Пример #1
Файл: kai.c Проект: cspowart/vlc
 * Open: open the audio device
static int Start ( audio_output_t *p_aout, audio_sample_format_t *fmt )
    aout_sys_t *p_sys = p_aout->sys;
    char *psz_mode;
    ULONG i_kai_mode;
    KAISPEC ks_wanted, ks_obtained;
    int i_nb_channels;
    int i_bytes_per_frame;
    vlc_value_t val, text;
    audio_sample_format_t format = *fmt;

    if( var_Get( p_aout, "audio-device", &val ) != VLC_ENOVAR )
        /* The user has selected an audio device. */
        if ( val.i_int == AOUT_VAR_STEREO )
                = AOUT_CHAN_LEFT | AOUT_CHAN_RIGHT;
        else if ( val.i_int == AOUT_VAR_MONO )
            format.i_physical_channels = AOUT_CHAN_CENTER;

    psz_mode = var_InheritString( p_aout, "kai-audio-device" );
    if( !psz_mode )
        psz_mode = ( char * )ppsz_kai_audio_device[ 0 ];  // "auto"

    i_kai_mode = KAIM_AUTO;
    if( strcmp( psz_mode, "dart" ) == 0 )
        i_kai_mode = KAIM_DART;
    else if( strcmp( psz_mode, "uniaud" ) == 0 )
        i_kai_mode = KAIM_UNIAUD;
    msg_Dbg( p_aout, "selected mode = %s", psz_mode );

    if( psz_mode != ppsz_kai_audio_device[ 0 ])
        free( psz_mode );

    i_nb_channels = aout_FormatNbChannels( &format );
    if ( i_nb_channels > 2 )
        /* KAI doesn't support more than two channels. */
        i_nb_channels = 2;

    /* Support s16l only */
    format.i_format = VLC_CODEC_S16L;

    aout_FormatPrepare( &format );

    i_bytes_per_frame = format.i_bytes_per_frame;

    /* Initialize library */
    if( kaiInit( i_kai_mode ))
        msg_Err( p_aout, "cannot initialize KAI");

        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    ks_wanted.usDeviceIndex   = 0;
    ks_wanted.ulType          = KAIT_PLAY;
    ks_wanted.ulBitsPerSample = BPS_16;
    ks_wanted.ulSamplingRate  = format.i_rate;
    ks_wanted.ulDataFormat    = MCI_WAVE_FORMAT_PCM;
    ks_wanted.ulChannels      = i_nb_channels;
    ks_wanted.ulNumBuffers    = 2;
    ks_wanted.ulBufferSize    = FRAME_SIZE * i_bytes_per_frame;
    ks_wanted.fShareable      = !var_InheritBool( p_aout,
    ks_wanted.pfnCallBack     = KaiCallback;
    ks_wanted.pCallBackData   = p_aout;
    msg_Dbg( p_aout, "requested ulBufferSize = %ld", ks_wanted.ulBufferSize );

    /* Open the sound device. */
    if( kaiOpen( &ks_wanted, &ks_obtained, &p_sys->hkai ))
        msg_Err( p_aout, "cannot open KAI device");

        goto exit_kai_done;

    msg_Dbg( p_aout, "open in %s mode",
             ks_obtained.fShareable ? "shareable" : "exclusive" );
    msg_Dbg( p_aout, "obtained i_nb_samples = %lu",
             ks_obtained.ulBufferSize / i_bytes_per_frame );
    msg_Dbg( p_aout, "obtained i_bytes_per_frame = %d",
             format.i_bytes_per_frame );

    p_sys->format = *fmt = format;

    p_aout->time_get = aout_PacketTimeGet;
    p_aout->play  = Play;
    p_aout->pause = NULL;
    p_aout->flush = aout_PacketFlush;

    aout_SoftVolumeStart( p_aout );

    aout_PacketInit( p_aout, &p_sys->packet,
                     ks_obtained.ulBufferSize / i_bytes_per_frame, &format );

    if ( var_Type( p_aout, "audio-device" ) == 0 )
        /* First launch. */
        var_Create( p_aout, "audio-device",
                    VLC_VAR_INTEGER | VLC_VAR_HASCHOICE );
        text.psz_string = _("Audio Device");
        var_Change( p_aout, "audio-device", VLC_VAR_SETTEXT, &text, NULL );

        val.i_int = AOUT_VAR_STEREO;
        text.psz_string = _("Stereo");
        var_Change( p_aout, "audio-device", VLC_VAR_ADDCHOICE, &val, &text );
        val.i_int = AOUT_VAR_MONO;
        text.psz_string = _("Mono");
        var_Change( p_aout, "audio-device", VLC_VAR_ADDCHOICE, &val, &text );
        if ( i_nb_channels == 2 )
            val.i_int = AOUT_VAR_STEREO;
            val.i_int = AOUT_VAR_MONO;
        var_Change( p_aout, "audio-device", VLC_VAR_SETDEFAULT, &val, NULL );
        var_AddCallback( p_aout, "audio-device", aout_ChannelsRestart, NULL );

    /* Prevent SIG_FPE */
    _control87(MCW_EM, MCW_EM);

    return VLC_SUCCESS;

exit_kai_done :

    return VLC_EGENERIC;
Пример #2
 * Open: open the audio device
static int Start ( audio_output_t *p_aout, audio_sample_format_t *fmt )
    aout_sys_t *p_sys = p_aout->sys;
    char *psz_mode;
    ULONG i_kai_mode;
    KAISPEC ks_wanted, ks_obtained;
    int i_nb_channels;
    int i_bytes_per_frame;
    vlc_value_t val, text;
    audio_sample_format_t format = *fmt;

    psz_mode = var_InheritString( p_aout, "kai-audio-device" );
    if( !psz_mode )
        psz_mode = ( char * )ppsz_kai_audio_device[ 0 ];  // "auto"

    i_kai_mode = KAIM_AUTO;
    if( strcmp( psz_mode, "dart" ) == 0 )
        i_kai_mode = KAIM_DART;
    else if( strcmp( psz_mode, "uniaud" ) == 0 )
        i_kai_mode = KAIM_UNIAUD;
    msg_Dbg( p_aout, "selected mode = %s", psz_mode );

    if( psz_mode != ppsz_kai_audio_device[ 0 ])
        free( psz_mode );

    i_nb_channels = aout_FormatNbChannels( &format );
    if ( i_nb_channels >= 2 )
        /* KAI doesn't support more than two channels. */
        i_nb_channels = 2;
        format.i_physical_channels = AOUT_CHANS_STEREO;
        format.i_physical_channels = AOUT_CHAN_CENTER;

    /* Support S16 only */
    format.i_format = VLC_CODEC_S16N;

    aout_FormatPrepare( &format );

    i_bytes_per_frame = format.i_bytes_per_frame;

    /* Initialize library */
    if( kaiInit( i_kai_mode ))
        msg_Err( p_aout, "cannot initialize KAI");

        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    ks_wanted.usDeviceIndex   = 0;
    ks_wanted.ulType          = KAIT_PLAY;
    ks_wanted.ulBitsPerSample = BPS_16;
    ks_wanted.ulSamplingRate  = format.i_rate;
    ks_wanted.ulDataFormat    = MCI_WAVE_FORMAT_PCM;
    ks_wanted.ulChannels      = i_nb_channels;
    ks_wanted.ulNumBuffers    = 2;
    ks_wanted.ulBufferSize    = FRAME_SIZE * i_bytes_per_frame;
    ks_wanted.fShareable      = !var_InheritBool( p_aout,
    ks_wanted.pfnCallBack     = KaiCallback;
    ks_wanted.pCallBackData   = p_aout;
    msg_Dbg( p_aout, "requested ulBufferSize = %ld", ks_wanted.ulBufferSize );

    /* Open the sound device. */
    if( kaiOpen( &ks_wanted, &ks_obtained, &p_sys->hkai ))
        msg_Err( p_aout, "cannot open KAI device");

        goto exit_kai_done;

    msg_Dbg( p_aout, "open in %s mode",
             ks_obtained.fShareable ? "shareable" : "exclusive" );
    msg_Dbg( p_aout, "obtained i_nb_samples = %lu",
             ks_obtained.ulBufferSize / i_bytes_per_frame );
    msg_Dbg( p_aout, "obtained i_bytes_per_frame = %d",
             format.i_bytes_per_frame );

    p_sys->format = *fmt = format;

    p_aout->time_get = TimeGet;
    p_aout->play     = Play;
    p_aout->pause    = Pause;
    p_aout->flush    = Flush;

    aout_SoftVolumeStart( p_aout );

    CreateBuffer( p_aout, AUDIO_BUFFER_SIZE_IN_SECONDS *
                          format.i_rate * format.i_bytes_per_frame );

    /* Prevent SIG_FPE */
    _control87(MCW_EM, MCW_EM);

    return VLC_SUCCESS;

exit_kai_done :

    return VLC_EGENERIC;