static void updatePositionAccelController_MC(uint32_t deltaMicros, float maxAccelLimit)
    float velErrorX, velErrorY, newAccelX, newAccelY;

    // Calculate velocity error
    velErrorX = posControl.desiredState.vel.V.X - posControl.actualState.vel.V.X;
    velErrorY = posControl.desiredState.vel.V.Y - posControl.actualState.vel.V.Y;

    // Calculate XY-acceleration limit according to velocity error limit
    float accelLimitX, accelLimitY;
    float velErrorMagnitude = sqrtf(sq(velErrorX) + sq(velErrorY));
    if (velErrorMagnitude > 0.1f) {
        accelLimitX = maxAccelLimit / velErrorMagnitude * fabsf(velErrorX);
        accelLimitY = maxAccelLimit / velErrorMagnitude * fabsf(velErrorY);
    else {
        accelLimitX = maxAccelLimit / 1.414213f;
        accelLimitY = accelLimitX;

    // Apply additional jerk limiting of 1700 cm/s^3 (~100 deg/s), almost any copter should be able to achieve this rate
    // This will assure that we wont't saturate out LEVEL and RATE PID controller
    float maxAccelChange = US2S(deltaMicros) * 1700.0f;
    float accelLimitXMin = constrainf(lastAccelTargetX - maxAccelChange, -accelLimitX, +accelLimitX);
    float accelLimitXMax = constrainf(lastAccelTargetX + maxAccelChange, -accelLimitX, +accelLimitX);
    float accelLimitYMin = constrainf(lastAccelTargetY - maxAccelChange, -accelLimitY, +accelLimitY);
    float accelLimitYMax = constrainf(lastAccelTargetY + maxAccelChange, -accelLimitY, +accelLimitY);

    // TODO: Verify if we need jerk limiting after all

    // Apply PID with output limiting and I-term anti-windup
    // Pre-calculated accelLimit and the logic of navPidApply2 function guarantee that our newAccel won't exceed maxAccelLimit
    // Thus we don't need to do anything else with calculated acceleration
    newAccelX = navPidApply2(posControl.desiredState.vel.V.X, posControl.actualState.vel.V.X, US2S(deltaMicros), &posControl.pids.vel[X], accelLimitXMin, accelLimitXMax, false);
    newAccelY = navPidApply2(posControl.desiredState.vel.V.Y, posControl.actualState.vel.V.Y, US2S(deltaMicros), &posControl.pids.vel[Y], accelLimitYMin, accelLimitYMax, false);

    // Save last acceleration target
    lastAccelTargetX = newAccelX;
    lastAccelTargetY = newAccelY;

    // Apply LPF to jerk limited acceleration target
    float accelN = filterApplyPt1(newAccelX, &mcPosControllerAccFilterStateX, NAV_ACCEL_CUTOFF_FREQUENCY_HZ, US2S(deltaMicros));
    float accelE = filterApplyPt1(newAccelY, &mcPosControllerAccFilterStateY, NAV_ACCEL_CUTOFF_FREQUENCY_HZ, US2S(deltaMicros));

    // Rotate acceleration target into forward-right frame (aircraft)
    float accelForward = accelN * posControl.actualState.cosYaw + accelE * posControl.actualState.sinYaw;
    float accelRight = -accelN * posControl.actualState.sinYaw + accelE * posControl.actualState.cosYaw;

    // Calculate banking angles
    float desiredPitch = atan2_approx(accelForward, GRAVITY_CMSS);
    float desiredRoll = atan2_approx(accelRight * cos_approx(desiredPitch), GRAVITY_CMSS);

    int16_t maxBankAngle = DEGREES_TO_DECIDEGREES(posControl.navConfig->mc_max_bank_angle);
    posControl.rcAdjustment[ROLL] = constrain(RADIANS_TO_DECIDEGREES(desiredRoll), -maxBankAngle, maxBankAngle);
    posControl.rcAdjustment[PITCH] = constrain(RADIANS_TO_DECIDEGREES(desiredPitch), -maxBankAngle, maxBankAngle);
Пример #2
// Position to velocity controller for Z axis
static void updateAltitudeVelocityAndPitchController_FW(uint32_t deltaMicros)
    static pt1Filter_t velzFilterState;

    // On a fixed wing we might not have a reliable climb rate source (if no BARO available), so we can't apply PID controller to
    // velocity error. We use PID controller on altitude error and calculate desired pitch angle from desired climb rate and forward velocity

    // FIXME: Use airspeed here
    float forwardVelocity = MAX(posControl.actualState.velXY, 300.0f);   // Limit min velocity for PID controller at about 10 km/h

    // Calculate max climb rate from current forward velocity and maximum pitch angle (climb angle is fairly small, approximate tan=sin)
    float maxVelocityClimb = forwardVelocity * sin_approx(DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(posControl.navConfig->fw_max_climb_angle));
    float maxVelocityDive = -forwardVelocity * sin_approx(DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(posControl.navConfig->fw_max_dive_angle));

    posControl.desiredState.vel.V.Z = navPidApply2(posControl.desiredState.pos.V.Z, posControl.actualState.pos.V.Z, US2S(deltaMicros), &posControl.pids.fw_alt, maxVelocityDive, maxVelocityClimb, false);
    posControl.desiredState.vel.V.Z = pt1FilterApply4(&velzFilterState, posControl.desiredState.vel.V.Z, NAV_FW_VEL_CUTOFF_FREQENCY_HZ, US2S(deltaMicros));

    // Calculate climb angle ( >0 - climb, <0 - dive)
    int16_t climbAngleDeciDeg = RADIANS_TO_DECIDEGREES(atan2_approx(posControl.desiredState.vel.V.Z, forwardVelocity));
    climbAngleDeciDeg = constrain(climbAngleDeciDeg, -posControl.navConfig->fw_max_dive_angle * 10, posControl.navConfig->fw_max_climb_angle * 10);
    posControl.rcAdjustment[PITCH] = climbAngleDeciDeg;

#if defined(NAV_BLACKBOX)
    navDesiredVelocity[Z] = constrain(posControl.desiredState.vel.V.Z, -32678, 32767);
    navTargetPosition[Z] = constrain(posControl.desiredState.pos.V.Z, -32678, 32767);
Пример #3
STATIC_UNIT_TESTED void imuUpdateEulerAngles(void)
    /* Compute pitch/roll angles */
    attitude.values.roll = RADIANS_TO_DECIDEGREES(atan2_approx(rMat[2][1], rMat[2][2]));
    attitude.values.pitch = RADIANS_TO_DECIDEGREES((0.5f * M_PIf) - acos_approx(-rMat[2][0]));
    attitude.values.yaw = RADIANS_TO_DECIDEGREES(-atan2_approx(rMat[1][0], rMat[0][0])) + magneticDeclination;

    if (attitude.values.yaw < 0)
        attitude.values.yaw += 3600;

    /* Update small angle state */
    if (rMat[2][2] > smallAngleCosZ) {
    } else {
Пример #4
// Get distance between two points in cm
// Get bearing from pos1 to pos2, returns an 1deg = 100 precision
static void GPS_distance_cm_bearing(int32_t *currentLat1, int32_t *currentLon1, int32_t *destinationLat2, int32_t *destinationLon2, uint32_t *dist, int32_t *bearing)
    float dLat = *destinationLat2 - *currentLat1; // difference of latitude in 1/10 000 000 degrees
    float dLon = (float)(*destinationLon2 - *currentLon1) * GPS_scaleLonDown;

    *bearing = 9000.0f + atan2_approx(-dLat, dLon) * TAN_89_99_DEGREES;      // Convert the output radians to 100xdeg
    if (*bearing < 0)
        *bearing += 36000;
Пример #5
STATIC_UNIT_TESTED void imuUpdateEulerAngles(void)
#ifndef GPS
    // this local variable should be optimized out when GPS is not used.
    float magneticDeclination = 0.0f;
    /* Compute pitch/roll angles */
    attitude.values.roll = lrintf(atan2_approx(rMat[2][1], rMat[2][2]) * (1800.0f / M_PIf));
    attitude.values.pitch = lrintf(((0.5f * M_PIf) - acos_approx(-rMat[2][0])) * (1800.0f / M_PIf));
    attitude.values.yaw = lrintf((-atan2_approx(rMat[1][0], rMat[0][0]) * (1800.0f / M_PIf) + magneticDeclination));

    if (attitude.values.yaw < 0)
        attitude.values.yaw += 3600;

    /* Update small angle state */
    if (rMat[2][2] > smallAngleCosZ) {
    } else {
Пример #6
static void calculateVirtualPositionTarget_FW(float trackingPeriod)
    float posErrorX = posControl.desiredState.pos.V.X - posControl.actualState.pos.V.X;
    float posErrorY = posControl.desiredState.pos.V.Y - posControl.actualState.pos.V.Y;

    float distanceToActualTarget = sqrtf(sq(posErrorX) + sq(posErrorY));

    // Limit minimum forward velocity to 1 m/s
    float trackingDistance = trackingPeriod * MAX(posControl.actualState.velXY, 100.0f);

    // If angular visibility of a waypoint is less than 30deg, don't calculate circular loiter, go straight to the target
    #define TAN_15DEG    0.26795f
    bool needToCalculateCircularLoiter = isApproachingLastWaypoint()
                                            && (distanceToActualTarget <= (posControl.navConfig->fw_loiter_radius / TAN_15DEG))
                                            && (distanceToActualTarget > 50.0f);

    // Calculate virtual position for straight movement
    if (needToCalculateCircularLoiter) {
        // We are closing in on a waypoint, calculate circular loiter
        float loiterAngle = atan2_approx(-posErrorY, -posErrorX) + DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(45.0f);

        float loiterTargetX = posControl.desiredState.pos.V.X + posControl.navConfig->fw_loiter_radius * cos_approx(loiterAngle);
        float loiterTargetY = posControl.desiredState.pos.V.Y + posControl.navConfig->fw_loiter_radius * sin_approx(loiterAngle);

        // We have temporary loiter target. Recalculate distance and position error
        posErrorX = loiterTargetX - posControl.actualState.pos.V.X;
        posErrorY = loiterTargetY - posControl.actualState.pos.V.Y;
        distanceToActualTarget = sqrtf(sq(posErrorX) + sq(posErrorY));

    // Calculate virtual waypoint
    virtualDesiredPosition.V.X = posControl.actualState.pos.V.X + posErrorX * (trackingDistance / distanceToActualTarget);
    virtualDesiredPosition.V.Y = posControl.actualState.pos.V.Y + posErrorY * (trackingDistance / distanceToActualTarget);

    // Shift position according to pilot's ROLL input (up to max_manual_speed velocity)
    if (posControl.flags.isAdjustingPosition) {
        int16_t rcRollAdjustment = applyDeadband(rcCommand[ROLL], posControl.rcControlsConfig->pos_hold_deadband);

        if (rcRollAdjustment) {
            float rcShiftY = rcRollAdjustment * posControl.navConfig->max_manual_speed / 500.0f * trackingPeriod;

            // Rotate this target shift from body frame to to earth frame and apply to position target
            virtualDesiredPosition.V.X += -rcShiftY * posControl.actualState.sinYaw;
            virtualDesiredPosition.V.Y +=  rcShiftY * posControl.actualState.cosYaw;

            posControl.flags.isAdjustingPosition = true;