Пример #1
rc_t VBlobHeaderReplace( VBlobHeader *targ, const VBlobHeader *src ) {
    BlobHeaders *parent;
    struct VBlobHeaderData *data;
    atomic32_t temp;
    if (src == NULL || targ == NULL)
        return RC(rcVDB, rcHeader, rcCopying, rcParam, rcNull);

    if (src->vt != &VBlobHeader_vt[1] || targ->vt != &VBlobHeader_vt[0])
        return RC(rcVDB, rcHeader, rcCopying, rcParam, rcInvalid);
    if (atomic32_read(&targ->refcount) != 1)
        return RC(rcVDB, rcHeader, rcCopying, rcParam, rcInvalid);
    data = calloc(1, sizeof(*data));
    if (data == NULL)
        return RC(rcVDB, rcHeader, rcCopying, rcMemory, rcExhausted);

    *data = *src->parent->data;
    atomic32_set(&data->refcount, 1);
    parent = (BlobHeaders *)targ->parent;
    parent->data = data;
    atomic32_set(&temp, atomic32_read(&src->refcount));
    *targ = *src;
    atomic32_set(&targ->refcount, atomic32_read(&temp));
    targ->parent = parent;
    targ->vt = &VBlobHeader_vt[0];
    return 0;
Пример #2
inline int pkt_fifo_put(pkt_fifo_t *fifo, pkt_node_t *node)
    uint32_t in = fifo->in;
    uint32_t size = fifo->size;
    uint32_t count = atomic32_read(&fifo->count);
    pkt_buf_t *pkt = fifo->pkt;

    if (unlikely(count >= size)) {
                "pkt_fifo_put count: %u, size: %u, fifo no space for new node\n", count, size);
        return -1;

    memcpy(pkt[in].pkt, node->pkt, node->pkt_len);
    pkt[in].pkt_len = node->pkt_len;

    atomic32_add(&fifo->count, 1);
    in = in + 1;
    if (unlikely(in >= size)) {
        in = 0;
    fifo->in = in;

    return 0;
Пример #3
/* Sealed
 *  ask if the queue has been closed off
 *  meaning there will be no further push operations
 *  NB - if "self" is NULL, the return value is "true"
 *  since a NULL queue cannot accept items via push
LIB_EXPORT bool CC KQueueSealed ( const KQueue *self )
    QMSG ( "%s[%p] called\n", __func__, self );
    if ( self != NULL )
        return atomic32_read ( & self -> sealed ) != 0;
    return false;
Пример #4
/* Hangup
 *  has the program received a SIGHUP
rc_t CC Hangup ( void )
    if ( atomic32_read ( & hangup ) == 0 )
        return 0;
    LOGMSG ( klogInfo, "HANGUP...\n" );
    return RC ( rcExe, rcProcess, rcExecuting, rcProcess, rcIncomplete );
Пример #5
/* Quitting
 *  is the program supposed to exit
rc_t CC Quitting ( void )
    if ( atomic32_read ( & quitting ) == 0 )
        return 0;
    LOGMSG ( klogInfo, "EXITING..." );
    return RC ( rcExe, rcProcess, rcExecuting, rcProcess, rcCanceled );
Пример #6
bool CC
XTaskerIsDoneSet ( const struct XTasker * self )
    if ( self != NULL ) {
        return atomic32_read ( & ( self -> is_done ) ) != 0;

    return false;
}   /* XTaskerIsDoneSet () */
Пример #7
bool CC
XTaskerIsRunning ( const struct XTasker * self )
    if ( self != NULL ) {
        return atomic32_read ( & ( self -> is_run ) ) != 0;

    return false;
}   /* XTaskerIsRunning () */
Пример #8
inline int pkt_fifo_get(pkt_fifo_t *fifo, pkt_node_t *node)
    uint32_t out;
    uint32_t size;
    uint32_t count;
    pkt_buf_t *pkt;

    if (fifo == NULL || node == NULL) {
        applog(APP_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, APP_VPU_LOG_MASK_WORKER, "pkt_fifo_get fifo: %p, node: %p", fifo, node);
        return -1; //no data in fifo

    out = fifo->out;
    size = fifo->size;
    count = atomic32_read(&fifo->count);
    pkt = fifo->pkt;

    if (count <= 0) {
        return -2;
    if (unlikely(out >= size)) {
        applog(APP_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, APP_VPU_LOG_MASK_WORKER, "pkt_fifo_get out: %u, size: %u", out, size);
        return -3;
    node->pkt = pkt[out].pkt;
    node->pkt_len = pkt[out].pkt_len;

    atomic32_sub(&fifo->count, 1);
    out = out + 1;
    if (unlikely(out >= size)) {
        out = 0;
    fifo->out = out;

    return 0;
Пример #9
/* Pop
 *  pop an object from queue
 *  "item" [ OUT, OPAQUE* ] - return parameter for popped item
 *  "tm" [ IN, NULL OKAY ] - pointer to system specific timeout
 *  structure. if the queue is empty, wait for indicated period
 *  of time for an object to become available, or return status
 *  code indicating a timeout. when NULL and queue is empty,
 *  Pop will time out immediately and return status code.
LIB_EXPORT rc_t CC KQueuePop ( KQueue *self, void **item, timeout_t *tm )
    rc_t rc;

    if ( item == NULL )
        rc = RC ( rcCont, rcQueue, rcRemoving, rcParam, rcNull );
        * item = NULL;

        if ( self == NULL )
            rc = RC ( rcCont, rcQueue, rcRemoving, rcSelf, rcNull );
            QMSG ( "%s[%p]: acquiring read lock ( %p )\n", __func__, self, self -> rl );
            rc = KLockAcquire ( self -> rl );
            if ( rc == 0 )
                QMSG ( "%s[%p]: waiting on read semaphore...\n", __func__, self );
                rc = KSemaphoreTimedWait ( self -> rc, self -> rl, ( atomic32_read ( & self -> sealed ) != 0 ) ? NULL : tm );
                QMSG ( "%s[%p]: ...done, rc = %R.\n", __func__, self, rc );

                if ( rc == 0 )
                    uint32_t r, idx;

                    /* got an element */
                    QMSG ( "%s[%p]: asserting  self -> read ( %u ) != self -> write ( %u )\n",
                           __func__, self -> read, self -> write
                    assert ( self -> read != self -> write );

                    /* read element */
                    r = self -> read & self -> imask;
                    QMSG ( "%s[%p]: read index is %u, masked against 0x%x\n", __func__, self, r, self -> imask );
                    idx = r & self -> bmask;
                    * item = self -> buffer [ idx ];
                    QMSG ( "%s[%p]: read item from buffer [ %u ], using mask 0x%x\n", __func__, self, idx, self -> bmask );
                    self -> buffer [ idx ] = NULL;
                    self -> read = r + 1;

                    QMSG ( "%s[%p]: unlocking read lock. ( %p )\n", __func__, self, self -> rl );
                    KLockUnlock ( self -> rl );

                    /* let write know there's a free slot available */
                    QMSG ( "%s[%p]: acquiring write lock ( %p )\n", __func__, self, self -> wl );
                    if ( KLockAcquire ( self -> wl ) == 0 )
                        QMSG ( "%s[%p]: signaling write semaphore\n", __func__, self );
                        KSemaphoreSignal ( self -> wc );
                        QMSG ( "%s[%p]: unlocking write lock ( %p )\n", __func__, self, self -> wl );
                        KLockUnlock ( self -> wl );
                    QMSG ( "%s[%p]: unlocking read lock. ( %p )\n", __func__, self, self -> rl );
                    KLockUnlock ( self -> rl );

                    if ( atomic32_read ( & self -> sealed ) != 0 )
                        switch ( ( int ) GetRCObject ( rc ) )
                        case ( int ) rcTimeout:
                        case ( int ) rcSemaphore:
                            rc = RC ( rcCont, rcQueue, rcRemoving, rcData, rcDone );
                            QMSG ( "%s[%p]: resetting rc to %R\n", __func__, self, rc );

    return rc;
Пример #10
/* Push
 *  add an object to the queue
 *  "item" [ IN, OPAQUE ] - pointer to item being queued
 *  "tm" [ IN, NULL OKAY ] - pointer to system specific timeout
 *  structure. if the queue is full, wait for indicated period
 *  of time for space to become available, or return status
 *  code indicating a timeout. when NULL and queue is full,
 *  Push will time out immediately and return status code.
LIB_EXPORT rc_t CC KQueuePush ( KQueue *self, const void *item, timeout_t *tm )
    rc_t rc;

    if ( self == NULL )
        return RC ( rcCont, rcQueue, rcInserting, rcSelf, rcNull );
    if ( atomic32_read ( & self -> sealed ) != 0 )
        QMSG ( "%s[%p]: failed to insert into queue due to seal\n", __func__, self );
        return RC ( rcCont, rcQueue, rcInserting, rcQueue, rcReadonly );
    if ( item == NULL )
        return RC ( rcCont, rcQueue, rcInserting, rcParam, rcNull );

    QMSG ( "%s[%p]: acquiring write lock ( %p )...\n", __func__, self, self -> wl );
    rc = KLockAcquire ( self -> wl );
    QMSG ( "%s[%p]: ...done, rc = %R\n", __func__, self, rc );
    if ( rc == 0 )
        QMSG ( "%s[%p]: waiting on write semaphore...\n", __func__, self );
        rc = KSemaphoreTimedWait ( self -> wc, self -> wl, tm );
        QMSG ( "%s[%p]: ...done, rc = %R.\n", __func__, self, rc );

        if ( rc == 0 )
            uint32_t w;

            /* re-check the seal */
            if ( atomic32_read ( & self -> sealed ) != 0 )
                QMSG ( "%s[%p]: queue has been sealed\n", __func__, self );

                /* not a disaster if semaphore not signaled */
                QMSG ( "%s[%p]: signaling write semaphore\n", __func__, self );
                KSemaphoreSignal ( self -> wc );
                QMSG ( "%s[%p]: unlocking write lock\n", __func__, self );
                KLockUnlock ( self -> wl );

                QMSG ( "%s[%p]: failed to insert into queue due to seal\n", __func__, self );
                return RC ( rcCont, rcQueue, rcInserting, rcQueue, rcReadonly );

            /* insert item */
            w = self -> write & self -> imask;
            QMSG ( "%s[%p]: write index is %u, masked against 0x%x\n", __func__, self, w, self -> imask );
            self -> buffer [ w & self -> bmask ] = ( void* ) item;
            QMSG ( "%s[%p]: inserted item into buffer [ %u ], using mask 0x%x\n", __func__, self, w & self -> bmask, self -> bmask );
            self -> write = w + 1;

            QMSG ( "%s[%p]: unlocking write lock ( %p ).\n", __func__, self, self -> wl );
            KLockUnlock ( self -> wl );

            /* let listeners know about item */
            QMSG ( "%s[%p]: acquiring read lock ( %p )\n", __func__, self, self -> rl );
            if ( KLockAcquire ( self -> rl ) == 0 )
                QMSG ( "%s[%p]: signaling read semaphore\n", __func__, self );
                KSemaphoreSignal ( self -> rc );
                QMSG ( "%s[%p]: unlocking read lock ( %p )\n", __func__, self, self -> rl );
                KLockUnlock ( self -> rl );
            QMSG ( "%s[%p]: unlocking write lock ( %p ).\n", __func__, self, self -> wl );
            KLockUnlock ( self -> wl );

            if ( atomic32_read ( & self -> sealed ) != 0 )
                switch ( ( int ) GetRCObject ( rc ) )
                case ( int ) rcTimeout:
                case ( int ) rcSemaphore:
                    rc = RC ( rcCont, rcQueue, rcInserting, rcQueue, rcReadonly );
                    QMSG ( "%s[%p]: resetting rc to %R\n", __func__, self, rc );

    return rc;