Пример #1
    static Value f(Context *ctx, const List<Value>& args)
        if (args.getCount() != 2)
            ctx->throwException(createException(ExcType::ValueError, "Function takes only one argument."));

        return createFloat(F(asNumber(ctx, args[0]), asNumber(ctx, args[1])));
Пример #2
const double *WStandardChartProxyModel::markerScaleFactor(int row, int column) const
    boost::any result = sourceModel_->data(row, column, MarkerScaleFactorRole);

    if (result.empty()) {
        return WAbstractChartModel::markerScaleFactor(row, column);
    } else {
        return new double(asNumber(result));
        double tmp = asNumber(result);
        return &tmp;
Пример #3
bool VirtualValue::operator==(const VirtualValue& that) const
   if ( mKind == that.mKind )
      switch ( mKind )
         case eEmpty:
            return true;

         case eNumber:
            return asNumber() == that.asNumber();

         case eReal:
            return asReal() == that.asReal();

         case eChar:
            return asChar() == that.asChar();

         case eBool:
            return asBoolean() == that.asBoolean();

         case eString:
            return asString() == that.asString();

         case eObject:
            return &asObject() == &that.asObject();

         case eArray:
            return &asArray() == &that.asArray();

   return false;
Пример #4
ConversionResultFlags JValue::asNumber<NumericString>(NumericString& number) const
	std::string num;
	ConversionResultFlags result;

	result = asNumber(num);
	number = num;

	return result;
Пример #5
static msg_t check_bounds(SEXP x, SEXP lower, SEXP upper) {
    double tmp;

    tmp = asNumber(lower, "lower");
    if (R_FINITE(tmp)) {
        if (isReal(x)) {
            const double *xp = REAL(x);
            const double * const xend = xp + xlength(x);
            for (; xp != xend; xp++) {
                if (!ISNAN(*xp) && *xp < tmp)
                    return make_msg("All elements must be >= %g", tmp);
        } else if (isInteger(x)) {
            const int *xp = INTEGER(x);
            const int * const xend = xp + xlength(x);
            for (; xp != xend; xp++) {
                if (*xp != NA_INTEGER && *xp < tmp)
                    return make_msg("All elements must be >= %g", tmp);

    tmp = asNumber(upper, "upper");
    if (R_FINITE(tmp)) {
        if (isReal(x)) {
            const double *xp = REAL(x);
            const double * const xend = xp + xlength(x);
            for (; xp != xend; xp++) {
                if (!ISNAN(*xp) && *xp > tmp)
                    return make_msg("All elements must be <= %g", tmp);
        } else if (isInteger(x)) {
            const int *xp = INTEGER(x);
            const int * const xend = xp + xlength(x);
            for (; xp != xend; xp++) {
                if (*xp != NA_INTEGER && *xp > tmp)
                    return make_msg("All elements must be <= %g", tmp);
    return MSGT;
Пример #6
SEXP c_check_integerish(SEXP x, SEXP tol, SEXP lower, SEXP upper, SEXP any_missing, SEXP all_missing, SEXP len, SEXP min_len, SEXP max_len, SEXP unique, SEXP names) {
    double dtol = asNumber(tol, "tol");
    if (!isIntegerish(x, dtol) && !all_missing_atomic(x))
        return make_type_error(x, "integerish");
    assert(check_vector_len(x, len, min_len, max_len));
    assert(check_vector_names(x, names));
    assert(check_vector_missings(x, any_missing, all_missing));
    assert(check_bounds(x, lower, upper));
    assert(check_vector_unique(x, unique));
    return ScalarLogical(TRUE);
Пример #7
SEXP c_check_int(SEXP x, SEXP na_ok, SEXP lower, SEXP upper, SEXP tol) {
    Rboolean is_na = is_scalar_na(x);
    double dtol = asNumber(tol, "tol");
    if (xlength(x) != 1 || (!is_na && !isIntegerish(x, dtol)))
        return make_type_error(x, "single integerish value");
    if (is_na) {
        if (!asFlag(na_ok, "na.ok"))
            return make_result("May not be NA");
    assert(check_bounds(x, lower, upper));
    return ScalarLogical(TRUE);
Пример #8
std::optional<double> JSValue::toNumberFromPrimitive() const
    if (isEmpty())
        return std::nullopt;
    if (isNumber())
        return asNumber();
    if (isBoolean())
        return asBoolean();
    if (isUndefined())
        return PNaN;
    if (isNull())
        return 0;
    return std::nullopt;
Пример #9
SEXP c_check_count(SEXP x, SEXP na_ok, SEXP positive, SEXP tol) {
    Rboolean is_na = is_scalar_na(x);
    double dtol = asNumber(tol, "tol");
    if (xlength(x) != 1 || (!is_na && !isIntegerish(x, dtol)))
        return make_type_error(x, "count");
    if (is_na) {
        if (!asFlag(na_ok, "na.ok"))
            return make_result("May not be NA");
    } else  {
        const int pos = (int) asFlag(positive, "positive");
        if (asInteger(x) < pos)
            return make_result("Must be >= %i", pos);
    return ScalarLogical(TRUE);
Пример #10
   // - LuaValue::operator== ---------------------------------------------------
   bool LuaValue::operator== (const LuaValue& rhs) const
      std::string lhsTypeName = typeName();
      std::string rhsTypeName = rhs.typeName();

      if (typeName() != rhs.typeName())
         return false;
      else switch (type())
         case LUA_TNIL:
            return true;

         case LUA_TBOOLEAN:
            return asBoolean() == rhs.asBoolean();

         case LUA_TNUMBER:
            return asNumber() == rhs.asNumber();

         case LUA_TSTRING:
            return asString() == rhs.asString();

         case LUA_TTABLE:
            return asTable() == rhs.asTable();

         case LUA_TFUNCTION:
            return asFunction() == rhs.asFunction();

         case LUA_TUSERDATA:
            return asUserData() == rhs.asUserData();

               && "Invalid type found in a call to 'LuaValue::operator==()'.");
            return 0; // make compilers happy
Пример #11
bool VirtualValue::operator>=(const VirtualValue& that) const
   ASSERT(!isArray() && !isObject() && !isBoolean());
   ASSERT(mKind == that.mKind);

   switch ( mKind )
      case eNumber:
         return asNumber() >= that.asNumber();

      case eReal:
         return asReal() >= that.asReal();

      case eChar:
         return asChar() >= that.asChar();

      case eString:
         return asString() >= that.asString();

   return false;
Пример #12
FALCON_FUNC Image::setColorMask( VMachine* vm )
  Mod::hpdf::Dict* self = dyncast<Mod::hpdf::Dict*>( vm->self().asObject() );
  Item* i_rmin = vm->param( 0 );
  Item* i_rmax = vm->param( 1 );
  Item* i_gmin = vm->param( 2 );
  Item* i_gmax = vm->param( 3 );
  Item* i_bmin = vm->param( 4 );
  Item* i_bmax = vm->param( 5 );

  if ( vm->paramCount() < 6
       || !i_rmin->isScalar() || !i_rmax->isScalar()
       || !i_gmin->isScalar() || !i_gmax->isScalar()
       || !i_bmin->isScalar() || !i_bmax->isScalar() )
    throw new ParamError( ErrorParam( e_inv_params, __LINE__ )
                           .extra("N,N,N,N,N,N") );

  HPDF_Image_SetColorMask( self->handle(), asNumber(i_rmin), asNumber(i_rmax),
                                           asNumber(i_gmin), asNumber(i_gmax),
                                           asNumber(i_bmin), asNumber(i_bmax));
Пример #13
 inline void resetNumber () {
     asNumber ().~Number ();
     value_type = Type_undefined;
Пример #14
std::string JValue::asNumber<std::string>() const
	std::string result;
	return result;
Пример #15
double JValue::asNumber<double>() const
	double result = 0;
	return result;
Пример #16
int64_t JValue::asNumber<int64_t>() const
	int64_t result = 0;
	return result;
Пример #17
   // - LuaValue::operator> ----------------------------------------------------
   bool LuaValue::operator> (const LuaValue& rhs) const
      std::string lhsTypeName = typeName();
      std::string rhsTypeName = rhs.typeName();

      if (lhsTypeName > rhsTypeName)
         return true;
      else if (lhsTypeName < rhsTypeName)
         return false;
      else // lhsTypeName == rhsTypeName
         if (lhsTypeName == "nil")
            return false;
         else if (lhsTypeName == "boolean")
            return asBoolean() > rhs.asBoolean();
         else if (lhsTypeName == "number")
            return asNumber() > rhs.asNumber();
         else if (lhsTypeName == "string")
            return asString() > rhs.asString();
         else if (lhsTypeName == "function")
            return asFunction() > rhs.asFunction();
         else if (lhsTypeName == "userdata")
            return asUserData() > rhs.asUserData();
         else if (lhsTypeName == "table")
            const LuaValueMap lhsMap = asTable();
            const LuaValueMap rhsMap = rhs.asTable();

            if (lhsMap.size() > rhsMap.size())
               return true;
            else if (lhsMap.size() < rhsMap.size())
               return false;
            else // lhsMap.size() == rhsMap.size()
               typedef LuaValueMap::const_iterator iter_t;

               iter_t pLHS = lhsMap.begin();
               iter_t pRHS = rhsMap.begin();
               const iter_t end = lhsMap.end();

               while (pLHS != end)
                  // check the key first
                  if (pLHS->first > pRHS->first)
                     return true;
                  else if (pLHS->first < pRHS->first)
                     return false;

                  // then check the value
                  if (pLHS->second > pRHS->second)
                     return true;
                  else if (pLHS->second < pRHS->second)
                     return false;

                  // make the iterators iterate
               return false;
            assert (false && "Unsupported type found at a call "
                    "to 'LuaValue::operator>()'");
            return false; // make the compiler happy.
Пример #18
double WStandardChartProxyModel::data(int row, int column) const
    return asNumber(sourceModel_->data(row, column, DisplayRole));
Пример #19
void VirtualValue::int2real()