double QwtPlotRescaler::pixelDist( int axis, const QSize &size ) const { const QwtInterval intv = intervalHint( axis ); double dist = 0.0; if ( !intv.isNull() ) { if ( axis == referenceAxis() ) dist = intv.width(); else { const double r = aspectRatio( axis ); if ( r > 0.0 ) dist = intv.width() * r; } } if ( dist > 0.0 ) { if ( orientation( axis ) == Qt::Horizontal ) dist /= size.width(); else dist /= size.height(); } return dist; }
/*! Synchronize an axis scale according to the scale of the reference axis \param axis Axis index ( see QwtPlot::AxisId ) \param reference Interval of the reference axis \param size Size of the canvas \return New interval for axis */ QwtInterval QwtPlotRescaler::syncScale( int axis, const QwtInterval& reference, const QSize &size ) const { double dist; if ( orientation( referenceAxis() ) == Qt::Horizontal ) dist = reference.width() / size.width(); else dist = reference.width() / size.height(); if ( orientation( axis ) == Qt::Horizontal ) dist *= size.width(); else dist *= size.height(); dist /= aspectRatio( axis ); QwtInterval intv; if ( rescalePolicy() == Fitting ) intv = intervalHint( axis ); else intv = interval( axis ); intv = expandInterval( intv, dist, expandingDirection( axis ) ); return intv; }
void RCViewableTransform::moveToFit(const Eks::BoundingBox &bnds) { Eks::Vector3D pos = bnds.centre(); Eks::AxisAlignedBoundingBox bbox(Eks::Frame::XYZ(), bnds); Eks::Vector3D across = acrossDirection().normalized(); Eks::Vector3D up = upDirection().normalized(); Eks::Vector3D look = lookDirection().normalized(); float minX, maxX; bbox.maximumExtents(across, minX, maxX); float minY, maxY; bbox.maximumExtents(up, minY, maxY); float minZ, maxZ; bbox.maximumExtents(look, minZ, maxZ); float centreX =; float centreY =; float centreZ =; float axisX = std::max(centreX - minX, maxX - centreX) / aspectRatio(); float axisY = std::max(centreY - minY, maxY - centreY); float minDist = centreZ - minZ; moveToFit(pos, lookDirection(), std::max(axisX, axisY), minDist); }
void WorkflowRenderer::startPreview() { if ( m_mainWorkflow->getLengthFrame() <= 0 ) return ; if ( paramsHasChanged( m_width, m_height, m_outputFps, m_aspectRatio ) == true ) { m_width = width(); m_height = height(); m_outputFps = outputFps(); m_aspectRatio = aspectRatio(); } initFilters(); setupRenderer( m_width, m_height, m_outputFps ); m_mainWorkflow->setFullSpeedRender( false ); m_mainWorkflow->startRender( m_width, m_height, m_outputFps ); m_isRendering = true; m_paused = false; m_stopping = false; m_pts = 0; m_audioPts = 0; m_sourceRenderer->start(); }
bool VideoPreview::showConfigDialog(QWidget *parent) { VideoPreviewConfigDialog d(parent); d.setVideoFile(videoFile()); d.setDVDDevice(DVDDevice()); d.setCols(cols()); d.setRows(rows()); d.setInitialStep(initialStep()); d.setMaxWidth(maxWidth()); d.setDisplayOSD(displayOSD()); d.setAspectRatio(aspectRatio()); d.setFormat(extractFormat()); d.setSaveLastDirectory(save_last_directory); if (d.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { setVideoFile(d.videoFile()); setDVDDevice(d.DVDDevice()); setCols(d.cols()); setRows(d.rows()); setInitialStep(d.initialStep()); setMaxWidth(d.maxWidth()); setDisplayOSD(d.displayOSD()); setAspectRatio(d.aspectRatio()); setExtractFormat(d.format()); save_last_directory = d.saveLastDirectory(); return true; } return false; }
/// in viewport void ViewCull::ndc(const Vector3F & cameraP, float & coordx, float & coordy) const { float d = -cameraP.z; if(d<1.f) d= 1.f; float h_max = d * hfov(); float h_min = -h_max; float v_max = h_max * aspectRatio(); float v_min = -v_max; coordx = (cameraP.x/m_overscan - h_min) / (h_max - h_min); coordy = (cameraP.y/m_overscan/(m_portAspectRatio / aspectRatio() ) - v_min) / (v_max - v_min); if(coordx < 0.f) coordx = 0.f; if(coordx > .999f) coordx = .999f; if(coordy < 0.f) coordy = 0.f; if(coordy > .999f) coordy = .999f; }
void OpenCLWaveSimulation::initScene() { if(!m_glslProgram->compileShaderFromFile("render_waves.vert", GLSLShader::VERTEX)) { std::cerr << "Vertex shader failed to compile\n"; std::cerr << "Build Log: " << m_glslProgram->log() << std::endl; exit(1); } if(!m_glslProgram->compileShaderFromFile("render_waves.frag", GLSLShader::FRAGMENT)) { std::cerr << "Fragment shader failed to compile\n"; std::cerr << "Build Log: " << m_glslProgram->log() << std::endl; exit(1); } // bindAttribLocation or bindFragDataLocation here m_glslProgram->bindAttribLocation(0, "vPos"); m_glslProgram->bindAttribLocation(1, "vNormal"); m_glslProgram->bindAttribLocation(2, "vTangent"); m_glslProgram->bindFragDataLocation(0, "FragColor"); if(!m_glslProgram->link()) { std::cerr << "Shader program failed to link\n"; std::cerr << "Link Log: " << m_glslProgram->log() << std::endl; } m_glslProgram->use(); m_glslProgram->printActiveAttribs(); m_glslProgram->printActiveUniforms(); std::cout << std::endl; // init uniforms m_modelM = glm::mat4(1.0f); m_viewM = glm::lookAt(glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 5.0f), glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), glm::vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)); m_projM = glm::perspective(glm::degrees(0.25f * MathUtils::Pi), aspectRatio(), 1.0f, 2048.0f); m_worldInvTransposeM = glm::transpose(glm::inverse(glm::mat3(m_modelM))); // light, material and camera m_materialAmbient = glm::vec4(0.137f, 0.42f, 0.556f, 1.0f); m_materialDiffuse = glm::vec4(0.137f, 0.42f, 0.556f, 1.0f); m_materialSpecular = glm::vec4(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 96.0f); m_lightDir = glm::vec3(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.1f); m_lightAmbient = glm::vec4(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1.0f); m_lightDiffuse = glm::vec4(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f); m_lightSpecular = glm::vec4(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f); m_glslProgram->setUniform("materialAmbient", m_materialAmbient); m_glslProgram->setUniform("materialDiffuse", m_materialDiffuse); m_glslProgram->setUniform("materialSpecular", m_materialSpecular); m_glslProgram->setUniform("lightDir", m_lightDir); m_glslProgram->setUniform("lightAmbient", m_lightAmbient); m_glslProgram->setUniform("lightDiffuse", m_lightDiffuse); m_glslProgram->setUniform("lightSpecular", m_lightSpecular); buildWaveGrid(); }
/*! Update the axes scales \param intervals Scale intervals */ void QwtPlotRescaler::updateScales( QwtInterval intervals[QwtPlot::axisCnt] ) const { if ( d_data->inReplot >= 5 ) { return; } QwtPlot *plt = const_cast<QwtPlot *>( plot() ); const bool doReplot = plt->autoReplot(); plt->setAutoReplot( false ); for ( int axis = 0; axis < QwtPlot::axisCnt; axis++ ) { if ( axis == referenceAxis() || aspectRatio( axis ) > 0.0 ) { double v1 = intervals[axis].minValue(); double v2 = intervals[axis].maxValue(); if ( plt->axisScaleDiv( axis )->lowerBound() > plt->axisScaleDiv( axis )->upperBound() ) { qSwap( v1, v2 ); } if ( d_data->inReplot >= 1 ) { d_data->axisData[axis].scaleDiv = *plt->axisScaleDiv( axis ); } if ( d_data->inReplot >= 2 ) { QList<double> ticks[QwtScaleDiv::NTickTypes]; for ( int i = 0; i < QwtScaleDiv::NTickTypes; i++ ) ticks[i] = d_data->axisData[axis].scaleDiv.ticks( i ); plt->setAxisScaleDiv( axis, QwtScaleDiv( v1, v2, ticks ) ); } else { plt->setAxisScale( axis, v1, v2 ); } } } const bool immediatePaint = plt->canvas()->testPaintAttribute( QwtPlotCanvas::ImmediatePaint ); plt->canvas()->setPaintAttribute( QwtPlotCanvas::ImmediatePaint, false ); plt->setAutoReplot( doReplot ); d_data->inReplot++; plt->replot(); d_data->inReplot--; plt->canvas()->setPaintAttribute( QwtPlotCanvas::ImmediatePaint, immediatePaint ); }
osg::Matrix OculusDevice::projectionCenterMatrix() const { osg::Matrix projectionMatrix; float halfScreenDistance = vScreenSize() * 0.5f * distortionScale(); float yFov = (180.0f/3.14159f) * 2.0f * atan(halfScreenDistance / eyeToScreenDistance()); projectionMatrix.makePerspective(yFov, aspectRatio(), m_nearClip, m_farClip); return projectionMatrix; }
void OpenCLWaveSimulation::onResize(int w, int h) { m_width = w; m_height = h; glViewport(0, 0, m_width, m_height); m_projM = glm::perspective(glm::degrees(0.25f * MathUtils::Pi), aspectRatio(), 1.0f, 2048.0f); glutPostRedisplay(); }
bool WorkflowRenderer::paramsHasChanged( quint32 width, quint32 height, double fps, QString aspect ) { quint32 newWidth = this->width(); quint32 newHeight = this->height(); float newOutputFps = outputFps(); const QString newAspectRatio = aspectRatio(); return ( newWidth != width || newHeight != height || newOutputFps != fps || newAspectRatio != aspect ); }
/*! Update the axes scales \param intervals Scale intervals */ void QwtPlotRescaler::updateScales( QwtDoubleInterval intervals[QwtPlot::axisCnt]) const { if ( d_data->inReplot >= 5 ) { return; } QwtPlot *plt = (QwtPlot *)plot(); const bool doReplot = plt->autoReplot(); plt->setAutoReplot(false); for ( int axis = 0; axis < QwtPlot::axisCnt; axis++ ) { if ( axis == referenceAxis() || aspectRatio(axis) > 0.0 ) { double v1 = intervals[axis].minValue(); double v2 = intervals[axis].maxValue(); if ( plt->axisScaleDiv(axis)->lowerBound() > plt->axisScaleDiv(axis)->upperBound() ) { qSwap(v1, v2); } if ( d_data->inReplot >= 1 ) { d_data->axisData[axis].scaleDiv = *plt->axisScaleDiv(axis); } if ( d_data->inReplot >= 2 ) { QwtValueList ticks[QwtScaleDiv::NTickTypes]; for ( int i = 0; i < QwtScaleDiv::NTickTypes; i++ ) ticks[i] = d_data->axisData[axis].scaleDiv.ticks(i); plt->setAxisScaleDiv(axis, QwtScaleDiv(v1, v2, ticks)); } else { plt->setAxisScale(axis, v1, v2); } } } plt->setAutoReplot(doReplot); d_data->inReplot++; plt->replot(); d_data->inReplot--; }
void Gradient::paint(CGContextRef context) { CGGradientDrawingOptions extendOptions = kCGGradientDrawsBeforeStartLocation | kCGGradientDrawsAfterEndLocation; if (!m_radial) { CGContextDrawLinearGradient(context, platformGradient(), m_p0, m_p1, extendOptions); return; } bool needScaling = aspectRatio() != 1; if (needScaling) { CGContextSaveGState(context); // Scale from the center of the gradient. We only ever scale non-deprecated gradients, // for which m_p0 == m_p1. ASSERT(m_p0 == m_p1); CGContextTranslateCTM(context, m_p0.x(), m_p0.y()); CGContextScaleCTM(context, 1, 1 / aspectRatio()); CGContextTranslateCTM(context, -m_p0.x(), -m_p0.y()); } CGContextDrawRadialGradient(context, platformGradient(), m_p0, m_r0, m_p1, m_r1, extendOptions); if (needScaling) CGContextRestoreGState(context); }
void DkCropToolBar::on_horValBox_valueChanged(double) { DkVector diag = DkVector((float)horValBox->value(), (float)verValBox->value()); emit aspectRatio(diag); QString rs = QString::number(horValBox->value()) + ":" + QString::number(verValBox->value()); int idx = ratioBox->findText(rs); if (idx != -1) ratioBox->setCurrentIndex(idx); else if (horValBox->value() == 0 && verValBox->value() == 0) ratioBox->setCurrentIndex(0); else ratioBox->setCurrentIndex(1); }
void WorkflowRenderer::setupRenderer( quint32 width, quint32 height, double fps ) { m_source->setWidth( width ); m_source->setHeight( height ); m_source->setFps( fps ); m_source->setAspectRatio( qPrintable( aspectRatio() ) ); m_source->setNumberChannels( m_nbChannels ); m_source->setSampleRate( m_rate ); m_esHandler->fps = fps; delete m_sourceRenderer; m_sourceRenderer = m_source->createRenderer( m_eventWatcher ); m_sourceRenderer->setName( "WorkflowRenderer" ); m_sourceRenderer->enableMemoryInput( m_esHandler, getLockCallback(), getUnlockCallback() ); m_sourceRenderer->setOutputWidget( (void *) static_cast< RenderWidget* >( m_renderWidget )->id() ); }
void Camera::setup() { const Point3d cameraVector = lookAt() - position(); // Calculate length of vector perpendicular to camera vector. const Float d = cameraVector.length(); const Float f = fov()*.5; const Float lenHorizontal = std::sin(f)*(d / std::cos(f)); const Float lenVertical = lenHorizontal / aspectRatio(); const Point3d tmpDown(math3d::make_vec(0, -1, 0)); const Point3d perpendicularLeft = norm(cross(cameraVector, tmpDown)) * (lenHorizontal * 0.5); const Point3d perpendicularDown = norm(cross(perpendicularLeft, cameraVector))*(lenVertical*0.5); topLeft_ = lookAt() + perpendicularLeft - perpendicularDown - position(); topRight_ = lookAt() - perpendicularLeft - perpendicularDown - position(); bottomLeft_ = lookAt() + perpendicularLeft + perpendicularDown - position(); bottomRight_ = lookAt() - perpendicularLeft + perpendicularDown - position(); }
/*! Adjust the plot axes scales \param oldSize Previous size of the canvas \param newSize New size of the canvas */ void QwtPlotRescaler::rescale( const QSize &oldSize, const QSize &newSize ) const { if ( newSize.isEmpty() ) return; QwtInterval intervals[QwtPlot::axisCnt]; for ( int axis = 0; axis < QwtPlot::axisCnt; axis++ ) intervals[axis] = interval( axis ); const int refAxis = referenceAxis(); intervals[refAxis] = expandScale( refAxis, oldSize, newSize ); for ( int axis = 0; axis < QwtPlot::axisCnt; axis++ ) { if ( aspectRatio( axis ) > 0.0 && axis != refAxis ) intervals[axis] = syncScale( axis, intervals[refAxis], newSize ); } updateScales( intervals ); }
int LimitSqueezeTaskbarLayout::optimumCapacity() const { const QRectF effectiveRect(effectiveGeometry()); const QList<TaskbarItem*> & items = this->items(); const int N = items.size(); const bool isVertical = orientation() == Qt::Vertical; const qreal availableHeight = isVertical ? effectiveRect.width() : effectiveRect.height(); const qreal availableWidth = isVertical ? effectiveRect.height() : effectiveRect.width(); const qreal spacing = this->spacing(); qreal thisRowWidth = 0; int numberGrouped = 0; #define CELL_HEIGHT(ROWS) (((availableHeight + spacing) / ((qreal) (ROWS))) - spacing) int cellHeight = CELL_HEIGHT(m_rows); int cellWidth = cellHeight * aspectRatio(); for (int i =0; i < items.size(); i++) { thisRowWidth += this->spacing() + itemAt(i)->task()->taskCount() * (cellWidth + (itemAt(i)->isExpanded()) * expandedWidth()); if (itemAt(i)->task()->type() == Task::GroupItem) { ++ numberGrouped; } } qreal compression = (m_rows * availableWidth) / thisRowWidth; // group when there is not enough place if ((compression < (m_squeezeRatio + (m_preferGrouping ? 0.1 : 0.0)) && (m_rows == maximumRows() || m_preferGrouping)) // stay grouped when number of rows grows || ( m_rows > minimumRows() && m_preferGrouping ) // should prevent ungrouping when nubmer of rows is changed (not perfeect) || (m_rows == maximumRows() - 1 && numberGrouped > 0 && m_preferGrouping == 0 && compression < m_squeezeRatio) ) { return N - 1; //now it is the right size } else { return N + 10; } }
void AtkinsPageLayout::addLayoutItem(int key, const QSizeF& size) { double relativeArea = absoluteArea(size) / absoluteArea(d->pageRect.size()); addLayoutItem(key, aspectRatio(size), relativeArea); }
void LimitSqueezeTaskbarLayout::doLayout() { // I think this way the loops can be optimized by the compiler. // (lifting out the comparison and making two loops; TODO: find out whether this is true): const bool isVertical = orientation() == Qt::Vertical; const QList<TaskbarItem*>& items = this->items(); const int N = items.size(); // if there is nothing to layout fill in some dummy data and leave if (N == 0) { stopAnimation(); QRectF rect(geometry()); m_rows = 1; if (isVertical) { m_cellHeight = rect.width(); } else { m_cellHeight = rect.height(); } QSizeF newPreferredSize(qMin(10.0, rect.width()), qMin(10.0, rect.height())); if (newPreferredSize != m_preferredSize) { m_preferredSize = newPreferredSize; emit sizeHintChanged(Qt::PreferredSize); } return; } const QRectF effectiveRect(effectiveGeometry()); const qreal availableWidth = isVertical ? effectiveRect.height() : effectiveRect.width(); const qreal availableHeight = isVertical ? effectiveRect.width() : effectiveRect.height(); const qreal spacing = this->spacing(); int rows = minimumRows() - 1; qreal cellHeight = 0.0; qreal cellWidth = 0.0; QList<RowInfo> rowInfos; qreal maxPreferredRowWidth = 0.0; qreal compression = 1.0; qreal thisRowWidth = 0.0; int expandedHoverItemCount = 0; // if there is some icon expanded by mouse int expandedItemCount = 0; for (int index = 0; index < N; ++ index) { // icon is hovered by mouse if (itemAt(index)->isExpandedByHover()) { ++ expandedHoverItemCount; } if (itemAt(index)->isExpanded()) { ++ expandedItemCount; } } // determine the number of rows while (rows < maximumRows()) { ++ rows; cellHeight = CELL_HEIGHT(rows); cellWidth = cellHeight * aspectRatio(); thisRowWidth = N * (cellWidth + spacing) + (expandedItemCount - expandedHoverItemCount) * expandedWidth(); // suppress the expansion by hover compression = qMin((rows * availableWidth) / thisRowWidth, 1.0); if (rows * availableWidth > (thisRowWidth - N * cellWidth) * m_squeezeRatio + N * cellWidth / (rows + 1)) { break; } } // distribution of items, determine: // * the preferred size each single row // * spacings of each row (can be derived of number of elements in row) // * the start and end index of each row // * the maximal preferred row width (as the preferred width for sizeHint) int startIndex = 0; int endIndex = 0; int index = 0; for (int row = 0; row < rows && endIndex < N; ++ row) { startIndex = endIndex; expandedHoverItemCount = 0; expandedItemCount = 0; // determine number of items in one row for (index = startIndex; index < N; ++ index) { if (itemAt(index)->isExpandedByHover()) { ++ expandedHoverItemCount; } if (itemAt(index)->isExpanded()) { ++ expandedItemCount; } thisRowWidth = (index - startIndex) * (cellWidth + spacing) + (expandedItemCount - expandedHoverItemCount) * expandedWidth(); // the 0.9 is here to prefer higher rows if (availableWidth < compression * thisRowWidth * 0.9) { break; } } if (row + 1 == rows) { endIndex = N; } else { if (startIndex == index) { // prevents empty rows ++ index; } endIndex = qMin(N, index); } qreal rowSpacing = spacing * (endIndex - startIndex); thisRowWidth = 0.0; qreal thisRowMinWidth = 0.0; for (int index = startIndex; index < endIndex; ++ index) { thisRowWidth += cellWidth + items[index]->expansion; thisRowMinWidth += cellWidth; } if (thisRowWidth + rowSpacing > maxPreferredRowWidth) { maxPreferredRowWidth = thisRowWidth + rowSpacing; } if (startIndex != endIndex) { rowInfos.append(RowInfo(thisRowWidth, thisRowMinWidth, startIndex, endIndex)); } } // if we assumed expanded there still might be empty row // therefore just scale up the layout (maybe do only this and not the other way of row removal) rows = qMax(minimumRows(), rowInfos.size()); cellHeight = CELL_HEIGHT(rows); updateLayout(rows, cellWidth, cellHeight, availableWidth, maxPreferredRowWidth, rowInfos, effectiveRect); m_rows = rows; m_compresion = compression; #undef CELL_HEIGHT }
SkShader* Gradient::shader() { if (m_gradient) return m_gradient.get(); sortStopsIfNecessary(); ASSERT(m_stopsSorted); size_t countUsed = totalStopsNeeded(, m_stops.size()); ASSERT(countUsed >= 2); ASSERT(countUsed >= m_stops.size()); // FIXME: Why is all this manual pointer math needed?! SkAutoMalloc storage(countUsed * (sizeof(SkColor) + sizeof(SkScalar))); SkColor* colors = (SkColor*)storage.get(); SkScalar* pos = (SkScalar*)(colors + countUsed); fillStops(, m_stops.size(), pos, colors); SkShader::TileMode tile = SkShader::kClamp_TileMode; switch (m_spreadMethod) { case SpreadMethodReflect: tile = SkShader::kMirror_TileMode; break; case SpreadMethodRepeat: tile = SkShader::kRepeat_TileMode; break; case SpreadMethodPad: tile = SkShader::kClamp_TileMode; break; } uint32_t shouldDrawInPMColorSpace = m_drawInPMColorSpace ? SkGradientShader::kInterpolateColorsInPremul_Flag : 0; if (m_radial) { // Since the two-point radial gradient is slower than the plain radial, // only use it if we have to. if (m_p0 == m_p1 && m_r0 <= 0.0f) { m_gradient = adoptRef(SkGradientShader::CreateRadial(m_p1, m_r1, colors, pos, static_cast<int>(countUsed), tile, 0, shouldDrawInPMColorSpace)); } else { // The radii we give to Skia must be positive. If we're given a // negative radius, ask for zero instead. SkScalar radius0 = m_r0 >= 0.0f ? WebCoreFloatToSkScalar(m_r0) : 0; SkScalar radius1 = m_r1 >= 0.0f ? WebCoreFloatToSkScalar(m_r1) : 0; m_gradient = adoptRef(SkGradientShader::CreateTwoPointConical(m_p0, radius0, m_p1, radius1, colors, pos, static_cast<int>(countUsed), tile, 0, shouldDrawInPMColorSpace)); } if (aspectRatio() != 1) { // CSS3 elliptical gradients: apply the elliptical scaling at the // gradient center point. m_gradientSpaceTransformation.translate(m_p0.x(), m_p0.y()); m_gradientSpaceTransformation.scale(1, 1 / aspectRatio()); m_gradientSpaceTransformation.translate(-m_p0.x(), -m_p0.y()); ASSERT(m_p0 == m_p1); } } else { SkPoint pts[2] = { m_p0, m_p1 }; m_gradient = adoptRef(SkGradientShader::CreateLinear(pts, colors, pos, static_cast<int>(countUsed), tile, 0, shouldDrawInPMColorSpace)); } if (!m_gradient) { // use last color, since our "geometry" was degenerate (e.g. radius==0) m_gradient = adoptRef(new SkColorShader(colors[countUsed - 1])); } else { m_gradient->setLocalMatrix(affineTransformToSkMatrix(m_gradientSpaceTransformation)); } return m_gradient.get(); }
AtkinsPageLayout::AtkinsPageLayout(const QRectF& pageRect) : d(new Private) { d->pageRect = pageRect; d->tree = new LayoutTree(aspectRatio(d->pageRect.size()), absoluteArea(d->pageRect.size())); }
osg::Vec2f OculusDevice::scaleIn() const { return osg::Vec2f(2.0f, 2.0f/aspectRatio()); }
osg::Vec2f OculusDevice::scale() const { float scaleFactor = 1.0f/distortionScale(); return osg::Vec2f(0.5*scaleFactor, 0.5f*scaleFactor*aspectRatio()); }
sk_sp<SkShader> Gradient::createShader() { sortStopsIfNecessary(); ASSERT(m_stopsSorted); size_t countUsed = totalStopsNeeded(, m_stops.size()); ASSERT(countUsed >= 2); ASSERT(countUsed >= m_stops.size()); ColorStopOffsetVector pos(countUsed); ColorStopColorVector colors(countUsed); fillStops(, m_stops.size(), pos, colors); SkShader::TileMode tile = SkShader::kClamp_TileMode; switch (m_spreadMethod) { case SpreadMethodReflect: tile = SkShader::kMirror_TileMode; break; case SpreadMethodRepeat: tile = SkShader::kRepeat_TileMode; break; case SpreadMethodPad: tile = SkShader::kClamp_TileMode; break; } sk_sp<SkShader> shader; uint32_t shouldDrawInPMColorSpace = m_drawInPMColorSpace ? SkGradientShader::kInterpolateColorsInPremul_Flag : 0; if (m_radial) { if (aspectRatio() != 1) { // CSS3 elliptical gradients: apply the elliptical scaling at the // gradient center point. m_gradientSpaceTransformation.translate(m_p0.x(), m_p0.y()); m_gradientSpaceTransformation.scale(1, 1 / aspectRatio()); m_gradientSpaceTransformation.translate(-m_p0.x(), -m_p0.y()); ASSERT(m_p0 == m_p1); } SkMatrix localMatrix = affineTransformToSkMatrix(m_gradientSpaceTransformation); // Since the two-point radial gradient is slower than the plain radial, // only use it if we have to. if (m_p0 == m_p1 && m_r0 <= 0.0f) { shader = SkGradientShader::MakeRadial(, m_r1,,, static_cast<int>(countUsed), tile, shouldDrawInPMColorSpace, &localMatrix); } else { // The radii we give to Skia must be positive. If we're given a // negative radius, ask for zero instead. SkScalar radius0 = m_r0 >= 0.0f ? WebCoreFloatToSkScalar(m_r0) : 0; SkScalar radius1 = m_r1 >= 0.0f ? WebCoreFloatToSkScalar(m_r1) : 0; shader = SkGradientShader::MakeTwoPointConical(, radius0,, radius1,,, static_cast<int>(countUsed), tile, shouldDrawInPMColorSpace, &localMatrix); } } else { SkPoint pts[2] = {, }; SkMatrix localMatrix = affineTransformToSkMatrix(m_gradientSpaceTransformation); shader = SkGradientShader::MakeLinear(pts,,, static_cast<int>(countUsed), tile, shouldDrawInPMColorSpace, &localMatrix); } if (!shader) { // use last color, since our "geometry" was degenerate (e.g. radius==0) shader = SkShader::MakeColorShader(colors[countUsed - 1]); } return shader; }
void ObjLoaderDemo::onResize() { RenderCore::onResize(); mCam.SetLens(0.25f*MathHelper::Pi, aspectRatio(), 1.f, 1000.f); }
void LightingDemo2::onResize() { RenderCore::onResize(); mCam.SetLens(0.25f*MathHelper::Pi, aspectRatio(), 1.f, 1000.f); }
SkShader* Gradient::platformGradient() { if (m_gradient) return m_gradient; sortStopsIfNecessary(); ASSERT(m_stopsSorted); size_t countUsed = totalStopsNeeded(, m_stops.size()); ASSERT(countUsed >= 2); ASSERT(countUsed >= m_stops.size()); // FIXME: Why is all this manual pointer math needed?! SkAutoMalloc storage(countUsed * (sizeof(SkColor) + sizeof(SkScalar))); SkColor* colors = (SkColor*)storage.get(); SkScalar* pos = (SkScalar*)(colors + countUsed); fillStops(, m_stops.size(), pos, colors); SkShader::TileMode tile = SkShader::kClamp_TileMode; switch (m_spreadMethod) { case SpreadMethodReflect: tile = SkShader::kMirror_TileMode; break; case SpreadMethodRepeat: tile = SkShader::kRepeat_TileMode; break; case SpreadMethodPad: tile = SkShader::kClamp_TileMode; break; } if (m_radial) { // Since the two-point radial gradient is slower than the plain radial, // only use it if we have to. if (m_p0 == m_p1 && m_r0 <= 0.0f) { // The radius we give to Skia must be positive (and non-zero). If // we're given a zero radius, just ask for a very small radius so // Skia will still return an object. SkScalar radius = m_r1 > 0 ? WebCoreFloatToSkScalar(m_r1) : WebCoreFloatToSkScalar(FLT_EPSILON); m_gradient = SkGradientShader::CreateRadial(m_p1, radius, colors, pos, static_cast<int>(countUsed), tile); } else { // The radii we give to Skia must be positive. If we're given a // negative radius, ask for zero instead. SkScalar radius0 = m_r0 >= 0.0f ? WebCoreFloatToSkScalar(m_r0) : 0; SkScalar radius1 = m_r1 >= 0.0f ? WebCoreFloatToSkScalar(m_r1) : 0; m_gradient = SkGradientShader::CreateTwoPointRadial(m_p0, radius0, m_p1, radius1, colors, pos, static_cast<int>(countUsed), tile); } if (aspectRatio() != 1) { // CSS3 elliptical gradients: apply the elliptical scaling at the // gradient center point. m_gradientSpaceTransformation.translate(m_p0.x(), m_p0.y()); m_gradientSpaceTransformation.scale(1, 1 / aspectRatio()); m_gradientSpaceTransformation.translate(-m_p0.x(), -m_p0.y()); ASSERT(m_p0 == m_p1); } } else { SkPoint pts[2] = { m_p0, m_p1 }; m_gradient = SkGradientShader::CreateLinear(pts, colors, pos, static_cast<int>(countUsed), tile); } ASSERT(m_gradient); SkMatrix matrix = m_gradientSpaceTransformation; m_gradient->setLocalMatrix(matrix); return m_gradient; }
void Settings::writeSettings() { setValue(KEY_LANGUAGE, language()); setValue(KEY_SESSION_AUTOPLAY, sessionAutoplay()); setValue(KEY_SESSION_CHANNEL, sessionChannel()); setValue(KEY_SESSION_REMEMBER_VOLUME, sessionRememberVolume()); setValue(KEY_SESSION_VOLUME, sessionVolume()); if (globalConfig && globalConfig->disableSettings("channels")) { remove("channels"); } else { setValue(KEY_PLAYLIST, playlist()); setValue(KEY_PLAYLIST_UPDATE, playlistUpdate()); setValue(KEY_PLAYLIST_UPDATE_URL, playlistUpdateUrl()); setValue(KEY_RADIO_CATEGORY, radioCategory()); setValue(KEY_HD_CATEGORY, hdCategory()); setValue(KEY_UDPXY, udpxy()); setValue(KEY_UDPXY_URL, udpxyUrl()); setValue(KEY_UDPXY_PORT, udpxyPort()); } if (globalConfig && globalConfig->disableSettings("gui")) { remove("gui"); } else { setValue(KEY_WIDTH, width()); setValue(KEY_HEIGHT, height()); setValue(KEY_POS_X, posX()); setValue(KEY_POS_Y, posY()); setValue(KEY_OSD, osd()); setValue(KEY_TRAY_ENABLED, trayEnabled()); setValue(KEY_HIDE_TO_TRAY, hideToTray()); setValue(KEY_MOUSE_WHEEL, mouseWheel()); setValue(KEY_REMEMBER_GUI_SESSION, rememberGuiSession()); setValue(KEY_ICONS, icons()); } if (globalConfig && globalConfig->disableSettings("backend")) { remove("backend"); } else { setValue(KEY_VOUT, vout()); setValue(KEY_AOUT, aout()); setValue(KEY_YUV_TO_RGB, yuvToRgb()); setValue(KEY_SPDIF, spdif()); setValue(KEY_REMEMBER_VIDEO_SETTINGS, rememberVideoSettings()); setValue(KEY_REMEMBER_VIDEO_PER_CHANNEL, rememberVideoPerChannel()); setValue(KEY_ASPECT_RATIO, aspectRatio()); setValue(KEY_CROP_RATIO, cropRatio()); setValue(KEY_DEINTERLACING, deinterlacing()); setValue(KEY_AUDIO_LANGUAGE, audioLanguage()); setValue(KEY_SUBTITLE_LANGUAGE, subtitleLanguage()); setValue(KEY_MUTE_ON_MINIMIZE, muteOnMinimize()); setValue(KEY_TELETEXT, teletext()); } if (globalConfig && globalConfig->disableSettings("recorder")) { remove("recorder"); } else { setValue(KEY_RECORDER_DIRECTORY, recorderDirectory()); setValue(KEY_SNAPSHOTS_DIRECTORY, snapshotsDirectory()); } if (globalConfig && globalConfig->disableSettings("xmltv")) { remove("xmltv"); } else { setValue(KEY_XMLTV_UPDATE, xmltvUpdate()); setValue(KEY_XMLTV_UPDATE_LOCATION, xmltvUpdateLocation()); setValue(KEY_XMLTV_UPDATE_REMOTE, xmltvUpdateRemote()); } sync(); }