Пример #1
 * Function: Open storage record for passed in udf record
 *           also set up flag like exists / read et al.
 * Parameters:
 * 		urec    : UDF record
 * Return value :  0 on success
 * 				  -1 if the record's bin count exceeds the UDF limit
 * Callers:
 * 		udf_record_open
 * Note: There are no checks, so the caller has to make sure that all
 *       protections are taken and all checks are done.
 *  Side effect:
 *  	Counters will be reset
 *  	flag will be set
 *  	bins will be opened
udf_storage_record_open(udf_record *urecord)
	cf_debug_digest(AS_UDF, &urecord->tr->keyd, "[ENTER] Opening record key:");
	as_storage_rd  *rd    = urecord->rd;
	as_index       *r	  = urecord->r_ref->r;
	as_transaction *tr    = urecord->tr;
	int rv = as_storage_record_open(tr->rsv.ns, r, rd, &r->key);
	if (0 != rv) {
		cf_warning(AS_UDF, "Could not open record !! %d", rv);
		return rv;
	rd->n_bins = as_bin_get_n_bins(r, rd);

	if (rd->n_bins > UDF_RECORD_BIN_ULIMIT) {
		cf_warning(AS_UDF, "record has too many bins (%d) for UDF processing", rd->n_bins);
		as_storage_record_close(r, rd);
		return -1;

	// if multibin storage, we will use urecord->stack_bins, so set the size appropriately
	if ( ! tr->rsv.ns->storage_data_in_memory && ! tr->rsv.ns->single_bin ) {
		rd->n_bins = sizeof(urecord->stack_bins) / sizeof(as_bin);

	rd->bins = as_bin_get_all(r, rd, urecord->stack_bins);
	urecord->starting_memory_bytes = as_storage_record_get_n_bytes_memory(rd);


	urecord->flag   |= UDF_RECORD_FLAG_STORAGE_OPEN;

	if (urecord->flag & UDF_RECORD_FLAG_IS_SUBRECORD) {

	cf_detail_digest(AS_UDF, &tr->keyd, "Storage Open: Rec(%p) flag(%x) Digest:", urecord, urecord->flag );
	if (urecord->flag & UDF_RECORD_FLAG_IS_SUBRECORD) {
		as_ldt_subrec_storage_validate(rd, "Reading");
	return 0;
Пример #2
handle_msg_key(as_transaction* tr, as_storage_rd* rd)
	// Shortcut pointers.
	as_msg* m = &tr->msgp->msg;
	as_namespace* ns = tr->rsv.ns;

	if (rd->r->key_stored == 1) {
		// Key stored for this record - be sure it gets rewritten.

		// This will force a device read for non-data-in-memory, even if
		// must_fetch_data is false! Since there's no advantage to using the
		// loaded block after this if must_fetch_data is false, leave the
		// subsequent code as-is.
		if (! as_storage_record_get_key(rd)) {
			cf_warning_digest(AS_RW, &tr->keyd, "{%s} can't get stored key ",
			return AS_ERR_UNKNOWN;

		// Check the client-sent key, if any, against the stored key.
		if (as_transaction_has_key(tr) && ! check_msg_key(m, rd)) {
			cf_warning_digest(AS_RW, &tr->keyd, "{%s} key mismatch ", ns->name);
	// If we got a key without a digest, it's an old client, not a cue to store
	// the key. (Remove this check when we're sure all old C clients are gone.)
	else if (as_transaction_has_digest(tr)) {
		// Key not stored for this record - store one if sent from client. For
		// data-in-memory, don't allocate the key until we reach the point of no
		// return. Also don't set AS_INDEX_FLAG_KEY_STORED flag until then.
		if (! get_msg_key(tr, rd)) {

	return 0;
Пример #3
read_local(as_transaction* tr)
	as_msg* m = &tr->msgp->msg;
	as_namespace* ns = tr->rsv.ns;

	as_index_ref r_ref;

	if (as_record_get(tr->rsv.tree, &tr->keyd, &r_ref) != 0) {
		read_local_done(tr, NULL, NULL, AS_ERR_NOT_FOUND);

	as_record* r = r_ref.r;

	// Check if it's an expired or truncated record.
	if (as_record_is_doomed(r, ns)) {
		read_local_done(tr, &r_ref, NULL, AS_ERR_NOT_FOUND);

	int result = repl_state_check(r, tr);

	if (result != 0) {
		if (result == -3) {
			read_local_done(tr, &r_ref, NULL, AS_ERR_UNAVAILABLE);

		// No response sent to origin.
		as_record_done(&r_ref, ns);
		return result == 1 ? TRANS_IN_PROGRESS : TRANS_WAITING;

	// Check if it's a tombstone.
	if (! as_record_is_live(r)) {
		read_local_done(tr, &r_ref, NULL, AS_ERR_NOT_FOUND);

	as_storage_rd rd;

	as_storage_record_open(ns, r, &rd);

	// If configuration permits, allow reads to use page cache.
	rd.read_page_cache = ns->storage_read_page_cache;

	// Check the key if required.
	// Note - for data-not-in-memory "exists" ops, key check is expensive!
	if (as_transaction_has_key(tr) &&
			as_storage_record_get_key(&rd) && ! check_msg_key(m, &rd)) {
		read_local_done(tr, &r_ref, &rd, AS_ERR_KEY_MISMATCH);

	if ((m->info1 & AS_MSG_INFO1_GET_NO_BINS) != 0) {
		tr->generation = r->generation;
		tr->void_time = r->void_time;
		tr->last_update_time = r->last_update_time;

		read_local_done(tr, &r_ref, &rd, AS_OK);

	if ((result = as_storage_rd_load_n_bins(&rd)) < 0) {
		cf_warning_digest(AS_RW, &tr->keyd, "{%s} read_local: failed as_storage_rd_load_n_bins() ", ns->name);
		read_local_done(tr, &r_ref, &rd, -result);

	as_bin stack_bins[ns->storage_data_in_memory ? 0 : rd.n_bins];

	if ((result = as_storage_rd_load_bins(&rd, stack_bins)) < 0) {
		cf_warning_digest(AS_RW, &tr->keyd, "{%s} read_local: failed as_storage_rd_load_bins() ", ns->name);
		read_local_done(tr, &r_ref, &rd, -result);

	if (! as_bin_inuse_has(&rd)) {
		cf_warning_digest(AS_RW, &tr->keyd, "{%s} read_local: found record with no bins ", ns->name);
		read_local_done(tr, &r_ref, &rd, AS_ERR_UNKNOWN);

	uint32_t bin_count = (m->info1 & AS_MSG_INFO1_GET_ALL) != 0 ?
			rd.n_bins : m->n_ops;

	as_msg_op* ops[bin_count];
	as_msg_op** p_ops = ops;
	as_bin* response_bins[bin_count];
	uint16_t n_bins = 0;

	as_bin result_bins[bin_count];
	uint32_t n_result_bins = 0;

	if ((m->info1 & AS_MSG_INFO1_GET_ALL) != 0) {
		p_ops = NULL;
		n_bins = rd.n_bins;
		as_bin_get_all_p(&rd, response_bins);
	else {
		if (m->n_ops == 0) {
			cf_warning_digest(AS_RW, &tr->keyd, "{%s} read_local: bin op(s) expected, none present ", ns->name);
			read_local_done(tr, &r_ref, &rd, AS_ERR_PARAMETER);

		bool respond_all_ops = (m->info2 & AS_MSG_INFO2_RESPOND_ALL_OPS) != 0;

		as_msg_op* op = 0;
		int n = 0;

		while ((op = as_msg_op_iterate(m, op, &n)) != NULL) {
			if (op->op == AS_MSG_OP_READ) {
				as_bin* b = as_bin_get_from_buf(&rd, op->name, op->name_sz);

				if (b || respond_all_ops) {
					ops[n_bins] = op;
					response_bins[n_bins++] = b;
			else if (op->op == AS_MSG_OP_CDT_READ) {
				as_bin* b = as_bin_get_from_buf(&rd, op->name, op->name_sz);

				if (b) {
					as_bin* rb = &result_bins[n_result_bins];

					if ((result = as_bin_cdt_read_from_client(b, op, rb)) < 0) {
						cf_warning_digest(AS_RW, &tr->keyd, "{%s} read_local: failed as_bin_cdt_read_from_client() ", ns->name);
						destroy_stack_bins(result_bins, n_result_bins);
						read_local_done(tr, &r_ref, &rd, -result);
						return TRANS_DONE_ERROR;

					if (as_bin_inuse(rb)) {
						ops[n_bins] = op;
						response_bins[n_bins++] = rb;
					else if (respond_all_ops) {
						ops[n_bins] = op;
						response_bins[n_bins++] = NULL;
				else if (respond_all_ops) {
					ops[n_bins] = op;
					response_bins[n_bins++] = NULL;
			else {
				cf_warning_digest(AS_RW, &tr->keyd, "{%s} read_local: unexpected bin op %u ", ns->name, op->op);
				destroy_stack_bins(result_bins, n_result_bins);
				read_local_done(tr, &r_ref, &rd, AS_ERR_PARAMETER);
				return TRANS_DONE_ERROR;

	cf_dyn_buf_define_size(db, 16 * 1024);

	if (tr->origin != FROM_BATCH) {
		db.used_sz = db.alloc_sz;
		db.buf = (uint8_t*)as_msg_make_response_msg(tr->result_code,
				r->generation, r->void_time, p_ops, response_bins, n_bins, ns,
				(cl_msg*)dyn_bufdb, &db.used_sz, as_transaction_trid(tr));

		db.is_stack = db.buf == dyn_bufdb;
		// Note - not bothering to correct alloc_sz if buf was allocated.
	else {
		tr->generation = r->generation;
		tr->void_time = r->void_time;
		tr->last_update_time = r->last_update_time;

		// Since as_batch_add_result() constructs response directly in shared
		// buffer to avoid extra copies, can't use db.
		send_read_response(tr, p_ops, response_bins, n_bins, NULL);

	destroy_stack_bins(result_bins, n_result_bins);
	as_record_done(&r_ref, ns);

	// Now that we're not under the record lock, send the message we just built.
	if (db.used_sz != 0) {
		send_read_response(tr, NULL, NULL, 0, &db);

		tr->from.proto_fd_h = NULL;

Пример #4
int as_msg_make_response_bufbuilder(as_record *r, as_storage_rd *rd,
		cf_buf_builder **bb_r, bool nobindata, char *nsname, bool use_sets,
		bool include_key, cf_vector *binlist)
	// Sanity checks. Either rd should be there or nobindata and nsname should be present.
	if (!(rd || (nobindata && nsname))) {
		cf_detail(AS_PROTO, "Neither storage record nor nobindata is set. Skipping the record.");
		return 0;

	// figure out the size of the entire buffer
	int         set_name_len = 0;
	const char *set_name     = NULL;
	int         ns_len       = rd ? strlen(rd->ns->name) : strlen(nsname);

	if (use_sets && as_index_get_set_id(r) != INVALID_SET_ID) {
		as_namespace *ns = NULL;

		if (rd) {
			ns = rd->ns;
		} else if (nsname) {
			ns = as_namespace_get_byname(nsname);
		if (!ns) {
			cf_info(AS_PROTO, "Cannot get namespace, needed to get set information. Skipping record.");
			return -1;
		set_name = as_index_get_set_name(r, ns);
		if (set_name) {
			set_name_len = strlen(set_name);

	uint8_t* key = NULL;
	uint32_t key_size = 0;

	if (include_key && as_index_is_flag_set(r, AS_INDEX_FLAG_KEY_STORED)) {
		if (! as_storage_record_get_key(rd)) {
			cf_info(AS_PROTO, "can't get key - skipping record");
			return -1;

		key = rd->key;
		key_size = rd->key_size;

	uint16_t n_fields = 2;
	int msg_sz = sizeof(as_msg);
	msg_sz += sizeof(as_msg_field) + sizeof(cf_digest);
	msg_sz += sizeof(as_msg_field) + ns_len;
	if (set_name) {
		msg_sz += sizeof(as_msg_field) + set_name_len;
	if (key) {
		msg_sz += sizeof(as_msg_field) + key_size;

	int list_bins   = 0;
	int in_use_bins = 0;
	if (rd) {
		in_use_bins = as_bin_inuse_count(rd);

	if (nobindata == false) {
		if(binlist) {
			int binlist_sz = cf_vector_size(binlist);
			for(uint16_t i = 0; i < binlist_sz; i++) {
				char binname[AS_ID_BIN_SZ];
				cf_vector_get(binlist, i, (void*)&binname);
				cf_debug(AS_PROTO, " Binname projected inside is |%s| \n", binname);
				as_bin *p_bin = as_bin_get (rd, (uint8_t*)binname, strlen(binname));
				if (!p_bin)
					cf_debug(AS_PROTO, "To be projected bin |%s| not found \n", binname);
				cf_debug(AS_PROTO, "Adding bin |%s| to projected bins |%s| \n", binname);
				msg_sz += sizeof(as_msg_op);
				msg_sz += rd->ns->single_bin ? 0 : strlen(binname);
				uint32_t psz;
				if (as_bin_is_hidden(p_bin)) {
					psz = 0;
				} else {
					as_particle_tobuf(p_bin, 0, &psz); // get size
				msg_sz += psz;
		else {
			msg_sz += sizeof(as_msg_op) * in_use_bins; // the bin headers
			for (uint16_t i = 0; i < in_use_bins; i++) {
				as_bin *p_bin = &rd->bins[i];
				msg_sz += rd->ns->single_bin ? 0 : strlen(as_bin_get_name_from_id(rd->ns, p_bin->id));
				uint32_t psz;
				if (as_bin_is_hidden(p_bin)) {
					psz = 0;
				} else {
					as_particle_tobuf(p_bin, 0, &psz); // get size
				msg_sz += psz;

	uint8_t *b;
	cf_buf_builder_reserve(bb_r, msg_sz, &b);

	// set up the header
	uint8_t *buf = b;
	as_msg *msgp = (as_msg *) buf;

	msgp->header_sz = sizeof(as_msg);
	msgp->info1 = (nobindata ? AS_MSG_INFO1_GET_NOBINDATA : 0);
	msgp->info2 = 0;
	msgp->info3 = 0;
	msgp->unused = 0;
	msgp->result_code = 0;
	msgp->generation = r->generation;
	msgp->record_ttl = r->void_time;
	msgp->transaction_ttl = 0;
	msgp->n_fields = n_fields;
	if (rd) {
		if (binlist)
			msgp->n_ops = list_bins;
			msgp->n_ops = in_use_bins;
	} else {
		msgp->n_ops = 0;

	buf += sizeof(as_msg);

	as_msg_field *mf = (as_msg_field *) buf;
	mf->field_sz = sizeof(cf_digest) + 1;
	if (rd) {
		memcpy(mf->data, &rd->keyd, sizeof(cf_digest));
	} else {
		memcpy(mf->data, &r->key, sizeof(cf_digest));
	buf += sizeof(as_msg_field) + sizeof(cf_digest);

	mf = (as_msg_field *) buf;
	mf->field_sz = ns_len + 1;
	if (rd) {
		memcpy(mf->data, rd->ns->name, ns_len);
	} else {
		memcpy(mf->data, nsname, ns_len);
	buf += sizeof(as_msg_field) + ns_len;

	if (set_name) {
		mf = (as_msg_field *) buf;
		mf->field_sz = set_name_len + 1;
		mf->type = AS_MSG_FIELD_TYPE_SET;
		memcpy(mf->data, set_name, set_name_len);
		buf += sizeof(as_msg_field) + set_name_len;

	if (key) {
		mf = (as_msg_field *) buf;
		mf->field_sz = key_size + 1;
		mf->type = AS_MSG_FIELD_TYPE_KEY;
		memcpy(mf->data, key, key_size);
		buf += sizeof(as_msg_field) + key_size;

	if (nobindata) {
		goto Out;

	if(binlist) {
		int binlist_sz = cf_vector_size(binlist);
		for(uint16_t i = 0; i < binlist_sz; i++) {

			char binname[AS_ID_BIN_SZ];
			cf_vector_get(binlist, i, (void*)&binname);
			cf_debug(AS_PROTO, " Binname projected inside is |%s| \n", binname);
			as_bin *p_bin = as_bin_get (rd, (uint8_t*)binname, strlen(binname));
			if (!p_bin) // should it be checked before ???

			as_msg_op *op = (as_msg_op *)buf;
			buf += sizeof(as_msg_op);

			op->op = AS_MSG_OP_READ;

			op->name_sz = as_bin_memcpy_name(rd->ns, op->name, p_bin);
			buf += op->name_sz;

			// Since there are two variable bits, the size is everything after
			// the data bytes - and this is only the head, we're patching up
			// the rest in a minute.
			op->op_sz = 4 + op->name_sz;

			if (as_bin_inuse(p_bin)) {
				op->particle_type = as_particle_type_convert(as_bin_get_particle_type(p_bin));
				op->version = as_bin_get_version(p_bin, rd->ns->single_bin);

				uint32_t psz = msg_sz - (buf - b); // size remaining in buffer, for safety
				if (as_bin_is_hidden(p_bin)) {
                	op->particle_type = AS_PARTICLE_TYPE_NULL;
					psz = 0;
				} else {
					if (0 != as_particle_tobuf(p_bin, buf, &psz)) {
						cf_warning(AS_PROTO, "particle to buf: could not copy data!");
				buf += psz;
				op->op_sz += psz;
			else {
				cf_debug(AS_PROTO, "Whoops !! bin not in use");
				op->particle_type = AS_PARTICLE_TYPE_NULL;
	else {
		// over all bins, copy into the buffer
		for (uint16_t i = 0; i < in_use_bins; i++) {

			as_msg_op *op = (as_msg_op *)buf;
			buf += sizeof(as_msg_op);

			op->op = AS_MSG_OP_READ;

			op->name_sz = as_bin_memcpy_name(rd->ns, op->name, &rd->bins[i]);
			buf += op->name_sz;

			// Since there are two variable bits, the size is everything after
			// the data bytes - and this is only the head, we're patching up
			// the rest in a minute.
			op->op_sz = 4 + op->name_sz;

			if (as_bin_inuse(&rd->bins[i])) {
				op->particle_type = as_particle_type_convert(as_bin_get_particle_type(&rd->bins[i]));
				op->version = as_bin_get_version(&rd->bins[i], rd->ns->single_bin);

				uint32_t psz = msg_sz - (buf - b); // size remaining in buffer, for safety
				if (as_bin_is_hidden(&rd->bins[i])) {
                	op->particle_type = AS_PARTICLE_TYPE_NULL;
					psz = 0;
				} else {
					if (0 != as_particle_tobuf(&rd->bins[i], buf, &psz)) {
						cf_warning(AS_PROTO, "particle to buf: could not copy data!");
				buf += psz;
				op->op_sz += psz;
			else {
				op->particle_type = AS_PARTICLE_TYPE_NULL;
Пример #5
int as_msg_make_response_bufbuilder(as_record *r, as_storage_rd *rd,
		cf_buf_builder **bb_r, bool nobindata, char *nsname, bool include_ldt_data,
		bool include_key, bool skip_empty_records, cf_vector *binlist)
	// Sanity checks. Either rd should be there or nobindata and nsname should be present.
	if (!(rd || (nobindata && nsname))) {
		cf_detail(AS_PROTO, "Neither storage record nor nobindata is set. Skipping the record.");
		return 0;

	// figure out the size of the entire buffer
	int         set_name_len = 0;
	const char *set_name     = NULL;
	int         ns_len       = rd ? strlen(rd->ns->name) : strlen(nsname);

	if (as_index_get_set_id(r) != INVALID_SET_ID) {
		as_namespace *ns = NULL;

		if (rd) {
			ns = rd->ns;
		} else if (nsname) {
			ns = as_namespace_get_byname(nsname);
		if (!ns) {
			cf_info(AS_PROTO, "Cannot get namespace, needed to get set information. Skipping record.");
			return -1;
		set_name = as_index_get_set_name(r, ns);
		if (set_name) {
			set_name_len = strlen(set_name);

	uint8_t* key = NULL;
	uint32_t key_size = 0;

	if (include_key && as_index_is_flag_set(r, AS_INDEX_FLAG_KEY_STORED)) {
		if (! as_storage_record_get_key(rd)) {
			cf_info(AS_PROTO, "can't get key - skipping record");
			return -1;

		key = rd->key;
		key_size = rd->key_size;

	uint16_t n_fields = 2;
	int msg_sz = sizeof(as_msg);
	msg_sz += sizeof(as_msg_field) + sizeof(cf_digest);
	msg_sz += sizeof(as_msg_field) + ns_len;
	if (set_name) {
		msg_sz += sizeof(as_msg_field) + set_name_len;
	if (key) {
		msg_sz += sizeof(as_msg_field) + key_size;

	int list_bins   = 0;
	int in_use_bins = rd ? (int)as_bin_inuse_count(rd) : 0;
	as_val *ldt_bin_vals[in_use_bins];

	if (! nobindata) {
		if (binlist) {
			int binlist_sz = cf_vector_size(binlist);

			for (uint16_t i = 0; i < binlist_sz; i++) {
				char binname[AS_ID_BIN_SZ];

				cf_vector_get(binlist, i, (void*)&binname);

				as_bin *p_bin = as_bin_get(rd, binname);

				if (! p_bin) {

				msg_sz += sizeof(as_msg_op);
				msg_sz += rd->ns->single_bin ? 0 : strlen(binname);

				if (as_bin_is_hidden(p_bin)) {
					if (include_ldt_data) {
						msg_sz += (int)as_ldt_particle_client_value_size(rd, p_bin, &ldt_bin_vals[list_bins]);
					else {
						ldt_bin_vals[list_bins] = NULL;
				else {
					msg_sz += (int)as_bin_particle_client_value_size(p_bin);


			// Don't return an empty record.
			if (skip_empty_records && list_bins == 0) {
				return 0;
		else {
			msg_sz += sizeof(as_msg_op) * in_use_bins;

			for (uint16_t i = 0; i < in_use_bins; i++) {
				as_bin *p_bin = &rd->bins[i];

				msg_sz += rd->ns->single_bin ? 0 : strlen(as_bin_get_name_from_id(rd->ns, p_bin->id));

				if (as_bin_is_hidden(p_bin)) {
					if (include_ldt_data) {
						msg_sz += (int)as_ldt_particle_client_value_size(rd, p_bin, &ldt_bin_vals[i]);
					else {
						ldt_bin_vals[i] = NULL;
				else {
					msg_sz += (int)as_bin_particle_client_value_size(p_bin);

	uint8_t *b;
	cf_buf_builder_reserve(bb_r, msg_sz, &b);

	// set up the header
	uint8_t *buf = b;
	as_msg *msgp = (as_msg *) buf;

	msgp->header_sz = sizeof(as_msg);
	msgp->info1 = (nobindata ? AS_MSG_INFO1_GET_NOBINDATA : 0);
	msgp->info2 = 0;
	msgp->info3 = 0;
	msgp->unused = 0;
	msgp->result_code = 0;
	msgp->generation = r->generation;
	msgp->record_ttl = r->void_time;
	msgp->transaction_ttl = 0;
	msgp->n_fields = n_fields;
	if (rd) {
		if (binlist)
			msgp->n_ops = list_bins;
			msgp->n_ops = in_use_bins;
	} else {
		msgp->n_ops = 0;

	buf += sizeof(as_msg);

	as_msg_field *mf = (as_msg_field *) buf;
	mf->field_sz = sizeof(cf_digest) + 1;
	if (rd) {
		memcpy(mf->data, &rd->keyd, sizeof(cf_digest));
	} else {
		memcpy(mf->data, &r->key, sizeof(cf_digest));
	buf += sizeof(as_msg_field) + sizeof(cf_digest);

	mf = (as_msg_field *) buf;
	mf->field_sz = ns_len + 1;
	if (rd) {
		memcpy(mf->data, rd->ns->name, ns_len);
	} else {
		memcpy(mf->data, nsname, ns_len);
	buf += sizeof(as_msg_field) + ns_len;

	if (set_name) {
		mf = (as_msg_field *) buf;
		mf->field_sz = set_name_len + 1;
		mf->type = AS_MSG_FIELD_TYPE_SET;
		memcpy(mf->data, set_name, set_name_len);
		buf += sizeof(as_msg_field) + set_name_len;

	if (key) {
		mf = (as_msg_field *) buf;
		mf->field_sz = key_size + 1;
		mf->type = AS_MSG_FIELD_TYPE_KEY;
		memcpy(mf->data, key, key_size);
		buf += sizeof(as_msg_field) + key_size;

	if (nobindata) {
		return 0;

	if (binlist) {
		list_bins = 0;

		int binlist_sz = cf_vector_size(binlist);

		for (uint16_t i = 0; i < binlist_sz; i++) {
			char binname[AS_ID_BIN_SZ];
			cf_vector_get(binlist, i, (void*)&binname);

			as_bin *p_bin = as_bin_get(rd, binname);

			if (! p_bin) {

			as_msg_op *op = (as_msg_op *)buf;

			op->op = AS_MSG_OP_READ;
			op->version = 0;
			op->name_sz = as_bin_memcpy_name(rd->ns, op->name, p_bin);
			op->op_sz = 4 + op->name_sz;

			buf += sizeof(as_msg_op) + op->name_sz;

			if (as_bin_is_hidden(p_bin)) {
				buf += as_ldt_particle_to_client(ldt_bin_vals[list_bins], op);
			else {
				buf += as_bin_particle_to_client(p_bin, op);


	else {
		for (uint16_t i = 0; i < in_use_bins; i++) {
			as_msg_op *op = (as_msg_op *)buf;

			op->op = AS_MSG_OP_READ;
			op->version = 0;
			op->name_sz = as_bin_memcpy_name(rd->ns, op->name, &rd->bins[i]);
			op->op_sz = 4 + op->name_sz;

			buf += sizeof(as_msg_op) + op->name_sz;

			if (as_bin_is_hidden(&rd->bins[i])) {
				buf += as_ldt_particle_to_client(ldt_bin_vals[i], op);
			else {
				buf += as_bin_particle_to_client(&rd->bins[i], op);


	return 0;