MStatus StrandLengthCount::doIt(const MArgList & args) { std::list<MObject> targets; MStatus status = ArgList_GetModelObjects(args, syntax(), "-b", targets); if (status != MStatus::kNotFound && status != MStatus::kSuccess) { HMEVALUATE_RETURN_DESCRIPTION("ArgList_GetModelObjects", status); } clearResult(); if (!targets.empty()) { for (std::list<MObject>::const_iterator it(targets.begin()); it != targets.end(); ++it) { Model::Base base(*it); Model::Strand strand(base); HPRINT("Calling with base: %s", base.getDagPath(status).fullPathName().asChar()); appendToResult(int(m_operation.length(strand))); } } else { MObjectArray objects; HMEVALUATE_RETURN(status = Model::Base::AllSelected(objects), status); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < objects.length(); ++i) { Model::Base base(objects[i]); Model::Strand strand(base); HPRINT("Calling with base: %s", base.getDagPath(status).fullPathName().asChar()); appendToResult(int(m_operation.length(strand))); } } return MStatus::kSuccess; }
//====================================================================== // // Do the command in query mode. It only does one thing, print the Stream, // Channel, Associations, and Structure formats available. // MStatus exportMetadataCmd::doQuery() { assert( fSerializer ); MStatus status = MS::kSuccess; std::set<const adsk::Data::StreamSerializer*>::iterator sFmtIt; for( sFmtIt = adsk::Data::StreamSerializer::allFormats().begin(); sFmtIt != adsk::Data::StreamSerializer::allFormats().end(); sFmtIt++ ) { const adsk::Data::StreamSerializer* fmt = *sFmtIt; MString fmtMsg( MStringResource::getString(kExportMetadataFormatType, status) ); MString fmtType( "Stream" ); MString fmtName( fmt->formatType() ); MString msg; msg.format( fmtMsg, fmtType, fmtName ); appendToResult( msg ); } std::set<const adsk::Data::ChannelSerializer*>::iterator cFmtIt; for( cFmtIt = adsk::Data::ChannelSerializer::allFormats().begin(); cFmtIt != adsk::Data::ChannelSerializer::allFormats().end(); cFmtIt++ ) { const adsk::Data::ChannelSerializer* fmt = *cFmtIt; MString fmtMsg( MStringResource::getString(kExportMetadataFormatType, status) ); MString fmtType( "Channel" ); MString fmtName( fmt->formatType() ); MString msg; msg.format( fmtMsg, fmtType, fmtName ); appendToResult( msg ); } std::set<const adsk::Data::AssociationsSerializer*>::iterator aFmtIt; for( aFmtIt = adsk::Data::AssociationsSerializer::allFormats().begin(); aFmtIt != adsk::Data::AssociationsSerializer::allFormats().end(); aFmtIt++ ) { const adsk::Data::AssociationsSerializer* fmt = *aFmtIt; MString fmtMsg( MStringResource::getString(kExportMetadataFormatType, status) ); MString fmtType( "Associations" ); MString fmtName( fmt->formatType() ); MString msg; msg.format( fmtMsg, fmtType, fmtName ); appendToResult( msg ); } std::set<const adsk::Data::StructureSerializer*>::iterator fmtIt; for( fmtIt = adsk::Data::StructureSerializer::allFormats().begin(); fmtIt != adsk::Data::StructureSerializer::allFormats().end(); fmtIt++ ) { const adsk::Data::StructureSerializer* fmt = *fmtIt; MString fmtMsg( MStringResource::getString(kExportMetadataFormatType, status) ); MString fmtType( "Structure" ); MString fmtName( fmt->formatType() ); MString msg; msg.format( fmtMsg, fmtType, fmtName ); appendToResult( msg ); } return status; }
MStatus cvPos::redoIt() { clearResult(); appendToResult( point.x ); appendToResult( point.y ); appendToResult( point.z ); return MS::kSuccess; }
MStatus iffPixel::redoIt() { clearResult(); if (useDepth) { appendToResult (d); } else { appendToResult( r ); appendToResult( g ); appendToResult( b ); appendToResult( a ); } return MS::kSuccess; }
bool ValueParser::parse() { _failed = false; _result.reserve(_end - _begin); for (; _ch != _end; ++_ch) { if (*_ch == '{') { appendToResult(_ch); ++_ch; if (!readTag()) { return false; } _result.append(_currentTagReplacer); _begin = _ch + 1; _currentTag = QLatin1String(""); } } appendToResult(_end); return true; }
void peltOverlap::numOverlapUVFaces(const MString& shadingGroup, MStringArray& flattenFaces) // // Description // Return overlapping faces in pairs for given a shading group and its associated faces. // { MFloatArray face1Orig, face1Vec, face2Orig, face2Vec, center, radius; // Loop through face i unsigned int numOverlap = 0; createBoundingCircle(flattenFaces, center, radius); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < flattenFaces.length() && numOverlap < fNthPairs; i++) { if(!createRayGivenFace(flattenFaces[i], face1Orig, face1Vec)) continue; const float cui = center[2*i]; const float cvi = center[2*i+1]; const float ri = radius[i]; // Exclude the degenerate face // if(area(face1Orig) < 0.000001) continue; // Loop through face j where j != i for(unsigned int j = i+1; j < flattenFaces.length() && numOverlap < fNthPairs; j++) { const float &cuj = center[2*j]; const float &cvj = center[2*j+1]; const float &rj = radius[j]; float du = cuj - cui; float dv = cvj - cvi; float dsqr = du*du + dv*dv; // Quick rejection if bounding circles don't overlap if (dsqr >= (ri+rj)*(ri+rj)) continue; if(!createRayGivenFace(flattenFaces[j], face2Orig, face2Vec)) continue; // Exclude the degenerate face // if(area(face2Orig) < 0.000001) continue; if (checkCrossingEdges(face1Orig, face1Vec, face2Orig, face2Vec)) { numOverlap++; appendToResult(flattenFaces[i]); appendToResult(flattenFaces[j]); continue; } } } }
void skinClusterWeights::doItQuery() { MStatus status; unsigned int i, j; MDoubleArray weights; // To allow "skinClusterWeights -q" to return empty double array setResult(weights); MSelectionList selList; for (i = 0; i < geometryArray.length(); i++) { MDagPath dagPath; MObject component; selList.clear(); selList.add(geometryArray[i]); MStatus status = selList.getDagPath(0, dagPath, component); if (status != MS::kSuccess) { continue; } if (component.isNull()) dagPath.extendToShape(); MObject skinCluster = findSkinCluster(dagPath); if (!isSkinClusterIncluded(skinCluster)) { continue; } MFnSkinCluster skinClusterFn(skinCluster, &status); if (status != MS::kSuccess) { continue; } MIntArray influenceIndexArray; populateInfluenceIndexArray(skinClusterFn, influenceIndexArray); weights.clear(); skinClusterFn.getWeights(dagPath, component, influenceIndexArray, weights); if (weights.length() > 0) { for (j = 0; j < weights.length(); j++) { appendToResult(weights[j]); } } } }
MStatus liqGetAttr::doIt( const MArgList& args ) { CM_TRACE_FUNC("liqGetAttr::doIt(args)"); MStatus status; unsigned i; MString nodeName, attrName; MSelectionList nodeList; for ( i = 0; i < args.length(); i++ ) { if ( MString( "-debug" ) == args.asString( i, &status) ) { } else if ( MString( "-node" ) == args.asString( i, &status) ) { i++; nodeName = args.asString( i, &status ) ; } else if ( MString( "-attr" ) == args.asString( i, &status) ) { i++; attrName = args.asString( i, &status ); } } nodeList.add( nodeName ); MObject depNodeObj; nodeList.getDependNode(0, depNodeObj); MFnDependencyNode depNode( depNodeObj ); MPlug attrPlug = depNode.findPlug( attrName ); MObject plugObj; attrPlug.getValue( plugObj ); if( plugObj.apiType() == MFn::kDoubleArrayData ) { MFnDoubleArrayData fnDoubleArrayData( plugObj ); const MDoubleArray& doubleArrayData( fnDoubleArrayData.array( &status ) ); for ( i = 0; i < doubleArrayData.length(); i++ ) appendToResult( doubleArrayData[i] ); } return MS::kSuccess; };
MStatus blindComplexDataCmd::redoIt() { MStatus stat; // Status code MObject dependNode; // Selected dependency node // Iterate over all selected dependency nodes // for ( ; !iter->isDone(); iter->next() ) { // Get the selected dependency node and create // a function set for it // if ( MS::kSuccess != iter->getDependNode( dependNode ) ) { cerr << "Error getting the dependency node" << endl; continue; } MFnDependencyNode fnDN( dependNode, &stat ); if ( MS::kSuccess != stat ) { cerr << "Error creating MFnDependencyNode" << endl; continue; } // Create a new attribute for our blind data // // cout << "Creating attr..." << endl; MFnTypedAttribute fnAttr; const MString fullName( "blindComplexData" ); const MString briefName( "BCD" ); MObject newAttr = fnAttr.create( fullName, briefName, blindComplexData::id ); // Now add the new attribute to the current dependency node // // cout << "Adding attr..." << endl; fnDN.addAttribute( newAttr, MFnDependencyNode::kLocalDynamicAttr ); // // now we will demonstrate setting the value by using a plug. MPlug plug( dependNode, newAttr ); // // create an instance of the blind data with an initial array size of // 5. blindComplexData * newData = new blindComplexData( 5 ); // // initialized // cout << "setting data values..." << endl; unsigned int i; for ( i= 0; i < newData->length(); i++ ) { (*newData)[i]._intData = 10 + i; (*newData)[i]._doubleData = 20.02 + i; } // // setting the value for the plug. stat = plug.setValue( newData ); // // The following code demonstrates the retrieving of data from the // plug. MObject sData; stat = plug.getValue( sData ); if ( stat != MS::kSuccess ) { cerr << "error getting value off plug" << endl; continue; } // // Convert the data from an MObject back to a pointer to MPxData, then // cast it back to a pointer to blindComplexData. MFnPluginData pdFn( sData ); blindComplexData* data = ( blindComplexData* ) pdFn.constData( &stat ); // // read the data, and set the result to the values set. clearResult(); if ( NULL != data ) { // cout << "retrieving data values..." << endl; for ( i = 0; i < data->length(); i++ ) { // cout << "rec #" << i << ": " << (*data)[i]._intData << ", "; // cout << (*data)[i]._doubleData << endl; appendToResult((double) ((*data)[i]._intData)); appendToResult((*data)[i]._doubleData); } } else { // cout << "Null data" << endl; } } return MS::kSuccess; }
MStatus tm_randPoint::doIt( const MArgList& args ) { MStatus stat = MS::kSuccess; double amp = 1.0; double amp_x = 1.0; double amp_y = 1.0; double amp_z = 1.0; unsigned int seed = 0; bool useAxisAmp = false; bool exactObject = false; unsigned int num_meshes; MString objMString; helpMode = false; MArgDatabase argData( syntax(), args); if(argData.isFlagSet( help_Flag)) { helpMode = true; appendToResult( "\n// tm_polygon randPoint usage:\n"); appendToResult( "// Command operates with specified object with \"-obj\" flag,\n"); appendToResult( "// if this flag is not set, command use selected poly objects or poly vertices.\n"); appendToResult( "// Synopsis: tm_polygon [flags].\n"); appendToResult( "// Type \"help tm_randPoint\" to query flags.\n"); return MS::kSuccess; } if(argData.isFlagSet( amp_Flag)) argData.getFlagArgument( amp_Flag, 0, amp); if(argData.isFlagSet( ampX_Flag)) { argData.getFlagArgument( ampX_Flag, 0, amp_x); useAxisAmp = true; } if(argData.isFlagSet( ampY_Flag)) { argData.getFlagArgument( ampY_Flag, 0, amp_y); useAxisAmp = true; } if(argData.isFlagSet( ampZ_Flag)) { argData.getFlagArgument( ampZ_Flag, 0, amp_z); useAxisAmp = true; } if(argData.isFlagSet( seed_Flag)) argData.getFlagArgument( seed_Flag, 0, seed); if(argData.isFlagSet( obj_Flag)) { exactObject = true; argData.getFlagArgument( obj_Flag, 0, objMString); } double randMax = (double)RAND_MAX; double halfRandMax = 0.5 * randMax; unsigned i; if( exactObject) { selVtxMode = false; MSelectionList m_selList; MDagPath m_dagPath; stat = m_selList.add( objMString); if (!stat){stat.perror("###1 invalid obect path string");return stat;} stat = m_selList.getDagPath( 0, m_dagPath); if (!stat){stat.perror("###2 invalid obect path string");return stat;} stat = res_MDagPathArray.append( m_dagPath); if (!stat){stat.perror("###3 invalid obect path string");return stat;} } else { MSelectionList curSel; MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList( curSel); unsigned int numSelected = curSel.length(); MItSelectionList iter( curSel, MFn::kMeshVertComponent); if (iter.isDone()) { selVtxMode = false; MItDag::TraversalType traversalType = MItDag::kBreadthFirst; MFn::Type filter = MFn::kMesh; MItDag mit_dag( traversalType, filter, &stat); for( i = 0; i < numSelected; i++ ) { MDagPath sel_dagPath; curSel.getDagPath( i, sel_dagPath); stat = mit_dag.reset( sel_dagPath, traversalType, filter); if ( !stat) { stat.perror("MItDag constructor");return stat;} for ( ; !mit_dag.isDone(); ) { MDagPath m_dagPath; stat = mit_dag.getPath(m_dagPath); if ( !stat ) { stat.perror("MItDag::getPath error"); continue;} stat = res_MDagPathArray.append( m_dagPath); if ( !stat ) { stat.perror("MDagPathArray.append error"); continue;} } } } else { newPointsArrays = new MPointArray[1]; oldPointsArrays = new MPointArray[1]; selVtxMode = true; MObject component; MDagPath selVtx_dagPath; for ( ; !iter.isDone(); ) { iter.getDagPath(selVtx_dagPath, component); MItMeshVertex vertexIter( selVtx_dagPath, component ); for ( ; !vertexIter.isDone(); ) { MPoint oldPoint = vertexIter.position(MSpace::kObject ); MPoint newPoint; newPoint.x = oldPoint.x + ((halfRandMax - (double)rand()) / randMax) * amp * amp_x; newPoint.y = oldPoint.y + ((halfRandMax - (double)rand()) / randMax) * amp * amp_y; newPoint.z = oldPoint.z + ((halfRandMax - (double)rand()) / randMax) * amp * amp_z; oldPointsArrays[0].append( oldPoint); newPointsArrays[0].append( newPoint); } } } } if(!selVtxMode) { num_meshes = res_MDagPathArray.length(); newPointsArrays = new MPointArray[num_meshes]; oldPointsArrays = new MPointArray[num_meshes]; for( i = 0; i < num_meshes; i++ ) { MDagPath dagPath = res_MDagPathArray[i]; MObject node; node = dagPath.node(); MFnDependencyNode fnNode( node ); MStatus polyStatus; MFnMesh fnMesh( node, &polyStatus ); if( polyStatus == MS::kSuccess ) { MStatus status; status = fnMesh.getPoints( oldPointsArrays[i]); if (!status){status.perror("### error getting mesh points");return stat;} unsigned int numVertices = oldPointsArrays[i].length(); newPointsArrays[i].setLength(numVertices); oldPointsArrays[i].setLength(numVertices); if(seed != 0) srand(seed); if(useAxisAmp) { for( unsigned int v = 0; v < numVertices; v++) { newPointsArrays[i][v].x = oldPointsArrays[i][v].x + ((halfRandMax - (double)rand()) / randMax) * amp * amp_x; newPointsArrays[i][v].y = oldPointsArrays[i][v].y + ((halfRandMax - (double)rand()) / randMax) * amp * amp_y; newPointsArrays[i][v].z = oldPointsArrays[i][v].z + ((halfRandMax - (double)rand()) / randMax) * amp * amp_z; } } else { for( unsigned int v = 0; v < numVertices; v++) { newPointsArrays[i][v].x = oldPointsArrays[i][v].x + ((halfRandMax - (double)rand()) / randMax) * amp; newPointsArrays[i][v].y = oldPointsArrays[i][v].y + ((halfRandMax - (double)rand()) / randMax) * amp; newPointsArrays[i][v].z = oldPointsArrays[i][v].z + ((halfRandMax - (double)rand()) / randMax) * amp; } } } else stat = MS::kFailure; } } return redoIt(); }
MStatus VDBQueryCmd::doIt(const MArgList& args) { MStatus status = MS::kSuccess; MArgDatabase arg_data(syntax(), args); // always open new files to simplify code, it's cheap anyhow std::vector<std::string> vdb_paths; if (arg_data.isFlagSet(node_short_flag)) { MSelectionList slist; arg_data.getFlagArgument(node_short_flag, 0, slist); MObject node; slist.getDependNode(0, node); MFnDependencyNode dnode(node, &status); if (!status) return status; if (dnode.typeName() != VDBVisualizerShape::typeName) { MGlobal::displayError("[openvdb] Wrong node was passed to the command : " +; return MS::kFailure; } if (arg_data.isFlagSet(current_frame_short_flag)) vdb_paths.push_back(MPlug(node, VDBVisualizerShape::s_out_vdb_path).asString().asChar()); else { build_file_list(MPlug(node, VDBVisualizerShape::s_vdb_path).asString().asChar(), MPlug(node, VDBVisualizerShape::s_cache_playback_start).asInt(), MPlug(node, VDBVisualizerShape::s_cache_playback_end).asInt(), vdb_paths); } } else if (arg_data.isFlagSet(file_short_flag)) { MString vdb_path; arg_data.getFlagArgument(file_short_flag, 0, vdb_path); if (arg_data.isFlagSet(current_frame_short_flag)) { const int current_frame = static_cast<int>(MAnimControl::currentTime().as(MTime::uiUnit())); build_file_list(vdb_path.asChar(), current_frame, current_frame, vdb_paths); } else { int start_frame = 0; int end_frame = 0; if (arg_data.isFlagSet(start_frame_short_flag)) arg_data.getFlagArgument(start_frame_short_flag, 0, start_frame); else start_frame = static_cast<int>(MAnimControl::animationStartTime().as(MTime::uiUnit())); if (arg_data.isFlagSet(end_frame_short_flag)) arg_data.getFlagArgument(end_frame_short_flag, 0, end_frame); else end_frame = static_cast<int>(MAnimControl::animationEndTime().as(MTime::uiUnit())); build_file_list(vdb_path.asChar(), start_frame, end_frame, vdb_paths); } } else { MGlobal::displayError("[openvdb] No cache was passed to the command, use the -file(f) or the -node(n) flags"); return MS::kFailure; } if (vdb_paths.size() == 0) { MGlobal::displayError("[openvdb] No paths are passed to the command."); return MS::kFailure; } std::vector<openvdb::io::File*> vdb_files; vdb_files.reserve(vdb_paths.size()); MString query_type = ""; if (arg_data.isFlagSet(query_short_flag)) arg_data.getFlagArgument(query_short_flag, 0, query_type); else { MGlobal::displayError("[openvdb] No query is specified."); return MS::kFailure; } auto get_array_from_flag = [&](const char* flag_name, std::vector<std::string>& out_values) { if (arg_data.isFlagSet(flag_name)) { MString flag_data; arg_data.getFlagArgument(flag_name, 0, flag_data); MStringArray flags; if (flag_data.index(',')) flag_data.split(',', flags); else if (flag_data.index(';')) flag_data.split(';', flags); else if (flag_data.index(':')) flag_data.split(':', flags); else if (flag_data.index(' ')) flag_data.split(' ', flags); else flags.append(flag_data); const unsigned int flag_count = flags.length(); out_values.reserve(flag_count); for (unsigned int f = 0; f < flag_count; ++f) out_values.push_back(flags[f].asChar()); } }; std::vector<std::string> queries; get_array_from_flag(query_short_flag, queries); if (queries.size() == 0) { MGlobal::displayError("[openvdb] No queries are specified!"); return MS::kFailure; } for (auto vdb_path : vdb_paths) { openvdb::io::File* vdb_file = new openvdb::io::File(vdb_path); vdb_file->open(false); if (vdb_file->isOpen()) vdb_files.push_back(vdb_file); else delete vdb_file; } if (vdb_files.size() == 0) { MGlobal::displayError("[openvdb] No vdb files can be opened."); return MS::kFailure; } std::vector<std::string> grid_names; get_array_from_flag(grid_short_flag, grid_names); std::vector<std::string> grid_types; get_array_from_flag(grid_type_short_flag, grid_types); const bool all_grids = grid_names.size() == 0 && grid_types.size() == 0; auto grid_required = [&](openvdb::GridBase::ConstPtr grid) -> bool { if (all_grids) return true; else { return std::find(grid_names.begin(), grid_names.end(), grid->getName()) != grid_names.end() || std::find(grid_types.begin(), grid_types.end(), grid->valueType()) != grid_types.end(); } }; for (auto query : queries) { if (query == query_type_bbox) { MBoundingBox bbox; for (auto vdb_file : vdb_files) { openvdb::GridPtrVecPtr grids = vdb_file->readAllGridMetadata(); for (openvdb::GridPtrVec::const_iterator it = grids->begin(); it != grids->end(); ++it) { if (openvdb::GridBase::ConstPtr grid = *it) { if (grid_required(grid)) read_transformed_bounding_box(grid, bbox); } } } const MPoint min = bbox.min(); const MPoint max = bbox.max(); appendToResult(min.x); appendToResult(min.y); appendToResult(min.z); appendToResult(max.x); appendToResult(max.y); appendToResult(max.z); } else if (query == query_type_min_max) { std::vector<double> mins; std::vector<double> maxs; for (auto vdb_file : vdb_files) { openvdb::GridPtrVecPtr grids = vdb_file->readAllGridMetadata(); for (openvdb::GridPtrVec::const_iterator it = grids->begin(); it != grids->end(); ++it) { if (openvdb::GridBase::ConstPtr grid = *it) { if (grid_required(grid)) { // TODO: check for the minimum and maximum metadata if (grid->valueType() == "float") { if (mins.size() < 1) mins.resize(1, std::numeric_limits<double>::max()); if (maxs.size() < 1) maxs.resize(1, std::numeric_limits<double>::min()); openvdb::FloatGrid::ConstPtr grid_data = openvdb::gridConstPtrCast<openvdb::FloatGrid>(vdb_file->readGrid(grid->getName())); for (auto iter = grid_data->beginValueOn(); iter; ++iter) { const double value = static_cast<double>(iter.getValue()); mins[0] = std::min(mins[0], value); maxs[0] = std::max(maxs[0], value); } } else if (grid->valueType() == "vec3s") { if (mins.size() < 3) mins.resize(3, std::numeric_limits<double>::max()); if (maxs.size() < 3) maxs.resize(3, std::numeric_limits<double>::min()); openvdb::Vec3SGrid::ConstPtr grid_data = openvdb::gridConstPtrCast<openvdb::Vec3SGrid>(vdb_file->readGrid(grid->getName())); for (auto iter = grid_data->beginValueOn(); iter; ++iter) { const openvdb::Vec3d value = iter.getValue(); mins[0] = std::min(mins[0], value.x()); mins[1] = std::min(mins[1], value.y()); mins[2] = std::min(mins[2], value.z()); maxs[0] = std::max(maxs[0], value.x()); maxs[1] = std::max(maxs[1], value.y()); maxs[2] = std::max(maxs[2], value.z()); } } } } } } for (auto mn : mins) appendToResult(mn); for (auto mx : maxs) appendToResult(mx); } } for (auto vdb_file : vdb_files) delete vdb_file; return status; }
MStatus usdImport::doIt(const MArgList & args) { MStatus status; MArgDatabase argData(syntax(), args, &status); // Check that all flags were valid if (status != MS::kSuccess) { MGlobal::displayError("Invalid parameters detected. Exiting."); return status; } JobImportArgs jobArgs; //bool verbose = argData.isFlagSet("verbose"); std::string mFileName; if (argData.isFlagSet("file")) { // Get the value MString tmpVal; argData.getFlagArgument("file", 0, tmpVal); // resolve the path into an absolute path MFileObject absoluteFile; absoluteFile.setRawFullName(tmpVal); absoluteFile.setRawFullName( absoluteFile.resolvedFullName() ); // Make sure an absolute path if (!absoluteFile.exists()) { MGlobal::displayError("File does not exist. Exiting."); return MS::kFailure; } // Set the fileName mFileName = absoluteFile.resolvedFullName().asChar(); MGlobal::displayInfo(MString("Importing ") + MString(mFileName.c_str())); } if (mFileName.empty()) { MString error = "Non empty file specified. Skipping..."; MGlobal::displayError(error); return MS::kFailure; } if (argData.isFlagSet("shadingMode")) { MString stringVal; argData.getFlagArgument("shadingMode", 0, stringVal); TfToken shadingMode(stringVal.asChar()); if (shadingMode.IsEmpty()) { jobArgs.shadingMode = PxrUsdMayaShadingModeTokens->displayColor; } else { if (PxrUsdMayaShadingModeRegistry::GetInstance().GetExporter(shadingMode)) { jobArgs.shadingMode = shadingMode; } else { MGlobal::displayError(TfStringPrintf("No shadingMode '%s' found. Setting shadingMode='none'", shadingMode.GetText()).c_str()); jobArgs.shadingMode = PxrUsdMayaShadingModeTokens->none; } } } if (argData.isFlagSet("readAnimData")) { bool tmpBool = false; argData.getFlagArgument("readAnimData", 0, tmpBool); jobArgs.readAnimData = tmpBool; } // Specify usd PrimPath. Default will be "/<useFileBasename>" std::string mPrimPath; if (argData.isFlagSet("primPath")) { // Get the value MString tmpVal; argData.getFlagArgument("primPath", 0, tmpVal); mPrimPath = tmpVal.asChar(); } // Add variant (variantSet, variant). Multi-use std::map<std::string,std::string> mVariants; for (unsigned int i=0; i < argData.numberOfFlagUses("variant"); ++i) { MArgList tmpArgList; status = argData.getFlagArgumentList("variant", i, tmpArgList); // Get the value MString tmpKey = tmpArgList.asString(0, &status); MString tmpVal = tmpArgList.asString(1, &status); mVariants.insert( std::pair<std::string, std::string>(tmpKey.asChar(), tmpVal.asChar()) ); } if (argData.isFlagSet("assemblyRep")) { // Get the value MString stringVal; argData.getFlagArgument("assemblyRep", 0, stringVal); std::string assemblyRep = stringVal.asChar(); if (not assemblyRep.empty()) { jobArgs.assemblyRep = TfToken(assemblyRep); } } // Create the command if (mUsdReadJob) { delete mUsdReadJob; } // pass in assemblyTypeName and proxyShapeTypeName mUsdReadJob = new usdReadJob(mFileName, mPrimPath, mVariants, jobArgs, _assemblyTypeName, _proxyShapeTypeName); // Add optional command params if (argData.isFlagSet("parent")) { // Get the value MString tmpVal; argData.getFlagArgument("parent", 0, tmpVal); if (tmpVal.length()) { MSelectionList selList; selList.add(tmpVal); MDagPath dagPath; status = selList.getDagPath(0, dagPath); if (status != MS::kSuccess) { std::string errorStr = TfStringPrintf( "Invalid path \"%s\"for -parent.", tmpVal.asChar()); MGlobal::displayError(MString(errorStr.c_str())); return MS::kFailure; } mUsdReadJob->setMayaRootDagPath( dagPath ); } } // Execute the command std::vector<MDagPath> addedDagPaths; bool success = mUsdReadJob->doIt(&addedDagPaths); if (success) { TF_FOR_ALL(iter, addedDagPaths) { appendToResult(iter->fullPathName()); } }