Пример #1
/// evaluate
RealVector MultiLayerPerceptron::evaluate( const RealVector& x )
   /// Assert validity of input.
   assert( !m_useBiasNodes && x.size() == m_input.size() || m_useBiasNodes && x.size() == m_input.size() - 1 );

   /// Set input.
   for ( size_t i = 0; i < x.size(); ++i )
      m_input[ i ] = x[ i ];

   /// Simple forward propagation when there are no hidden layers.
   if ( m_y.size() == 0 )
      propagateForward( m_input, m_output, m_weights[ 0 ] );
      /// Propage from input node to first hidden layer.
      propagateForward( m_input, m_y[ 0 ], m_weights[ 0 ] );
      applyActivationFunc( m_y[ 0 ], m_x[ 0 ] );

      /// Propagate to last hidden layer.
      for ( size_t iHiddenLayer = 0; iHiddenLayer < m_y.size() - 1; ++iHiddenLayer )
         propagateForward( m_x[ iHiddenLayer ], m_y[ iHiddenLayer + 1 ], m_weights[ iHiddenLayer + 1 ] );
         applyActivationFunc( m_y[ iHiddenLayer + 1 ], m_x[ iHiddenLayer + 1 ] );

      /// Propagate to output nodes.
      propagateForward( m_x.back(), m_output, m_weights.back() );

   return m_output;
Пример #2
double RecurrentNN::nodeDifference(MNIndividual *ind)
    RecurrentNN *other = dynamic_cast<RecurrentNN *>(ind);
    if (!other)
        return INFINITY;
    long length = std::max(other->nodes.size(), nodes.size());
    double d = 0;
    for (long i=0; i<length; i++) {
        double d11 = 0;
        double d21 = 0;
        double d12 = 0;
        double d22 = 0;
        if (i < nodes.size()) {
            d11 = applyActivationFunc(nodes[i], 0) - applyActivationFunc(nodes[i], 1);
            d21 = applyActivationFunc(nodes[i], -1) - applyActivationFunc(nodes[i], 0);
        if (i < other->nodes.size()) {
            d12 = applyActivationFunc(other->nodes[i], 0) - applyActivationFunc(other->nodes[i], 1);
            d22 = applyActivationFunc(other->nodes[i], -1) - applyActivationFunc(other->nodes[i], 0);
        d += fabs((d11 - d21)/2 - (d12 - d22)/2);
    return d;
Пример #3
std::vector<double> RecurrentNN::nodeOutputsForInputs(std::vector<double> inputs, std::vector<std::vector<double> > &memory)
    std::vector<double> newOutputs(nodes.size());
    std::deque<long> toVisitNodes;
    for (int i=0; i<nodes.size(); i++)
    std::set<long> resolvedNodes;
    int runs = 0;
    while (toVisitNodes.size() > 0) {
        long n = toVisitNodes.front();
        bool isInput = (inputNodes.find(n) != inputNodes.end());

        std::vector<DelayEdge> inputEdges = inputsToNode(n);
        double inputSum = nodes[n].bias;
        bool tryAgain = false;
        for (long j=0; j<inputEdges.size(); j++) {
            DelayEdge &e = inputEdges[j];
            long from = e.nodeFrom;
            long delay = e.delay;
            std::vector<double> history = memory[from];
            bool isSelfInspection = false;
            if (from == n) {
                // we're looking at ourselves
                assert(delay > 0);
                isSelfInspection = true;
            bool longEnoughHistory =  (history.size() > delay) ;
//            if (longEnoughHistory) {
//                if (std::count(resolvedNodes.begin(), resolvedNodes.end(), from) > 0 || delay > 0) {
//                    std::vector<double>::iterator valuePos = history.end() - (delay +1);
//                    assert(!isUnreasonable(*valuePos));
//                    inputSum += *valuePos;
//                } else {
//                    tryAgain = true;
//                    break;
//                }
//            }
            if (longEnoughHistory) {
                // we've already resolved the output of this node
                // the values can be taken from memory
                std::vector<double>::iterator valuePos = history.end() - (delay+1);
                inputSum += *valuePos;
            } else {
                if (longEnoughHistory) {
                    // we should have an answer, but we don't - reschedule for later
                    tryAgain = true;
        if (!tryAgain) {
            // all input nodes resolved
            if (isInput) {
                inputSum += (inputs[n]); // the first [inputNodes.size()] nodes are the inputs
            double output = applyActivationFunc(nodes[n], inputSum);
            newOutputs[n] = output;
            std::vector<double> &thisMemory = memory[n];
        } else {
            // save this for later
    return newOutputs;