = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < MAX_ORDER; i++)
        rgData->linprebuf[i] = rgData->lstepbuf[i]
            = rgData->loutbuf[i]
            = rgData->rinprebuf[i]
            = rgData->rstepbuf[i]
            = rgData->routbuf[i] = 0.f;

    rgData->totsamp = 0;
    rgData->lsum = rgData->rsum = 0.;
    return retval;
Пример #6
GetTitleGain ( void )
    Float_t  retval;
    int    i;

    retval = analyzeResult ( A, sizeof(A)/sizeof(*A) );

    for ( i = 0; i < (int)(sizeof(A)/sizeof(*A)); i++ ) {
        B[i] += A[i];
        A[i]  = 0;

    for ( i = 0; i < MAX_ORDER; i++ )
        linprebuf[i] = lstepbuf[i] = loutbuf[i] = rinprebuf[i] = rstepbuf[i] = routbuf[i] = 0.f;

    totsamp = 0;
#ifdef HAVE_SSE2
    lrsum = _mm_setzero_pd();
    lsum    = rsum = 0.;
    return retval;
Пример #7
GetAlbumGain(replaygain_t const* rgData)
    return analyzeResult(rgData->B, sizeof(rgData->B) / sizeof(*(rgData->B)));
Пример #8
ReplayGain_get_album_gain(replaygain_ReplayGain *self)
    return analyzeResult(self->B, sizeof(self->B)/sizeof(*(self->B)) );
Пример #9
GetAlbumGain ( void )
    return analyzeResult ( B, sizeof(B)/sizeof(*B) );
Пример #10
bool SFB::Audio::ReplayGainAnalyzer::GetAlbumGain(float& albumGain)
    return analyzeResult(priv->B, sizeof(priv->B) / sizeof(*(priv->B)), albumGain);
Пример #11
bool SFB::Audio::ReplayGainAnalyzer::AnalyzeURL(CFURLRef url, CFErrorRef *error)
	if(nullptr == url)
		return false;

	auto decoder = Decoder::CreateDecoderForURL(url, error);
	if(!decoder || !decoder->Open(error))
		return false;
	AudioStreamBasicDescription inputFormat = decoder->GetFormat();

	// Higher sampling rates aren't natively supported but are handled via resampling
	int32_t decoderSampleRate = (int32_t)inputFormat.mSampleRate;

	bool validSampleRate = EvenMultipleSampleRateIsSupported(decoderSampleRate);
	if(!validSampleRate) {
		if(error) {
			SFB::CFString description = CFCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("The file “%@” does not contain audio at a supported sample rate."), "");
			SFB::CFString failureReason = CFCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("Only sample rates of 8.0 KHz, 11.025 KHz, 12.0 KHz, 16.0 KHz, 22.05 KHz, 24.0 KHz, 32.0 KHz, 44.1 KHz, 48 KHz and multiples are supported."), "");
			SFB::CFString recoverySuggestion = CFCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("The file's extension may not match the file's type."), "");

			*error = CreateErrorForURL(ReplayGainAnalyzer::ErrorDomain, ReplayGainAnalyzer::FileFormatNotSupportedError, description, url, failureReason, recoverySuggestion);

		return false;

	Float64 replayGainSampleRate = GetBestReplayGainSampleRateForSampleRate(decoderSampleRate);

	if(!(1 == inputFormat.mChannelsPerFrame || 2 == inputFormat.mChannelsPerFrame)) {
		if(error) {
			SFB::CFString description = CFCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("The file “%@” does not contain mono or stereo audio."), "");
			SFB::CFString failureReason = CFCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("Only mono or stereo files supported"), "");
			SFB::CFString recoverySuggestion = CFCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("The file's extension may not match the file's type."), "");

			*error = CreateErrorForURL(ReplayGainAnalyzer::ErrorDomain, ReplayGainAnalyzer::FileFormatNotSupportedError, description, url, failureReason, recoverySuggestion);

		return false;

	AudioStreamBasicDescription outputFormat = {
		.mFormatID				= kAudioFormatLinearPCM,
		.mFormatFlags			= kAudioFormatFlagsNativeFloatPacked | kAudioFormatFlagIsNonInterleaved,
		.mReserved				= 0,
		.mSampleRate			= replayGainSampleRate,
		.mChannelsPerFrame		= inputFormat.mChannelsPerFrame,
		.mBitsPerChannel		= 32,
		.mBytesPerPacket		= 4,
		.mBytesPerFrame			= 4,
		.mFramesPerPacket		= 1
	if(!SetSampleRate((int32_t)outputFormat.mSampleRate)) {
		if(error) {
			SFB::CFString description = CFCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("The file “%@” does not contain audio at a supported sample rate."), "");
			SFB::CFString failureReason = CFCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("Only sample rates of 8.0 KHz, 11.025 KHz, 12.0 KHz, 16.0 KHz, 22.05 KHz, 24.0 KHz, 32.0 KHz, 44.1 KHz, 48 KHz and multiples are supported."), "");
			SFB::CFString recoverySuggestion = CFCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("The file's extension may not match the file's type."), "");

			*error = CreateErrorForURL(ReplayGainAnalyzer::ErrorDomain, ReplayGainAnalyzer::FileFormatNotSupportedError, description, url, failureReason, recoverySuggestion);

		return false;

	// Converter takes ownership of decoder
	Converter converter(std::move(decoder), outputFormat);
		return false;
	const UInt32 bufferSizeFrames = 512;
	BufferList outputBuffer(outputFormat, bufferSizeFrames);

	bool isStereo = (2 == outputFormat.mChannelsPerFrame);

	for(;;) {
		UInt32 frameCount = converter.ConvertAudio(outputBuffer, bufferSizeFrames);
		if(0 == frameCount)

		// Find the peak sample magnitude
		float lpeak, rpeak;
		vDSP_maxmgv((const float *)outputBuffer->mBuffers[0].mData, 1, &lpeak, frameCount);
		if(isStereo) {
			vDSP_maxmgv((const float *)outputBuffer->mBuffers[1].mData, 1, &rpeak, frameCount);
			priv->trackPeak = std::max(priv->trackPeak, std::max(lpeak, rpeak));
			priv->trackPeak = std::max(priv->trackPeak, lpeak);

		// The replay gain analyzer expects 16-bit sample size passed as floats
		const float scale = 1u << 15;
		vDSP_vsmul((const float *)outputBuffer->mBuffers[0].mData, 1, &scale, (float *)outputBuffer->mBuffers[0].mData, 1, frameCount);
		if(isStereo) {
			vDSP_vsmul((const float *)outputBuffer->mBuffers[1].mData, 1, &scale, (float *)outputBuffer->mBuffers[1].mData, 1, frameCount);
			AnalyzeSamples((const float *)outputBuffer->mBuffers[0].mData, (const float *)outputBuffer->mBuffers[1].mData, frameCount, true);
			AnalyzeSamples((const float *)outputBuffer->mBuffers[0].mData, nullptr, frameCount, false);

	priv->albumPeak = std::max(priv->albumPeak, priv->trackPeak);

	return true;

bool SFB::Audio::ReplayGainAnalyzer::GetTrackGain(float& trackGain)
	if(!analyzeResult(priv->A, sizeof(priv->A) / sizeof(*(priv->A)), trackGain))
		return false;

	for(uint32_t i = 0; i < sizeof(priv->A) / sizeof(*(priv->A)); ++i) {
		priv->B[i] += priv->A[i];
		priv->A[i]  = 0;


	priv->totsamp	= 0;
	priv->lsum		= priv->rsum = 0.;

	return true;

bool SFB::Audio::ReplayGainAnalyzer::GetTrackPeak(float& trackPeak)
	trackPeak = priv->trackPeak;
	priv->trackPeak = 0.;
	return true;