Пример #1
void setdates(void)
	time_t time();
	struct tm *gmtime();
	char *ctime(), *arpadate();

	(void) time(&now);
	(void) strcpy(nows, ctime(&now));
	gmt = gmtime(&now);
	loc = localtime(&now);
	(void) strcpy(arpanows, arpadate(nows));
Пример #2
static void
child_process (entry * e, user * u)
  int stdin_pipe[2], stdout_pipe[2];
  register char *input_data;
  char *usernm, *mailto;
  int verbose;			/* Put lots of info about job in the output mail msg */
  int children = 0;

  Debug (DPROC, ("[%d] child_process('%s')\n", getpid (), e->cmd));
  /* mark ourselves as different to PS command watchers by upshifting
   * our process name.  This has no effect on some kernels.
  /*local */
    register char *pch;

    for (pch = ProcessName; *pch; pch++)
      *pch = MkUpper (*pch);

  /* discover some useful and important environment settings
  usernm = env_get ("LOGNAME", e->envp);
  mailto = env_get ("MAILTO", e->envp);

  /* The environment variable CRON_VERBOSE is normally set in the crontab
     itself.  It means user wants lots of info in the mail message to the cron
     job owner, including the full environment.
  if (env_get ("CRON_VERBOSE", e->envp))
    verbose = 1;
    verbose = 0;

  /* Check for arguments */
  if (mailto)
      const char *end;

      /* These chars have to match those cron_popen()
       * uses to split the command string */
      mailto += strspn (mailto, " \t\n");
      end = mailto + strcspn (mailto, " \t\n");
      if (*mailto == '-' || *end != '\0')
	  printf ("Bad Mailto karma.\n");
	  log_it ("CRON", getpid (), "error", "bad mailto");
	  mailto = NULL;

  /* our parent is watching for our death by catching SIGCHLD.  we
   * do not care to watch for our children's deaths this way -- we
   * use wait() explictly.  so we have to disable the signal (which
   * was inherited from the parent).
  (void) signal (SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN);
  /* on system-V systems, we are ignoring SIGCHLD.  we have to stop
   * ignoring it now or the wait() in cron_pclose() won't work.
   * because of this, we have to wait() for our children here, as well.
  (void) signal (SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL);
#endif /* USE_SIGCHLD */

  /* create some pipes to talk to our future child
  pipe (stdin_pipe);		/* child's stdin */
  pipe (stdout_pipe);		/* child's stdout */

  /* since we are a forked process, we can diddle the command string
   * we were passed -- nobody else is going to use it again, right?
   * if a % is present in the command, previous characters are the
   * command, and subsequent characters are the additional input to
   * the command.  Subsequent %'s will be transformed into newlines,
   * but that happens later.
  /*local */
    register int escaped = FALSE;
    register int ch;

    for (input_data = e->cmd; (ch = *input_data); input_data++)
	if (escaped)
	    escaped = FALSE;
	if (ch == '\\')
	    escaped = TRUE;
	if (ch == '%')
	    *input_data++ = '\0';

  /* fork again, this time so we can exec the user's command.
  switch (vfork ())
    case -1:
      log_it ("CRON", getpid (), "error", "can't vfork");
      exit (ERROR_EXIT);
     /*NOTREACHED*/ case 0:
      Debug (DPROC, ("[%d] grandchild process Vfork()'ed\n", getpid ()));
      /* write a log message.  we've waited this long to do it
       * because it was not until now that we knew the PID that
       * the actual user command shell was going to get and the
       * PID is part of the log message.
      /*local */
	char *x = mkprints ((u_char *) e->cmd, strlen (e->cmd));

	log_it (usernm, getpid (), "CMD", x);
	free (x);

      /* that's the last thing we'll log.  close the log files.
      if (log_syslog)
	closelog ();

      /* get new pgrp, void tty, etc.
      (void) setsid ();

      /* close the pipe ends that we won't use.  this doesn't affect
       * the parent, who has to read and write them; it keeps the
       * kernel from recording us as a potential client TWICE --
       * which would keep it from sending SIGPIPE in otherwise
       * appropriate circumstances.
      close (stdin_pipe[WRITE_PIPE]);
      close (stdout_pipe[READ_PIPE]);

      /* grandchild process.  make std{in,out} be the ends of
       * pipes opened by our daddy; make stderr go to stdout.
      close (STDIN);
      dup2 (stdin_pipe[READ_PIPE], STDIN);
      close (STDOUT);
      dup2 (stdout_pipe[WRITE_PIPE], STDOUT);
      close (STDERR);
      dup2 (STDOUT, STDERR);

      /* close the pipes we just dup'ed.  The resources will remain.
      close (stdin_pipe[READ_PIPE]);
      close (stdout_pipe[WRITE_PIPE]);

      /* set our directory, uid and gid.  Set gid first, since once
       * we set uid, we've lost root privledges.
      setgid (e->gid);
      initgroups (env_get ("LOGNAME", e->envp), e->gid);
      setuid (e->uid);		/* we aren't root after this... */
      chdir (env_get ("HOME", e->envp));

      /* exec the command.
	char *shell = env_get ("SHELL", e->envp);

	if (DebugFlags & DTEST)
	    fprintf (stderr, "debug DTEST is on, not exec'ing command.\n");
	    fprintf (stderr, "\tcmd='%s' shell='%s'\n", e->cmd, shell);
	    _exit (OK_EXIT);
#endif	 /*DEBUGGING*/
	  /* Our grandparent is watching for our parent's death by
	   * catching SIGCHLD. Meanwhile, our parent will use wait
	   * explicitly and so has disabled SIGCHLD. So now it's
	   * time to reset SIGCHLD handling.
	(void) signal (SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL);
	execle (shell, shell, "-c", e->cmd, (char *) 0, e->envp);
	fprintf (stderr, "execl: couldn't exec `%s'\n", shell);
	perror ("execl");

	execle (shell, shell, "-c", e->cmd, (char *) 0, e->envp);
	fprintf (stderr, "execl: couldn't exec `%s'\n", shell);
	perror ("execl");
	_exit (ERROR_EXIT);
      /* parent process */


  /* middle process, child of original cron, parent of process running
   * the user's command.

  Debug (DPROC, ("[%d] child continues, closing pipes\n", getpid ()));
  /* close the ends of the pipe that will only be referenced in the
   * grandchild process...
  close (stdin_pipe[READ_PIPE]);
  close (stdout_pipe[WRITE_PIPE]);

   * write, to the pipe connected to child's stdin, any input specified
   * after a % in the crontab entry.  while we copy, convert any
   * additional %'s to newlines.  when done, if some characters were
   * written and the last one wasn't a newline, write a newline.
   * Note that if the input data won't fit into one pipe buffer (2K
   * or 4K on most BSD systems), and the child doesn't read its stdin,
   * we would block here.  thus we must fork again.

  if (*input_data && fork () == 0)
      register FILE *out = fdopen (stdin_pipe[WRITE_PIPE], "w");
      register int need_newline = FALSE;
      register int escaped = FALSE;
      register int ch;

      Debug (DPROC, ("[%d] child2 sending data to grandchild\n", getpid ()));
      /* close the pipe we don't use, since we inherited it and
       * are part of its reference count now.
      close (stdout_pipe[READ_PIPE]);

      /* translation:
       *      \% -> %
       *      %  -> \n
       *      \x -> \x        for all x != %
      while ((ch = *input_data++))
	  if (escaped)
	      if (ch != '%')
		putc ('\\', out);
	      if (ch == '%')
		ch = '\n';

	  if (!(escaped = (ch == '\\')))
	      putc (ch, out);
	      need_newline = (ch != '\n');
      if (escaped)
	putc ('\\', out);
      if (need_newline)
	putc ('\n', out);

      /* close the pipe, causing an EOF condition.  fclose causes
       * stdin_pipe[WRITE_PIPE] to be closed, too.
      fclose (out);

      Debug (DPROC, ("[%d] child2 done sending to grandchild\n", getpid ()));
      exit (0);

  /* close the pipe to the grandkiddie's stdin, since its wicked uncle
   * ernie back there has it open and will close it when he's done.
  close (stdin_pipe[WRITE_PIPE]);


   * read output from the grandchild.  it's stderr has been redirected to
   * it's stdout, which has been redirected to our pipe.  if there is any
   * output, we'll be mailing it to the user whose crontab this is...
   * when the grandchild exits, we'll get EOF.

  Debug (DPROC, ("[%d] child reading output from grandchild\n", getpid ()));
  /*local */
    char mailcmd[MAX_COMMAND];
    register FILE *in = fdopen (stdout_pipe[READ_PIPE], "r");
    register int ch = getc (in);

    if (ch != EOF)
	register FILE *mail;
	register int bytes = 1;
	int status = 0;

	Debug (DPROC | DEXT,
	       ("[%d] got data (%x:%c) from grandchild\n", getpid (), ch,
	/* get name of recipient.  this is MAILTO if set to a
	 * valid local username; USER otherwise.
	if (mailto)
	    /* MAILTO was present in the environment
	    if (!*mailto)
		/* ... but it's empty. set to NULL
		mailto = NULL;
	    /* MAILTO not present, set to USER.
	    mailto = usernm;

	/* if we are supposed to be mailing, MAILTO will
	 * be non-NULL.  only in this case should we set
	 * up the mail command and subjects and stuff...

	if (mailto)
	    register char **env;
	    auto char hostname[MAXHOSTNAMELEN];

	    (void) gethostname (hostname, MAXHOSTNAMELEN);
	    (void) snprintf (mailcmd, MAX_COMMAND, mailargs, mailprog, mailto);
	    if (!(mail = cron_popen (mailcmd, "w", e)))
		fprintf (stderr,
			 "Unable to create process to mail job results.\n"
			 "Mail command was: '%s'.  \n"
			 "popen() returned errno %s (%d).\n", mailcmd,
			 strerror (errno), errno);

		(void) _exit (ERROR_EXIT);
	    fprintf (mail, "From: root (Cron Daemon)\n");
	    fprintf (mail, "To: %s\n", mailto);
	    fprintf (mail, "Subject: Cron <%s@%s> %s\n",
		     usernm, first_word (hostname, "."), e->cmd);
# if defined(MAIL_DATE)
	    fprintf (mail, "Date: %s\n", arpadate (&TargetTime));
# endif	/* MAIL_DATE */
	    if (verbose)
		for (env = e->envp; *env; env++)
		  fprintf (mail, "X-Cron-Env: <%s>\n", *env);
	    fprintf (mail, "\n");

	    /* this was the first char from the pipe
	    putc (ch, mail);

	/* we have to read the input pipe no matter whether
	 * we mail or not, but obviously we only write to
	 * mail pipe if we ARE mailing.

	while (EOF != (ch = getc (in)))
	    if (mailto)
	      putc (ch, mail);

	/* only close pipe if we opened it -- i.e., we're
	 * mailing...

	if (mailto)
	    Debug (DPROC, ("[%d] closing pipe to mail\n", getpid ()));
	    /* Note: the pclose will probably see
	     * the termination of the grandchild
	     * in addition to the mail process, since
	     * it (the grandchild) is likely to exit
	     * after closing its stdout.
	    status = cron_pclose (mail);

	/* if there was output and we could not mail it,
	 * log the facts so the poor user can figure out
	 * what's going on.
	if (mailto && status)
	    char buf[MAX_TEMPSTR];

	    snprintf (buf, MAX_TEMPSTR,
		      "mailed %d byte%s of output but got status 0x%04x.\n"
		      "mail command was '%s'\n",
		      bytes, (bytes == 1) ? "" : "s", status, mailcmd);
	    log_it (usernm, getpid (), "MAIL", buf);

      }				/*if data from grandchild */

    Debug (DPROC, ("[%d] got EOF from grandchild\n", getpid ()));
    fclose (in);		/* also closes stdout_pipe[READ_PIPE] */

  /* wait for children to die.
  for (; children > 0; children--)
      WAIT_T waiter;
      pid_t pid;

      Debug (DPROC, ("[%d] waiting for grandchild #%d to finish\n",
		     getpid (), children));
      pid = wait (&waiter);
      if (pid < OK)
	  Debug (DPROC, ("[%d] no more grandchildren--mail written?\n",
			 getpid ()));
      Debug (DPROC, ("[%d] grandchild #%d finished, status=%04x",
		     getpid (), pid, WEXITSTATUS (waiter)));
      if (WIFSIGNALED (waiter) && WCOREDUMP (waiter))
	Debug (DPROC, (", dumped core"));
      Debug (DPROC, ("\n"));
Пример #3
static void
child_process(entry *e) {
    int stdin_pipe[2], stdout_pipe[2];
    char * volatile input_data;
    char *homedir, *usernm, * volatile mailto;
    int children = 0;

    Debug(DPROC, ("[%ld] child_process('%s')\n", (long)getpid(), e->cmd));

    setproctitle("running job");

    /* discover some useful and important environment settings
    usernm = e->pwd->pw_name;
    mailto = env_get("MAILTO", e->envp);

    /* our parent is watching for our death by catching SIGCHLD.  we
     * do not care to watch for our children's deaths this way -- we
     * use wait() explicitly.  so we have to reset the signal (which
     * was inherited from the parent).
    (void) signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL);

    /* create some pipes to talk to our future child
    if (pipe(stdin_pipe) == -1) 	/* child's stdin */
        log_it("CRON", getpid(), "error", "create child stdin pipe");
    if (pipe(stdout_pipe) == -1)	/* child's stdout */
        log_it("CRON", getpid(), "error", "create child stdout pipe");

    /* since we are a forked process, we can diddle the command string
     * we were passed -- nobody else is going to use it again, right?
     * if a % is present in the command, previous characters are the
     * command, and subsequent characters are the additional input to
     * the command.  An escaped % will have the escape character stripped
     * from it.  Subsequent %'s will be transformed into newlines,
     * but that happens later.
        int escaped = FALSE;
        int ch;
        char *p;

        /* translation:
         *	\% -> %
         *	%  -> end of command, following is command input.
         *	\x -> \x	for all x != %
        input_data = p = e->cmd;
        while ((ch = *input_data++) != '\0') {
            if (escaped) {
                if (ch != '%')
                    *p++ = '\\';
            } else {
                if (ch == '%') {

            if (!(escaped = (ch == '\\'))) {
                *p++ = ch;
        if (ch == '\0') {
            /* move pointer back, so that code below
             * won't think we encountered % sequence */
        if (escaped)
            *p++ = '\\';

        *p = '\0';

    /* fork again, this time so we can exec the user's command.
    switch (vfork()) {
    case -1:
        log_it("CRON", getpid(), "error", "can't vfork");
    case 0:
        Debug(DPROC, ("[%ld] grandchild process vfork()'ed\n",

        /* write a log message.  we've waited this long to do it
         * because it was not until now that we knew the PID that
         * the actual user command shell was going to get and the
         * PID is part of the log message.
        if ((e->flags & DONT_LOG) == 0) {
            char *x = mkprints(e->cmd, strlen(e->cmd));

            log_it(usernm, getpid(), "CMD START", x);

        /* that's the last thing we'll log.  close the log files.

        /* get new pgrp, void tty, etc.
        if (setsid() == -1)
            syslog(LOG_ERR, "setsid() failure: %m");

        /* close the pipe ends that we won't use.  this doesn't affect
         * the parent, who has to read and write them; it keeps the
         * kernel from recording us as a potential client TWICE --
         * which would keep it from sending SIGPIPE in otherwise
         * appropriate circumstances.

        /* grandchild process.  make std{in,out} be the ends of
         * pipes opened by our daddy; make stderr go to stdout.
        if (stdin_pipe[READ_PIPE] != STDIN) {
            (void)dup2(stdin_pipe[READ_PIPE], STDIN);
        if (stdout_pipe[WRITE_PIPE] != STDOUT) {
            (void)dup2(stdout_pipe[WRITE_PIPE], STDOUT);
        (void)dup2(STDOUT, STDERR);

        /* set our directory, uid and gid.  Set gid first, since once
         * we set uid, we've lost root privledges.
#ifdef LOGIN_CAP
#ifdef BSD_AUTH
            auth_session_t *as;
            login_cap_t *lc;
            char *p;

            if ((lc = login_getclass(e->pwd->pw_class)) == NULL) {
                warnx("unable to get login class for `%s'",
            if (setusercontext(lc, e->pwd, e->pwd->pw_uid, LOGIN_SETALL) < 0) {
                warnx("setusercontext failed for `%s'",
#ifdef BSD_AUTH
            as = auth_open();
            if (as == NULL || auth_setpwd(as, e->pwd) != 0) {
                warn("can't malloc");
            if (auth_approval(as, lc, usernm, "cron") <= 0) {
                warnx("approval failed for `%s'",
#endif /* BSD_AUTH */

            /* If no PATH specified in crontab file but
             * we just added one via login.conf, add it to
             * the crontab environment.
            if (env_get("PATH", e->envp) == NULL) {
                if ((p = getenv("PATH")) != NULL)
                    e->envp = env_set(e->envp, p);
        if (setgid(e->pwd->pw_gid) != 0) {
            syslog(LOG_ERR, "setgid(%d) failed for %s: %m",
                   e->pwd->pw_gid, e->pwd->pw_name);
        if (initgroups(usernm, e->pwd->pw_gid) != 0) {
            syslog(LOG_ERR, "initgroups(%s, %d) failed for %s: %m",
                   usernm, e->pwd->pw_gid, e->pwd->pw_name);
#if (defined(BSD)) && (BSD >= 199103)
        if (setlogin(usernm) < 0) {
            syslog(LOG_ERR, "setlogin(%s) failure for %s: %m",
                   usernm, e->pwd->pw_name);
#endif /* BSD */
        if (setuid(e->pwd->pw_uid) != 0) {
            syslog(LOG_ERR, "setuid(%d) failed for %s: %m",
                   e->pwd->pw_uid, e->pwd->pw_name);
        /* we aren't root after this... */
#endif /* LOGIN_CAP */
        homedir = env_get("HOME", e->envp);
        if (chdir(homedir) != 0) {
            syslog(LOG_ERR, "chdir(%s) $HOME failed for %s: %m",
                   homedir, e->pwd->pw_name);

        /* our grandparent is watching for our death by catching
         * SIGCHLD.  the parent is ignoring SIGCHLD's; we want
         * to restore default behaviour.
        (void) signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL);
        (void) signal(SIGHUP, SIG_DFL);

         * Exec the command.
            char	*shell = env_get("SHELL", e->envp);

            if (DebugFlags & DTEST) {
                              "debug DTEST is on, not exec'ing command.\n");
                              "\tcmd='%s' shell='%s'\n", e->cmd, shell);
# endif /*DEBUGGING*/
            (void)execle(shell, shell, "-c", e->cmd, NULL, e->envp);
            warn("execl: couldn't exec `%s'", shell);
        /* parent process */


    /* middle process, child of original cron, parent of process running
     * the user's command.

    Debug(DPROC, ("[%ld] child continues, closing pipes\n",(long)getpid()));

    /* close the ends of the pipe that will only be referenced in the
     * grandchild process...

     * write, to the pipe connected to child's stdin, any input specified
     * after a % in the crontab entry.  while we copy, convert any
     * additional %'s to newlines.  when done, if some characters were
     * written and the last one wasn't a newline, write a newline.
     * Note that if the input data won't fit into one pipe buffer (2K
     * or 4K on most BSD systems), and the child doesn't read its stdin,
     * we would block here.  thus we must fork again.

    if (*input_data && fork() == 0) {
        FILE *out = fdopen(stdin_pipe[WRITE_PIPE], "w");
        int need_newline = FALSE;
        int escaped = FALSE;
        int ch;

        Debug(DPROC, ("[%ld] child2 sending data to grandchild\n",

        /* close the pipe we don't use, since we inherited it and
         * are part of its reference count now.

        /* translation:
         *	\% -> %
         *	%  -> \n
         *	\x -> \x	for all x != %
        while ((ch = *input_data++) != '\0') {
            if (escaped) {
                if (ch != '%')
                    (void)putc('\\', out);
            } else {
                if (ch == '%')
                    ch = '\n';

            if (!(escaped = (ch == '\\'))) {
                (void)putc(ch, out);
                need_newline = (ch != '\n');
        if (escaped)
            (void)putc('\\', out);
        if (need_newline)
            (void)putc('\n', out);

        /* close the pipe, causing an EOF condition.  fclose causes
         * stdin_pipe[WRITE_PIPE] to be closed, too.

        Debug(DPROC, ("[%ld] child2 done sending to grandchild\n",

    /* close the pipe to the grandkiddie's stdin, since its wicked uncle
     * ernie back there has it open and will close it when he's done.


     * read output from the grandchild.  it's stderr has been redirected to
     * it's stdout, which has been redirected to our pipe.  if there is any
     * output, we'll be mailing it to the user whose crontab this is...
     * when the grandchild exits, we'll get EOF.

    Debug(DPROC, ("[%ld] child reading output from grandchild\n",

        FILE	*in = fdopen(stdout_pipe[READ_PIPE], "r");
        int	ch = getc(in);

        if (ch != EOF) {
            FILE	*mail = NULL;
            int	bytes = 1;
            int	status = 0;

                  ("[%ld] got data (%x:%c) from grandchild\n",
                   (long)getpid(), ch, ch));

            /* get name of recipient.  this is MAILTO if set to a
             * valid local username; USER otherwise.
            if (mailto) {
                /* MAILTO was present in the environment
                if (!*mailto) {
                    /* ... but it's empty. set to NULL
                    mailto = NULL;
            } else {
                /* MAILTO not present, set to USER.
                mailto = usernm;

            /* if we are supposed to be mailing, MAILTO will
             * be non-NULL.  only in this case should we set
             * up the mail command and subjects and stuff...

            if (mailto && safe_p(usernm, mailto)) {
                char	**env;
                char	mailcmd[MAX_COMMAND];
                char	hostname[MAXHOSTNAMELEN + 1];

                (void)gethostname(hostname, MAXHOSTNAMELEN);
                if (strlens(MAILFMT, MAILARG, NULL) + 1
                        >= sizeof mailcmd) {
                    warnx("mailcmd too long");
                    (void) _exit(ERROR_EXIT);
                (void)snprintf(mailcmd, sizeof(mailcmd),
                               MAILFMT, MAILARG);
                if (!(mail = cron_popen(mailcmd, "w", e->pwd))) {
                    warn("cannot run `%s'", mailcmd);
                    (void) _exit(ERROR_EXIT);
                              "From: root (Cron Daemon)\n");
                (void)fprintf(mail, "To: %s\n", mailto);
                              "Subject: Cron <%s@%s> %s\n",
                              usernm, first_word(hostname, "."), e->cmd);
                              "Auto-Submitted: auto-generated\n");
#ifdef MAIL_DATE
                (void)fprintf(mail, "Date: %s\n",
#endif /*MAIL_DATE*/
                for (env = e->envp;  *env;  env++)
                                  "X-Cron-Env: <%s>\n", *env);
                (void)fprintf(mail, "\n");

                /* this was the first char from the pipe
                (void)putc(ch, mail);

            /* we have to read the input pipe no matter whether
             * we mail or not, but obviously we only write to
             * mail pipe if we ARE mailing.

            while (EOF != (ch = getc(in))) {
                if (mailto)
                    (void)putc(ch, mail);

            /* only close pipe if we opened it -- i.e., we're
             * mailing...

            if (mailto) {
                Debug(DPROC, ("[%ld] closing pipe to mail\n",
                /* Note: the pclose will probably see
                 * the termination of the grandchild
                 * in addition to the mail process, since
                 * it (the grandchild) is likely to exit
                 * after closing its stdout.
                status = cron_pclose(mail);

            /* if there was output and we could not mail it,
             * log the facts so the poor user can figure out
             * what's going on.
            if (mailto && status) {
                char buf[MAX_TEMPSTR];

                (void)snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
                               "mailed %d byte%s of output but got status 0x%04x\n",
                               bytes, (bytes==1)?"":"s",
                log_it(usernm, getpid(), "MAIL", buf);

        } /*if data from grandchild*/

        Debug(DPROC, ("[%ld] got EOF from grandchild\n",

        (void)fclose(in);	/* also closes stdout_pipe[READ_PIPE] */

    /* wait for children to die.
    for (; children > 0; children--) {
        WAIT_T waiter;
        PID_T pid;

        Debug(DPROC, ("[%ld] waiting for grandchild #%d to finish\n",
                      (long)getpid(), children));
        while ((pid = wait(&waiter)) < OK && errno == EINTR)
        if (pid < OK) {
                  ("[%ld] no more grandchildren--mail written?\n",
        Debug(DPROC, ("[%ld] grandchild #%ld finished, status=%04x",
                      (long)getpid(), (long)pid, WEXITSTATUS(waiter)));
        if (WIFSIGNALED(waiter) && WCOREDUMP(waiter))
            Debug(DPROC, (", dumped core"));
        Debug(DPROC, ("\n"));

    /* Log the time when we finished deadling with the job */
        char *x = mkprints(e->cmd, strlen(e->cmd));

        log_it(usernm, getpid(), "CMD FINISH", x);
Пример #4
static void bootStrap( const char *fileName )

    FILE *stream = FOPEN( fileName, "w", TEXT_MODE );
    char *sysname = getenv( "UUPCSHADOWS" );

    if ( stream == NULL )
        printmsg(0, "Cannot generate new SYS file for news processing.");
        printerr( fileName );

    fprintf( stream, "# News configuration file, automatically generated by "
             "%s %s\n# at %s\n",
             arpadate() );

    /*     We get everything, like we did before the SYS file existed     */

    fprintf( stream, "# The local system, %s (%s)\n",
             E_nodename );

    fprintf( stream, "ME:all\n\n" );

    /*         Everyone else gets our full feed sans-local stuff.         */

    fprintf( stream, "# Our news feed, not batched to speed our posts\n");
    fprintf( stream, "%s:all/!local:%s:\n\n",
             E_newsserv ? E_newsserv : E_mailserv,
             ( sysname == NULL ) ? "L" :"" );
    /* Uncompressed feed for speedy posts     */

    if ( sysname != NULL )

        char *buf = strdup( sysname );
        checkref( buf );

        fprintf( stream,
                 "# Systems we feed, batched/compressed for high throughput\n" );

        sysname = strtok( buf, WHITESPACE );

        while( sysname != NULL )
            fprintf( stream, "%s:all/!local:F:\n", sysname );
            sysname = strtok( NULL, WHITESPACE );

        free( buf );

    } /* if */

    /*      Check all our I/O worked, then close up shop and return       */

    if ( ferror( stream ) )
        printerr( fileName );

    fclose( stream );

    printmsg(0, "Generated new %s file for routing news",
             fileName );

} /* bootStrap */