Пример #1
 * parse JSON JWK
apr_byte_t apr_jwk_parse_json(apr_pool_t *pool, json_t *json, apr_jwk_t **j_jwk,
		apr_jwt_error_t *err) {

	/* check that we've actually got a JSON value back */
	if (json == NULL) {
		apr_jwt_error(err, "JWK JSON is NULL");
		return FALSE;

	/* check that the value is a JSON object */
	if (!json_is_object(json)) {
		apr_jwt_error(err, "JWK JSON is not a JSON object");
		return FALSE;

	/* allocate memory for the JWK */
	*j_jwk = apr_pcalloc(pool, sizeof(apr_jwk_t));
	apr_jwk_t *jwk = *j_jwk;

	/* get the mandatory key type */
	char *kty = NULL;
	if (apr_jwt_get_string(pool, json, "kty", TRUE, &kty, err) == FALSE)
		return FALSE;

	/* get the optional kid */
	apr_jwt_get_string(pool, json, "kid", FALSE, &jwk->kid, NULL);

	/* parse the key */
	if (apr_strnatcmp(kty, "RSA") == 0)
		return apr_jwk_parse_rsa(pool, json, jwk, err);

	if (apr_strnatcmp(kty, "EC") == 0)
		return apr_jwk_parse_ec(pool, json, jwk, err);

	if (apr_strnatcmp(kty, "oct") == 0)
		return apr_jwk_parse_oct(pool, json, jwk, err);

			"wrong or unsupported JWK key representation \"%s\" (\"RSA\", \"EC\" and \"oct\" are supported key types)",

	return FALSE;
Пример #2
 * parse JSON JWK
apr_byte_t apr_jwk_parse_json(apr_pool_t *pool, json_t *j_json,
		const char *s_json, apr_jwk_t **j_jwk) {

	/* check that we've actually got a JSON value back */
	if (j_json == NULL)
		return FALSE;

	/* check that the value is a JSON object */
	if (!json_is_object(j_json))
		return FALSE;

	/* allocate memory for the JWK */
	*j_jwk = apr_pcalloc(pool, sizeof(apr_jwk_t));
	apr_jwk_t *jwk = *j_jwk;

	/* set the raw JSON/string representations */
	jwk->value.json = j_json;
	jwk->value.str = apr_pstrdup(pool, s_json);

	/* get the key type */
	char *kty = NULL;
	if (apr_jwt_get_string(pool, &jwk->value, "kty", &kty) == FALSE)
		return FALSE;

	/* kty is mandatory */
	if (kty == NULL)
		return FALSE;

	/* parse the key */
	if (apr_strnatcmp(kty, "RSA") == 0)
		return apr_jwk_parse_rsa(pool, jwk);

	if (apr_strnatcmp(kty, "EC") == 0)
		return apr_jwk_parse_ec(pool, jwk);

	return FALSE;