Пример #1
void* realloc(void *ptr, size_t size)  throw ()

    void *result = true_realloc (ptr,size);

    if (ptr==0 && result!=0) {
        atomicInc(&scidb::_mallocStats[scidb::MALLOC] , 1);
    } else if (ptr!=0 && result==0) {
        atomicInc(&scidb::_mallocStats[scidb::FREE] , 1);
    return result;
Пример #2
void free (void *ptr)  throw ()

    true_free (ptr);

    if (ptr!=0) {
        atomicInc(&scidb::_mallocStats[scidb::FREE] , 1);
Пример #3
     * Adds an element at the end of the buffer in an atomic operation.
     * @param val element of type VALUE to add
    HDINLINE void push(VALUE val)
#if !defined(__CUDA_ARCH__) // Host code path
        const TYPE old_idx = (indexBox[PUSH]);
        old_idx >= size - 1 ? (indexBox[PUSH]) = 0 : (indexBox[PUSH]) = old_idx + 1;
        const TYPE old_idx = atomicInc(&(indexBox[PUSH]), size - 1);
        (*this)[old_idx] = val;
Пример #4
void* malloc(size_t size)  throw ()

    void * result = true_malloc (size);

    if (result!=0) {
        atomicInc(&scidb::_mallocStats[scidb::MALLOC] , 1);
    return result;
Пример #5
void *calloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size) throw ()
    if (!true_calloc) {
        // dlsym may call calloc internally
        // to prevent an infinite loop just return NULL
        return 0;

    void * result = true_calloc (nmemb, size);

    if (result!=0) {
        atomicInc(&scidb::_mallocStats[scidb::MALLOC] , 1);
    return result;
Пример #6
__global__ void HIP_FUNCTION(testKernel,int *g_odata)
    // access thread id
    const unsigned int tid = hipBlockDim_x * hipBlockIdx_x + hipThreadIdx_x;

    // Test various atomic instructions

    // Arithmetic atomic instructions

    // Atomic addition
    atomicAdd(&g_odata[0], 10);

    // Atomic subtraction (final should be 0)
    atomicSub(&g_odata[1], 10);

    // Atomic exchange
    atomicExch(&g_odata[2], tid);

    // Atomic maximum
    atomicMax(&g_odata[3], tid);

    // Atomic minimum
    atomicMin(&g_odata[4], tid);

    // Atomic increment (modulo 17+1)
    //atomicInc((unsigned int *)&g_odata[5], 17);
    atomicInc((unsigned int *)&g_odata[5]);

    // Atomic decrement
   // atomicDec((unsigned int *)&g_odata[6], 137);
    atomicDec((unsigned int *)&g_odata[6]);

    // Atomic compare-and-swap
    atomicCAS(&g_odata[7], tid-1, tid);

    // Bitwise atomic instructions

    // Atomic AND
    atomicAnd(&g_odata[8], 2*tid+7);

    // Atomic OR
    atomicOr(&g_odata[9], 1 << tid);

    // Atomic XOR
    atomicXor(&g_odata[10], tid);
Пример #7
     * Removes an element from the front of the buffer in an atomic operation.
     * @return the element of type VALUE removed from the buffer
#if (__CUDA_ARCH__>=200)
        const TYPE push_idx = indexBox[PUSH]; // == B

        //!\todo check if we can use atomicInc
#if !defined(__CUDA_ARCH__) // Host code path
        const TYPE old_idx = (indexBox[POP]);
        old_idx >= size - 1 ? (indexBox[POP]) = 0 : (indexBox[POP]) = old_idx + 1;

        const TYPE old_idx = atomicInc(&(indexBox[POP]), size - 1);
#if (__CUDA_ARCH__>=200)
        /*old_idx == F*/
        const TYPE new_idx = (old_idx + 1) % size; //==F'

        const bool a = (old_idx > push_idx);
        const bool b = (old_idx < push_idx);

        const bool c = (new_idx >= push_idx);
        const bool d = (new_idx <= push_idx);

        const bool e = (new_idx < old_idx);
        const bool f = !(e); //F'>=F

        const bool overflow = (b && c && f) || (e && ((a && c) || (b && d)));

        if (overflow)
            printf("Ringbuffer: memory overflow\n");

        return (*this)[old_idx];
Пример #8
 void incref() { atomicInc(m_refcount); }