Пример #1
void edu_syr_pcpratts_exitMonitorMem($$__global$$ char * gc_info, char * mem, int old){
  if(old == -1){   
    atomicExch((int *) mem, -1); 
Пример #2
__inline__ __device__
void atomic_assign(
  volatile T * const dest ,
  typename Kokkos::Impl::enable_if< sizeof(T) == sizeof(int) , const T & >::type val )
  // (void) __ullAtomicExch( (int*) dest , *((int*)&val) );
  (void) atomicExch( ((int*)dest) , *((int*)&val) );
Пример #3
__inline__ __device__
T atomic_exchange(
  volatile T * const dest ,
  typename Kokkos::Impl::enable_if< sizeof(T) == sizeof(int) , const T & >::type val )
  // int tmp = __ullAtomicExch( (int*) dest , *((int*)&val) );
  int tmp = atomicExch( ((int*)dest) , *((int*)&val) );
  return *((T*)&tmp);
Пример #4
void edu_syr_pcpratts_exitMonitorRef($$__global$$ char * gc_info, int thisref, int old){
  char * mem = edu_syr_pcpratts_gc_deref(gc_info, thisref); 
  mem += 12;
  if(old == -1){    
    atomicExch((int *) mem, -1); 
Пример #5
__inline__ __device__
void atomic_assign(
  volatile T * const dest ,
  typename Kokkos::Impl::enable_if< sizeof(T) != sizeof(int) &&
                                    sizeof(T) == sizeof(unsigned long long int) , const T & >::type val )
  typedef unsigned long long int type ;
  // (void) __ullAtomicExch( (type*) dest , *((type*)&val) );
  (void) atomicExch( ((type*)dest) , *((type*)&val) );
Пример #6
__inline__ __device__
T atomic_exchange(
  volatile T * const dest ,
  typename Kokkos::Impl::enable_if< sizeof(T) != sizeof(int) &&
                                    sizeof(T) == sizeof(unsigned long long int) , const T & >::type val )
  typedef unsigned long long int type ;
  // type tmp = __ullAtomicExch( (type*) dest , *((type*)&val) );
  type tmp = atomicExch( ((type*)dest) , *((type*)&val) );
  return *((T*)&tmp);
__inline__ __device__
T atomic_exchange(
  volatile T * const dest ,
  typename Kokkos::Impl::enable_if< sizeof(T) == sizeof(int) , const T & >::type val )
  // int tmp = __ullAtomicExch( (int*) dest , *((int*)&val) );
  _mm_prefetch( (const char*) dest, _MM_HINT_ET0 );

  int tmp = atomicExch( ((int*)dest) , *((int*)&val) );
  return *((T*)&tmp);
Пример #8
__global__ void HIP_FUNCTION(testKernel,int *g_odata)
    // access thread id
    const unsigned int tid = hipBlockDim_x * hipBlockIdx_x + hipThreadIdx_x;

    // Test various atomic instructions

    // Arithmetic atomic instructions

    // Atomic addition
    atomicAdd(&g_odata[0], 10);

    // Atomic subtraction (final should be 0)
    atomicSub(&g_odata[1], 10);

    // Atomic exchange
    atomicExch(&g_odata[2], tid);

    // Atomic maximum
    atomicMax(&g_odata[3], tid);

    // Atomic minimum
    atomicMin(&g_odata[4], tid);

    // Atomic increment (modulo 17+1)
    //atomicInc((unsigned int *)&g_odata[5], 17);
    atomicInc((unsigned int *)&g_odata[5]);

    // Atomic decrement
   // atomicDec((unsigned int *)&g_odata[6], 137);
    atomicDec((unsigned int *)&g_odata[6]);

    // Atomic compare-and-swap
    atomicCAS(&g_odata[7], tid-1, tid);

    // Bitwise atomic instructions

    // Atomic AND
    atomicAnd(&g_odata[8], 2*tid+7);

    // Atomic OR
    atomicOr(&g_odata[9], 1 << tid);

    // Atomic XOR
    atomicXor(&g_odata[10], tid);
Пример #9
__host__ __device__
typename enable_if<
  sizeof(Integer64) == 8
atomic_store(Integer64 *x, Integer64 y)
#if defined(__CUDA_ARCH__)
  atomicExch(x, y);
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
  return __atomic_store_n(x, y, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
  InterlockedExchange64(x, y); 
#elif defined(__clang__)
  __c11_atomic_store(x, y);
#error "No atomic_store_n implementation."
Пример #10
__inline__ __device__
unsigned long long int atomic_exchange( volatile unsigned long long int * const dest , const unsigned long long int val )
  // return __ullAtomicExch( (unsigned long long*) dest , val );
  return atomicExch( (unsigned long long*) dest , val );
Пример #11
__inline__ __device__
int atomic_exchange( volatile int * const dest , const int val )
  // return __iAtomicExch( (int*) dest , val );
  return atomicExch( (int*) dest , val );
Пример #12
 bool isFirstParticle(T_Acc const & acc)
     return atomicExch( &this->firstParticleFlag, 1 ) == 0;