Пример #1
MooseApp::dynamicRegistration(const Parameters & params)
  // first convert the app name to a library name
  std::string library_name = appNameToLibName(params.get<std::string>("app_name"));

  // Create a vector of paths that we can search inside for libraries
  std::vector<std::string> paths;

  std::string library_path = params.get<std::string>("library_path");

  if (library_path != "")
    MooseUtils::tokenize(library_path, paths, 1, ":");

  char * moose_lib_path_env = std::getenv("MOOSE_LIBRARY_PATH");
  if (moose_lib_path_env)
    std::string moose_lib_path(moose_lib_path_env);
    std::vector<std::string> tmp_paths;

    MooseUtils::tokenize(moose_lib_path, tmp_paths, 1, ":");

    // merge the two vectors together (all possible search paths)
    paths.insert(paths.end(), tmp_paths.begin(), tmp_paths.end());

  // Attempt to dynamically load the library
  for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator path_it = paths.begin(); path_it != paths.end(); ++path_it)
    if (MooseUtils::checkFileReadable(*path_it + '/' + library_name, false, false))
      loadLibraryAndDependencies(*path_it + '/' + library_name, params);
      mooseWarning("Unable to open library file \"" << *path_it + '/' + library_name << "\". Double check for spelling errors.");
Пример #2
MooseApp::dynamicAppRegistration(const std::string & app_name,
                                 std::string library_path,
                                 const std::string & library_name)
  Parameters params;
  params.set<std::string>("app_name") = app_name;
  params.set<RegistrationType>("reg_type") = APPLICATION;
  params.set<std::string>("registration_method") = app_name + "__registerApps";
  params.set<std::string>("library_path") = library_path;
  params.set<std::string>("library_name") = library_name;


  // At this point the application should be registered so check it
  if (!AppFactory::instance().isRegistered(app_name))
    std::ostringstream oss;
    std::set<std::string> paths = getLoadedLibraryPaths();

    oss << "Unable to locate library for \"" << app_name
        << "\".\nWe attempted to locate the library \"" << appNameToLibName(app_name)
        << "\" in the following paths:\n\t";
    std::copy(paths.begin(), paths.end(), infix_ostream_iterator<std::string>(oss, "\n\t"));
    oss << "\n\nMake sure you have compiled the library and either set the \"library_path\" "
           "variable "
        << "in your input file or exported \"MOOSE_LIBRARY_PATH\".\n"
        << "Compiled in debug mode to see the list of libraries checked for dynamic loading "