Пример #1
static void
check_on_demand_playlist (const gchar * data)
  GstM3U8Client *client;
  GstM3U8 *pl;
  GstM3U8MediaFile *file;

  client = load_playlist (data);
  pl = client->current;

  /* Sequence should be 0 as it's an ondemand playlist */
  assert_equals_int (client->sequence, 0);
  /* Check that we are not live */
  assert_equals_int (gst_m3u8_client_is_live (client), FALSE);
  /* Check number of entries */
  assert_equals_int (g_list_length (pl->files), 4);
  /* Check first media segments */
  file = GST_M3U8_MEDIA_FILE (g_list_first (pl->files)->data);
  assert_equals_string (file->uri, "http://media.example.com/001.ts");
  assert_equals_int (file->sequence, 0);
  /* Check last media segments */
  file = GST_M3U8_MEDIA_FILE (g_list_last (pl->files)->data);
  assert_equals_string (file->uri, "http://media.example.com/004.ts");
  assert_equals_int (file->sequence, 3);

  gst_m3u8_client_free (client);
Пример #2
static void
do_test_load_main_playlist_variant (const gchar * playlist)
  GstM3U8Client *client;
  GstM3U8 *stream;
  GList *tmp;

  client = load_playlist (playlist);

  assert_equals_int (g_list_length (client->main->lists), 4);

  /* Audio-Only */
  tmp = g_list_first (client->main->lists);
  stream = GST_M3U8 (tmp->data);
  assert_equals_int (stream->bandwidth, 65000);
  assert_equals_int (stream->program_id, 1);
  assert_equals_string (stream->uri, "http://example.com/audio-only.m3u8");
  assert_equals_string (stream->codecs, "\"mp4a.40.5\"");

  /* Low */
  tmp = g_list_next (tmp);
  stream = GST_M3U8 (tmp->data);
  assert_equals_int (stream->bandwidth, 128000);
  assert_equals_int (stream->program_id, 1);
  assert_equals_string (stream->uri, "http://example.com/low.m3u8");

  /* Mid */
  tmp = g_list_next (tmp);
  stream = GST_M3U8 (tmp->data);
  assert_equals_int (stream->bandwidth, 256000);
  assert_equals_int (stream->program_id, 1);
  assert_equals_string (stream->uri, "http://example.com/mid.m3u8");

  /* High */
  tmp = g_list_next (tmp);
  stream = GST_M3U8 (tmp->data);
  assert_equals_int (stream->bandwidth, 768000);
  assert_equals_int (stream->program_id, 1);
  assert_equals_string (stream->uri, "http://example.com/hi.m3u8");

  /* Check the first playlist is selected */
  assert_equals_int (client->current != NULL, TRUE);
  assert_equals_int (client->current->bandwidth, 128000);

  gst_m3u8_client_free (client);
Пример #3
static void
_check_media_info (GstSegment * segment, BufferDesc * bufs)
  GList *reports;
  GstEvent *segev;
  GstBuffer *buffer;
  GstElement *decoder;
  GstPad *srcpad, *sinkpad;
  GstValidateReport *report;
  GstValidateMonitor *monitor;
  GstValidateRunner *runner;
  GstMediaDescriptor *mdesc;

  GError *err = NULL;
  gint i, num_issues = 0;

  fail_unless (g_setenv ("GST_VALIDATE_REPORTING_DETAILS", "all", TRUE));
  runner = gst_validate_runner_new ();

  mdesc = (GstMediaDescriptor *)
      gst_media_descriptor_parser_new_from_xml (runner, media_info, &err);

  decoder = fake_decoder_new ();
  monitor = gst_validate_monitor_factory_create (GST_OBJECT (decoder),
      runner, NULL);
  gst_validate_monitor_set_media_descriptor (monitor, mdesc);

  srcpad = gst_pad_new ("src", GST_PAD_SRC);
  sinkpad = decoder->sinkpads->data;
  ASSERT_OBJECT_REFCOUNT (sinkpad, "decoder ref", 1);
  fail_unless (gst_pad_activate_mode (srcpad, GST_PAD_MODE_PUSH, TRUE));
  fail_unless_equals_int (gst_element_set_state (decoder, GST_STATE_PLAYING),

  assert_equals_string (gst_pad_link_get_name (gst_pad_link (srcpad, sinkpad)),
      gst_pad_link_get_name (GST_PAD_LINK_OK));

  gst_check_setup_events_with_stream_id (srcpad, decoder,
      gst_caps_from_string ("video/x-fake"), GST_FORMAT_TIME, "the-stream");

  if (segment) {
    segev = gst_event_new_segment (segment);
    fail_unless (gst_pad_push_event (srcpad, segev));

  for (i = 0; bufs[i].content != NULL; i++) {
    BufferDesc *buf = &bufs[i];
    buffer = _create_buffer (buf);

    assert_equals_string (gst_flow_get_name (gst_pad_push (srcpad, buffer)),
        gst_flow_get_name (GST_FLOW_OK));
    reports = gst_validate_runner_get_reports (runner);

    num_issues += buf->num_issues;
    assert_equals_int (g_list_length (reports), num_issues);

    if (buf->num_issues) {
      GList *tmp = g_list_nth (reports, num_issues - buf->num_issues);

      while (tmp) {
        report = tmp->data;

        fail_unless_equals_int (report->level,
        fail_unless_equals_int (report->issue->issue_id, WRONG_BUFFER);
        tmp = tmp->next;

  /* clean up */
  fail_unless (gst_pad_activate_mode (sinkpad, GST_PAD_MODE_PUSH, FALSE));
  fail_unless_equals_int (gst_element_set_state (decoder, GST_STATE_NULL),

  gst_object_unref (srcpad);
  check_destroyed (decoder, sinkpad, NULL);
  check_destroyed (runner, NULL, NULL);