Пример #1
 * Constructs a new translator object based on the current apache 
 * request_rec.  Reads the request body and headers.
static osrfHttpTranslator* osrfNewHttpTranslator(request_rec* apreq) {
    osrfHttpTranslator* trans = &globalTranslator;
    trans->apreq = apreq;
    trans->complete = 0;
    trans->connectOnly = 0;
    trans->disconnectOnly = 0;
    trans->connecting = 0;
    trans->disconnecting = 0;
#ifdef APACHE_MIN_24
    trans->remoteHost = apreq->connection->client_ip;
    trans->remoteHost = apreq->connection->remote_ip;
    trans->messages = NULL;

    /* load the message body */
    osrfStringArray* params	= apacheParseParms(apreq);
    trans->body = apacheGetFirstParamValue(params, "osrf-msg");

    /* load the request headers */
    if (apr_table_get(apreq->headers_in, OSRF_HTTP_HEADER_XID))
        // force our log xid to match the caller
        osrfLogForceXid(strdup(apr_table_get(apreq->headers_in, OSRF_HTTP_HEADER_XID)));

    trans->handle = osrfSystemGetTransportClient();
    trans->recipient = apr_table_get(apreq->headers_in, OSRF_HTTP_HEADER_TO);
    trans->service = apr_table_get(apreq->headers_in, OSRF_HTTP_HEADER_SERVICE);

    const char* timeout = apr_table_get(apreq->headers_in, OSRF_HTTP_HEADER_TIMEOUT);
        trans->timeout = atoi(timeout);
        trans->timeout = DEFAULT_TRANSLATOR_TIMEOUT;

    const char* multipart = apr_table_get(apreq->headers_in, OSRF_HTTP_HEADER_MULTIPART);
    if(multipart && !strcasecmp(multipart, "true"))
        trans->multipart = 1;
        trans->multipart = 0;

    char buf[32];
    snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d%ld", getpid(), time(NULL));
    trans->delim = md5sum(buf);

    /* Use thread if it has been passed in; otherwise, just use the delimiter */
    trans->thread = apr_table_get(apreq->headers_in, OSRF_HTTP_HEADER_THREAD)
        ?  apr_table_get(apreq->headers_in, OSRF_HTTP_HEADER_THREAD)
        : (const char*)trans->delim;

    return trans;
Пример #2
/* The handler.  Create a new parser and/or filter context where appropriate
 * and parse the chunks of data received from the brigade
static int idlChunkHandler( ap_filter_t *f, apr_bucket_brigade *brigade ) {

	idlChunkContext* ctx = f->ctx;
	apr_bucket* currentBucket = NULL;
	apr_pool_t* pool = f->r->pool;
	const char* data;
  	apr_size_t len;
    osrfStringArray* params = NULL;
    mparams = NULL;

	/* load the per-dir/location config */
	idlChunkConfig* config = ap_get_module_config( 
			f->r->per_dir_config, &idlchunk_module );

	ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 
			0, f->r, "IDLCHUNK Config:\nContent Type = %s, "
			"Strip PI = %s, Strip Comments = %s, Doctype = %s", 
			(config->stripPI) ? "yes" : "no", 
			(config->stripComments) ? "yes" : "no",

	/* set the content type based on the config */
	ap_set_content_type(f->r, config->contentType);

	//ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, f->r, "Set content type");

    params = apacheParseParms(f->r); /* free me */
    mparams = apacheGetParamValues( params, "class" ); /* free me */

    all = 1;

    if (mparams && mparams->size > 0) all = 0;

	//ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, f->r, "Parsed the params, if any");

	/* create the XML parser */
	int firstrun = 0;
	if( parser == NULL ) {
		firstrun = 1;
		parser = XML_ParserCreate("UTF-8");
		XML_SetUserData(parser, f);
		XML_SetElementHandler(parser, startElement, endElement);
		XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, charHandler);
			XML_SetStartDoctypeDeclHandler( parser, doctypeHandler );
			XML_SetProcessingInstructionHandler(parser, handlePI);
			XML_SetCommentHandler(parser, handleComment);

	/* create the filter context */
	if( ctx == NULL ) {
		f->ctx = ctx = apr_pcalloc( pool, sizeof(*ctx));
		ctx->brigade = apr_brigade_create( pool, f->c->bucket_alloc );
		ctx->parser = parser;

	if(firstrun) { /* we haven't started writing the data to the stream yet */

		/* go ahead and write the doctype out if we have one defined */
		if(config->doctype) {
			ap_log_rerror( APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 
					0, f->r, "IDLCHUNK DOCTYPE => %s", config->doctype);
			_fwrite(f, "%s\n", config->doctype);

	/* cycle through the buckets in the brigade */
	while (!APR_BRIGADE_EMPTY(brigade)) {

		/* grab the next bucket */
		currentBucket = APR_BRIGADE_FIRST(brigade);

		/* clean up when we're done */
		if (APR_BUCKET_IS_EOS(currentBucket) || APR_BUCKET_IS_FLUSH(currentBucket)) {
			APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_TAIL(ctx->brigade, currentBucket);
			ap_pass_brigade(f->next, ctx->brigade);
            if (params) osrfStringArrayFree(params);
            if (mparams) osrfStringArrayFree(mparams);
			parser = NULL;
		  	return APR_SUCCESS;

		/* read the incoming data */
		int s = apr_bucket_read(currentBucket, &data, &len, APR_NONBLOCK_READ);
		if( s != APR_SUCCESS ) {
			ap_log_rerror( APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, f->r, 
					"IDLCHUNK error reading data from filter with status %d", s);
            if (params) osrfStringArrayFree(params);
            if (mparams) osrfStringArrayFree(mparams);
			return s;

		if (len > 0) {

			ap_log_rerror( APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 
					0, f->r, "IDLCHUNK read %d bytes", (int)len);

			/* push data into the XML push parser */
			if ( XML_Parse(ctx->parser, data, len, 0) == XML_STATUS_ERROR ) {

                char tmp[len+1];
                memcpy(tmp, data, len);
                tmp[len] = '\0';

				/* log and die on XML errors */
				ap_log_rerror( APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, f->r, 
                    "IDLCHUNK XML Parse Error: %s at line %d: parsing %s: data %s",
					(int) XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(ctx->parser), f->r->filename, tmp);

                if (params) osrfStringArrayFree(params);
                if (mparams) osrfStringArrayFree(mparams);
				parser = NULL;

		/* so a subrequest doesn't re-read this bucket */

    if (params) osrfStringArrayFree(params);
    if (mparams) osrfStringArrayFree(mparams);
  	return APR_SUCCESS;	
Пример #3
static int osrf_json_gateway_method_handler (request_rec *r) {

	/* make sure we're needed first thing*/
	if (strcmp(r->handler, MODULE_NAME )) return DECLINED;

	osrf_json_gateway_dir_config* dir_conf =
		ap_get_module_config(r->per_dir_config, &osrf_json_gateway_module);

	/* provide 2 different JSON parsers and serializers to support legacy JSON */
	jsonObject* (*parseJSONFunc) (const char*) = legacy_jsonParseString;
	char* (*jsonToStringFunc) (const jsonObject*) = legacy_jsonObjectToJSON;

	if(dir_conf->legacyJSON) {
		ap_log_rerror( APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, r, "Using legacy JSON");

	} else {
		parseJSONFunc = jsonParse;
		jsonToStringFunc = jsonObjectToJSON;

	osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "osrf gateway: entered request handler");

	/* verify we are connected */
	if( !bootstrapped || !osrfSystemGetTransportClient()) {
		ap_log_rerror( APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r, "Cannot process request "
				"because the OpenSRF JSON gateway has not been bootstrapped...");
		usleep( 100000 ); /* 100 milliseconds */


	char* osrf_locale   = NULL;
	char* param_locale  = NULL;  /* locale for this call */
	char* service       = NULL;  /* service to connect to */
	char* method        = NULL;  /* method to perform */
	char* format        = NULL;  /* method to perform */
	char* a_l           = NULL;  /* request api level */
	char* input_format  = NULL;  /* POST data format, defaults to 'format' */
	int   isXML         = 0;
	int   api_level     = 1;

	r->allowed |= (AP_METHOD_BIT << M_GET);
	r->allowed |= (AP_METHOD_BIT << M_POST);

	osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "osrf gateway: parsing URL params");
	osrfStringArray* mparams = NULL;
	osrfStringArray* params  = apacheParseParms(r); /* free me */
	param_locale             = apacheGetFirstParamValue( params, "locale" );
	service                  = apacheGetFirstParamValue( params, "service" );
	method                   = apacheGetFirstParamValue( params, "method" );
	format                   = apacheGetFirstParamValue( params, "format" );
	input_format             = apacheGetFirstParamValue( params, "input_format" );
	a_l                      = apacheGetFirstParamValue( params, "api_level" );
	mparams                  = apacheGetParamValues( params, "param" ); /* free me */

	if(format == NULL)
		format = strdup( "json" );
	if(input_format == NULL)
		input_format = strdup( format );

	/* set the user defined timeout value */
	int timeout = 60;
	char* tout = apacheGetFirstParamValue( params, "timeout" ); /* request timeout in seconds */
	if( tout ) {
		timeout = atoi(tout);
		osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Client supplied timeout of %d", timeout);
		free( tout );

	if (a_l) {
		api_level = atoi(a_l);
		free( a_l );

	if (!strcasecmp(format, "xml")) {
		isXML = 1;
		ap_set_content_type(r, "application/xml");
	} else {
		ap_set_content_type(r, "text/plain");

	free( format );
	int ret = OK;

	/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/* Grab the requested locale using the Accept-Language header*/

	if ( !param_locale ) {
		if ( apr_table_get(r->headers_in, "X-OpenSRF-Language") ) {
			param_locale = strdup( apr_table_get(r->headers_in, "X-OpenSRF-Language") );
		} else if ( apr_table_get(r->headers_in, "Accept-Language") ) {
			param_locale = strdup( apr_table_get(r->headers_in, "Accept-Language") );

	if (param_locale) {
		growing_buffer* osrf_locale_buf = buffer_init(16);
		if (index(param_locale, ',')) {
			int ind = index(param_locale, ',') - param_locale;
			int i;
			for ( i = 0; i < ind && i < 128; i++ )
				buffer_add_char( osrf_locale_buf, param_locale[i] );
		} else {
			buffer_add( osrf_locale_buf, param_locale );

		osrf_locale = buffer_release( osrf_locale_buf );
	} else {
		osrf_locale = strdup( osrf_json_default_locale );
	/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */

	if(!(service && method)) {

			"Service [%s] not found or not allowed", service);

	} else {

		/* This will log all heaers to the apache error log
		const apr_array_header_t* arr = apr_table_elts(r->headers_in);
		const void* ptr;

		while( (ptr = apr_array_pop(arr)) ) {
			apr_table_entry_t* e = (apr_table_entry_t*) ptr;
			fprintf(stderr, "Table entry: %s : %s\n", e->key, e->val );

		osrfAppSession* session = osrfAppSessionClientInit(service);
		osrf_app_session_set_locale(session, osrf_locale);

		double starttime = get_timestamp_millis();
		int req_id = -1;

		if(!strcasecmp(input_format, "json")) {
			jsonObject * arr = jsonNewObject(NULL);

			const char* str;
			int i = 0;

			while( (str = osrfStringArrayGetString(mparams, i++)) )
				jsonObjectPush(arr, parseJSONFunc(str));

			req_id = osrfAppSessionSendRequest( session, arr, method, api_level );
		} else {

			* If we receive XML method params, convert each param to a JSON object
			* and pass the array of JSON object params to the method */
			if(!strcasecmp(input_format, "xml")) {
				jsonObject* jsonParams = jsonNewObject(NULL);

				const char* str;
				int i = 0;
				while( (str = osrfStringArrayGetString(mparams, i++)) ) {
					jsonObjectPush(jsonParams, jsonXMLToJSONObject(str));

				req_id = osrfAppSessionSendRequest( session, jsonParams, method, api_level );

		if( req_id == -1 ) {
			osrfLogError(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "I am unable to communicate with opensrf..going away...");
			/* we don't want to spawn an intense re-forking storm
			 * if there is no jabber server.. so give it some time before we die */
			usleep( 100000 ); /* 100 milliseconds */

		/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
		/* log all requests to the activity log */
		const char* authtoken = apr_table_get(r->headers_in, "X-OILS-Authtoken");
		if(!authtoken) authtoken = "";
		growing_buffer* act = buffer_init(128);
		buffer_fadd(act, "[%s] [%s] [%s] %s %s", r->connection->remote_ip,
			authtoken, osrf_locale, service, method );
		const char* str; int i = 0;
		while( (str = osrfStringArrayGetString(mparams, i++)) ) {
			if( i == 1 ) {
				OSRF_BUFFER_ADD(act, " ");
				OSRF_BUFFER_ADD(act, str);
			} else {
				OSRF_BUFFER_ADD(act, ", ");
				OSRF_BUFFER_ADD(act, str);

		osrfLogActivity( OSRF_LOG_MARK, act->buf );
		/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */

		osrfMessage* omsg = NULL;

		int statuscode = 200;

		/* kick off the object */
		if (isXML)
			ap_rputs( "<response xmlns=\"http://opensrf.org/-/namespaces/gateway/v1\"><payload>",
				r );
			ap_rputs("{\"payload\":[", r);

		int morethan1       = 0;
		char* statusname    = NULL;
		char* statustext    = NULL;
		char* output        = NULL;

		while((omsg = osrfAppSessionRequestRecv( session, req_id, timeout ))) {

			statuscode = omsg->status_code;
			const jsonObject* res;

			if( ( res = osrfMessageGetResult(omsg)) ) {

				if (isXML) {
					output = jsonObjectToXML( res );
				} else {
					output = jsonToStringFunc( res );
					if( morethan1 ) ap_rputs(",", r); /* comma between JSON array items */
				ap_rputs(output, r);
				morethan1 = 1;

			} else {

				if( statuscode > 299 ) { /* the request returned a low level error */
					statusname = omsg->status_name ? strdup(omsg->status_name)
						: strdup("Unknown Error");
					statustext = omsg->status_text ? strdup(omsg->status_text) 
						: strdup("No Error Message");
					osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,  "Gateway received error: %s", statustext );

			if(statusname) break;

		double duration = get_timestamp_millis() - starttime;
		osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "gateway request took %f seconds", duration);

		if (isXML)
			ap_rputs("</payload>", r);
			ap_rputs("]",r); /* finish off the payload array */

		if(statusname) {

			/* add a debug field if the request died */
			ap_log_rerror( APLOG_MARK, APLOG_INFO, 0, r,
					"OpenSRF JSON Request returned error: %s -> %s", statusname, statustext );
			int l = strlen(statusname) + strlen(statustext) + 32;
			char buf[l];

			if (isXML)
				snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "<debug>\"%s : %s\"</debug>", statusname, statustext );

			else {
				char bb[l];
				snprintf(bb, sizeof(bb),  "%s : %s", statusname, statustext);
				jsonObject* tmp = jsonNewObject(bb);
				char* j = jsonToStringFunc(tmp);
				snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), ",\"debug\": %s", j);

			ap_rputs(buf, r);


		/* insert the status code */
		char buf[32];

		if (isXML)
			snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "<status>%d</status>", statuscode );
			snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), ",\"status\":%d", statuscode );

		ap_rputs( buf, r );

		if (isXML)
			ap_rputs("</response>", r);
			ap_rputs( "}", r ); /* finish off the object */


	osrfLogInfo(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Completed processing service=%s, method=%s", service, method);
	free( osrf_locale );
	free( input_format );
	free( method );
	free( service );

	osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Gateway served %d requests", ++numserved);

	return ret;