int msiobjget_z3950(
        msParam_t*  inRequestPath,
        msParam_t* inFileMode,
        msParam_t* inFileFlags,
        msParam_t* inCacheFilename,
        ruleExecInfo_t* rei ) {

        char *reqStr;
        int mode;
        char *cacheFilename;
        char *str;
        int status, bytesWritten, objLen;
        int destFd;
        char *locStr, *queryStr, *syntaxStr;
        char *myMSICall;
        int i;
        ruleExecInfo_t rei2;
        msParamArray_t msParamArray;
        msParam_t *mP;

        RE_TEST_MACRO( "    Calling msiobjget_z3950" );

        /*  check for input parameters */
        if ( inRequestPath ==  NULL ||
                strcmp( inRequestPath->type , STR_MS_T ) != 0 ||
                inRequestPath->inOutStruct == NULL ) {
            return( USER_PARAM_TYPE_ERR );

        if ( inFileMode ==  NULL ||
                strcmp( inFileMode->type , STR_MS_T ) != 0 ||
                inFileMode->inOutStruct == NULL ) {
            return( USER_PARAM_TYPE_ERR );

        if ( inFileFlags ==  NULL ||
                strcmp( inFileFlags->type , STR_MS_T ) != 0 ||
                inFileFlags->inOutStruct == NULL ) {
            return( USER_PARAM_TYPE_ERR );

        if ( inCacheFilename ==  NULL ||
                strcmp( inCacheFilename->type , STR_MS_T ) != 0 ||
                inCacheFilename->inOutStruct == NULL ) {
            return( USER_PARAM_TYPE_ERR );

        /*  coerce input to local variables */
        reqStr = ( char * ) inRequestPath->inOutStruct;
        cacheFilename = ( char * ) inCacheFilename->inOutStruct;
        mode  = atoi( ( char * ) inFileMode->inOutStruct );

        /* Do the processing */

        /* first skipping the mso-name */
        if ( ( str = strstr( reqStr, ":" ) ) == NULL ) {
            str = reqStr;
        else {

        /* getting parameters for the calls */
        i = getz3950Params( str, &locStr, &queryStr, &syntaxStr );
        if ( i != 0 ) {
            printf( "msiobjget_z3950: Error in request format for %s:%i\n", str, i );
            return( USER_INPUT_FORMAT_ERR );

        myMSICall = ( char * ) malloc( strlen( reqStr ) + 200 );

        sprintf( myMSICall, "msiz3950Submit(\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\",*OutBuffer)",
                 locStr, queryStr, syntaxStr );

        /*  sprintf(myMSICall, "msiz3950Submit(\"\",\"@attr 1=1003 Marx\",\"USMARC\",*OutBuffer)" );
        free( locStr );
        free( queryStr );
        free( syntaxStr );
        memset( ( char* )&rei2, 0, sizeof( ruleExecInfo_t ) );
        memset( ( char* )&msParamArray, 0, sizeof( msParamArray_t ) );

        rei2.rsComm = rei->rsComm;
        if ( rei2.rsComm != NULL ) {
            rei2.uoic = &rei2.rsComm->clientUser;
            rei2.uoip = &rei2.rsComm->proxyUser;

        i = applyRuleUpdateParams( myMSICall, &msParamArray, &rei2, NO_SAVE_REI );
        i = applyRule( myMSICall, &msParamArray, &rei2, NO_SAVE_REI );
        if ( i != 0 ) {
            printf( "msiobjget_z3950: Error in calling %s: %i\n", myMSICall, i );
            free( myMSICall );
            return( i );
        free( myMSICall );
        mP = getMsParamByLabel( &msParamArray, "*OutBuffer" );
        if ( mP == NULL ) {
            printf( "msiobjget_z3950: Error in Getting Parameter after call for *OutBuffer\n" );
            return( UNKNOWN_PARAM_IN_RULE_ERR );
        str = ( char * ) mP->inOutStruct;
        objLen = strlen( str );

        /* write the resulting buffer   in  cache file */
        destFd = open( cacheFilename, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, mode );
        if ( destFd < 0 ) {
            status = UNIX_FILE_OPEN_ERR - errno;
                "msigetobj_z3950: open error for cacheFilename %s, status = %d",
                cacheFilename, status );
            clearMsParamArray( &msParamArray, 0 );
            return status;
        bytesWritten = write( destFd, str, objLen );
        close( destFd );
        clearMsParamArray( &msParamArray, 0 );
        if ( bytesWritten != objLen ) {
                "msigetobj_z3950: In Cache File %s bytesWritten %d != returned objLen %i\n",
                cacheFilename, bytesWritten, objLen );
            return SYS_COPY_LEN_ERR;

        /* clean up */

        /*return */
        return( 0 );
/// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
/// @brief function which manages the TLS and Auth negotiations with the client
    error client_server_negotiation_for_server(
        irods::network_object_ptr _ptr,
        std::string&               _result ) {
        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // manufacture an rei for the applyRule
        ruleExecInfo_t rei;
        memset( ( char* )&rei, 0, sizeof( ruleExecInfo_t ) );

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // if it is, then call the pre PEP and get the result
        msParamArray_t params;
        memset( &params, 0, sizeof( params ) );
        int status = applyRuleUpdateParams(
                         NO_SAVE_REI );
        if ( 0 != status ) {
            return ERROR( status, "failed in call to applyRuleUpdateParams" );

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // extract the value from the outgoing param to pass out to the operation
        char* rule_result_ptr = 0;
        msParam_t* out_ms_param = getMsParamByLabel( &params, "*OUT" );
        if ( out_ms_param ) {
            rule_result_ptr = reinterpret_cast< char* >( out_ms_param->inOutStruct );

        else {
            return ERROR( SYS_INVALID_INPUT_PARAM, "null out parameter" );


        if ( !rule_result_ptr ) {
            return ERROR( SYS_INVALID_INPUT_PARAM, "rule_result is null" );


        std::string rule_result( rule_result_ptr );
        clearMsParamArray( &params, 0 );

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // check to see if a negoation was requested
        if ( !do_client_server_negotiation_for_server() ) {
            // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
            // if it was not but we require SSL then error out
            if ( CS_NEG_REQUIRE == rule_result ) {
                std::stringstream msg;
                msg << "SSL is required by the server but not requested by the client";
                return ERROR( SYS_INVALID_INPUT_PARAM, msg.str() );

            else {
                // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
                // a negotiation was not requested, bail
                return SUCCESS();


        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // pass the PEP result to the client, send CS_NEG_SVR_1_MSG
        irods::cs_neg_t cs_neg;
        cs_neg.status_ = CS_NEG_STATUS_SUCCESS;
        snprintf( cs_neg.result_, sizeof( cs_neg.result_ ), "%s", rule_result.c_str() );
        error err = send_client_server_negotiation_message( _ptr, cs_neg );
        if ( !err.ok() ) {
            std::stringstream msg;
            msg << "failed with PEP value of [" << rule_result << "]";
            return PASSMSG( msg.str(), err );

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // get the response from CS_NEG_CLI_1_MSG
        boost::shared_ptr< cs_neg_t > read_cs_neg;
        err = read_client_server_negotiation_message( _ptr, read_cs_neg );
        if ( !err.ok() ) {
            return PASS( err );

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // get the result from the key val pair
        if ( strlen( read_cs_neg->result_ ) != 0 ) {
            irods::kvp_map_t kvp;
            err = irods::parse_kvp_string(
                      kvp );
            if ( err.ok() ) {

                // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
                // extract the signed SID
                if ( kvp.find( CS_NEG_SID_KW ) != kvp.end() ) {
                    std::string svr_sid = kvp[ CS_NEG_SID_KW ];
                    if ( !svr_sid.empty() ) {
                        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
                        // get our SID to compare
                        server_properties& props = server_properties::getInstance();
                        err = props.capture_if_needed();
                        if ( !err.ok() ) {
                            return PASS( err );

                        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
                        // check SID against our SIDs
                        err = check_sent_sid(
                                  svr_sid );
                        if ( !err.ok() ) {
                                PASS( err ).status() );
                        else {
                            // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
                            // store property that states this is an
                            // Agent-Agent connection
                            props.set_property <
                            std::string > (
                                svr_sid );

                    } // if sid is not empty
                    else {
                            "%s - sent SID is empty",
                            __FUNCTION__ );

                // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
                // check to see if the result string has the SSL negotiation results
                _result = kvp[ CS_NEG_RESULT_KW ];
                if ( _result.empty() ) {
                    return ERROR(
                               "SSL result string missing from response" );

            else {
                // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
                // support 4.0 client-server negotiation which did not
                // use key-val pairs
                _result = read_cs_neg->result_;


        } // if result strlen > 0

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // if the response is favorable, return success
        if ( CS_NEG_STATUS_SUCCESS == read_cs_neg->status_ ) {
            return SUCCESS();

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // else, return a failure
        return ERROR( -1, "failure detected from client" );

    } // client_server_negotiation_for_server
// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
// private - execute rule for pre operation
    error operation_rule_execution_manager::exec_op(
        rsComm_t*          _comm,
        keyValPair_t&      _kvp,
        const std::string& _name,
        std::string&       _res ) {
        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // determine if rule exists
        RuleIndexListNode* re_node = 0;
        if ( findNextRule2( const_cast<char*>( _name.c_str() ), 0, &re_node ) < 0 ) {
            return ERROR( SYS_RULE_NOT_FOUND, "no rule found" );

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // debug message for creating dynPEP rules
            "operation_rule_execution_manager exec_op [%s]",
            _name.c_str() );

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // add additional global re params
        error err = add_global_re_params_to_kvp_for_dynpep( _kvp );
        if ( !err.ok() ) {
            return PASS( err );

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // manufacture an rei for the applyRule
        ruleExecInfo_t rei;
        memset( ( char* )&rei, 0, sizeof( ruleExecInfo_t ) );
        rei.rsComm        = _comm;
        rei.condInputData = &_kvp; // give rule scope to our key value pairs
        rstrcpy( rei.pluginInstanceName, instance_.c_str(), MAX_NAME_LEN );

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // add the output parameter
        msParamArray_t params;
        memset( &params, 0, sizeof( msParamArray_t ) );
        char out_param[ MAX_NAME_LEN ] = {"EMPTY_PARAM"};
        if ( _res.empty() ) {
            addMsParamToArray( &params, "*OUT", STR_MS_T, out_param, NULL, 0 );
        else {
            addMsParamToArray( &params, "*OUT", STR_MS_T, const_cast<char*>( _res.c_str() ), NULL, 0 );

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // rule exists, param array is build.  call the rule.
        std::string arg_name = _name + "(*OUT)";
        int ret = applyRuleUpdateParams(
                      const_cast<char*>( arg_name.c_str() ),
                      NO_SAVE_REI );
        if ( 0 != ret ) {
            return ERROR( ret, "failed in call to applyRuleUpdateParams" );

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // extract the value from the outgoing param to pass out to the operation
        msParam_t* out_ms_param = getMsParamByLabel( &params, "*OUT" );
        if ( out_ms_param ) {
            _res = reinterpret_cast< char* >( out_ms_param->inOutStruct );

        else {
            return ERROR( SYS_INVALID_INPUT_PARAM, "null out parameter" );


        return SUCCESS();

    } // exec_op