Пример #1
 *         BuildPendingEventCheck
 * Build a function that checks whether there are any
 * pending DPMI events.
 * Stack layout:
 * (sp+12) long   eflags
 * (sp+6)  long   cs
 * (sp+2)  long   ip
 * (sp)    word   fs
 * On entry to function, fs register points to a valid TEB.
 * On exit from function, stack will be popped.
static void BuildPendingEventCheck(void)
    /* Function header */

    function_header( "DPMI_PendingEventCheck" );

    /* Check for pending events. */

    output( "\t.byte 0x64\n\ttestl $0xffffffff,(%d)\n",
            STRUCTOFFSET(TEB,GdiTebBatch) + STRUCTOFFSET(WINE_VM86_TEB_INFO,vm86_pending) );
    output( "\tje %s\n", asm_name("DPMI_PendingEventCheck_Cleanup") );
    output( "\t.byte 0x64\n\ttestl $0xffffffff,(%d)\n",
            STRUCTOFFSET(TEB,GdiTebBatch) + STRUCTOFFSET(WINE_VM86_TEB_INFO,dpmi_vif) );
    output( "\tje %s\n", asm_name("DPMI_PendingEventCheck_Cleanup") );

    /* Process pending events. */

    output( "\tsti\n" );

    /* Start cleanup. Restore fs register. */

    output( "%s\n", asm_globl("DPMI_PendingEventCheck_Cleanup") );
    output( "\tpopw %%fs\n" );

    /* Return from function. */

    output( "%s\n", asm_globl("DPMI_PendingEventCheck_Return") );
    output( "\tiret\n" );

    output_function_size( "DPMI_PendingEventCheck" );
Пример #2
 *         output_asm_constructor
 * Output code for calling a dll constructor.
static void output_asm_constructor( const char *constructor )
    if (target_platform == PLATFORM_APPLE)
        /* Mach-O doesn't have an init section */
        output( "\n\t.mod_init_func\n" );
        output( "\t.align %d\n", get_alignment(4) );
        output( "\t.long %s\n", asm_name(constructor) );
        output( "\n\t.section \".init\",\"ax\"\n" );
        case CPU_x86:
        case CPU_x86_64:
            output( "\tcall %s\n", asm_name(constructor) );
        case CPU_SPARC:
            output( "\tcall %s\n", asm_name(constructor) );
            output( "\tnop\n" );
        case CPU_ARM:
        case CPU_POWERPC:
            output( "\tbl %s\n", asm_name(constructor) );
Пример #3
 *         output_asm_constructor
 * Output code for calling a dll constructor.
static void output_asm_constructor( const char *constructor )
    if (target_platform == PLATFORM_APPLE)
        /* Mach-O doesn't have an init section */
        output( "\n\t.mod_init_func\n" );
        output( "\t.align %d\n", get_alignment(get_ptr_size()) );
        output( "\t%s %s\n", get_asm_ptr_keyword(), asm_name(constructor) );
        case CPU_x86:
		case CPU_x86_64:
//            output( "\n\t.section \".init\",\"ax\"\n" );
            output( "\n\t.section .init,\"ax\"\n" );
            output( "\tcall %s\n", asm_name(constructor) );
        case CPU_ARM:
            output( "\n\t.section \".text\",\"ax\"\n" );
            output( "\tblx %s\n", asm_name(constructor) );
        case CPU_ARM64:
        case CPU_POWERPC:
            output( "\n\t.section \".init\",\"ax\"\n" );
            output( "\tbl %s\n", asm_name(constructor) );
Пример #4
/* output import stubs for exported entry points that link to external symbols */
static void output_external_link_imports( DLLSPEC *spec )
    unsigned int i, pos;

    if (!ext_link_imports.count) return;  /* nothing to do */

    sort_names( &ext_link_imports );

    /* get rid of duplicate names */
    for (i = 1; i < ext_link_imports.count; i++)
        if (!strcmp( ext_link_imports.names[i-1], ext_link_imports.names[i] ))
            remove_name( &ext_link_imports, i-- );

    output( "\n/* external link thunks */\n\n" );
    output( "\t.data\n" );
    output( "\t.align %d\n", get_alignment(get_ptr_size()) );
    output( ".L__wine_spec_external_links:\n" );
    for (i = 0; i < ext_link_imports.count; i++)
        output( "\t%s %s\n", get_asm_ptr_keyword(), asm_name(ext_link_imports.names[i]) );

    output( "\n\t.text\n" );
    output( "\t.align %d\n", get_alignment(get_ptr_size()) );
    output( "%s:\n", asm_name("__wine_spec_external_link_thunks") );

    for (i = pos = 0; i < ext_link_imports.count; i++)
        char *buffer = strmake( "__wine_spec_ext_link_%s", ext_link_imports.names[i] );
        output_import_thunk( buffer, ".L__wine_spec_external_links", pos );
        free( buffer );
        pos += get_ptr_size();
    output_function_size( "__wine_spec_external_link_thunks" );
Пример #5
 *         BuildRet16Func
 * Build the return code for 16-bit callbacks
static void BuildRet16Func(void)
    function_header( "__wine_call_to_16_ret" );

    /* Save %esp into %esi */
    output( "\tmovl %%esp,%%esi\n" );

    /* Restore 32-bit segment registers */

    output( "\t.byte 0x2e\n\tmovl %s", asm_name("CallTo16_DataSelector") );
    output( "-%s,%%edi\n", asm_name("__wine_call16_start") );
    output( "\tmovw %%di,%%ds\n" );
    output( "\tmovw %%di,%%es\n" );

    output( "\t.byte 0x2e\n\tmov %s", asm_name("CallTo16_TebSelector") );
    output( "-%s,%%fs\n", asm_name("__wine_call16_start") );

    output( "\t.byte 0x64\n\tmov (%d),%%gs\n", GS_OFFSET );

    /* Restore the 32-bit stack */

    output( "\tmovw %%di,%%ss\n" );
    output( "\t.byte 0x64\n\tmovl (%d),%%esp\n", STACKOFFSET );

    /* Return to caller */

    output( "\tlret\n" );
    output_function_size( "__wine_call_to_16_ret" );
Пример #6
/* create a .o file that references all the undefined symbols we want to resolve */
static char *create_undef_symbols_file( DLLSPEC *spec )
    char *as_file, *obj_file;
    int i;
    unsigned int j;
    FILE *f;

    as_file = get_temp_file_name( output_file_name, ".s" );
    if (!(f = fopen( as_file, "w" ))) fatal_error( "Cannot create %s\n", as_file );
    fprintf( f, "\t.data\n" );

    for (i = 0; i < spec->nb_entry_points; i++)
        ORDDEF *odp = &spec->entry_points[i];
        if (odp->type == TYPE_STUB || odp->type == TYPE_ABS || odp->type == TYPE_VARIABLE) continue;
        if (odp->flags & FLAG_FORWARD) continue;
        fprintf( f, "\t%s %s\n", get_asm_ptr_keyword(), asm_name(odp->link_name) );
    for (j = 0; j < extra_ld_symbols.count; j++)
        fprintf( f, "\t%s %s\n", get_asm_ptr_keyword(), asm_name(extra_ld_symbols.names[j]) );
    fclose( f );

    obj_file = get_temp_file_name( output_file_name, ".o" );
    assemble_file( as_file, obj_file );
    return obj_file;
Пример #7
 *         BuildRelays16
 * Build all the 16-bit relay callbacks
void BuildRelays16(void)
    if (target_cpu != CPU_x86)
        output( "/* File not used with this architecture. Do not edit! */\n\n" );

    /* File header */

    output( "/* File generated automatically. Do not edit! */\n\n" );
    output( "\t.text\n" );

    output( "%s:\n\n", asm_name("__wine_spec_thunk_text_16") );

    output( "%s\n", asm_globl("__wine_call16_start") );

    /* Standard CallFrom16 routine */
    BuildCallFrom16Core( FALSE, FALSE );

    /* Register CallFrom16 routine */
    BuildCallFrom16Core( TRUE, FALSE );

    /* C16ThkSL CallFrom16 routine */
    BuildCallFrom16Core( FALSE, TRUE );

    /* Standard CallTo16 routine */
    BuildCallTo16Core( 0 );

    /* Register CallTo16 routine */
    BuildCallTo16Core( 1 );

    /* Standard CallTo16 return stub */

    /* CBClientThunkSL routine */
    BuildCallTo32CBClient( FALSE );

    /* CBClientThunkSLEx routine */
    BuildCallTo32CBClient( TRUE  );

    /* Pending DPMI events check stub */

    output( "%s\n", asm_globl("__wine_call16_end") );
    output_function_size( "__wine_spec_thunk_text_16" );

    /* Declare the return address and data selector variables */
    output( "\n\t.data\n\t.align %d\n", get_alignment(4) );
    output( "%s\n\t.long 0\n", asm_globl("CallTo16_DataSelector") );
    output( "%s\n\t.long 0\n", asm_globl("CallTo16_TebSelector") );
    if (UsePIC) output( "wine_ldt_copy_ptr:\t.long %s\n", asm_name("wine_ldt_copy") );
Пример #8
/* output a single import thunk */
static void output_import_thunk( const char *name, const char *table, int pos )
    output( "\n\t.align %d\n", get_alignment(4) );
    output( "\t%s\n", func_declaration(name) );
    output( "%s\n", asm_globl(name) );
    output_cfi( ".cfi_startproc" );

    case CPU_x86:
        if (!UsePIC)
            output( "\tjmp *(%s+%d)\n", table, pos );
            output( "\tcall %s\n", asm_name("__wine_spec_get_pc_thunk_eax") );
            output( "1:\tjmp *%s+%d-1b(%%eax)\n", table, pos );
    case CPU_x86_64:
        output( "\tjmpq *%s+%d(%%rip)\n", table, pos );
    case CPU_ARM:
        output( "\tldr IP,1f\n");
        output( "\tldr PC,[PC,IP]\n" );
        output( "1:\t.long %s+%u-(1b+4)\n", table, pos );
    case CPU_ARM64:
        output( "\tadr x9, 1f\n" );
        output( "\tldur x9, [x9, #0]\n" );
        if (pos & 0xf000) output( "\tadd x9, x9, #%u\n", pos & 0xf000 );
        if (pos & 0x0f00) output( "\tadd x9, x9, #%u\n", pos & 0x0f00 );
        if (pos & 0x00f0) output( "\tadd x9, x9, #%u\n", pos & 0x00f0 );
        if (pos & 0x000f) output( "\tadd x9, x9, #%u\n", pos & 0x000f );
        output( "\tldur x9, [x9, #0]\n" );
        output( "\tbr x9\n" );
        output( "1:\t.quad %s\n", table );
    case CPU_POWERPC:
        output( "\tmr %s, %s\n", ppc_reg(0), ppc_reg(31) );
        if (target_platform == PLATFORM_APPLE)
            output( "\tlis %s, ha16(%s+%d+32768)\n", ppc_reg(31), table, pos );
            output( "\tla  %s, lo16(%s+%d)(%s)\n", ppc_reg(31), table, pos, ppc_reg(31) );
            output( "\tlis %s, (%s+%d+32768)@h\n", ppc_reg(31), table, pos );
            output( "\tla  %s, (%s+%d)@l(%s)\n", ppc_reg(31), table, pos, ppc_reg(31) );
        output( "\tlwz   %s, 0(%s)\n", ppc_reg(31), ppc_reg(31) );
        output( "\tmtctr %s\n", ppc_reg(31) );
        output( "\tmr    %s, %s\n", ppc_reg(31), ppc_reg(0) );
        output( "\tbctr\n" );
    output_cfi( ".cfi_endproc" );
    output_function_size( name );
Пример #9
/* output the import thunks of a Win32 module */
static void output_immediate_import_thunks(void)
    int i, j, pos;
    int nb_imm = nb_imports - nb_delayed;
    static const char import_thunks[] = "__wine_spec_import_thunks";

    if (!nb_imm) return;

    output( "\n/* immediate import thunks */\n\n" );
    output( "\t.text\n" );
    output( "\t.align %d\n", get_alignment(8) );
    output( "%s:\n", asm_name(import_thunks));

    for (i = pos = 0; i < nb_imports; i++)
        if (dll_imports[i]->delay) continue;
        for (j = 0; j < dll_imports[i]->nb_imports; j++, pos += get_ptr_size())
            ORDDEF *odp = dll_imports[i]->imports[j];
            output_import_thunk( odp->name ? odp->name : odp->export_name,
                                 ".L__wine_spec_import_data_ptrs", pos );
        pos += get_ptr_size();
    output_function_size( import_thunks );
Пример #10
/* output the get_pc thunk if needed */
void output_get_pc_thunk(void)
    if (target_cpu != CPU_x86) return;
    if (!UsePIC) return;
    output( "\n\t.text\n" );
    output( "\t.align %d\n", get_alignment(4) );
    output( "\t%s\n", func_declaration("__wine_spec_get_pc_thunk_eax") );
    output( "%s:\n", asm_name("__wine_spec_get_pc_thunk_eax") );
    output_cfi( ".cfi_startproc" );
    output( "\tmovl (%%esp),%%eax\n" );
    output( "\tret\n" );
    output_cfi( ".cfi_endproc" );
    output_function_size( "__wine_spec_get_pc_thunk_eax" );
Пример #11
 *         BuildRelays32
 * Build all the 32-bit relay callbacks
void BuildRelays32(void)
    if (target_cpu != CPU_x86)
        output( "/* File not used with this architecture. Do not edit! */\n\n" );

    /* File header */

    output( "/* File generated automatically. Do not edit! */\n\n" );
    output( "\t.text\n" );
    output( "%s:\n\n", asm_name("__wine_spec_thunk_text_32") );

    /* 32-bit register entry point */

    output_function_size( "__wine_spec_thunk_text_32" );
Пример #12
 *         output_asm_relays16
 * Build all the 16-bit relay callbacks
void output_asm_relays16(void)
    /* File header */

    output( "\t.text\n" );
    output( "%s:\n\n", asm_name("__wine_spec_thunk_text_16") );

    output( "%s\n", asm_globl("__wine_call16_start") );

    /* Standard CallFrom16 routine */
    BuildCallFrom16Core( 0, 0 );

    /* Register CallFrom16 routine */
    BuildCallFrom16Core( 1, 0 );

    /* C16ThkSL CallFrom16 routine */
    BuildCallFrom16Core( 0, 1 );

    /* Standard CallTo16 routine */
    BuildCallTo16Core( 0 );

    /* Register CallTo16 routine */
    BuildCallTo16Core( 1 );

    /* Standard CallTo16 return stub */

    /* CBClientThunkSL routine */
    BuildCallTo32CBClient( 0 );

    /* CBClientThunkSLEx routine */
    BuildCallTo32CBClient( 1  );

    output( "%s\n", asm_globl("__wine_call16_end") );
    output_function_size( "__wine_spec_thunk_text_16" );

    /* Declare the return address and data selector variables */
    output( "\n\t.data\n\t.align %d\n", get_alignment(4) );
    output( "%s\n\t.long 0\n", asm_globl("CallTo16_DataSelector") );
    output( "%s\n\t.long 0\n", asm_globl("CallTo16_TebSelector") );
Пример #13
 *         output_spec16_file
 * Output the complete data for a spec 16-bit file.
void output_spec16_file( DLLSPEC *spec16 )
    DLLSPEC *spec32 = alloc_dll_spec();

    resolve_imports( spec16 );
    add_16bit_exports( spec32, spec16 );

    output_module( spec32 );
    output_module16( spec16 );
    output_stubs( spec16 );
    output_exports( spec32 );
    output_imports( spec16 );
    if (is_undefined( "__wine_call_from_16" )) output_asm_relays16();
    if (spec16->main_module)
        output( "\n\t%s\n", get_asm_string_section() );
        output( ".L__wine_spec_main_module:\n" );
        output( "\t%s \"%s\"\n", get_asm_string_keyword(), spec16->main_module );
    free_dll_spec( spec32 );
	output("%s:/*?*/\n", asm_name("_end"));
Пример #14
/* read in the list of undefined symbols */
void read_undef_symbols( DLLSPEC *spec, char **argv )
    size_t prefix_len;
    FILE *f;
    const char *prog = get_nm_command();
    char *cmd, buffer[1024], name_prefix[16];
    int err;
    const char *name;

    if (!argv[0]) return;

    add_extra_undef_symbols( spec );

    strcpy( name_prefix, asm_name("") );
    prefix_len = strlen( name_prefix );

    name = ldcombine_files( spec, argv );

    cmd = strmake( "%s -u %s", prog, name );
    if (!(f = popen( cmd, "r" )))
        fatal_error( "Cannot execute '%s'\n", cmd );

    while (fgets( buffer, sizeof(buffer), f ))
        char *p = buffer + strlen(buffer) - 1;
        if (p < buffer) continue;
        if (*p == '\n') *p-- = 0;
        p = buffer;
        while (*p == ' ') p++;
        if (p[0] == 'U' && p[1] == ' ' && p[2]) p += 2;
        if (prefix_len && !strncmp( p, name_prefix, prefix_len )) p += prefix_len;
        add_name( &undef_symbols, p );
    if ((err = pclose( f ))) warning( "%s failed with status %d\n", cmd, err );
    free( cmd );
Пример #15
 *         output_exports
 * Output the export table for a Win32 module.
void output_exports( DLLSPEC *spec )
    int i, fwd_size = 0;
    int nr_exports = spec->base <= spec->limit ? spec->limit - spec->base + 1 : 0;

    if (!nr_exports) return;

    output( "\n/* export table */\n\n" );
    output( "\t.data\n" );
    output( "\t.align %d\n", get_alignment(4) );
    output( ".L__wine_spec_exports:\n" );

    /* export directory header */

    output( "\t.long 0\n" );                       /* Characteristics */
    output( "\t.long 0\n" );                       /* TimeDateStamp */
    output( "\t.long 0\n" );                       /* MajorVersion/MinorVersion */
    output( "\t.long .L__wine_spec_exp_names-.L__wine_spec_rva_base\n" ); /* Name */
    output( "\t.long %u\n", spec->base );          /* Base */
    output( "\t.long %u\n", nr_exports );          /* NumberOfFunctions */
    output( "\t.long %u\n", spec->nb_names );      /* NumberOfNames */
    output( "\t.long .L__wine_spec_exports_funcs-.L__wine_spec_rva_base\n" ); /* AddressOfFunctions */
    if (spec->nb_names)
        output( "\t.long .L__wine_spec_exp_name_ptrs-.L__wine_spec_rva_base\n" ); /* AddressOfNames */
        output( "\t.long .L__wine_spec_exp_ordinals-.L__wine_spec_rva_base\n" );  /* AddressOfNameOrdinals */
        output( "\t.long 0\n" );  /* AddressOfNames */
        output( "\t.long 0\n" );  /* AddressOfNameOrdinals */

    /* output the function pointers */

    output( "\n.L__wine_spec_exports_funcs:\n" );
    for (i = spec->base; i <= spec->limit; i++)
        ORDDEF *odp = spec->ordinals[i];
        if (!odp) output( "\t%s 0\n", get_asm_ptr_keyword() );
        else switch(odp->type)
        case TYPE_EXTERN:
        case TYPE_STDCALL:
        case TYPE_VARARGS:
        case TYPE_CDECL:
        case TYPE_THISCALL:
            if (odp->flags & FLAG_FORWARD)
                output( "\t%s .L__wine_spec_forwards+%u\n", get_asm_ptr_keyword(), fwd_size );
                fwd_size += strlen(odp->link_name) + 1;
            else if (odp->flags & FLAG_EXT_LINK)
                output( "\t%s %s_%s\n",
                         get_asm_ptr_keyword(), asm_name("__wine_spec_ext_link"), odp->link_name );
                output( "\t%s %s\n", get_asm_ptr_keyword(), asm_name(odp->link_name) );
        case TYPE_STUB:
            output( "\t%s %s\n", get_asm_ptr_keyword(),
                     asm_name( get_stub_name( odp, spec )) );

    if (spec->nb_names)
        /* output the function name pointers */

        int namepos = strlen(spec->file_name) + 1;

        output( "\n.L__wine_spec_exp_name_ptrs:\n" );
        for (i = 0; i < spec->nb_names; i++)
            output( "\t.long .L__wine_spec_exp_names+%u-.L__wine_spec_rva_base\n", namepos );
            namepos += strlen(spec->names[i]->name) + 1;

        /* output the function ordinals */

        output( "\n.L__wine_spec_exp_ordinals:\n" );
        for (i = 0; i < spec->nb_names; i++)
            output( "\t%s %d\n",
                     get_asm_short_keyword(), spec->names[i]->ordinal - spec->base );
        if (spec->nb_names % 2)
            output( "\t%s 0\n", get_asm_short_keyword() );

    /* output the export name strings */

    output( "\n.L__wine_spec_exp_names:\n" );
    output( "\t%s \"%s\"\n", get_asm_string_keyword(), spec->file_name );
    for (i = 0; i < spec->nb_names; i++)
        output( "\t%s \"%s\"\n",
                 get_asm_string_keyword(), spec->names[i]->name );

    /* output forward strings */

    if (fwd_size)
        output( "\n.L__wine_spec_forwards:\n" );
        for (i = spec->base; i <= spec->limit; i++)
            ORDDEF *odp = spec->ordinals[i];
            if (odp && (odp->flags & FLAG_FORWARD))
                output( "\t%s \"%s\"\n", get_asm_string_keyword(), odp->link_name );
    output( "\t.align %d\n", get_alignment(get_ptr_size()) );
    output( ".L__wine_spec_exports_end:\n" );

    /* output relays */

    if (!has_relays( spec ))
        output( "\t%s 0\n", get_asm_ptr_keyword() );

    output( ".L__wine_spec_relay_descr:\n" );
    output( "\t%s 0xdeb90001\n", get_asm_ptr_keyword() );  /* magic */
    output( "\t%s 0,0\n", get_asm_ptr_keyword() );         /* relay funcs */
    output( "\t%s 0\n", get_asm_ptr_keyword() );           /* private data */
    output( "\t%s __wine_spec_relay_entry_points\n", get_asm_ptr_keyword() );
    output( "\t%s .L__wine_spec_relay_entry_point_offsets\n", get_asm_ptr_keyword() );
    output( "\t%s .L__wine_spec_relay_arg_types\n", get_asm_ptr_keyword() );

    output_relay_debug( spec );
Пример #16
 *         output_stubs
 * Output the functions for stub entry points
void output_stubs( DLLSPEC *spec )
    const char *name, *exp_name;
    int i, count;

    if (!has_stubs( spec )) return;

    output( "\n/* stub functions */\n\n" );
    output( "\t.text\n" );

    for (i = count = 0; i < spec->nb_entry_points; i++)
        ORDDEF *odp = &spec->entry_points[i];
        if (odp->type != TYPE_STUB) continue;

        name = get_stub_name( odp, spec );
        exp_name = odp->name ? odp->name : odp->export_name;
        output( "\t.align %d\n", get_alignment(4) );
        output( "\t%s\n", func_declaration(name) );
        output( "%s:\n", asm_name(name) );
        output_cfi( ".cfi_startproc" );

        switch (target_cpu)
        case CPU_x86:
            /* flesh out the stub a bit to make safedisc happy */
            output(" \tnop\n" );
            output(" \tnop\n" );
            output(" \tnop\n" );
            output(" \tnop\n" );
            output(" \tnop\n" );
            output(" \tnop\n" );
            output(" \tnop\n" );
            output(" \tnop\n" );
            output(" \tnop\n" );

            output( "\tsubl $12,%%esp\n" );
            output_cfi( ".cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 12" );
            if (UsePIC)
                output( "\tcall %s\n", asm_name("__wine_spec_get_pc_thunk_eax") );
                output( "1:" );
                if (exp_name)
                    output( "\tleal .L%s_string-1b(%%eax),%%ecx\n", name );
                    output( "\tmovl %%ecx,4(%%esp)\n" );
                    output( "\tmovl $%d,4(%%esp)\n", odp->ordinal );
                output( "\tleal .L__wine_spec_file_name-1b(%%eax),%%ecx\n" );
                output( "\tmovl %%ecx,(%%esp)\n" );
                if (exp_name)
                    output( "\tmovl $.L%s_string,4(%%esp)\n", name );
                    output( "\tmovl $%d,4(%%esp)\n", odp->ordinal );
                output( "\tmovl $.L__wine_spec_file_name,(%%esp)\n" );
            output( "\tcall %s\n", asm_name("__wine_spec_unimplemented_stub") );
        case CPU_x86_64:
            output( "\tsubq $8,%%rsp\n" );
            output_cfi( ".cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 8" );
            output( "\tleaq .L__wine_spec_file_name(%%rip),%%rdi\n" );
            if (exp_name)
                output( "leaq .L%s_string(%%rip),%%rsi\n", name );
                output( "\tmovq $%d,%%rsi\n", odp->ordinal );
            output( "\tcall %s\n", asm_name("__wine_spec_unimplemented_stub") );
        case CPU_ARM:
            output( "\tldr r0,[PC,#0]\n");
            output( "\tmov PC,PC\n");
            output( "\t.long .L__wine_spec_file_name\n" );
            output( "\tldr r1,[PC,#0]\n");
            output( "\tmov PC,PC\n");
            if (exp_name)
                output( "\t.long .L%s_string\n", name );
                output( "\t.long %d\n", odp->ordinal );
            output( "\tbl %s\n", asm_name("__wine_spec_unimplemented_stub") );
        output_cfi( ".cfi_endproc" );
        output_function_size( name );

    if (count)
        output( "\t%s\n", get_asm_string_section() );
        for (i = 0; i < spec->nb_entry_points; i++)
            ORDDEF *odp = &spec->entry_points[i];
            if (odp->type != TYPE_STUB) continue;
            exp_name = odp->name ? odp->name : odp->export_name;
            if (exp_name)
                name = get_stub_name( odp, spec );
                output( ".L%s_string:\n", name );
                output( "\t%s \"%s\"\n", get_asm_string_keyword(), exp_name );
Пример #17
 *         output_relay_debug
 * Output entry points for relay debugging
static void output_relay_debug( FILE *outfile, DLLSPEC *spec )
    unsigned int i, j, args, flags;

    /* first the table of entry point offsets */

    fprintf( outfile, "\t%s\n", get_asm_rodata_section() );
    fprintf( outfile, "\t.align %d\n", get_alignment(4) );
    fprintf( outfile, ".L__wine_spec_relay_entry_point_offsets:\n" );

    for (i = spec->base; i <= spec->limit; i++)
        ORDDEF *odp = spec->ordinals[i];

        if (needs_relay( odp ))
            fprintf( outfile, "\t.long .L__wine_spec_relay_entry_point_%d-__wine_spec_relay_entry_points\n", i );
            fprintf( outfile, "\t.long 0\n" );

    /* then the table of argument types */

    fprintf( outfile, "\t.align %d\n", get_alignment(4) );
    fprintf( outfile, ".L__wine_spec_relay_arg_types:\n" );

    for (i = spec->base; i <= spec->limit; i++)
        ORDDEF *odp = spec->ordinals[i];
        unsigned int mask = 0;

        if (needs_relay( odp ))
            for (j = 0; j < 16 && odp->u.func.arg_types[j]; j++)
                if (odp->u.func.arg_types[j] == 't') mask |= 1<< (j*2);
                if (odp->u.func.arg_types[j] == 'W') mask |= 2<< (j*2);
        fprintf( outfile, "\t.long 0x%08x\n", mask );

    /* then the relay thunks */

    fprintf( outfile, "\t.text\n" );
    fprintf( outfile, "__wine_spec_relay_entry_points:\n" );
    fprintf( outfile, "\tnop\n" );  /* to avoid 0 offset */

    for (i = spec->base; i <= spec->limit; i++)
        ORDDEF *odp = spec->ordinals[i];

        if (!needs_relay( odp )) continue;

        fprintf( outfile, "\t.align %d\n", get_alignment(4) );
        fprintf( outfile, ".L__wine_spec_relay_entry_point_%d:\n", i );

        if (odp->flags & FLAG_REGISTER)
            fprintf( outfile, "\tpushl %%eax\n" );
            fprintf( outfile, "\tpushl %%esp\n" );

        args = strlen(odp->u.func.arg_types);
        flags = 0;
        if (odp->flags & FLAG_RET64) flags |= 1;
        if (odp->type == TYPE_STDCALL) flags |= 2;
        fprintf( outfile, "\tpushl $%u\n", (flags << 24) | (args << 16) | (i - spec->base) );

        if (UsePIC)
            fprintf( outfile, "\tcall %s\n", asm_name("__wine_spec_get_pc_thunk_eax") );
            fprintf( outfile, "1:\tleal .L__wine_spec_relay_descr-1b(%%eax),%%eax\n" );
        else fprintf( outfile, "\tmovl $.L__wine_spec_relay_descr,%%eax\n" );
        fprintf( outfile, "\tpushl %%eax\n" );

        if (odp->flags & FLAG_REGISTER)
            fprintf( outfile, "\tcall *8(%%eax)\n" );
            fprintf( outfile, "\tcall *4(%%eax)\n" );
            if (odp->type == TYPE_STDCALL)
                fprintf( outfile, "\tret $%u\n", args * get_ptr_size() );
                fprintf( outfile, "\tret\n" );
Пример #18
Файл: symtab.c Проект: lv88h/gcc
symtab_node::dump_base (FILE *f)
  static const char * const visibility_types[] = {
    "default", "protected", "hidden", "internal"

  fprintf (f, "%s/%i (%s)", asm_name (), order, name ());
  dump_addr (f, " @", (void *)this);
  fprintf (f, "\n  Type: %s", symtab_type_names[type]);

  if (definition)
    fprintf (f, " definition");
  if (analyzed)
    fprintf (f, " analyzed");
  if (alias)
    fprintf (f, " alias");
  if (weakref)
    fprintf (f, " weakref");
  if (cpp_implicit_alias)
    fprintf (f, " cpp_implicit_alias");
  if (alias_target)
    fprintf (f, " target:%s",
	     DECL_P (alias_target)
	     : IDENTIFIER_POINTER (alias_target));
  if (body_removed)
    fprintf (f, "\n  Body removed by symtab_remove_unreachable_nodes");
  fprintf (f, "\n  Visibility:");
  if (in_other_partition)
    fprintf (f, " in_other_partition");
  if (used_from_other_partition)
    fprintf (f, " used_from_other_partition");
  if (force_output)
    fprintf (f, " force_output");
  if (forced_by_abi)
    fprintf (f, " forced_by_abi");
  if (externally_visible)
    fprintf (f, " externally_visible");
  if (resolution != LDPR_UNKNOWN)
    fprintf (f, " %s",
  if (TREE_ASM_WRITTEN (decl))
    fprintf (f, " asm_written");
  if (DECL_EXTERNAL (decl))
    fprintf (f, " external");
  if (TREE_PUBLIC (decl))
    fprintf (f, " public");
  if (DECL_COMMON (decl))
    fprintf (f, " common");
  if (DECL_WEAK (decl))
    fprintf (f, " weak");
  if (DECL_DLLIMPORT_P (decl))
    fprintf (f, " dll_import");
  if (DECL_COMDAT (decl))
    fprintf (f, " comdat");
  if (get_comdat_group ())
    fprintf (f, " comdat_group:%s",
	     IDENTIFIER_POINTER (get_comdat_group_id ()));
  if (DECL_ONE_ONLY (decl))
    fprintf (f, " one_only");
  if (get_section ())
    fprintf (f, " section:%s",
	     get_section ());
  if (implicit_section)
    fprintf (f," (implicit_section)");
    fprintf (f, " visibility_specified");
  if (DECL_VISIBILITY (decl))
    fprintf (f, " visibility:%s",
	     visibility_types [DECL_VISIBILITY (decl)]);
  if (DECL_VIRTUAL_P (decl))
    fprintf (f, " virtual");
  if (DECL_ARTIFICIAL (decl))
    fprintf (f, " artificial");
  if (TREE_CODE (decl) == FUNCTION_DECL)
	fprintf (f, " constructor");
      if (DECL_STATIC_DESTRUCTOR (decl))
	fprintf (f, " destructor");
  fprintf (f, "\n");
  if (same_comdat_group)
    fprintf (f, "  Same comdat group as: %s/%i\n",
	     same_comdat_group->asm_name (),
  if (next_sharing_asm_name)
    fprintf (f, "  next sharing asm name: %i\n",
  if (previous_sharing_asm_name)
    fprintf (f, "  previous sharing asm name: %i\n",

  if (address_taken)
    fprintf (f, "  Address is taken.\n");
  if (aux)
      fprintf (f, "  Aux:");
      dump_addr (f, " @", (void *)aux);

  fprintf (f, "  References: ");
  dump_references (f);
  fprintf (f, "  Referring: ");
  dump_referring (f);
  if (lto_file_data)
    fprintf (f, "  Read from file: %s\n",
Пример #19
 *         output_call16_function
 * Build a 16-bit-to-Wine callback glue function.
 * The generated routines are intended to be used as argument conversion
 * routines to be called by the CallFrom16... core. Thus, the prototypes of
 * the generated routines are (see also CallFrom16):
 *  extern WORD WINAPI __wine_spec_call16_C_xxx( FARPROC func, LPBYTE args );
 *  extern LONG WINAPI __wine_spec_call16_C_xxx( FARPROC func, LPBYTE args );
 *  extern void WINAPI __wine_spec_call16_C_xxx_regs( FARPROC func, LPBYTE args, CONTEXT86 *context );
 * where 'C' is the calling convention ('p' for pascal or 'c' for cdecl),
 * and each 'x' is an argument  ('w'=word, 's'=signed word, 'l'=long,
 * 'p'=linear pointer, 't'=linear pointer to null-terminated string,
 * 'T'=segmented pointer to null-terminated string).
 * The generated routines fetch the arguments from the 16-bit stack (pointed
 * to by 'args'); the offsets of the single argument values are computed
 * according to the calling convention and the argument types.  Then, the
 * 32-bit entry point is called with these arguments.
 * For register functions, the arguments (if present) are converted just
 * the same as for normal functions, but in addition the CONTEXT86 pointer
 * filled with the current register values is passed to the 32-bit routine.
static void output_call16_function( ORDDEF *odp )
    char *name;
    int i, pos, stack_words;
    int argsize = get_function_argsize( odp );
    int needs_ldt = (strpbrk( get_args_str( odp ), "pt" ) != NULL);

    name = strmake( ".L__wine_spec_call16_%s", get_relay_name(odp) );

    output( "\t.align %d\n", get_alignment(4) );
    output( "\t%s\n", func_declaration(name) );
    output( "%s:\n", name );
    output_cfi( ".cfi_startproc" );
    output( "\tpushl %%ebp\n" );
    output_cfi( ".cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 4" );
    output_cfi( ".cfi_rel_offset %%ebp,0" );
    output( "\tmovl %%esp,%%ebp\n" );
    output_cfi( ".cfi_def_cfa_register %%ebp" );
    stack_words = 2;
    if (needs_ldt)
        output( "\tpushl %%esi\n" );
        output_cfi( ".cfi_rel_offset %%esi,-4" );
        if (UsePIC)
            output( "\tcall %s\n", asm_name("__wine_spec_get_pc_thunk_eax") );
            output( "1:\tmovl wine_ldt_copy_ptr-1b(%%eax),%%esi\n" );
            output( "\tmovl $%s,%%esi\n", asm_name("_imp__wine_ldt_copy") );

    /* preserve 16-byte stack alignment */
    stack_words += odp->u.func.nb_args;
    for (i = 0; i < odp->u.func.nb_args; i++)
        if (odp->u.func.args[i] == ARG_DOUBLE || odp->u.func.args[i] == ARG_INT64) stack_words++;
    if ((odp->flags & FLAG_REGISTER) || (odp->type == TYPE_VARARGS)) stack_words++;
    if (stack_words % 4) output( "\tsubl $%d,%%esp\n", 16 - 4 * (stack_words % 4) );

    if (odp->u.func.nb_args || odp->type == TYPE_VARARGS)
        output( "\tmovl 12(%%ebp),%%ecx\n" );  /* args */

    if (odp->flags & FLAG_REGISTER)
        output( "\tpushl 16(%%ebp)\n" );  /* context */
    else if (odp->type == TYPE_VARARGS)
        output( "\tleal %d(%%ecx),%%eax\n", argsize );
        output( "\tpushl %%eax\n" );  /* va_list16 */

    pos = (odp->type == TYPE_PASCAL) ? 0 : argsize;
    for (i = odp->u.func.nb_args - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        switch (odp->u.func.args[i])
        case ARG_WORD:
            if (odp->type != TYPE_PASCAL) pos -= 2;
            output( "\tmovzwl %d(%%ecx),%%eax\n", pos );
            output( "\tpushl %%eax\n" );
            if (odp->type == TYPE_PASCAL) pos += 2;

        case ARG_SWORD:
            if (odp->type != TYPE_PASCAL) pos -= 2;
            output( "\tmovswl %d(%%ecx),%%eax\n", pos );
            output( "\tpushl %%eax\n" );
            if (odp->type == TYPE_PASCAL) pos += 2;

        case ARG_INT64:
        case ARG_DOUBLE:
            if (odp->type != TYPE_PASCAL) pos -= 4;
            output( "\tpushl %d(%%ecx)\n", pos );
            if (odp->type == TYPE_PASCAL) pos += 4;
            /* fall through */
        case ARG_LONG:
        case ARG_FLOAT:
        case ARG_SEGPTR:
        case ARG_SEGSTR:
            if (odp->type != TYPE_PASCAL) pos -= 4;
            output( "\tpushl %d(%%ecx)\n", pos );
            if (odp->type == TYPE_PASCAL) pos += 4;

        case ARG_PTR:
        case ARG_STR:
        case ARG_WSTR:
        case ARG_INT128:
            if (odp->type != TYPE_PASCAL) pos -= 4;
            output( "\tmovzwl %d(%%ecx),%%edx\n", pos + 2 ); /* sel */
            output( "\tshr $3,%%edx\n" );
            output( "\tmovzwl %d(%%ecx),%%eax\n", pos ); /* offset */
            output( "\taddl (%%esi,%%edx,4),%%eax\n" );
            output( "\tpushl %%eax\n" );
            if (odp->type == TYPE_PASCAL) pos += 4;

    output( "\tcall *8(%%ebp)\n" );

    if (needs_ldt)
        output( "\tmovl -4(%%ebp),%%esi\n" );
        output_cfi( ".cfi_same_value %%esi" );
    output( "\tleave\n" );
    output_cfi( ".cfi_def_cfa %%esp,4" );
    output_cfi( ".cfi_same_value %%ebp" );
    output( "\tret\n" );
    output_cfi( ".cfi_endproc" );
    output_function_size( name );
    free( name );
Пример #20
 *         output_module16
 * Output code for a 16-bit module.
static void output_module16( DLLSPEC *spec )
    ORDDEF **typelist;
    ORDDEF *entry_point = NULL;
    int i, j, nb_funcs;

    /* store the main entry point as ordinal 0 */

    if (!spec->ordinals)
        assert(spec->limit == 0);
        spec->ordinals = xmalloc( sizeof(spec->ordinals[0]) );
        spec->ordinals[0] = NULL;
    if (spec->init_func && !(spec->characteristics & IMAGE_FILE_DLL))
        entry_point = xmalloc( sizeof(*entry_point) );
        entry_point->type = TYPE_PASCAL;
        entry_point->ordinal = 0;
        entry_point->lineno = 0;
        entry_point->flags = FLAG_REGISTER;
        entry_point->name = NULL;
        entry_point->link_name = xstrdup( spec->init_func );
        entry_point->export_name = NULL;
        entry_point->u.func.nb_args = 0;
        assert( !spec->ordinals[0] );
        spec->ordinals[0] = entry_point;

    /* Build sorted list of all argument types, without duplicates */

    typelist = xmalloc( (spec->limit + 1) * sizeof(*typelist) );

    for (i = nb_funcs = 0; i <= spec->limit; i++)
        ORDDEF *odp = spec->ordinals[i];
        if (!odp) continue;
        if (is_function( odp )) typelist[nb_funcs++] = odp;

    nb_funcs = sort_func_list( typelist, nb_funcs, callfrom16_type_compare );

    /* Output the module structure */

    output( "\n/* module data */\n\n" );
    output( "\t.data\n" );
    output( "\t.align %d\n", get_alignment(4) );
	output("\t.globl __wine_spec_dos_header\n");
	output("\t.globl _wine_spec_dos_header\n");
    output( ".L__wine_spec_dos_header:\n" );
    output( "\t.short 0x5a4d\n" );                                         /* e_magic */
    output( "\t.short 0\n" );                                              /* e_cblp */
    output( "\t.short 0\n" );                                              /* e_cp */
    output( "\t.short 0\n" );                                              /* e_crlc */
    output( "\t.short 0\n" );                                              /* e_cparhdr */
    output( "\t.short 0\n" );                                              /* e_minalloc */
    output( "\t.short 0\n" );                                              /* e_maxalloc */
    output( "\t.short 0\n" );                                              /* e_ss */
    output( "\t.short 0\n" );                                              /* e_sp */
    output( "\t.short 0\n" );                                              /* e_csum */
    output( "\t.short 0\n" );                                              /* e_ip */
    output( "\t.short 0\n" );                                              /* e_cs */
    output( "\t.short 0\n" );                                              /* e_lfarlc */
    output( "\t.short 0\n" );                                              /* e_ovno */
    output( "\t.short 0,0,0,0\n" );                                        /* e_res */
    output( "\t.short 0\n" );                                              /* e_oemid */
    output( "\t.short 0\n" );                                              /* e_oeminfo */
    output( "\t.short 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0\n" );                            /* e_res2 */
    output( "\t.long .L__wine_spec_ne_header-.L__wine_spec_dos_header\n" );/* e_lfanew */

    output( ".L__wine_spec_ne_header:\n" );
    output( "\t.short 0x454e\n" );                                         /* ne_magic */
    output( "\t.byte 0\n" );                                               /* ne_ver */
    output( "\t.byte 0\n" );                                               /* ne_rev */
    output( "\t.short .L__wine_spec_ne_enttab-.L__wine_spec_ne_header\n" );/* ne_enttab */
    output( "\t.short .L__wine_spec_ne_enttab_end-.L__wine_spec_ne_enttab\n" );/* ne_cbenttab */
    output( "\t.long 0\n" );                                               /* ne_crc */
    output( "\t.short 0x%04x\n", NE_FFLAGS_SINGLEDATA |                    /* ne_flags */
             ((spec->characteristics & IMAGE_FILE_DLL) ? NE_FFLAGS_LIBMODULE : 0) );
    output( "\t.short 2\n" );                                              /* ne_autodata */
    output( "\t.short %u\n", spec->heap_size );                            /* ne_heap */
    output( "\t.short 0\n" );                                              /* ne_stack */
    if (!entry_point) output( "\t.long 0\n" );                             /* ne_csip */
    else output( "\t.short .L__wine_%s_0-.L__wine_spec_code_segment,1\n",
                 make_c_identifier(spec->dll_name) );
    output( "\t.short 0,2\n" );                                            /* ne_sssp */
    output( "\t.short 2\n" );                                              /* ne_cseg */
    output( "\t.short 0\n" );                                              /* ne_cmod */
    output( "\t.short 0\n" );                                              /* ne_cbnrestab */
    output( "\t.short .L__wine_spec_ne_segtab-.L__wine_spec_ne_header\n" );/* ne_segtab */
    output( "\t.short .L__wine_spec_ne_rsrctab-.L__wine_spec_ne_header\n" );   /* ne_rsrctab */
    output( "\t.short .L__wine_spec_ne_restab-.L__wine_spec_ne_header\n" );    /* ne_restab */
    output( "\t.short .L__wine_spec_ne_modtab-.L__wine_spec_ne_header\n" );    /* ne_modtab */
    output( "\t.short .L__wine_spec_ne_imptab-.L__wine_spec_ne_header\n" );    /* ne_imptab */
    output( "\t.long 0\n" );                                   /* ne_nrestab */
    output( "\t.short 0\n" );                                  /* ne_cmovent */
    output( "\t.short 0\n" );                                  /* ne_align */
    output( "\t.short 0\n" );                                  /* ne_cres */
    output( "\t.byte 0x02\n" );                                /* ne_exetyp = NE_OSFLAGS_WINDOWS */
    output( "\t.byte 0x08\n" );                                /* ne_flagsothers = NE_AFLAGS_FASTLOAD */
    output( "\t.short 0\n" );                                  /* ne_pretthunks */
    output( "\t.short 0\n" );                                  /* ne_psegrefbytes */
    output( "\t.short 0\n" );                                  /* ne_swaparea */
    output( "\t.short 0\n" );                                  /* ne_expver */

    /* segment table */

    output( "\n.L__wine_spec_ne_segtab:\n" );

    /* code segment entry */

    output( "\t.short .L__wine_spec_code_segment-.L__wine_spec_dos_header\n" );         /* filepos */
    output( "\t.short .L__wine_spec_code_segment_end-.L__wine_spec_code_segment\n" );   /* size */
    output( "\t.short 0x2000\n" );                                                      /* flags = NE_SEGFLAGS_32BIT */
    output( "\t.short .L__wine_spec_code_segment_end-.L__wine_spec_code_segment\n" );   /* minsize */

    /* data segment entry */

    output( "\t.short .L__wine_spec_data_segment-.L__wine_spec_dos_header\n" );         /* filepos */
    output( "\t.short .L__wine_spec_data_segment_end-.L__wine_spec_data_segment\n" );   /* size */
    output( "\t.short 0x0001\n" );                                                      /* flags = NE_SEGFLAGS_DATA */
    output( "\t.short .L__wine_spec_data_segment_end-.L__wine_spec_data_segment\n" );   /* minsize */

    /* resource directory */

    output_res16_directory( spec );

    /* resident names table */

    output( "\n\t.align %d\n", get_alignment(2) );
    output( ".L__wine_spec_ne_restab:\n" );
    output_resident_name( spec->dll_name, 0 );
    for (i = 1; i <= spec->limit; i++)
        ORDDEF *odp = spec->ordinals[i];
        if (!odp || !odp->name[0]) continue;
        if (odp->flags & FLAG_EXPORT32) continue;
        output_resident_name( odp->name, i );
    output( "\t.byte 0\n" );

    /* imported names table */

    output( "\n\t.align %d\n", get_alignment(2) );
    output( ".L__wine_spec_ne_modtab:\n" );
    output( ".L__wine_spec_ne_imptab:\n" );
    output( "\t.byte 0,0\n" );

    /* entry table */

    output( "\n.L__wine_spec_ne_enttab:\n" );
    output_entry_table( spec );
    output( ".L__wine_spec_ne_enttab_end:\n" );

    /* code segment */

    output( "\n\t.align %d\n", get_alignment(2) );
    output( ".L__wine_spec_code_segment:\n" );

    for ( i = 0; i < nb_funcs; i++ )
        unsigned int arg_types[2];
        int nop_words, pos, argsize = 0;

        if ( typelist[i]->type == TYPE_PASCAL )
            argsize = get_function_argsize( typelist[i] );

        /* build the arg types bit fields */
        arg_types[0] = arg_types[1] = 0;
        for (j = pos = 0; j < typelist[i]->u.func.nb_args && pos < 20; j++, pos++)
            int type = 0;
            switch (typelist[i]->u.func.args[j])
            case ARG_WORD:   type = ARG16_WORD; break;
            case ARG_SWORD:  type = ARG16_SWORD; break;
            case ARG_SEGPTR: type = ARG16_LONG; break;
            case ARG_SEGSTR: type = ARG16_SEGSTR; break;
            case ARG_LONG:   type = ARG16_LONG; break;
            case ARG_PTR:    type = ARG16_PTR; break;
            case ARG_STR:    type = ARG16_STR; break;
            case ARG_WSTR:   type = ARG16_PTR; break;
            case ARG_FLOAT:  type = ARG16_LONG; break;
            case ARG_INT128: type = ARG16_PTR; break;
            case ARG_INT64:
            case ARG_DOUBLE:
                type = ARG16_LONG;
                arg_types[pos / 10] |= type << (3 * (pos % 10));
            if (pos < 20) arg_types[pos / 10] |= type << (3 * (pos % 10));
        if (typelist[i]->type == TYPE_VARARGS && pos < 20)
            arg_types[pos / 10] |= ARG16_VARARG << (3 * (pos % 10));

        output( ".L__wine_spec_callfrom16_%s:\n", get_callfrom16_name(typelist[i]) );
        output( "\tpushl $.L__wine_spec_call16_%s\n", get_relay_name(typelist[i]) );
        output( "\tlcall $0,$0\n" );

        if (typelist[i]->flags & FLAG_REGISTER)
            nop_words = 4;
        else if (typelist[i]->flags & FLAG_RET16)
            output( "\torw %%ax,%%ax\n" );
            output( "\tnop\n" );  /* so that the lretw is aligned */
            nop_words = 2;
            output( "\tshld $16,%%eax,%%edx\n" );
            output( "\torl %%eax,%%eax\n" );
            nop_words = 1;

        if (argsize)
            output( "\tlretw $%u\n", argsize );
        else output( "\tlretw\n" );

        if (nop_words) output( "\t%s\n", nop_sequence[nop_words-1] );

        /* the movl is here so that the code contains only valid instructions, */
        /* it's never actually executed, we only care about the arg_types[] values */
        output( "\t.short 0x86c7\n" );
        output( "\t.long 0x%08x,0x%08x\n", arg_types[0], arg_types[1] );

    for (i = 0; i <= spec->limit; i++)
        ORDDEF *odp = spec->ordinals[i];
        if (!odp || !is_function( odp )) continue;
        output( ".L__wine_%s_%u:\n", make_c_identifier(spec->dll_name), i );
        output( "\tpushw %%bp\n" );
        output( "\tpushl $%s\n",
                 asm_name_stdcall16( odp->type == TYPE_STUB ? get_stub_name( odp, spec ) : odp->link_name , odp));
        output( "\tcallw .L__wine_spec_callfrom16_%s\n", get_callfrom16_name( odp ) );
    output( ".L__wine_spec_code_segment_end:\n" );

    /* data segment */

    output( "\n.L__wine_spec_data_segment:\n" );
    output( "\t.byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0\n" );  /* instance data */
    for (i = 0; i <= spec->limit; i++)
        ORDDEF *odp = spec->ordinals[i];
        if (!odp || odp->type != TYPE_VARIABLE) continue;
        output( ".L__wine_%s_%u:\n", make_c_identifier(spec->dll_name), i );
        output( "\t.long " );
        for (j = 0; j < odp->u.var.n_values-1; j++)
            output( "0x%08x,", odp->u.var.values[j] );
        output( "0x%08x\n", odp->u.var.values[j] );
    output( ".L__wine_spec_data_segment_end:\n" );

    /* resource data */

    if (spec->nb_resources)
        output( "\n.L__wine_spec_resource_data:\n" );
        output_res16_data( spec );

    output( "\t.byte 0\n" );  /* make sure the last symbol points to something */

    /* relay functions */

    nb_funcs = sort_func_list( typelist, nb_funcs, relay_type_compare );
    if (nb_funcs)
        output( "\n/* relay functions */\n\n" );
        output( "\t.text\n" );
        for ( i = 0; i < nb_funcs; i++ ) output_call16_function( typelist[i] );
        output( "\t.data\n" );
        output( "wine_ldt_copy_ptr:\n" );
        output( "\t.long %s\n", asm_name("_imp__wine_ldt_copy") );

    free( typelist );
Пример #21
 *         BuildCallFrom16Core
 * This routine builds the core routines used in 16->32 thunks:
 * CallFrom16Word, CallFrom16Long, CallFrom16Register, and CallFrom16Thunk.
 * These routines are intended to be called via a far call (with 32-bit
 * operand size) from 16-bit code.  The 16-bit code stub must push %bp,
 * the 32-bit entry point to be called, and the argument conversion
 * routine to be used (see stack layout below).
 * The core routine completes the STACK16FRAME on the 16-bit stack and
 * switches to the 32-bit stack.  Then, the argument conversion routine
 * is called; it gets passed the 32-bit entry point and a pointer to the
 * 16-bit arguments (on the 16-bit stack) as parameters. (You can either
 * use conversion routines automatically generated by BuildCallFrom16,
 * or write your own for special purposes.)
 * The conversion routine must call the 32-bit entry point, passing it
 * the converted arguments, and return its return value to the core.
 * After the conversion routine has returned, the core switches back
 * to the 16-bit stack, converts the return value to the DX:AX format
 * (CallFrom16Long), and returns to the 16-bit call stub.  All parameters,
 * including %bp, are popped off the stack.
 * The 16-bit call stub now returns to the caller, popping the 16-bit
 * arguments if necessary (pascal calling convention).
 * In the case of a 'register' function, CallFrom16Register fills a
 * CONTEXT86 structure with the values all registers had at the point
 * the first instruction of the 16-bit call stub was about to be
 * executed.  A pointer to this CONTEXT86 is passed as third parameter
 * to the argument conversion routine, which typically passes it on
 * to the called 32-bit entry point.
 * CallFrom16Thunk is a special variant used by the implementation of
 * the Win95 16->32 thunk functions C16ThkSL and C16ThkSL01 and is
 * implemented as follows:
 * On entry, the EBX register is set up to contain a flat pointer to the
 * 16-bit stack such that EBX+22 points to the first argument.
 * Then, the entry point is called, while EBP is set up to point
 * to the return address (on the 32-bit stack).
 * The called function returns with CX set to the number of bytes
 * to be popped of the caller's stack.
 * Stack layout upon entry to the core routine (STACK16FRAME):
 *  ...           ...
 * (sp+24) word   first 16-bit arg
 * (sp+22) word   cs
 * (sp+20) word   ip
 * (sp+18) word   bp
 * (sp+14) long   32-bit entry point (reused for Win16 mutex recursion count)
 * (sp+12) word   ip of actual entry point (necessary for relay debugging)
 * (sp+8)  long   relay (argument conversion) function entry point
 * (sp+4)  long   cs of 16-bit entry point
 * (sp)    long   ip of 16-bit entry point
 * Added on the stack:
 * (sp-2)  word   saved gs
 * (sp-4)  word   saved fs
 * (sp-6)  word   saved es
 * (sp-8)  word   saved ds
 * (sp-12) long   saved ebp
 * (sp-16) long   saved ecx
 * (sp-20) long   saved edx
 * (sp-24) long   saved previous stack
static void BuildCallFrom16Core( int reg_func, int thunk )
    /* Function header */
    if (thunk) function_header( "__wine_call_from_16_thunk" );
    else if (reg_func) function_header( "__wine_call_from_16_regs" );
    else function_header( "__wine_call_from_16" );

    /* Create STACK16FRAME (except STACK32FRAME link) */
    output( "\tpushw %%gs\n" );
    output( "\tpushw %%fs\n" );
    output( "\tpushw %%es\n" );
    output( "\tpushw %%ds\n" );
    output( "\tpushl %%ebp\n" );
    output( "\tpushl %%ecx\n" );
    output( "\tpushl %%edx\n" );

    /* Save original EFlags register */
    if (reg_func) output( "\tpushfl\n" );

    if ( UsePIC )
        output( "\tcall 1f\n" );
        output( "1:\tpopl %%ecx\n" );
        output( "\t.byte 0x2e\n\tmovl %s-1b(%%ecx),%%edx\n", asm_name("CallTo16_DataSelector") );
        output( "\t.byte 0x2e\n\tmovl %s,%%edx\n", asm_name("CallTo16_DataSelector") );

    /* Load 32-bit segment registers */
    output( "\tmovw %%dx, %%ds\n" );
    output( "\tmovw %%dx, %%es\n" );

    if ( UsePIC )
        output( "\tmovw %s-1b(%%ecx), %%fs\n", asm_name("CallTo16_TebSelector") );
        output( "\tmovw %s, %%fs\n", asm_name("CallTo16_TebSelector") );

    output( "\t.byte 0x64\n\tmov (%d),%%gs\n", GS_OFFSET );

    /* Translate STACK16FRAME base to flat offset in %edx */
    output( "\tmovw %%ss, %%dx\n" );
    output( "\tandl $0xfff8, %%edx\n" );
    output( "\tshrl $1, %%edx\n" );
    if (UsePIC)
        output( "\taddl wine_ldt_copy_ptr-1b(%%ecx),%%edx\n" );
        output( "\tmovl (%%edx), %%edx\n" );
        output( "\tmovl %s(%%edx), %%edx\n", asm_name("wine_ldt_copy") );
    output( "\tmovzwl %%sp, %%ebp\n" );
    output( "\tleal %d(%%ebp,%%edx), %%edx\n", reg_func ? 0 : -4 );

    /* Get saved flags into %ecx */
    if (reg_func) output( "\tpopl %%ecx\n" );

    /* Get the 32-bit stack pointer from the TEB and complete STACK16FRAME */
    output( "\t.byte 0x64\n\tmovl (%d), %%ebp\n", STACKOFFSET );
    output( "\tpushl %%ebp\n" );

    /* Switch stacks */
    output( "\t.byte 0x64\n\tmovw %%ss, (%d)\n", STACKOFFSET + 2 );
    output( "\t.byte 0x64\n\tmovw %%sp, (%d)\n", STACKOFFSET );
    output( "\tpushl %%ds\n" );
    output( "\tpopl %%ss\n" );
    output( "\tmovl %%ebp, %%esp\n" );
    output( "\taddl $0x20,%%ebp\n");  /* FIELD_OFFSET(STACK32FRAME,ebp) */

    /* At this point:
       STACK16FRAME is completely set up
       DS, ES, SS: flat data segment
       FS: current TEB
       ESP: points to last STACK32FRAME
       EBP: points to ebp member of last STACK32FRAME
       EDX: points to current STACK16FRAME
       ECX: contains saved flags
       all other registers: unchanged */

    /* Special case: C16ThkSL stub */
    if ( thunk )
        /* Set up registers as expected and call thunk */
        output( "\tleal 0x1a(%%edx),%%ebx\n" );  /* sizeof(STACK16FRAME)-22 */
        output( "\tleal -4(%%esp), %%ebp\n" );

        output( "\tcall *0x26(%%edx)\n");  /* FIELD_OFFSET(STACK16FRAME,entry_point) */

        /* Switch stack back */
        output( "\t.byte 0x64\n\tmovw (%d), %%ss\n", STACKOFFSET+2 );
        output( "\t.byte 0x64\n\tmovzwl (%d), %%esp\n", STACKOFFSET );
        output( "\t.byte 0x64\n\tpopl (%d)\n", STACKOFFSET );

        /* Restore registers and return directly to caller */
        output( "\taddl $8, %%esp\n" );
        output( "\tpopl %%ebp\n" );
        output( "\tpopw %%ds\n" );
        output( "\tpopw %%es\n" );
        output( "\tpopw %%fs\n" );
        output( "\tpopw %%gs\n" );
        output( "\taddl $20, %%esp\n" );

        output( "\txorb %%ch, %%ch\n" );
        output( "\tpopl %%ebx\n" );
        output( "\taddw %%cx, %%sp\n" );
        output( "\tpush %%ebx\n" );

        output( "\t.byte 0x66\n" );
        output( "\tlret\n" );

        output_function_size( "__wine_call_from_16_thunk" );

    /* Build register CONTEXT */
    if ( reg_func )
        output( "\tsubl $0x2cc,%%esp\n" );       /* sizeof(CONTEXT86) */

        output( "\tmovl %%ecx,0xc0(%%esp)\n" );  /* EFlags */

        output( "\tmovl %%eax,0xb0(%%esp)\n" );  /* Eax */
        output( "\tmovl %%ebx,0xa4(%%esp)\n" );  /* Ebx */
        output( "\tmovl %%esi,0xa0(%%esp)\n" );  /* Esi */
        output( "\tmovl %%edi,0x9c(%%esp)\n" );  /* Edi */

        output( "\tmovl 0x0c(%%edx),%%eax\n");   /* FIELD_OFFSET(STACK16FRAME,ebp) */
        output( "\tmovl %%eax,0xb4(%%esp)\n" );  /* Ebp */
        output( "\tmovl 0x08(%%edx),%%eax\n");   /* FIELD_OFFSET(STACK16FRAME,ecx) */
        output( "\tmovl %%eax,0xac(%%esp)\n" );  /* Ecx */
        output( "\tmovl 0x04(%%edx),%%eax\n");   /* FIELD_OFFSET(STACK16FRAME,edx) */
        output( "\tmovl %%eax,0xa8(%%esp)\n" );  /* Edx */

        output( "\tmovzwl 0x10(%%edx),%%eax\n"); /* FIELD_OFFSET(STACK16FRAME,ds) */
        output( "\tmovl %%eax,0x98(%%esp)\n" );  /* SegDs */
        output( "\tmovzwl 0x12(%%edx),%%eax\n"); /* FIELD_OFFSET(STACK16FRAME,es) */
        output( "\tmovl %%eax,0x94(%%esp)\n" );  /* SegEs */
        output( "\tmovzwl 0x14(%%edx),%%eax\n"); /* FIELD_OFFSET(STACK16FRAME,fs) */
        output( "\tmovl %%eax,0x90(%%esp)\n" );  /* SegFs */
        output( "\tmovzwl 0x16(%%edx),%%eax\n"); /* FIELD_OFFSET(STACK16FRAME,gs) */
        output( "\tmovl %%eax,0x8c(%%esp)\n" );  /* SegGs */

        output( "\tmovzwl 0x2e(%%edx),%%eax\n"); /* FIELD_OFFSET(STACK16FRAME,cs) */
        output( "\tmovl %%eax,0xbc(%%esp)\n" );  /* SegCs */
        output( "\tmovzwl 0x2c(%%edx),%%eax\n"); /* FIELD_OFFSET(STACK16FRAME,ip) */
        output( "\tmovl %%eax,0xb8(%%esp)\n" );  /* Eip */

        output( "\t.byte 0x64\n\tmovzwl (%d), %%eax\n", STACKOFFSET+2 );
        output( "\tmovl %%eax,0xc8(%%esp)\n" );  /* SegSs */
        output( "\t.byte 0x64\n\tmovzwl (%d), %%eax\n", STACKOFFSET );
        output( "\taddl $0x2c,%%eax\n");         /* FIELD_OFFSET(STACK16FRAME,ip) */
        output( "\tmovl %%eax,0xc4(%%esp)\n" );  /* Esp */
#if 0
        output( "\tfsave 0x1c(%%esp)\n" ); /* FloatSave */

        /* Push address of CONTEXT86 structure -- popped by the relay routine */
        output( "\tmovl %%esp,%%eax\n" );
        output( "\tandl $~15,%%esp\n" );
        output( "\tsubl $4,%%esp\n" );
        output( "\tpushl %%eax\n" );
        output( "\tsubl $8,%%esp\n" );
        output( "\tandl $~15,%%esp\n" );
        output( "\taddl $8,%%esp\n" );

    /* Call relay routine (which will call the API entry point) */
    output( "\tleal 0x30(%%edx),%%eax\n" ); /* sizeof(STACK16FRAME) */
    output( "\tpushl %%eax\n" );
    output( "\tpushl 0x26(%%edx)\n");  /* FIELD_OFFSET(STACK16FRAME,entry_point) */
    output( "\tcall *0x20(%%edx)\n");  /* FIELD_OFFSET(STACK16FRAME,relay) */

    if ( reg_func )
        output( "\tleal -748(%%ebp),%%ebx\n" ); /* sizeof(CONTEXT) + FIELD_OFFSET(STACK32FRAME,ebp) */

        /* Switch stack back */
        output( "\t.byte 0x64\n\tmovw (%d), %%ss\n", STACKOFFSET+2 );
        output( "\t.byte 0x64\n\tmovzwl (%d), %%esp\n", STACKOFFSET );
        output( "\t.byte 0x64\n\tpopl (%d)\n", STACKOFFSET );

        /* Get return address to CallFrom16 stub */
        output( "\taddw $0x14,%%sp\n" ); /* FIELD_OFFSET(STACK16FRAME,callfrom_ip)-4 */
        output( "\tpopl %%eax\n" );
        output( "\tpopl %%edx\n" );

        /* Restore all registers from CONTEXT */
        output( "\tmovw 0xc8(%%ebx),%%ss\n");   /* SegSs */
        output( "\tmovl 0xc4(%%ebx),%%esp\n");  /* Esp */
        output( "\taddl $4, %%esp\n" );  /* room for final return address */

        output( "\tpushw 0xbc(%%ebx)\n");  /* SegCs */
        output( "\tpushw 0xb8(%%ebx)\n");  /* Eip */
        output( "\tpushl %%edx\n" );
        output( "\tpushl %%eax\n" );
        output( "\tpushl 0xc0(%%ebx)\n");  /* EFlags */
        output( "\tpushl 0x98(%%ebx)\n");  /* SegDs */

        output( "\tpushl 0x94(%%ebx)\n");  /* SegEs */
        output( "\tpopl %%es\n" );
        output( "\tpushl 0x90(%%ebx)\n");  /* SegFs */
        output( "\tpopl %%fs\n" );
        output( "\tpushl 0x8c(%%ebx)\n");  /* SegGs */
        output( "\tpopl %%gs\n" );

        output( "\tmovl 0xb4(%%ebx),%%ebp\n");  /* Ebp */
        output( "\tmovl 0xa0(%%ebx),%%esi\n");  /* Esi */
        output( "\tmovl 0x9c(%%ebx),%%edi\n");  /* Edi */
        output( "\tmovl 0xb0(%%ebx),%%eax\n");  /* Eax */
        output( "\tmovl 0xa8(%%ebx),%%edx\n");  /* Edx */
        output( "\tmovl 0xac(%%ebx),%%ecx\n");  /* Ecx */
        output( "\tmovl 0xa4(%%ebx),%%ebx\n");  /* Ebx */

        output( "\tpopl %%ds\n" );
        output( "\tpopfl\n" );
        output( "\tlret\n" );

        output_function_size( "__wine_call_from_16_regs" );
        /* Switch stack back */
        output( "\t.byte 0x64\n\tmovw (%d), %%ss\n", STACKOFFSET+2 );
        output( "\t.byte 0x64\n\tmovzwl (%d), %%esp\n", STACKOFFSET );
        output( "\t.byte 0x64\n\tpopl (%d)\n", STACKOFFSET );

        /* Restore registers */
        output( "\tpopl %%edx\n" );
        output( "\tpopl %%ecx\n" );
        output( "\tpopl %%ebp\n" );
        output( "\tpopw %%ds\n" );
        output( "\tpopw %%es\n" );
        output( "\tpopw %%fs\n" );
        output( "\tpopw %%gs\n" );

        /* Return to return stub which will return to caller */
        output( "\tlret $12\n" );

        output_function_size( "__wine_call_from_16" );
Пример #22
 *         output_relay_debug
 * Output entry points for relay debugging
static void output_relay_debug( DLLSPEC *spec )
    int i, j;
    unsigned int pos, args, flags;

    /* first the table of entry point offsets */

    output( "\t%s\n", get_asm_rodata_section() );
    output( "\t.align %d\n", get_alignment(4) );
    output( ".L__wine_spec_relay_entry_point_offsets:\n" );

    for (i = spec->base; i <= spec->limit; i++)
        ORDDEF *odp = spec->ordinals[i];

        if (needs_relay( odp ))
            output( "\t.long .L__wine_spec_relay_entry_point_%d-__wine_spec_relay_entry_points\n", i );
            output( "\t.long 0\n" );

    /* then the table of argument types */

    output( "\t.align %d\n", get_alignment(4) );
    output( ".L__wine_spec_relay_arg_types:\n" );

    for (i = spec->base; i <= spec->limit; i++)
        ORDDEF *odp = spec->ordinals[i];
        unsigned int mask = 0;

        if (needs_relay( odp ))
            for (j = pos = 0; pos < 16 && j < odp->u.func.nb_args; j++)
                switch (odp->u.func.args[j])
                case ARG_STR:    mask |= 1 << (2 * pos++); break;
                case ARG_WSTR:   mask |= 2 << (2 * pos++); break;
                case ARG_INT64:
                case ARG_DOUBLE: pos += 8 / get_ptr_size(); break;
                case ARG_INT128: pos += (target_cpu == CPU_x86) ? 4 : 1; break;
                default:         pos++; break;
        output( "\t.long 0x%08x\n", mask );

    /* then the relay thunks */

    output( "\t.text\n" );
    output( "__wine_spec_relay_entry_points:\n" );
    output( "\tnop\n" );  /* to avoid 0 offset */

    for (i = spec->base; i <= spec->limit; i++)
        ORDDEF *odp = spec->ordinals[i];

        if (!needs_relay( odp )) continue;

        output( "\t.align %d\n", get_alignment(4) );
        output( ".L__wine_spec_relay_entry_point_%d:\n", i );
        output_cfi( ".cfi_startproc" );

        args = get_args_size(odp) / get_ptr_size();
        flags = 0;

        switch (target_cpu)
        case CPU_x86:
            if (odp->type == TYPE_THISCALL)  /* add the this pointer */
                output( "\tpopl %%eax\n" );
                output( "\tpushl %%ecx\n" );
                output( "\tpushl %%eax\n" );
                flags |= 2;
            if (odp->flags & FLAG_REGISTER)
                output( "\tpushl %%eax\n" );
                output( "\tpushl %%esp\n" );
            output_cfi( ".cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 4" );

            if (odp->flags & FLAG_RET64) flags |= 1;
            output( "\tpushl $%u\n", (flags << 24) | (args << 16) | (i - spec->base) );
            output_cfi( ".cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 4" );

            if (UsePIC)
                output( "\tcall %s\n", asm_name("__wine_spec_get_pc_thunk_eax") );
                output( "1:\tleal .L__wine_spec_relay_descr-1b(%%eax),%%eax\n" );
            else output( "\tmovl $.L__wine_spec_relay_descr,%%eax\n" );
            output( "\tpushl %%eax\n" );
            output_cfi( ".cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 4" );

            if (odp->flags & FLAG_REGISTER)
                output( "\tcall *8(%%eax)\n" );
                output( "\tcall *4(%%eax)\n" );
                output_cfi( ".cfi_adjust_cfa_offset -12" );
                if (odp->type == TYPE_STDCALL || odp->type == TYPE_THISCALL)
                    output( "\tret $%u\n", args * get_ptr_size() );
                    output( "\tret\n" );

        case CPU_x86_64:
            output( "\tsubq $40,%%rsp\n" );
            output_cfi( ".cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 40" );
            switch (args)
            default: output( "\tmovq %%%s,72(%%rsp)\n", is_float_arg( odp, 3 ) ? "xmm3" : "r9" );
            /* fall through */
            case 3:  output( "\tmovq %%%s,64(%%rsp)\n", is_float_arg( odp, 2 ) ? "xmm2" : "r8" );
            /* fall through */
            case 2:  output( "\tmovq %%%s,56(%%rsp)\n", is_float_arg( odp, 1 ) ? "xmm1" : "rdx" );
            /* fall through */
            case 1:  output( "\tmovq %%%s,48(%%rsp)\n", is_float_arg( odp, 0 ) ? "xmm0" : "rcx" );
            /* fall through */
            case 0:  break;
            output( "\tleaq 40(%%rsp),%%r8\n" );
            output( "\tmovq $%u,%%rdx\n", (flags << 24) | (args << 16) | (i - spec->base) );
            output( "\tleaq .L__wine_spec_relay_descr(%%rip),%%rcx\n" );
            output( "\tcallq *8(%%rcx)\n" );
            output( "\taddq $40,%%rsp\n" );
            output_cfi( ".cfi_adjust_cfa_offset -40" );
            output( "\tret\n" );

        output_cfi( ".cfi_endproc" );
Пример #23
/* output a single import thunk */
static void output_import_thunk( const char *name, const char *table, int pos )
    output( "\n\t.align %d\n", get_alignment(4) );
    output( "\t%s\n", func_declaration(name) );
    output( "%s\n", asm_globl(name) );
    output_cfi( ".cfi_startproc" );

    case CPU_x86:
        if (!UsePIC)
            output( "\tjmp *(%s+%d)\n", table, pos );
            output( "\tcall %s\n", asm_name("__wine_spec_get_pc_thunk_eax") );
            output( "1:\tjmp *%s+%d-1b(%%eax)\n", table, pos );
    case CPU_x86_64:
        output( "\tjmpq *%s+%d(%%rip)\n", table, pos );
    case CPU_SPARC:
        if ( !UsePIC )
            output( "\tsethi %%hi(%s+%d), %%g1\n", table, pos );
            output( "\tld [%%g1+%%lo(%s+%d)], %%g1\n", table, pos );
            output( "\tjmp %%g1\n" );
            output( "\tnop\n" );
            /* Hmpf.  Stupid sparc assembler always interprets global variable
               names as GOT offsets, so we have to do it the long way ... */
            output( "\tsave %%sp, -96, %%sp\n" );
            output( "0:\tcall 1f\n" );
            output( "\tnop\n" );
            output( "1:\tsethi %%hi(%s+%d-0b), %%g1\n", table, pos );
            output( "\tor %%g1, %%lo(%s+%d-0b), %%g1\n", table, pos );
            output( "\tld [%%g1+%%o7], %%g1\n" );
            output( "\tjmp %%g1\n" );
            output( "\trestore\n" );
    case CPU_ARM:
        output( "\tldr IP,[PC,#0]\n");
        output( "\tldr PC,[IP,#%d]\n", pos);
        output( "\t.long %s\n", table );
    case CPU_ARM64:
        output( "\tadr x9, 1f\n" );
        output( "\tldur x9, [x9, #0]\n" );
        if (pos & 0xf000) output( "\tadd x9, x9, #%u\n", pos & 0xf000 );
        if (pos & 0x0f00) output( "\tadd x9, x9, #%u\n", pos & 0x0f00 );
        if (pos & 0x00f0) output( "\tadd x9, x9, #%u\n", pos & 0x00f0 );
        if (pos & 0x000f) output( "\tadd x9, x9, #%u\n", pos & 0x000f );
        output( "\tldur x9, [x9, #0]\n" );
        output( "\tbr x9\n" );
        output( "1:\t.quad %s\n", table );
    case CPU_POWERPC:
        output( "\tmr %s, %s\n", ppc_reg(0), ppc_reg(31) );
        if (target_platform == PLATFORM_APPLE)
            output( "\tlis %s, ha16(%s+%d+32768)\n", ppc_reg(31), table, pos );
            output( "\tla  %s, lo16(%s+%d)(%s)\n", ppc_reg(31), table, pos, ppc_reg(31) );
            output( "\tlis %s, (%s+%d+32768)@h\n", ppc_reg(31), table, pos );
            output( "\tla  %s, (%s+%d)@l(%s)\n", ppc_reg(31), table, pos, ppc_reg(31) );
        output( "\tlwz   %s, 0(%s)\n", ppc_reg(31), ppc_reg(31) );
        output( "\tmtctr %s\n", ppc_reg(31) );
        output( "\tmr    %s, %s\n", ppc_reg(31), ppc_reg(0) );
        output( "\tbctr\n" );
    output_cfi( ".cfi_endproc" );
    output_function_size( name );
Пример #24
 *         output_relay_debug
 * Output entry points for relay debugging
static void output_relay_debug( DLLSPEC *spec )
    int i;
    unsigned int j, args, flags;

    /* first the table of entry point offsets */

    output( "\t%s\n", get_asm_rodata_section() );
    output( "\t.align %d\n", get_alignment(4) );
    output( ".L__wine_spec_relay_entry_point_offsets:\n" );

    for (i = spec->base; i <= spec->limit; i++)
        ORDDEF *odp = spec->ordinals[i];

        if (needs_relay( odp ))
            output( "\t.long .L__wine_spec_relay_entry_point_%d-__wine_spec_relay_entry_points\n", i );
            output( "\t.long 0\n" );

    /* then the table of argument types */

    output( "\t.align %d\n", get_alignment(4) );
    output( ".L__wine_spec_relay_arg_types:\n" );

    for (i = spec->base; i <= spec->limit; i++)
        ORDDEF *odp = spec->ordinals[i];
        unsigned int mask = 0;

        if (needs_relay( odp ))
            for (j = 0; j < 16 && odp->u.func.arg_types[j]; j++)
                if (odp->u.func.arg_types[j] == 't') mask |= 1<< (j*2);
                if (odp->u.func.arg_types[j] == 'W') mask |= 2<< (j*2);
        output( "\t.long 0x%08x\n", mask );

    /* then the relay thunks */

    output( "\t.text\n" );
    output( "__wine_spec_relay_entry_points:\n" );
    output( "\tnop\n" );  /* to avoid 0 offset */

    for (i = spec->base; i <= spec->limit; i++)
        ORDDEF *odp = spec->ordinals[i];

        if (!needs_relay( odp )) continue;

        output( "\t.align %d\n", get_alignment(4) );
        output( ".L__wine_spec_relay_entry_point_%d:\n", i );

        args = strlen(odp->u.func.arg_types);
        flags = 0;

        switch (target_cpu)
        case CPU_x86:
            if (odp->flags & FLAG_REGISTER)
                output( "\tpushl %%eax\n" );
                output( "\tpushl %%esp\n" );

            if (odp->flags & FLAG_RET64) flags |= 1;
            output( "\tpushl $%u\n", (flags << 24) | (args << 16) | (i - spec->base) );

            if (UsePIC)
                output( "\tcall %s\n", asm_name("__wine_spec_get_pc_thunk_eax") );
                output( "1:\tleal .L__wine_spec_relay_descr-1b(%%eax),%%eax\n" );
            else output( "\tmovl $.L__wine_spec_relay_descr,%%eax\n" );
            output( "\tpushl %%eax\n" );

            if (odp->flags & FLAG_REGISTER)
                output( "\tcall *8(%%eax)\n" );
                output( "\tcall *4(%%eax)\n" );
                if (odp->type == TYPE_STDCALL)
                    output( "\tret $%u\n", args * get_ptr_size() );
                    output( "\tret\n" );

        case CPU_x86_64:
            output( "\tmovq %%rcx,8(%%rsp)\n" );
            output( "\tmovq %%rdx,16(%%rsp)\n" );
            output( "\tmovq %%r8,24(%%rsp)\n" );
            output( "\tmovq %%r9,32(%%rsp)\n" );
            output( "\tmovq %%rsp,%%r8\n" );
            output( "\tmovq $%u,%%rdx\n", (flags << 24) | (args << 16) | (i - spec->base) );
            output( "\tleaq .L__wine_spec_relay_descr(%%rip),%%rcx\n" );
            output( "\tsubq $40,%%rsp\n" );
            output( "\tcallq *%u(%%rcx)\n", (odp->flags & FLAG_REGISTER) ? 16 : 8 );
            output( "\taddq $40,%%rsp\n" );
            output( "\tret\n" );

Пример #25
/* output the delayed import thunks of a Win32 module */
static void output_delayed_import_thunks( const DLLSPEC *spec )
    int i, idx, j, pos, extra_stack_storage = 0;
    static const char delayed_import_loaders[] = "__wine_spec_delayed_import_loaders";
    static const char delayed_import_thunks[] = "__wine_spec_delayed_import_thunks";

    if (!nb_delayed) return;

    output( "\n/* delayed import thunks */\n\n" );
    output( "\t.text\n" );
    output( "\t.align %d\n", get_alignment(8) );
    output( "%s:\n", asm_name(delayed_import_loaders));
    output( "\t%s\n", func_declaration("__wine_delay_load_asm") );
    output( "%s:\n", asm_name("__wine_delay_load_asm") );
    output_cfi( ".cfi_startproc" );
    case CPU_x86:
        output( "\tpushl %%ecx\n" );
        output_cfi( ".cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 4" );
        output( "\tpushl %%edx\n" );
        output_cfi( ".cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 4" );
        output( "\tpushl %%eax\n" );
        output_cfi( ".cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 4" );
        output( "\tcall %s\n", asm_name("__wine_spec_delay_load") );
        output_cfi( ".cfi_adjust_cfa_offset -4" );
        output( "\tpopl %%edx\n" );
        output_cfi( ".cfi_adjust_cfa_offset -4" );
        output( "\tpopl %%ecx\n" );
        output_cfi( ".cfi_adjust_cfa_offset -4" );
        output( "\tjmp *%%eax\n" );
    case CPU_x86_64:
        output( "\tsubq $88,%%rsp\n" );
        output_cfi( ".cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 88" );
        output( "\tmovq %%rdx,80(%%rsp)\n" );
        output( "\tmovq %%rcx,72(%%rsp)\n" );
        output( "\tmovq %%r8,64(%%rsp)\n" );
        output( "\tmovq %%r9,56(%%rsp)\n" );
        output( "\tmovq %%r10,48(%%rsp)\n" );
        output( "\tmovq %%r11,40(%%rsp)\n" );
        output( "\tmovq %%rax,%%rcx\n" );
        output( "\tcall %s\n", asm_name("__wine_spec_delay_load") );
        output( "\tmovq 40(%%rsp),%%r11\n" );
        output( "\tmovq 48(%%rsp),%%r10\n" );
        output( "\tmovq 56(%%rsp),%%r9\n" );
        output( "\tmovq 64(%%rsp),%%r8\n" );
        output( "\tmovq 72(%%rsp),%%rcx\n" );
        output( "\tmovq 80(%%rsp),%%rdx\n" );
        output( "\taddq $88,%%rsp\n" );
        output_cfi( ".cfi_adjust_cfa_offset -88" );
        output( "\tjmp *%%rax\n" );
    case CPU_SPARC:
        output( "\tsave %%sp, -96, %%sp\n" );
        output( "\tcall %s\n", asm_name("__wine_spec_delay_load") );
        output( "\tmov %%g1, %%o0\n" );
        output( "\tjmp %%o0\n" );
        output( "\trestore\n" );
    case CPU_ARM:
        output( "\tstmfd  SP!, {r4-r10,FP,LR}\n" );
        output( "\tmov LR,PC\n");
        output( "\tadd LR,LR,#8\n");
        output( "\tldr PC,[PC,#-4]\n");
        output( "\t.long %s\n", asm_name("__wine_spec_delay_load") );
        output( "\tmov IP,r0\n");
        output( "\tldmfd  SP!, {r4-r10,FP,LR}\n" );
        output( "\tldmfd  SP!, {r0-r3}\n" );
        output( "\tmov PC,IP\n");
    case CPU_ARM64:
        output( "\tstp x29, x30, [sp,#-16]!\n" );
        output( "\tmov x29, sp\n" );
        output( "\tadr x9, 1f\n" );
        output( "\tldur x9, [x9, #0]\n" );
        output( "\tblr x9\n" );
        output( "\tmov x9, x0\n" );
        output( "\tldp x29, x30, [sp],#16\n" );
        output( "\tldp x0, x1, [sp,#16]\n" );
        output( "\tldp x2, x3, [sp,#32]\n" );
        output( "\tldp x4, x5, [sp,#48]\n" );
        output( "\tldp x6, x7, [sp],#80\n" );
        output( "\tbr x9\n" ); /* or "ret x9" */
        output( "1:\t.quad %s\n", asm_name("__wine_spec_delay_load") );
    case CPU_POWERPC:
        if (target_platform == PLATFORM_APPLE) extra_stack_storage = 56;

        /* Save all callee saved registers into a stackframe. */
        output( "\tstwu %s, -%d(%s)\n",ppc_reg(1), 48+extra_stack_storage, ppc_reg(1));
        output( "\tstw  %s, %d(%s)\n", ppc_reg(3),  4+extra_stack_storage, ppc_reg(1));
        output( "\tstw  %s, %d(%s)\n", ppc_reg(4),  8+extra_stack_storage, ppc_reg(1));
        output( "\tstw  %s, %d(%s)\n", ppc_reg(5), 12+extra_stack_storage, ppc_reg(1));
        output( "\tstw  %s, %d(%s)\n", ppc_reg(6), 16+extra_stack_storage, ppc_reg(1));
        output( "\tstw  %s, %d(%s)\n", ppc_reg(7), 20+extra_stack_storage, ppc_reg(1));
        output( "\tstw  %s, %d(%s)\n", ppc_reg(8), 24+extra_stack_storage, ppc_reg(1));
        output( "\tstw  %s, %d(%s)\n", ppc_reg(9), 28+extra_stack_storage, ppc_reg(1));
        output( "\tstw  %s, %d(%s)\n", ppc_reg(10),32+extra_stack_storage, ppc_reg(1));
        output( "\tstw  %s, %d(%s)\n", ppc_reg(11),36+extra_stack_storage, ppc_reg(1));
        output( "\tstw  %s, %d(%s)\n", ppc_reg(12),40+extra_stack_storage, ppc_reg(1));

        /* r0 -> r3 (arg1) */
        output( "\tmr %s, %s\n", ppc_reg(3), ppc_reg(0));

        /* save return address */
        output( "\tmflr %s\n", ppc_reg(0));
        output( "\tstw  %s, %d(%s)\n", ppc_reg(0), 44+extra_stack_storage, ppc_reg(1));

        /* Call the __wine_delay_load function, arg1 is arg1. */
        output( "\tbl %s\n", asm_name("__wine_spec_delay_load") );

        /* Load return value from call into ctr register */
        output( "\tmtctr %s\n", ppc_reg(3));

        /* restore all saved registers and drop stackframe. */
        output( "\tlwz  %s, %d(%s)\n", ppc_reg(3),  4+extra_stack_storage, ppc_reg(1));
        output( "\tlwz  %s, %d(%s)\n", ppc_reg(4),  8+extra_stack_storage, ppc_reg(1));
        output( "\tlwz  %s, %d(%s)\n", ppc_reg(5), 12+extra_stack_storage, ppc_reg(1));
        output( "\tlwz  %s, %d(%s)\n", ppc_reg(6), 16+extra_stack_storage, ppc_reg(1));
        output( "\tlwz  %s, %d(%s)\n", ppc_reg(7), 20+extra_stack_storage, ppc_reg(1));
        output( "\tlwz  %s, %d(%s)\n", ppc_reg(8), 24+extra_stack_storage, ppc_reg(1));
        output( "\tlwz  %s, %d(%s)\n", ppc_reg(9), 28+extra_stack_storage, ppc_reg(1));
        output( "\tlwz  %s, %d(%s)\n", ppc_reg(10),32+extra_stack_storage, ppc_reg(1));
        output( "\tlwz  %s, %d(%s)\n", ppc_reg(11),36+extra_stack_storage, ppc_reg(1));
        output( "\tlwz  %s, %d(%s)\n", ppc_reg(12),40+extra_stack_storage, ppc_reg(1));

        /* Load return value from call into return register */
        output( "\tlwz  %s,  %d(%s)\n", ppc_reg(0), 44+extra_stack_storage, ppc_reg(1));
        output( "\tmtlr %s\n", ppc_reg(0));
        output( "\taddi %s, %s, %d\n", ppc_reg(1), ppc_reg(1),  48+extra_stack_storage);

        /* branch to ctr register. */
        output( "\tbctr\n");
    output_cfi( ".cfi_endproc" );
    output_function_size( "__wine_delay_load_asm" );
    output( "\n" );

    for (i = idx = 0; i < nb_imports; i++)
        if (!dll_imports[i]->delay) continue;
        for (j = 0; j < dll_imports[i]->nb_imports; j++)
            ORDDEF *odp = dll_imports[i]->imports[j];
            const char *name = odp->name ? odp->name : odp->export_name;

            output( ".L__wine_delay_imp_%d_%s:\n", i, name );
            output_cfi( ".cfi_startproc" );
            case CPU_x86:
                output( "\tmovl $%d, %%eax\n", (idx << 16) | j );
                output( "\tjmp %s\n", asm_name("__wine_delay_load_asm") );
            case CPU_x86_64:
                output( "\tmovq $%d,%%rax\n", (idx << 16) | j );
                output( "\tjmp %s\n", asm_name("__wine_delay_load_asm") );
            case CPU_SPARC:
                output( "\tset %d, %%g1\n", (idx << 16) | j );
                output( "\tb,a %s\n", asm_name("__wine_delay_load_asm") );
                output( "\tnop\n" );
            case CPU_ARM:
                output( "\tstmfd  SP!, {r0-r3}\n" );
                output( "\tmov r0, #%d\n", idx );
                output( "\tmov r1, #16384\n" );
                output( "\tmul r1, r0, r1\n" );
                output( "\tmov r0, r1\n" );
                output( "\tmov r1, #4\n" );
                output( "\tmul r1, r0, r1\n" );
                output( "\tmov r0, r1\n" );
                output( "\tadd r0, #%d\n", j );
                output( "\tldr PC,[PC,#-4]\n");
                output( "\t.long %s\n", asm_name("__wine_delay_load_asm") );
            case CPU_ARM64:
                output( "\tstp x6, x7, [sp,#-80]!\n" );
                output( "\tstp x4, x5, [sp,#48]\n" );
                output( "\tstp x2, x3, [sp,#32]\n" );
                output( "\tstp x0, x1, [sp,#16]\n" );
                output( "\tmov x0, #%d\n", idx );
                output( "\tmov x1, #16384\n" );
                output( "\tmul x1, x0, x1\n" );
                output( "\tmov x0, x1\n" );
                output( "\tmov x1, #4\n" );
                output( "\tmul x1, x0, x1\n" );
                output( "\tmov x0, x1\n" );
                output( "\tadd x0, x0, #%d\n", j );
                output( "\tadr x9, 1f\n" );
                output( "\tldur x9, [x9, #0]\n" );
                output( "\tbr x9\n" );
                output( "1:\t.quad %s\n", asm_name("__wine_delay_load_asm") );
            case CPU_POWERPC:
                case PLATFORM_APPLE:
                    /* On Darwin we can use r0 and r2 */
                    /* Upper part in r2 */
                    output( "\tlis %s, %d\n", ppc_reg(2), idx);
                    /* Lower part + r2 -> r0, Note we can't use r0 directly */
                    output( "\taddi %s, %s, %d\n", ppc_reg(0), ppc_reg(2), j);
                    output( "\tb %s\n", asm_name("__wine_delay_load_asm") );
                    /* On linux we can't use r2 since r2 is not a scratch register (hold the TOC) */
                    /* Save r13 on the stack */
                    output( "\taddi %s, %s, -0x4\n", ppc_reg(1), ppc_reg(1));
                    output( "\tstw  %s, 0(%s)\n",    ppc_reg(13), ppc_reg(1));
                    /* Upper part in r13 */
                    output( "\tlis %s, %d\n", ppc_reg(13), idx);
                    /* Lower part + r13 -> r0, Note we can't use r0 directly */
                    output( "\taddi %s, %s, %d\n", ppc_reg(0), ppc_reg(13), j);
                    /* Restore r13 */
                    output( "\tstw  %s, 0(%s)\n",    ppc_reg(13), ppc_reg(1));
                    output( "\taddic %s, %s, 0x4\n", ppc_reg(1), ppc_reg(1));
                    output( "\tb %s\n", asm_name("__wine_delay_load_asm") );
            output_cfi( ".cfi_endproc" );
    output_function_size( delayed_import_loaders );

    output( "\n\t.align %d\n", get_alignment(get_ptr_size()) );
    output( "%s:\n", asm_name(delayed_import_thunks));
    for (i = pos = 0; i < nb_imports; i++)
        if (!dll_imports[i]->delay) continue;
        for (j = 0; j < dll_imports[i]->nb_imports; j++, pos += get_ptr_size())
            ORDDEF *odp = dll_imports[i]->imports[j];
            output_import_thunk( odp->name ? odp->name : odp->export_name,
                                 ".L__wine_delay_IAT", pos );
    output_function_size( delayed_import_thunks );
Пример #26
 *         output_module
 * Output the module data.
void output_module( DLLSPEC *spec )
    int machine = 0;
    unsigned int page_size = get_page_size();

    /* Reserve some space for the PE header */

    switch (target_platform)
        output( "\t.text\n" );
        output( "\t.align %d\n", get_alignment(page_size) );
        output( "__wine_spec_pe_header:\n" );
        output( "\t.space 65536\n" );
        output( "\n\t.section \".text\",\"ax\"\n" );
        output( "__wine_spec_pe_header:\n" );
        output( "\t.skip %u\n", 65536 + page_size );
        output( "\n\t.section \".init\",\"ax\"\n" );
        case CPU_x86:
        case CPU_x86_64:
        case CPU_SPARC:
            output( "\tjmp 1f\n" );
        case CPU_ARM:
        case CPU_POWERPC:
            output( "\tb 1f\n" );
        output( "__wine_spec_pe_header:\n" );
        output( "\t.skip %u\n", 65536 + page_size );
        output( "1:\n" );

    /* Output the NT header */

    output( "\n\t.data\n" );
    output( "\t.align %d\n", get_alignment(get_ptr_size()) );
    output( "%s\n", asm_globl("__wine_spec_nt_header") );
    output( ".L__wine_spec_rva_base:\n" );

    output( "\t.long 0x4550\n" );         /* Signature */
    case CPU_x86:     machine = IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386; break;
    case CPU_x86_64:  machine = IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64; break;
    case CPU_ARM:     machine = IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARMV7; break;
    case CPU_POWERPC: machine = IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_POWERPC; break;
    case CPU_SPARC:   machine = IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_SPARC; break;
    output( "\t%s 0x%04x\n",              /* Machine */
             get_asm_short_keyword(), machine );
    output( "\t%s 0\n",                   /* NumberOfSections */
             get_asm_short_keyword() );
    output( "\t.long 0\n" );              /* TimeDateStamp */
    output( "\t.long 0\n" );              /* PointerToSymbolTable */
    output( "\t.long 0\n" );              /* NumberOfSymbols */
    output( "\t%s %d\n",                  /* SizeOfOptionalHeader */
    output( "\t%s 0x%04x\n",              /* Characteristics */
             get_asm_short_keyword(), spec->characteristics );
    output( "\t%s 0x%04x\n",              /* Magic */
             get_ptr_size() == 8 ? IMAGE_NT_OPTIONAL_HDR64_MAGIC : IMAGE_NT_OPTIONAL_HDR32_MAGIC );
    output( "\t.byte 0\n" );              /* MajorLinkerVersion */
    output( "\t.byte 0\n" );              /* MinorLinkerVersion */
    output( "\t.long 0\n" );              /* SizeOfCode */
    output( "\t.long 0\n" );              /* SizeOfInitializedData */
    output( "\t.long 0\n" );              /* SizeOfUninitializedData */
    /* note: we expand the AddressOfEntryPoint field on 64-bit by overwriting the BaseOfCode field */
    output( "\t%s %s\n",                  /* AddressOfEntryPoint */
            get_asm_ptr_keyword(), spec->init_func ? asm_name(spec->init_func) : "0" );
    if (get_ptr_size() == 4)
        output( "\t.long 0\n" );          /* BaseOfCode */
        output( "\t.long 0\n" );          /* BaseOfData */
    output( "\t%s __wine_spec_pe_header\n",         /* ImageBase */
             get_asm_ptr_keyword() );
    output( "\t.long %u\n", page_size );  /* SectionAlignment */
    output( "\t.long %u\n", page_size );  /* FileAlignment */
    output( "\t%s 1,0\n",                 /* Major/MinorOperatingSystemVersion */
             get_asm_short_keyword() );
    output( "\t%s 0,0\n",                 /* Major/MinorImageVersion */
             get_asm_short_keyword() );
    output( "\t%s %u,%u\n",               /* Major/MinorSubsystemVersion */
             get_asm_short_keyword(), spec->subsystem_major, spec->subsystem_minor );
    output( "\t.long 0\n" );                          /* Win32VersionValue */
    output( "\t.long %s-.L__wine_spec_rva_base\n",    /* SizeOfImage */
             asm_name("_end") );
    output( "\t.long %u\n", page_size );  /* SizeOfHeaders */
    output( "\t.long 0\n" );              /* CheckSum */
    output( "\t%s 0x%04x\n",              /* Subsystem */
             get_asm_short_keyword(), spec->subsystem );
    output( "\t%s 0x%04x\n",              /* DllCharacteristics */
            get_asm_short_keyword(), spec->dll_characteristics );
    output( "\t%s %u,%u\n",               /* SizeOfStackReserve/Commit */
             get_asm_ptr_keyword(), (spec->stack_size ? spec->stack_size : 1024) * 1024, page_size );
    output( "\t%s %u,%u\n",               /* SizeOfHeapReserve/Commit */
             get_asm_ptr_keyword(), (spec->heap_size ? spec->heap_size : 1024) * 1024, page_size );
    output( "\t.long 0\n" );              /* LoaderFlags */
    output( "\t.long 16\n" );             /* NumberOfRvaAndSizes */

    if (spec->base <= spec->limit)   /* DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT] */
        output( "\t.long .L__wine_spec_exports-.L__wine_spec_rva_base,"
                 ".L__wine_spec_exports_end-.L__wine_spec_exports\n" );
        output( "\t.long 0,0\n" );

    if (has_imports())   /* DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT] */
        output( "\t.long .L__wine_spec_imports-.L__wine_spec_rva_base,"
                 ".L__wine_spec_imports_end-.L__wine_spec_imports\n" );
        output( "\t.long 0,0\n" );

    if (spec->nb_resources)   /* DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE] */
        output( "\t.long .L__wine_spec_resources-.L__wine_spec_rva_base,"
                 ".L__wine_spec_resources_end-.L__wine_spec_resources\n" );
        output( "\t.long 0,0\n" );

    output( "\t.long 0,0\n" );  /* DataDirectory[3] */
    output( "\t.long 0,0\n" );  /* DataDirectory[4] */
    output( "\t.long 0,0\n" );  /* DataDirectory[5] */
    output( "\t.long 0,0\n" );  /* DataDirectory[6] */
    output( "\t.long 0,0\n" );  /* DataDirectory[7] */
    output( "\t.long 0,0\n" );  /* DataDirectory[8] */
    output( "\t.long 0,0\n" );  /* DataDirectory[9] */
    output( "\t.long 0,0\n" );  /* DataDirectory[10] */
    output( "\t.long 0,0\n" );  /* DataDirectory[11] */
    output( "\t.long 0,0\n" );  /* DataDirectory[12] */
    output( "\t.long 0,0\n" );  /* DataDirectory[13] */
    output( "\t.long 0,0\n" );  /* DataDirectory[14] */
    output( "\t.long 0,0\n" );  /* DataDirectory[15] */

    output( "\n\t%s\n", get_asm_string_section() );
    output( "%s\n", asm_globl("__wine_spec_file_name") );
    output( ".L__wine_spec_file_name:\n" );
    output( "\t%s \"%s\"\n", get_asm_string_keyword(), spec->file_name );
    if (target_platform == PLATFORM_APPLE)
        output( "\t.lcomm %s,4\n", asm_name("_end") );

    output_asm_constructor( "__wine_spec_init_ctor" );