static int create_digest(BIO *input, char *digest, const EVP_MD *md, unsigned char **md_value) { int md_value_len; md_value_len = EVP_MD_size(md); if (md_value_len < 0) return 0; if (input) { EVP_MD_CTX md_ctx; unsigned char buffer[4096]; int length; *md_value = app_malloc(md_value_len, "digest buffer"); EVP_DigestInit(&md_ctx, md); while ((length = BIO_read(input, buffer, sizeof(buffer))) > 0) { EVP_DigestUpdate(&md_ctx, buffer, length); } if (!EVP_DigestFinal(&md_ctx, *md_value, NULL)) return 0; } else { long digest_len; *md_value = string_to_hex(digest, &digest_len); if (!*md_value || md_value_len != digest_len) { OPENSSL_free(*md_value); *md_value = NULL; BIO_printf(bio_err, "bad digest, %d bytes " "must be specified\n", md_value_len); return 0; } } return md_value_len; }
static int append_buf(char **buf, int *size, const char *s) { if (*buf == NULL) { *size = 256; *buf = app_malloc(*size, "engine buffer"); **buf = '\0'; } if (strlen(*buf) + strlen(s) >= (unsigned int)*size) { char *tmp; *size += 256; tmp = OPENSSL_realloc(*buf, *size); if (tmp == NULL) { OPENSSL_free(*buf); *buf = NULL; return 0; } *buf = tmp; } if (**buf != '\0') OPENSSL_strlcat(*buf, ", ", *size); OPENSSL_strlcat(*buf, s, *size); return 1; }
static int append_buf(char **buf, const char *s, int *size, int step) { int l = strlen(s); if (*buf == NULL) { *size = step; *buf = app_malloc(*size, "engine buffer"); **buf = '\0'; } if (**buf != '\0') l += 2; /* ", " */ if (strlen(*buf) + strlen(s) >= (unsigned int)*size) { *size += step; *buf = OPENSSL_realloc(*buf, *size); } if (*buf == NULL) return 0; if (**buf != '\0') BUF_strlcat(*buf, ", ", *size); BUF_strlcat(*buf, s, *size); return 1; }
static ASN1_INTEGER *create_nonce(int bits) { unsigned char buf[20]; ASN1_INTEGER *nonce = NULL; int len = (bits - 1) / 8 + 1; int i; if (len > (int)sizeof(buf)) goto err; if (RAND_bytes(buf, len) <= 0) goto err; /* Find the first non-zero byte and creating ASN1_INTEGER object. */ for (i = 0; i < len && !buf[i]; ++i) continue; if ((nonce = ASN1_INTEGER_new()) == NULL) goto err; OPENSSL_free(nonce->data); nonce->length = len - i; nonce->data = app_malloc(nonce->length + 1, "nonce buffer"); memcpy(nonce->data, buf + i, nonce->length); return nonce; err: BIO_printf(bio_err, "could not create nonce\n"); ASN1_INTEGER_free(nonce); return NULL; }
static ASN1_INTEGER *x509_load_serial(const char *CAfile, const char *serialfile, int create) { char *buf = NULL; ASN1_INTEGER *bs = NULL; BIGNUM *serial = NULL; if (serialfile == NULL) { const char *p = strrchr(CAfile, '.'); size_t len = p != NULL ? (size_t)(p - CAfile) : strlen(CAfile); buf = app_malloc(len + sizeof(POSTFIX), "serial# buffer"); memcpy(buf, CAfile, len); memcpy(buf + len, POSTFIX, sizeof(POSTFIX)); serialfile = buf; } serial = load_serial(serialfile, create, NULL); if (serial == NULL) goto end; if (!BN_add_word(serial, 1)) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "add_word failure\n"); goto end; } if (!save_serial(serialfile, NULL, serial, &bs)) goto end; end: OPENSSL_free(buf); BN_free(serial); return bs; }
/******************************************************************** * @作者 :周炳权 * @功能 :数据上传任务 * @输入 :NONE * @输出 :NONE ********************************************************************/ static void _upload_task(void*arg) { uint8_t m_flag = 0; Esum_save_arg_t *m_pdata = app_malloc(sizeof(Esum_save_arg_t)); while(1) { msleep( TYPE_DELAY ); if ( os_task_delete_req( SELF_PRO ) == OS_TASK_DEL_REQ )/*判断是否有删除请求*/ { app_free(m_pdata); os_task_delete( SELF_PRO ); } if ( g_upload_start == 1 ) { if ( (g_upload_cur_num == g_upload_all_size) && (g_upload_all_size != 0)) { app_upload_tips("全部数据已上传完成..."); m_flag = 0; g_upload_start = 0; continue; } if ( m_flag == 0 ) { m_flag = 1; g_upload_all_size = data_allsize_obtain(); if ( g_upload_all_size == 0 ) { app_upload_tips("无数据可以上传..."); m_flag = 0; continue; } app_upload_allsize(g_upload_all_size); app_upload_cursize(g_upload_cur_num); app_upload_tips("正在上传数据..."); } cur_one_record_obtain(m_pdata,g_upload_cur_num); app_upload_send(m_pdata,sizeof(Esum_save_arg_t)); g_upload_cur_num++; app_upload_cursize(g_upload_cur_num); msleep(10); if ( g_upload_cur_num == g_upload_all_size ) { app_upload_tips("全部数据已上传完成..."); m_flag = 0; g_upload_start = 0; } } } }
static int update_index(CA_DB *db, char **row) { char **irow; int i; irow = app_malloc(sizeof(*irow) * (DB_NUMBER + 1), "row pointers"); for (i = 0; i < DB_NUMBER; i++) irow[i] = row[i]; irow[DB_NUMBER] = NULL; if (!TXT_DB_insert(db->db, irow)) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "failed to update srpvfile\n"); BIO_printf(bio_err, "TXT_DB error number %ld\n", db->db->error); OPENSSL_free(irow); return 0; } return 1; }
static int create_digest(BIO *input, char *digest, const EVP_MD *md, unsigned char **md_value) { int md_value_len; int rv = 0; EVP_MD_CTX *md_ctx = NULL; md_value_len = EVP_MD_size(md); if (md_value_len < 0) return 0; if (input) { unsigned char buffer[4096]; int length; md_ctx = EVP_MD_CTX_new(); if (md_ctx == NULL) return 0; *md_value = app_malloc(md_value_len, "digest buffer"); if (!EVP_DigestInit(md_ctx, md)) goto err; while ((length = BIO_read(input, buffer, sizeof(buffer))) > 0) { if (!EVP_DigestUpdate(md_ctx, buffer, length)) goto err; } if (!EVP_DigestFinal(md_ctx, *md_value, NULL)) goto err; md_value_len = EVP_MD_size(md); } else { long digest_len; *md_value = OPENSSL_hexstr2buf(digest, &digest_len); if (!*md_value || md_value_len != digest_len) { OPENSSL_free(*md_value); *md_value = NULL; BIO_printf(bio_err, "bad digest, %d bytes " "must be specified\n", md_value_len); return 0; } } rv = md_value_len; err: EVP_MD_CTX_free(md_ctx); return rv; }
static char *make_config_name() { const char *t; size_t len; char *p; if ((t = getenv("OPENSSL_CONF")) != NULL) return OPENSSL_strdup(t); t = X509_get_default_cert_area(); len = strlen(t) + 1 + strlen(OPENSSL_CONF) + 1; p = app_malloc(len, "config filename buffer"); strcpy(p, t); #ifndef OPENSSL_SYS_VMS strcat(p, "/"); #endif strcat(p, OPENSSL_CONF); return p; }
static ASN1_INTEGER *x509_load_serial(char *CAfile, char *serialfile, int create) { char *buf = NULL, *p; ASN1_INTEGER *bs = NULL; BIGNUM *serial = NULL; size_t len; len = ((serialfile == NULL) ? (strlen(CAfile) + strlen(POSTFIX) + 1) : (strlen(serialfile))) + 1; buf = app_malloc(len, "serial# buffer"); if (serialfile == NULL) { BUF_strlcpy(buf, CAfile, len); for (p = buf; *p; p++) if (*p == '.') { *p = '\0'; break; } BUF_strlcat(buf, POSTFIX, len); } else BUF_strlcpy(buf, serialfile, len); serial = load_serial(buf, create, NULL); if (serial == NULL) goto end; if (!BN_add_word(serial, 1)) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "add_word failure\n"); goto end; } if (!save_serial(buf, NULL, serial, &bs)) goto end; end: OPENSSL_free(buf); BN_free(serial); return bs; }
static int append_buf(char **buf, int *size, const char *s) { const int expand = 256; int len = strlen(s) + 1; char *p = *buf; if (p == NULL) { *size = ((len + expand - 1) / expand) * expand; p = *buf = app_malloc(*size, "engine buffer"); } else { const int blen = strlen(p); if (blen > 0) len += 2 + blen; if (len > *size) { *size = ((len + expand - 1) / expand) * expand; p = OPENSSL_realloc(p, *size); if (p == NULL) { OPENSSL_free(*buf); *buf = NULL; return 0; } *buf = p; } if (blen > 0) { p += blen; *p++ = ','; *p++ = ' '; } } strcpy(p, s); return 1; }
static void XCERR_record_detail(Slist_t*plist) { uint8_t key; Errsave_t*pD = app_malloc(sizeof(Errsave_t)); XCERR_obtain(plist,pD); _DLstr_to_DLf(&pD->DLarg,&g_DL_param); global_memcpy(&g_user_arg.DL_app_user_set,&pD->DL_app_user_set, sizeof(DL_app_user_set_t)); global_memcpy(&g_user_arg.DL_app_user_info,&pD->DL_app_user_info,sizeof(DL_app_user_info_t)); app_module_color_select(2); app_XCerrmod_record_detail_win_creat(); GUI_3D_window_title_mod(m_XCERR_3DWIN,"信息详情"); app_XCERR_errPAINT(); app_XCERR_DLpaint(); app_global_key_control_power_req(); while(1) { msleep(1); if ( app_global_key_force_obtain( &key, 1 )== 1 ) { if(key==KEY_EXIT)break; else if(key==KEY_F5) { app_global_key_control_power_release(); if ( MsgBox(100,100,350,150,(char*)m_XCERRmod_MSG_48[g_language],(char*)m_XCERRmod_MSG_49[g_language],APP_HALF_SEC*100) == GUIE_KEY_ENTER ) { app_XCERRmod_record_print(pD); } app_global_key_control_power_req(); } } } app_free(pD); app_XCerrmod_window_destory(); app_global_key_control_power_release(); return; }
static void _txtView(char*path) { hwin_t* pwin; char * pbuf ; FIL * fil; char *p; uint8_t key_buf; int y = 5; pbuf = app_malloc(1000); GUI_window_hwin_req( GET_GUIWIN ); GUI_set_Bgcolor( 0 ); GUI_clean_screen(); GUI_set_Bgcolor( 0 ); GUI_set_Fgcolor( C_GUI_WHITE); pwin = Gui_3D_window_creat( 0, 0, LCD_WIDE - 2, LCD_HIGH, "文本浏览器", WIN_3D | WIN_FILL, 0 ); GUI_window_hwin_release( GET_GUIWIN ); fil=fatfs_open(path,FA_OPEN_EXISTING|FA_READ|FA_WRITE); while(1) { p = f_gets(pbuf,500,fil); if(!p) { while(1) { msleep(1); if ( app_global_key_obtain( &key_buf, 1 ) == 1 ) { if(key_buf==KEY_EXIT) { fatfs_close(fil); app_free(pbuf); GUI_window_destory(pwin); return; } } } } GUI_window_hwin_req( pwin ); GUI_set_Bgcolor( 0 ); GUI_set_Fgcolor( C_GUI_WHITE); GUI_SetFront(&GUI_HZK16_EXTASCII); GUI_string_display_At(2,y,pbuf); GUI_window_hwin_release( pwin ); y+=GUI_conText.CUR_Front->high; if((y+GUI_conText.CUR_Front->high)>pwin->win_high) { while(1) { msleep(1); if ( app_global_key_obtain( &key_buf, 1 ) == 1 ) { if(key_buf==KEY_DOWN) { GUI_window_hwin_req( pwin ); GUI_set_Bgcolor( 0 ); GUI_set_Fgcolor( C_GUI_WHITE); GUI_clean_window(); y = 5; GUI_window_hwin_release( pwin ); break; } else if(key_buf==KEY_EXIT) { app_free(pbuf); GUI_window_destory(pwin); return; } } } } } }
int x509_main(int argc, char **argv) { ASN1_INTEGER *sno = NULL; ASN1_OBJECT *objtmp; BIO *out = NULL; CONF *extconf = NULL; EVP_PKEY *Upkey = NULL, *CApkey = NULL, *fkey = NULL; STACK_OF(ASN1_OBJECT) *trust = NULL, *reject = NULL; STACK_OF(OPENSSL_STRING) *sigopts = NULL; X509 *x = NULL, *xca = NULL; X509_REQ *req = NULL, *rq = NULL; X509_STORE *ctx = NULL; const EVP_MD *digest = NULL; char *CAkeyfile = NULL, *CAserial = NULL, *fkeyfile = NULL, *alias = NULL; char *checkhost = NULL, *checkemail = NULL, *checkip = NULL; char *extsect = NULL, *extfile = NULL, *passin = NULL, *passinarg = NULL; char *infile = NULL, *outfile = NULL, *keyfile = NULL, *CAfile = NULL; char buf[256], *prog; int x509req = 0, days = DEF_DAYS, modulus = 0, pubkey = 0, pprint = 0; int C = 0, CAformat = FORMAT_PEM, CAkeyformat = FORMAT_PEM; int fingerprint = 0, reqfile = 0, need_rand = 0, checkend = 0; int informat = FORMAT_PEM, outformat = FORMAT_PEM, keyformat = FORMAT_PEM; int next_serial = 0, subject_hash = 0, issuer_hash = 0, ocspid = 0; int noout = 0, sign_flag = 0, CA_flag = 0, CA_createserial = 0, email = 0; int ocsp_uri = 0, trustout = 0, clrtrust = 0, clrreject = 0, aliasout = 0; int ret = 1, i, num = 0, badsig = 0, clrext = 0, nocert = 0; int text = 0, serial = 0, subject = 0, issuer = 0, startdate = 0; int checkoffset = 0, enddate = 0; unsigned long nmflag = 0, certflag = 0; OPTION_CHOICE o; ENGINE *e = NULL; #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_MD5 int subject_hash_old = 0, issuer_hash_old = 0; #endif ctx = X509_STORE_new(); if (ctx == NULL) goto end; X509_STORE_set_verify_cb(ctx, callb); prog = opt_init(argc, argv, x509_options); while ((o = opt_next()) != OPT_EOF) { switch (o) { case OPT_EOF: case OPT_ERR: opthelp: BIO_printf(bio_err, "%s: Use -help for summary.\n", prog); goto end; case OPT_HELP: opt_help(x509_options); ret = 0; goto end; case OPT_INFORM: if (!opt_format(opt_arg(), OPT_FMT_ANY, &informat)) goto opthelp; break; case OPT_IN: infile = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_OUTFORM: if (!opt_format(opt_arg(), OPT_FMT_ANY, &outformat)) goto opthelp; break; case OPT_KEYFORM: if (!opt_format(opt_arg(), OPT_FMT_PEMDER, &keyformat)) goto opthelp; break; case OPT_CAFORM: if (!opt_format(opt_arg(), OPT_FMT_PEMDER, &CAformat)) goto opthelp; break; case OPT_CAKEYFORM: if (!opt_format(opt_arg(), OPT_FMT_PEMDER, &CAkeyformat)) goto opthelp; break; case OPT_OUT: outfile = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_REQ: reqfile = need_rand = 1; break; case OPT_SIGOPT: if (!sigopts) sigopts = sk_OPENSSL_STRING_new_null(); if (!sigopts || !sk_OPENSSL_STRING_push(sigopts, opt_arg())) goto opthelp; break; #ifdef OPENSSL_SSL_DEBUG_BROKEN_PROTOCOL case OPT_FORCE_VERSION: force_version = atoi(opt_arg()) - 1; break; #endif case OPT_DAYS: days = atoi(opt_arg()); break; case OPT_PASSIN: passinarg = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_EXTFILE: extfile = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_EXTENSIONS: extsect = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_SIGNKEY: keyfile = opt_arg(); sign_flag = ++num; need_rand = 1; break; case OPT_CA: CAfile = opt_arg(); CA_flag = ++num; need_rand = 1; break; case OPT_CAKEY: CAkeyfile = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_CASERIAL: CAserial = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_SET_SERIAL: if ((sno = s2i_ASN1_INTEGER(NULL, opt_arg())) == NULL) goto opthelp; break; case OPT_FORCE_PUBKEY: fkeyfile = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_ADDTRUST: if ((objtmp = OBJ_txt2obj(opt_arg(), 0)) == NULL) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "%s: Invalid trust object value %s\n", prog, opt_arg()); goto opthelp; } if (trust == NULL && (trust = sk_ASN1_OBJECT_new_null()) == NULL) goto end; sk_ASN1_OBJECT_push(trust, objtmp); trustout = 1; break; case OPT_ADDREJECT: if ((objtmp = OBJ_txt2obj(opt_arg(), 0)) == NULL) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "%s: Invalid reject object value %s\n", prog, opt_arg()); goto opthelp; } if (reject == NULL && (reject = sk_ASN1_OBJECT_new_null()) == NULL) goto end; sk_ASN1_OBJECT_push(reject, objtmp); trustout = 1; break; case OPT_SETALIAS: alias = opt_arg(); trustout = 1; break; case OPT_CERTOPT: if (!set_cert_ex(&certflag, opt_arg())) goto opthelp; break; case OPT_NAMEOPT: if (!set_name_ex(&nmflag, opt_arg())) goto opthelp; break; case OPT_ENGINE: e = setup_engine(opt_arg(), 0); break; case OPT_C: C = ++num; break; case OPT_EMAIL: email = ++num; break; case OPT_OCSP_URI: ocsp_uri = ++num; break; case OPT_SERIAL: serial = ++num; break; case OPT_NEXT_SERIAL: next_serial = ++num; break; case OPT_MODULUS: modulus = ++num; break; case OPT_PUBKEY: pubkey = ++num; break; case OPT_X509TOREQ: x509req = ++num; break; case OPT_TEXT: text = ++num; break; case OPT_SUBJECT: subject = ++num; break; case OPT_ISSUER: issuer = ++num; break; case OPT_FINGERPRINT: fingerprint = ++num; break; case OPT_HASH: subject_hash = ++num; break; case OPT_ISSUER_HASH: issuer_hash = ++num; break; case OPT_PURPOSE: pprint = ++num; break; case OPT_STARTDATE: startdate = ++num; break; case OPT_ENDDATE: enddate = ++num; break; case OPT_NOOUT: noout = ++num; break; case OPT_NOCERT: nocert = 1; break; case OPT_TRUSTOUT: trustout = 1; break; case OPT_CLRTRUST: clrtrust = ++num; break; case OPT_CLRREJECT: clrreject = ++num; break; case OPT_ALIAS: aliasout = ++num; break; case OPT_CACREATESERIAL: CA_createserial = ++num; break; case OPT_CLREXT: clrext = 1; break; case OPT_OCSPID: ocspid = ++num; break; case OPT_BADSIG: badsig = 1; break; #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_MD5 case OPT_SUBJECT_HASH_OLD: subject_hash_old = ++num; break; case OPT_ISSUER_HASH_OLD: issuer_hash_old = ++num; break; #endif case OPT_DATES: startdate = ++num; enddate = ++num; break; case OPT_CHECKEND: checkoffset = atoi(opt_arg()); checkend = 1; break; case OPT_CHECKHOST: checkhost = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_CHECKEMAIL: checkemail = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_CHECKIP: checkip = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_MD: if (!opt_md(opt_unknown(), &digest)) goto opthelp; } } argc = opt_num_rest(); argv = opt_rest(); if (argc != 0) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "%s: Unknown parameter %s\n", prog, argv[0]); goto opthelp; } out = bio_open_default(outfile, "w"); if (out == NULL) goto end; if (need_rand) app_RAND_load_file(NULL, 0); if (!app_passwd(passinarg, NULL, &passin, NULL)) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Error getting password\n"); goto end; } if (!X509_STORE_set_default_paths(ctx)) { ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } if (fkeyfile) { fkey = load_pubkey(fkeyfile, keyformat, 0, NULL, e, "Forced key"); if (fkey == NULL) goto end; } if ((CAkeyfile == NULL) && (CA_flag) && (CAformat == FORMAT_PEM)) { CAkeyfile = CAfile; } else if ((CA_flag) && (CAkeyfile == NULL)) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "need to specify a CAkey if using the CA command\n"); goto end; } if (extfile) { long errorline = -1; X509V3_CTX ctx2; extconf = NCONF_new(NULL); if (!NCONF_load(extconf, extfile, &errorline)) { if (errorline <= 0) BIO_printf(bio_err, "error loading the config file '%s'\n", extfile); else BIO_printf(bio_err, "error on line %ld of config file '%s'\n", errorline, extfile); goto end; } if (!extsect) { extsect = NCONF_get_string(extconf, "default", "extensions"); if (!extsect) { ERR_clear_error(); extsect = "default"; } } X509V3_set_ctx_test(&ctx2); X509V3_set_nconf(&ctx2, extconf); if (!X509V3_EXT_add_nconf(extconf, &ctx2, extsect, NULL)) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Error Loading extension section %s\n", extsect); ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } } if (reqfile) { EVP_PKEY *pkey; BIO *in; if (!sign_flag && !CA_flag) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "We need a private key to sign with\n"); goto end; } in = bio_open_default(infile, "r"); if (in == NULL) goto end; req = PEM_read_bio_X509_REQ(in, NULL, NULL, NULL); BIO_free(in); if (req == NULL) { ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } if ((req->req_info == NULL) || (req->req_info->pubkey == NULL) || (req->req_info->pubkey->public_key == NULL) || (req->req_info->pubkey->public_key->data == NULL)) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "The certificate request appears to corrupted\n"); BIO_printf(bio_err, "It does not contain a public key\n"); goto end; } if ((pkey = X509_REQ_get_pubkey(req)) == NULL) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "error unpacking public key\n"); goto end; } i = X509_REQ_verify(req, pkey); EVP_PKEY_free(pkey); if (i < 0) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Signature verification error\n"); ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } if (i == 0) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Signature did not match the certificate request\n"); goto end; } else BIO_printf(bio_err, "Signature ok\n"); print_name(bio_err, "subject=", X509_REQ_get_subject_name(req), nmflag); if ((x = X509_new()) == NULL) goto end; if (sno == NULL) { sno = ASN1_INTEGER_new(); if (!sno || !rand_serial(NULL, sno)) goto end; if (!X509_set_serialNumber(x, sno)) goto end; ASN1_INTEGER_free(sno); sno = NULL; } else if (!X509_set_serialNumber(x, sno)) goto end; if (!X509_set_issuer_name(x, req->req_info->subject)) goto end; if (!X509_set_subject_name(x, req->req_info->subject)) goto end; X509_gmtime_adj(X509_get_notBefore(x), 0); X509_time_adj_ex(X509_get_notAfter(x), days, 0, NULL); if (fkey) X509_set_pubkey(x, fkey); else { pkey = X509_REQ_get_pubkey(req); X509_set_pubkey(x, pkey); EVP_PKEY_free(pkey); } } else x = load_cert(infile, informat, NULL, e, "Certificate"); if (x == NULL) goto end; if (CA_flag) { xca = load_cert(CAfile, CAformat, NULL, e, "CA Certificate"); if (xca == NULL) goto end; } if (!noout || text || next_serial) { OBJ_create("2.99999.3", "SET.ex3", "SET x509v3 extension 3"); } if (alias) X509_alias_set1(x, (unsigned char *)alias, -1); if (clrtrust) X509_trust_clear(x); if (clrreject) X509_reject_clear(x); if (trust) { for (i = 0; i < sk_ASN1_OBJECT_num(trust); i++) { objtmp = sk_ASN1_OBJECT_value(trust, i); X509_add1_trust_object(x, objtmp); } } if (reject) { for (i = 0; i < sk_ASN1_OBJECT_num(reject); i++) { objtmp = sk_ASN1_OBJECT_value(reject, i); X509_add1_reject_object(x, objtmp); } } if (num) { for (i = 1; i <= num; i++) { if (issuer == i) { print_name(out, "issuer= ", X509_get_issuer_name(x), nmflag); } else if (subject == i) { print_name(out, "subject= ", X509_get_subject_name(x), nmflag); } else if (serial == i) { BIO_printf(out, "serial="); i2a_ASN1_INTEGER(out, X509_get_serialNumber(x)); BIO_printf(out, "\n"); } else if (next_serial == i) { BIGNUM *bnser; ASN1_INTEGER *ser; ser = X509_get_serialNumber(x); bnser = ASN1_INTEGER_to_BN(ser, NULL); if (!bnser) goto end; if (!BN_add_word(bnser, 1)) goto end; ser = BN_to_ASN1_INTEGER(bnser, NULL); if (!ser) goto end; BN_free(bnser); i2a_ASN1_INTEGER(out, ser); ASN1_INTEGER_free(ser); BIO_puts(out, "\n"); } else if ((email == i) || (ocsp_uri == i)) { int j; STACK_OF(OPENSSL_STRING) *emlst; if (email == i) emlst = X509_get1_email(x); else emlst = X509_get1_ocsp(x); for (j = 0; j < sk_OPENSSL_STRING_num(emlst); j++) BIO_printf(out, "%s\n", sk_OPENSSL_STRING_value(emlst, j)); X509_email_free(emlst); } else if (aliasout == i) { unsigned char *alstr; alstr = X509_alias_get0(x, NULL); if (alstr) BIO_printf(out, "%s\n", alstr); else BIO_puts(out, "<No Alias>\n"); } else if (subject_hash == i) { BIO_printf(out, "%08lx\n", X509_subject_name_hash(x)); } #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_MD5 else if (subject_hash_old == i) { BIO_printf(out, "%08lx\n", X509_subject_name_hash_old(x)); } #endif else if (issuer_hash == i) { BIO_printf(out, "%08lx\n", X509_issuer_name_hash(x)); } #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_MD5 else if (issuer_hash_old == i) { BIO_printf(out, "%08lx\n", X509_issuer_name_hash_old(x)); } #endif else if (pprint == i) { X509_PURPOSE *ptmp; int j; BIO_printf(out, "Certificate purposes:\n"); for (j = 0; j < X509_PURPOSE_get_count(); j++) { ptmp = X509_PURPOSE_get0(j); purpose_print(out, x, ptmp); } } else if (modulus == i) { EVP_PKEY *pkey; pkey = X509_get_pubkey(x); if (pkey == NULL) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Modulus=unavailable\n"); ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } BIO_printf(out, "Modulus="); #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RSA if (pkey->type == EVP_PKEY_RSA) BN_print(out, pkey->pkey.rsa->n); else #endif #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_DSA if (pkey->type == EVP_PKEY_DSA) BN_print(out, pkey->pkey.dsa->pub_key); else #endif BIO_printf(out, "Wrong Algorithm type"); BIO_printf(out, "\n"); EVP_PKEY_free(pkey); } else if (pubkey == i) { EVP_PKEY *pkey; pkey = X509_get_pubkey(x); if (pkey == NULL) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Error getting public key\n"); ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } PEM_write_bio_PUBKEY(out, pkey); EVP_PKEY_free(pkey); } else if (C == i) { unsigned char *d; char *m; int len; X509_NAME_oneline(X509_get_subject_name(x), buf, sizeof buf); BIO_printf(out, "/*\n" " * Subject: %s\n", buf); m = X509_NAME_oneline(X509_get_issuer_name(x), buf, sizeof buf); BIO_printf(out, " * Issuer: %s\n" " */\n", buf); len = i2d_X509(x, NULL); m = app_malloc(len, "x509 name buffer"); d = (unsigned char *)m; len = i2d_X509_NAME(X509_get_subject_name(x), &d); print_array(out, "the_subject_name", len, (unsigned char *)m); d = (unsigned char *)m; len = i2d_X509_PUBKEY(X509_get_X509_PUBKEY(x), &d); print_array(out, "the_public_key", len, (unsigned char *)m); d = (unsigned char *)m; len = i2d_X509(x, &d); print_array(out, "the_certificate", len, (unsigned char *)m); OPENSSL_free(m); } else if (text == i) { X509_print_ex(out, x, nmflag, certflag); } else if (startdate == i) { BIO_puts(out, "notBefore="); ASN1_TIME_print(out, X509_get_notBefore(x)); BIO_puts(out, "\n"); } else if (enddate == i) { BIO_puts(out, "notAfter="); ASN1_TIME_print(out, X509_get_notAfter(x)); BIO_puts(out, "\n"); } else if (fingerprint == i) { int j; unsigned int n; unsigned char md[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE]; const EVP_MD *fdig = digest; if (!fdig) fdig = EVP_sha1(); if (!X509_digest(x, fdig, md, &n)) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "out of memory\n"); goto end; } BIO_printf(out, "%s Fingerprint=", OBJ_nid2sn(EVP_MD_type(fdig))); for (j = 0; j < (int)n; j++) { BIO_printf(out, "%02X%c", md[j], (j + 1 == (int)n) ? '\n' : ':'); } } /* should be in the library */ else if ((sign_flag == i) && (x509req == 0)) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Getting Private key\n"); if (Upkey == NULL) { Upkey = load_key(keyfile, keyformat, 0, passin, e, "Private key"); if (Upkey == NULL) goto end; } assert(need_rand); if (!sign(x, Upkey, days, clrext, digest, extconf, extsect)) goto end; } else if (CA_flag == i) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Getting CA Private Key\n"); if (CAkeyfile != NULL) { CApkey = load_key(CAkeyfile, CAkeyformat, 0, passin, e, "CA Private Key"); if (CApkey == NULL) goto end; } assert(need_rand); if (!x509_certify(ctx, CAfile, digest, x, xca, CApkey, sigopts, CAserial, CA_createserial, days, clrext, extconf, extsect, sno, reqfile)) goto end; } else if (x509req == i) { EVP_PKEY *pk; BIO_printf(bio_err, "Getting request Private Key\n"); if (keyfile == NULL) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "no request key file specified\n"); goto end; } else { pk = load_key(keyfile, keyformat, 0, passin, e, "request key"); if (pk == NULL) goto end; } BIO_printf(bio_err, "Generating certificate request\n"); rq = X509_to_X509_REQ(x, pk, digest); EVP_PKEY_free(pk); if (rq == NULL) { ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } if (!noout) { X509_REQ_print(out, rq); PEM_write_bio_X509_REQ(out, rq); } noout = 1; } else if (ocspid == i) { X509_ocspid_print(out, x); } } } if (checkend) { time_t tcheck = time(NULL) + checkoffset; if (X509_cmp_time(X509_get_notAfter(x), &tcheck) < 0) { BIO_printf(out, "Certificate will expire\n"); ret = 1; } else { BIO_printf(out, "Certificate will not expire\n"); ret = 0; } goto end; } print_cert_checks(out, x, checkhost, checkemail, checkip); if (noout || nocert) { ret = 0; goto end; } if (badsig) x->signature->data[x->signature->length - 1] ^= 0x1; if (outformat == FORMAT_ASN1) i = i2d_X509_bio(out, x); else if (outformat == FORMAT_PEM) { if (trustout) i = PEM_write_bio_X509_AUX(out, x); else i = PEM_write_bio_X509(out, x); } else if (outformat == FORMAT_NETSCAPE) { NETSCAPE_X509 nx; ASN1_OCTET_STRING hdr; = (unsigned char *)NETSCAPE_CERT_HDR; hdr.length = strlen(NETSCAPE_CERT_HDR); nx.header = &hdr; nx.cert = x; i = ASN1_item_i2d_bio(ASN1_ITEM_rptr(NETSCAPE_X509), out, &nx); } else { BIO_printf(bio_err, "bad output format specified for outfile\n"); goto end; } if (!i) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "unable to write certificate\n"); ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } ret = 0; end: if (need_rand) app_RAND_write_file(NULL); OBJ_cleanup(); NCONF_free(extconf); BIO_free_all(out); X509_STORE_free(ctx); X509_REQ_free(req); X509_free(x); X509_free(xca); EVP_PKEY_free(Upkey); EVP_PKEY_free(CApkey); EVP_PKEY_free(fkey); sk_OPENSSL_STRING_free(sigopts); X509_REQ_free(rq); ASN1_INTEGER_free(sno); sk_ASN1_OBJECT_pop_free(trust, ASN1_OBJECT_free); sk_ASN1_OBJECT_pop_free(reject, ASN1_OBJECT_free); OPENSSL_free(passin); return (ret); }
int rsautl_main(int argc, char **argv) { BIO *in = NULL, *out = NULL; ENGINE *e = NULL; EVP_PKEY *pkey = NULL; RSA *rsa = NULL; X509 *x; char *infile = NULL, *outfile = NULL, *keyfile = NULL; char *passinarg = NULL, *passin = NULL, *prog; char rsa_mode = RSA_VERIFY, key_type = KEY_PRIVKEY; unsigned char *rsa_in = NULL, *rsa_out = NULL, pad = RSA_PKCS1_PADDING; int rsa_inlen, keyformat = FORMAT_PEM, keysize, ret = 1; int rsa_outlen = 0, hexdump = 0, asn1parse = 0, need_priv = 0, rev = 0; OPTION_CHOICE o; prog = opt_init(argc, argv, rsautl_options); while ((o = opt_next()) != OPT_EOF) { switch (o) { case OPT_EOF: case OPT_ERR: opthelp: BIO_printf(bio_err, "%s: Use -help for summary.\n", prog); goto end; case OPT_HELP: opt_help(rsautl_options); ret = 0; goto end; case OPT_KEYFORM: if (!opt_format(opt_arg(), OPT_FMT_PEMDER, &keyformat)) goto opthelp; break; case OPT_IN: infile = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_OUT: outfile = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_ENGINE: e = setup_engine(opt_arg(), 0); break; case OPT_ASN1PARSE: asn1parse = 1; break; case OPT_HEXDUMP: hexdump = 1; break; case OPT_RAW: pad = RSA_NO_PADDING; break; case OPT_OAEP: pad = RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING; break; case OPT_SSL: pad = RSA_SSLV23_PADDING; break; case OPT_PKCS: pad = RSA_PKCS1_PADDING; break; case OPT_X931: pad = RSA_X931_PADDING; break; case OPT_SIGN: rsa_mode = RSA_SIGN; need_priv = 1; break; case OPT_VERIFY: rsa_mode = RSA_VERIFY; break; case OPT_REV: rev = 1; break; case OPT_ENCRYPT: rsa_mode = RSA_ENCRYPT; break; case OPT_DECRYPT: rsa_mode = RSA_DECRYPT; need_priv = 1; break; case OPT_PUBIN: key_type = KEY_PUBKEY; break; case OPT_CERTIN: key_type = KEY_CERT; break; case OPT_INKEY: keyfile = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_PASSIN: passinarg = opt_arg(); break; } } argc = opt_num_rest(); argv = opt_rest(); if (need_priv && (key_type != KEY_PRIVKEY)) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "A private key is needed for this operation\n"); goto end; } if (!app_passwd(passinarg, NULL, &passin, NULL)) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Error getting password\n"); goto end; } if (!app_load_modules(NULL)) goto end; /* FIXME: seed PRNG only if needed */ app_RAND_load_file(NULL, 0); switch (key_type) { case KEY_PRIVKEY: pkey = load_key(keyfile, keyformat, 0, passin, e, "Private Key"); break; case KEY_PUBKEY: pkey = load_pubkey(keyfile, keyformat, 0, NULL, e, "Public Key"); break; case KEY_CERT: x = load_cert(keyfile, keyformat, NULL, e, "Certificate"); if (x) { pkey = X509_get_pubkey(x); X509_free(x); } break; } if (!pkey) { return 1; } rsa = EVP_PKEY_get1_RSA(pkey); EVP_PKEY_free(pkey); if (!rsa) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Error getting RSA key\n"); ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } in = bio_open_default(infile, 'r', FORMAT_BINARY); if (in == NULL) goto end; out = bio_open_default(outfile, 'w', FORMAT_BINARY); if (out == NULL) goto end; keysize = RSA_size(rsa); rsa_in = app_malloc(keysize * 2, "hold rsa key"); rsa_out = app_malloc(keysize, "output rsa key"); /* Read the input data */ rsa_inlen = BIO_read(in, rsa_in, keysize * 2); if (rsa_inlen <= 0) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Error reading input Data\n"); goto end; } if (rev) { int i; unsigned char ctmp; for (i = 0; i < rsa_inlen / 2; i++) { ctmp = rsa_in[i]; rsa_in[i] = rsa_in[rsa_inlen - 1 - i]; rsa_in[rsa_inlen - 1 - i] = ctmp; } } switch (rsa_mode) { case RSA_VERIFY: rsa_outlen = RSA_public_decrypt(rsa_inlen, rsa_in, rsa_out, rsa, pad); break; case RSA_SIGN: rsa_outlen = RSA_private_encrypt(rsa_inlen, rsa_in, rsa_out, rsa, pad); break; case RSA_ENCRYPT: rsa_outlen = RSA_public_encrypt(rsa_inlen, rsa_in, rsa_out, rsa, pad); break; case RSA_DECRYPT: rsa_outlen = RSA_private_decrypt(rsa_inlen, rsa_in, rsa_out, rsa, pad); break; } if (rsa_outlen <= 0) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "RSA operation error\n"); ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } ret = 0; if (asn1parse) { if (!ASN1_parse_dump(out, rsa_out, rsa_outlen, 1, -1)) { ERR_print_errors(bio_err); } } else if (hexdump) BIO_dump(out, (char *)rsa_out, rsa_outlen); else BIO_write(out, rsa_out, rsa_outlen); end: RSA_free(rsa); BIO_free(in); BIO_free_all(out); OPENSSL_free(rsa_in); OPENSSL_free(rsa_out); OPENSSL_free(passin); return ret; }
static int do_accept(int acc_sock, int *sock, char **host) { int ret; struct hostent *h1, *h2; static struct sockaddr_in from; int len; /* struct linger ling; */ if (!ssl_sock_init()) return (0); # ifndef OPENSSL_SYS_WINDOWS redoit: # endif memset(&from, 0, sizeof(from)); len = sizeof(from); /* * Note: under VMS with SOCKETSHR the fourth parameter is currently of * type (int *) whereas under other systems it is (void *) if you don't * have a cast it will choke the compiler: if you do have a cast then you * can either go for (int *) or (void *). */ ret = accept(acc_sock, (struct sockaddr *)&from, (void *)&len); if (ret == INVALID_SOCKET) { # if defined(OPENSSL_SYS_WINDOWS) || (defined(OPENSSL_SYS_NETWARE) && !defined(NETWARE_BSDSOCK)) int i; i = WSAGetLastError(); BIO_printf(bio_err, "accept error %d\n", i); # else if (errno == EINTR) { /* * check_timeout(); */ goto redoit; } BIO_printf(bio_err, "accept errno=%d, %s\n", errno, strerror(errno)); # endif return (0); } if (host == NULL) goto end; # ifndef BIT_FIELD_LIMITS /* I should use WSAAsyncGetHostByName() under windows */ h1 = gethostbyaddr((char *)&from.sin_addr.s_addr, sizeof(from.sin_addr.s_addr), AF_INET); # else h1 = gethostbyaddr((char *)&from.sin_addr, sizeof(struct in_addr), AF_INET); # endif if (h1 == NULL) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "bad gethostbyaddr\n"); *host = NULL; /* return(0); */ } else { *host = app_malloc(strlen(h1->h_name) + 1, "copy hostname"); BUF_strlcpy(*host, h1->h_name, strlen(h1->h_name) + 1); h2 = gethostbyname(*host); if (h2 == NULL) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "gethostbyname failure\n"); closesocket(ret); return (0); } if (h2->h_addrtype != AF_INET) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "gethostbyname addr is not AF_INET\n"); closesocket(ret); return (0); } } end: *sock = ret; return (1); }
int dhparam_main(int argc, char **argv) { BIO *in = NULL, *out = NULL; DH *dh = NULL; char *infile = NULL, *outfile = NULL, *prog, *inrand = NULL; #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_DSA int dsaparam = 0; #endif int i, text = 0, C = 0, ret = 1, num = 0, g = 0; int informat = FORMAT_PEM, outformat = FORMAT_PEM, check = 0, noout = 0; OPTION_CHOICE o; prog = opt_init(argc, argv, dhparam_options); while ((o = opt_next()) != OPT_EOF) { switch (o) { case OPT_EOF: case OPT_ERR: opthelp: BIO_printf(bio_err, "%s: Use -help for summary.\n", prog); goto end; case OPT_HELP: opt_help(dhparam_options); ret = 0; goto end; case OPT_INFORM: if (!opt_format(opt_arg(), OPT_FMT_PEMDER, &informat)) goto opthelp; break; case OPT_OUTFORM: if (!opt_format(opt_arg(), OPT_FMT_PEMDER, &outformat)) goto opthelp; break; case OPT_IN: infile = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_OUT: outfile = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_ENGINE: (void)setup_engine(opt_arg(), 0); break; case OPT_CHECK: check = 1; break; case OPT_TEXT: text = 1; break; case OPT_DSAPARAM: #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_DSA dsaparam = 1; #endif break; case OPT_C: C = 1; break; case OPT_2: g = 2; break; case OPT_5: g = 5; break; case OPT_NOOUT: noout = 1; break; case OPT_RAND: inrand = opt_arg(); break; } } argc = opt_num_rest(); argv = opt_rest(); if (argv[0] && (!opt_int(argv[0], &num) || num <= 0)) goto end; if (g && !num) num = DEFBITS; # ifndef OPENSSL_NO_DSA if (dsaparam && g) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "generator may not be chosen for DSA parameters\n"); goto end; } # endif /* DH parameters */ if (num && !g) g = 2; if (num) { BN_GENCB *cb; cb = BN_GENCB_new(); if (cb == NULL) { ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } BN_GENCB_set(cb, dh_cb, bio_err); if (!app_RAND_load_file(NULL, 1) && inrand == NULL) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "warning, not much extra random data, consider using the -rand option\n"); } if (inrand != NULL) BIO_printf(bio_err, "%ld semi-random bytes loaded\n", app_RAND_load_files(inrand)); # ifndef OPENSSL_NO_DSA if (dsaparam) { DSA *dsa = DSA_new(); BIO_printf(bio_err, "Generating DSA parameters, %d bit long prime\n", num); if (dsa == NULL || !DSA_generate_parameters_ex(dsa, num, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, cb)) { DSA_free(dsa); BN_GENCB_free(cb); ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } dh = DSA_dup_DH(dsa); DSA_free(dsa); if (dh == NULL) { BN_GENCB_free(cb); ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } } else # endif { dh = DH_new(); BIO_printf(bio_err, "Generating DH parameters, %d bit long safe prime, generator %d\n", num, g); BIO_printf(bio_err, "This is going to take a long time\n"); if (dh == NULL || !DH_generate_parameters_ex(dh, num, g, cb)) { BN_GENCB_free(cb); ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } } BN_GENCB_free(cb); app_RAND_write_file(NULL); } else { in = bio_open_default(infile, 'r', informat); if (in == NULL) goto end; # ifndef OPENSSL_NO_DSA if (dsaparam) { DSA *dsa; if (informat == FORMAT_ASN1) dsa = d2i_DSAparams_bio(in, NULL); else /* informat == FORMAT_PEM */ dsa = PEM_read_bio_DSAparams(in, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (dsa == NULL) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "unable to load DSA parameters\n"); ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } dh = DSA_dup_DH(dsa); DSA_free(dsa); if (dh == NULL) { ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } } else # endif { if (informat == FORMAT_ASN1) dh = d2i_DHparams_bio(in, NULL); else /* informat == FORMAT_PEM */ dh = PEM_read_bio_DHparams(in, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (dh == NULL) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "unable to load DH parameters\n"); ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } } /* dh != NULL */ } out = bio_open_default(outfile, 'w', outformat); if (out == NULL) goto end; if (text) { DHparams_print(out, dh); } if (check) { if (!DH_check(dh, &i)) { ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } if (i & DH_CHECK_P_NOT_PRIME) printf("p value is not prime\n"); if (i & DH_CHECK_P_NOT_SAFE_PRIME) printf("p value is not a safe prime\n"); if (i & DH_UNABLE_TO_CHECK_GENERATOR) printf("unable to check the generator value\n"); if (i & DH_NOT_SUITABLE_GENERATOR) printf("the g value is not a generator\n"); if (i == 0) printf("DH parameters appear to be ok.\n"); } if (C) { unsigned char *data; int len, bits; len = BN_num_bytes(dh->p); bits = BN_num_bits(dh->p); data = app_malloc(len, "print a BN"); BIO_printf(out, "#ifndef HEADER_DH_H\n" "# include <openssl/dh.h>\n" "#endif\n" "\n"); BIO_printf(out, "DH *get_dh%d()\n{\n", bits); print_bignum_var(out, dh->p, "dhp", bits, data); print_bignum_var(out, dh->g, "dhg", bits, data); BIO_printf(out, " DH *dh = DN_new();\n" "\n" " if (dh == NULL)\n" " return NULL;\n"); BIO_printf(out, " dh->p = BN_bin2bn(dhp_%d, sizeof (dhp_%d), NULL);\n", bits, bits); BIO_printf(out, " dh->g = BN_bin2bn(dhg_%d, sizeof (dhg_%d), NULL);\n", bits, bits); BIO_printf(out, " if (!dh->p || !dh->g) {\n" " DH_free(dh);\n" " return NULL;\n" " }\n"); if (dh->length) BIO_printf(out, " dh->length = %ld;\n", dh->length); BIO_printf(out, " return dh;\n}\n"); OPENSSL_free(data); } if (!noout) { if (outformat == FORMAT_ASN1) i = i2d_DHparams_bio(out, dh); else if (dh->q) i = PEM_write_bio_DHxparams(out, dh); else i = PEM_write_bio_DHparams(out, dh); if (!i) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "unable to write DH parameters\n"); ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } } ret = 0; end: BIO_free(in); BIO_free_all(out); DH_free(dh); return (ret); }
/* * Loop spawning up to `multi` child processes, only child processes return * from this function. The parent process loops until receiving a termination * signal, kills extant children and exits without returning. */ static void spawn_loop(void) { pid_t *kidpids = NULL; int status; int procs = 0; int i; openlog(prog, LOG_PID, LOG_DAEMON); if (setpgid(0, 0)) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "fatal: error detaching from parent process group: %s", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } kidpids = app_malloc(multi * sizeof(*kidpids), "child PID array"); for (i = 0; i < multi; ++i) kidpids[i] = 0; signal(SIGINT, noteterm); signal(SIGTERM, noteterm); while (termsig == 0) { pid_t fpid; /* * Wait for a child to replace when we're at the limit. * Slow down if a child exited abnormally or waitpid() < 0 */ while (termsig == 0 && procs >= multi) { if ((fpid = waitpid(-1, &status, 0)) > 0) { for (i = 0; i < procs; ++i) { if (kidpids[i] == fpid) { kidpids[i] = 0; --procs; break; } } if (i >= multi) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "fatal: internal error: " "no matching child slot for pid: %ld", (long) fpid); killall(1, kidpids); } if (status != 0) { if (WIFEXITED(status)) syslog(LOG_WARNING, "child process: %ld, exit status: %d", (long)fpid, WEXITSTATUS(status)); else if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) syslog(LOG_WARNING, "child process: %ld, term signal %d%s", (long)fpid, WTERMSIG(status), #ifdef WCOREDUMP WCOREDUMP(status) ? " (core dumped)" : #endif ""); sleep(1); } break; } else if (errno != EINTR) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "fatal: waitpid(): %s", strerror(errno)); killall(1, kidpids); } } if (termsig) break; switch(fpid = fork()) { case -1: /* error */ /* System critically low on memory, pause and try again later */ sleep(30); break; case 0: /* child */ OPENSSL_free(kidpids); signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL); signal(SIGTERM, SIG_DFL); if (termsig) _exit(0); if (RAND_poll() <= 0) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "fatal: RAND_poll() failed"); _exit(1); } return; default: /* parent */ for (i = 0; i < multi; ++i) { if (kidpids[i] == 0) { kidpids[i] = fpid; procs++; break; } } if (i >= multi) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "fatal: internal error: no free child slots"); killall(1, kidpids); } break; } } /* The loop above can only break on termsig */ syslog(LOG_INFO, "terminating on signal: %d", termsig); killall(0, kidpids); }
int srp_main(int argc, char **argv) { CA_DB *db = NULL; DB_ATTR db_attr; CONF *conf = NULL; int gNindex = -1, maxgN = -1, ret = 1, errors = 0, verbose = 0, i, doupdatedb = 0; int mode = OPT_ERR; char *user = NULL, *passinarg = NULL, *passoutarg = NULL; char *passin = NULL, *passout = NULL, *gN = NULL, *userinfo = NULL; char *randfile = NULL, *tofree = NULL, *section = NULL; char **gNrow = NULL, *configfile = NULL, *dbfile = NULL, **pp, *prog; long errorline = -1; OPTION_CHOICE o; prog = opt_init(argc, argv, srp_options); while ((o = opt_next()) != OPT_EOF) { switch (o) { case OPT_EOF: case OPT_ERR: opthelp: BIO_printf(bio_err, "%s: Use -help for summary.\n", prog); goto end; case OPT_HELP: opt_help(srp_options); ret = 0; goto end; case OPT_VERBOSE: verbose++; break; case OPT_CONFIG: configfile = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_NAME: section = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_SRPVFILE: dbfile = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_ADD: case OPT_DELETE: case OPT_MODIFY: case OPT_LIST: if (mode != OPT_ERR) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "%s: Only one of -add/delete-modify/-list\n", prog); goto opthelp; } mode = o; break; case OPT_GN: gN = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_USERINFO: userinfo = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_PASSIN: passinarg = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_PASSOUT: passoutarg = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_ENGINE: (void)setup_engine(opt_arg(), 0); break; } } argc = opt_num_rest(); argv = opt_rest(); if (dbfile && configfile) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "-dbfile and -configfile cannot be specified together.\n"); goto end; } if (mode == OPT_ERR) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Exactly one of the options -add, -delete, -modify -list must be specified.\n"); goto opthelp; } if ((mode == OPT_DELETE || mode == OPT_MODIFY || mode == OPT_ADD) && argc < 1) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Need at least one user for options -add, -delete, -modify. \n"); goto opthelp; } if ((passin || passout) && argc != 1) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "-passin, -passout arguments only valid with one user.\n"); goto opthelp; } if (!app_passwd(passinarg, passoutarg, &passin, &passout)) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Error getting passwords\n"); goto end; } if (!dbfile) { /*****************************************************************/ tofree = NULL; if (configfile == NULL) configfile = getenv("OPENSSL_CONF"); if (configfile == NULL) configfile = getenv("SSLEAY_CONF"); if (configfile == NULL) { const char *s = X509_get_default_cert_area(); size_t len = strlen(s) + 1 + sizeof(CONFIG_FILE); tofree = app_malloc(len, "config filename space"); # ifdef OPENSSL_SYS_VMS strcpy(tofree, s); # else BUF_strlcpy(tofree, s, len); BUF_strlcat(tofree, "/", len); # endif BUF_strlcat(tofree, CONFIG_FILE, len); configfile = tofree; } if (verbose) BIO_printf(bio_err, "Using configuration from %s\n", configfile); conf = NCONF_new(NULL); if (NCONF_load(conf, configfile, &errorline) <= 0) { if (errorline <= 0) BIO_printf(bio_err, "error loading the config file '%s'\n", configfile); else BIO_printf(bio_err, "error on line %ld of config file '%s'\n", errorline, configfile); goto end; } OPENSSL_free(tofree); tofree = NULL; /* Lets get the config section we are using */ if (section == NULL) { if (verbose) BIO_printf(bio_err, "trying to read " ENV_DEFAULT_SRP " in \" BASE_SECTION \"\n"); section = NCONF_get_string(conf, BASE_SECTION, ENV_DEFAULT_SRP); if (section == NULL) { lookup_fail(BASE_SECTION, ENV_DEFAULT_SRP); goto end; } } if (randfile == NULL && conf) randfile = NCONF_get_string(conf, BASE_SECTION, "RANDFILE"); if (verbose) BIO_printf(bio_err, "trying to read " ENV_DATABASE " in section \"%s\"\n", section); if ((dbfile = NCONF_get_string(conf, section, ENV_DATABASE)) == NULL) { lookup_fail(section, ENV_DATABASE); goto end; } } if (randfile == NULL) ERR_clear_error(); else app_RAND_load_file(randfile, 0); if (verbose) BIO_printf(bio_err, "Trying to read SRP verifier file \"%s\"\n", dbfile); db = load_index(dbfile, &db_attr); if (db == NULL) goto end; /* Lets check some fields */ for (i = 0; i < sk_OPENSSL_PSTRING_num(db->db->data); i++) { pp = sk_OPENSSL_PSTRING_value(db->db->data, i); if (pp[DB_srptype][0] == DB_SRP_INDEX) { maxgN = i; if ((gNindex < 0) && (gN != NULL) && strcmp(gN, pp[DB_srpid]) == 0) gNindex = i; print_index(db, i, verbose > 1); } } if (verbose) BIO_printf(bio_err, "Database initialised\n"); if (gNindex >= 0) { gNrow = sk_OPENSSL_PSTRING_value(db->db->data, gNindex); print_entry(db, gNindex, verbose > 1, "Default g and N"); } else if (maxgN > 0 && !SRP_get_default_gN(gN)) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "No g and N value for index \"%s\"\n", gN); goto end; } else { if (verbose) BIO_printf(bio_err, "Database has no g N information.\n"); gNrow = NULL; } if (verbose > 1) BIO_printf(bio_err, "Starting user processing\n"); if (argc > 0) user = *(argv++); while (mode == OPT_LIST || user) { int userindex = -1; if (user) if (verbose > 1) BIO_printf(bio_err, "Processing user \"%s\"\n", user); if ((userindex = get_index(db, user, 'U')) >= 0) { print_user(db, userindex, (verbose > 0) || mode == OPT_LIST); } if (mode == OPT_LIST) { if (user == NULL) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "List all users\n"); for (i = 0; i < sk_OPENSSL_PSTRING_num(db->db->data); i++) { print_user(db, i, 1); } } else if (userindex < 0) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "user \"%s\" does not exist, ignored. t\n", user); errors++; } } else if (mode == OPT_ADD) { if (userindex >= 0) { /* reactivation of a new user */ char **row = sk_OPENSSL_PSTRING_value(db->db->data, userindex); BIO_printf(bio_err, "user \"%s\" reactivated.\n", user); row[DB_srptype][0] = 'V'; doupdatedb = 1; } else { char *row[DB_NUMBER]; char *gNid; row[DB_srpverifier] = NULL; row[DB_srpsalt] = NULL; row[DB_srpinfo] = NULL; if (! (gNid = srp_create_user(user, &(row[DB_srpverifier]), &(row[DB_srpsalt]), gNrow ? gNrow[DB_srpsalt] : gN, gNrow ? gNrow[DB_srpverifier] : NULL, passout, verbose))) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Cannot create srp verifier for user \"%s\", operation abandoned .\n", user); errors++; goto end; } row[DB_srpid] = BUF_strdup(user); row[DB_srptype] = BUF_strdup("v"); row[DB_srpgN] = BUF_strdup(gNid); if ((row[DB_srpid] == NULL) || (row[DB_srpgN] == NULL) || (row[DB_srptype] == NULL) || (row[DB_srpverifier] == NULL) || (row[DB_srpsalt] == NULL) || (userinfo && ((row[DB_srpinfo] = BUF_strdup(userinfo)) == NULL)) || !update_index(db, row)) { OPENSSL_free(row[DB_srpid]); OPENSSL_free(row[DB_srpgN]); OPENSSL_free(row[DB_srpinfo]); OPENSSL_free(row[DB_srptype]); OPENSSL_free(row[DB_srpverifier]); OPENSSL_free(row[DB_srpsalt]); goto end; } doupdatedb = 1; } } else if (mode == OPT_MODIFY) { if (userindex < 0) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "user \"%s\" does not exist, operation ignored.\n", user); errors++; } else { char **row = sk_OPENSSL_PSTRING_value(db->db->data, userindex); char type = row[DB_srptype][0]; if (type == 'v') { BIO_printf(bio_err, "user \"%s\" already updated, operation ignored.\n", user); errors++; } else { char *gNid; if (row[DB_srptype][0] == 'V') { int user_gN; char **irow = NULL; if (verbose) BIO_printf(bio_err, "Verifying password for user \"%s\"\n", user); if ((user_gN = get_index(db, row[DB_srpgN], DB_SRP_INDEX)) >= 0) irow = sk_OPENSSL_PSTRING_value(db->db->data, userindex); if (!srp_verify_user (user, row[DB_srpverifier], row[DB_srpsalt], irow ? irow[DB_srpsalt] : row[DB_srpgN], irow ? irow[DB_srpverifier] : NULL, passin, verbose)) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Invalid password for user \"%s\", operation abandoned.\n", user); errors++; goto end; } } if (verbose) BIO_printf(bio_err, "Password for user \"%s\" ok.\n", user); if (! (gNid = srp_create_user(user, &(row[DB_srpverifier]), &(row[DB_srpsalt]), gNrow ? gNrow[DB_srpsalt] : NULL, gNrow ? gNrow[DB_srpverifier] : NULL, passout, verbose))) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Cannot create srp verifier for user \"%s\", operation abandoned.\n", user); errors++; goto end; } row[DB_srptype][0] = 'v'; row[DB_srpgN] = BUF_strdup(gNid); if (row[DB_srpid] == NULL || row[DB_srpgN] == NULL || row[DB_srptype] == NULL || row[DB_srpverifier] == NULL || row[DB_srpsalt] == NULL || (userinfo && ((row[DB_srpinfo] = BUF_strdup(userinfo)) == NULL))) goto end; doupdatedb = 1; } } } else if (mode == OPT_DELETE) { if (userindex < 0) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "user \"%s\" does not exist, operation ignored. t\n", user); errors++; } else { char **xpp = sk_OPENSSL_PSTRING_value(db->db->data, userindex); BIO_printf(bio_err, "user \"%s\" revoked. t\n", user); xpp[DB_srptype][0] = 'R'; doupdatedb = 1; } } if (--argc > 0) user = *(argv++); else { user = NULL; } } if (verbose) BIO_printf(bio_err, "User procession done.\n"); if (doupdatedb) { /* Lets check some fields */ for (i = 0; i < sk_OPENSSL_PSTRING_num(db->db->data); i++) { pp = sk_OPENSSL_PSTRING_value(db->db->data, i); if (pp[DB_srptype][0] == 'v') { pp[DB_srptype][0] = 'V'; print_user(db, i, verbose); } } if (verbose) BIO_printf(bio_err, "Trying to update srpvfile.\n"); if (!save_index(dbfile, "new", db)) goto end; if (verbose) BIO_printf(bio_err, "Temporary srpvfile created.\n"); if (!rotate_index(dbfile, "new", "old")) goto end; if (verbose) BIO_printf(bio_err, "srpvfile updated.\n"); } ret = (errors != 0); end: if (errors != 0) if (verbose) BIO_printf(bio_err, "User errors %d.\n", errors); if (verbose) BIO_printf(bio_err, "SRP terminating with code %d.\n", ret); OPENSSL_free(tofree); if (ret) ERR_print_errors(bio_err); if (randfile) app_RAND_write_file(randfile); NCONF_free(conf); free_index(db); OBJ_cleanup(); return (ret); }
/* *func:计算给定字符串text 在给定宽度内以自动断行的方式 * 能输出多少行,并返回每一行的指针 *gc[IN]:字符输出的系统环境 *width[IN]:给定宽度 *lang[IN]:文本本地化代码标志 *text[IN]:给定字符串 *len[IN]:给定字符串的字节长 *max_line[IN]:给定的最大可输出行数,即line_len的数组大小,防止越界,请注意不能小于2 *line_from[IN,OUT]:需要外部分配内存后传入,用于返回各行的字符串在 给定字符串text :中的索引,若为NULL,表示 不需要返回字节长度 *line_len[IN,OUT]:需要外部分配内存后传入,用于返回各行的字符串字节长度 :若为NULL,表示 不需要返回字节长度 *line_width[IN,OUT]:用于返回各行的字符串输出的实际宽度, 需要外部分配提供,大小同line_len,如果为NULL,表示不需要返回宽度 *返回:能输出的行数,-1为出错 *常用用法:1 . 获取字符串能输出的行数 lines = utf32GetTextExWordBreakLines(gc,screenwidth,lang,pStr,strlen(pStr),100,NULL,NULL,NULL); 2 . 获取字符串能输出的行数及各行的信息(长度、位置) int *line_from = malloc(100); int *line_len = malloc(100); lines = utf32GetTextExWordBreakLines(gc,screenwidth,lang,pStr,strlen(pStr),100,line_from,line_len,NULL); for(i=0;i<lines;i++) drawText(gc,pStr+line_from[i],line_len[i]); */ int utf32GetTextExWordBreakLines(GR_GC_ID gc, GR_SIZE width,const char* lang, const char *text, size_t len, int max_line,int line_from[],int line_len[],int line_width[]) { GR_SIZE w, h, b; GR_SIZE last_w;//当前字符宽度超过给定宽度时,用于回退到上一次小于给定宽度时的宽度 char *brks;//保存各字节能否break的信息 int i; int line_start;//每行行首所在(相对于整个字符串) int last_word;//上一次字符串宽度小于给定宽度时的那个字符所在 int line_count = 0;//可输出行数 int word_locate; int wordcount = len/4;//字符个数 const char *text_lang; NxGetGCTextSize(gc, text, len, MWTF_UC32, &w, &h, &b); if (w <= width) {//不够输出一行 if(line_len){ line_len[line_count] = len; } if(line_from){ line_from[line_count] = 0; } if(line_width){ line_width[line_count] = w; } line_count = 1; return line_count; } brks = app_malloc(wordcount); if (brks == NULL) return -1; text_lang = get_text_lang(UTF32LE, text, len); /* Show the breaking points */ set_linebreaks_utf32(text, wordcount, text_lang, brks); line_start = 0; last_word = 0; for (i = 1; i <= wordcount; i++) { switch (brks[i-1]) { case LINEBREAK_MUSTBREAK: case LINEBREAK_ALLOWBREAK: NxGetGCTextSize(gc, text + 4*line_start, 4*(i - line_start), MWTF_UC32, &w, &h, &b); if (w > width) { if (last_word > line_start) { if (w - last_w > width) { int partial_len; GR_SIZE partial_w; partial_len = locate_word_to_fit(gc, width - last_w, text + 4*last_word, 4*(i - last_word), &partial_w); partial_len /= 4; last_word += partial_len; last_w += partial_w; } if(line_len){ line_len[line_count] = 4*(last_word - line_start); } if(line_from){ line_from[line_count] = 4*(line_start); } if(line_width){ line_width[line_count] = last_w; } line_count++; line_start = last_word; w = w - last_w; if(line_count>=max_line){ app_free(brks); return line_count; } } /* too long word */ while (w > width) { word_locate = locate_word_to_fit(gc, width, text + 4*line_start, 4*(i - line_start), &last_w); word_locate /= 4; if(line_len){ line_len[line_count] = 4*word_locate;//locate_word_to_fit(gc, width, text + line_start, i - line_start, &last_w); } if(line_from){ line_from[line_count] = 4*line_start; } if(line_width){ line_width[line_count] = last_w; } line_start += word_locate; line_count++; w = w - last_w; if(line_count>=max_line){ app_free(brks); return line_count; } } } if (brks[i-1] == LINEBREAK_MUSTBREAK || w == width) { if(line_len){ line_len[line_count] = 4*(i - line_start); } if(line_from){ line_from[line_count] = 4*(line_start); } if(line_width){ line_width[line_count] = w; } line_count++; line_start = i; last_word = line_start; last_w = 0; if(line_count>=max_line){ app_free(brks); return line_count; } } else { last_word = i; last_w = w; } break; } } if (line_start < wordcount) { if(line_count>=max_line){ app_free(brks); return line_count; } if(line_len){ line_len[line_count] = 4*(wordcount - line_start); } if(line_from){ line_from[line_count] = 4*line_start; } if(line_width){ line_width[line_count] = w; } line_count++; } app_free(brks); return line_count; }
int cms_main(int argc, char **argv) { ASN1_OBJECT *econtent_type = NULL; BIO *in = NULL, *out = NULL, *indata = NULL, *rctin = NULL; CMS_ContentInfo *cms = NULL, *rcms = NULL; CMS_ReceiptRequest *rr = NULL; ENGINE *e = NULL; EVP_PKEY *key = NULL; const EVP_CIPHER *cipher = NULL, *wrap_cipher = NULL; const EVP_MD *sign_md = NULL; STACK_OF(OPENSSL_STRING) *rr_to = NULL, *rr_from = NULL; STACK_OF(OPENSSL_STRING) *sksigners = NULL, *skkeys = NULL; STACK_OF(X509) *encerts = NULL, *other = NULL; X509 *cert = NULL, *recip = NULL, *signer = NULL; X509_STORE *store = NULL; X509_VERIFY_PARAM *vpm = NULL; char *certfile = NULL, *keyfile = NULL, *contfile = NULL; const char *CAfile = NULL, *CApath = NULL; char *certsoutfile = NULL; int noCAfile = 0, noCApath = 0; char *infile = NULL, *outfile = NULL, *rctfile = NULL, *inrand = NULL; char *passinarg = NULL, *passin = NULL, *signerfile = NULL, *recipfile = NULL; char *to = NULL, *from = NULL, *subject = NULL, *prog; cms_key_param *key_first = NULL, *key_param = NULL; int flags = CMS_DETACHED, noout = 0, print = 0, keyidx = -1, vpmtouched = 0; int informat = FORMAT_SMIME, outformat = FORMAT_SMIME; int need_rand = 0, operation = 0, ret = 1, rr_print = 0, rr_allorfirst = -1; int verify_retcode = 0, rctformat = FORMAT_SMIME, keyform = FORMAT_PEM; size_t secret_keylen = 0, secret_keyidlen = 0; unsigned char *pwri_pass = NULL, *pwri_tmp = NULL; unsigned char *secret_key = NULL, *secret_keyid = NULL; long ltmp; const char *mime_eol = "\n"; OPTION_CHOICE o; if ((vpm = X509_VERIFY_PARAM_new()) == NULL) return 1; prog = opt_init(argc, argv, cms_options); while ((o = opt_next()) != OPT_EOF) { switch (o) { case OPT_EOF: case OPT_ERR: opthelp: BIO_printf(bio_err, "%s: Use -help for summary.\n", prog); goto end; case OPT_HELP: opt_help(cms_options); ret = 0; goto end; case OPT_INFORM: if (!opt_format(opt_arg(), OPT_FMT_PDS, &informat)) goto opthelp; break; case OPT_OUTFORM: if (!opt_format(opt_arg(), OPT_FMT_PDS, &outformat)) goto opthelp; break; case OPT_OUT: outfile = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_ENCRYPT: operation = SMIME_ENCRYPT; break; case OPT_DECRYPT: operation = SMIME_DECRYPT; break; case OPT_SIGN: operation = SMIME_SIGN; break; case OPT_SIGN_RECEIPT: operation = SMIME_SIGN_RECEIPT; break; case OPT_RESIGN: operation = SMIME_RESIGN; break; case OPT_VERIFY: operation = SMIME_VERIFY; break; case OPT_VERIFY_RETCODE: verify_retcode = 1; break; case OPT_VERIFY_RECEIPT: operation = SMIME_VERIFY_RECEIPT; rctfile = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_CMSOUT: operation = SMIME_CMSOUT; break; case OPT_DATA_OUT: operation = SMIME_DATAOUT; break; case OPT_DATA_CREATE: operation = SMIME_DATA_CREATE; break; case OPT_DIGEST_VERIFY: operation = SMIME_DIGEST_VERIFY; break; case OPT_DIGEST_CREATE: operation = SMIME_DIGEST_CREATE; break; case OPT_COMPRESS: operation = SMIME_COMPRESS; break; case OPT_UNCOMPRESS: operation = SMIME_UNCOMPRESS; break; case OPT_ED_DECRYPT: operation = SMIME_ENCRYPTED_DECRYPT; break; case OPT_ED_ENCRYPT: operation = SMIME_ENCRYPTED_ENCRYPT; break; case OPT_DEBUG_DECRYPT: flags |= CMS_DEBUG_DECRYPT; break; case OPT_TEXT: flags |= CMS_TEXT; break; case OPT_ASCIICRLF: flags |= CMS_ASCIICRLF; break; case OPT_NOINTERN: flags |= CMS_NOINTERN; break; case OPT_NOVERIFY: flags |= CMS_NO_SIGNER_CERT_VERIFY; break; case OPT_NOCERTS: flags |= CMS_NOCERTS; break; case OPT_NOATTR: flags |= CMS_NOATTR; break; case OPT_NODETACH: flags &= ~CMS_DETACHED; break; case OPT_NOSMIMECAP: flags |= CMS_NOSMIMECAP; break; case OPT_BINARY: flags |= CMS_BINARY; break; case OPT_KEYID: flags |= CMS_USE_KEYID; break; case OPT_NOSIGS: flags |= CMS_NOSIGS; break; case OPT_NO_CONTENT_VERIFY: flags |= CMS_NO_CONTENT_VERIFY; break; case OPT_NO_ATTR_VERIFY: flags |= CMS_NO_ATTR_VERIFY; break; case OPT_INDEF: flags |= CMS_STREAM; break; case OPT_NOINDEF: flags &= ~CMS_STREAM; break; case OPT_NOOLDMIME: flags |= CMS_NOOLDMIMETYPE; break; case OPT_CRLFEOL: mime_eol = "\r\n"; flags |= CMS_CRLFEOL; break; case OPT_NOOUT: noout = 1; break; case OPT_RR_PRINT: rr_print = 1; break; case OPT_RR_ALL: rr_allorfirst = 0; break; case OPT_RR_FIRST: rr_allorfirst = 1; break; case OPT_RCTFORM: if (rctformat == FORMAT_SMIME) rcms = SMIME_read_CMS(rctin, NULL); else if (rctformat == FORMAT_PEM) rcms = PEM_read_bio_CMS(rctin, NULL, NULL, NULL); else if (rctformat == FORMAT_ASN1) if (!opt_format(opt_arg(), OPT_FMT_PEMDER | OPT_FMT_SMIME, &rctformat)) goto opthelp; break; case OPT_CERTFILE: certfile = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_CAFILE: CAfile = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_CAPATH: CApath = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_NOCAFILE: noCAfile = 1; break; case OPT_NOCAPATH: noCApath = 1; break; case OPT_IN: infile = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_CONTENT: contfile = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_RR_FROM: if (rr_from == NULL && (rr_from = sk_OPENSSL_STRING_new_null()) == NULL) goto end; sk_OPENSSL_STRING_push(rr_from, opt_arg()); break; case OPT_RR_TO: if (rr_to == NULL && (rr_to = sk_OPENSSL_STRING_new_null()) == NULL) goto end; sk_OPENSSL_STRING_push(rr_to, opt_arg()); break; case OPT_PRINT: noout = print = 1; break; case OPT_SECRETKEY: secret_key = OPENSSL_hexstr2buf(opt_arg(), <mp); if (secret_key == NULL) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Invalid key %s\n", opt_arg()); goto end; } secret_keylen = (size_t)ltmp; break; case OPT_SECRETKEYID: secret_keyid = OPENSSL_hexstr2buf(opt_arg(), <mp); if (secret_keyid == NULL) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Invalid id %s\n", opt_arg()); goto opthelp; } secret_keyidlen = (size_t)ltmp; break; case OPT_PWRI_PASSWORD: pwri_pass = (unsigned char *)opt_arg(); break; case OPT_ECONTENT_TYPE: econtent_type = OBJ_txt2obj(opt_arg(), 0); if (econtent_type == NULL) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Invalid OID %s\n", opt_arg()); goto opthelp; } break; case OPT_RAND: inrand = opt_arg(); need_rand = 1; break; case OPT_ENGINE: e = setup_engine(opt_arg(), 0); break; case OPT_PASSIN: passinarg = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_TO: to = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_FROM: from = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_SUBJECT: subject = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_CERTSOUT: certsoutfile = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_MD: if (!opt_md(opt_arg(), &sign_md)) goto end; break; case OPT_SIGNER: /* If previous -signer argument add signer to list */ if (signerfile) { if (sksigners == NULL && (sksigners = sk_OPENSSL_STRING_new_null()) == NULL) goto end; sk_OPENSSL_STRING_push(sksigners, signerfile); if (keyfile == NULL) keyfile = signerfile; if (skkeys == NULL && (skkeys = sk_OPENSSL_STRING_new_null()) == NULL) goto end; sk_OPENSSL_STRING_push(skkeys, keyfile); keyfile = NULL; } signerfile = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_INKEY: /* If previous -inkey argument add signer to list */ if (keyfile) { if (signerfile == NULL) { BIO_puts(bio_err, "Illegal -inkey without -signer\n"); goto end; } if (sksigners == NULL && (sksigners = sk_OPENSSL_STRING_new_null()) == NULL) goto end; sk_OPENSSL_STRING_push(sksigners, signerfile); signerfile = NULL; if (skkeys == NULL && (skkeys = sk_OPENSSL_STRING_new_null()) == NULL) goto end; sk_OPENSSL_STRING_push(skkeys, keyfile); } keyfile = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_KEYFORM: if (!opt_format(opt_arg(), OPT_FMT_ANY, &keyform)) goto opthelp; break; case OPT_RECIP: if (operation == SMIME_ENCRYPT) { if (encerts == NULL && (encerts = sk_X509_new_null()) == NULL) goto end; cert = load_cert(opt_arg(), FORMAT_PEM, "recipient certificate file"); if (cert == NULL) goto end; sk_X509_push(encerts, cert); cert = NULL; } else recipfile = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_CIPHER: if (!opt_cipher(opt_unknown(), &cipher)) goto end; break; case OPT_KEYOPT: keyidx = -1; if (operation == SMIME_ENCRYPT) { if (encerts) keyidx += sk_X509_num(encerts); } else { if (keyfile || signerfile) keyidx++; if (skkeys) keyidx += sk_OPENSSL_STRING_num(skkeys); } if (keyidx < 0) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "No key specified\n"); goto opthelp; } if (key_param == NULL || key_param->idx != keyidx) { cms_key_param *nparam; nparam = app_malloc(sizeof(*nparam), "key param buffer"); nparam->idx = keyidx; if ((nparam->param = sk_OPENSSL_STRING_new_null()) == NULL) goto end; nparam->next = NULL; if (key_first == NULL) key_first = nparam; else key_param->next = nparam; key_param = nparam; } sk_OPENSSL_STRING_push(key_param->param, opt_arg()); break; case OPT_V_CASES: if (!opt_verify(o, vpm)) goto end; vpmtouched++; break; case OPT_3DES_WRAP: # ifndef OPENSSL_NO_DES wrap_cipher = EVP_des_ede3_wrap(); # endif break; case OPT_AES128_WRAP: wrap_cipher = EVP_aes_128_wrap(); break; case OPT_AES192_WRAP: wrap_cipher = EVP_aes_192_wrap(); break; case OPT_AES256_WRAP: wrap_cipher = EVP_aes_256_wrap(); break; } } argc = opt_num_rest(); argv = opt_rest(); if (((rr_allorfirst != -1) || rr_from) && !rr_to) { BIO_puts(bio_err, "No Signed Receipts Recipients\n"); goto opthelp; } if (!(operation & SMIME_SIGNERS) && (rr_to || rr_from)) { BIO_puts(bio_err, "Signed receipts only allowed with -sign\n"); goto opthelp; } if (!(operation & SMIME_SIGNERS) && (skkeys || sksigners)) { BIO_puts(bio_err, "Multiple signers or keys not allowed\n"); goto opthelp; } if (operation & SMIME_SIGNERS) { if (keyfile && !signerfile) { BIO_puts(bio_err, "Illegal -inkey without -signer\n"); goto opthelp; } /* Check to see if any final signer needs to be appended */ if (signerfile) { if (!sksigners && (sksigners = sk_OPENSSL_STRING_new_null()) == NULL) goto end; sk_OPENSSL_STRING_push(sksigners, signerfile); if (!skkeys && (skkeys = sk_OPENSSL_STRING_new_null()) == NULL) goto end; if (!keyfile) keyfile = signerfile; sk_OPENSSL_STRING_push(skkeys, keyfile); } if (!sksigners) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "No signer certificate specified\n"); goto opthelp; } signerfile = NULL; keyfile = NULL; need_rand = 1; } else if (operation == SMIME_DECRYPT) { if (!recipfile && !keyfile && !secret_key && !pwri_pass) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "No recipient certificate or key specified\n"); goto opthelp; } } else if (operation == SMIME_ENCRYPT) { if (*argv == NULL && !secret_key && !pwri_pass && !encerts) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "No recipient(s) certificate(s) specified\n"); goto opthelp; } need_rand = 1; } else if (!operation) goto opthelp; if (!app_passwd(passinarg, NULL, &passin, NULL)) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Error getting password\n"); goto end; } if (need_rand) { app_RAND_load_file(NULL, (inrand != NULL)); if (inrand != NULL) BIO_printf(bio_err, "%ld semi-random bytes loaded\n", app_RAND_load_files(inrand)); } ret = 2; if (!(operation & SMIME_SIGNERS)) flags &= ~CMS_DETACHED; if (!(operation & SMIME_OP)) { if (flags & CMS_BINARY) outformat = FORMAT_BINARY; } if (!(operation & SMIME_IP)) { if (flags & CMS_BINARY) informat = FORMAT_BINARY; } if (operation == SMIME_ENCRYPT) { if (!cipher) { # ifndef OPENSSL_NO_DES cipher = EVP_des_ede3_cbc(); # else BIO_printf(bio_err, "No cipher selected\n"); goto end; # endif } if (secret_key && !secret_keyid) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "No secret key id\n"); goto end; } if (*argv && !encerts) if ((encerts = sk_X509_new_null()) == NULL) goto end; while (*argv) { if ((cert = load_cert(*argv, FORMAT_PEM, "recipient certificate file")) == NULL) goto end; sk_X509_push(encerts, cert); cert = NULL; argv++; } } if (certfile) { if (!load_certs(certfile, &other, FORMAT_PEM, NULL, "certificate file")) { ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } } if (recipfile && (operation == SMIME_DECRYPT)) { if ((recip = load_cert(recipfile, FORMAT_PEM, "recipient certificate file")) == NULL) { ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } } if (operation == SMIME_SIGN_RECEIPT) { if ((signer = load_cert(signerfile, FORMAT_PEM, "receipt signer certificate file")) == NULL) { ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } } if (operation == SMIME_DECRYPT) { if (!keyfile) keyfile = recipfile; } else if ((operation == SMIME_SIGN) || (operation == SMIME_SIGN_RECEIPT)) { if (!keyfile) keyfile = signerfile; } else keyfile = NULL; if (keyfile) { key = load_key(keyfile, keyform, 0, passin, e, "signing key file"); if (!key) goto end; } in = bio_open_default(infile, 'r', informat); if (in == NULL) goto end; if (operation & SMIME_IP) { if (informat == FORMAT_SMIME) cms = SMIME_read_CMS(in, &indata); else if (informat == FORMAT_PEM) cms = PEM_read_bio_CMS(in, NULL, NULL, NULL); else if (informat == FORMAT_ASN1) cms = d2i_CMS_bio(in, NULL); else { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Bad input format for CMS file\n"); goto end; } if (!cms) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Error reading S/MIME message\n"); goto end; } if (contfile) { BIO_free(indata); if ((indata = BIO_new_file(contfile, "rb")) == NULL) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Can't read content file %s\n", contfile); goto end; } } if (certsoutfile) { STACK_OF(X509) *allcerts; allcerts = CMS_get1_certs(cms); if (!save_certs(certsoutfile, allcerts)) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Error writing certs to %s\n", certsoutfile); ret = 5; goto end; } sk_X509_pop_free(allcerts, X509_free); } } if (rctfile) { char *rctmode = (rctformat == FORMAT_ASN1) ? "rb" : "r"; if ((rctin = BIO_new_file(rctfile, rctmode)) == NULL) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Can't open receipt file %s\n", rctfile); goto end; } if (rctformat == FORMAT_SMIME) rcms = SMIME_read_CMS(rctin, NULL); else if (rctformat == FORMAT_PEM) rcms = PEM_read_bio_CMS(rctin, NULL, NULL, NULL); else if (rctformat == FORMAT_ASN1) rcms = d2i_CMS_bio(rctin, NULL); else { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Bad input format for receipt\n"); goto end; } if (!rcms) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Error reading receipt\n"); goto end; } } out = bio_open_default(outfile, 'w', outformat); if (out == NULL) goto end; if ((operation == SMIME_VERIFY) || (operation == SMIME_VERIFY_RECEIPT)) { if ((store = setup_verify(CAfile, CApath, noCAfile, noCApath)) == NULL) goto end; X509_STORE_set_verify_cb(store, cms_cb); if (vpmtouched) X509_STORE_set1_param(store, vpm); } ret = 3; if (operation == SMIME_DATA_CREATE) { cms = CMS_data_create(in, flags); } else if (operation == SMIME_DIGEST_CREATE) { cms = CMS_digest_create(in, sign_md, flags); } else if (operation == SMIME_COMPRESS) { cms = CMS_compress(in, -1, flags); } else if (operation == SMIME_ENCRYPT) { int i; flags |= CMS_PARTIAL; cms = CMS_encrypt(NULL, in, cipher, flags); if (!cms) goto end; for (i = 0; i < sk_X509_num(encerts); i++) { CMS_RecipientInfo *ri; cms_key_param *kparam; int tflags = flags; X509 *x = sk_X509_value(encerts, i); for (kparam = key_first; kparam; kparam = kparam->next) { if (kparam->idx == i) { tflags |= CMS_KEY_PARAM; break; } } ri = CMS_add1_recipient_cert(cms, x, tflags); if (!ri) goto end; if (kparam) { EVP_PKEY_CTX *pctx; pctx = CMS_RecipientInfo_get0_pkey_ctx(ri); if (!cms_set_pkey_param(pctx, kparam->param)) goto end; } if (CMS_RecipientInfo_type(ri) == CMS_RECIPINFO_AGREE && wrap_cipher) { EVP_CIPHER_CTX *wctx; wctx = CMS_RecipientInfo_kari_get0_ctx(ri); EVP_EncryptInit_ex(wctx, wrap_cipher, NULL, NULL, NULL); } } if (secret_key) { if (!CMS_add0_recipient_key(cms, NID_undef, secret_key, secret_keylen, secret_keyid, secret_keyidlen, NULL, NULL, NULL)) goto end; /* NULL these because call absorbs them */ secret_key = NULL; secret_keyid = NULL; } if (pwri_pass) { pwri_tmp = (unsigned char *)OPENSSL_strdup((char *)pwri_pass); if (!pwri_tmp) goto end; if (!CMS_add0_recipient_password(cms, -1, NID_undef, NID_undef, pwri_tmp, -1, NULL)) goto end; pwri_tmp = NULL; } if (!(flags & CMS_STREAM)) { if (!CMS_final(cms, in, NULL, flags)) goto end; } } else if (operation == SMIME_ENCRYPTED_ENCRYPT) { cms = CMS_EncryptedData_encrypt(in, cipher, secret_key, secret_keylen, flags); } else if (operation == SMIME_SIGN_RECEIPT) { CMS_ContentInfo *srcms = NULL; STACK_OF(CMS_SignerInfo) *sis; CMS_SignerInfo *si; sis = CMS_get0_SignerInfos(cms); if (!sis) goto end; si = sk_CMS_SignerInfo_value(sis, 0); srcms = CMS_sign_receipt(si, signer, key, other, flags); if (!srcms) goto end; CMS_ContentInfo_free(cms); cms = srcms; } else if (operation & SMIME_SIGNERS) { int i; /* * If detached data content we enable streaming if S/MIME output * format. */ if (operation == SMIME_SIGN) { if (flags & CMS_DETACHED) { if (outformat == FORMAT_SMIME) flags |= CMS_STREAM; } flags |= CMS_PARTIAL; cms = CMS_sign(NULL, NULL, other, in, flags); if (!cms) goto end; if (econtent_type) CMS_set1_eContentType(cms, econtent_type); if (rr_to) { rr = make_receipt_request(rr_to, rr_allorfirst, rr_from); if (!rr) { BIO_puts(bio_err, "Signed Receipt Request Creation Error\n"); goto end; } } } else flags |= CMS_REUSE_DIGEST; for (i = 0; i < sk_OPENSSL_STRING_num(sksigners); i++) { CMS_SignerInfo *si; cms_key_param *kparam; int tflags = flags; signerfile = sk_OPENSSL_STRING_value(sksigners, i); keyfile = sk_OPENSSL_STRING_value(skkeys, i); signer = load_cert(signerfile, FORMAT_PEM, "signer certificate"); if (!signer) goto end; key = load_key(keyfile, keyform, 0, passin, e, "signing key file"); if (!key) goto end; for (kparam = key_first; kparam; kparam = kparam->next) { if (kparam->idx == i) { tflags |= CMS_KEY_PARAM; break; } } si = CMS_add1_signer(cms, signer, key, sign_md, tflags); if (!si) goto end; if (kparam) { EVP_PKEY_CTX *pctx; pctx = CMS_SignerInfo_get0_pkey_ctx(si); if (!cms_set_pkey_param(pctx, kparam->param)) goto end; } if (rr && !CMS_add1_ReceiptRequest(si, rr)) goto end; X509_free(signer); signer = NULL; EVP_PKEY_free(key); key = NULL; } /* If not streaming or resigning finalize structure */ if ((operation == SMIME_SIGN) && !(flags & CMS_STREAM)) { if (!CMS_final(cms, in, NULL, flags)) goto end; } } if (!cms) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Error creating CMS structure\n"); goto end; } ret = 4; if (operation == SMIME_DECRYPT) { if (flags & CMS_DEBUG_DECRYPT) CMS_decrypt(cms, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, flags); if (secret_key) { if (!CMS_decrypt_set1_key(cms, secret_key, secret_keylen, secret_keyid, secret_keyidlen)) { BIO_puts(bio_err, "Error decrypting CMS using secret key\n"); goto end; } } if (key) { if (!CMS_decrypt_set1_pkey(cms, key, recip)) { BIO_puts(bio_err, "Error decrypting CMS using private key\n"); goto end; } } if (pwri_pass) { if (!CMS_decrypt_set1_password(cms, pwri_pass, -1)) { BIO_puts(bio_err, "Error decrypting CMS using password\n"); goto end; } } if (!CMS_decrypt(cms, NULL, NULL, indata, out, flags)) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Error decrypting CMS structure\n"); goto end; } } else if (operation == SMIME_DATAOUT) { if (!CMS_data(cms, out, flags)) goto end; } else if (operation == SMIME_UNCOMPRESS) { if (!CMS_uncompress(cms, indata, out, flags)) goto end; } else if (operation == SMIME_DIGEST_VERIFY) { if (CMS_digest_verify(cms, indata, out, flags) > 0) BIO_printf(bio_err, "Verification successful\n"); else { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Verification failure\n"); goto end; } } else if (operation == SMIME_ENCRYPTED_DECRYPT) { if (!CMS_EncryptedData_decrypt(cms, secret_key, secret_keylen, indata, out, flags)) goto end; } else if (operation == SMIME_VERIFY) { if (CMS_verify(cms, other, store, indata, out, flags) > 0) BIO_printf(bio_err, "Verification successful\n"); else { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Verification failure\n"); if (verify_retcode) ret = verify_err + 32; goto end; } if (signerfile) { STACK_OF(X509) *signers; signers = CMS_get0_signers(cms); if (!save_certs(signerfile, signers)) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Error writing signers to %s\n", signerfile); ret = 5; goto end; } sk_X509_free(signers); } if (rr_print) receipt_request_print(cms); } else if (operation == SMIME_VERIFY_RECEIPT) { if (CMS_verify_receipt(rcms, cms, other, store, flags) > 0) BIO_printf(bio_err, "Verification successful\n"); else { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Verification failure\n"); goto end; } } else { if (noout) { if (print) CMS_ContentInfo_print_ctx(out, cms, 0, NULL); } else if (outformat == FORMAT_SMIME) { if (to) BIO_printf(out, "To: %s%s", to, mime_eol); if (from) BIO_printf(out, "From: %s%s", from, mime_eol); if (subject) BIO_printf(out, "Subject: %s%s", subject, mime_eol); if (operation == SMIME_RESIGN) ret = SMIME_write_CMS(out, cms, indata, flags); else ret = SMIME_write_CMS(out, cms, in, flags); } else if (outformat == FORMAT_PEM) ret = PEM_write_bio_CMS_stream(out, cms, in, flags); else if (outformat == FORMAT_ASN1) ret = i2d_CMS_bio_stream(out, cms, in, flags); else { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Bad output format for CMS file\n"); goto end; } if (ret <= 0) { ret = 6; goto end; } } ret = 0; end: if (ret) ERR_print_errors(bio_err); if (need_rand) app_RAND_write_file(NULL); sk_X509_pop_free(encerts, X509_free); sk_X509_pop_free(other, X509_free); X509_VERIFY_PARAM_free(vpm); sk_OPENSSL_STRING_free(sksigners); sk_OPENSSL_STRING_free(skkeys); OPENSSL_free(secret_key); OPENSSL_free(secret_keyid); OPENSSL_free(pwri_tmp); ASN1_OBJECT_free(econtent_type); CMS_ReceiptRequest_free(rr); sk_OPENSSL_STRING_free(rr_to); sk_OPENSSL_STRING_free(rr_from); for (key_param = key_first; key_param;) { cms_key_param *tparam; sk_OPENSSL_STRING_free(key_param->param); tparam = key_param->next; OPENSSL_free(key_param); key_param = tparam; } X509_STORE_free(store); X509_free(cert); X509_free(recip); X509_free(signer); EVP_PKEY_free(key); CMS_ContentInfo_free(cms); CMS_ContentInfo_free(rcms); BIO_free(rctin); BIO_free(in); BIO_free(indata); BIO_free_all(out); OPENSSL_free(passin); return (ret); }
int enc_main(int argc, char **argv) { static char buf[128]; static const char magic[] = "Salted__"; BIO *in = NULL, *out = NULL, *b64 = NULL, *benc = NULL, *rbio = NULL, *wbio = NULL; EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx = NULL; const EVP_CIPHER *cipher = NULL, *c; const EVP_MD *dgst = NULL; char *hkey = NULL, *hiv = NULL, *hsalt = NULL, *p; char *infile = NULL, *outfile = NULL, *prog; char *str = NULL, *passarg = NULL, *pass = NULL, *strbuf = NULL; char mbuf[sizeof magic - 1]; OPTION_CHOICE o; int bsize = BSIZE, verbose = 0, debug = 0, olb64 = 0, nosalt = 0; int enc = 1, printkey = 0, i, k; int base64 = 0, informat = FORMAT_BINARY, outformat = FORMAT_BINARY; int ret = 1, inl, nopad = 0, non_fips_allow = 0; unsigned char key[EVP_MAX_KEY_LENGTH], iv[EVP_MAX_IV_LENGTH]; unsigned char *buff = NULL, salt[PKCS5_SALT_LEN]; unsigned long n; #ifdef ZLIB int do_zlib = 0; BIO *bzl = NULL; #endif /* first check the program name */ prog = opt_progname(argv[0]); if (strcmp(prog, "base64") == 0) base64 = 1; #ifdef ZLIB else if (strcmp(prog, "zlib") == 0) do_zlib = 1; #endif else { cipher = EVP_get_cipherbyname(prog); if (cipher == NULL && strcmp(prog, "enc") != 0) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "%s is not a known cipher\n", prog); goto end; } } prog = opt_init(argc, argv, enc_options); while ((o = opt_next()) != OPT_EOF) { switch (o) { case OPT_EOF: case OPT_ERR: opthelp: BIO_printf(bio_err, "%s: Use -help for summary.\n", prog); goto end; case OPT_HELP: opt_help(enc_options); ret = 0; BIO_printf(bio_err, "Cipher Types\n"); OBJ_NAME_do_all_sorted(OBJ_NAME_TYPE_CIPHER_METH, show_ciphers, bio_err); BIO_printf(bio_err, "\n"); goto end; case OPT_E: enc = 1; break; case OPT_IN: infile = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_OUT: outfile = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_PASS: passarg = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_ENGINE: (void)setup_engine(opt_arg(), 0); break; case OPT_D: enc = 0; break; case OPT_P: printkey = 1; break; case OPT_V: verbose = 1; break; case OPT_NOPAD: nopad = 1; break; case OPT_SALT: nosalt = 0; break; case OPT_NOSALT: nosalt = 1; break; case OPT_DEBUG: debug = 1; break; case OPT_UPPER_P: printkey = 2; break; case OPT_UPPER_A: olb64 = 1; break; case OPT_A: base64 = 1; break; case OPT_Z: #ifdef ZLIB do_zlib = 1; #endif break; case OPT_BUFSIZE: p = opt_arg(); i = (int)strlen(p) - 1; k = i >= 1 && p[i] == 'k'; if (k) p[i] = '\0'; if (!opt_ulong(opt_arg(), &n)) goto opthelp; if (k) n *= 1024; bsize = (int)n; break; case OPT_K: str = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_KFILE: in = bio_open_default(opt_arg(), 'r', FORMAT_TEXT); if (in == NULL) goto opthelp; i = BIO_gets(in, buf, sizeof buf); BIO_free(in); in = NULL; if (i <= 0) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "%s Can't read key from %s\n", prog, opt_arg()); goto opthelp; } while (--i > 0 && (buf[i] == '\r' || buf[i] == '\n')) buf[i] = '\0'; if (i <= 0) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "%s: zero length password\n", prog); goto opthelp; } str = buf; break; case OPT_UPPER_K: hkey = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_UPPER_S: hsalt = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_IV: hiv = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_MD: if (!opt_md(opt_arg(), &dgst)) goto opthelp; break; case OPT_NON_FIPS_ALLOW: non_fips_allow = 1; break; case OPT_CIPHER: if (!opt_cipher(opt_unknown(), &c)) goto opthelp; cipher = c; break; case OPT_NONE: cipher = NULL; break; } } argc = opt_num_rest(); argv = opt_rest(); if (cipher && EVP_CIPHER_flags(cipher) & EVP_CIPH_FLAG_AEAD_CIPHER) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "%s: AEAD ciphers not supported\n", prog); goto end; } if (cipher && (EVP_CIPHER_mode(cipher) == EVP_CIPH_XTS_MODE)) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "%s XTS ciphers not supported\n", prog); goto end; } if (dgst == NULL) dgst = EVP_sha256(); /* It must be large enough for a base64 encoded line */ if (base64 && bsize < 80) bsize = 80; if (verbose) BIO_printf(bio_err, "bufsize=%d\n", bsize); if (base64) { if (enc) outformat = FORMAT_BASE64; else informat = FORMAT_BASE64; } strbuf = app_malloc(SIZE, "strbuf"); buff = app_malloc(EVP_ENCODE_LENGTH(bsize), "evp buffer"); if (debug) { BIO_set_callback(in, BIO_debug_callback); BIO_set_callback(out, BIO_debug_callback); BIO_set_callback_arg(in, (char *)bio_err); BIO_set_callback_arg(out, (char *)bio_err); } if (infile == NULL) { unbuffer(stdin); in = dup_bio_in(informat); } else in = bio_open_default(infile, 'r', informat); if (in == NULL) goto end; if (!str && passarg) { if (!app_passwd(passarg, NULL, &pass, NULL)) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Error getting password\n"); goto end; } str = pass; } if ((str == NULL) && (cipher != NULL) && (hkey == NULL)) { for (;;) { char prompt[200]; BIO_snprintf(prompt, sizeof prompt, "enter %s %s password:"******"encryption" : "decryption"); strbuf[0] = '\0'; i = EVP_read_pw_string((char *)strbuf, SIZE, prompt, enc); if (i == 0) { if (strbuf[0] == '\0') { ret = 1; goto end; } str = strbuf; break; } if (i < 0) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "bad password read\n"); goto end; } } } out = bio_open_default(outfile, 'w', outformat); if (out == NULL) goto end; rbio = in; wbio = out; #ifdef ZLIB if (do_zlib) { if ((bzl = BIO_new(BIO_f_zlib())) == NULL) goto end; if (enc) wbio = BIO_push(bzl, wbio); else rbio = BIO_push(bzl, rbio); } #endif if (base64) { if ((b64 = BIO_new(BIO_f_base64())) == NULL) goto end; if (debug) { BIO_set_callback(b64, BIO_debug_callback); BIO_set_callback_arg(b64, (char *)bio_err); } if (olb64) BIO_set_flags(b64, BIO_FLAGS_BASE64_NO_NL); if (enc) wbio = BIO_push(b64, wbio); else rbio = BIO_push(b64, rbio); } if (cipher != NULL) { /* * Note that str is NULL if a key was passed on the command line, so * we get no salt in that case. Is this a bug? */ if (str != NULL) { /* * Salt handling: if encrypting generate a salt and write to * output BIO. If decrypting read salt from input BIO. */ unsigned char *sptr; if (nosalt) sptr = NULL; else { if (enc) { if (hsalt) { if (!set_hex(hsalt, salt, sizeof salt)) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "invalid hex salt value\n"); goto end; } } else if (RAND_bytes(salt, sizeof salt) <= 0) goto end; /* * If -P option then don't bother writing */ if ((printkey != 2) && (BIO_write(wbio, magic, sizeof magic - 1) != sizeof magic - 1 || BIO_write(wbio, (char *)salt, sizeof salt) != sizeof salt)) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "error writing output file\n"); goto end; } } else if (BIO_read(rbio, mbuf, sizeof mbuf) != sizeof mbuf || BIO_read(rbio, (unsigned char *)salt, sizeof salt) != sizeof salt) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "error reading input file\n"); goto end; } else if (memcmp(mbuf, magic, sizeof magic - 1)) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "bad magic number\n"); goto end; } sptr = salt; } if (!EVP_BytesToKey(cipher, dgst, sptr, (unsigned char *)str, strlen(str), 1, key, iv)) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "EVP_BytesToKey failed\n"); goto end; } /* * zero the complete buffer or the string passed from the command * line bug picked up by Larry J. Hughes Jr. <*****@*****.**> */ if (str == strbuf) OPENSSL_cleanse(str, SIZE); else OPENSSL_cleanse(str, strlen(str)); } if (hiv != NULL) { int siz = EVP_CIPHER_iv_length(cipher); if (siz == 0) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "warning: iv not use by this cipher\n"); } else if (!set_hex(hiv, iv, sizeof iv)) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "invalid hex iv value\n"); goto end; } } if ((hiv == NULL) && (str == NULL) && EVP_CIPHER_iv_length(cipher) != 0) { /* * No IV was explicitly set and no IV was generated during * EVP_BytesToKey. Hence the IV is undefined, making correct * decryption impossible. */ BIO_printf(bio_err, "iv undefined\n"); goto end; } if ((hkey != NULL) && !set_hex(hkey, key, EVP_CIPHER_key_length(cipher))) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "invalid hex key value\n"); goto end; } if ((benc = BIO_new(BIO_f_cipher())) == NULL) goto end; /* * Since we may be changing parameters work on the encryption context * rather than calling BIO_set_cipher(). */ BIO_get_cipher_ctx(benc, &ctx); if (non_fips_allow) EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_flags(ctx, EVP_CIPH_FLAG_NON_FIPS_ALLOW); if (!EVP_CipherInit_ex(ctx, cipher, NULL, NULL, NULL, enc)) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Error setting cipher %s\n", EVP_CIPHER_name(cipher)); ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } if (nopad) EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_padding(ctx, 0); if (!EVP_CipherInit_ex(ctx, NULL, NULL, key, iv, enc)) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Error setting cipher %s\n", EVP_CIPHER_name(cipher)); ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } if (debug) { BIO_set_callback(benc, BIO_debug_callback); BIO_set_callback_arg(benc, (char *)bio_err); } if (printkey) { if (!nosalt) { printf("salt="); for (i = 0; i < (int)sizeof(salt); i++) printf("%02X", salt[i]); printf("\n"); } if (cipher->key_len > 0) { printf("key="); for (i = 0; i < cipher->key_len; i++) printf("%02X", key[i]); printf("\n"); } if (cipher->iv_len > 0) { printf("iv ="); for (i = 0; i < cipher->iv_len; i++) printf("%02X", iv[i]); printf("\n"); } if (printkey == 2) { ret = 0; goto end; } } } /* Only encrypt/decrypt as we write the file */ if (benc != NULL) wbio = BIO_push(benc, wbio); for (;;) { inl = BIO_read(rbio, (char *)buff, bsize); if (inl <= 0) break; if (BIO_write(wbio, (char *)buff, inl) != inl) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "error writing output file\n"); goto end; } } if (!BIO_flush(wbio)) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "bad decrypt\n"); goto end; } ret = 0; if (verbose) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "bytes read :%8"PRIu64"\n", BIO_number_read(in)); BIO_printf(bio_err, "bytes written:%8"PRIu64"\n", BIO_number_written(out)); } end: ERR_print_errors(bio_err); OPENSSL_free(strbuf); OPENSSL_free(buff); BIO_free(in); BIO_free_all(out); BIO_free(benc); BIO_free(b64); #ifdef ZLIB BIO_free(bzl); #endif OPENSSL_free(pass); return (ret); }
static int do_raw_keyop(int pkey_op, EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx, const EVP_MD *md, EVP_PKEY *pkey, BIO *in, unsigned char *sig, int siglen, unsigned char **out, size_t *poutlen) { int rv = 0; EVP_MD_CTX *mctx = NULL; unsigned char tbuf[TBUF_MAXSIZE]; int tbuf_len = 0; if ((mctx = EVP_MD_CTX_new()) == NULL) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Error: out of memory\n"); return rv; } EVP_MD_CTX_set_pkey_ctx(mctx, ctx); switch(pkey_op) { case EVP_PKEY_OP_VERIFY: if (EVP_DigestVerifyInit(mctx, NULL, md, NULL, pkey) != 1) goto end; for (;;) { tbuf_len = BIO_read(in, tbuf, TBUF_MAXSIZE); if (tbuf_len == 0) break; if (tbuf_len < 0) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Error reading raw input data\n"); goto end; } rv = EVP_DigestVerifyUpdate(mctx, tbuf, (size_t)tbuf_len); if (rv != 1) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Error verifying raw input data\n"); goto end; } } rv = EVP_DigestVerifyFinal(mctx, sig, (size_t)siglen); break; case EVP_PKEY_OP_SIGN: if (EVP_DigestSignInit(mctx, NULL, md, NULL, pkey) != 1) goto end; for (;;) { tbuf_len = BIO_read(in, tbuf, TBUF_MAXSIZE); if (tbuf_len == 0) break; if (tbuf_len < 0) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Error reading raw input data\n"); goto end; } rv = EVP_DigestSignUpdate(mctx, tbuf, (size_t)tbuf_len); if (rv != 1) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Error signing raw input data\n"); goto end; } } rv = EVP_DigestSignFinal(mctx, NULL, poutlen); if (rv == 1 && out != NULL) { *out = app_malloc(*poutlen, "buffer output"); rv = EVP_DigestSignFinal(mctx, *out, poutlen); } break; } end: EVP_MD_CTX_free(mctx); return rv; }
int pkeyutl_main(int argc, char **argv) { BIO *in = NULL, *out = NULL; ENGINE *e = NULL; EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx = NULL; EVP_PKEY *pkey = NULL; char *infile = NULL, *outfile = NULL, *sigfile = NULL, *passinarg = NULL; char hexdump = 0, asn1parse = 0, rev = 0, *prog; unsigned char *buf_in = NULL, *buf_out = NULL, *sig = NULL; OPTION_CHOICE o; int buf_inlen = 0, siglen = -1, keyform = FORMAT_PEM, peerform = FORMAT_PEM; int keysize = -1, pkey_op = EVP_PKEY_OP_SIGN, key_type = KEY_PRIVKEY; int engine_impl = 0; int ret = 1, rv = -1; size_t buf_outlen; const char *inkey = NULL; const char *peerkey = NULL; const char *kdfalg = NULL; int kdflen = 0; STACK_OF(OPENSSL_STRING) *pkeyopts = NULL; STACK_OF(OPENSSL_STRING) *pkeyopts_passin = NULL; int rawin = 0; const EVP_MD *md = NULL; prog = opt_init(argc, argv, pkeyutl_options); while ((o = opt_next()) != OPT_EOF) { switch (o) { case OPT_EOF: case OPT_ERR: opthelp: BIO_printf(bio_err, "%s: Use -help for summary.\n", prog); goto end; case OPT_HELP: opt_help(pkeyutl_options); ret = 0; goto end; case OPT_IN: infile = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_OUT: outfile = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_SIGFILE: sigfile = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_ENGINE_IMPL: engine_impl = 1; break; case OPT_INKEY: inkey = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_PEERKEY: peerkey = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_PASSIN: passinarg = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_PEERFORM: if (!opt_format(opt_arg(), OPT_FMT_PDE, &peerform)) goto opthelp; break; case OPT_KEYFORM: if (!opt_format(opt_arg(), OPT_FMT_PDE, &keyform)) goto opthelp; break; case OPT_R_CASES: if (!opt_rand(o)) goto end; break; case OPT_ENGINE: e = setup_engine(opt_arg(), 0); break; case OPT_PUBIN: key_type = KEY_PUBKEY; break; case OPT_CERTIN: key_type = KEY_CERT; break; case OPT_ASN1PARSE: asn1parse = 1; break; case OPT_HEXDUMP: hexdump = 1; break; case OPT_SIGN: pkey_op = EVP_PKEY_OP_SIGN; break; case OPT_VERIFY: pkey_op = EVP_PKEY_OP_VERIFY; break; case OPT_VERIFYRECOVER: pkey_op = EVP_PKEY_OP_VERIFYRECOVER; break; case OPT_ENCRYPT: pkey_op = EVP_PKEY_OP_ENCRYPT; break; case OPT_DECRYPT: pkey_op = EVP_PKEY_OP_DECRYPT; break; case OPT_DERIVE: pkey_op = EVP_PKEY_OP_DERIVE; break; case OPT_KDF: pkey_op = EVP_PKEY_OP_DERIVE; key_type = KEY_NONE; kdfalg = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_KDFLEN: kdflen = atoi(opt_arg()); break; case OPT_REV: rev = 1; break; case OPT_PKEYOPT: if ((pkeyopts == NULL && (pkeyopts = sk_OPENSSL_STRING_new_null()) == NULL) || sk_OPENSSL_STRING_push(pkeyopts, opt_arg()) == 0) { BIO_puts(bio_err, "out of memory\n"); goto end; } break; case OPT_PKEYOPT_PASSIN: if ((pkeyopts_passin == NULL && (pkeyopts_passin = sk_OPENSSL_STRING_new_null()) == NULL) || sk_OPENSSL_STRING_push(pkeyopts_passin, opt_arg()) == 0) { BIO_puts(bio_err, "out of memory\n"); goto end; } break; case OPT_RAWIN: rawin = 1; break; case OPT_DIGEST: if (!opt_md(opt_arg(), &md)) goto end; break; } } argc = opt_num_rest(); if (argc != 0) goto opthelp; if (rawin && pkey_op != EVP_PKEY_OP_SIGN && pkey_op != EVP_PKEY_OP_VERIFY) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "%s: -rawin can only be used with -sign or -verify\n", prog); goto opthelp; } if (md != NULL && !rawin) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "%s: -digest can only be used with -rawin\n", prog); goto opthelp; } if (rawin && rev) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "%s: -rev cannot be used with raw input\n", prog); goto opthelp; } if (kdfalg != NULL) { if (kdflen == 0) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "%s: no KDF length given (-kdflen parameter).\n", prog); goto opthelp; } } else if (inkey == NULL) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "%s: no private key given (-inkey parameter).\n", prog); goto opthelp; } else if (peerkey != NULL && pkey_op != EVP_PKEY_OP_DERIVE) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "%s: no peer key given (-peerkey parameter).\n", prog); goto opthelp; } ctx = init_ctx(kdfalg, &keysize, inkey, keyform, key_type, passinarg, pkey_op, e, engine_impl, &pkey); if (ctx == NULL) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "%s: Error initializing context\n", prog); ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } if (peerkey != NULL && !setup_peer(ctx, peerform, peerkey, e)) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "%s: Error setting up peer key\n", prog); ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } if (pkeyopts != NULL) { int num = sk_OPENSSL_STRING_num(pkeyopts); int i; for (i = 0; i < num; ++i) { const char *opt = sk_OPENSSL_STRING_value(pkeyopts, i); if (pkey_ctrl_string(ctx, opt) <= 0) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "%s: Can't set parameter \"%s\":\n", prog, opt); ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } } } if (pkeyopts_passin != NULL) { int num = sk_OPENSSL_STRING_num(pkeyopts_passin); int i; for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { char *opt = sk_OPENSSL_STRING_value(pkeyopts_passin, i); char *passin = strchr(opt, ':'); char *passwd; if (passin == NULL) { /* Get password interactively */ char passwd_buf[4096]; BIO_snprintf(passwd_buf, sizeof(passwd_buf), "Enter %s: ", opt); EVP_read_pw_string(passwd_buf, sizeof(passwd_buf) - 1, passwd_buf, 0); passwd = OPENSSL_strdup(passwd_buf); if (passwd == NULL) { BIO_puts(bio_err, "out of memory\n"); goto end; } } else { /* Get password as a passin argument: First split option name * and passphrase argument into two strings */ *passin = 0; passin++; if (app_passwd(passin, NULL, &passwd, NULL) == 0) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "failed to get '%s'\n", opt); goto end; } } if (EVP_PKEY_CTX_ctrl_str(ctx, opt, passwd) <= 0) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "%s: Can't set parameter \"%s\":\n", prog, opt); goto end; } OPENSSL_free(passwd); } } if (sigfile != NULL && (pkey_op != EVP_PKEY_OP_VERIFY)) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "%s: Signature file specified for non verify\n", prog); goto end; } if (sigfile == NULL && (pkey_op == EVP_PKEY_OP_VERIFY)) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "%s: No signature file specified for verify\n", prog); goto end; } if (pkey_op != EVP_PKEY_OP_DERIVE) { in = bio_open_default(infile, 'r', FORMAT_BINARY); if (in == NULL) goto end; } out = bio_open_default(outfile, 'w', FORMAT_BINARY); if (out == NULL) goto end; if (sigfile != NULL) { BIO *sigbio = BIO_new_file(sigfile, "rb"); if (sigbio == NULL) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Can't open signature file %s\n", sigfile); goto end; } siglen = bio_to_mem(&sig, keysize * 10, sigbio); BIO_free(sigbio); if (siglen < 0) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Error reading signature data\n"); goto end; } } /* Raw input data is handled elsewhere */ if (in != NULL && !rawin) { /* Read the input data */ buf_inlen = bio_to_mem(&buf_in, keysize * 10, in); if (buf_inlen < 0) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Error reading input Data\n"); goto end; } if (rev) { size_t i; unsigned char ctmp; size_t l = (size_t)buf_inlen; for (i = 0; i < l / 2; i++) { ctmp = buf_in[i]; buf_in[i] = buf_in[l - 1 - i]; buf_in[l - 1 - i] = ctmp; } } } /* Sanity check the input if the input is not raw */ if (!rawin && buf_inlen > EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE && (pkey_op == EVP_PKEY_OP_SIGN || pkey_op == EVP_PKEY_OP_VERIFY || pkey_op == EVP_PKEY_OP_VERIFYRECOVER)) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Error: The input data looks too long to be a hash\n"); goto end; } if (pkey_op == EVP_PKEY_OP_VERIFY) { if (rawin) { rv = do_raw_keyop(pkey_op, ctx, md, pkey, in, sig, siglen, NULL, 0); } else { rv = EVP_PKEY_verify(ctx, sig, (size_t)siglen, buf_in, (size_t)buf_inlen); } if (rv == 1) { BIO_puts(out, "Signature Verified Successfully\n"); ret = 0; } else { BIO_puts(out, "Signature Verification Failure\n"); } goto end; } if (kdflen != 0) { buf_outlen = kdflen; rv = 1; } else { if (rawin) { /* rawin allocates the buffer in do_raw_keyop() */ rv = do_raw_keyop(pkey_op, ctx, md, pkey, in, NULL, 0, &buf_out, (size_t *)&buf_outlen); } else { rv = do_keyop(ctx, pkey_op, NULL, (size_t *)&buf_outlen, buf_in, (size_t)buf_inlen); if (rv > 0 && buf_outlen != 0) { buf_out = app_malloc(buf_outlen, "buffer output"); rv = do_keyop(ctx, pkey_op, buf_out, (size_t *)&buf_outlen, buf_in, (size_t)buf_inlen); } } } if (rv <= 0) { if (pkey_op != EVP_PKEY_OP_DERIVE) { BIO_puts(bio_err, "Public Key operation error\n"); } else { BIO_puts(bio_err, "Key derivation failed\n"); } ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } ret = 0; if (asn1parse) { if (!ASN1_parse_dump(out, buf_out, buf_outlen, 1, -1)) ERR_print_errors(bio_err); } else if (hexdump) { BIO_dump(out, (char *)buf_out, buf_outlen); } else { BIO_write(out, buf_out, buf_outlen); } end: EVP_PKEY_CTX_free(ctx); release_engine(e); BIO_free(in); BIO_free_all(out); OPENSSL_free(buf_in); OPENSSL_free(buf_out); OPENSSL_free(sig); sk_OPENSSL_STRING_free(pkeyopts); sk_OPENSSL_STRING_free(pkeyopts_passin); return ret; }
static int util_verbose(ENGINE *e, int verbose, BIO *out, const char *indent) { static const int line_wrap = 78; int num; int ret = 0; char *name = NULL; char *desc = NULL; int flags; int xpos = 0; STACK_OF(OPENSSL_STRING) *cmds = NULL; if (!ENGINE_ctrl(e, ENGINE_CTRL_HAS_CTRL_FUNCTION, 0, NULL, NULL) || ((num = ENGINE_ctrl(e, ENGINE_CTRL_GET_FIRST_CMD_TYPE, 0, NULL, NULL)) <= 0)) { return 1; } cmds = sk_OPENSSL_STRING_new_null(); if (!cmds) goto err; do { int len; /* Get the command input flags */ if ((flags = ENGINE_ctrl(e, ENGINE_CTRL_GET_CMD_FLAGS, num, NULL, NULL)) < 0) goto err; if (!(flags & ENGINE_CMD_FLAG_INTERNAL) || verbose >= 4) { /* Get the command name */ if ((len = ENGINE_ctrl(e, ENGINE_CTRL_GET_NAME_LEN_FROM_CMD, num, NULL, NULL)) <= 0) goto err; name = app_malloc(len + 1, "name buffer"); if (ENGINE_ctrl(e, ENGINE_CTRL_GET_NAME_FROM_CMD, num, name, NULL) <= 0) goto err; /* Get the command description */ if ((len = ENGINE_ctrl(e, ENGINE_CTRL_GET_DESC_LEN_FROM_CMD, num, NULL, NULL)) < 0) goto err; if (len > 0) { desc = app_malloc(len + 1, "description buffer"); if (ENGINE_ctrl(e, ENGINE_CTRL_GET_DESC_FROM_CMD, num, desc, NULL) <= 0) goto err; } /* Now decide on the output */ if (xpos == 0) /* Do an indent */ xpos = BIO_puts(out, indent); else /* Otherwise prepend a ", " */ xpos += BIO_printf(out, ", "); if (verbose == 1) { /* * We're just listing names, comma-delimited */ if ((xpos > (int)strlen(indent)) && (xpos + (int)strlen(name) > line_wrap)) { BIO_printf(out, "\n"); xpos = BIO_puts(out, indent); } xpos += BIO_printf(out, "%s", name); } else { /* We're listing names plus descriptions */ BIO_printf(out, "%s: %s\n", name, (desc == NULL) ? "<no description>" : desc); /* ... and sometimes input flags */ if ((verbose >= 3) && !util_flags(out, flags, indent)) goto err; xpos = 0; } } OPENSSL_free(name); name = NULL; OPENSSL_free(desc); desc = NULL; /* Move to the next command */ num = ENGINE_ctrl(e, ENGINE_CTRL_GET_NEXT_CMD_TYPE, num, NULL, NULL); } while (num > 0); if (xpos > 0) BIO_printf(out, "\n"); ret = 1; err: sk_OPENSSL_STRING_free(cmds); OPENSSL_free(name); OPENSSL_free(desc); return ret; }
int ecparam_main(int argc, char **argv) { BIGNUM *ec_gen = NULL, *ec_order = NULL, *ec_cofactor = NULL; BIGNUM *ec_p = NULL, *ec_a = NULL, *ec_b = NULL; BIO *in = NULL, *out = NULL; EC_GROUP *group = NULL; point_conversion_form_t form = POINT_CONVERSION_UNCOMPRESSED; char *curve_name = NULL, *inrand = NULL; char *infile = NULL, *outfile = NULL, *prog; unsigned char *buffer = NULL; OPTION_CHOICE o; int asn1_flag = OPENSSL_EC_NAMED_CURVE, new_asn1_flag = 0; int informat = FORMAT_PEM, outformat = FORMAT_PEM, noout = 0, C = 0, ret = 1; int list_curves = 0, no_seed = 0, check = 0, new_form = 0; int text = 0, i, need_rand = 0, genkey = 0; prog = opt_init(argc, argv, ecparam_options); while ((o = opt_next()) != OPT_EOF) { switch (o) { case OPT_EOF: case OPT_ERR: opthelp: BIO_printf(bio_err, "%s: Use -help for summary.\n", prog); goto end; case OPT_HELP: opt_help(ecparam_options); ret = 0; goto end; case OPT_INFORM: if (!opt_format(opt_arg(), OPT_FMT_PEMDER, &informat)) goto opthelp; break; case OPT_IN: infile = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_OUTFORM: if (!opt_format(opt_arg(), OPT_FMT_PEMDER, &outformat)) goto opthelp; break; case OPT_OUT: outfile = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_TEXT: text = 1; break; case OPT_C: C = 1; break; case OPT_CHECK: check = 1; break; case OPT_LIST_CURVES: list_curves = 1; break; case OPT_NO_SEED: no_seed = 1; break; case OPT_NOOUT: noout = 1; break; case OPT_NAME: curve_name = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_CONV_FORM: if (!opt_pair(opt_arg(), forms, &new_form)) goto opthelp; form = new_form; new_form = 1; break; case OPT_PARAM_ENC: if (!opt_pair(opt_arg(), encodings, &asn1_flag)) goto opthelp; new_asn1_flag = 1; break; case OPT_GENKEY: genkey = need_rand = 1; break; case OPT_RAND: inrand = opt_arg(); need_rand = 1; break; case OPT_ENGINE: (void)setup_engine(opt_arg(), 0); break; } } argc = opt_num_rest(); argv = opt_rest(); in = bio_open_default(infile, RB(informat)); if (in == NULL) goto end; out = bio_open_default(outfile, WB(outformat)); if (out == NULL) goto end; if (list_curves) { EC_builtin_curve *curves = NULL; size_t crv_len = EC_get_builtin_curves(NULL, 0); size_t n; curves = app_malloc((int)sizeof(*curves) * crv_len, "list curves"); if (!EC_get_builtin_curves(curves, crv_len)) { OPENSSL_free(curves); goto end; } for (n = 0; n < crv_len; n++) { const char *comment; const char *sname; comment = curves[n].comment; sname = OBJ_nid2sn(curves[n].nid); if (comment == NULL) comment = "CURVE DESCRIPTION NOT AVAILABLE"; if (sname == NULL) sname = ""; BIO_printf(out, " %-10s: ", sname); BIO_printf(out, "%s\n", comment); } OPENSSL_free(curves); ret = 0; goto end; } if (curve_name != NULL) { int nid; /* * workaround for the SECG curve names secp192r1 and secp256r1 (which * are the same as the curves prime192v1 and prime256v1 defined in * X9.62) */ if (strcmp(curve_name, "secp192r1") == 0) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "using curve name prime192v1 " "instead of secp192r1\n"); nid = NID_X9_62_prime192v1; } else if (strcmp(curve_name, "secp256r1") == 0) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "using curve name prime256v1 " "instead of secp256r1\n"); nid = NID_X9_62_prime256v1; } else nid = OBJ_sn2nid(curve_name); if (nid == 0) nid = EC_curve_nist2nid(curve_name); if (nid == 0) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "unknown curve name (%s)\n", curve_name); goto end; } group = EC_GROUP_new_by_curve_name(nid); if (group == NULL) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "unable to create curve (%s)\n", curve_name); goto end; } EC_GROUP_set_asn1_flag(group, asn1_flag); EC_GROUP_set_point_conversion_form(group, form); } else if (informat == FORMAT_ASN1) group = d2i_ECPKParameters_bio(in, NULL); else group = PEM_read_bio_ECPKParameters(in, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (group == NULL) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "unable to load elliptic curve parameters\n"); ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } if (new_form) EC_GROUP_set_point_conversion_form(group, form); if (new_asn1_flag) EC_GROUP_set_asn1_flag(group, asn1_flag); if (no_seed) { EC_GROUP_set_seed(group, NULL, 0); } if (text) { if (!ECPKParameters_print(out, group, 0)) goto end; } if (check) { if (group == NULL) BIO_printf(bio_err, "no elliptic curve parameters\n"); BIO_printf(bio_err, "checking elliptic curve parameters: "); if (!EC_GROUP_check(group, NULL)) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "failed\n"); ERR_print_errors(bio_err); } else BIO_printf(bio_err, "ok\n"); } if (C) { size_t buf_len = 0, tmp_len = 0; const EC_POINT *point; int is_prime, len = 0; const EC_METHOD *meth = EC_GROUP_method_of(group); if ((ec_p = BN_new()) == NULL || (ec_a = BN_new()) == NULL || (ec_b = BN_new()) == NULL || (ec_gen = BN_new()) == NULL || (ec_order = BN_new()) == NULL || (ec_cofactor = BN_new()) == NULL) { perror("Can't allocate BN"); goto end; } is_prime = (EC_METHOD_get_field_type(meth) == NID_X9_62_prime_field); if (!is_prime) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Can only handle X9.62 prime fields\n"); goto end; } if (!EC_GROUP_get_curve_GFp(group, ec_p, ec_a, ec_b, NULL)) goto end; if ((point = EC_GROUP_get0_generator(group)) == NULL) goto end; if (!EC_POINT_point2bn(group, point, EC_GROUP_get_point_conversion_form(group), ec_gen, NULL)) goto end; if (!EC_GROUP_get_order(group, ec_order, NULL)) goto end; if (!EC_GROUP_get_cofactor(group, ec_cofactor, NULL)) goto end; if (!ec_p || !ec_a || !ec_b || !ec_gen || !ec_order || !ec_cofactor) goto end; len = BN_num_bits(ec_order); if ((tmp_len = (size_t)BN_num_bytes(ec_p)) > buf_len) buf_len = tmp_len; if ((tmp_len = (size_t)BN_num_bytes(ec_a)) > buf_len) buf_len = tmp_len; if ((tmp_len = (size_t)BN_num_bytes(ec_b)) > buf_len) buf_len = tmp_len; if ((tmp_len = (size_t)BN_num_bytes(ec_gen)) > buf_len) buf_len = tmp_len; if ((tmp_len = (size_t)BN_num_bytes(ec_order)) > buf_len) buf_len = tmp_len; if ((tmp_len = (size_t)BN_num_bytes(ec_cofactor)) > buf_len) buf_len = tmp_len; buffer = app_malloc(buf_len, "BN buffer"); BIO_printf(out, "EC_GROUP *get_ec_group_%d(void)\n{\n", len); print_bignum_var(out, ec_p, "ec_p", len, buffer); print_bignum_var(out, ec_a, "ec_a", len, buffer); print_bignum_var(out, ec_b, "ec_b", len, buffer); print_bignum_var(out, ec_gen, "ec_gen", len, buffer); print_bignum_var(out, ec_order, "ec_order", len, buffer); print_bignum_var(out, ec_cofactor, "ec_cofactor", len, buffer); BIO_printf(out, " int ok = 0;\n" " EC_GROUP *group = NULL;\n" " EC_POINT *point = NULL;\n" " BIGNUM *tmp_1 = NULL;\n" " BIGNUM *tmp_2 = NULL;\n" " BIGNUM *tmp_3 = NULL;\n" "\n"); BIO_printf(out, " if ((tmp_1 = BN_bin2bn(ec_p_%d, sizeof (ec_p_%d), NULL)) == NULL)\n" " goto err;\n", len, len); BIO_printf(out, " if ((tmp_2 = BN_bin2bn(ec_a_%d, sizeof (ec_a_%d), NULL)) == NULL)\n" " goto err;\n", len, len); BIO_printf(out, " if ((tmp_3 = BN_bin2bn(ec_b_%d, sizeof (ec_b_%d), NULL)) == NULL)\n" " goto err;\n", len, len); BIO_printf(out, " if ((group = EC_GROUP_new_curve_GFp(tmp_1, tmp_2, tmp_3, NULL)) == NULL)\n" " goto err;\n" "\n"); BIO_printf(out, " /* build generator */\n"); BIO_printf(out, " if ((tmp_1 = BN_bin2bn(ec_gen_%d, sizeof (ec_gen_%d), tmp_1)) == NULL)\n" " goto err;\n", len, len); BIO_printf(out, " point = EC_POINT_bn2point(group, tmp_1, NULL, NULL);\n"); BIO_printf(out, " if (point == NULL)\n" " goto err;\n"); BIO_printf(out, " if ((tmp_2 = BN_bin2bn(ec_order_%d, sizeof (ec_order_%d), tmp_2)) == NULL)\n" " goto err;\n", len, len); BIO_printf(out, " if ((tmp_3 = BN_bin2bn(ec_cofactor_%d, sizeof (ec_cofactor_%d), tmp_3)) == NULL)\n" " goto err;\n", len, len); BIO_printf(out, " if (!EC_GROUP_set_generator(group, point, tmp_2, tmp_3))\n" " goto err;\n" "ok = 1;" "\n"); BIO_printf(out, "err:\n" " BN_free(tmp_1);\n" " BN_free(tmp_2);\n" " BN_free(tmp_3);\n" " EC_POINT_free(point);\n" " if (!ok) {\n" " EC_GROUP_free(group);\n" " return NULL;\n" " }\n" " return (group);\n" "}\n"); } if (!noout) { if (outformat == FORMAT_ASN1) i = i2d_ECPKParameters_bio(out, group); else i = PEM_write_bio_ECPKParameters(out, group); if (!i) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "unable to write elliptic " "curve parameters\n"); ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } } if (need_rand) { app_RAND_load_file(NULL, (inrand != NULL)); if (inrand != NULL) BIO_printf(bio_err, "%ld semi-random bytes loaded\n", app_RAND_load_files(inrand)); } if (genkey) { EC_KEY *eckey = EC_KEY_new(); if (eckey == NULL) goto end; assert(need_rand); if (EC_KEY_set_group(eckey, group) == 0) goto end; if (!EC_KEY_generate_key(eckey)) { EC_KEY_free(eckey); goto end; } if (outformat == FORMAT_ASN1) i = i2d_ECPrivateKey_bio(out, eckey); else i = PEM_write_bio_ECPrivateKey(out, eckey, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); EC_KEY_free(eckey); } if (need_rand) app_RAND_write_file(NULL); ret = 0; end: BN_free(ec_p); BN_free(ec_a); BN_free(ec_b); BN_free(ec_gen); BN_free(ec_order); BN_free(ec_cofactor); OPENSSL_free(buffer); BIO_free(in); BIO_free_all(out); EC_GROUP_free(group); return (ret); }
int pkeyutl_main(int argc, char **argv) { BIO *in = NULL, *out = NULL; ENGINE *e = NULL; EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx = NULL; char *infile = NULL, *outfile = NULL, *sigfile = NULL, *passinarg = NULL; char hexdump = 0, asn1parse = 0, rev = 0, *prog; unsigned char *buf_in = NULL, *buf_out = NULL, *sig = NULL; OPTION_CHOICE o; int buf_inlen = 0, siglen = -1, keyform = FORMAT_PEM, peerform = FORMAT_PEM; int keysize = -1, pkey_op = EVP_PKEY_OP_SIGN, key_type = KEY_PRIVKEY; int engine_impl = 0; int ret = 1, rv = -1; size_t buf_outlen; const char *inkey = NULL; const char *peerkey = NULL; STACK_OF(OPENSSL_STRING) *pkeyopts = NULL; prog = opt_init(argc, argv, pkeyutl_options); while ((o = opt_next()) != OPT_EOF) { switch (o) { case OPT_EOF: case OPT_ERR: opthelp: BIO_printf(bio_err, "%s: Use -help for summary.\n", prog); goto end; case OPT_HELP: opt_help(pkeyutl_options); ret = 0; goto end; case OPT_IN: infile = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_OUT: outfile = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_SIGFILE: sigfile = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_ENGINE_IMPL: engine_impl = 1; break; case OPT_INKEY: inkey = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_PEERKEY: peerkey = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_PASSIN: passinarg = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_PEERFORM: if (!opt_format(opt_arg(), OPT_FMT_PDE, &peerform)) goto opthelp; break; case OPT_KEYFORM: if (!opt_format(opt_arg(), OPT_FMT_PDE, &keyform)) goto opthelp; break; case OPT_ENGINE: e = setup_engine(opt_arg(), 0); break; case OPT_PUBIN: key_type = KEY_PUBKEY; break; case OPT_CERTIN: key_type = KEY_CERT; break; case OPT_ASN1PARSE: asn1parse = 1; break; case OPT_HEXDUMP: hexdump = 1; break; case OPT_SIGN: pkey_op = EVP_PKEY_OP_SIGN; break; case OPT_VERIFY: pkey_op = EVP_PKEY_OP_VERIFY; break; case OPT_VERIFYRECOVER: pkey_op = EVP_PKEY_OP_VERIFYRECOVER; break; case OPT_ENCRYPT: pkey_op = EVP_PKEY_OP_ENCRYPT; break; case OPT_DECRYPT: pkey_op = EVP_PKEY_OP_DECRYPT; break; case OPT_DERIVE: pkey_op = EVP_PKEY_OP_DERIVE; break; case OPT_REV: rev = 1; break; case OPT_PKEYOPT: if ((pkeyopts == NULL && (pkeyopts = sk_OPENSSL_STRING_new_null()) == NULL) || sk_OPENSSL_STRING_push(pkeyopts, *++argv) == 0) { BIO_puts(bio_err, "out of memory\n"); goto end; } break; } } argc = opt_num_rest(); if (argc != 0) goto opthelp; if (inkey == NULL || (peerkey != NULL && pkey_op != EVP_PKEY_OP_DERIVE)) goto opthelp; ctx = init_ctx(&keysize, inkey, keyform, key_type, passinarg, pkey_op, e, engine_impl); if (ctx == NULL) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "%s: Error initializing context\n", prog); ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } if (peerkey != NULL && !setup_peer(ctx, peerform, peerkey, e)) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "%s: Error setting up peer key\n", prog); ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } if (pkeyopts != NULL) { int num = sk_OPENSSL_STRING_num(pkeyopts); int i; for (i = 0; i < num; ++i) { const char *opt = sk_OPENSSL_STRING_value(pkeyopts, i); if (pkey_ctrl_string(ctx, opt) <= 0) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "%s: Can't set parameter:\n", prog); ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } } } if (sigfile && (pkey_op != EVP_PKEY_OP_VERIFY)) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "%s: Signature file specified for non verify\n", prog); goto end; } if (!sigfile && (pkey_op == EVP_PKEY_OP_VERIFY)) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "%s: No signature file specified for verify\n", prog); goto end; } /* FIXME: seed PRNG only if needed */ app_RAND_load_file(NULL, 0); if (pkey_op != EVP_PKEY_OP_DERIVE) { in = bio_open_default(infile, 'r', FORMAT_BINARY); if (in == NULL) goto end; } out = bio_open_default(outfile, 'w', FORMAT_BINARY); if (out == NULL) goto end; if (sigfile) { BIO *sigbio = BIO_new_file(sigfile, "rb"); if (!sigbio) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Can't open signature file %s\n", sigfile); goto end; } siglen = bio_to_mem(&sig, keysize * 10, sigbio); BIO_free(sigbio); if (siglen < 0) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Error reading signature data\n"); goto end; } } if (in) { /* Read the input data */ buf_inlen = bio_to_mem(&buf_in, keysize * 10, in); if (buf_inlen < 0) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Error reading input Data\n"); exit(1); } if (rev) { size_t i; unsigned char ctmp; size_t l = (size_t)buf_inlen; for (i = 0; i < l / 2; i++) { ctmp = buf_in[i]; buf_in[i] = buf_in[l - 1 - i]; buf_in[l - 1 - i] = ctmp; } } } if (pkey_op == EVP_PKEY_OP_VERIFY) { rv = EVP_PKEY_verify(ctx, sig, (size_t)siglen, buf_in, (size_t)buf_inlen); if (rv == 1) { BIO_puts(out, "Signature Verified Successfully\n"); ret = 0; } else BIO_puts(out, "Signature Verification Failure\n"); goto end; } rv = do_keyop(ctx, pkey_op, NULL, (size_t *)&buf_outlen, buf_in, (size_t)buf_inlen); if (rv > 0 && buf_outlen != 0) { buf_out = app_malloc(buf_outlen, "buffer output"); rv = do_keyop(ctx, pkey_op, buf_out, (size_t *)&buf_outlen, buf_in, (size_t)buf_inlen); } if (rv < 0) { ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } ret = 0; if (asn1parse) { if (!ASN1_parse_dump(out, buf_out, buf_outlen, 1, -1)) ERR_print_errors(bio_err); } else if (hexdump) BIO_dump(out, (char *)buf_out, buf_outlen); else BIO_write(out, buf_out, buf_outlen); end: EVP_PKEY_CTX_free(ctx); BIO_free(in); BIO_free_all(out); OPENSSL_free(buf_in); OPENSSL_free(buf_out); OPENSSL_free(sig); sk_OPENSSL_STRING_free(pkeyopts); return ret; }
int dhparam_main(int argc, char **argv) { BIO *in = NULL, *out = NULL; DH *dh = NULL; char *infile = NULL, *outfile = NULL, *prog; ENGINE *e = NULL; #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_DSA int dsaparam = 0; #endif int i, text = 0, C = 0, ret = 1, num = 0, g = 0; int informat = FORMAT_PEM, outformat = FORMAT_PEM, check = 0, noout = 0; OPTION_CHOICE o; prog = opt_init(argc, argv, dhparam_options); while ((o = opt_next()) != OPT_EOF) { switch (o) { case OPT_EOF: case OPT_ERR: opthelp: BIO_printf(bio_err, "%s: Use -help for summary.\n", prog); goto end; case OPT_HELP: opt_help(dhparam_options); ret = 0; goto end; case OPT_INFORM: if (!opt_format(opt_arg(), OPT_FMT_PEMDER, &informat)) goto opthelp; break; case OPT_OUTFORM: if (!opt_format(opt_arg(), OPT_FMT_PEMDER, &outformat)) goto opthelp; break; case OPT_IN: infile = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_OUT: outfile = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_ENGINE: e = setup_engine(opt_arg(), 0); break; case OPT_CHECK: check = 1; break; case OPT_TEXT: text = 1; break; case OPT_DSAPARAM: #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_DSA dsaparam = 1; #endif break; case OPT_C: C = 1; break; case OPT_2: g = 2; break; case OPT_5: g = 5; break; case OPT_NOOUT: noout = 1; break; case OPT_R_CASES: if (!opt_rand(o)) goto end; break; } } argc = opt_num_rest(); argv = opt_rest(); if (argv[0] != NULL && (!opt_int(argv[0], &num) || num <= 0)) goto end; if (g && !num) num = DEFBITS; # ifndef OPENSSL_NO_DSA if (dsaparam && g) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "generator may not be chosen for DSA parameters\n"); goto end; } # endif out = bio_open_default(outfile, 'w', outformat); if (out == NULL) goto end; /* DH parameters */ if (num && !g) g = 2; if (num) { BN_GENCB *cb; cb = BN_GENCB_new(); if (cb == NULL) { ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } BN_GENCB_set(cb, dh_cb, bio_err); # ifndef OPENSSL_NO_DSA if (dsaparam) { DSA *dsa = DSA_new(); BIO_printf(bio_err, "Generating DSA parameters, %d bit long prime\n", num); if (dsa == NULL || !DSA_generate_parameters_ex(dsa, num, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, cb)) { DSA_free(dsa); BN_GENCB_free(cb); ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } dh = DSA_dup_DH(dsa); DSA_free(dsa); if (dh == NULL) { BN_GENCB_free(cb); ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } } else # endif { dh = DH_new(); BIO_printf(bio_err, "Generating DH parameters, %d bit long safe prime, generator %d\n", num, g); BIO_printf(bio_err, "This is going to take a long time\n"); if (dh == NULL || !DH_generate_parameters_ex(dh, num, g, cb)) { BN_GENCB_free(cb); ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } } BN_GENCB_free(cb); } else { in = bio_open_default(infile, 'r', informat); if (in == NULL) goto end; # ifndef OPENSSL_NO_DSA if (dsaparam) { DSA *dsa; if (informat == FORMAT_ASN1) dsa = d2i_DSAparams_bio(in, NULL); else /* informat == FORMAT_PEM */ dsa = PEM_read_bio_DSAparams(in, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (dsa == NULL) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "unable to load DSA parameters\n"); ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } dh = DSA_dup_DH(dsa); DSA_free(dsa); if (dh == NULL) { ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } } else # endif { if (informat == FORMAT_ASN1) { /* * We have no PEM header to determine what type of DH params it * is. We'll just try both. */ dh = d2i_DHparams_bio(in, NULL); /* BIO_reset() returns 0 for success for file BIOs only!!! */ if (dh == NULL && BIO_reset(in) == 0) dh = d2i_DHxparams_bio(in, NULL); } else { /* informat == FORMAT_PEM */ dh = PEM_read_bio_DHparams(in, NULL, NULL, NULL); } if (dh == NULL) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "unable to load DH parameters\n"); ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } } /* dh != NULL */ } if (text) { DHparams_print(out, dh); } if (check) { if (!DH_check(dh, &i)) { ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } if (i & DH_CHECK_P_NOT_PRIME) BIO_printf(bio_err, "WARNING: p value is not prime\n"); if (i & DH_CHECK_P_NOT_SAFE_PRIME) BIO_printf(bio_err, "WARNING: p value is not a safe prime\n"); if (i & DH_CHECK_Q_NOT_PRIME) BIO_printf(bio_err, "WARNING: q value is not a prime\n"); if (i & DH_CHECK_INVALID_Q_VALUE) BIO_printf(bio_err, "WARNING: q value is invalid\n"); if (i & DH_CHECK_INVALID_J_VALUE) BIO_printf(bio_err, "WARNING: j value is invalid\n"); if (i & DH_UNABLE_TO_CHECK_GENERATOR) BIO_printf(bio_err, "WARNING: unable to check the generator value\n"); if (i & DH_NOT_SUITABLE_GENERATOR) BIO_printf(bio_err, "WARNING: the g value is not a generator\n"); if (i == 0) BIO_printf(bio_err, "DH parameters appear to be ok.\n"); if (num != 0 && i != 0) { /* * We have generated parameters but DH_check() indicates they are * invalid! This should never happen! */ BIO_printf(bio_err, "ERROR: Invalid parameters generated\n"); goto end; } } if (C) { unsigned char *data; int len, bits; const BIGNUM *pbn, *gbn; len = DH_size(dh); bits = DH_bits(dh); DH_get0_pqg(dh, &pbn, NULL, &gbn); data = app_malloc(len, "print a BN"); BIO_printf(out, "static DH *get_dh%d(void)\n{\n", bits); print_bignum_var(out, pbn, "dhp", bits, data); print_bignum_var(out, gbn, "dhg", bits, data); BIO_printf(out, " DH *dh = DH_new();\n" " BIGNUM *p, *g;\n" "\n" " if (dh == NULL)\n" " return NULL;\n"); BIO_printf(out, " p = BN_bin2bn(dhp_%d, sizeof(dhp_%d), NULL);\n", bits, bits); BIO_printf(out, " g = BN_bin2bn(dhg_%d, sizeof(dhg_%d), NULL);\n", bits, bits); BIO_printf(out, " if (p == NULL || g == NULL\n" " || !DH_set0_pqg(dh, p, NULL, g)) {\n" " DH_free(dh);\n" " BN_free(p);\n" " BN_free(g);\n" " return NULL;\n" " }\n"); if (DH_get_length(dh) > 0) BIO_printf(out, " if (!DH_set_length(dh, %ld)) {\n" " DH_free(dh);\n" " return NULL;\n" " }\n", DH_get_length(dh)); BIO_printf(out, " return dh;\n}\n"); OPENSSL_free(data); } if (!noout) { const BIGNUM *q; DH_get0_pqg(dh, NULL, &q, NULL); if (outformat == FORMAT_ASN1) { if (q != NULL) i = i2d_DHxparams_bio(out, dh); else i = i2d_DHparams_bio(out, dh); } else if (q != NULL) { i = PEM_write_bio_DHxparams(out, dh); } else { i = PEM_write_bio_DHparams(out, dh); } if (!i) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "unable to write DH parameters\n"); ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } } ret = 0; end: BIO_free(in); BIO_free_all(out); DH_free(dh); release_engine(e); return ret; }
int dgst_main(int argc, char **argv) { BIO *in = NULL, *inp, *bmd = NULL, *out = NULL; ENGINE *e = NULL, *impl = NULL; EVP_PKEY *sigkey = NULL; STACK_OF(OPENSSL_STRING) *sigopts = NULL, *macopts = NULL; char *hmac_key = NULL; char *mac_name = NULL; char *passinarg = NULL, *passin = NULL; const EVP_MD *md = NULL, *m; const char *outfile = NULL, *keyfile = NULL, *prog = NULL; const char *sigfile = NULL, *randfile = NULL; OPTION_CHOICE o; int separator = 0, debug = 0, keyform = FORMAT_PEM, siglen = 0; int i, ret = 1, out_bin = -1, want_pub = 0, do_verify = 0, non_fips_allow = 0; unsigned char *buf = NULL, *sigbuf = NULL; int engine_impl = 0; prog = opt_progname(argv[0]); buf = app_malloc(BUFSIZE, "I/O buffer"); md = EVP_get_digestbyname(prog); prog = opt_init(argc, argv, dgst_options); while ((o = opt_next()) != OPT_EOF) { switch (o) { case OPT_EOF: case OPT_ERR: opthelp: BIO_printf(bio_err, "%s: Use -help for summary.\n", prog); goto end; case OPT_HELP: opt_help(dgst_options); ret = 0; goto end; case OPT_C: separator = 1; break; case OPT_R: separator = 2; break; case OPT_RAND: randfile = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_OUT: outfile = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_SIGN: keyfile = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_PASSIN: passinarg = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_VERIFY: keyfile = opt_arg(); want_pub = do_verify = 1; break; case OPT_PRVERIFY: keyfile = opt_arg(); do_verify = 1; break; case OPT_SIGNATURE: sigfile = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_KEYFORM: if (!opt_format(opt_arg(), OPT_FMT_ANY, &keyform)) goto opthelp; break; case OPT_ENGINE: e = setup_engine(opt_arg(), 0); break; case OPT_ENGINE_IMPL: engine_impl = 1; break; case OPT_HEX: out_bin = 0; break; case OPT_BINARY: out_bin = 1; break; case OPT_DEBUG: debug = 1; break; case OPT_FIPS_FINGERPRINT: hmac_key = "etaonrishdlcupfm"; break; case OPT_NON_FIPS_ALLOW: non_fips_allow = 1; break; case OPT_HMAC: hmac_key = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_MAC: mac_name = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_SIGOPT: if (!sigopts) sigopts = sk_OPENSSL_STRING_new_null(); if (!sigopts || !sk_OPENSSL_STRING_push(sigopts, opt_arg())) goto opthelp; break; case OPT_MACOPT: if (!macopts) macopts = sk_OPENSSL_STRING_new_null(); if (!macopts || !sk_OPENSSL_STRING_push(macopts, opt_arg())) goto opthelp; break; case OPT_DIGEST: if (!opt_md(opt_unknown(), &m)) goto opthelp; md = m; break; } } argc = opt_num_rest(); argv = opt_rest(); if (do_verify && !sigfile) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "No signature to verify: use the -signature option\n"); goto end; } if (engine_impl) impl = e; in = BIO_new(BIO_s_file()); bmd = BIO_new(BIO_f_md()); if ((in == NULL) || (bmd == NULL)) { ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } if (debug) { BIO_set_callback(in, BIO_debug_callback); /* needed for windows 3.1 */ BIO_set_callback_arg(in, (char *)bio_err); } if (!app_passwd(passinarg, NULL, &passin, NULL)) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Error getting password\n"); goto end; } if (out_bin == -1) { if (keyfile) out_bin = 1; else out_bin = 0; } if (randfile) app_RAND_load_file(randfile, 0); out = bio_open_default(outfile, 'w', out_bin ? FORMAT_BINARY : FORMAT_TEXT); if (out == NULL) goto end; if ((! !mac_name + ! !keyfile + ! !hmac_key) > 1) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "MAC and Signing key cannot both be specified\n"); goto end; } if (keyfile) { if (want_pub) sigkey = load_pubkey(keyfile, keyform, 0, NULL, e, "key file"); else sigkey = load_key(keyfile, keyform, 0, passin, e, "key file"); if (!sigkey) { /* * load_[pub]key() has already printed an appropriate message */ goto end; } } if (mac_name) { EVP_PKEY_CTX *mac_ctx = NULL; int r = 0; if (!init_gen_str(&mac_ctx, mac_name, impl, 0)) goto mac_end; if (macopts) { char *macopt; for (i = 0; i < sk_OPENSSL_STRING_num(macopts); i++) { macopt = sk_OPENSSL_STRING_value(macopts, i); if (pkey_ctrl_string(mac_ctx, macopt) <= 0) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "MAC parameter error \"%s\"\n", macopt); ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto mac_end; } } } if (EVP_PKEY_keygen(mac_ctx, &sigkey) <= 0) { BIO_puts(bio_err, "Error generating key\n"); ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto mac_end; } r = 1; mac_end: EVP_PKEY_CTX_free(mac_ctx); if (r == 0) goto end; } if (non_fips_allow) { EVP_MD_CTX *md_ctx; BIO_get_md_ctx(bmd, &md_ctx); EVP_MD_CTX_set_flags(md_ctx, EVP_MD_CTX_FLAG_NON_FIPS_ALLOW); } if (hmac_key) { sigkey = EVP_PKEY_new_mac_key(EVP_PKEY_HMAC, impl, (unsigned char *)hmac_key, -1); if (!sigkey) goto end; } if (sigkey) { EVP_MD_CTX *mctx = NULL; EVP_PKEY_CTX *pctx = NULL; int r; if (!BIO_get_md_ctx(bmd, &mctx)) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Error getting context\n"); ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } if (do_verify) r = EVP_DigestVerifyInit(mctx, &pctx, md, impl, sigkey); else r = EVP_DigestSignInit(mctx, &pctx, md, impl, sigkey); if (!r) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Error setting context\n"); ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } if (sigopts) { char *sigopt; for (i = 0; i < sk_OPENSSL_STRING_num(sigopts); i++) { sigopt = sk_OPENSSL_STRING_value(sigopts, i); if (pkey_ctrl_string(pctx, sigopt) <= 0) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "parameter error \"%s\"\n", sigopt); ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } } } } /* we use md as a filter, reading from 'in' */ else { EVP_MD_CTX *mctx = NULL; if (!BIO_get_md_ctx(bmd, &mctx)) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Error getting context\n"); ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } if (md == NULL) md = EVP_md5(); if (!EVP_DigestInit_ex(mctx, md, impl)) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Error setting digest\n"); ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } } if (sigfile && sigkey) { BIO *sigbio = BIO_new_file(sigfile, "rb"); if (!sigbio) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Error opening signature file %s\n", sigfile); ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } siglen = EVP_PKEY_size(sigkey); sigbuf = app_malloc(siglen, "signature buffer"); siglen = BIO_read(sigbio, sigbuf, siglen); BIO_free(sigbio); if (siglen <= 0) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Error reading signature file %s\n", sigfile); ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } } inp = BIO_push(bmd, in); if (md == NULL) { EVP_MD_CTX *tctx; BIO_get_md_ctx(bmd, &tctx); md = EVP_MD_CTX_md(tctx); } if (argc == 0) { BIO_set_fp(in, stdin, BIO_NOCLOSE); ret = do_fp(out, buf, inp, separator, out_bin, sigkey, sigbuf, siglen, NULL, NULL, "stdin", bmd); } else { const char *md_name = NULL, *sig_name = NULL; if (!out_bin) { if (sigkey) { const EVP_PKEY_ASN1_METHOD *ameth; ameth = EVP_PKEY_get0_asn1(sigkey); if (ameth) EVP_PKEY_asn1_get0_info(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &sig_name, ameth); } if (md) md_name = EVP_MD_name(md); } ret = 0; for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { int r; if (BIO_read_filename(in, argv[i]) <= 0) { perror(argv[i]); ret++; continue; } else r = do_fp(out, buf, inp, separator, out_bin, sigkey, sigbuf, siglen, sig_name, md_name, argv[i], bmd); if (r) ret = r; (void)BIO_reset(bmd); } } end: OPENSSL_clear_free(buf, BUFSIZE); BIO_free(in); OPENSSL_free(passin); BIO_free_all(out); EVP_PKEY_free(sigkey); sk_OPENSSL_STRING_free(sigopts); sk_OPENSSL_STRING_free(macopts); OPENSSL_free(sigbuf); BIO_free(bmd); return (ret); }
int rsa_main(int argc, char **argv) { ENGINE *e = NULL; BIO *out = NULL; RSA *rsa = NULL; const EVP_CIPHER *enc = NULL; char *infile = NULL, *outfile = NULL, *prog; char *passin = NULL, *passout = NULL, *passinarg = NULL, *passoutarg = NULL; int i; int informat = FORMAT_PEM, outformat = FORMAT_PEM, text = 0, check = 0; int noout = 0, modulus = 0, pubin = 0, pubout = 0, pvk_encr = 2, ret = 1; OPTION_CHOICE o; prog = opt_init(argc, argv, rsa_options); while ((o = opt_next()) != OPT_EOF) { switch (o) { case OPT_EOF: case OPT_ERR: #ifdef OPENSSL_NO_RC4 case OPT_PVK_STRONG: case OPT_PVK_WEAK: case OPT_PVK_NONE: #endif opthelp: BIO_printf(bio_err, "%s: Use -help for summary.\n", prog); goto end; case OPT_HELP: opt_help(rsa_options); ret = 0; goto end; case OPT_INFORM: if (!opt_format(opt_arg(), OPT_FMT_ANY, &informat)) goto opthelp; break; case OPT_IN: infile = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_OUTFORM: if (!opt_format(opt_arg(), OPT_FMT_ANY, &outformat)) goto opthelp; break; case OPT_OUT: outfile = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_PASSIN: passinarg = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_PASSOUT: passoutarg = opt_arg(); break; case OPT_ENGINE: e = setup_engine(opt_arg(), 0); break; case OPT_PUBIN: pubin = 1; break; case OPT_PUBOUT: pubout = 1; break; case OPT_RSAPUBKEY_IN: pubin = 2; break; case OPT_RSAPUBKEY_OUT: pubout = 2; break; #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RC4 case OPT_PVK_STRONG: pvk_encr = 2; break; case OPT_PVK_WEAK: pvk_encr = 1; break; case OPT_PVK_NONE: pvk_encr = 0; break; #endif case OPT_NOOUT: noout = 1; break; case OPT_TEXT: text = 1; break; case OPT_MODULUS: modulus = 1; break; case OPT_CHECK: check = 1; break; case OPT_CIPHER: if (!opt_cipher(opt_unknown(), &enc)) goto opthelp; break; } } argc = opt_num_rest(); argv = opt_rest(); if (!app_passwd(passinarg, passoutarg, &passin, &passout)) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Error getting passwords\n"); goto end; } if (check && pubin) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Only private keys can be checked\n"); goto end; } { EVP_PKEY *pkey; if (pubin) { int tmpformat = -1; if (pubin == 2) { if (informat == FORMAT_PEM) tmpformat = FORMAT_PEMRSA; else if (informat == FORMAT_ASN1) tmpformat = FORMAT_ASN1RSA; } else tmpformat = informat; pkey = load_pubkey(infile, tmpformat, 1, passin, e, "Public Key"); } else pkey = load_key(infile, informat, 1, passin, e, "Private Key"); if (pkey != NULL) rsa = EVP_PKEY_get1_RSA(pkey); EVP_PKEY_free(pkey); } if (rsa == NULL) { ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } out = bio_open_default(outfile, "w"); if (out == NULL) goto end; if (text) if (!RSA_print(out, rsa, 0)) { perror(outfile); ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } if (modulus) { BIO_printf(out, "Modulus="); BN_print(out, rsa->n); BIO_printf(out, "\n"); } if (check) { int r = RSA_check_key(rsa); if (r == 1) BIO_printf(out, "RSA key ok\n"); else if (r == 0) { unsigned long err; while ((err = ERR_peek_error()) != 0 && ERR_GET_LIB(err) == ERR_LIB_RSA && ERR_GET_FUNC(err) == RSA_F_RSA_CHECK_KEY && ERR_GET_REASON(err) != ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE) { BIO_printf(out, "RSA key error: %s\n", ERR_reason_error_string(err)); ERR_get_error(); /* remove e from error stack */ } } /* should happen only if r == -1 */ if (r == -1 || ERR_peek_error() != 0) { ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } } if (noout) { ret = 0; goto end; } BIO_printf(bio_err, "writing RSA key\n"); if (outformat == FORMAT_ASN1) { if (pubout || pubin) { if (pubout == 2) i = i2d_RSAPublicKey_bio(out, rsa); else i = i2d_RSA_PUBKEY_bio(out, rsa); } else i = i2d_RSAPrivateKey_bio(out, rsa); } # ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RC4 else if (outformat == FORMAT_NETSCAPE) { unsigned char *p, *save; int size = i2d_RSA_NET(rsa, NULL, NULL, 0); save = p = app_malloc(size, "RSA i2d buffer"); i2d_RSA_NET(rsa, &p, NULL, 0); BIO_write(out, (char *)save, size); OPENSSL_free(save); i = 1; } # endif else if (outformat == FORMAT_PEM) { if (pubout || pubin) { if (pubout == 2) i = PEM_write_bio_RSAPublicKey(out, rsa); else i = PEM_write_bio_RSA_PUBKEY(out, rsa); } else i = PEM_write_bio_RSAPrivateKey(out, rsa, enc, NULL, 0, NULL, passout); # if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_DSA) && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_RC4) } else if (outformat == FORMAT_MSBLOB || outformat == FORMAT_PVK) { EVP_PKEY *pk; pk = EVP_PKEY_new(); EVP_PKEY_set1_RSA(pk, rsa); if (outformat == FORMAT_PVK) i = i2b_PVK_bio(out, pk, pvk_encr, 0, passout); else if (pubin || pubout) i = i2b_PublicKey_bio(out, pk); else i = i2b_PrivateKey_bio(out, pk); EVP_PKEY_free(pk); # endif } else { BIO_printf(bio_err, "bad output format specified for outfile\n"); goto end; } if (i <= 0) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "unable to write key\n"); ERR_print_errors(bio_err); } else ret = 0; end: BIO_free_all(out); RSA_free(rsa); OPENSSL_free(passin); OPENSSL_free(passout); return (ret); }