int lua_apr_time_format(lua_State *L) { char formatted[1024]; apr_status_t status; const char *format; luaL_checktype(L, 1, LUA_TSTRING); format = lua_tostring(L, 1); if (strcmp(format, "ctime") == 0) { status = apr_ctime(formatted, time_check(L, 2)); if (status != APR_SUCCESS) return push_error_status(L, status); lua_pushlstring(L, formatted, APR_CTIME_LEN - 1); return 1; } else if (strcmp(format, "rfc822") == 0) { status = apr_rfc822_date(formatted, time_check(L, 2)); if (status != APR_SUCCESS) return push_error_status(L, status); lua_pushlstring(L, formatted, APR_RFC822_DATE_LEN - 1); return 1; } else { apr_time_exp_t components = { 0 }; apr_size_t length = count(formatted); time_check_exploded(L, 2, &components, 1); status = apr_strftime(formatted, &length, length, format, &components); if (status != APR_SUCCESS) return push_error_status(L, status); lua_pushlstring(L, formatted, length); return 1; } }
int logging_rotateLogFile(mm_logger* log) { mm_logger* ltmp; apr_finfo_t finfo; apr_time_t tnow; apr_time_exp_t texp; apr_status_t st; apr_size_t tbuflen,tbufmax=64; char tbuf[64],*newPath; st=apr_stat(&finfo,log->filepath,APR_FINFO_SIZE,log->p); if(finfo.size > log->maxLogFileSizeMB*1024*1024) { apr_file_printf(log->file,"Monitor File Size [%dB], Max Value [%dB].\r\n",finfo.size,log->maxLogFileSizeMB*1024*1024); logging_closeLogger(log); log->file=NULL; tnow=apr_time_now(); memset(tbuf,'\0',64); apr_time_exp_lt(&texp,tnow); apr_strftime(tbuf,&tbuflen,tbufmax,"%F-%H_%M_%S",&texp); newPath=apr_psprintf(log->p,"%s.%s.%d",log->filepath,tbuf,texp.tm_usec); apr_file_rename(log->filepath,newPath,log->p); ltmp=logging_getLogger(log->p,log->filepath,log->maxLogFileSizeMB); log->file=ltmp->file; return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
int lc_rotateLogFile() { apr_status_t status=0; int cur_pid; cur_pid=getpid(); if(refreshLogger.status!=APR_SUCCESS||cur_pid! { //printf("\nLogfile has not been opened.\n"); return FALSE; } lc_closeLogFile(); apr_time_t tnow; apr_time_exp_t texp; apr_size_t tbuflen,tbufmax=64; char tbuf[64],*renamedPath; tnow=apr_time_now(); memset(tbuf,'\0',64); apr_time_exp_lt(&texp,tnow); apr_strftime(tbuf,&tbuflen,tbufmax,"%F-%H_%M_%S",&texp); renamedPath=apr_psprintf(refreshLogger.logger.p,"%s.%s.%d",refreshLogger.logger.filepath,tbuf,texp.tm_usec); status = apr_file_rename(refreshLogger.logger.filepath,renamedPath,refreshLogger.logger.p); // open a new file status = lc_openLogFile(refreshLogger.logger.p, refreshLogger.logger.filepath); return status; }
static const LogString getTimeZoneName() { const int MAX_TZ_LENGTH = 255; char tzName[MAX_TZ_LENGTH]; apr_size_t tzLength; apr_time_exp_t tm; apr_time_exp_lt(&tm, 0); apr_strftime(tzName, &tzLength, MAX_TZ_LENGTH, "%Z", &tm); if (tzLength == 0) { apr_strftime(tzName, &tzLength, MAX_TZ_LENGTH, "%z", &tm); } tzName[tzLength] = 0; LogString retval; log4cxx::helpers::Transcoder::decode(tzName, retval); return retval; }
static const char *log_request_time_custom(request_rec *r, char *a, apr_time_exp_t *xt) { apr_size_t retcode; char tstr[MAX_STRING_LEN]; apr_strftime(tstr, &retcode, sizeof(tstr), a, xt); return apr_pstrdup(r->pool, tstr); }
static void jk2_logger_file_setTimeStr(jk_env_t *env, char *str, int len) { apr_time_exp_t gmt; apr_size_t l; apr_time_exp_gmt(&gmt, apr_time_now()); apr_strftime(str, &l, len, jk2_logger_file_logFmt, &gmt); }
static const char *ap_pstrftime(apr_pool_t *p, const char *format, apr_time_exp_t *tm) { size_t got, len = strlen(format) + 1; const char *fp = strchr(format, '%'); char *buf = NULL; while (NULL != fp) { len += 10; /* approx only, will fail if anything generates a huge expansion */ fp = strchr(fp + 1, '%'); } buf = apr_palloc(p, len); apr_strftime(buf, &got, len, format, tm); return buf; }
SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_strftime(char *s, switch_size_t *retsize, switch_size_t max, const char *format, switch_time_exp_t *tm) { const char *p = format; if (!p) return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; while (*p) { if (*p == '%') { switch (*(++p)) { case 'C': case 'D': case 'r': case 'R': case 'T': case 'e': case 'a': case 'A': case 'b': case 'B': case 'c': case 'd': case 'H': case 'I': case 'j': case 'm': case 'M': case 'p': case 'S': case 'U': case 'w': case 'W': case 'x': case 'X': case 'y': case 'Y': case 'z': case 'Z': case '%': p++; continue; case '\0': default: return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } } p++; } return apr_strftime(s, retsize, max, format, (apr_time_exp_t *) tm); }
static void test_strftimesmall(CuTest *tc) { apr_status_t rv; apr_time_exp_t xt; char str[STR_SIZE]; apr_size_t sz; rv = apr_time_exp_gmt(&xt, now); rv = apr_strftime(str, &sz, STR_SIZE, "%T", &xt); if (rv == APR_ENOTIMPL) { CuNotImpl(tc, "apr_strftime"); } CuAssertTrue(tc, rv == APR_SUCCESS); CuAssertStrEquals(tc, "19:05:36", str); }
static void test_strftimeoffset(CuTest *tc) { apr_status_t rv; apr_time_exp_t xt; char str[STR_SIZE]; apr_size_t sz; apr_int32_t hr_off = -5 * 3600; /* 5 hours in seconds */ apr_time_exp_tz(&xt, now, hr_off); rv = apr_strftime(str, &sz, STR_SIZE, "%T", &xt); if (rv == APR_ENOTIMPL) { CuNotImpl(tc, "apr_strftime"); } CuAssertTrue(tc, rv == APR_SUCCESS); }
static void test_strftime(CuTest *tc) { apr_status_t rv; apr_time_exp_t xt; char *str = NULL; apr_size_t sz; rv = apr_time_exp_gmt(&xt, now); str = apr_palloc(p, STR_SIZE + 1); rv = apr_strftime(str, &sz, STR_SIZE, "%R %A %d %B %Y", &xt); if (rv == APR_ENOTIMPL) { CuNotImpl(tc, "apr_strftime"); } CuAssertTrue(tc, rv == APR_SUCCESS); CuAssertStrEquals(tc, "19:05 Saturday 14 September 2002", str); }
static void badge_emit_timestamp(request_rec * r, const char * fromto, time_t value, int rdonly, badge_timestamp * ts, int errflags, int yearerr, int montherr, int dayerr, int hourerr, int minerr, int secerr) { apr_time_exp_t exptime; apr_time_t aprtime; apr_size_t len; char buf[100]; /** *** Emit a timestamp in an html table row, either as normal text *** from `value' or as input fields with values from `*ts' *** according to the `rdonly' flag. **/ ap_rvputs(r, "<tr><td>Valid ", fromto, "</td><td>", NULL); if (rdonly) { apr_time_ansi_put(&aprtime, value); apr_time_exp_tz(&exptime, aprtime, 0); apr_strftime(buf, &len, sizeof buf - 1, "%c", &exptime); buf[len] = '\0'; ap_rvputs(r, ap_escape_html(r->pool, buf), NULL); } else { ap_rvputs(r, "Y<input type=\"text\" name=\"", fromto, "-year\" value=\"", ts->year? ap_escape_html(r->pool, ts->year): "", "\"", badge_arg_err(errflags & yearerr), " />", NULL); badge_emit_range_select(r, "M", fromto, "month", 1, 12, ts->month, errflags & montherr); badge_emit_range_select(r, "D", fromto, "day", 1, 31, ts->day, errflags & dayerr); badge_emit_range_select(r, "H", fromto, "hour", 0, 23, ts->hour, errflags & hourerr); badge_emit_range_select(r, "M", fromto, "min", 0, 59, ts->min, errflags & minerr); badge_emit_range_select(r, "S", fromto, "sec", 0, 59, ts->sec, errflags & secerr); } ap_rvputs(r, "</td></tr>\n", NULL); }
static char * add_auth_token(apr_pool_t *pool, saxctxt *ctx, apr_uri_t *u) { apr_uri_t u2 = *u; const char *unparsed_uri, *auth_token, *ip; char *timestamp, *forwarded_list, *last; apr_status_t rv; apr_time_exp_t xt; apr_size_t sz; apr_table_t *params; unparsed_uri = apr_uri_unparse(pool, &u2, APR_URI_UNP_OMITQUERY); rv = apr_time_exp_lt(&xt, apr_time_now() + apr_time_from_sec(ctx->cfg->auth_exptime)); timestamp = apr_palloc(pool, TIME_STR_SIZE + 1); rv = apr_strftime(timestamp, &sz, TIME_STR_SIZE, "%FT%T%z", &xt); if (u2.query) u2.query = apr_pstrcat(pool, u2.query, "&vox_timestamp=", timestamp, NULL); else u2.query = apr_pstrcat(pool, "vox_timestamp=", timestamp, NULL); /* Convert the query string to a table */ params = apr_table_make(pool, 1); qs_to_table(u2.query, params, pool); /* Generate the auth token */ forwarded_list = (char *)apr_table_get(ctx->f->r->headers_in, "X-Forwarded-For"); /* If X-Forwarded-For header exists, use first IP in it */ if (forwarded_list && (forwarded_list = apr_pstrdup(pool, forwarded_list)) && (ip = apr_strtok(forwarded_list, ", \t", &last))) auth_token = make_auth_token(ctx->f->r, ip, unparsed_uri, params, ctx->cfg->auth_key); else /* Otherwise, use the normal remote_ip */ auth_token = make_auth_token(ctx->f->r, ctx->f->r->connection->remote_ip, unparsed_uri, params, ctx->cfg->auth_key); if (auth_token) { u2.query = apr_pstrcat(pool, u2.query, "&vox_sig=", auth_token, NULL); ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_INFO, APR_SUCCESS, ctx->f->r->server, "add_auth_token: new query string is %s", u2.query); } return u2.query; }
int slayer_server_log_request(slayer_server_log_manager_t *manager, apr_pool_t *mpool, apr_socket_t *conn, const char *request_line, int response_code, int nbytes_sent, apr_int64_t time_toservice) { //generate data char dstring[1024]; apr_int64_t current_time = apr_time_now(); apr_size_t result_size; apr_time_exp_t ltime; apr_time_exp_lt(<ime,current_time); apr_strftime (dstring, &result_size, sizeof(dstring), "%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z", <ime ); apr_sockaddr_t *client_addr; char *client_ip; apr_socket_addr_get(&client_addr,0,conn); apr_sockaddr_ip_get(&client_ip,client_addr); if (manager->fhandle) { char *message = apr_pstrcat(mpool,client_ip," - - ","[",dstring,"] \"",request_line,"\" ", apr_itoa(mpool,response_code)," ",apr_itoa(mpool,nbytes_sent), " ",apr_ltoa(mpool,time_toservice), "\n",NULL); slayer_server_log_message(manager,message); } slayer_server_log_add_entry(manager,mpool,client_ip,current_time,request_line,response_code,nbytes_sent,time_toservice); return 0; }
SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_strftime_nocheck(char *s, switch_size_t *retsize, switch_size_t max, const char *format, switch_time_exp_t *tm) { return apr_strftime(s, retsize, max, format, (apr_time_exp_t *) tm); }
/* This implements the svn_client_list_func_t API, printing a single directory entry in text format. */ static svn_error_t * print_dirent(void *baton, const char *path, const svn_dirent_t *dirent, const svn_lock_t *lock, const char *abs_path, apr_pool_t *pool) { struct print_baton *pb = baton; const char *entryname; if (pb->ctx->cancel_func) SVN_ERR(pb->ctx->cancel_func(pb->ctx->cancel_baton)); if (strcmp(path, "") == 0) { if (dirent->kind == svn_node_file) entryname = svn_dirent_basename(abs_path, pool); else if (pb->verbose) entryname = "."; else /* Don't bother to list if no useful information will be shown. */ return SVN_NO_ERROR; } else entryname = path; if (pb->verbose) { apr_time_t now = apr_time_now(); apr_time_exp_t exp_time; apr_status_t apr_err; apr_size_t size; char timestr[20]; const char *sizestr, *utf8_timestr; /* svn_time_to_human_cstring gives us something *way* too long to use for this, so we have to roll our own. We include the year if the entry's time is not within half a year. */ apr_time_exp_lt(&exp_time, dirent->time); if (apr_time_sec(now - dirent->time) < (365 * 86400 / 2) && apr_time_sec(dirent->time - now) < (365 * 86400 / 2)) { apr_err = apr_strftime(timestr, &size, sizeof(timestr), _("%b %d %H:%M"), &exp_time); } else { apr_err = apr_strftime(timestr, &size, sizeof(timestr), _("%b %d %Y"), &exp_time); } /* if that failed, just zero out the string and print nothing */ if (apr_err) timestr[0] = '\0'; /* we need it in UTF-8. */ SVN_ERR(svn_utf_cstring_to_utf8(&utf8_timestr, timestr, pool)); sizestr = apr_psprintf(pool, "%" SVN_FILESIZE_T_FMT, dirent->size); return svn_cmdline_printf (pool, "%7ld %-8.8s %c %10s %12s %s%s\n", dirent->created_rev, dirent->last_author ? dirent->last_author : " ? ", lock ? 'O' : ' ', (dirent->kind == svn_node_file) ? sizestr : "", utf8_timestr, entryname, (dirent->kind == svn_node_dir) ? "/" : ""); } else { return svn_cmdline_printf(pool, "%s%s\n", entryname, (dirent->kind == svn_node_dir) ? "/" : ""); } }
const char * svn_time_to_human_cstring(apr_time_t when, apr_pool_t *pool) { apr_time_exp_t exploded_time; apr_size_t len, retlen; apr_status_t ret; char *datestr, *curptr, human_datestr[SVN_TIME__MAX_LENGTH]; /* Get the time into parts */ ret = apr_time_exp_lt(&exploded_time, when); if (ret) return NULL; /* Make room for datestring */ datestr = apr_palloc(pool, SVN_TIME__MAX_LENGTH); /* Put in machine parseable part */ len = apr_snprintf(datestr, SVN_TIME__MAX_LENGTH, HUMAN_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT, exploded_time.tm_year + 1900, exploded_time.tm_mon + 1, exploded_time.tm_mday, exploded_time.tm_hour, exploded_time.tm_min, exploded_time.tm_sec, exploded_time.tm_gmtoff / (60 * 60), (abs(exploded_time.tm_gmtoff) / 60) % 60); /* If we overfilled the buffer, just return what we got. */ if (len >= SVN_TIME__MAX_LENGTH) return datestr; /* Calculate offset to the end of the machine parseable part. */ curptr = datestr + len; /* Put in human explanatory part */ ret = apr_strftime(human_datestr, &retlen, SVN_TIME__MAX_LENGTH - len, human_timestamp_format_suffix, &exploded_time); /* If there was an error, ensure that the string is zero-terminated. */ if (ret || retlen == 0) *curptr = '\0'; else { const char *utf8_string; svn_error_t *err; err = svn_utf_cstring_to_utf8(&utf8_string, human_datestr, pool); if (err) { *curptr = '\0'; svn_error_clear(err); } else apr_cpystrn(curptr, utf8_string, SVN_TIME__MAX_LENGTH - len); } return datestr; }
/* Send the authentication to the log table */ int pg_log_auth_user(request_rec * r, pg_auth_config_rec * sec, char *user, char *sent_pw) { char sql[MAX_STRING_LEN]; char *s; int n; char fields[MAX_STRING_LEN]; char values[MAX_STRING_LEN]; char *safe_user; char *safe_pw; char *safe_req; char ts[MAX_STRING_LEN]; /* time in string format */ apr_time_exp_t t; /* time of request start */ apr_size_t retsize; safe_user = apr_palloc(r->pool, 1 + 2 * strlen(user)); safe_pw = apr_palloc(r->pool, 1 + 2 * strlen(sent_pw)); safe_req = apr_palloc(r->pool, 1 + 2 * strlen(r->the_request)); /* we do not want to process internal redirect */ if (!ap_is_initial_req(r)) return DECLINED; if ((!sec->auth_pg_log_table) || (!sec->auth_pg_log_uname_field) || (!sec->auth_pg_log_date_field)) { // At least table name, username and date field are specified // send error message and exit return DECLINED; } /* AUD: MAX_STRING_LEN probably isn't always correct */ pg_check_string(safe_user, user, strlen(user)); pg_check_string(safe_pw, sent_pw, strlen(sent_pw)); pg_check_string(safe_req, r->the_request, strlen(r->the_request)); if (sec->auth_pg_lowercaseuid) { /* and force it to lowercase */ n = 0; while (safe_user[n] && n < (MAX_STRING_LEN - 1)) { if (isupper(safe_user[n])) { safe_user[n] = tolower(safe_user[n]); } n++; } } if (sec->auth_pg_uppercaseuid) { /* and force it to uppercase */ n = 0; while (safe_user[n] && n < (MAX_STRING_LEN - 1)) { if (islower(safe_user[n])) { safe_user[n] = toupper(safe_user[n]); } n++; } } /* time field format */ apr_time_exp_lt(&t, r->request_time); apr_strftime(ts, &retsize, 100, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &t); /* SQL Statement, required fields: Username, Date */ apr_snprintf(fields, MAX_STRING_LEN, "%s,%s", sec->auth_pg_log_uname_field, sec->auth_pg_log_date_field); apr_snprintf(values, MAX_STRING_LEN, "'%s','%s'", safe_user, ts); /* Optional parameters */ if (sec->auth_pg_log_addrs_field) { /* IP Address field */ apr_snprintf(sql, MAX_STRING_LEN, ", %s", sec->auth_pg_log_addrs_field); strncat(fields, sql, MAX_STRING_LEN - strlen(fields) - 1); apr_snprintf(sql, MAX_STRING_LEN, ", '%s'", r->connection->remote_ip); strncat(values, sql, MAX_STRING_LEN - strlen(values) - 1); } if (sec->auth_pg_log_pwd_field) { /* Password field , clear WARNING */ apr_snprintf(sql, MAX_STRING_LEN, ", %s", sec->auth_pg_log_pwd_field); strncat(fields, sql, MAX_STRING_LEN - strlen(fields) - 1); apr_snprintf(sql, MAX_STRING_LEN, ", '%s'", safe_pw); strncat(values, sql, MAX_STRING_LEN - strlen(values) - 1); } if (sec->auth_pg_log_uri_field) { /* request string */ apr_snprintf(sql, MAX_STRING_LEN, ", %s", sec->auth_pg_log_uri_field); strncat(fields, sql, MAX_STRING_LEN - strlen(fields) - 1); apr_snprintf(sql, MAX_STRING_LEN, ", '%s'", safe_req); strncat(values, sql, MAX_STRING_LEN - strlen(values) - 1); } apr_snprintf(sql, MAX_STRING_LEN, "insert into %s (%s) values(%s) ; ", sec->auth_pg_log_table, fields, values); s = do_pg_query(r, sql, sec); return (0); }
/* * Open a new log file, and if successful * also close the old one. * * The timestamp for the calculation of the file * name of the new log file will be the actual millisecond * timestamp, except when a regular rotation based on a time * interval is configured and the previous interval * is over. Then the timestamp is the starting time * of the actual interval. */ static void doRotate(rotate_config_t *config, rotate_status_t *status) { int now = get_now(config); int tLogStart; apr_status_t rv; struct logfile newlog; int thisLogNum = -1; status->rotateReason = ROTATE_NONE; if (config->tRotation) { int tLogEnd; tLogStart = (now / config->tRotation) * config->tRotation; tLogEnd = tLogStart + config->tRotation; /* * Check if rotation was forced and the last rotation * interval is not yet over. Use the value of now instead * of the time interval boundary for the file name then. */ if (tLogStart < status->tLogEnd) { tLogStart = now; } status->tLogEnd = tLogEnd; } else { tLogStart = now; } if (config->use_strftime) { apr_time_t tNow = apr_time_from_sec(tLogStart); apr_time_exp_t e; apr_size_t rs; apr_time_exp_gmt(&e, tNow); apr_strftime(, &rs, sizeof(, config->szLogRoot, &e); } else { if (config->truncate) { apr_snprintf(, sizeof(, "%s", config->szLogRoot); } else if (config->num_files > 0) { if (status->fileNum == -1 || status->fileNum == (config->num_files - 1)) { thisLogNum = 0; apr_snprintf(, sizeof(, "%s", config->szLogRoot); } else { thisLogNum = status->fileNum + 1; apr_snprintf(, sizeof(, "%s.%d", config->szLogRoot, thisLogNum); } } else { apr_snprintf(, sizeof(, "%s.%010d", config->szLogRoot, tLogStart); } } apr_pool_create(&newlog.pool, status->pool); if (config->verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "Opening file %s\n",; } rv = apr_file_open(&newlog.fd,, APR_WRITE | APR_CREATE | APR_APPEND | (config->truncate || (config->num_files > 0 && status->current.fd) ? APR_TRUNCATE : 0), APR_OS_DEFAULT, newlog.pool); if (rv == APR_SUCCESS) { /* Handle post-rotate processing. */ post_rotate(newlog.pool, &newlog, config, status); status->fileNum = thisLogNum; /* Close out old (previously 'current') logfile, if any. */ if (status->current.fd) { close_logfile(config, &status->current); } /* New log file is now 'current'. */ status->current = newlog; } else { char error[120]; apr_strerror(rv, error, sizeof error); /* Uh-oh. Failed to open the new log file. Try to clear * the previous log file, note the lost log entries, * and keep on truckin'. */ if (status->current.fd == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not open log file '%s' (%s)\n",, error); exit(2); } /* Throw away new state; it isn't going to be used. */ apr_pool_destroy(newlog.pool); /* Try to keep this error message constant length * in case it occurs several times. */ apr_snprintf(status->errbuf, sizeof status->errbuf, "Resetting log file due to error opening " "new log file, %10d messages lost: %-25.25s\n", status->nMessCount, error); truncate_and_write_error(status); } status->nMessCount = 0; }